8 Signs (& Red Flags) Your Job Is Taking Over Your Life

Signs Your Job Is Taking Over Your Life

It might seem like more and more companies are prioritizing work-life balance nowadays, but that doesn't mean employees aren't still consumed by their responsibilities. For some, climbing the corporate ladder and furthering their career is proving to be increasingly demanding amidst the competitive job market; meanwhile, others are worried about the tumultuous economy, and working longer hours helps them feel more financially stable.

While these concerns are all understandable, it's unhealthy to let work creep into every corner of your existence. Here are eight telltale signs that your job is taking over your life.

Scroll to find out the obvious signs your job is taking over your life.

1. You Obsessively Check Your Work Email

Sora Shimazaki

Certain people struggle with social media addiction, scrolling for hours on apps like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Yet, you may find yourself glued to Gmail or Outlook.

Do you constantly refresh your work email to make sure you haven't missed anything? Do you check your email as soon as you wake up in the morning and right before your head hits the pillow at night?

If so, your job is dominating your thoughts, and these obsessive tendencies can lead you to suffer stress and anxiety. Now, you don't have to entirely "unplug," but make sure you're giving yourself space to relax, decompress, and worry about other things that aren't work-related.

2. You Work During Weekends Or Vacations

Yan Krukau

Weekends (and vacation time) are common practice for a reason. It's unrealistic to expect anyone to continuously work without a break, and working when you're supposed to be resting can seriously erode your motivation and mental health over time.

Sure, catching up on emails or completing a project with an impending deadline can be fine on weekends from time to time. However, most Saturdays and Sundays should be reserved for "you time," and working when you're supposed to be on vacation is flat-out unacceptable.

3. Your Relationship With Your Significant Other Is Struggling

Alex Green

When a job starts to take over your life, relationships can really take a hit, especially the one you share with your significant other.

Your partner may grow frustrated if literally all you do is talk about your workday or stress about the outstanding items on your to-do list. Plus, if you're frequently working long hours or are just mentally consumed by your responsibilities, you and your partner won't get to spend enough uninterrupted quality time together.

Sacrificing personal free time is one thing, but if you realize that your romantic relationship is suffering due to the demands of your job, it may be time to reassess your situation. After all, your partner (and you) deserve more.

4. Every Goal You Have Is Career-Related

The Drink

Being career-driven is often viewed as a very valuable and commendable personality trait, yet being too goal-oriented can spiral out of control. This is particularly true if all of your aspirations center solely around your career. This tunnel vision may help you climb the corporate ladder faster, but you're doing your inner self a disservice.

Aside from promotions and salary increases, what other life goals do you have? You might've once dreamed of owning a home, starting a family, traveling more, or delving into a hobby. If these goals have been entirely pushed to the wayside in favor of focusing on just your career, your job is consuming your life.

5. You've Lost Your "Spark"

Andrea Piacquadio

Remember when you were in high school or even college, with wide eyes and big plans for your future? Unfortunately, adulthood has a way of grounding our expectations. Even so, no one turns into a corporate zombie overnight. After landing your job, you might've been over the moon and actually excited about your new position.

Nowadays, do you see that same person in the mirror? Or do you find yourself feeling agitated, unenthused, and trudging through your day-to-day? This is a red flag that you've lost your "spark," the personality that makes you, well, you.

6. Your Home Is A Mess

Vlada Karpovich

Some people out there are simply messy by nature. Regardless, that doesn't mean their homes are always complete disasters. With dozens of meetings and an endless amount of tasks on your to-do list each week, it can be hard to keep up with laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and mopping.

It's obviously okay for houses to be "lived in" and not spotless all the time. Still, neglecting maintenance and cleaning of your home is a major sign that your job is taking up way too much of your time. You deserve to dwell in a space that feels clean and cozy, especially if that's what you desire.

7. You Frequently Have To Cancel Plans

Ivan Samkov

Think back to the last time you actually got to grab drinks with your best friend or enjoy dinner with your parents. Have you become known as "flakey?" Having to cancel plans all the time due to your job isn't just unfair to your loved ones; it's not good for your mental health.

While it's great to have solid or even family-like relationships with your coworkers, they shouldn't be who you see every waking hour of the day. Everyone needs relationships outside of work, and by constantly canceling on your loved ones, you're just isolating yourself and letting your job take over your personal life.

8. You Suffer From The "Sunday Scaries"

Antoni Shkraba

Finally, no one really likes Mondays. But that doesn't mean your Sundays should be filled with anxiety over them. Think about it: you only get two days off each week. If you constantly get the "Sunday Scaries," half of your weekend has been wasted on work stress.

Getting out of the house, disconnecting from your devices, and even meditation can be helpful in curbing this common problem. Nevertheless, if none of that works, it's usually a red flag that your job is impeding your life and negatively impacting your mental health.

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The business world is more competitive today than ever. From higher education to greater experience requirements and major technological advancements, the fight to climb the corporate ladder at work has never been more cutthroat.

Even so, certain zodiac signs are naturally equipped to rise above the rest. Whether due to strategic thinking or unwavering determination, here are the eight zodiac signs most likely to succeed in business.

Scroll to find out which zodiac signs are the most likely to success at work!


1. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos are natural-born leaders who always make their presence known. They're able to effortlessly command attention with their charisma, creativity, and confidence, and they absolutely love being in the spotlight.

But they don't just draw people in because of their drive for achievement and recognition. They also inspire and motivate those around them to be better, which is why Leos are prime candidates for leadership positions like CEOs or entrepreneurs.

Polina Zimmerman

2. Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

This sign is typically practical, goal-oriented, and disciplined. Capricorns don't believe in cutting corners or doing things halfway. Instead, they commit to all projects fully, and their work ethic is unmatched.

That's what sets Capricorns apart in the business world. They're able to plan strategically and keep long-term goals in mind. Their reliability and determination make them excellent entrepreneurs, company execs, and business partners.

Polina Tankilevitch

3. Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries are trailblazers with a natural ability to lead. The fact that they're always ready for a challenge, coupled with their bold energy, helps them thrive in competitive environments.

This sign isn't afraid to make decisions that push them out of their comfort zones, either. They understand that taking risks can lead to big rewards in the future. Such fearlessness and confidence are invaluable in the business world.

Anna Nekrashevich

4. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios are able to focus, strategize, and push through any obstacles in their way. This sign is also able to read people, which is critical when it comes to making decisions and striking deals in business.

They're great at negotiating and building relationships, so Scorpios can hold their own in high-pressure environments.


5. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgos are known for their sharp minds and practical approach to work. They have an eye for detail and a strategic way of tackling tasks, making sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Plus, they can break down complex problems and find solutions, which is a daily chore in business. Virgos do best in environments that are organized and structured, which allows their productivity and precision to shine.


6. Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Sagittarians may be known for their adventurous spirits and willingness to take risks. While these traits may sometimes give the sign a bad rap, they can still be very helpful in business.

That's because Sagittarians are always on the lookout for new opportunities, ranging from their personal lives to business and investments. They have the courage to step outside their comfort zones, thanks to their optimism and embrace of the unknown.


7. Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Tauruses love stability and getting to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Given that this sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and abundance, they are drawn to wealth and luxury. But that doesn't make them haphazard business people.

Rather, Tauruses are practical and know how to make savvy financial decisions that set them up for long-term success. They're patient, too, so they tend to stay the course and follow their goals until completion.

Tiger Lily

8. Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

Last but certainly not least is Aquarius. This sign's forward-thinking and creativity often help them find success in unexpected ways.

They're able to spot opportunities that other people might overlook, especially in fields like technology and humanitarian work. Their strength lies in their ability to think differently, challenge the status quo, and embrace new ideas.

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!

Dating or marrying someone you can't be yourself with feels awful, but Gisele Bündchen is done with that. She's moved on from life with Tom Brady and has been happily enjoying her relationship with jiu-jitsu trainer Joaquim Valente. She even announced she was pregnant with their first child together last year! But that doesn't means she's forgotten how she felt during her former marriage, nor is she shying away from embracing all the new feelings!

Keep scrolling to learn how Gisele Bündchen feels post her divorce from Tom Brady!

Jason Koerner/Getty Images IWC Schaffhausen

Gisele Bündchen is basking in the afterglow that comes from ending a draining relationship. According to Page Six, a source told them she's experiencing a "freer" feeling with her current boyfriend Joaquim Valente. This comes as a surprise because she and Tom Brady always looked happy in pictures together, but we see how they don't always show what happens behind closed doors.

But she's not slighting Tom! If anything, the source noted the former model is "grateful for what she had" with him and "is blessed for their children."

The observation Gisele's made is noticing that she "felt like she lived in Tom [Brady’s] shadow for a long time," according to the source. Sometimes we shrink ourselves so we don't eclipse the grandiose personality of our partners which can make us feel invisible over time. That's not to say Gisele wanted to overshadow Tom, but feeling heard and seen in a relationship should apply to both partners.

Knowing that the source says she's "absolutely loving this new chapter," it's incredibly valid for Gisele to embrace what feels like a breath of fresh air!

In a previous Page Six reporting, a different insider dished about how Tom felt upon learning Gisele was having a baby with Joaquim. "It just wasn’t something that was on his radar. So when Gisele broke the news to him he was stunned, to say the least." However, the former pro-football player accepted this new development in his ex-wife's life.

"At the end of the day, Tom’s sole focus is on his children and his career. What Gisele decides to do with her own life is really none of his business."

Do you think Gisele Bündchen truly feels different in her relationship with Joaquim Valente? Share your thoughts on Facebook!

There's arguably nothing worse than dealing with a passive-aggressive boss. Rather than laying their grievances out on the line, they use indirect communication that leaves you feeling confused, frustrated, and unsure of how to respond without escalating the situation.

But whether it's a sarcastic remark, a roundabout criticism, or a backhanded compliment, handling these statements with calculated grace is key. So, here are 10 smart responses you can use on your boss the next time they make passive-aggressive comments.

Scroll to find out what you should say when your boss makes another passive-aggressive comment at work.

1. Clarify & Confirm

Marcus Aurelius

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a wild remark from your boss that practically made you do a double-take? If so, don't be afraid to respectfully ask for clarification, forcing them to expand on their perspective without any ambiguity.

For instance, saying something like, "I just want to make sure I understand you currently. Are you saying that..." and paraphrasing their comment is a powerful tool. Not only will it avoid miscommunication, but it will also make your boss address their issue with you head-on.

2. Ask For Their Feedback

Edmond Dantès

We can only learn and grow in environments that challenge us while supporting us along the way. However, passive-aggressive bosses may resort to beating around the bush, making offhand critiques about your work that are vague yet still hurtful.

You can urge your employer to be more straightforward with you by telling them point-blank, "I value your feedback." Asking for open dialogue as opposed to one-off comments will show that you're receptive to constructive criticism and encourage your boss to be a stronger leader.

3. Politely Challenge

Vlada Karpovich

Whether your boss tries to guilt-trip you by implying you're not doing enough or praises you in a sarcastic manner, you can always politely challenge them, too.

Try saying, "It seems like you're hinting at something. Could you be more direct so I can address it appropriately?" Your boss will be put on the spot and driven to share their true feelings without the white noise.

4. Show Understanding

Edmond Dantès

Passive aggression shouldn't be acceptable in workplaces, but sometimes, showing compassion and understanding can help diffuse these all-too-common situations.

As hard as it may be, giving your boss some grace and acknowledging their apparent frustrations may be enough to get you both on the same page.

For instance, saying something such as, "It sounds like you might be feeling irritated. Let's figure out what we can do to fix it together," can encourage teamwork and put a stop to the indirect blame game.

5. Maintain Professional Distance


When passive-aggressive statements start to feel catty in the office, it's not just hurtful; it also retracts from productivity and can lessen the quality of completed work.

To cleverly call out your boss while shifting attention back to the matter at hand, you can respond with, "I'm not sure I follow the tone of your comment. Let's focus on our work so we can move forward."

6. Stay Calm & Collected


It can be tempting to go on the offensive in passive-aggressive situations. Even so, staying cool as a cucumber will reinforce your professionalism and prevent a full-blown stand-off from occurring.

All you have to say is, "I hear your concerns, and I'll focus on improving that moving forward." It's direct, indicates you understand your boss' grievances, and should keep them from harping on.

7. Redirect To Next Steps

Christina Morillo

One of the biggest issues with passive aggression is that it makes someone's issue with you indirectly apparent. Yet, it can be tough to know exactly how to fix their problem moving forward, given they're beating around the bush.

Let's say your boss makes a snarky remark about a PTO request or acts unsatisfied with a project you completed. Don't hesitate to ask, "So, what next steps should we take to ensure this doesn't happen again?"

8. Make It Clear That You're There To Grow

Antoni Shkraba

You could be early in your career or an industry veteran. Either way, vague passive-aggressive statements about performance can be equally hurtful (not to mention unhelpful).

A smart way to respond is by saying, "I'm here to learn and grow." It makes your intentions crystal clear, reminds your boss that you're only human, and could open up conversations about avenues for improvement.

9. Share How You Value Your Professional Relationship

Christina Morillo

All relationships, from romantic and platonic to professional, rely on mutual respect and communication. Passive aggression is a sign of disrespect, but you can help turn interactions with your boss around by saying, "I value our professional relationship."

It will successfully set a positive tone and convey that you want a healthy working relationship. It may also help your boss realize that they haven't been treating you the way they'd like to be treated.

10. Set Boundaries


Finally, the most direct approach is to confront your boss' passive-aggressive attitude by setting firm boundaries. This can be uncomfortable, but with the right tact and professionalism, it can be very powerful.

For example, consider using this statement: "I believe in having open and honest communication. Can we make sure we're on the same page moving forward?"

It makes your desire for transparency clear and forces your boss to rise to your expectations.

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Cozy outfits don’t have to be unflattering, and these 10 plus-sizelounge sets from Amazon totally prove it! Plus, you can snag each one without breaking the budget – yet they all look super luxe. From buttery-soft fabrics to effortlessly chic designs, these sets are perfect for everything from lazy weekend hangs to WFH days. If you're looking for plus-size loungewear that feels just as good as it looks, these picks definitely deserve a spot in your wardrobe.

Scroll on for the 10 cutest and coziest plus-size lounge sets you can shop on Amazon!


In'voland Plus Size Linen Shorts Set

Breezy and oh-so easy, this linen set works great for more put-together and laze-around-at-home moments alike.


Beautife Plus Size Striped Knit Lounge Set

You're gonna want to live in this soft knit set 24/7. The stripes totally kick it up a notch!


Oyoangle Plus Size Floral Sleepwear Lounge Set

For more of a pajama vibe, this plus size lounge set comes complete with plenty of frills and florals. You could easily style the top with comfy jeans and sandals for an easy spring 'fit, too!


Tiyomoi Button Down Textured Top Set

This set is cut from some insanely soft and breathable fabric to keep you feeling cool. The textured, pleated look makes it look more polished, so you can step out with the utmost confidence!


Ekouaer Knit Sweater Lounge Set

Your next WFH session is calling! The high-quality knitted fabric this 2-piece set is made of is said to be "skin-friendly," so you won't feel irritated wearing it all day long.


Pinsv Short Sleeve Top & Flare Pants Lounge Set

Easy to put on and even easier to wear during long days, this lounge set is crafted using a pleasantly soft material that moves with you – not against you. It also comes in so many different colors to match your personal style!


Zhuhouse Plus Size Pajama Lounge Set

This butter yellow color is undeniably trendy at the moment, so you'll look effortlessly stylish when you slip it on. Whether it's for a movie night at home or a sleepover with your bestie, you'll feel put-together and so cute! Complete the look with your fave slippers, and voila!


Ritera Plus Size Pullover Set

The ribbed knit on this plus size lounge set gives it that luxe vibe you're looking for. Better yet, the calm cashmere color is easy to wear with any and every accessory, from loafers to denim jackets when it's chilly out.


Eytino Plus Size Pullover Top & Short Set

The varied stripes on this easy-wearing set will definitely have heads turning your way – it's an unexpected (and super stylish) departure from your traditional lounge set designs.


Beautife Plus Size Striped Casual Lounge Set

Soft, breathable, and lightweight, this lounge set will feel like a second skin when you wear it. The stripes feel oh-so elevated for such an affordable lounge set!

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With streamers like Netflix and Max adding brand new titles every month, we're always in for an entertaining binge watch. And thanks to Paramount+, we have more than a few TV shows to welcome spring. Whether you're obsessed with Taylor Sheridan shows or you love true crime-inspired drama, here are some of the best series to watch on Paramount+ this month.

The 8 best TV shows to watch on Paramount+ in March 2025.

1. Happy Face — Stream on Paramount+ March 20, 2025

Victoria Will/Paramount+

This new TV show follows Melissa, who comes face-to-face with her father (the infamous Happy Face Killer) after decades of separation when she realizes an innocent man might pay for her dad's crimes.

Happy Face premieres March 20 and stars Annaleigh Ashford, Dennis Quaid, James Wolk, Tamera Tomakili, Khiyla Aynne, and Benjamin Mackey.

2. The Amazing Race season 37 — Stream on Paramount+ on Wednesdays


14 teams compete in this season of the hit adventure reality show, stopping in Osaka, Japan to complete a 12,000 year old tradition and in Strasbourg, France to explore its medieval history. And this year, they're in for both classic games and new challenges.

The Amazing Race season 37 is hosted by Phil Keoghan.

3. Yellowjackets season 3 — Stream on Paramount+ on Fridays

Kailey Schwerman/Paramount+ with SHOWTIME

As winter ends, the teens realize their trust in one another has fractured — while the present-day Yellowjackets have to face secrets that threaten everything.

Yellowjackets season 3 stars Melanie Lynskey, Christina Ricci, Tawny Cypress, Lauren Ambrose, Sophie Nélisse, Courtney Eaton, Kevin Alves, Sophie Thatcher, Samantha Hanratty, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Liv Hewson, Steven Krueger, Warren Kole, Sarah Desjardins, Simone Kessell, Elijah Wood, Joel McHale, and Hilary Swank.

4. 1923 Season 2 — Stream on Paramount+ on Sundays

Emerson Miller/Paramount+

The Duttons are fighting for their survival in 1923 season 2 as they protect the Yellowstone ranch — and each other. I'm just waiting for the day Alex and Spencer finally reunite!

1923 stars Julia Schlaepfer, Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren, Brandon Sklenar, Darren Mann, Michelle Randolph, Jerome Flynn, Aminah Nieves, and Isabel May.

5. 1883 — Stream on Paramount+

Emerson Miller/Paramount+

Dive into the Taylor Sheridan universe with this Yellowstone prequel that follows the Dutton family as they move their entire lives across the United States.

1883 stars Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Sam Elliott, Isabel May, LaMonica Garrett, Marc Rissmann, Audie Rick, Eric Nelsen, and James Landry Hébert.

6. Sin City Gigolo: A Murder in Las Vegas — Stream on Paramount+


After a star from 2010s' reality show Gigolos was convicted of murder in 2020, this docuseries examines the line between fame, crime, and reality.

Sin City Gigolo follows the story of Ash Armand and the other Las Vegas gigolos.

7. School Spirits — Stream on Paramount+

Katie Yu/Paramount+

The internet can't get enough of this Paramount+ show, and considering the season 2 finale just dropped, there's never been a better time to start watching. The series follows Maddie, who wakes up in purgatory and sets out to reclaim her life and reunite the spectral and living worlds.

School Spirits stars Peyton List, Kristian Ventura, Spencer MacPherson, Kiara Pichardo, Sarah Yarkin, Nick Pugliese, Rainbow Wedell, Josh Zuckerman, and Milo Manheim.

8. Avatar: The Last Airbender — Stream on Paramount+


This nostalgic series — which follows the long-lost Avatar on his journey to master all four elements and save the world — is the perfect Paramount+ show to binge watch this weekend.

Avatar: The Last Airbender stars Dante Basco, Dee Bradley Baker, Jack De Sena, Jessie Flower, Mae Whitman, and Zach Tyler.

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