Kourtney Kardashian's Son Slept In Her Bed For 7 Years — Here's What Sleep Training Experts Think

sleep training

Most new parents hear a plethora of well-intended, but somewhat annoying advice before their newborn arrives. At the top of the list rests comments that revolve around one thing — sleep training. It's not unusual for parents to hear, "Sleep when the baby sleeps," or "Don't let your baby sleep with you because they'll never leave your bed."

The latter is something I've routinely felt guilty about because my son is a stage five clinger who wants to live in my skin — especially at night. It wasn't until Kourtney Kardashian recently confessed that she believes in co-sleeping that I felt seen. Appearing on The Skinny Confidentialpodcast on September 16, she opened up about her oldest son's sleeping habits.

"I think every person’s different and every child is different. My oldest son [Mason Disick] slept with me till he was 7," she said without missing a beat. Eventually she revealed she'd started getting him used to the idea of sleeping in his own room until he told her he was "done" being with her at night.

Wanting to learn more about sleep training, I reached out to Physician Eric Levene, MD of Chester Pediatrics and Children's Sleep Consultant Rebecca Michi to explain what is, how it benefits children and parents, and why it's important for no one to feel pressured during the process. They both have decades of experience to help guide you towards a more peaceful bedtime.

What is sleep training?

Карина Суховерхая

Although you may have a basic idea of what sleep training is, it's normal to wonder if it's just another buzzy social media word. Dr. Levene says, "Sleep training is a process that helps babies learn to sleep without parental assistance," while Michi adds the words "independent sleeper" her definition. Michi says it's a means of equipping "kids the skills to fall asleep alone" and "get back to sleep when they naturally wake during the night."

But you're not a horrible parent if it were easier to co-sleep with your baby during their first weeks at home. For example, my son would cry and scream all night when we tried to get him to sleep in his bassinet — which isn't easy to maneuver when you're faced with sleep deprivation and a breastfeeding schedule. So, his dad and I thought it would be easier if everyone could fall asleep together.

Is there a correct time to start sleep training children?

Pavel Danilyuk

This answer may vary depending on who you ask. Family members might tell you not to spoil your baby from the time you give birth while parts of social media encourages co-sleeping. In Michi's opinion, she doesn't "think there is" a right time to introduce sleep training.

"Parents usually sleep train when they can no longer manage with the sleep they're getting. For some, that is when the baby is four months old; for others, it's when they're four years old," she explains. Dr. Levene also mentioned it can occur "between four and six months of age," but it "can take some time."

But, both issue a slight warning to parents who are on the fence about it. "There is no point in starting sleep training before you are ready, as you will likely give in and not follow through," says Michi, while Dr. Levene stresses the importance of being consistent.

It's almost like developing a routine for potty training. Kids pay attention to schedules and can sense when you're not 100% in!

Are there benefits to sleep training a child?

Sam K

Now that you know what sleep training is, you're likely asking yourself if there are any benefits to it. I don't consider myself a 'seasoned' mom yet, but I can tell you there are! Before we cover them, Dr. Levene wants you to know sleep training isn't about "teaching the child to sleep through the night." Instead, the goal is to start "improving infant sleep and in turn improving parental sleep."

So, which benefits will start to show once an infant or child gets used to being sleep trained? "A sleep-trained child can get to sleep at the beginning of the night without needing to be rocked, etc., and can get back to sleep during the night when nothing is wrong or they're not hungry," says Michi.

If you decide to sleep train your infant, don't expect a miracle to happen over night. Dr. Leven already mentioned being consistent, but he acknowledges how difficult sleep training can be. "It is not easy on the parent," he says. "There are different methods including cry it out, Ferber, and others."

Michi says, "The majority of sleep-trained children will sleep through the night, but some still need a feed until they are around a year old." One of the things my fiancé and I are working on with our son is getting him to verbally explain what's wrong when he wakes up upset.

It's still a disruption to sleep, but we've noticed our son's vocabulary has increased over time. He explains how he feels in greater detail which helps us know how to negate nightmares or come to his aid during nightly eczema flareups. He hardly ever asks to eat at night, so that's one thing we're grateful for!

Is there a right or wrong way to sleep train your child?

Ketut Subiyanto

If you're looking for a concrete answer, Michi doesn't believe there is one. "You can sleep train however you want! There are lots of different techniques, making most set-ups manageable." However, Dr. Levene says it "works best if the infant is in another room." At the same time, he doesn't feel it's "an absolute requirement."

This brings me back to what Kourtney Kardashian said about her sleep training approach with her kids. Instead of following different parenting paths, she chooses to "do what feels natural and instinctual," and Michi says there's nothing wrong with that. "Some families want to continue to bed share; some techniques work better for this. Others want to have their child sleep in their own room; they can use different techniques."

According to Michi, a key to sleep training is to be mindful about your "child's personality" because "temperament plays a big part in how children learn to be independent sleepers."

Who should parents talk to if they're struggling with their child's bedtime routine?

Tima Miroshnichenko

As much as you may resolve to help your child become more independent, there's no guarantee that you can snap your fingers and they'll be on board with your desires. Should you find that bedtime is a struggle that results in a lack of sleep for everyone, there are some things you can do. "First, chat with your pediatrician, they may be able to help. [Also] find some sources online that your resonate with," Michi suggests.

The one thing she doesn't recommend is relying on a certain age-old technique that I've even found doesn't work for my son. "Don't ask someone for sleep advice if they use cry-it-out sleep training techniques if you know it won't work for your child. You know your child better than anyone," she adamantly says. "You know what is likely to work and what isn't. Follow your instinct when it comes to sleep."

Frankly, my son started screaming at the top of his lungs when we tried to implement the 'cry-it-out' method, and since that reminds me of the early postpartum days, I can't get on board with it. For me, it's jarring to hear ear-piercing screams in the middle of the night, so going against tradition has proved to work better.

How can parents help their children get comfortable sleeping in their own beds?

Tatiana Syrikova

Major events can play a role in sleep regression, from your child meeting another milestone or moving to a new space. Want to know how you can start helping your child get comfortable in their own bed? Dr. Levene says, "Having a consistent bedtime routine is important. If its bath, bottle, book and bed or something like that, infants and toddlers feel comfortable with routine. Sometimes for toddler a security object is very helpful." He does warn, "Remember infants should having nothing in the crib/bed with them."

According to Michi, she believes "it all starts with playtime." She says, "Your child needs to be comfortable in their bed to sleep in it comfortably." But what does this mean?

It's simple! "During the day, have some playtime in the bed and bedroom. Start small for a few minutes and then increase as they become more comfortable," Michi explains. Your child will start making the connection that it's daytime so "they won't get confused thinking it's bedtime."

What should parents remember when sleep training their children?

Ketut Subiyanto

Though Michi is a sleep consultant, she's more than aware all children aren't created equally. They're going to have different personalities, wants, and needs that contribute to how you approach parenting them. "Not all techniques work for all children. Children are unique and learn in different ways. Find a technique that you can do and that you think your child can do. If you do that, you will always have success," she says.

Dr. Levene agrees that "There is no right way here. If it works in your home and you have reviewed the infant/toddlers sleeping with your pediatrician then its right for you" because "sleep training can be accomplished in many ways."

The more you bond with your child, the more their personality will show which is important when learning how to teach them something in a way they understand. My son loves learning new things, but he doesn't like to feel forced to perform them just like I don't. Of this Michi says, "Don't feel pressured into using techniques that don't resonate with you."

Remember, children are taking in a ton of information because the world and different concepts are new to them. It's easy for parents to forget because we've been alive for 20+ years longer than they have, but even we have trouble sticking to a bedtime routine because of sleep deprivation, FOMO, and being overachievers at work.

Like I always say, give yourself and your kiddos grace. Everyone's still learning what it means to be healthily independent!

We have more parenting advice for you to check out if you ever need help navigating the newborn stage, breastfeeding, and more!

The winter blues are over non-existent today because Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson are Hollywood's newest parents! Not only that, but marriagemay be in the cards for the couple! While we know a picture isn't always worth a thousand words, it's hard not to buy into the romantic way they interact with each other in paparazzi snaps.

After Suki announced she and Robert are expecting their first baby together, we knew it was only a matter of time before engagement rumors started flying. No matter where you stand on the love and marriagevs. happily singledebate, we're absolutely over the moon for this sweet couple!

Here's everything we know about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattison's new journey!

What did Suki Waterhouse recently say about her family?

Dimitrios Kambouris

Suki Waterhouse can't stop gushing about her family! She showed up in style on the 2024 MTV VMA's red carpet and said Robert Pattinson is "the greatest" at being a dad to their 6-month-old baby girl (via Access Hollywood). Though he was working, Suki happily brought their daughter with her and had fun "showing her around New York City" prior to her red carpet appearance. As far as little one's personality, Suki disclosed that "She has such a sweet nature," and she's enjoying watching it unfold.

How does Suki Waterhouse feel about motherhood and her relationship with Robert Pattinson?


Suki Waterhouse is learning how to manage being a first-time mom who also has a career — two things that aren't easy to balance whatsoever. One of the things she shared with British Vogueis that she realized how much pressure moms are under. "Every mum’s morality is in question so much, not just from yourself, but from society," she said. "Everyone’s projecting something onto you. That’s an insane thing."

The one thing she observed about Robert Pattinson is how he seems to be adjusting to fatherhood. She said, " [he's] the dad I could have hoped for...It’s an actual love story."

Concerning their love story, Suki's song "To Love" from her upcoming album Memoir of a Sparklemuffin celebrates what it means to find your person. She said, "I had a very clear feeling of being like, ‘Oh, wow, Rob and I have been together six years and I’m still really into this.'" For Suki, all that seems to matter is, "This love and having a family and having a little world."

Someone bring us another box of tissues because this sounds so sweet!

Has Robert Pattinson made a public statement about his daughter?

Francois Durand/Getty Images

Robert usually doesn't share too many details about his personal life, but there's no hiding from the joy of being a first-time dad! He recently attended the Dior Homme Menswear Spring/Summer 2025 fashion show in Paris (via People) and looked just as amazing as we remember seeing him in public.

Thanks to a short clip a fan posted to X, we're finally able to know how Robert feels about #dadlife. Though you have to really listen to hear what's he saying, there's no mistaking that he's loving life.

"[Having a baby] makes you feel very old and very young," he said with a smile that reached his eyes. "She's so cute...You know, I'm amazed by how quickly their personality comes. So even at three months, I'm like, 'Oh … I can kinda see who she is already.'"

Did Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson secretly get married?

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Remember those whispers about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson's engagement? Well, the couple is now rumored to have secretly gotten married already!

According to a source, they've been riding the marital bliss wave for some time. "The capper on that transformation has been for them to finally get serious about starting a family and spending the rest of their lives together. Official PR announcement or not, Rob and Suki are a married couple," they revealed to In Touch Weekly.

OMG, how cute is this news?? A PR statement is always nice to have, but I'm willing to settle for the fact the couple is living life while raising their precious daughter on their own terms. Clearly, I just love love in all forms so whether they're actually married or not won't change how much I'm rooting for Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson!

What exciting news did Suki Waterhouse share during her Coachella set?


And she covered oasis?! 💗🤭 she’s such a queen #bellaswan #edwardcullen #jacobblack #twilight #newmoon #fading #sukiwaterhouse #old #young #foryourpage #yp #blowup #viral #love #watchit #blowthisup #tvshow #movie #twilightsaga #animated #moviesaga #pregnancy #baby #gender #girl #omg #mother #itsagirl #women #oasis #concert #coachella #2024 #queen

Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson were spotted at Coachella on Friday in preparation for the former's amazing performance! A fan page shared several candid shots of the couple walking around on Instagram and we're living for Suki's fur coat moment. Only she could make her outfit look effortlessly cool.

But, one of the best moments during her Coachella set is the beautiful way she announced the gender of her and Robert's baby. In this awesome TikTok video, Suki can be seen smiling as she talked to the crowd. "I don't know if some of you know, but I've had some pretty big life changes happening this year...and I've been very lucky to have my own little amazing lady and meet the love of my life," she said.

This means Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson are officially on #TeamGirl 💕!

What has Suki Waterhouse said about her postpartum experience?

Suki Waterhouse/Instagram

Suki Waterhouse took to Instagram to share how she's been doing since giving birth and gave her honest opinion about her postpartum journey so far. She can seen wearing an oversized cardigan, what appears to be a nursing bra, and a pair of Frida Mom Disposable Underwear. She wrote, "the fourth trimester has been… humbling! the postpartum period has been filled with exhilarating joy, so much laughter, tears, soo many hormones! I’m proud of everything my body has achieved and proud of the kindness and grace I’ve given myself during this recovery period. 💕ootd: @fridamom pants!"

People applauded her for being so honest about postpartum with @juliemic79 commenting, "Thank you for being so real about what we go through after we deliver our precious angels. The hormones, the sleepless nights., the sheer joy and wonder of how such a little human can make your heart burst. It's a journey, take the time and heal and enjoy..."

We wish her continued healing and support!

Have Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson revealed their newborn to the public?

Suki Waterhouse/Instagram

Up until recently, Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson's lips were sealed about the arrival of their newborn. However, Suki shared an adorable pic of her holding their precious baby on Instagram with the caption, "welcome to the world angel ❤️." Singer Halsey wrote "ROCKSTAR MOM!" while Paris Hilton typed, "Congratulations love! So happy for you both!🥰" Amazon Prime is even spotted in Suki's comments!

Plenty of Suki's fans left their own sweet messages too! User @mischa.moo wrote, "Child’s gene pool is made of gold omg," which sums up how we feel.

Did Suki Waterhouse give birth?

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Congratulations are in order for Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson because they've welcome their first baby together! The new parents kept the details of baby's birth under wraps, but DailyMail shared exclusive images that showed they recently enjoyed a nice family outing while Robert pushed their newborn in a baby stroller.

We hope they're adjusting to the arrival of their baby and that Suki has all the support she can get during the postpartum period!

Why did Suki Waterhouse turns heads at the 75th annual Primetime Emmy Awards?

Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

People shared that Suki Waterhouse practically floated on the red carpet while wearing a custom-made red Valentino gown that showed off her growing baby bump. She looked ethereal as the camera caught several angles of her face and the cut-out portions of her gown that revealed her and Robert Pattinson's baby.

Funnily enough, the gown had to be altered before it fit her frame perfectly. She said, "I was really excited about this look, Valentino...but it didn't even — like, I had to hold it. The fitting was just me holding it to my. body, so they had to really...redesign this dress to make it fit the bump."

As far as we're concerned, it all worked out in the end! Honestly, we love that more mamas are choosing to redefine their maternity style.

Where have Suki Waterhouse and Robert been spotted recently?

Suki Waterhouse/TikTok

Whether they were trying to be incognito or not, fans spotted the couple getting ready to make a detour to St. Lucia. One fan account on X speculated they were going on a "babymoon" to celebrate their unborn child.

Despite not confirming their plans, Suki Waterhouse posted a series of photos on TikTok that revealed she and Robert were enjoying a vacation. The first photo in the carousel showed her wearing a cute bikini while her precious baby bump is on full display. If that wasn't cute enough, she chose Lana Del Ray's song "Margaret" to accompany the photos.

It could be a cryptic nod to their engagement rumors because the lyrics at the end of the song are, "Like Hollywood in me, that diamond on your ring. The soul that you bring to the table. One that makes me sing."

When did Suki announce her and Robert's baby news?


While performing at the Corona Capital Festival in Mexico, Suki shocked concert-goers at the beginning of her performance. A fan account posted a clip on X where she could be heard talking about distracting the crowd from a very obvious baby bump. She said, "...I'm not sure it's working" while working the stage in a sparkly mini dress and faux fur coat.

How long have Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson been dating?

Time flies fast because it's been more than a few years since Suki and Robert became a couple. People reported that it was rumored they began dating in 2018. However, the couple kept their relationship private — good thinking — for a while.

When did Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattison make their official debut?

The Hollywood Reporter shared that the couple appeared at the Dior Men's Fall show last December. They looked stylish and romantic as they walked the red carpet, which is how we've continued to see them.

What recent projects have Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson worked on?

Besides performing at the Corona Capital Festival this past weekend, Suki Waterhouse recently appeared as Karen Sirko in Daisy Jones & The Six this year. As stated above, Robert Pattison's last major project was The Batman.

There's not an official due date for Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattison yet, but I'm just excited to learn they're expecting a sweet little baby. Be sure to watch this space for more updates!

How do you feel about Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson's baby announcement? Let us know in the comments!

This post has been updated.

Header image via Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Fall is the perfect time to cozy up with comfort food. But not every soup, stew, or casserole needs to take a ton of effort to make! These easy fall dinner recipes – from steamy pasta dishes to one-pan bakes – are designed to bring warmth and flavor to your table without spending hours in the kitchen. Savor in all of the season's best flavors with these 15 easy fall dinner recipes, perfect for weeknights when you just don't feel like cheffing too hard.

Brit + Co

Slow Cooker Mac And Cheese

Let the slow cooker do all the work for you with this easy recipe. All that's required is you throwing in all of 6 ingredients into the pot, letting it slow-cook for about 3 hours, then you've got yourself a hearty helping of deliciously cheesy mac – and plenty of leftovers to last you days! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Instant Pot Cheese-Stuffed Meatballs

These heavenly keto-friendly meatballs are filled with smooth mozzarella cheese for a surprisingly satisfying bite. They only need to be pressure-cooked for about 7 minutes to reach meaty, cheesy perfection. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Instant Pot Beef Stew

Stew is the ultimate comfort food come fall time. With a total cook time of about 35 minutes, this easy dinner recipe will hit the table super quickly, and be gone just as fast! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Pressure-Cooked Vegetarian Chili

Pressure-cook these veggie chili to enjoy on its own, atop some baked potatoes, or use it as a topping for easy homemade nachos. No matter how you serve it, you can count on this easy fall dinner idea to be absolutely delicious. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Easy Butternut Squash Salad

For a fall meal on the lighter side, this easy salad has the perfect balance of crunch and heartiness. Oven-roasted butternut squash, bacon pieces, pecans, and more are adorned by a truly addictive (and season-appropriate) apple cider dressing! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Oven-Baked BBQ Ribs

You'll need to start these ribs a bit earlier in the day since they require 3-4 hours of low-and-slow cook time. But you'll be so thankful you got a head start, because the prep is really the hardest part. After exiting the oven, these BBQ-flavored ribs will be oh-so tender and tasty. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Easy Instant Pot Tuscan White Bean Soup

Instant Pot soup recipes are our favorite thing to make in the fall. This "beginner-friendly" Tuscan soup begins with you tossing everything in the pot, letting it cook on high for 5 minutes, then voila! Dinner in a pinch.(via Brit + Co)

Crowded Kitchen

Easy Vegan Quesadillas

These eat-with-your-hands vegan quesadillas are loaded with black beans, corn, and mushrooms, so you definitely won't be left feeling hungry. (via Crowded Kitchen)

Pink Owl Kitchen

One-Pan Apple Cider Chicken

One-pan recipes are total lifesavers on nights when you don't feel like cooking and dealing with the subsequent cleaning. This chicken dish is packed with a punch of fall flavors, thanks to the apples, warm spices, and apple cider. (via Pink Owl Kitchen)

Earthly Provisions

Easy Vegan Zucchini Pasta

This quick vegan pasta is topped with roasted zucchini and toasted garlicky breadcrumbs to really take it to the next level. Enjoy with some white wine, and you're set! (via Earthly Provisions)

Forks & Foliage

One-Pan Mediterranean Baked Chicken & Potatoes

Chicken and potatoes make up some of the best easy fall dinner recipes since they're easy to track down at the store and even easier to prepare! This hearty option has plenty of spices for a refreshing Mediterranean flair! (via Forks & Foliage)

Two Peas & Their Pod

Fall Panzanella Salad

This bready salad has our cravings running wild. It includes all the good stuff: butternut squash, Brussels sprouts, apple, dried cranberries, pepitas, goat cheese, and kale. (via Two Peas & Their Pod)

Half Baked Harvest

Creamy Chicken Tortilla Soup

Some of the best fall dinners incorporate spice to really get the sinuses running and warm you from the inside out. This creamy tortilla soup has it all! (via Half Baked Harvest)

The Real Food Dietitians

One-Dish Chicken Sweet Potato Bake

You'll roast this entire dish in the oven to really get the flavors going, cooking and tenderizing the chicken and veggies all the while. Once it's done, top with toasted nuts, lemon juice, and shredded Parmesan to make it feel more complete. (via The Real Food Dietitians)

Kathryn's Kitchen

30-Minute Easy Cheese Enchiladas

The whole family is sure to love these cheesy enchiladas! You only need 6 ingredients and 30 minutes to make them. (via Kathryn's Kitchen)

Subscribe to our newsletter for more easy recipe ideas for the whole family!

When you’re on the hunt for a creative baby name, there’s nothing more magical than a Harry Potter baby name. Since the release of the mega-hit series, featuring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint, muggles everywhere have been interested in the magical and mystifying names found in the wizard world.

In honor of our favorite magical series, we’re sharing some of the most notable, unique, and enchanting baby names that will be perfect for the newest member of your family. One of these might just cast a spell on you.

Harry Potter Boy Names

Image via emrecan arık/Unsplash

1. Alastor

2. Albus

3. Aldrick

4. Amos

5. Argus

6. Arthur

7. Augustus

8. Bill

9. Blaise

10. Cadmus

11. Cedric

12. Charlie

13. Colin

14. Cormac

15. Cornelius

16. Cuthbert

17. Dean

18. Dirk

19. Draco

20. Dudley

21. Fabian

Image via Tuyen Vo/Unsplash

33. Lucius

34. Ludo

35. Neville

36. Newt

37. Nicolas

38. Oliver

39. Orion

40. Percy

41. Phineas

42. Pius

43. Reginald

44. Roark

45. Ronald

46. Rufus

47. Seamus

48. Severus

49. Sirius

50. Tom

51. Vernon

52. Viktor

53. Zacharias

Harry Potter Girl Names

Image via Hasan Albari/Pexels

1. Alice

2. Agatha

3. Amelia

4. Andromeda

5. Arabella

6. Bathsheba

7. Bathilda

8. Bellatrix

9. Charity

10. Fleur

11. Ginny

12. Ginevra

Image via Pixabay/Pexels

24. Molly

25. Myrtle

26. Narcissa

27. Olympe

28. Pansy

29. Petunia

30. Pomona

31. Poppy

32. Rita

33. Rolanda

34. Rowena

35. Sybill

36. Wilhelmina

37. Zelda

Would you give your tiny tot a Harry Potter baby name? Let us know on X and check out our newsletter for more inspo!

This was originally published on Nameberry.

Image via Madalyn Cox/Unsplash

This post has been updated.

Halloween is almost a month away, and we're doing the most to provide oodles of inspiration for you to get started on your costume planning. On this year's list? Pet Halloween costumes, of course! You've seen the funny ones, the catty ones, the doggy ones, and even the underwater ones – but now it's time to see every possibility out there. Here are 100 classy costumes for all your furry friends.

Carl From Up

Brit + Co

This pup was totally down with rocking a pair of glasses and bushy eyebrows.

Throwback Miley Cyrus

Brit + Co

Dogs dressed as Miley Cyrus might be the best thing to come out of Halloween this year. The cute little buns push us right over the edge.


Brit + Co

Wait, that dog legit looks like an Ewok! You might just need to stealthis Leia look and recreate this cutesy pair for the holiday.


Brit + Co

The detailed work on the piano alone is enough to make us swoon, but mostly we love that this dog parent created an entire tableau for their pup’s costume. The framed photo of Liberace’s partner is an especially solid touch.

Thanksgiving Turkey

Brit + Co

How timely is this? The whole scene is set so perfectly, we wish Thanksgiving was already here.

Chia Pet

Brit + Co

There’s just something about this photo, the fence, the painted orange legs, and the face on this dog that makes this the best Chia Pet costume we’ve ever seen.

Harry Potter

Brit + Co

Pipe cleaners as glasses and the lightning bolt scar? Genius. These well-coiffed pups would look right at home at Hogwarts.

Katy Perry Dark Horse

Brit + Co

Take your pick — just make sure your pup doesn’t think that wig is a chew toy.

What Does the Fox Say?

Brit + Co

We’re betting we know what this cute fox is saying – woof!


Brit + Co

How crazy is this? This costume is so well done! A skeleton and a mummy are carrying a pumpkin, and looking rather stylish while doing it.

Doctor Pug

Brit + Co

Is there a doctor in the house who can sniff out solutions to patients' problems? Oh, there's Dr. Pug! This is one of the most adorable pet Halloween costumes we've seen so make sure your fur baby will be ready for their closeup if you let them wear it!


Brit + Co

Of course, we’ve gotta give props to the tech-y dog parents out there.

Banana Split

Brit + Co

Combine this one with the pug-nana and you’re good to go.

Flying Monkeys

The Tin Man

Where’s that lion from above? These little mongrels are gonna get him, and the little dogs, too!

Captain America

Brit + Co

Pet Halloween costumes should be effortless so your dog can do things like lounge on the grass until it's time for action. Some may call that 'winning.'

Where’s Waldo

Brit + Co

The real question is, where’s Wenda?

Paddington Bear


We just can't with this one. Also available for larger dogs, too!

Taco Kitten


This lil' taco cat is ready to trick or treat!

Postal Worker


Dogs are known to totally love their mail person, right?

A Bunch of Grapes

F Yeah, Boston Terriers on Tumblr

We're not sure this pooch is super psyched to be a bunch of grapes, but he looks insanely cute!

Batdog and Robin

Celebrity Dachshund

Got two pups? The classic Batman and Robin duo is perfect for these dachshunds.



If you've ever wondered why your cat's intrusive thoughts seem to win, dress them up as a bat to match their kooky personality.

Hula Dancer


The most important thing about this costume? The props in the photo.

Rosie the Riveter

Columbia Star

Yes she can-ine!

Super Mario Cat

Costume Works

The toad charm is essential for this pet Halloween costume.

Mr. T


Mr. T’s signature flat-top mohawk is key to this costume look.

Garden Gnome


There's no place like gnome.

Disco Ball


Shine bright this holiday!



There's a new sheriff in town, and he's adorbs.

Spider Man


For Stan Lee fans, there's always this Spidey costume to honor Peter Parker.

Pin Cushion Pup

Daily Mail

This pooch is rocking that thimble hat!



This cape costume is easy to fit any and all ears.

Sherlock Holmes


Elementary, my dear cat!



A pet Halloween costume as cute as a bug in a rug.

First Down

Costume Works

We're not sure if this cat can actually walk around in the costume, but it certainly makes a good photo opp.



On Halloween, cats are magically okay with water… right?

Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball

Apartment Therapy

This dog came in like a wrecking ball and hit us hard with that goofy grin.

Hot Dog

Costume Works

How can you resist the hot dog pun? It's a classic!



Cat ladies, rejoice!

Regal Regalia


For the cat who truly acts like royalty, it's payback time.

Takeout-Carton Helmet


Alien invader… Space cadet… We’re not exactly sure what this cat’s supposed to be, but we do know we’ve never seen a Chinese food carton look quite this awesome before.


Pure Costumes

Make a statement with this prehistoric headpiece.

Hula Girl


Say "aloha" to this hula-girl costume.


Apartment Therapy

Our hearts will go on.



More like werewoof! Pet owners can be Little Red Riding Hood to match!



Is this pet Halloween costume made out of pup-er mache?

Bobsled Team

Costume Works

We see pride, we see power, we see a badass dachshund who don’t take no crap from nobody.



All you need is a witch and a wardrobe to make this costume even more amazing.


Apartment Therapy

Feel free to make this your computer wallpaper. It’s that good.

Star Wars

Dressed Up Dogs on Tumblr

We’ve seen a lot of Star Wars dog costumes in our day, including a Death Star made from a protective neck cone… but this one is even funnier than that.

Big Bad Wolf

Costume Works

Grandmother didn’t stand a chance against this sweet, cuddly wolf. (via Costume Works)

Frida Kahlo

Apartment Therapy

If this was a person dressed up as Frida Kahlo, it’d be super chic and intellectual. But this time, it’s a dog, and it’s hilarious.



To the bat-cat cave!



Ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog… and we’re crying with laughter.


Daily Mail

This dog’s costume is better than your dog’s costume. And it's not even a costume – just fur-friendly paint. (via Daily Mail)

Trick or Treating Ghost


How can you resist that adorable little snout?


Apartment Therapy

A nod to one of Maddona's signature looks is just what your little pup ordered.

Little Red Riding Cat


Something tells us the Big Bad Wolf wouldn’t mess with this catty little Red Riding Hood.

Dog Roast


This dog costume that keeps on giving throughout the year. You can use this one on Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Business Dog


This dude means business, French cuffs included.

Pilot Pooch

Martha Stewart

The dog looks great here, but we’re more focused on that hot pink plane!

Fire Truck


This corgi’s fire truck is epic.

Sushi Cat

Laughing Squid

Okay okay, a cat can’t really cruise around town in this costume but… it’s great for a sleepy little feline.

Pumpkin Pie

Animals Tweeting as Owen Pallett on Tumblr

Sometimes, the simplest DIY costumes are the best.

The Little Mermaid

Washington Post

Those flowing locks, that clamshell bra, and that shiny green tail — we’d know Ariel anywhere!



Cute, but can they do the dance?

Green Dinosaur


Whether you buy or DIY, this costume is just begging for selfies.

Pilot Costume


Your fur baby's likely calling the shots in your life so it's only right you dress them up as a cute pilot who means business.

Doggie Ghost

Maddie on Things

If your dog loves playing hide-n-seek as much as you do, make them a ghost costume they'll never forget.

Goat Cat


It’s a goat cat. That’s all you need to know.



The jungle is ruff.

Hipster Dog


I think I saw this dude at the record shop!



You *need* to get your claws... erm... paws on this costume.

Royal Pooch

The Guardian

Cue Royals by Lorde.



This handcrafted costume is definitely a labor of love, and the results are gorgeous.



Or should we say… Ro-bun?

A Pile of Leaves


This costume is ridiculous. We love it.

Pumpkin Spice Latte


Love PSLs so much, you just want to hug them?

Little Turkey

Her Campus

The headpiece on this little turkey is what takes it to the next level.

Fruit Lady


The superimposed sunset background is the best part of this costume.

Mario and Luigi


These canine bros make the perfect pair.

Donut Dog

This Is Colossal

A donut salesman is now officially a pet Halloween costume.

Boiled Lobster


One more lobster – this time with a fire roaring under the pot!

Frenchie Fries


Pet puns FTW.

Mad Hatter

Apartment Therapy

Get matchy-matchy by rocking your own Mad Hatter lookalongside your pooch.

50 Shades of Grey


Bonus points for this snarky pick if your pup happens to have gray eyes as well.

Olympic Gymnast


We are very impressed. 5 stars!

Girl Scout

Martha Stewart

We wish we could see a pic of the doggie as a box of Thin Mints, but this costume is still a knockout.



Don’t cry for me, Halloween-ahhh.


Celebrity Dachshund

All aboard!



Oh, the horror!

UPS Delivery Person


Send with puppy love.



Perfect for high-flying cats that refuse to wear a whole costume.

The Beast


Get your Princess Belle gown ready, and you and your dog can have coordinating costumes.



Beware of bites from this spooky vampire.



With any luck, this chef will actually cook dinner for you.

French Cat


Sure, if you could ask your cat if she wanted to be French for Halloween, she'd say "oui."



Perfect for larger dogs that ready to retire.



Let your fur baby fulfill their dream of living on a farm.

Spaghetti and Meatballs


And finally, a hilarious pile of yarn spaghetti, styrofoam meatballs, and a cool attitude.

What's your pet go-to costume this Halloween? Share with us @BritandCo!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This article has been updated.

Additional reporting by Theresa Gonzalezand Meredith Holser.

Fall in love with your makeup routine this season with 37 of our favorite autumn-inspired beauty essentials. This handpicked list is perfect for embracing the changing leaves and incorporating vibrant hues into your routine. From eyeshadow palettes with a dramatic glow to nourishing skincare that repairs your skin for the crisp weather, each of these products will upgrade your routine and leave you glowing all season long.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

A Sunscreen Stick to Add to Your Daily Routine


Even though fall is approaching, you still need to wear your daily SPF, and we found the perfect sunscreen stick to make application a breeze. It has a roll-on formula infused with hydrating hyaluronic acid and niacinamide to give you a dewy glow.

See it on Amazon

A Tubing Mascara That Is Easy to Remove


Wearing a tubing mascara will minimize damage to your lashes to help them grow longer and thicker throughout the season. This mascara has a brush with perfectly placed micro bristles to individually coat each lash without clumping.

See it on Amazon

The Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream to Keep Up With Hydration


For a luxurious, rich moisturizer, the Tatcha dewy skin cream is your go-to. It nourishes dry skin while delivering an instant glow — perfect for keeping your complexion radiant even when the weather turns chilly.

See it on Amazon

Dual-Ended Makeup Brushes That Make Blending Effortless


If you're looking to upgrade your makeup routine this season, this two-pack of dual-ended makeup brushes is the perfect solution. One side features an angled brush ideal for blending contour products, while the other has a foundation brush for a streak-free application.

See it on Amazon

A Cream Highlighter You Can Apply Anywhere


Add a stunning glow to any makeup work with this cream highlighter. It has an innovative applicator that is perfect for on-the-go use, and it's even infused with aloe vera and fruit extracts to keep your skin hydrated.

See it on Amazon

A High Quality Lip Gloss With an Affordable Price


If you're a fan of switching up your makeup routine, this lip gloss will be one of your favorite fall beauty finds. It has an affordable price of just three dollars, and you can get in 10 different shades to mix up your routine every day of the week.

See it on Amazon

An Eyelash Serum That Shows Results in Just Six Weeks


Achieve longer and fuller-looking eyelashes this season with this eyelash serum. It's a nourishing treatment that you apply to the base of your eyelashes to promote healthy growth. You can even use it on your eyebrows to give them a fuller appearance.

See it on Amazon

A Primer With an Illuminating Formula


Simplify your beauty routine by combining your skincare and makeup products with this primer. It's infused with vitamin C to naturally brighten your skin throughout the day and hyaluronic acid to promote moisture retention.

See it on Amazon

A Foundation and Finishing Powder Duo You'll Adore


This Patrick Ta cream foundation and finishing powder duo, has gone viral on social media for Its flawless application. The two products blend well together to complete a full glam, but could even be used for a lightweight makeup day.

See it on Amazon

An Anti-Aging Serum for Firmer and Lifted Skin


It's never too early or too late to add an anti-aging serum to your skincare routine. The serum is infused with vitamin C and antioxidants to brighten and tighten your skin all while keeping a moisturized complexion.

See it on Amazon

A Lip Oil That Comes in Neutral and Deep Shades


Keep your lips hydrated and glossy with this lip oil. This nourishing formula is packed with plant-based oils that deliver a high-shine finish while protecting your lips from the season’s chilly air.

See it on Amazon

A Brow Pencil You Won't Regret Purchasing


Fill in your brows without giving them a boxy look by using this fine-tip brow pencil. It's great for filling in, adding definition, and shaping your brows with a natural-looking result. It even has a dual end with a brush to blend it all out

See it on Amazon

A Night Cream to Enhance Your Beauty Sleep


Heavier skin care products like this night cream are perfect for treating dryness and dullness throughout the night to give you a plump and hydrated glow by morning. It will visibly improve your fine lines and wrinkles, as well as prevent new ones from forming.

See it on Amazon

A Moisturizer Made For Sensitive Skin


Using a high-quality daily moisturizer is absolutely essential for mastering a perfect skincare routine. This moisturizer is infused with ceramides and hyaluronic acid to nourish your skin without causing any irritation.

See it on Amazon

The L'Oreal Lumi Glotion for a Natural Bronzed Glow


Start your makeup routine with the L'Oreal Lumi Glotion to enhance your natural glow. It acts as an illuminator, highlighter, and bronzer all in one to maintain your summer glow throughout the year.

See it on Amazon

A Toner That Doesn't Dry Out Your Skin


Even your skin could use some probiotics from time to time making this pH-balanced toner a no-brainer addition to your routine. It helps balance out your complexion, soothe irritation, and refresh your skin throughout the day.

See it on Amazon

A Three-for-One Lip Plumper Set


Why purchase one product when you can get three for the price of one with this lip plumper set? It comes with three shades that will naturally plump your lips and give them a glossy glow. It includes a light-colored gloss, a neutral tone, and a dramatic pink that can be accentuated with your favorite lip liner.

See it on Amazon

An Eye Gel to Enhance Your Morning Routine


Remove any puffiness and dark circles the second you wake up by applying this eye gel. It infuses hyaluronic acid and caffeine into your under-eyes to hydrate and minimize the puffiness or swelling that commonly occurs in the morning.

See it on Amazon

A Waterproof Eyeliner Pen for Extra Definition


Give your eyes a deeper definition with this eyeliner pen. It has a retractable applicator, minimizing the need for a sharpener to add convenience to your routine. You can get it in a dark black shade for a nighttime look or a more neutral brown to wear throughout the day.

See it on Amazon

Pimple Patches That Are a Lifesaver to Have on Hand


Conceal stubborn breakouts with these pimple patches. They have a cute star shape that absorbs excess fluid and reduces redness in just a few hours. They work wonders when applied during your nighttime routine to wake up with flawless skin.

See it on Amazon

A Milky Toner That Promotes Glass-Like Skin


Sometimes, makeup remover and cleanser aren't enough, and that's why adding this milky toner to your routine is absolutely essential. It helps remove any leftover product or oil, promoting a refreshed and hydrated complexion.

See it on Amazon

A Liquid Contour Stick With a Cushion Applicator


Add definition to your face with a warm glow by investing in this liquid contour stick. Its cool-toned formula cancels out any orange hues, providing a natural-looking finish. Plus, it costs less than $10, making it a practical addition to your routine.

See it on Amazon

A Facial Spray for Extra Hydration


This Mario Badescu facial spray keeps you hydrated with minimal effort. Infused with aloe, herbs, and rosewater, its formula rejuvenates your complexion and works for all skin types. Just one spray will leave you with glowing skin.

See it on Amazon

A Waterproof Concealer With an Anti-Aging Formula


Conceal dark circles and blemishes with no trace using this concealer. Its full-coverage finish eliminates redness and discoloration while blurring fine lines for a flawless look.

See it on Amazon

Dew Drops That Will Make Your Skin Glow


Incorporating these dew drops into your skincare routine is a great way to add a touch of illumination and stay hydrated this season. You can even use them as a makeup primer or as the first step in your skincare routine.

See it on Amazon

A Brow Glue That Won't Budge Throughout the Day


If you're not a fan of pigmented brow products but still want to add some shape and definition, this NYX brow glue is perfect for you. Its clear formula keeps your brows in place all day or night long.

See it on Amazon

A Jumbo Eye Pencil for Brighter Looking Eyes


This jumbo eye pencil has gone viral on social media for its ability to effortlessly give your eyes a more awake appearance. Simply apply it to the inner corners and waterline for a bigger, brighter look.

See it on Amazon

A Lipstick With a Gorgeous Deep Pigment


Incorporate a dramatic red lip into your makeup routine this season with this cranberry red lipstick. Its vibrant color complements fall tones, and the long-lasting formula minimizes the need for reapplication.

See it on Amazon

An Eye Makeup Remover With a Rice Water Formula


Fall is the perfect time to add heavier eye makeup to your routine, but you’ll need a makeup remover that can keep up. This eye makeup remover features an oil-free formula with rice water to melt away even the most stubborn makeup.

See it on Amazon

A Foundation With a Flawless Finish


Give your skin an instant warm glow with this full-coverage foundation. It has a weightless feel and won’t leave your skin feeling heavy or cakey throughout the day. Its creamy base helps blend the rest of your makeup seamlessly.

See it on Amazon

A Cream Eyeshadow in the Perfect Fall Shade


Elevate your eyes with cream eyeshadow. It has a gold shimmery formula that can even double as a highlighter. Its radiant finish shines in the light, giving your lids and cheekbones a soft, autumnal glow.

See it on Amazon

A Liquid Eyeliner You Can Get in Any Color


Give your eyes a precise wing with liquid eyeliner, a smudge-proof liquid eyeliner that lasts all day. Its deep shades will enhance your eyes for a bold, defined look that pairs perfectly with any fall eyeshadows.

See it on Amazon

A Facial Cleanser to Prevent Dry Skin


Start your skincare routine with this CeraVe facial cleanser. It's a gentle formula that cleanses while locking in moisture. Perfect for prepping your skin for the cooler months, it leaves you feeling soft and hydrated all day long.

See it on Amazon

A Hydrating Foundation With a Light and Buildable Coverage


Get flawless, natural-looking coverage with this hydrating foundation. Its moisturizing formula ensures a smooth, radiant finish, perfect for keeping your skin looking fresh and luminous as the temperature drops.

See it on Amazon

A Facial Cream That Will Strengthen Your Skin Barrier


Using this Kiehl's facial cream will make your skin feel hydrated and protected against the changing elements. Its lightweight yet intensely moisturizing formula is made for those days when your skin needs a little extra TLC.

See it on Amazon

An Eyeshadow Stick With a Built-in Brush


Swipe on a pop of color with this eyeshadow stick. It has a long-lasting cream-to-powder formula that blends like a dream. It's an easy way to add a touch of warmth to your fall makeup.

See it on Amazon

A Makeup Mouse That Simplifies Your Routine


Add a touch of simplicity to your makeup routine with this 4-in-1 makeup mousse. It acts as a primer, foundation, concealer, and powder with buildable coverage, taking you from a lightweight makeup day to bold nighttime glam.

See it on Amazon