11 Sneaky Signs You Have Toxic People In Your Friend Group (& What To Do About It)

toxic friends

Experiencing a friendship breakup is never fun, but you know what else feels equally awful? Ignoring toxic friends or missing red flags that signal you actually shouldn't be hanging out with someone. From subtle to glaring signs, there are actually a lot of ways to tell if something's off with the people you spend your free time with.

Sometimes these things are disguised as 'jokes,' but that doesn't mean there's anything light-hearted about them! However, we don't always speak up when we notice things that feel uncomfortable. Why? NYC Neuropsychologist and Director of Comprehend the MindDr. Sanam Hafeez and psychotherapist and owner of Road to Wellness Therapy, Janet Bayramyan, LCSW have more than a few ideas what makes us ignore things or stay put.

Dr. Hafeez says, "We often ignore toxicity in our friend groups because we fear the discomfort of confrontation or the possibility of losing long-established relationships. There can be a sense of loyalty to people we've known for years, making it hard to admit that the friendship may no longer be healthy."

Here's how to recognize if your inner circle has toxic people in it

Sadly, I know all about holding on to a friendship that's run it's course because I thought time would work out any kinks. It's why Dr. Hafeez acknowledges "we might rationalize toxic behavior, convincing ourselves that it's just a phase or that we're overreacting." That stems from the "social pressure" of not wanting "to be seen as the 'troublemaker' or the one who disrupts the group dynamic," she says.

More than likely, Dr. Hafeez says we're not thinking about the "impact that toxic friendships have on our mental and emotional well-being, normalizing unhealthy behavior because it's familiar." Sometimes, our inability to let go of these friendships step from "fearing that no other friends will replace them," she continues.

1. Whenever something good happens, your friend can't just congratulate you.

Brooke Cagle

This is such a subtle sign that's easy to miss, especially if you've been friends with someone for a long time. It could be that the other person doesn't even realize they have a habit of finding ways to belittle something you're excited about. However, Dr. Hafeez says this person is toxic if "they make backhanded compliments or subtle digs that leave you feeling unsettled but unsure if you should call it out." Adding on to this, Bayramyan feels this is "passive aggressive" behavior and agrees you may be "uneasy" about drawing attention to it.

My first time experiencing a fallout from this was four years ago and I've never forgotten how shocked my nervous system felt when I shared something that was met with a backhanded compliment. I don't know if it was my heightened hormones during pregnancy that made me pay attention or if I'd finally caught on to how unhealthy that was, but I was distraught. Needless to say, that friendship didn't last much longer when I couldn't shake the feeling that something in our dynamic had changed.

2. They have a tendency to start arguments with other friends the second they feel offended.

Katarzyna Grabowska

Imagine you and your friends have decided to go to someone's house party or even a bar as a unanimous decision. It seems like everything's going well until you decide to get a late-night snack. While eating, one of your friends makes a joke that everyone else gets, but another friend thinks it's directed towards them. Instead of asking, the offended friend becomes belligerent and starts cursing while everyone else is confused about why the atmosphere changed.

If this has happened more times than you can count, you may be dealing with a toxic person. Dr. Hafeez says, "Small issues are often blown out of proportion, leaving you feeling drained by unnecessary conflict." The more this person succeeds at creating something out of nothing, the more they create "unnecessary tension" and can even "make friends take sides or get emotionally burned by endless conflict," adds. Dr. Hafeez.

Once that happens, say goodbye to the "group trust" because a toxic person is adept at destroying "a tight-knit group," according to Dr. Hafeez. Bayramyan calls them "emotional vampires" because they "suck the energy out of you and out of different situations." She says, "Their lives may seem to revolve around conflict, and they may bring negative energy into every interaction, draining those around them."

3. They find ways to make you feel like you're a bad friend if you can't always lend them money.

Katarzyna Grabowska

There's nothing wrong with supporting friends when they're in need, but lending them money can be difficult. Some people, especially those closest to us, feel entitled to our time, money, and attention regardless of if you're able to be there in the capacity they need. Dr. Hafeez says that people like this will find a way to "guilt-trip you into doing things or make you feel responsible for their emotions."

Bayramyan points out, "Toxic friends often expect you to meet all their emotional needs, while they offer little to no support in return, making the friendship one-sided."

4. They won't admit when they can't (or just didn't) contribute money towards a planned dinner or trip.

Igal Ness

Some people don't like being accountable even if it's something small to take responsibility for. "When something goes wrong, they always find a way to blame you or someone else, never taking responsibility," says Dr. Hafeez.

Say you and your friends agree to go to dinner or take a road trip. After agreeing on somewhere to eat, plane tickets, an AirBnb, or activities, it seems like there's an understanding about the portion everyone needs to pay. However, there's always one person who waits until the last minute to admit they're unable to pay for something. This usually happens after dinner or right before a trip. Instead of them admitting they weren't honest about their financial situation, they find a way to weasel out of being responsible for their lack of planning or honesty.

5. They intentionally leave you out of certain group plans.


Our friends are likely going to have other friends we've never met or have heard about in passing, but that doesn't mean you won't get along with them. However, Dr. Hafeez knows that toxic people will "sometimes leave you out of group activities or plans, but do so in ways that feel unintentional or 'accidental.'" If that keeps happening, you can ask your friend what gives or decide to keep your distance.

6. Despite how many times you help them, they're never available when you need someone to watch your dog or help you move.

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Dr. Hafeez says people who only "reach out when they need something," but become "distant or unresponsive when you need them" are displaying a toxic behavior. Bayramyan says, "They may withdraw support or become distant when you need them the most, yet expect you to be there for them unconditionally." She further explains, "Whether it's your time, energy, or personal boundaries, they often push past your limits in ways that feel disrespectful or invasive. These are boundary violations." It's like that one friend who's always asking for you to pick them up from work, only to ghost you when you need their help with something.

As much as I don't want you to have someone in mind, I wouldn't be surprised if you told me you know or knew someone like this.

7. They can't stop talking about how people are always turning their backs on them.

Hannah Busing

If someone "frequently portrays themselves as the victim in every situation" while "never acknowledging their role in conflicts," they're probably toxic says Dr. Hafeez. It's actually not uncommon for people to develop this mindset, but it seems hard for them to break away from it. Some never do if we're being honest.

The best way to describe a person like this is to think about a friend who always feels like people turn their backs on them despite evidence showing that people have actually supported them despite many of their harmful actions or words. A person like this seems to expect unwavering loyalty and isn't interested in hearing that they're capable of being wrong.

Bayramyan says people like this truly "lack accountability" because "they rarely, if ever, apologize or take responsibility for their mistakes." Just like Dr. Hafeez says, Bayramyan agrees this makes people start "deflecting or blaming others."

8. They never seem to want to talk about anything related to your personal life (i.e. new job, engagement, favorite TV series, etc.), but love to hear themselves talk.

Omar Lopez

When "the conversation is always about them," Dr. Hafeez says toxic people "rarely show interest in your life or feelings." Friends like this always find a way to cut you off mid-sentence so they can talk about something that relates to them. It's not easy to stomach, but you may write it off as having an overly-eager friend.

9. They tend to downplay your wins and successes.

alex starnes

A toxic friend "won't celebrate your wins and often downplays or ignores your struggles," according to Dr. Hafeez. This may be rooted in their ability to properly support you or pure jealousy. Furthermore, she says a person like this may "subtly or openly compete with you or express envy instead of being happy about your achievements."

Have you ever had someone tell you a promotion wasn't a big deal because 'everyone gets a promotion'? Yeah...if one of your friends has something passive aggressive to say every time you're excited about something, it's time to ask yourself if it's really worth having them in your life.

10. They're snarky about your struggles, like breakups.

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Everyone needs to take accountability for their actions, but it's odd if your friend is constantly criticizing you. If they seek ways to "constantly put you down, even under the guise of 'helpful advice,' Dr. Hafeez admits it's toxic behavior. There's no reason to call someone out of their name if you think they made an impulsive decision.

For example, your friend shouldn't be calling you a 'stupid b****' just because you dated someone you shouldn't have. We all make mistakes and sometimes this involves dating the wrong people. Based on my experience, I always feel like someone was looking for a way to call you something like that if they openly say it during a moment they're supposedly giving advice.

11. They openly diss a friend you have in common when that person isn't around

Elina Fairytale

Let's be honest, a lot of people do this from church to family members. But if you've noticed your chosen friend consistently disses others when they're not around, it's a sign they're doing that with everyone. "They may even talk badly about you behind your back, show disloyalty in crucial moments, or side with others against you. There's inconsistent loyalty with toxic friends," says Bayramyan.

Not only that, but Dr. Hafeez says they could be "encouraging drama or division." Unfortunately, some people thrive on drama and love to include people in their misery.

Now that you know what toxic behavior is, here's how to redirect (or end) a friendship:

Anna Tarazevich

Ultimately, Dr. Hafeez says "toxic friends may cause dissension of friends by sowing seeds of doubt and animosity, often using manipulation or gossip to make others fight against one another." Your friends may even harbor sore feelings against you for refusing to see how much pain someone is causing. This stems from the toxic person's ability to "amplify insecurities by making some friends feel better or more important than others," she adds.

Toxic people have learned how to sway things in their favor in several ways. "By manipulating situations or twisting stories, toxic individuals can create misunderstandings or conflict between friends and turn friends against each other. They might intentionally pit friends against each other by comparing accomplishments or spreading jealousy, ultimately fostering resentment within the group," says Bayramyan.

Similar toe everything mentioned above, she says these people may control a friend group in the following ways:

  1. Cancelling plans
  2. Controlling group activities
  3. Disrupting events

"Toxic friends may encourage clique-like behavior, subtly excluding certain people to create a hierarchy or division," says Bayramyan.

It's time to kick toxicity out of your inner circle and life. But how?

Roberto Nickson

If you're noticing these sneaky signs in among your friendships, you may be ready to completely cut your certain people off. However, Bayramyan wants to stop and think first. "Before ending things, consider why the friendship feels toxic and how it's impacting your well-being. Reflect first, be sure of your reasons and consider whether reconciliation is possible," she says.

Her steps to ending a friendship involve:

  1. Approach the conversation with empathy but clarity
  2. Briefly explain your reasons without placing blame
  3. After the breakup, set firm boundaries to avoid being pulled back in.
  4. Avoid situations where you're tempted to engage in emotional conversations with them.

if you're having a hard time being upfront with you friend, Bayramyan says you can "reduce contact gradually" by being "kind but firm, explaining how the friendship no longer feels healthy." Honestly, I'd never recommend someone ghost their friend the way I did even knowing I didn't know how to properly handle the realization things weren't the same.

Of this Bayramyan says, "Some people may need closure, while others don’t. Understand what feels right for you—whether it’s a final conversation or cutting ties more gradually." Also, she wants you to lean on other friends, family, or a therapist to process the end of the friendship and to help reaffirm your decision."

More importantly, she says to '"allow yourself to grieve and move on without second-guessing your decision."

Baylee Gramling

Here are five tips Dr. Hafeez has for you to get rid of toxic friends:

  1. Set Clear Boundaries: If you're not ready to cut ties completely, start by setting firm boundaries—whether it's limiting contact, changing the nature of your interactions, or calling out specific toxic behaviors.
  2. Be Honest but Respectful: If you choose to address the situation directly, be honest about why you're ending the friendship, but try to be calm and respectful rather than confrontational. Focus on how the relationship has affected you, rather than attacking them personally.
  3. Keep It Short and Simple: You don't owe anyone an elaborate explanation. A straightforward "I don't think this friendship is healthy for me anymore" can be enough.
  4. Don't Get Drawn into Arguments: Toxic friends may try to guilt-trip or argue with you. Stay firm in your decision and avoid getting dragged into emotional battles.
  5. Prepare for Pushback: Be ready for them to resist or react negatively. They might try to manipulate you into staying or make you feel guilty, but stay confident in your decision.
  6. Don't Feel Guilty: Ending an abusive friendship is self-love, not selfishness. It's okay to put your emotional well-being before keeping a toxic relationship.
  7. Allow Time to Heal: After ending the friendship, give yourself time to process your emotions and heal. It might take some time to fully let go, but with support and reflection, you'll feel lighter and more at peace.

If you've left some toxic people behind and feel your circle's too small, here are 6 ways to attract friends that have more green flags!

How many times have you heard someone is a toxic person and — aside from therapy speak — what does it mean? According to Michelle English, LCSW, Co-Founder and Executive Clinical Manager at Healthy Life Recovery, "In a therapeutic setting, toxic behavior usually refers to patterns of behavior that regularly cause emotional, mental, or even physical harm to others."

Wondering why people resort to being toxic behavior? English says, "They are frequently the result of unresolved personal issues such as trauma, insecurity, or a lack of self-awareness." Jamie Bennett, LMFT of Mountainside Treatment Center, adds, "Many toxic people do things with the intent of getting a certain reaction – like a bully. If they want to rile you up and you don’t get riled up this changes the dynamic."

Wanna know what signs to look out for when it comes to toxic people? We've got you covered — and we have the tea on when you should finally cut them out!

P.S. Bennett says assertiveness isn't toxic, even if someone's behavior sometimes comes off as pushy or controlling. This just means they're sure of themselves!

Here are the 6 signs of a toxic person — & when to cut them out!


1. They're always being dismissive.

Have you ever been really excited or upset about something only to be met with a dismissive tone from someone you confided in? This person is displaying toxicity which "gradually undermines trust in relationships," according to English. Would you want to keep sharing things with a person if they're always downplaying your emotions? Probably not.

Alex Green

2. Controlling others seems like a sport to them.

English says another way to determine someone is toxic is pay attention to their controlling behavior. It can be something as simple as telling you what to wear or something greater such as forcibly limiting your contact with anyone they think isn't good for you.

Keira Burton

3. They consistently makes excuses for their behavior.

Have you ever let a close friend know certain behavior bothers you only for them to make an excuse for why they keep doing them? Bennett says this counts as "avoiding responsibility for actions." Furthermore, "constantly" doing so or looking to "push the blame onto someone else veers into toxic territory," she adds.

Another way to look at this is if someone is always falling into a pattern of "victimizing themselves," according to Bennett.

SHVETS production

4. They tend to be manipulative.

Manipulation is tricky because it's not always obvious until it's too late. It's kind of like not realizing you were bit by a mosquito until your skin becomes itchy and red. Bennett says this is toxic because there's a knowing that someone can "appeal to a certain person's characteristics or personality traits." This looks like saying or doing something "with the intention of getting a certain reaction," according to her.

Bennett says, "An example may be one partner in sobriety who consistently uses their poor mental health as a reason to not be proactive about finding a job. They do this because they know that the other partner is worried about their loved one relapsing so they use that fear against her."

Liza Summer

5. They never miss an opportunity to gaslight people.

Calling this a "well-known example," English says gaslighting often occurs when someone denies the reality of another person." What would cause someone to do this? Well, a toxic behavior often doesn't want to take accountability for their actions so they'd rather "cause people to doubt their own perceptions," according to English.

Alena Darmel

6. They're always looking for reasons to criticize someone.

The catty behavior on The Real Housewives of New York may be entertaining for TV, but that kind of behavior gets old quickly in everyday life. No one wants to hear why "so and so thinks they're all that" even if it's disguised as humor. English says, "Regardless of their motivation," behaviors like this "can lead to stressful and emotionally distressing situations."

Alena Darmel

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Is it time to cut that toxic person out of my life?

We live in a society that started prioritizing ending relationships with people as soon as we spot red flags, but English and Bennett don't think this should be our immediate reaction. English says, "The decision to disengage with a toxic person in the relationship will depend on how harsh and serious the relationship is" because "it is often personal."

According to her, if you notice a consistent pattern where the behavior is "damaging your emotional health," it's okay to walk away from that person. Still, she believes "completely cutting [someone] off is often a last option when other approaches to changing the behavior have not worked." Bennett says something similar and notes how to approach different scenarios.

"If it someone you need to communicate with because of a job or family, there are things you can do to protect yourself," she says. She suggests reminding "yourself who you are dealing with" if the person is adept at gaslighting others because "it may be easy to become convinced that you are wrong or something did not happen the way you recall." A phrase she encourages you to tell yourself is, "I know that my experiences are my experiences no matter what."

RDNE Stock project

If you're dealing with an aggressively toxic person, you'll have to "set and reinforce boundaries," Bennett says while English adds that "engaging in therapy to faciliate healthier relationships" may be a next step.

Here's how Bennett suggests navigating communication with someone like this:

  • Set a boundary to end the conversation when you notice toxic behavior such as invalidation of your feelings.
  • Receive support from another person so they can remind you of things you're trying to accomplish

If you're dealing with a friend or spouse, Bennett wants you to remember "you cannot change them" but you're in control of how you respond. English says, "It is important to analyze the whole situation and know when the cost of the relationship is greater than the benefits."

Bennett's last piece of advice is to know when to walk away" by having a "deep awareness for how you are feeling." You can do this by "checking in with your body and thoughts" so you can understand how you "respond to stress," according to her. She says this will give you more "clues on what when it's time to step away!"

Read more of our relationships articles to learn how to navigate tough situations in 2025!

There are few things in our daily lives as horrifying as a first date with a stranger. Usually, the best case scenario is you show up to an agreed meeting place, hit it off, want to go out again, and maybe even fall in love. That is, assuming you're not getting catfished and they're not a crazy person. Well, in Meghann Fahy's new thriller, she finds herself on the perfect first date that takes a turn for the terrifying when an anonymous stranger starts tormenting her...and then instructs her to kill her date. Now the question remains: will she follow through, or will this would-be couple make it to dessert?

Here's everything know about Drop, starring Meghann Fahy and Brandon Sklenar.

Watch 'The Drop' trailer now!

The first thing I have to call out about The Drop trailer is that Brandon Sklenar just keeps getting cuter. How is this possible?! He and Meghann Fahy have chemistry the moment he steps onscreen which makes this whole movie concept — you know, that Meghann's character is told she has to kill him — even more intriguing. And Sabrina Carpenter playing in the background? An inspired choice.

I want to believe that both Violet and Henry make it out of the story alive...but things aren't looking too hopeful for either of them.

What is the movie Drop about?


Drop Plot

In Drop, widowed mother Violet (Meghann Fahy) is literally so relieved when her date with Henry goes well. He's handsome and charismatic, and she's enjoying their time together — until an unknown number starts dropping anonymous instructions to her phone. Now, Violet has to play it cool while following her new contact's instructions or her kids will pay the price. There's just one problem: the final instruction is to kill Henry.

When is Drop coming out?

Drop Release Date

Drop hits theaters April 11, 2025. The Blumhouse film is from Christopher Landon (Happy Death Day, Freaky), is written by Jillian Jacobs and Chris Roach, and is produced by Jason Blum, Michael Bay, Brad Fuller, and Cameron Fuller. The movie's also executive produced by Sam Lerner.

Who's in the Drop cast?


Drop Cast

The cast of Drop includes Meghann Fahy, Brandon Sklenar, Violett Beane, Jacob Robinson, Reed Diamond, Gabrielle Ryan, Jeffery Self, Ed Weeks, and Travis Nelson.

See The New Drop Poster!

Blumhouse/Universal Pictures

The poster for Drop definitely gets my adrenaline pumping — and I love Meghann Fahy's glam eyeshadow & manicure paired with the terror in her eyes. Because, duh, of course this Emmy-nominted actress can act with her eyes like nobody's business. And the bold red of the graphic design? Chef's kiss.

Check out 10 New Terrifying Fall Thrillers to watch this season!

This post has been updated.

Now that you know which friendship red flags shouldn't be ignored, let's talk about how to maintain the great platonic relationships you do have! You don't need us to tell you how invaluable it is to have a great support system à la The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, but how often are you and your chosen crew nurturing each other?

While there are things you do to pour into your friendships, psychotherapist Victoria Murray, LCSW of Root to Rise Therapysays, "Some things that predict the longevity of a friendship are outside of our control - things like circumstances, location and shared life experiences." At the same time, she feels "similar interests, complementary personalities and shared values help us to connect with others and make friends in general."

That means continuing to reach out, call or text in some kind of regular cadence (and answer messages!), or if you live nearby, making an effort to meet up in person. And sometimes, relationships with people who you share experiences and interests with fizzle out if each of you are not willing to put the time and energy into making the other person feel valued.

All the little ways to make your friendships last forever

"I find that the most important thing contributing to long-lasting friendships is a commitment and dedication that both people have to prioritize this friendship in their lives," says Murray. If you're drawing a blank, take a step back and breathe because "there are many things that you can do to nurture friendships in your life," according to her.

Here's a list of things she says you can do to maintain the bond you have with your friends.

Valeriya Kobzar

1. Finally schedule that lunch date you've been putting off

Have you written down a list of friend date ideas that didn't come into fruition this year? That sounds similar to our own sad plans that never left the notes app on our phones. One of the first things Murray suggests is to schedule a lunch date with your friend.

It's not a romantic situation, but simply an uninterrupted time where you and friend can give each other your undivided attention! You can talk about everything from work to reminiscing about the time one of you fell flat on your face in front of your crush.

Andrea Piacquadio

2. Have a weekly FaceTime session

Technology has finally evolved to let us see the people we're talking to, friends and family included. It's a great way to connect with someone if you don't live in the same state or haven't seen each other in a while. " In the days of FaceTime and video calls, distance is not necessarily a barrier to friendships lasting for many years — and in some cases, distance can actually nurture relationships as it gives both people the space to breathe and live their lives," says Murray.

Andrea Piacquadio

3. Vow to have phone recaps of your week to dish about your annoying co-worker or celebrity gossip

When life feels busy and you just need someone to dissect the latest Blake Livelynews with, you need a friend to recap your week with. Murray says, "Sometimes too much pressure to meet up in-person or integrate the friend into your day-to-day life can actually put a strain on the relationship, especially if routines or other relationships are not compatible with one another."

This helps you to stay connected to your friend without forcing each other to sit in a crowded bar just to strengthen your connection after work.

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4. Surprise your friend with a birthday card

You can always give your best friend a birthday card in the mail, but planning ahead to have one show up in her physical mailbox is just as thoughtful! She'll enjoy that you decided to go the extra mile to send celebratory snail mail to her. Of course, you're free to still surprise your friend in person! Throw in a mini dessert and small gift to see your friend burst with excitement!

Alexandra Maria

5. Snap a picture of a cute pair of Target shoes your friend has been eyeing

If you stop by your local Target and see the pair of shoes she won't stop talking about. Take a picture of them to let her know they're in stock and have her size. She'll appreciate you for thinking of her and may even Cash App you the funds to get them for her. Murray says doing this can "go a long way to show the other person that you care about your connection with them."

Andrea Piacquadio

6. Verbally tell your friend how much they mean to you over dinner

After you've cooked your friend's favorite meal, sit down and tell that how important they are to you. "Affirmative statements like 'You are really important to me' and 'I value this friendship so much' can be things we tend to shy away from because they feel vulnerable," Murray shares, "but they can go a long way in solidifying the friendship and contributing a sense of closeness and security."

RDNE Stock project

7. Be honest when you're unable to be 100% present in your friendship because work is super busy or you're having family issues

In a perfect world, we'd always have time for our friends. But things can come up that can derail even the most intentional person's friendship plans. It shouldn't be assumed you're a terrible person because you're unable to spend as much time with your friends, but communication is key.

"If something is going on with you personally that’s getting in the way of you showing up in your friendships the way that you want to, the best thing you can do is communicate. Even if you don’t want to talk about it, letting them know 'I’m sorry I haven’t been super present in our friendship lately, I’ve had a lot going on with family and I’ll fill you in when I feel more ready to talk about it' can help communicate to your friend that you’ve got something personal going on, and you’re not pulling back from them because you don't care," advises Murray.

Mizuno K

8. Establish an understanding that your friendship may shift with different stages of life (i.e. marriage, having kids, relocating, etc.,)

This may be confused with a red flag, but it's not. As much as we wish we had all the free time in the world, life just isn't set up that way unless we're a part of the 1% that gets to make the rules. Even at that, I'm sure their attention is pulled in different directions. Murray says she understands this stage of life, however.

"When life gets busy, it can be really hard to find time to prioritize your friendships. And the older we get, the busier life becomes. As you get older, it is ok to acknowledge that you just may not have as much time for some friendships, and focus your energy on the few that matter most to you," she shares.

One of your goals shouldn't be trying to force yourself to make time for friends when things are super busy in your life. "When you spread yourself too thin, you can end up not really feeling connected to anyone at all," Murray adds. What she suggests you do is let "your friends know what's going on" or find a way to do "things that are less of a time commitment like sending a quick text or stopping by to say hi after work."

They're amazing "ways to stay connected if it feels at all possible" along with "inviting your close friends to participate in whatever is going on (maybe as a study buddy or on a double date with you and your new partner," according to her. All of these things create room for "feeling close even when life gets hectic!"

If you follow Murray's advice, it won't be surprising if you become a woman who has lots of friends!

Spring will be here before you know it, and if you're anything like me, you don’t think it’s entirely too crazy to be dreaming of warmer weather right now – especially as we face some insanely cold temperatures. In the vein of embracing big spring energy, I’m already thinking about my warm-weather wardrobe, and the first item on my wishlist is none other than a drop waist dress!

Fitting for everything from beachside strolls to breezy farmer’s market visits, drop waist dresses are such a cute (and easy!) way to look stylish while the sun’s beaming.

Scroll on for the cutest drop waist dresses I’m dreaming of for springtime and beyond!


Anthropologie The Josephine Smocked Drop-Waist Dress

Covered in colorful blooms, this drop waist dress supplies plenty of fun hues you can use to pair your accessories and shoes with to tie things all together.

Free People

Free People Need To Know Mini Dress

I love all the drama this dress brings. From the oversized, scalloped collar to the whimsical puff sleeves, it's all brought together with a flattering drop waist silhouette. The mini length makes this style undeniably spring- and summer-ready, though you could easily style it for colder weather with tights, tall boots, and a denim jacket!


S/W/F Sleeveless Drop-Waist Maxi Dress

The exaggerated drop waist on this maxi moment elongates your figure, flattering it to a tee. Plus, the trendy leopard print will earn you major style points! Whether you wear it with sandals or sneakers, you really can't go wrong with this design.


Wild Fable Drop Waist Mini Tennis Dress

The pleating on this pick brings a unique flair to your typical drop waist dress. In my opinion, the details really complete the look, so all you've gotta do is pick out a good shoe, grab your favorite bag, and hit the streets.


For Love & Lemons Gingerbread Gingham Dress

This gingham is beyond dreamy. This drop waist dress has such a playful retro feel to it, thanks to the bustier-style bodice, open back, and midi length. I'd style it with some kitten heels and bold sunglasses to lean into the throwback of it all!

Free People

Free People Roadhouse Mini Dress

A denim dress will get me every freakin' time. This detailed long sleeve style is truly anything but boring!

Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch Drop-Waist Midi Dress

The duo-tone design of this midi-length drop waist dress breaks up your look perfectly, plus, it provides a bold foundation for having tons of fun with accessories and outerwear layers!

Banana Republic

Banana Republic Crepe Twist-Shoulder Dress

Okay, this chartreuse color is to die for. If you're looking for a drop waist dress that makes a statement, this is it.

Free People

Free People Onda Drop-Waist Tube Midi

For the warmer months where you also want to get a lil' bit of sun on your shoulders, the strapless style of this midi drop waist dress comes in real handy.


Zara Bows Short Dress

I love that the boat neckline on this dress leans more modest while the mini length lets you show a good amount of leg. Plus, the deep brown color is easy to match with practically any piece you've got in your closet. The bows along the hips are the best part, of course!


Celandine Strapless Drop-Waist Mini Dress

This mini strapless number is the perfect fit for any upcoming tropic getaway you've got planned. Even if a fancy beach vacation is not on your docket, you can still channel the laidback energy with this pick!


Wild Fable Cap Sleeve Dropped Waist Knit Mini Shift Dress

This sophisticated drop waist dress instantly makes any occasion fashion-forward. I'd wear it with some sleek (and tall!) black boots to seal the deal.


S/W/F Sleeveless Mottled Drop-Waist Midi Dress

This polka-dotted moment is sure to turn heads towards you, no matter where you take it.

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The Yellowjackets season 3season 3 trailer is officially out, and I honestly can't believe what I just watched. This show honestly gets wilder and wilder with every episode, and each second of the trailer proves that even more. From the girls giving themselves over to the woods to their adult counterparts further unraveling this insane mystery to...Hilary Swank?! Needless to say, there's a lot to unpack here. Let's get into it!

Watch the Yellowjacketsseason 3 trailer here!


- YouTube
There's seriously so much going on in this trailer, so here's every unhinged, unfiltered thought I had while watching it.
  • "Bodies" is an interesting way to start the trailer...really, any trailer!!!!
  • "They hunted their friends" — okay, so not only do more people die in the wilderness, but more people are literally HUNTED for meals.
  • Poor Coach Scott...are they gonna hunt HIM?!
  • It seems like we're dealing with the girls v. Natalie situation.
  • Who would want the girls dead, if not someone who was out there in the wilderness with them and knew their secrets?
  • Misty is clearly going fully Misty this season.
  • "The only people that know about this are either us, or dead," furthers my thought that there's someone out there from the wilderness they forgot about, missed, etc.
  • "The only way to be safe is to be the only one left."
  • Jackie sighting!!!! Is it Ghost Jackie, or a flashback?
  • Lots and lots and lots of fighting this season...
  • No, seriously, who is Hilary Swank?!
  • Adult Taissa and Van kiss! Yay!
  • I wonder if this is a Lost"we have to go back" kind of situation...
  • "Secrets will be spilled," okay but can you spill them now?!
It's been almost two years since the second season of Yellowjackets came out, so needless to say I need these episodes to drop ASAP!
You can watch Yellowjackets season 3 starting February 14, 2025. Happy Valentine's Day?

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