TikTok's 'Sleepmaxxing' Promises The Best Sleep Of Your Life — Does It Really Work?


If you've been struggling to get enough sleep, new TikTok viral wellness trend — 'sleepmaxxing' — wants to help. We'd give anything to stop dealing with insomnia, middle-of-the-night wakeup calls, and overall sleep anxiety. But does this trend work? And more importantly, are all these social media tips safe for you to try?

Dr. Ankur Bindal, MD, MPH, FAPA, FAASM can tell you better than we can given his board certification in psychiatry, from American Board of Psychiatry & neurology. In addition to being the founder of the KAB Medical Group Inc. in San Diego, he's also a board certified sleep medicine practitioner who's seen firsthand how a lack of rest can affect our overall wellbeing.


  • Sleepmaxxing is a TikTok trend that's focused on setting yourself up for the best night of sleep possible.
  • While sleep masks and other tangible efforts to get comfortable in bed are great, you mainly want to make sure you're making healthy choices before bed like avoiding your phone.
  • Adults should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
  • Eliminate too much light in your bedroom, avoid screen time, and establish consistent sleeping and waking times.

What is sleepmaxxing?


If you're confused about sleepmaxxing, you're not alone — it's really not a straightforward term. It reminds us of what Will Ferrell said in Blades of Glory: "No one knows what it means but it's provocative...gets the people going." However, it actually has a meaning, and Dr. Bindal succinctly breaks it down. "Sleepmaxxing is the art and science of optimizing one's sleep and achieving the best possible quality & quantity of sleep by addressing every factor that can disrupt sleep," he says. This can look like using ear plugs, sleep masks, establishing specific sleep rituals, or anything else that is soothing and helpful.

Mainly, if you actually want to maximize your sleep, then you need to focus on what you do before you go to bed. Unbeknownst to us at times, our bedtime habits can affect the kind of rest we get (or not) at night. Dr. Bindal says, "Optimal Sleep hygiene methodologies including limiting light and sound exposure to using the latest sleep gadgets so sleepmaxxing aims to enhance sleep quality to the fullest." Unfortunately this means our habit of binge watching shows or scrolling mindlessly on TikTok at night aren't helping us.

I mean, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 35% of those surveyed have their sleep interrupted by lights inside of their homes. That's just lights, sans repetitious social media sounds and compelling television plots. When you add those on top of it all...let's just say we really are not doing ourselves any favors.

How does getting the proper amount of rest aid in our overall wellbeing?

Ahmed ツ

Now that you have a better idea of what sleepmaxxing is, we have to talk about why it matters. Dr. Bindal says getting the "proper amount of sleep" helps support" the following "various bodily functions" including, but not limited to:

  • Brain health — Enhanced cognition in domains of learning, concentration and consolidating memory by promoting phenomenon of hippocampal plasticity
  • Immune system function — A production of essential immune cells, better equipped to fighting off infections
  • Hormone regulation — A regulation of mood and reduced stress and physical repair that promotes muscle recovery, tissue repair, and overall physical development

He further explains that hormone regulation eventually leads to "improved mood, concentration, energy levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes."

Basically, the health benefits of slowing down and going to sleep outweigh what society often pushes — staying up later, longer and hustling at all hours of the day and night.

On average, how many hours of sleep are recommended?


How much rest are you truly getting at night? If you ask America's Health Rankings, 35% of adults are getting less than seven hours of sleep. Dr. Bindal says that while adults should sleep between seven and nine hours every night, and there are health risks for those who don't. "Research corroborates that adults who sleep less than seven hours a night may have more health issues than those who do," he explains. Johns Hopkins Medicinefound that sleep deprivation can lead to a "36% increased risk for colorectal cancer," propensity for developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and an overall lower immune system.

Saying "I'll sleep when I'm dead," may sound like a joke, but there's nothing funny about not letting your body get the rest it needs to function.

Should people with sleep difficulties try sleepmaxxing?

Marcus Aurelius

There are several reasons why your sleep could be negatively impacted right now. You may be dealing with insomnia due to stress, depression, or being a new parent. According to the American Psychological Association, 43% of people believe being stressed contributes to their lack of sleep. Furthermore, these same people have noticed their mood has shifted. The same reports shows that 45% of people who are getting less than the recommended hours of sleep have shared they feel on edge more than others while 52% have noticed they've been taking their frustrations out on those in their household.

Dr. Bindal agrees that sleepmaxxing can greatly benefit you if you're struggling because it can "enhance sleep quality to the fullest and emphasizes the importance of optimal sleep health."

How does sleepmaxxing benefit us?

Pavel Danilyuk

Clearly, you need a certain amount of sleep to function properly and achieve all those goals you've so intentionally set recently (hello, October Theory!). That's where sleepmaxxing can come in. Dr. Bindal says, "Improved sleep quality can lead to enhanced mental clarity and emotional stability, making it easier to navigate daily challenges."

If you're planning to change a few habits, you're going to need all the strength and focus you can access because change isn't always easy — even if you welcome it! So when you're implementing these new nighttime routines, be sure to stick to them. Turn your phone on Do Not Disturb, avoid the itch to scroll socials, and make sure you're able to properly relax. It can make all the difference in the world!

How can we incorporate sleepmaxxing in our bedtime routines?


If you don't know how to make sleepmaxxing work for you, Dr. Bindal has great suggestions! "Key techniques include optimizing your sleep environment, establishing a consistent sleep schedule, and managing stress and anxiety," he suggests.

One of the key ways you can make sure your room will promote a good night's sleep is by "adjusting the temperature" or "practicing a relaxation exercises before bed," he says. While meditation and mindfulness may be relaxation exercises that take practice over time, choosing the correct temperature is an easy way to set yourself up for success. Everyone's different, but he truly believes your room should be between 65 and 69 degrees Fahrenheit, too.

As Dr. Bindal mentioned before, eliminating sources of light can also aid in the rest you get. Personally, I can't sleep with the TV or lights on anymore because I just know it interrupts my sleep. My room is usually pitch black when it's time to go to sleep — to the point my three-year-old knows what it means when I turn everything off.

Besides these things, Dr. Bindal encourages you to maintain "consistent sleep and wake times" along with a "balanced diet and regular physical activity." Whether that means you start making your own Cava bowls inspired by the blue zone diet or doing workouts at home, they can aid in helping your body repair itself which then promotes the sleep you need.

Can we become too hyper-focused on our quality of sleep?

Kevin Malik

As with anything, too much of something can have adverse affects which rules out any benefits. Though sleepmaxxing can be a good thing for you, becoming fixated on it is likely going to make you even more stressed. "One of the primary concerns with sleepmaxxing is the development of orthosomnia, a condition caused by an obsession with tracking sleep metrics, with devices or apps, which increases anxiety and can further disrupt sleep, called paradoxical insomnia," Dr. Bindal warns.

If you become too obsessed with tracking every little thing, he says all this will do is "disrupt sleep cycles and limit the efficacy of insomnia treatments." But, he has an idea of what you can do to lessen the chance that'll happen. "Instead of over-analyzing how much sleep you’re getting, it’s important to understand that insomnia is a common and treatable condition, by incorporating healthy sleep hygiene routines organically and focusing on addressing the root causes of insomnia symptoms," he shares.

How can we optimize our sleep without getting sucked into wellness trends?

Niels from Slaapwijsheid.nl

Whether you want to call it sleepmaxxing or not, all you have to do is normalize the tips Dr. Bindal mentioned above. "Some of the ways can include established a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, managing light exposure, and limiting screen time before you want to go to sleep," he reiterates. Social media isn't going anywhere so don't let your FOMO convince you that potential scandals or tutorials are more important than getting seven to nine hours of sleep.

Also, don't forget to "maintain a comfortable sleep environment" while being aware of your "caffeine and alcohol intake throughout the day," Dr. Bindal points out. Something tells us that we're going to have to be intentional about breaking up with our daily coffee runs and desires to unwind with a nice glass of wine. But if it means we'll sleep better, we'll add that to our list of habits to change!

Need an extra dose of positivity in your life? We have even more lifestyle tips to share to help you end the year on a healthy and wholesome note!

I thought my days of having painful period cramps were over after giving birth and getting an IUD, but last month proved me wrong. There was a time I could pinpoint the source of my bloating and other PMS symptoms, but I've stopped paying as much attention to what I eat lately...and things have gotten way off track.

Since I'm tired of suffering, I decided to reach out to Urologist Dr. Eric Margolis to how the food you eat can impact your period cramps. If you're wondering how Urologists can help with this issue, it's because they're trained to treat urinary and reproductive conditions (via Cleveland Clinic). Take it from someone whose had to see one before!

So let's get into all the top tips Dr. Margolis has to offer!

What causes cramps when someone is PMSing or on their period?

Polina Zimmerman

Consider yourself lucky if you don't struggle with PMS — I'd honestly love to trade places with you for a day. According to the Office on Women's Health, almost three in four women say they experience PMS, and the National Institutes of Healthnotes that one in ten women deal with painful period cramps every month. In other words, some of us are genuinely struggling to function without really understanding why we're in so much pain. What gives?

"Cramps, or dysmenorrhea, occur due to the release of chemicals called prostaglandins during menstruation. These chemicals cause the uterus to contract in order to shed its lining," Dr. Margolis says. What people tend to feel is the result of contractions" becoming "too intense," thus causing them to "cut off blood flow and oxygen to the surrounding muscle tissue, leading to pain." Dr. Margolis also wants you to know, "The higher the level of prostaglandins, the more severe the cramps are likely to be."

If that sounds painful, just know it is! I never thought about the actual process our bodies go through during menstruation, so understanding that better makes me want to be kinder to be my body. Still, does this mean cramps are normal?

Are period cramps normal?


Dr. Margolis says that period cramps are "a normal part of the menstrual cycle for many people." He explains that "mild to moderate cramps" typically occur towards the beginning of your period, as your uterus is contracting. IDK about you, but it's definitely nice to know that cramps are a part of the process and they don't necessarily mean anything's wrong. However, this doesn't mean you should ignore severe pain.

"If the pain is severe and disrupts daily life, it might indicate an underlying condition that requires medical attention," Dr. Margolis says. Only you know the level of pain you're able to handle monthly, but there are definitely some key factors that can help you identify what is considered "abnormal" when it comes to your period cramps.

When are severe period cramps considered abnormal?


"Severe cramps that are unmanageable with over-the-counter medications or last for an extended period may indicate underlying health issues," Dr. Margolis continues. Based on his experience, these conditions can be "fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)" which "often cause more intense pain."

Prior to my painful period cramps returning, I underwent Laparoscopy surgery in 2019 to rule out endometriosis as the culprit for unbearable cycles. My OBGYN didn't find that, but she discovered a large fibroid nestled in the side of one of my uterine walls which needed to be removed.

Some of the signs Dr. Margolis says you need to pay attention to are:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Irregular periods
  • Pain during sex
  • Bleeding between periods

If you notice these symptoms, Dr. Margolis implores you to consult with your doctor about them. Truthfully, it took years for someone to take my pain seriously, so I also recommend you keep advocating for yourself if you're dealing with cramps that feel abnormal.

What's the worst thing to eat before your period?

Pavel Danilyuk

Here comes my favorite topic — food! I love eating all kinds of food, but I'm having to relearn how to balance hormones all over again. Between that and my digestive system, I know my undisciplined eating is the root cause of painful period cramps, but I've forgotten what I should be avoiding.

Dr. Margolis says, "Highly processed foods, sugar, and salty snacks should be avoided. They can increase inflammation, contribute to bloating, and worsen cramps. Caffeine and alcohol can also dehydrate the body and lead to more discomfort during menstruation."

I feel like your jaw just dropped in disbelief because most of the things that make periods so painful taste so good. I mean, who doesn't love snacks, coffee, and yummy cocktails? Sigh...as much as we may love or crave them, they're not always the best things to indulge in when we're already going through so many bodily changes.

What foods should someone eat to lessen painful period cramps?

olia danilevich

But, there's things we can do to lessen our chances of suffering every month. Dr. Margolis says, "Anti-inflammatory foods are particularly helpful for reducing period cramps." He says these include the following:

  • Leafy greens like spinach and kale, which are high in magnesium and calcium
  • Fatty fish such as salmon or sardines, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation
  • Nuts and seeds that contain magnesium, which can relax muscles and reduce pain
  • Fruits like bananas and berries, which provide antioxidants and potassium, aiding in muscle relaxation and inflammation reduction
  • Whole grains that are a good source of fiber and help regulate blood sugar, preventing spikes that may worsen cramps
We have a ton of healthy dinner recipes and a clean eating grocery list here! Hopefully if you start incorporating these into your diet, you can part ways with painful period cramps for good.

Is it actually possible to avoid sugar before and during your period?

Tim Samuel

Sugar is in a lot of things we eat and drink so I asked Dr. Margolis if there's a way to avoid it altogether. He says, "It’s challenging, but not impossible to avoid sugar entirely. Cravings for sugary foods often increase due to hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle." I don't know about you, but I always crave specific things like sugary juice, muffins, or cupcakes right before and during my period. It's like my brain knows they're going to cause more harm than good, but my hormones demand them.

As a replacement, Dr. Margolis believes "reducing sugar intake by opting for natural sweeteners like fruits or healthier alternatives like dark chocolate can help curb cravings." Also, there's more benefits to putting down the artificial stuff. "Cutting back on sugar may also help in managing inflammation and stabilizing mood and energy levels during your period," says Dr. Margolis.

In short, painful period cramps don't have to rule my life or yours, but it does require us to make a few diet changes. I've done it before and it starts with being consistent on a daily basis. I've talked about it before, but the food diary I used to keep truly helped me stay on track and pinpoint my triggers. It's worth trying if you're tired of being doubled over in pain each month!

We have even more wellness tips to help you live your healthiest life, so make sure to bookmark them when you need a little extra help!

Internet fans rejoice! The one date we've been waiting two years for has finally arrived: Andrew Garfield and Amelia Dimoldenberg's Chicken Shop Date. The two stars first connected in 2022 on the GQ Men of the Year Awards red carpet, which Garfield attended and Dimoldenberg hosted. Fans honed into their chemistry immediately and, just like Dimoldenberg, started begging for the We Live in Time actor to make an appearance on her Chicken Shop Date web series.

And when they ran into each other again on the 2023 Golden Globes carpet? It was rom-com levels of adorable! "We must stop meeting like this," Andrew Garfield joked. And I think Amelia Dimoldenberg — who is the last word in confidence and boldness — clearly made him nervous because it didn't take long for him to start tripping over his words. "I only ever want to see you," he says, then grabs her hand and laughs as he clarifies he wants to see her "in these kinds of situations."

“'I only ever want to see you' would simply make me pass away, she’s so strong," one TikToker said in the comments, while another asks "why did this have ME blushing." Same y'all.

But the plot thickens because during the long-awaited Chicken Shop Date, Andrew Garfield actually tells Amelia Dimoldenberg they could have gone on a real date (you know, without all the lights, camera, action).

“Don't, like, bring out a ring or get down on one knee, I'm not in the mood today," Dimoldenberg jokes at the beginning of the video. "It's been vibey to the point where you've been avoiding me for two years because the vibes were too much for you to handle, so I'm actually surprised you're here."

After playing a game of "Snog, Marry, Avoid" with Tobey Maguire, Tom Holland, and herself (he picked her to avoid), Garfield says, "This is called flirting Amelia. This is actually a first date." Does this prove men never really stop teasing the girls they like?

"I actually believe, maybe, we could've [gone on a real date]," he adds, "without all of this." Um hello?! I need these two to go on a real date ASAP.

The Chicken Shop Date comes after Amelia Dimoldenberg told Drew Barrymore she'd recently kissed someone. "I'm feeling really good about being single at the moment, but that's because I kissed someone recently," she said. When Barrymore presses for more info ("With tongue?"), she adds, "Yeah, with tongue."

Get it girl!

Obsessed with the immaculate combo of chicken and interviews? Check out The Best 'Hot Ones' Episodes To Binge When You're Feeling Spicy!

Social media's "hot girls have stomach problems" trend might just be a trend, but I'll gladly accept it. After all, I feel like I deserve some kind of redemption after ending up in the ER, and then again in urgent care, because of stomach pain. I've had stomach problems my entire life, but there was no way I was giving up pasta. Or cheese. What kind of 20-something do you think I am?! I'd decided my comfort foods were worth the discomfort they caused — until it got so bad I couldn't handle it.

I was constantly uncomfortable or in pain (to the point I couldn't pay attention to anything or anyone else), and I couldn't go a day without feeling like my insides were on fire. Apparently, this is not normal.

Now, after consulting with my doctor, I've changed my entire diet. And I'm shook to my core at how good I feel. Is this what all of y'all have been experiencing this whole time?! I am in no way a medical professional, nor am I claiming that these food swaps (plus eating smaller meals more slowly) is the only thing that's helped me. But if you're looking for recipes that will be easy on your tummy, or you're just looking to cut back on sweets, check out these healthy food ideas below. And check with your doctor if you're thinking of making some major swaps!

What foods are gentle on your stomach?

Brit + Co

Foods like toast, rice, bananas, eggs, applesauce, and oatmeal are known to be easy on your stomach. I had to do a lot of trial and error over the course of a few months, and have cut my diet back to safe foods I know will leave me feeling good.

I rarely drink alcohol (shout out to these delicious mocktail recipes!!!), and I have one coffee every six weeks or so, opting for a daily chai or matcha instead. Sugar's also proven to be a pain point, so I usually stick to dark chocolate. But the most surprising foods I've started to avoid are gluten and oats. All this to say, it's all about what works for you and your lifestyle.

My go-to healthy foods for stomach problems are sweet potatoes, broccoli, Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken sausage or grilled chicken, bell peppers, and rice. I also love the occasional ginger ale.

Sweet Potatoes + Broccoli + Chicken Sausage

Brit + Co

I will never go without sweet potatoes, like, ever again. I used to find them disgusting but they have become my saving grace on days my stomach feels awful. Whether I'm making fries, mixing them with other veggies, or turning them into vegan mac and cheese (yes, really), they're sooo versatile. One of my favorite recipes is roasting sweet potatoes and broccoli in the oven (I do 325 degrees for around 20 minutes), then adding in some cooked chicken sausage. I even add some ketchup and mustard on top for a deconstructed hot dog and fries!

​Vegan Mac and Cheese

Taryn Elliott/Pexels

This has been one of my go-to dishes recently, and I promise it's way easier to make than it sounds. I was inspired by this recipe from @itslivb, but since making it the first time, I've started eyeballing every measurement and adjusting the flavors. As someone who love pasta, this is one comfort food recipe that I can indulge in without feeling sick. All I do is boil cubed sweet potatoes until they're soft, then add them to a blender with nutritional yeast, salt, spices like garlic powder and onion powder, and cashews for a creamy consistency.

Gluten-Free Pasta

Brit + Co

As someone whose comfort food is pasta, you can imagine how sad I was when I realized gluten makes me feel awful. I've been on the hunt for the best gluten-free pastas around, and after making some less-than-ideal chickpea pasta recipes, I'm totally obsessed with Trader Joe's rice pasta. Trust me on this. I can't wait to try it in this creamy avocado pasta recipe!

​Grilled Chicken

Salt & Lavender

My taste buds have always loved chicken, and now that I've realized grilled chicken makes me feel so much better than fried chicken, my stomach does too! I always buy a bag of frozen chicken tenders so I can keep them until I'm ready to cook 'em up. After they've defrosted for a couple hours, I use this hack to remove the tendon, and then I'm ready to grill it! I'll eat grilled chicken with literally everything: pasta, sweet potato fries, a bunch of vegetables. I could eat it every day. Here's our ultimate guide toHow To Stop Grilling Dry Chicken For Good.



That being said, when I need to shake it up, salmon, shrimp, and other seafood are also great protein options. I just usually have to eat a little more to make sure I'm full. I'm dying to make These Flavorful Fish Tacos.

​Cooked Veggies

Brit + Co

Even though I definitely prefer raw vegetables, ever since I realized cooked veggies are easier to digest, I haven't gone back. Roasting a ton of peppers, sweet potatoes, and broccoli at the top of the week sets me up for a successful — and tummy ache-free — week of meals. This Vegetable Galette is calling my name (with a GF crust, of course).

Greek Yogurt & Strawberries

Life Of Pix/Pexels

I have the same breakfast every day: an egg and turkey bacon, either a chai latte or a matcha latte, and Greek yogurt and strawberries. I can't believe I never regularly ate Greek yogurt before, but now that I'm on the train, I'm never getting off. Sometimes when I want a little extra treat I add some chocolate chips, too! This dish helps fill me up without leaving me weighed down.

What's your go-to recipe on days you feel icky? Let us know in the comments and check out our Pinterest for more recipes!

We were thrilled when Stranger Things breakout star Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi (yes, the son of singer and musician Jon Bon Jovi) announced their engagement last year. The couple announced their exciting news on Instagram, each posting photos of their smiles, and the stunning ring front and center. And now they've officially had a wedding ceremony! Keep reading to see everything we know about their gorgeous wedding day and lives newlyweds!

How do Millie Bobby Brown And Jake Bongiovi interact as a married couple?


It seems like Chris Pratt has exclusive intel because he got to see Millie Bobby Brown interact with Jake Bongiovi while they were filming The Electric State. It's apparent Chris and Millie have struck up a friendship full of praise for each other as the former raved about how amazing the Damsel actress is.

"She has such a huge heart, such a love for animals, such a love for her now-husband, Jake, who was on set every day," he said (via PEOPLE). He added that Millie and Jake are "totally awesome and normal people who live extraordinary lives."

In true Chris Pratt fashion, the actor concluded by telling Millie they're going to be friends forever. "...you can't get rid of me." I wonder if that means we'll see Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi go on doubles with Chris Pratt and his wife Katherine Schwarzenegger in the future!

How is Millie Bobby Brown adjusting to married life?

Getty Images For Netflix

The actress has kept quiet about married life, but she recently shared a carousel on Instagram that hints she's doing amazing. She took fans BTS of life on the set of Stranger Things 5 and snapped a photo that appears to be on a blackboard. I don't know if she wrote "Millie Bobby Brown Bongiovi" in black marker or not, but it's clear she's proud to take on her husband's last name.

It seems like other fans couldn't get over seeing that pic because the comments about it are full of excitement. Fans think her name is "so powerful" and "sweet" which coincides with how everyone feels about her return as Eleven in Stranger Things.

Did Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi have a second wedding?


While the couple was legally and officially married, they celebrated with their closest friends and family with an intimate (and gorgeous, I might add) ceremony in the Tuscan hills of Italy. Millie donned 3 different looks for the occasion, while looking absolutely remarkable! Her main dress, a corseted flowing dream was made by none other than Oscar de la Renta. Afterwards, she wore a tiered sheer dress, the quickly changed into a fun, mini dress for the after party!

The two looked as in love as ever at their lavish ceremony, while none other than "Papa" Matthew Modine, Millie's Stranger Things co-star, officiated the ceremony! The pictures, posted by the couple, showed the stunning countryside of Italy that looked straight out of a movie! Jake posted the photos with the caption, "forever and always, your husband." Could they BE any cuter?!

We're so happy for this gorgeous couple on their big day!

Did Millie Bobby Brown get married?

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

Yes, Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi are married! Jon Bon Jovi confirmed that the two had tied the knot on an episode of BBC's The One Show. "They're great," says Jon. "They're absolutely fantastic. It was a very small family wedding, and the bride looked gorgeous, and Jake is happy as can be. It's true."

And thanks to The Sun, we know that Jon's wife Dorothea Bongiovi and Millie Bobby Brown's parents were also reportedly in attendance. While Millie has joked that her Stranger Things costar Matthew Modine (who plays Papa on the show) would officiate the ceremony, there's no word on whether any of her friends were at the wedding.

But The Sun also reports that the couple is having a larger ceremony later this year — now THAT'S a party I want to see! "Millie and Jake quietly said their vows in America last weekend," a source says. “They are planning a bigger ceremony in the US later this year but now they have legally married and done all the paperwork. It was a very low-key, romantic affair with their closest family with them as they said their vows.”

How did Millie Bobby Brown get engaged?

Todd Owyoung/NBC

During an appearance on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, Millie Bobby Brown finally spilled the details Jake Bongiovi's proposal, and TBH I totally did not see it coming. "Basically, Jake and I bonded over diving," she says. "He was like, 'Mill, you've got to be up at 8 AM, we're going on a dive'...So we go under and we're many meters down, and he gives me a shell and I turn it over and it's a ring."

"He puts the ring on my hand, and as I go to show him, the ring falls off my finger," she continues. "Jake threw himself into the [water] so deep...He does a cinematic grab, opens [his hand], and he saved the ring." This is one proposal story I could hear over and over again!

When did Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi start dating?

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi have dated since late 2021, but romance rumors swirled once the couple started posting pictures of each other in June 2021. The engagement sparked many reactions from fans, considering their shorter dating-to-engagement timeline and the couple’s ages at the time, Brown (19) and Bongiovi (20).

"Endlessly in love with the year I've had!" Millie says in a 2023 New Years Day Instagram post. "Grateful for my friends, family, donkey (bernard), my doggies, my puppies teeth, and my partner for life. here's to another year with you and the wonderful people and animals around us 🤍 let's do it again but better!"

What did Millie Bobby Brown wear to her engagement party?

Image via Buster Knight/Instagram

Brown wore a Giambattista Valli lace set that we're absolutely obsessed with, and used her own florence by mills line for her makeup!

One user commented on Popsugar's announcement, "Anyone else think he looks like Flynn Rider from Tangled?" and now we're totally getting Flynn and Rapunzel vibes.

What have Millie's friends said about the engagement?

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

The actress’ friends were quick to congratulate the duo on Instagram. TV personality Jess Wright wrote in the comments section, “Ommmmggggg congratulations!!!!!!!!! @milliebobbybrown this is amazing. So so happy for you darling 🎊✨🤍.” Holly Ramsay, daughter of celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, shared her well wishes and wrote, “!!!! Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️❤️.” Sister Tilly Ramsay also chimed in, adding “Congratulations ❤️!! Xx.”

See Jake Bongiovi And Millie Bobby Brown's Engagement Photos

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

Jake Bongiovi and Millie Bobby Brown are all smiles in their engagement photos, and I am love seeing how happy they are! "I've loved you three summers now, honey, I want 'em all," Millie says in her Instagram post. Considering this is a nod to Taylor Swift's Lover, it makes us love Millie even more!

Standing on a beach, Jake wears a white button down while Millie wears a classic slicked back bun, lacy top, and glazed donut nails. If you ask me, these are the PERFECT summer outfits and I want to replicate them ASAP!

What did Millie Bobby Brown do on her birthday?

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

Millie Bobby Brown celebrated her 20th birthday on February 19, 2024 at Cathédrale Restaurant in New York, and was surrounded by her closest loved ones for the occasion. She was seen smiling happily next to Jake Bongiovi and we pinched ourselves because they're so adorable together!

Aside from that, Millie Bobby Brown wore the cutest satin mini dress that looks fit for a bride. Could this be a nod to her wedding dress?

Congrats to the happy couple! 💗

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This post has been updated.

If you've been struggling to get enough sleep, new TikTok viral wellness trend — 'sleepmaxxing' — wants to help. We'd give anything to stop dealing with insomnia, middle-of-the-night wakeup calls, and overall sleep anxiety. But does this trend work? And more importantly, are all these social media tips safe for you to try?

Dr. Ankur Bindal, MD, MPH, FAPA, FAASM can tell you better than we can given his board certification in psychiatry, from American Board of Psychiatry & neurology. In addition to being the founder of the KAB Medical Group Inc. in San Diego, he's also a board certified sleep medicine practitioner who's seen firsthand how a lack of rest can affect our overall wellbeing.


  • Sleepmaxxing is a TikTok trend that's focused on setting yourself up for the best night of sleep possible.
  • While sleep masks and other tangible efforts to get comfortable in bed are great, you mainly want to make sure you're making healthy choices before bed like avoiding your phone.
  • Adults should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
  • Eliminate too much light in your bedroom, avoid screen time, and establish consistent sleeping and waking times.

What is sleepmaxxing?


If you're confused about sleepmaxxing, you're not alone — it's really not a straightforward term. It reminds us of what Will Ferrell said in Blades of Glory: "No one knows what it means but it's provocative...gets the people going." However, it actually has a meaning, and Dr. Bindal succinctly breaks it down. "Sleepmaxxing is the art and science of optimizing one's sleep and achieving the best possible quality & quantity of sleep by addressing every factor that can disrupt sleep," he says. This can look like using ear plugs, sleep masks, establishing specific sleep rituals, or anything else that is soothing and helpful.

Mainly, if you actually want to maximize your sleep, then you need to focus on what you do before you go to bed. Unbeknownst to us at times, our bedtime habits can affect the kind of rest we get (or not) at night. Dr. Bindal says, "Optimal Sleep hygiene methodologies including limiting light and sound exposure to using the latest sleep gadgets so sleepmaxxing aims to enhance sleep quality to the fullest." Unfortunately this means our habit of binge watching shows or scrolling mindlessly on TikTok at night aren't helping us.

I mean, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 35% of those surveyed have their sleep interrupted by lights inside of their homes. That's just lights, sans repetitious social media sounds and compelling television plots. When you add those on top of it all...let's just say we really are not doing ourselves any favors.

How does getting the proper amount of rest aid in our overall wellbeing?

Ahmed ツ

Now that you have a better idea of what sleepmaxxing is, we have to talk about why it matters. Dr. Bindal says getting the "proper amount of sleep" helps support" the following "various bodily functions" including, but not limited to:

  • Brain health — Enhanced cognition in domains of learning, concentration and consolidating memory by promoting phenomenon of hippocampal plasticity
  • Immune system function — A production of essential immune cells, better equipped to fighting off infections
  • Hormone regulation — A regulation of mood and reduced stress and physical repair that promotes muscle recovery, tissue repair, and overall physical development

He further explains that hormone regulation eventually leads to "improved mood, concentration, energy levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes."

Basically, the health benefits of slowing down and going to sleep outweigh what society often pushes — staying up later, longer and hustling at all hours of the day and night.

On average, how many hours of sleep are recommended?


How much rest are you truly getting at night? If you ask America's Health Rankings, 35% of adults are getting less than seven hours of sleep. Dr. Bindal says that while adults should sleep between seven and nine hours every night, and there are health risks for those who don't. "Research corroborates that adults who sleep less than seven hours a night may have more health issues than those who do," he explains. Johns Hopkins Medicinefound that sleep deprivation can lead to a "36% increased risk for colorectal cancer," propensity for developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and an overall lower immune system.

Saying "I'll sleep when I'm dead," may sound like a joke, but there's nothing funny about not letting your body get the rest it needs to function.

Should people with sleep difficulties try sleepmaxxing?

Marcus Aurelius

There are several reasons why your sleep could be negatively impacted right now. You may be dealing with insomnia due to stress, depression, or being a new parent. According to the American Psychological Association, 43% of people believe being stressed contributes to their lack of sleep. Furthermore, these same people have noticed their mood has shifted. The same reports shows that 45% of people who are getting less than the recommended hours of sleep have shared they feel on edge more than others while 52% have noticed they've been taking their frustrations out on those in their household.

Dr. Bindal agrees that sleepmaxxing can greatly benefit you if you're struggling because it can "enhance sleep quality to the fullest and emphasizes the importance of optimal sleep health."

How does sleepmaxxing benefit us?

Pavel Danilyuk

Clearly, you need a certain amount of sleep to function properly and achieve all those goals you've so intentionally set recently (hello, October Theory!). That's where sleepmaxxing can come in. Dr. Bindal says, "Improved sleep quality can lead to enhanced mental clarity and emotional stability, making it easier to navigate daily challenges."

If you're planning to change a few habits, you're going to need all the strength and focus you can access because change isn't always easy — even if you welcome it! So when you're implementing these new nighttime routines, be sure to stick to them. Turn your phone on Do Not Disturb, avoid the itch to scroll socials, and make sure you're able to properly relax. It can make all the difference in the world!

How can we incorporate sleepmaxxing in our bedtime routines?


If you don't know how to make sleepmaxxing work for you, Dr. Bindal has great suggestions! "Key techniques include optimizing your sleep environment, establishing a consistent sleep schedule, and managing stress and anxiety," he suggests.

One of the key ways you can make sure your room will promote a good night's sleep is by "adjusting the temperature" or "practicing a relaxation exercises before bed," he says. While meditation and mindfulness may be relaxation exercises that take practice over time, choosing the correct temperature is an easy way to set yourself up for success. Everyone's different, but he truly believes your room should be between 65 and 69 degrees Fahrenheit, too.

As Dr. Bindal mentioned before, eliminating sources of light can also aid in the rest you get. Personally, I can't sleep with the TV or lights on anymore because I just know it interrupts my sleep. My room is usually pitch black when it's time to go to sleep — to the point my three-year-old knows what it means when I turn everything off.

Besides these things, Dr. Bindal encourages you to maintain "consistent sleep and wake times" along with a "balanced diet and regular physical activity." Whether that means you start making your own Cava bowls inspired by the blue zone diet or doing workouts at home, they can aid in helping your body repair itself which then promotes the sleep you need.

Can we become too hyper-focused on our quality of sleep?

Kevin Malik

As with anything, too much of something can have adverse affects which rules out any benefits. Though sleepmaxxing can be a good thing for you, becoming fixated on it is likely going to make you even more stressed. "One of the primary concerns with sleepmaxxing is the development of orthosomnia, a condition caused by an obsession with tracking sleep metrics, with devices or apps, which increases anxiety and can further disrupt sleep, called paradoxical insomnia," Dr. Bindal warns.

If you become too obsessed with tracking every little thing, he says all this will do is "disrupt sleep cycles and limit the efficacy of insomnia treatments." But, he has an idea of what you can do to lessen the chance that'll happen. "Instead of over-analyzing how much sleep you’re getting, it’s important to understand that insomnia is a common and treatable condition, by incorporating healthy sleep hygiene routines organically and focusing on addressing the root causes of insomnia symptoms," he shares.

How can we optimize our sleep without getting sucked into wellness trends?

Niels from Slaapwijsheid.nl

Whether you want to call it sleepmaxxing or not, all you have to do is normalize the tips Dr. Bindal mentioned above. "Some of the ways can include established a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, managing light exposure, and limiting screen time before you want to go to sleep," he reiterates. Social media isn't going anywhere so don't let your FOMO convince you that potential scandals or tutorials are more important than getting seven to nine hours of sleep.

Also, don't forget to "maintain a comfortable sleep environment" while being aware of your "caffeine and alcohol intake throughout the day," Dr. Bindal points out. Something tells us that we're going to have to be intentional about breaking up with our daily coffee runs and desires to unwind with a nice glass of wine. But if it means we'll sleep better, we'll add that to our list of habits to change!

Need an extra dose of positivity in your life? We have even more lifestyle tips to share to help you end the year on a healthy and wholesome note!