After seeing parents order Uber cars for their kids, Sidecar co-founder and CFO Nick Allen decided to grow ride-sharing into a family business with Shuddle, a service that takes kids to and fro with highly trained teachers, nannies and caregivers behind the wheel. Shuddle’s 100 drivers are primarily women, and the company is the only ride-sharing service insured to transport minors. “Your child is your most precious cargo,” Shuddle founder and CEO Nick Allen told HuffPost. “And we’ve built and designed our whole service with that in mind.”
With the download of an app, you can request Shuddle rides up to a week ahead, but they need notification at least one day in advance. Shuddle riders need to have their own cellphone that receive texts (for notifications and reminders), be comfortable traveling without Mom and Dad and be cool to ride in cars without a booster seat. Parents and kids will also need to come up with a Shuddle Pass, a secret password that only you and your Shuddle driver will know, which confirms that it’s safe for your kiddo to hop in the backseat.
Shuddle’s staff is made up of moms, dads and technologists, so they’ve got the safety thing covered to help you ease any fears. You can track your kids’ ride in real-time via GPS to make sure they arrive safe and sound to soccer practice, piano lessons or a friend’s house. Once they’ve arrived, the driver sends a message to you and Shuddle HQ.
For now, Shuddle is only available in SF, but Nick Allen and crew plan to expand to other cities in the future.
Would you put your kid in a Shuddle? Drop us a line in the comments!
(h/t Huffington Post)