8 Signs (& Red Flags) Your Job Is Taking Over Your Life

Signs Your Job Is Taking Over Your LifeSigns Your Job Is Taking Over Your Life

It might seem like more and more companies are prioritizing work-life balance nowadays, but that doesn't mean employees aren't still consumed by their responsibilities. For some, climbing the corporate ladder and furthering their career is proving to be increasingly demanding amidst the competitive job market; meanwhile, others are worried about the tumultuous economy, and working longer hours helps them feel more financially stable.

While these concerns are all understandable, it's unhealthy to let work creep into every corner of your existence. Here are eight telltale signs that your job is taking over your life.

Scroll to find out the obvious signs your job is taking over your life.

1. You Obsessively Check Your Work Email

woman drinking coffee and checking her email

Sora Shimazaki

Certain people struggle with social media addiction, scrolling for hours on apps like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Yet, you may find yourself glued to Gmail or Outlook.

Do you constantly refresh your work email to make sure you haven't missed anything? Do you check your email as soon as you wake up in the morning and right before your head hits the pillow at night?

If so, your job is dominating your thoughts, and these obsessive tendencies can lead you to suffer stress and anxiety. Now, you don't have to entirely "unplug," but make sure you're giving yourself space to relax, decompress, and worry about other things that aren't work-related.

2. You Work During Weekends Or Vacations

Yan Krukau

Weekends (and vacation time) are common practice for a reason. It's unrealistic to expect anyone to continuously work without a break, and working when you're supposed to be resting can seriously erode your motivation and mental health over time.

Sure, catching up on emails or completing a project with an impending deadline can be fine on weekends from time to time. However, most Saturdays and Sundays should be reserved for "you time," and working when you're supposed to be on vacation is flat-out unacceptable.

3. Your Relationship With Your Significant Other Is Struggling

Alex Green

When a job starts to take over your life, relationships can really take a hit, especially the one you share with your significant other.

Your partner may grow frustrated if literally all you do is talk about your workday or stress about the outstanding items on your to-do list. Plus, if you're frequently working long hours or are just mentally consumed by your responsibilities, you and your partner won't get to spend enough uninterrupted quality time together.

Sacrificing personal free time is one thing, but if you realize that your romantic relationship is suffering due to the demands of your job, it may be time to reassess your situation. After all, your partner (and you) deserve more.

4. Every Goal You Have Is Career-Related

The Drink

Being career-driven is often viewed as a very valuable and commendable personality trait, yet being too goal-oriented can spiral out of control. This is particularly true if all of your aspirations center solely around your career. This tunnel vision may help you climb the corporate ladder faster, but you're doing your inner self a disservice.

Aside from promotions and salary increases, what other life goals do you have? You might've once dreamed of owning a home, starting a family, traveling more, or delving into a hobby. If these goals have been entirely pushed to the wayside in favor of focusing on just your career, your job is consuming your life.

5. You've Lost Your "Spark"

Andrea Piacquadio

Remember when you were in high school or even college, with wide eyes and big plans for your future? Unfortunately, adulthood has a way of grounding our expectations. Even so, no one turns into a corporate zombie overnight. After landing your job, you might've been over the moon and actually excited about your new position.

Nowadays, do you see that same person in the mirror? Or do you find yourself feeling agitated, unenthused, and trudging through your day-to-day? This is a red flag that you've lost your "spark," the personality that makes you, well, you.

6. Your Home Is A Mess

Vlada Karpovich

Some people out there are simply messy by nature. Regardless, that doesn't mean their homes are always complete disasters. With dozens of meetings and an endless amount of tasks on your to-do list each week, it can be hard to keep up with laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and mopping.

It's obviously okay for houses to be "lived in" and not spotless all the time. Still, neglecting maintenance and cleaning of your home is a major sign that your job is taking up way too much of your time. You deserve to dwell in a space that feels clean and cozy, especially if that's what you desire.

7. You Frequently Have To Cancel Plans

Ivan Samkov

Think back to the last time you actually got to grab drinks with your best friend or enjoy dinner with your parents. Have you become known as "flakey?" Having to cancel plans all the time due to your job isn't just unfair to your loved ones; it's not good for your mental health.

While it's great to have solid or even family-like relationships with your coworkers, they shouldn't be who you see every waking hour of the day. Everyone needs relationships outside of work, and by constantly canceling on your loved ones, you're just isolating yourself and letting your job take over your personal life.

8. You Suffer From The "Sunday Scaries"

Antoni Shkraba

Finally, no one really likes Mondays. But that doesn't mean your Sundays should be filled with anxiety over them. Think about it: you only get two days off each week. If you constantly get the "Sunday Scaries," half of your weekend has been wasted on work stress.

Getting out of the house, disconnecting from your devices, and even meditation can be helpful in curbing this common problem. Nevertheless, if none of that works, it's usually a red flag that your job is impeding your life and negatively impacting your mental health.

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The business world is more competitive today than ever. From higher education to greater experience requirements and major technological advancements, the fight to climb the corporate ladder at work has never been more cutthroat.

Even so, certain zodiac signs are naturally equipped to rise above the rest. Whether due to strategic thinking or unwavering determination, here are the eight zodiac signs most likely to succeed in business.

Scroll to find out which zodiac signs are the most likely to success at work!


1. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos are natural-born leaders who always make their presence known. They're able to effortlessly command attention with their charisma, creativity, and confidence, and they absolutely love being in the spotlight.

But they don't just draw people in because of their drive for achievement and recognition. They also inspire and motivate those around them to be better, which is why Leos are prime candidates for leadership positions like CEOs or entrepreneurs.

Polina Zimmerman

2. Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

This sign is typically practical, goal-oriented, and disciplined. Capricorns don't believe in cutting corners or doing things halfway. Instead, they commit to all projects fully, and their work ethic is unmatched.

That's what sets Capricorns apart in the business world. They're able to plan strategically and keep long-term goals in mind. Their reliability and determination make them excellent entrepreneurs, company execs, and business partners.

Polina Tankilevitch

3. Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries are trailblazers with a natural ability to lead. The fact that they're always ready for a challenge, coupled with their bold energy, helps them thrive in competitive environments.

This sign isn't afraid to make decisions that push them out of their comfort zones, either. They understand that taking risks can lead to big rewards in the future. Such fearlessness and confidence are invaluable in the business world.

Anna Nekrashevich

4. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios are able to focus, strategize, and push through any obstacles in their way. This sign is also able to read people, which is critical when it comes to making decisions and striking deals in business.

They're great at negotiating and building relationships, so Scorpios can hold their own in high-pressure environments.


5. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgos are known for their sharp minds and practical approach to work. They have an eye for detail and a strategic way of tackling tasks, making sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Plus, they can break down complex problems and find solutions, which is a daily chore in business. Virgos do best in environments that are organized and structured, which allows their productivity and precision to shine.


6. Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Sagittarians may be known for their adventurous spirits and willingness to take risks. While these traits may sometimes give the sign a bad rap, they can still be very helpful in business.

That's because Sagittarians are always on the lookout for new opportunities, ranging from their personal lives to business and investments. They have the courage to step outside their comfort zones, thanks to their optimism and embrace of the unknown.


7. Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Tauruses love stability and getting to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Given that this sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and abundance, they are drawn to wealth and luxury. But that doesn't make them haphazard business people.

Rather, Tauruses are practical and know how to make savvy financial decisions that set them up for long-term success. They're patient, too, so they tend to stay the course and follow their goals until completion.

Tiger Lily

8. Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Last but certainly not least is Aquarius. This sign's forward-thinking and creativity often help them find success in unexpected ways.

They're able to spot opportunities that other people might overlook, especially in fields like technology and humanitarian work. Their strength lies in their ability to think differently, challenge the status quo, and embrace new ideas.

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!

Trader Joe’s current lineup of Easter goodies is better than ever. They’ve got so many sweets on deck – including chocolate bunnies, of course – as well as festive spring snacks that simply make the perfectEaster basket additions! This year, there’s really no shortage of fun TJ’s finds to brighten up your season.

Scroll on for 11 Trader Joe’s Easter finds that are totally worth grabbing before they’re gone!

Trader Joe's

Milk Chocolate Bunny Bar

This adorable bunny-shaped chocolate bar is topped with tons of bright candy gems and rainbow nonpareils (which are crafted with dyes from natural ingredients) to liven up your Easter snack collection! This limited-time item will definitely not last long on shelves, so run to TJ's soon!

Trader Joe's

Peas & Carrots Sour Gummy Candies

Shaped like tiny little peas and carrots, these bites are far from actual veggies. In fact, they're made of a delicious gummy candy tinged with just the right amount of sourness that balances out the sugary goodness.

Trader Joe's

Break Apart Bunny

This is not your average chocolate bunny. While still hollow like most traditional treats, this one's actually loaded up with a handful of carrot-shaped gummy candies – like a perfect little (and edible!) Easter-themed piñata. Your Easter basket recipients won't be able to resist breaking it open!

Trader Joe's

Chocolate Truffle Eggs

Ooh, fancy. Perfectly packaged for Eastertime gifting, this collection of egg-shaped chocolate truffles boats 7 distinctive flavors that feel oh-so bougie. You're def going to want to grab one for yourself – we're absolutely eyeing that pistachio egg. 👀

Trader Joe's

Raspberry Mousse Cakes

These lil' cakes are almost too cute to eat! Each one starts with a base of moist vanilla cake that's topped with raspberry-flavored mousse. The batch then is covered in a sweet confectionary coating (including an edible leaf!) to emulate the sheer magic of raspberries on one easy-to-eat treat.

Trader Joe's

Italian Chocolate Eggs

Add these eggs to your Easter candy bowl, stat! This pack comes with 4 decadent flavor pairings encased in colorful coatings so you can easily sneak in a bite of springtime joy throughout the day.

Trader Joe's

Sea Salt Brownie Bites

We are obsessed with these brownie bites. The added sea salt on top of 'em adds some extra flavor oomph that feels super elevated and perfectly fancy for a special occasion such as Easter.

Trader Joe's

Teensy Candy Bars

Basically like 'teensy' versions of a Snickers bar, these micro-sized candy bars are dangerously easy to snack on. Your little ones will adore them!

Trader Joe's

Chocolatey Drizzled Strawberry Kettle Popcorn

Drizzled with freeze-dried strawberries and chocolate, this kettle corn is unlike anything you've tried before. The fruity notes most definitely qualify it as a great spring snack, while the chocolate adds Eastertime decadence.

Trader Joe's

Organic Sparkling Rosé Tea Beverage

For something to sip on, this can is the epitome of spring flavors. It's made with a blend of four teas along with white grape juice, hibiscus flowers, orange peel, and rose hips for some insanely good floral and citrusy notes!

Trader Joe's

Tangerine Probiotic Sparkling Beverage

Crafted with probiotics, this bubbly bev contains a "light, refreshing, sweet-tart flavor" that'll have you hooked from first gulp.

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There's arguably nothing worse than dealing with a passive-aggressive boss. Rather than laying their grievances out on the line, they use indirect communication that leaves you feeling confused, frustrated, and unsure of how to respond without escalating the situation.

But whether it's a sarcastic remark, a roundabout criticism, or a backhanded compliment, handling these statements with calculated grace is key. So, here are 10 smart responses you can use on your boss the next time they make passive-aggressive comments.

Scroll to find out what you should say when your boss makes another passive-aggressive comment at work.

1. Clarify & Confirm

Marcus Aurelius

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a wild remark from your boss that practically made you do a double-take? If so, don't be afraid to respectfully ask for clarification, forcing them to expand on their perspective without any ambiguity.

For instance, saying something like, "I just want to make sure I understand you currently. Are you saying that..." and paraphrasing their comment is a powerful tool. Not only will it avoid miscommunication, but it will also make your boss address their issue with you head-on.

2. Ask For Their Feedback

Edmond Dantès

We can only learn and grow in environments that challenge us while supporting us along the way. However, passive-aggressive bosses may resort to beating around the bush, making offhand critiques about your work that are vague yet still hurtful.

You can urge your employer to be more straightforward with you by telling them point-blank, "I value your feedback." Asking for open dialogue as opposed to one-off comments will show that you're receptive to constructive criticism and encourage your boss to be a stronger leader.

3. Politely Challenge

Vlada Karpovich

Whether your boss tries to guilt-trip you by implying you're not doing enough or praises you in a sarcastic manner, you can always politely challenge them, too.

Try saying, "It seems like you're hinting at something. Could you be more direct so I can address it appropriately?" Your boss will be put on the spot and driven to share their true feelings without the white noise.

4. Show Understanding

Edmond Dantès

Passive aggression shouldn't be acceptable in workplaces, but sometimes, showing compassion and understanding can help diffuse these all-too-common situations.

As hard as it may be, giving your boss some grace and acknowledging their apparent frustrations may be enough to get you both on the same page.

For instance, saying something such as, "It sounds like you might be feeling irritated. Let's figure out what we can do to fix it together," can encourage teamwork and put a stop to the indirect blame game.

5. Maintain Professional Distance


When passive-aggressive statements start to feel catty in the office, it's not just hurtful; it also retracts from productivity and can lessen the quality of completed work.

To cleverly call out your boss while shifting attention back to the matter at hand, you can respond with, "I'm not sure I follow the tone of your comment. Let's focus on our work so we can move forward."

6. Stay Calm & Collected


It can be tempting to go on the offensive in passive-aggressive situations. Even so, staying cool as a cucumber will reinforce your professionalism and prevent a full-blown stand-off from occurring.

All you have to say is, "I hear your concerns, and I'll focus on improving that moving forward." It's direct, indicates you understand your boss' grievances, and should keep them from harping on.

7. Redirect To Next Steps

Christina Morillo

One of the biggest issues with passive aggression is that it makes someone's issue with you indirectly apparent. Yet, it can be tough to know exactly how to fix their problem moving forward, given they're beating around the bush.

Let's say your boss makes a snarky remark about a PTO request or acts unsatisfied with a project you completed. Don't hesitate to ask, "So, what next steps should we take to ensure this doesn't happen again?"

8. Make It Clear That You're There To Grow

Antoni Shkraba

You could be early in your career or an industry veteran. Either way, vague passive-aggressive statements about performance can be equally hurtful (not to mention unhelpful).

A smart way to respond is by saying, "I'm here to learn and grow." It makes your intentions crystal clear, reminds your boss that you're only human, and could open up conversations about avenues for improvement.

9. Share How You Value Your Professional Relationship

Christina Morillo

All relationships, from romantic and platonic to professional, rely on mutual respect and communication. Passive aggression is a sign of disrespect, but you can help turn interactions with your boss around by saying, "I value our professional relationship."

It will successfully set a positive tone and convey that you want a healthy working relationship. It may also help your boss realize that they haven't been treating you the way they'd like to be treated.

10. Set Boundaries


Finally, the most direct approach is to confront your boss' passive-aggressive attitude by setting firm boundaries. This can be uncomfortable, but with the right tact and professionalism, it can be very powerful.

For example, consider using this statement: "I believe in having open and honest communication. Can we make sure we're on the same page moving forward?"

It makes your desire for transparency clear and forces your boss to rise to your expectations.

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One Tree Hill fans were heartbroken (and a little bit confused) when season 6 ended and Peyton (Hilarie Burton) and Lucas (Chad Michael Murray) left without a trace. It had been a season of danger, life-threatening situations, and literal murder, and for two of the show's leads to just fall off the face of the earth felt inconsistent with how tight-knit the friend group had always been. And viewers weren't the only ones to think so.

"This is the problem: They didn't give us enough to make where our friends went make sense," Drama Queens host Sophia Bush said of the "unfortunate" decision to write Hilarie and Chad out of the show. (Hilarie has said in a previous episode of the rewatch podcast that both her and Chad were "treated badly, and he defended me...Chad was my teammate.")

Keep reading for what Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy Lenz, and Robert Buckley's thoughts on Peyton and Lucas leaving One Tree Hill.

Sophia Bush thought Peyton and Lucas leaving 'One Tree Hill' was "really weird."

Warner Bros. TV

One Tree Hill season 6 ended after Peyton almost died giving birth to her and Lucas' daughter, and after introducing baby Sawyer to the rest of the crew, they just...drive off into the sunset.

"I don't even remember where they moved. Where did they go?" Bethany Joy Lenz says, to which Robert Buckley replies, "They left in a convertible, so I'm gonna guess maybe the West Coast where it's a bit warmer and less rainy."

But no matter where Peyton and Lucas moved, the One Tree Hill cast can't quite wrap their heads around the fact that, in the story, Brooke literally never hears from Peyton again. "I used to ask, 'Why can't Brooke [Davis] be getting text messages from Peyton? Why can't you see them texting? Like, why am I not getting photo updates of this baby? It feels really weird.'"

And while Lucas returns for an episode in season 9, he was also radio silent for his three-season absence, as was his mom Karen. "Everybody, they just faded off into the distance," Bethany says. "I do wish they had kept that up in some more clear way. I don't think it would have been hard."

While Bethany Joy Lenz think is was because of "personal beef" behind the scenes.

But Bethany theorizes the onscreen confusion boils down to behind-the-scenes drama with creator Mark Schwann, whom the cast accused of sexual harassment in 2017. The women of the show wrote an open letter explaining how “many of us were, to varying degrees, manipulated psychologically and emotionally," and how "more than one of us is still in treatment for post-traumatic stress."

"I think it was some sort of personal beef behind the scenes," Bethany adds in the Drama Queens episode. "He was hoping the audience would just forget about them."

"Which seems so stupid because it's a choice rooted in ego," Sophia adds. "It's like, 'Dude, you wrote those characters, so you knew they were great. So why are we suddenly pretending they're not?'"

Fred Norris/Warner Bros. TV

Hopefully we'll see all our favorite Tree Hill Ravens return for a One Tree Hill sequel series. While the show hasn't been officially greenlit at Netflix yet, Hilarie Burton exclusively told Brit + Co that everyone involved in the show is "really proud of the work that we did back then too. And so to see the public support this little show we made 20 years later, that's so special and it's so rare."

You can stream all of One Tree Hill on Hulu now — and read up on Chad Michael Murray's Perfect Idea For The One Tree Hill Reunion.

Colleen Hoover (and her books) aren't afraid to make a statement. BookTok is still reeling from Verity, while the rest of the internet can't stop talking about all the It Ends With Us behind-the-scenes drama. and Hoover's newest adaptation, Regretting You, is just as gripping and emotional as all her other stories. The movie is based on the 2019 novel of the same name, and while It Ends With Us centers around romantic relationships, Regretting You is all about mother-daughter relationships.

What's 'Regretting You' about?


Regretting You follows Morgan Grant (played by Allison Williams), who put her dreams on hold years ago when she got pregnant with her daughter Clara (McKenna Grace). Their age gap mirrors the one we see we see between Lorelai and Rory in Gilmore Girls, but instead of the Gilmores' close bond, Morgan and Clara's relationship becomes more strained the older Clara gets — especially when Morgan's husband Chris passes away in a tragic accident, revealing a secret that could change Clara's life forever.

While It Ends With Us is a larger production from Sony, Regretting You will be an indie production. Stay tuned for official production details!

Who's in the 'Regretting You' cast?

Monica Schipper/Arturo Holmes/Getty Images

Allison Williams (Get Out) and McKenna Grace (Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire) lead the Regretting You cast. These two are joined by Dave Franco (Now You See Me), Mason Thames (The Black Phone), Willa Fitzgerald (The Fall of the House of Usher), and Scott Eastwood (Wind River: Rising).

The movie will be directed by The Fault in Our Stars' Josh Boone and written by Susan McMartin.

When does 'Regretting You' come out?


Regretting You comes out on October 24, and it's easily one of our most-anticipated movies for 2025!

Is 'Regretting You' a spicy book?


Regretting You definitely has less spice than Colleen Hoover's other books. In fact, this TikToker ranks it as her least-spicy book! Since the story focuses on Morgan and Clara, instead of a romantic relationship, this is a good pick for any readers who prefer less spicy books.

What's the message of 'Regretting You'?

Alexander Grey/Pexels

Regretting You is all about life, which I know sounds like a huge message! But the story introduces us to an established family rather than two people who want to begin a family. Chris, Morgan, and Clara already have relationships with each other, and as time passes in the story, Regretting You shows us how circumstances can change, how overwhelming our emotions can feel, and how strong our family bonds can become.

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