Serena Williams and Lena Dunham Illuminate a Major Gap in the Body Positive Movement

Every Body celebrates inclusivity and the representation of human beings in every shape and form.

While we may not live in the Victorian era, when women were shamed for accidentally showing off an ankle, women are still shamed for what they wear—and some women more than others.

As we’re all sadly aware, many types of bodies have been left behind on the wild ride towards acceptance, inclusivity, and body positivity. Despite strides toward equality, fat female bodies still make people uncomfortable. Muscular female bodies still make people uncomfortable. Really, any kind of non-conforming female body part makes some people uncomfortable. The answer? Women are told to cover it up. (Or subtly and continuously shamed until they get the message and begin policing their bodies themselves.)

Take Serena Williams. The four-time Olympic gold medallist and holder of 39 Grand Slam tennis titles, a woman more physically fit than most people on the planet, has been the target of an absurd amount of body-shaming over the course of her decades-long career. Williams is often told that her body looks “too strong,” a ridiculous accusation that would never, ever, EVER be leveled at a male athlete. Still, the trolls come out every time a new photo of her shows up online, especially if she’s flaunting her figure off the tennis court. But when the trolls show up, sometimes does JK Rowling, too. Check out her epic (if imperfect) social media mic drop:

While there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing an internet mouth-breather publicly put in their place by a person with 12.7 million followers, Rowling’s clapback is problematic. Why? Because even though it’s framed in a positive light, we’re still talking about (and judging, evaluating, and categorizing) Serena Williams’ body. If she were to camouflage her muscularity (and her femininity and her athleticism) by covering up, would she’d finally get the body-shamers to hush up? That seems to be the implication.

(BTW, when was the last time you had a debate about LeBron James’ physique?)

After being subject to ridicule for her character’s frequent nudity on Girls, body-shaming vigilante Lena Dunham’s recent weight loss brought even more unwanted media attention. Dunham upped her exercise game and changed her diet in an effort to control her endometriosis symptoms. The result? A tidal wave of messages “congratulating” her on her weight-loss or shaming her for abandoning the body-positivity movement. In her typical no-bullshit fashion, Dunham called out the gossips:

“I’ve accepted that my body is an ever-changing organism, not a fixed entity,” she wrote, “what goes up must come down and vice versa. I smile just as wide no matter my current size because I’m proud of what this body has seen and done and represented… I refuse to celebrate these bullshit before-and-after pictures. Don’t we have infinitely more pressing news to attend to?”

Because a photo always speaks volumes, Dunham has continued to unselfconsciously share images of her body in any state of dress she pleases with her 3.2 million Instagram followers. She’ll see anyone’s advice to tone it down or cover it up and raise them one latex bodysuit.

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It's only important to me that people know as they're busy tweeting bullshit about me I'm most often dressed in a latex suit and crystal crown working from home on imagining new worlds #blessedbitch

A post shared by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on

But it isn’t just people who spend their lives in the spotlight of fame and celebrity that are subjected to the body-shaming internet hordes. Sometimes it comes from the people that are closest to us, who think that they’re shielding us from the cruelty of strangers by subtly suggesting that we cover up.

“My fatness not only dangerously amplified my femininity (jiggle, boobies, etc.), it was also a visible sign of my otherness,” writes feminist activist and blogger Virgie Tovar, who grew up with a well-meaning grandmother that was constantly trying to get her to cover her arms with a cardigan on even the sweltering-est of days. “I remember each time I would come out of my bedroom wearing something sleeveless or short-sleeved she would gently ask what I was going to wear over my outfit. It felt almost like a reflex.”

Here’s the thing: physical modesty is not something that is frequently demanded of men, ergo IT’S SEXIST, YOU GUYS. From the time when women were told they must conceal themselves from their lust-inspiring ankles to their scandalous wrists all the way up until today, when Twitter trolls (a good number of whom are women themselves) shame Hilary Duff for not losing baby weight fast enough (read: instantly) or trash talk Kim Kardashian for dressing too provocatively, women have been told, for one reason or another, to COVER. IT. UP.

When it comes to policing women’s bodies, there’s very little difference between telling someone to cover their ankles or their cleavage or their upper arms. The real value in a body isn’t the way it looks, it’s in what it does. Which makes an individual’s shape, size, color, and state of dress generally irrelevant—or, at the very least, not a topic worth talking about.

How do you deal with unwanted comments about the way you dress? Tell us about it on Twitter.

(Photo via Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)

I have an unpopular opinion — the Millennials Vs. Gen Z debate shouldn't exist. I know it's fun to talk about how different each generation is, but the idea that we're so different or can't get along is confusing.

The debate may initially stem may from the fact everyone seems to lump Millennials into a forever state of twenty-something — á la our Gen Z counterparts — but that's not true, and seemingly only pits us against each other. Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996, while Gen Z covers the period between 1997 and 2012 (via Beresford Research). Both generations are younger than the Gen X and Baby Boomers that precede us, but we're each in our own phases of life, bringing a unique mix of experiences and perspectives to younger adults across the world.

My sister and I are both Millennials, which was shocking to learn given that she was born in 1984 and I was born in 1991. Technically this puts me on the cusp of being a Zillennial which covers the years a smaller 10-year period, according to CNN— making me a Millennial with slightly more Gen Z-coded tendencies compared to my sister. Still, any differences I've noticed aren't enough for there to be such divisive conversations between us. More or less, we feel about the same!

If you want to break it down, of course it's going to be a little harder for someone in their 40s to completely relate to a teen or even someone in their mid-20s — that's a given. But, I still think there's more similarities between Millennials and Gen Z than society has spoon-fed us. If you're still not convinced, here's are five reasons I think the Millennials vs Gen Z debate isn't actually that big of a deal.

Millennials And Gen Z Are Both Living In A Digital Age

Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

Millennials grew up during a time when the digital age didn't exist, but we watched it unfold and change the way the world communicates. The internet launched in 1993 and connected people to each other in a way no one could've expected (via NPR).

I remember when MySpace, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, LTK, Snapchat, and more popular apps launched — literally started from the beginning. Growing during as the digital age became what we know it as today, I can confidently say that Millennials and Gen Z are still finding our footing with all of the technology — and constant connection — at our disposal.

We both watched as social media and the algorithm change the way we think. We saw the rise of content creators and heavy politicized messages filtered to us. We doom scrolled and curated and shared and liked and kept trying to find the balance that would finally feel just right.

We're all in this very online experience together at the end of the day.

Millennials And Gen Z Value Flexibility

William Fortunato/Pexels

Going from my 20sto my 30s has seriously made me realize the flexibility I crave as a Millennial. It seems like I was born to look at certain parts of traditional ideals and go, "That's not going to work for me." It's even more evident now that I'm older and have found that my approach to my career and family life doesn't completely match what I was taught. And it's not that different for Gen Z either — check it out!

Approach To Careers

Over 80% of both Millennials and Gen Z believe it's important to work somewhere that gives us a sense of purpose. According to Deloitte, both generations also value work/life balance that doesn't require us to pretend that we don't have a life or other obligations outside of our jobs.

As a mom, this was one of the biggest issues I faced because I realized how much society doesn't make room for working parents. The amount of times I heard a random stranger say, "Parents should plan for one person to be at home" as if that solves the problem is ridiculous.

Whether we have families to raise, hobbies to juggle, or anything in between, it's clear that Millennials and Gen Z crave balance in their careers.

Views Of The Nuclear Family

Speaking of motherhood, I like to think Millennials and Gen Z aren't so different when it comes to our perspective of the nuclear family. Studies via Pew Research Center show we're not as judgmental about single-parent homes than prior generations, and that only 44% of Millennials were married in 2019.

This idea that families are supposed to look a certain way in order to be legit is something Millennials and Gen Z continue to raise their eyebrows at — and even scoffed at — but not because we don't value family. We're just less likely to stress ourselves out believing we're failing or behind because we don't have or want the traditional nuclear family model. Both generations approach relationships and family on our own terms.

Millennials And Gen Z Gravitate Towards The Same Pop Culture

Artem Podrez/Pexels

Did you know almost half of Millennials love listening to music in our spare time (via Spotify), while 43% of Gen Z loves to stream it (via EMarketer) as well? It seems like music still makes the world go around.

Besides that, Millennials and Gen Z are still the driving force behind what's considered in or out in pop culture. Gen Z is usually regarded as being tastemakers on TikTok, but reporting from Ad Newsshows that Millennials are "...2.3 times more likely to be the ones fueling this online content engine by posting videos and tagging brands."

Basically, we're both moving the pop culture needle forward, consuming and driving the trends across platforms! So remind me, how different are we again?

Millennials And Gen Z Value Diversity And Inclusivity

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

I grew up during a time where certain internal biases were stated as facts and it was always handful of weird pills to swallow. I couldn't understand why I'd hear "Love thy neighnor" in church only to watch some of the same people blatantly treat the LGBTQ+ community in hellish ways. We could talk about what's in the Bible all day long, but I've never been a fan of picking and choosing who's worthy of being treated with love and respect.

It's clear I'm not the only one who rejects those notions, though. First of all, more young adults are identifying as queer than ever. In 2022, 19.7% of Gen Z and 11.2% of Millennials identified as part of the LGBT community compared to 3.3% of Generation X and 2.7% of Baby Boomers (Gallup).

Outside of sexual identity, there's also the racial aspect of how accepting Millennials and Gen Z are. According to reporting from Built In, 48% of Gen Z are racially diverse, and Millennials are 19% more racially diverse than Baby Boomers. This leads me to believe that both generations know that the world doesn't look a singular way — and therefore respect and understand that diversity even more than previous generations.

These shared qualities and values are just another way that Gen Z and Millennials are more similar than they are different at the end of the day. But in the ways we are different — well both generations would know how to celebrate that diversity, now wouldn't they? 😉

Millennials And Gen Z Aren't Fans Of Injustice

RDNE Stock project/Pexels

Compared to prior generations, Millennials and Gen Z have found ways to speak out against injustice. Both generations believe that systemic racism is still an issue in society (via Forbes) with 92% of Gen Z willing to be a part of public protests (via Oliver Wyman Forum). Despite the higher number of Gen Z that are actively participating in protests, Millennials have changed their tune.

Social justice organization, Points of Light discovered that 50% more of Millennials believe in civic engagement now that we're living in a post-pandemic era, which isn't hard to believe. We're in the midst of a great political, racial, and social reckoning that's causing more younger people to speak up than before.

A part of me is keeping hope alive that this Millennials vs. Gen Z debate doesn't take away from all of the ways we can align to continue changing outdated ideals and policies. It seems like together, we can create a positive change in the world around us.

I know social media loves to create division about so much, but there's no reason why the Millennials vs. Gen Z debate should be so huge. We can all learn something from each other to help make society and the world better places to live.

Besides, you have to admit — we both have a sense of humor that's totally unmatched. 😉 So here's to Millennials and Gen Z coming together, one shared meme at a time.

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Header image via Antonius Ferret/Pexels

It Ends With Us drama is seemingly never-ending, from the back-and-forth accusations of Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni to the multi-million dollar lawsuits. As the feud continues to escalate, the legal situations evolve daily — and now a judge just paused Justin Baldoni's $400 million lawsuit against the New York Times. Here's what's happening in this highly complex legal battle, and what it all means for the lawsuit in general.

Scroll to find out what this pause means for Justin Baldoni's $400 million lawsuit...

On January 16, 2025, Justin Baldoni filed a $400 million defamation lawsuit against Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, their publicists, and the New York Times. By January 30, Blake and Ryan quickly filed to dismissthe suit with a single sentence: "The Lively-Reynolds Parties intend to move to dismiss Plaintiffs’ complaint."

According to Deadline, the New York Times also filed its own motion to dismiss the case on February 28, 2025. The media company wrote, "The Wayfarer Parties’ FAC tells a one-sided tale that has garnered plenty of headlines, but The Times does not belong in this dispute."

Now, a judge is seemingly siding with The Times by at least granting a pause on discovery for the lawsuit, according to E! News. Reporting from E! states that a motion was filed to "temporarily halt parties from having to exchange information or documents." Judge Lewis J. Liman granted the motion to pause, explaining that the media outlet has "substantial grounds" and "a strong showing that its motion to dismiss is likely to succeed on the merits."

Despite the Baldoni team's claims that this new window substantially shortens their time for discovery, Judge Liman maintained that "the burden of discovery is not measured only by the number of pages." And if we know anything about Baldoni's team? It's that they love to release lots and lots and lots of documents.

Judge Liman continued his decision by stating that Baldoni's team will be able to ask for the "extent of discovery" they need if the courts ultimately deny The Times' request. Still, he explained that "The Court intends to address the motion to dismiss promptly after it is fully submitted.”

A spokesperson for the New York Times told E! News, "We appreciate the court’s decision today, which recognizes the important First Amendment values at stake here. The court has stopped Mr. Baldoni from burdening The Times with discovery requests in a case that should never have been brought against."

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You’re sustainable. You use reusable bags for grocery trips and swore off plastic water bottles in favor of saving the earth, but have you ever considered the environmental impact of your period? The tampons or pads that you just used during your last cycle make up one small speck in the nearly 200,000 metric tons of landfill waste derived from period products every year. Yep – it’s an unfathomable number, and it doesn’t even begin to account for the period litter scattered across the world’s beaches *or* the microplastics derived from them (which we have yet to quantify and truly understand their impact).

In a time where our planet really needs it, a lot of us want to practice sustainability, but it’s time to actually mean it. The founders of Sunny Period agree. In response, they developed the Sunny Cup, a first-of-its-kind reusable menstrual cup that inserts like a tampon with the help of a unique applicator.

Cindy Belardo, 26, and Drew Jarvis, 23, might have come up with the Sunny Cup from opposite sides of the country, but both knew they needed to find a solution for traditional menstrual cups that just weren’t meeting their respective needs.

“I had not learned about menstrual cups before, and was so intrigued,” said Belardo. “But, the learning curve was something that was not ideal for me, and I really wanted to make it work. I knew that others would run into the same problem.”

Menstrual cups were downright frustrating to use.

“When I went to try menstrual cups, I was a little bit intimidated, but I was very willing to at least give it a shot. I spent an hour in the bathroom trying to put it in. I was laughing and crying, like “what the hell is this thing?” said Jarvis. “I ultimately realized, there's not really been much innovation with a period cup in years.”

That’s why they’re not only providing better solutions with Sunny, but working toward a more sustainable, more effective, and overall more inclusive approach to periods.

One menstruator will use an average of 9,120 tamponsor pads in their lifetime. More often than not, these single-use products (which are 90% plastic, BTW) end up in landfills, taking anywhere from 500 to 800 years to decompose, though plastic never truly decomposes.

In addition to the raw materials used to make tampons and pads themselves, manufacturing practices suck up energy and water sources, contributing to carbon emissions.

Menstrual cups can be reused for up to a decade with a lot less of an impact on the environment, but a very slim percentage of menstruators are actually using them. The Sunny Cup is reusable for up to a year, replacing an average of 225 tampons that one person can potentially use per year.

“I mean, billions of pads are going into landfills. You're not supposed to flush them, obviously, but people do,” said Jarvis. “After five years of prototyping, research, and development, we finally came up with a design that we feel will help beginner menstrual cup users switch to this really cool, sustainable option that saves you money and saves disposables from going into landfills.”

There’s a bias for tampons and pads because they offer convenience at the tear of a wrapper – but convenience isn't the only factor driving it. Many menstruators simply do not have the luxury of choice when it comes to period products.

This fact became a reality for Belardo in 2018 when she began working with menstruators in India through a research grant. Her team had the opportunity to survey 200 first-time menstrual cup users on their experience with the device.

“One important takeaway was the taboo around periods and the female body. That was not unique to the individuals we surveyed in India – it's here in the US and globally,” said Belardo. “It became very apparent that period poverty is a worldwide issue that needs to be addressed.”

Medical News Today defines period poverty as “the social, economic, political, and cultural barriers to menstrual products, education, and sanitation.” It’s estimated that 500 millionmenstruators around the world lack proper access to a few or all three of these things. Though not exclusively tied to a specific demographic, period poverty is most commonly present in low income, impoverished, and food insecure communities.

“Unfortunately, [period poverty] is everywhere. I think we don't really realize that where there's food insecurity, there’s poverty,” said Jarvis. “That can be in any community. You may not know those people are dealing with those circumstances.”

Period poverty can put a lot of stress on menstruators, depending on their situation. For those without proper access to period products, scarcity can cause physical stress. For those living in poverty, affording period products in the first place can cause financial stress. For those shamed for having a period, the embarrassment can cause emotional stress.

“When you don't have access to period products, a lot of young menstruators will miss school, which is driving a gap in education, and then ultimately leading into a gap in income for people with periods, which is disproportionately women, and is even more challenging for women menstruators of color,” expressed Jarvis. “Of course, that's no place that we should be living in.”

Societal stigmas and myths surrounding menstruation further the divide between menstruators and access to period-related resources. The belief that periods are gross, unnatural, or perverted comes from a lack of education and understanding, according to Belardo.

“We understand that periods are a bodily process that have been punished, stigmatized, and shamed by society, and we committed to educating and working with our community to co-create solutions to unmet needs,” said Belardo. “The only way we are going to see change is if we can shift society's understanding.”

Sunny is combatting period poverty in the states and abroad by simply normalizing periods. In addition to their menstrual cup, they’ve created a graphic novel for young people that aims to educate about periods. They continue to have candid conversations surrounding periods, sexual health, and period poverty through their social media channels. Sunny is also dedicated to donating products and resources to those who need them through, a non-profit that advocates for menstruators.

In addition to these things, Jarvis and Belardo are ensuring their efforts with Sunny are oriented towards menstruators of all backgrounds in order to serve the community at large.

“It's vital to openly combat the stigma associated with our bodies in order to advocate and sustain our community's mental health. Part of that is being inclusive,” said Belardo. “Truly including everyone in this conversation, cis and trans men, cis and trans women, non-binary folks, menstruators and non-menstruators, lower-income countries and higher-income countries, people of color, et cetera, so that we can normalize our bodies.”

“We've had people get frustrated by that at times. But the reality is, we're a period care company, and we are addressing people with periods and we're not going to exclude anyone from that,” said Jarvis. “We knew that it was going to be political because we wanted to include everybody with a period. We realized that while we are passionate about earth-friendly products, inclusive education, and global impact, we were always going to be more than just a period product.”

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Photography by Scott Vo Photography.

Some quotes have been edited for clarity.

Letting more than a decade pass without updates can quickly leave a home feeling outdated. That was the case for this Pasadena home, which remained frozen in the '80s and ’90s — until Amanda Leigh and Taylor Hahn of the celebrity-loved design firm House of Rolison stepped in to beautifully renovate and reimagine it. Their goal? To lean into the home's French-country architecture and transform the dated and dysfunctional space into a modern, light-filled space with moody vibes, vintage pieces, and luxury materials.

See the before and after of this French-inspired Pasadena renovation!


Courtesy of House of Rolison

Prior to the renovation, the home was stuck in the past with a lime green exterior and a late 80s/early 90s design aesthetic, including dated flooring, cramped rooms, wall-to-wall carpeting, bulky kitchen cabinets and granite (granite!) countertops. Drumroll on the after....


Gavin Cater

I'm in awe of this transformation. Amanda and Taylor enhanced the home’s original features, including the floor-to-ceiling windows, slate roof with beautifully patinated gutters and accents, and kept original lighting fixtures while adding a fresh coat of paint and modern landscaping. Gorgeous!


Courtesy of House of Rolison

Before diving into the renovation, take a look at the original living area and entryway. The space feels not just overdone, but also cold and uninviting. The bulky staircases (plural) dominate the entry, while the divider adds nothing to the warmth or flow of the space. The furniture feels stuck in another era, and that tiny rug? A total eyesore!


Gavin Cater

The entry now is stunning, designed to make a statement with one staircase removed to create a charming seating nook and a more open, inviting flow into the cozy living space. The home now has 20-foot ceilings, an elegant formal living room topped with custom-stained cedar paneling, and a bespoke bar area showcasing beautifully restored red oak cabinetry.

Gavin Cater

Elegant furnishings with modern silhouettes and warm, earthy tones instantly elevate the home's aesthetic. The restored fireplace adds warmth and character to the room, while a well-proportioned rug enhances the cozy, inviting space.


Courtesy of House of Rolison

My eyes! This kitchen is a time capsule of outdated design, from the heavy granite countertops to the awkward circular layout that feels cramped and closed off.

Gavin Cater

"We opened up the kitchen to create a much more spacious and functional layout," says Taylor. "One of the key changes was expanding the kitchen’s visual space by installing double islands to create more prep space and an inviting area for family to gather."

Gavin Cater

They also removed a wall that separated the kitchen from the dining area, which not only opened up the space but also allowed natural light to flood in from both sides of the house. "The wood and paint-grade cabinetry allowed for contrast, and served as the perfect canvas for Calacatta Viola marble and absolute black slabs. The matte black hardware we used throughout the cabinetry and railings added a modern touch," adds Amanda.

Gavin Cater

Amanda and Taylor revamped the '90s kitchen into a chic and design-forward space by adding a moody breakfast nook for the family to gather. Find more banquette inspiration here!

Gavin Cater

Another challenge was optimizing the natural light — some rooms had very little natural light while others had plenty, so they introduced skylights where it was lacking. "We maximized the layout, lighting, and use of space while adding crucial design factors to make the property stand out," says Taylor.

Gavin Cater

Striking a balance between light and dark, the dining room features a rich brown and black palette that enhances its moody, earthy aesthetic while beautifully framing the outdoor views.

Gavin Cater

"The defining highlight for us is how we were able to preserve the home’s original charm while modernizing it to meet the physical and aesthetic needs of a modern family," says Amanda. The design duo kept the architectural integrity intact, but enhanced the functionality and warmth.

Gavin Cater

Taylor and Amanda restored the fireplace to its original brick, "but not how you might think," says Taylor. "We went through multiple processes to come to the final product. First attempting to remove paint, then micro cementing the fireplace, and at the very end we wanted to have the warmth and beauty of used brick. So we had to source used brick to satisfy the color and size needs for our room and proceeded to install."

Gavin Cater

Marble and matte black hardware was also used in the bathrooms, creating a cohesive and luxurious feel throughout the home.

Gavin Cater

"We chose natural materials like warm oak wood, used brick, and natural stones to blend with the moldings and historic feel of the home," says Amanda. The soft goods complement these harder materials with natural linens and vintage style rugs.

Gavin Cater

Touches of nature are woven throughout the home, subtly appearing in the artwork and décor.

Gavin Cater

The adorable kids room is a clean canvas with neutral decor and a rich amber-colored rug.

Gavin Cater

The outdoors is just as stunning. The pair upgraded the pool tile to a cle rust brown tile to modernize and warm up the pool. "We take landscaping our homes very seriously, so when it came to this home we had to go all out," says Amanda. Grass, olive trees, ficus, vines and more create a serene environment for years to come.

Gavin Cater

"The idea was to create a connection between the interior and the surrounding landscape — bringing the outside in," adds Taylor. "The seamless integration of indoor-outdoor living and the design of the kitchen as the heart of the home really stand out."

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The Whole Foods hot bar is a buffet of delicious possibilities. It’s truly packed with fresh, flavorful dishes that make grabbing a quick meal feel like a total treat! From perfectly-seasoned roasted veggies to indulgent comfort foods like meatloaf and cornbread, you’re never missing out on good eats when you stop by the Whole Foods hot bar. If you’re wondering which options are worth piling onto your plate, these 10 picks are the best of the best!

Scroll on to discover the 10 best finds at the Whole Foods hot bar for a tasty on-the-go meal!

Kaboompics / PEXELS

1. Rotisserie Chicken

Whole Foods’ rotisserie chicken is a staple you simply need to try. It’s juicy, flavorful, and perfectly-seasoned every single time! Some Whole Foods locations even give you a choice between lemon herb or garlic variations that add delicious depth of flavor. Plus, rotisserie chicken is always versatile – you can eat it on its own, shred it into salads, or pair it with any of the hot bar sides for a balanced, high-protein meal.

Foodie Factor / PEXELS

2. Tomato Basil Soup

Tomato Basil Soup is superior when it comes to comfort food, and Whole Foods’ recipe is no exception! It never fails to be rich, velvety, and packed with the perfect balance of sweetness from the tomatoes and freshness from the basil. It’s a fan-favorite because it pairs beautifully with everything from grilled cheese to pasta.

Public Domain Pictures / PEXELS

3. Roasted Brussels Sprouts

These aren’t the bland, mushy veggies you avoided as a kid. Whole Foods roasts their Brussels sprouts to crispy perfection, oftentimes serving them up with garlic, a balsamic glaze, or some Parmesan cheese! If you’re looking for nutritious, yet flavorful options from the Whole Foods hot bar, you’ve just gotta scoop up some of these sprouts and witness the magic for yourself.


4. Grilled Salmon

Whole Foods’ grilled salmon is a standout item on the hot bar because of its buttery texture and slightly-smoky char. It pairs exceptionally well with the aforementioned Brussels sprouts or even a grain-based side like quinoa!

Angela Khebou / PEXELS

5. Mac & Cheese

Whole Foods fans go nuts for their Mac & Cheese. It’s nothing but rich, creamy, and of course, loaded with cheese. It’s ooey and gooey, but typically, the top layer boasts a slight crispiness from baking. Yum. It makes the ultimate comfort food for picky kids and hungry adults alike!

Whole Foods

6. Classic Meatloaf

Don't knock meatloaf – especially Whole Foods’ meatloaf from the hot bar. This home-style dish is made with high-quality beef, flavorful seasonings, and a tangy tomato glaze that keeps you going back for more. And more! Shoppers love it so much because it brings back that nostalgia for a hearty, homemade dinner.

Whole Foods

7. Chicken Tikka Masala

This ready-to-eat Tikka Masala is so delicious. The chicken is always tender and absorbs the spicy sauce beautifully, making it a perfect dish when served over basmati rice. It’s a great way to enjoy Indian flavors without having to visit a restaurant (and pay restaurant prices).

Nadja M / PEXELS

8. Fried Rice

Whole Foods’ fried rice can’t be beat. Often made with fresh vegetables, scrambled eggs, and a touch of soy sauce for umami depth, it's a great side to scoop up for lunch or dinner.

Nano Erdozain / PEXELS

9. Baked Ziti

This comforting mix of al dente pasta, rich tomato sauce, gooey mozzarella, and ricotta for extra creaminess is one of the best items on Whole Foods’ hot bar. Cheese lovers, make way!

Valeria Boltneva / PEXELS

10. Nashville Hot Chicken

For those who can’t resist a little heat, the Nashville hot chicken at Whole Foods delivers a perfect balance of spice and crunch. Each bite is also slightly-sweet, so you’re going to get a balanced meal every time you stop by.

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