6 Signs It’s Time to Invite Your S.O. Home for Thanksgiving

6 signs to invite s.o. to thanksgiving

You and your new-ish flame have been enjoying all of the best parts of fall. You’ve indulged in pumpkin carving, sipped apple cider in a corn maze, wore the perfect DIY couples costumes, and cozied up for an early peek at some of your favorite holiday movies. Things really couldn’t be going better. With just a few weeks left before Thanksgiving, though, you’re about to be faced with a big decision: Is it time to invite said S.O. to join you and the fam for Turkey Day festivities?

How serious is serious enough? Will an invitation like this freak bae out? And when do you really know that a partner is ready to handle all the family chaos that the holidays can shake up? Deciding whether or not to bring your partner home for a major end-of-year holiday can feel like a big deal, and we want to help you dial down the intensity so you can focus on what’s really important: food and quality time with your loved ones. We’ve consulted with relationship experts about how you know the time is right to bring a date to family Thanksgiving — read on for their six signposts.

Andrea Piacquadio

1. You’re Having In-Depth Conversations About Family Traditions And Dynamics

You and your sweetie have been seeing each other for a few months, and with the holiday season just around the corner, you’re starting to open up to each other about the parts of the festivities that are most meaningful to you. You’re swapping stories about favorite recipes and customs, and you’re comfortable enough to share the nitty-gritty details about icky family dramas that can make the season awkward. If these conversations are coming up naturally and you want to share your holiday with your S.O. IRL, licensed marriage and family therapist Katie Ziskind says it might be time to extend the invite.

Nicole Michalou

2. Your S.O. Has Already Met Some Of Your Family

Therapist Irene Schreiner recommends that you consider bringing your partner to Thanksgiving if they’ve already met some of your loved ones. “If they haven’t met anyone in your family yet,” on the other hand, “it can feel too overwhelming to have them meet everyone at once during the craziness of the holiday,” she says. Know your S.O.’s boundaries so you can push or protect them accordingly.

RDNE Stock project

3. Your Family Wants To Meet Your Significant Other

Mom’s been picking up hints from your phone conversations that something pretty amazing is going on between you and your new special someone, and she’s anxious to put a face to the name you keep mentioning. Your siblings are equally excited to interrogate — er, meet — your boo. It’s rare for your family to come together outside of the holiday season, so if you’re serious about your S.O. this might be the perfect time to invite them to make the rounds.

“If your family is constantly begging to meet [them], it is time to bring them home for Thanksgiving,” encourages Grapevine Gossip relationship expert Caitlyn Paltsios. “It shows your family is interested… and you can also see if your S.O. is excited to meet your family.”

cottonbro studio

4. You’ve Both Traded "I Love You's"

Maybe you said “I love you” first, or maybe bae made the initial move. Either way, you’re both swapping that all-important word pretty comfortably now; you might want to consider swapping it over a heaping bowl of mashed potatoes. “‘I love you’ is such a powerful statement for any relationship,” notes counselor and Tech Talk Therapy owner Connie Omari. “Once this line has been crossed, you naturally become more open with one another. This closeness should be solidified by allowing your S.O. to interact with the other people that you love.”


5. Your S.O.'s Family Has Already Invited You To Gatherings

If you’ve already had a chance to attend family dinners and maybe a birthday party or two with your S.O., it’s your turn to extend an invitation (assuming, of course, that you share their serious feelings and there aren’t other concerns as to why it might be unsafe or unhealthy to reciprocate the invitation). “If they are including you in small family events, they are looking to integrate you into their larger lives and are likely ready to have you do the same,” Schreiner explains. This doesn’t mean that you should make the invitation purely out of obligation — only that you should seriously consider it when they’ve already made the first move.

Photo By: Kaboompics.com

6. You Can't Imagine Spending Thanksgiving Apart

“Thanksgiving has historically been known for being around people with whom we care very much about,” reminds Omari. “If your S.O. means a lot to you — maybe even the world — it’s likely you will feel very uncomfortable at the thought of being separated for Thanksgiving.” Tune in to your feelings and visualize experiencing this very special occasion as a couple. If this seems like the only way you would want to celebrate, then you have nothing to lose by asking! If, however, visualizing this makes you feel anxious or uncomfortable, psychotherapist and co-founder ofA Good First Date Rachel Perlstein suggests that it’s probably best to rain check until next year.

Do you get nervous about inviting a partner home for the holidays? Tweet us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated.

My best friend and I recently had a 3-hour conversation about navigating love in our 30s, coming to the conclusion that our prior breakups helped us become clearer about what we want in love. After we said our good-byes, I started thinking about questions worth asking yourself when you're single.

Unlike some people who tell you not to worry about love when you're not coupled up, I think it actually does help to have an idea about the kind of person and relationship that'll fit in your life when the time comes. I wish it wish it were this easy, but the perfect situation isn't going to fall into your lap — because it doesn't exist. Even now, I'm still learning about myself and my fiancé as we experience life together.

So are you single and trying to understand what you actually want out of your love life? Here are some questions you should ask yourself!

Here are the questions to ask yourself while you're in your single era!

Ivan Samkov

1. Start with questions that focus on you

Either you agree with clichés or you don't. As annoying as they can be, hearing someone tell you to get to know yourself while you're single shouldn't be. It only gets sticky when people tell you that you'll never find love while on your self-care journey. We can agree to disagree with that.
So, what kind of questions should you be asking yourself to get to know your inner workings better?
  • Who do I think I am?
  • What are my favorite qualities about myself?
  • Do I have any habits I want to change?
  • Would I date myself if I were a different person?
  • How do I pour love into myself?

George Milton

2. More questions to ask yourself about who you are

Other questions you can ask yourself can have something to do with your morals or boundaries. It's a way for you to understand areas of your life that you may not always think about everyday.

  • What do I value in life?
  • What kind of boundaries have I set (or need to put in place)?
  • Do I spend a lot of time focused on other people?
  • Do I have religious beliefs?

Vlada Karpovich

3. Think about if you want to be single or in a serious relationship

Once you have a better understanding of who you are, think about the kind of romantic love you'd like to have in your life. There's a chance you're not even interested in a serious monogamous relationship right now and that's okay. The point is to get clear about what you do want.

Start asking:

  • Am I okay with being single or do I feel pressured to settle down?
  • Do I care more about dating several people or choosing one person to romantically connect with?
  • Is there a reason I wouldn't want a long-term relationship?
  • Is it hard to be vulnerable whether I'm looking for something short-term or long-term?

Yan Krukau

4. Revisit past flings and relationships

Though tempting, this isn't a confirmation that you should call the ex you've been thinking about. Rather, take the time to revisit what you think did or didn't work.

  • What brought me joy about prior flings or relationships?
  • Was there mutual respect between myself and former romantic partners?
  • Did I or former partners feel possessive of each other?
  • Did I ever feel afraid for my safety in prior relationships?

Gustavo Fring

5. Allow yourself to be curious about the kind of partner you're attracted to

I'm not asking you to 'listen and judge' yourself for who you're typically attracted to. We all have our reasons why certain people make our hearts race even if said people aren't the greatest for us in the long run. This is the time to be curious about who you're drawn to and why.

  • Am I drawn to people's physical appearance first or their personality?
  • What kind of qualities am I attracted to overall?
  • Have I ever ignored red flags because I thought someone was attractive?

Anna Pou

6. Think about the kind of long-term relationship you'd like to have

Ready for something serious? There's still some questions you should ask yourself before jumping into something new.

  • Am I capable of trusting someone new?
  • How do I want to feel in a new romantic relationship?
  • What are my goals if I decide to pursue a long-term relationship?
  • How would I like to handle potential disagreements in my new relationships?
  • What are my dealbreakers?

These questions may seem like a lot, but it's a way to help you understand how you want your love like to look. Also, there's a possibility you could encounter scenarios that may not fit under these questions because life can be full of surprises. All that matters is you're able to have a better understanding of who you are and what you want in 2025.

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Every Gilmore Girls fan knows that Luke and Lorelai were always endgame. Despite the fact they had to watch each other get into different relationships (while I love Max, I'll never be able to stomach the way Christopher acts ugh). But there's one moment in an early Gilmore Girls episode that teases Luke and Lorelai getting married, and even though I've watched it countless times I never caught it before!

Here's that Luke and Lorelai wedding detail you probably missed in Gilmore Girls season 2.

Lorelai teased her wedding date way before 'A Year in the Life'

@dianaathome Caught on my 11523rd rewatch 🤯 #gilmoregirls#gilmoregirlstiktok @valeriescateyescream ♬ original sound - Diana @ Home

Gilmore Girls season 2, episode 3, "Red Light on the Wedding Night" opens with Lorelai and Rory tasting Fran's cakes at Weston's Bakery ahead of Lorelai's wedding to Max. And when Fran insists the girls stay to figure out exactly which cake flavor they like the best, sticking firm to the idea that there's nothing more important than your wedding day, Lorelai doesn't bat an eye when she says, "Well, it ain't Guy Fawkes Day." And TBH, Fran's confused response is exactly how I felt the first time I watched this episode.

We all know Lorelai gets cold feet when she realizes she's not actually in love with Max and bails on him before the wedding. After all, it's definitely more memorable than Lorelai's joke, which I've always taken to be a throwaway line (she really does have a random sense of humor). That is, until @dianaathome on Tiktok pointed out that Guy Fawkes Day, a British holiday celebrating the failed Gunpowder Plot that happened in 1605, takes place on November 5 — the same day as Luke and Lorelai's wedding in A Year in the Life.

I can't believe I never caught this! And I'm not the only one. "I don't know if I'm more impressed that someone snuck this in or that you found it!" one user commented, while another says, "It is Helen Pai and Dave Rygalski's anniversary. [Luke and Lorelai's] original wedding date June 3rd is Helen Pai's birthday!" (Helen Pai is the real-life, albeit loose, inspiration for Lane Kim!)

Now, while this is a super fun connection to find, a lot of Gilmore Girls viewers are realizing just how much they dislike Lorelai's behavior in the actual scene (as in, eating all the cake knowing Sookie was already preparing one). And it's sparked a ton of conversation.

"I felt so bad for [Fran]! She put all the effort and make all those adorable and tasty cakes and the two of them are like “Hehe screw ethics we get to eat free cake!”since Sooki was just going to make one for free," one Reddit user says. "Maybe it’s the service industry in me talking but I can’t get over how annoyed I would be."

Another goes so far as to say this scene is why they "I like to think this is the reason she wouldn’t sell the Dragonfly to Lorelai & Sookie. Revenge."

If Fran's cake tasting really was free, then eating her out of house and home just for fun is definitely not cool, Lorelai. (Although I still think it's not as unrealistic as her showing up to Chilton in a tee and shorts).

Did you catch this Gilmore Girls Easter egg the first time around? Let us know on Facebook!

Valentine's Day is next month, so it's time for a little tough love. Are you ready? Deep breath... You're not going to get far in your relationship by wondering, "What are we doing?" anymore. For such a simple question, it carries the weight of being vague and loaded. It's not that you shouldn't want to know where your relationship is headed, but there are better questions to ask your boyfriend.

From my first relationship to being engaged with an energetic toddler, I know a thing or two about how to broach certain topics. But, I'm no one's expert so I turned to Sean O'Neill, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Director at Maple Moon Recovery, to help you figure out how to get to the heart of your relationship.

Scroll to see which deep questions to ask your boyfriend for a better, healthier relationship!

Andres Ayrton

1. Questions To Ask If You're In The 'Honeymoon' Stage

Whenever we finally move from flirting with our crushes to being in a relationship with them, it's typically followed by a period of euphoria. You and your boyfriend likely can't get enough of each other right now which is probably making your friends playfully roll their eyes. Since everything is brand new, you can still keep it light though.

O'Neill suggests asking "open-ending questions that prompt curiosity and connection:"

  • What's one dream you've never let me in on?
  • What's one little gesture that can make you feel valued?

"These couple of queries facilitate bonding while generating enthusiasm for the goals and interests of each other," he says.

Budgeron Bach

2. Questions To Ask After Your First Big Fight

Even if you and your boyfriend are super tuned in to each other, a disagreement or argument is bound to happen. In case you're worried, your relationship isn't on thin ice because you're not seeing eye-to-eye on something. O'Neill says you can ask:

  • How do you think we handled the argument?
  • What could we do differently next time to make our future fights more productive?

His reasoning is that these questions "promote growth and empathy" so "disagreements are transformed into stronger communication opportunities."

Note: Disagreements should never turn physical. It's not okay for you and your boyfriend to become physically aggressive with each other. If you're concerned about domestic violence, dial the National Domestic Hotline at 1(800) 799-7233.

Keira Burton

3. Questions To Ask Before Introducing Your Boyfriend To Your Parents

Introducing your boyfriend to your parents is a huge step that can be scary and exciting. I was terrified when my parents first met my fiancé because they couldn't stand my ex. But, the conversation between them flowed and everyone always looks for him to be at family events.

If you're ready for introductions to be made, O'Neill wants you to "encourage the normality of preplanned talks" by asking:

  • What is something about me that you think my parents would really love to hear about?

By doing this, he says it'll "help alleviate anxiety and ensure both spouses feel comfortable and attuned before meeting the parents."

Mikhail Nilov

4. Questions To Ask If You Or Your Boyfriend Have An Illness

It's never easy to experience illnesses or health scares, but it can be terrifying if you don't know how to help your partner manage if something unexpected happens. O'Neill says to "nurture insights with queries such as:"

  • What is one thing I could to assist you better when ill?
  • Are there any aspects concerning your healthy that haven't been discussed which make you anxious?

"The conversations provide a safe space for airing concerns while building up mutual support through health difficulties," he adds.

Mikhail Nilov

5. Questions To Ask If You're Worried About Boyfriend's Spending Habits

Financial red flags are always a cause for concern when dating someone — especially when it seems like your boyfriend doesn't care about his spending habits may affect your household if you live together. O'Neill suggests asking:

  • What are your financial goals?
  • How do you see us working towards them together?
  • How do you feel about budgeting as a team?

This will "make goal alignment stronger" because "effective communication about finances can prevent misunderstandings," he says. Also, this helps "lay the foundation for a shared vision of the future."

Bethany Ferr

6. Questions To Ask To Deepen Vulnerability With Each Other

Being vulnerable isn't easy for everyone, let alone two people in a relationship. It took me years to feel comfortable expressing my sadness or fears to my fiancé because I was afraid he'd think I was 'weak.' However, this can cause more harm than good because it becomes difficult for our partners to know what's going on with us if we don't open up.

O'Neill says you can ask:

  • What's one fear or concern you've hesitated to share with anyone before?
  • How can I help you feel safe sharing with me?
These questions "create room for openness and trust between partners" which aids in "helping them connect emotionally," according to him.

Katerina Holmes

7. Questions To Help Move The Relationship Forward

If you're still wondering "what are we doing" after asking some of the above questions, you focus on asking the following "future-oriented questions," according to O'Neill:

  • Where do you see us in 5 years?
  • What's something you envision us doing together as a couple in the future?
"Thinking about what is ahead strengthens commitment to the relationship and brings both partners' goals into line," he says.
Even though my fiancé and I have been together for a while, we still have conversations about our goals, health, raising our son, and more. It helps us to either stay aligned or see what needs to be addressed as opposed to letting physical attraction guide the way we feel 95% of the time.

But that's not all! We have more advice about relationships if you're looking to build a deeper connection yourself, friends, or family in 2025!

Did you know the colors you are surrounded with can enhance your mood and energy? Think about the color palette in your closet right now. What colors are you most drawn to? Before you freak out if black or gray are your go-to colors for your daily wear (guilty!) maybe after reading this, it will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and try to work with new colors. What if I tell you that your astrological sign has a designated color palette to support your journey?

Color therapy, or “chromotherapy,” can supplement your well-being. Integrating astrology will also help you pinpoint the colors you are most attracted to and how to become more in tune with yourself. Astrology is a fantastic modality for gauging self-acceptance while also becoming your best self, and color therapy is the therapeutic means to rebalance and power up your goals.

Working with the colors assigned to your zodiac sign can support your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Read on to learn how color therapy works and which color palette best suits your zodiac sign!

Here's how to make color therapy work for your zodiac sign — and feel good doing it!

What is color therapy?

Helena Lopes

Color therapy is a holistic, non-invasive modality used for the body. Historical figures such as Pythagoras (circa 2,500 years ago) applied “color light” therapeutically, while “color halls” were used as a means of treatment in ancient Egypt, China, and India. The modern medical pioneer patron of color therapy was Niels Finsen of Denmark in 1877. He discovered that visible light was how ultraviolet or red light energy could heal wounds, bacterial infections, or scars. Sounds familiar? In this present, infrared light therapy is used for pain relief, improved sleep, inflammation, facials, detoxes, and more. Knowing this, you can see why color and light restores our mind, body, and emotional needs.

There are many ways in which you can work best with color therapy. To implement physical changes, you can update your selection of colors in your clothing, nail colors, makeup palette, or home decor. For the mind and emotional system, you can work with colors through visualization practices like art, meditation, or a color therapy lamp.

How Can Color Therapy and Astrology Work Together?

let mous

Color therapy works by frequency or wavelengths of colors, which can have a physiological or psychological impact on our well-being. Using appropriate colors guided by your zodiac sign can rebalance or harmonize your body’s energy centers. How can color therapy integrate with your zodiac sign? It begins by knowing and working with your Sun sign, granting you more confidence and understanding regarding your direction. It extends our overall vitality and spreads endless radiance in our lives. It fuels our well-being and emits light wherever it touches in the birth chart. In principle, our Sun sign is our destination point, our identity. Now, the Sun Sign is where we can reach that higher level of understanding about our process and how we will experience fulfillment in this life. Incorporating color therapy guided by astrology can help you obtain confidence, and when you feel balanced, you make sound choices.

​How Colors Align With Zodiac Signs

Brit + Co

Observing the astrological signs, they are all categorized within the elemental values. Starting with fire, the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are placed within this element. These signs hold precedence over the esoteric realm of spirit as they are meant to initiate, inspire, and teach. Fire tones are within the spectrum of golds, reds, and oranges.

The signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn reside within the earthy realm. They are supportive, detailed, and persevering in nature. The earth element enables humanity to take a firm stance involving patience or consistency. Deep greens, grays, and navy are colors that hold a grounded energy for these signs.

The signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius inhabit the air element. Those who hold this element strongly have the skill to circulate a constant flow of ideas, remain stimulated, and effectively communicate. Air energy guides humanity in the exchange of information, negotiation, and evolution. For clarity, the colors that best support these signs are yellows, pastel blues, or electric blues.

Ending with Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, these signs embody the water element. Natives with a strong water element are receptive to others' feelings and can be intuitive. They can also conjure creativity, withstand intensity, and dive deep into the world of dreams. Colors such as purples, deep reds, or soft greens can help these signs invoke self-love and confidence.

Colors for Each Zodiac Sign

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Personality Traits: Aries is bold, energetic, and daring, often leading the way with confidence and courage. They are natural-born leaders who take on challenges fearlessly.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Colors like red and orange help Aries channel their energy and passion. These colors promote confidence, courage, and an enhanced sense of purpose to match their bold nature.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Personality Traits: Known for their patience, determination, and deep connection to nature, Taurus seeks stability and grounding. They are steady and reliable, with an appreciation for beauty and luxury.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Earthy tones like green and brown are ideal for Taurus. These colors promote relaxation, groundedness, and stability, aligning with Taurus' need for balance and connection to nature.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Personality Traits: Gemini is versatile, adaptable, and intellectually curious. They thrive on communication and change, with a playful and creative side. Their dual nature makes them curious and full of ideas.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Bright yellow and light green stimulate mental agility, creativity, and versatility for Gemini. These colors foster communication and mental clarity, enhancing their natural curiosity and adaptability.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Personality Traits: Compassionate, intuitive, and deeply connected to family and emotions. Cancer nurtures others and seeks emotional fulfillment. They are protectors and caretakers.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Soft white, silver, and pale blue promote emotional healing, inner peace, and nurturing energy. These colors align with Cancer’s need for emotional well-being and tranquility.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Personality Traits: Leo exudes warmth, creativity, and pride. With their strong sense of self, they seek recognition and joy, and they inspire others with their vitality and passion.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Gold, yellow, and orange help Leo amplify their natural creativity and vitality, enhancing their self-expression and sense of pride. These warm colors increase confidence and fuel their dynamic energy.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Personality Traits: Virgos are known for their perfectionism, sharp intellect, and organizational skills. They are reliable, practical, and thrive on productivity and efficiency.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Soft green and blue are ideal for Virgo, promoting balance, healing, and clarity of mind. These colors assist in maintaining a calm and focused environment, supporting Virgo’s need for order and tranquility.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Personality Traits: Libra values harmony, beauty, and fairness. They seek balance in all aspects of life, often striving for peace and cooperation in their relationships and surroundings.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Pastel colors, particularly light blue and pink, promote peace, harmony, and emotional balance. These soft hues help Libra maintain their sense of equilibrium and enhance their diplomatic nature.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Personality Traits: Scorpio is intense, passionate, and deeply transformative. Known for their mystery and depth, they possess great inner strength and are drawn to uncover hidden truths.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Deep red, black, and maroon channel passion, power, and transformation for Scorpio. These intense colors align with their transformative nature and help them harness their strength.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Personality Traits: Sagittarius is adventurous, optimistic, and philosophical. They love exploring new ideas, cultures, and places and often share wisdom and joy with those around them.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Purple and deep blue enhance spiritual growth, adventure, and wisdom. These colors stimulate the Sagittarian desire for exploration and wisdom while supporting their boundless optimism.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Personality Traits: Capricorn is disciplined, ambitious, and pragmatic. They take a methodical approach to life and are determined to achieve their goals through hard work and patience.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Earthy tones like gray, brown, and navy support Capricorn’s need for focus, discipline, and groundedness. These colors help them stay on course and maintain a practical mindset.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Personality Traits: Aquarius is eccentric, innovative, and idealistic. They value independence and individuality, often challenging the status quo and embracing forward-thinking ideas.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Electric blue and purple enhance mental clarity, innovation, and independence. These vibrant colors support Aquarius' need for originality and their intellectual pursuits.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 20 – March 21)

Personality Traits: Pisces is intuitive, empathetic, and imaginative. Known for their dreamy and artistic nature, they deeply connect to the spiritual and emotional realms.
Chromatherapy Suggestions: Soft green, seafoam blue, and lavender promote relaxation, creativity, and intuition for Pisces. These calming colors enhance their dreamlike state and encourage emotional balance and creativity.

​Color Therapy Visualization Technique

Anh Nguyen

Now that you know which color vibrates with your zodiac sign, you can use this visualization technique to connect more with your Sun sign. Color therapy is a powerful tool for balancing energy, emotions, and well-being. By using the healing properties of colors, you can encourage emotional release, relaxation, and revitalization. Each color carries its frequency and vibration, which can help align and support different aspects of your life, from physical health to mental clarity.

This color therapy visualization technique will guide you through grounding, relaxation, and energetic renewal. Connecting with the colors that resonate with you will activate healing energy within your body and mind, clearing away any negative or stagnant energy. It’s a simple yet powerful practice that you can do daily to restore balance and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

Energetic Healing Visualization Technique

Mikhail Nilov

  1. Position yourself comfortably or sit in a lotus position. Place your left hand over your heart area.
  2. Take a deep breath through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth. With each breath, feel your body becoming more relaxed.
  3. Focus on the soles of your feet and imagine an energetic pull grounding you, anchoring you in the present moment.
  4. Take another deep breath, feeling a nurturing energy rising from the ground, reaching up to the soles of your feet. Allow this energy to gently move upward, relaxing and energizing your body—feet, calves, thighs, core, shoulders, arms, neck, face, and head.
  5. Imagine a bright, glowing light in the sky above you. This light represents your Higher Self.
  6. See the light spiraling down toward you, entering through the crown of your head and flowing through your body. As it moves, it changes into a vibrant color that resonates with you.
  7. Take another deep breath and allow the colored light to fill your core center. Visualize it growing brighter and expanding with each breath, filling your entire body.
  8. Imagine the light forming a dome or egg-like shape around your body, extending outward, cleansing your physical and energetic space.
  9. Release any tensions, worries, or negative energy, visualizing them fading away into the ground. Trust the process of transformation.
  10. Continue this visualization as long as you need. When you feel light and neutral, place your hands in a prayer position and silently offer thanks.
  11. Visualize the light around you returning to its source, and when ready, gently open your eyes.

This practice can be done 1-2 times daily, ideally in the morning or before bedtime.

Adara Cox

By integrating color therapy with your astrological sign, you can tap into a powerful tool for enhancing your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. These simple yet effective practices allow you to align with the natural flow of your energy and support your unique traits, helping you to feel more balanced and connected to yourself. Whether you choose to surround yourself with the colors that resonate with your sign or engage in visualization techniques, color therapy offers a profound way to nurture your overall health and personal growth.

Remember, your journey toward healing and balance is personal, and using the right colors can be an uplifting part of that process. Take time to explore the colors that speak to you and notice the subtle shifts they create in your life.

Do you wish to learn more about Lumi's work with astrology and her holistic approach? Lumi Pelinku invites you to dive deeper into your journey through an extended reading that can provide tailored insights and inspiration. Click here to book your reading today!

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice and follow the conversation on Facebook!

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Keep Cozy Underfoot With This Plush Area Rug


Sink your feet into the luxurious softness of this plush area rug. It adds warmth and texture beside your bed, making every step a soothing experience.

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A Sleeping Beauty Bed Canopy


Create your dreamy retreat with this lightweight canopy. Paired with soft, twinkling LED lights, it transforms your bed into a tranquil haven of comfort and whimsy.

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Layer Textures With This Woven Pillow


Bring a subtle bohemian charm to your bed with this woven pillow. The soft fringe and neutral palette add texture without overwhelming your serene aesthetic.

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Store More With These Wicker Baskets


Declutter your space with these woven wicker baskets. Their natural textures and versatile size make them perfect for storing blankets or accessories, adding a touch of calm to your bedroom.

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These Amber Glass Jars Fit Your Spa-Inspired Bathroom


This set of refillable Amber Glass Jars adds a touch of sophistication to your countertop. Ideal for soaps or lotions, they come with waterproof labels for easy identification.

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Style Your Space With This Gold Coffee Table


This chic gold coffee table combines a sleek metal frame with a clear glass top and storage shelf, offering functionality and elegance. Its airy design and soft metallic finish create a sense of openness and light, enhancing the calm and balanced feel of any living room or small space.

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A Spa-Inspired Shower Curtain


Achieve a spa-like aesthetic with this crisp white waffle weave shower curtain. Its durable cotton construction ensures longevity, and reviewers love its upscale feel.

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Upgrade Your Showers With This Bamboo Bath Mat


This eco-friendly bamboo bath mat adds a touch of luxury to your bathroom while being naturally water-resistant and easy to clean.

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Curate Charming Meals With These Ceramic Plates


Bring an artisan touch to your dining table with these hand-painted ceramic plates. Each set features unique patterns, combining functionality with artistic flair.

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A Comfy Cozy Loveseat Sofa


Wrapped in soft, durable teddy fabric, this loveseat sofa offers a cozy embrace, perfect for year-round use. Its wear-resistant material ensures it can handle daily life while adding a touch of warmth and comfort to your home. Ideal for bedrooms or living rooms, this small sofa is the perfect blend of style and functionality.

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A Serene Scented Soy Candle


The soft glow and fresh scent of this linen soy candle enhance relaxation, making it ideal for a quiet evening or self-care moments. Place it in your living room, bedroom, or bathroom for an added layer of tranquility.

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This Fringe Blanket Fits Anywhere


This natural-toned throw blanket introduces a touch of understated elegance while providing the ultimate coziness. Its lightweight yet warm material makes it ideal for relaxing moments, whether you’re reading, napping, or watching a movie.

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A Functional Yet Stylish Swivel Recliner


This swivel recliner promotes relaxation with its seamless reclining feature and smooth gliding motion. Whether you’re winding down after a long day or rocking a baby to sleep, it fosters a sense of tranquility and ease.

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Style Meets Function With This Ottoman


This leather ottoman combines functionality and elegance, offering a clutter-free, cozy feel. Use it to store extra pillows, as a relaxing seat to remove your shoes, or as a decorative element to ground your room’s aesthetic.

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Cast Warm Light With This Ceramic Lamp


This ceramic lamp in a natural concrete finish features a subtle design that brings a grounded, calming presence to your space. Its gentle illumination is perfect for creating cozy corners in bedrooms, living rooms, or reading nooks.

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Hang This Neutral Landscape Canvas Set


The gentle, earthy tones and abstract shapes of this landscape canvas evoke a sense of balance and tranquility, bringing visual harmony to your space. These artworks are a grounding focal point that complements a restful and clutter-free environment.

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A Rustic Round Wooden Side Table


Combining natural wood tones and minimalist accents creates a balanced and calming vibe. This round wood side table features a lightweight design that makes it easy to move, allowing you to reconfigure your space to maintain order and simplicity.

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Upgrade Your Aesthetic With This Eucalyptus Wreath


This 20" eucalyptus wreath brings a touch of nature indoors with its lifelike greenery, symbolizing growth and renewal. Its versatile design and soft, natural tones create a welcoming and calming aesthetic, perfect for maintaining a serene atmosphere year-round.

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Infuse Farmhouse Charm With This Bread Bowl


This natural wood bread bowl embodies rustic charm with its hand-carved, natural wood finish, adding warmth and organic texture to your space. Its timeless design and versatility as a centerpiece or decorative element promote a grounded, harmonious atmosphere in any room.

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Mix Materials With This Pillar Candle Holder


This pillar candle holder combines the elegance of clear glass with the warmth of natural wood, creating a harmonious blend of materials. Their soft candlelight enhances a calming atmosphere, while the minimalist design brings understated sophistication to any table or centerpiece.

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Use This Acacia Paddle Anywhere


This round acacia paddle adds an organic, natural element to your space with its rich acacia wood tones and smooth finish. Its timeless design enhances the warmth and simplicity of your kitchen or dining area, fostering a serene and inviting environment.

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Set Your Scene With Some Ceramic Jugs


This set of distressed ceramic jugs exudes farmhouse charm with its textured and neutral design, making it a versatile addition to any room. The understated elegance and soft tones create a calming focal point, enhancing your space's tranquil and harmonious feel.

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Curate Your Dream Gallery With These Photo Frames


This set of wooden photo frames brings warmth and personalization to your home with its natural brown wood finish. The ability to showcase cherished memories or calming artwork promotes emotional well-being and creates a comforting, serene atmosphere.

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A Bookshelf for Your Favorites


This sturdy 7-cube bookshelf features a natural wood finish and open shelf design, perfect for maintaining an organized, clutter-free space. Its clean lines and functional layout enhance any room's tranquil and balanced atmosphere and allow you to show off the items that reflect your style.

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Add Style and Convenience With These Nesting Coffee Table


This 2-piece nesting coffee table set combines a natural wood finish with a handcrafted ring motif, adding warmth and artisanal charm. Its versatile design promotes functionality while maintaining a clean, harmonious aesthetic, perfect for a serene living room setup.

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Cherish Little Moments With This Latte Mug Set


This ceramic latte mug set features soft, neutral tones and a modern, boho design, creating a soothing and inviting aesthetic. The handcrafted look and feel encourage mindful moments, making them perfect for enjoying your favorite beverages in a calm and serene environment.

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Upgrade Your Serenity With This Tea Kettle


Le Creuset's enamel tea kettle combines functionality with timeless elegance, featuring a calming olive tone and gold finishes. Its soothing aesthetic and practicality create a warm, tranquil atmosphere, perfect for enhancing peaceful moments in your kitchen.

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Brighten Your Space With This Pharmacy Floor Lamp


This adjustable pharmacy floor lamp in aged brass offers style and practicality, providing focused lighting for relaxing or reading. Its traditional design and warm metal finish create a comforting and harmonious ambiance, perfect for enhancing a serene home environment.

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Enhance Your Entryway With This Console Table


This console table with faux marble top features a sleek golden frame and minimalist design, bringing understated elegance to entryways or living spaces. Its clean lines and light-toned surface create an uncluttered, serene atmosphere, perfect for a peaceful home.

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Get Cozy With This Oversized Lounge Chair


This oversized corduroy chaise lounge chair combines plush comfort and soft beige tones to create a cozy retreat for relaxation. Its inviting design and washable cover make it a practical yet calming addition to a serene bedroom or living room.

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Mount Stylish Storage With This Bathroom Wall Cabinet


This modern bathroom wall cabinet features a natural oak finish and fluted sliding door, blending modern elegance with functionality. Its clean lines and faux marble top bring a sense of calm and order to your bathroom, promoting a serene and organized space.

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Liven Up Your Space With This Potted Succulent


This artificial potted succulent offers a touch of greenery without the upkeep, adding a natural and calming element to your space. Housed in a rustic black clay planter, they bring subtle charm and balance to any room, enhancing the serene atmosphere of a peaceful home.

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Keep Your Bedroom Tidy With Floating Shelves


Simplify your space with these minimalist floating shelves. Ideal for decluttering your nightstand, they keep essentials like books and plants within reach, promoting a sense of order and tranquility.

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Layer Your Space With Linen Curtains


Soften natural light with these breezy linen curtains. Their delicate texture and neutral tones evoke a peaceful ambiance, turning your bedroom into a light-filled sanctuary.

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Create High-Traffic Transitions With This Runner Rug


This hallway runner rug in soft, neutral tones adds warmth and texture to your space while maintaining a clean, minimalist aesthetic. Its hand-woven design and washable material make it practical and calming, ideal for creating a serene and inviting atmosphere in high-traffic areas.

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