Your Electrifying ​Solar Eclipse Horoscope For 2024 Is Officially In!

solar eclipse horoscope 2024

Do you feel the change in the air? Besides the autumnal equinox that just passed, you can’t help but feel a stirring in your being. Two weeks ago, eclipse season began with the magical Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, and it was the starting point for realizing what has to be released in our narrative. If you haven’t read about the lunar eclipse, I invite you to do so because its impact will last the next six months alongside this Solar Eclipse in Libra.

The great news is that solar eclipses denote new beginnings and a turning point in our journey as we become receptive to change. This Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2 concludes eclipse season (phew!), and we can look forward to what’s next regarding plans and significant decisions involving our relationships. Believe me, you'll be ready once the eclipse season starts again in 2025. Want to learn more about this electrical solar eclipse? Discover what is in store for your zodiac sign during this solar eclipse event with your horoscope.

​Why Will This Solar Eclipse in Libra Be Impactful?

Sydney Haws

The solar eclipse in Libra is 10 degrees — this degree imparts an energetic pull of taking risks involving a skill or idea we have overlooked. In relationships, a new approach is in store, which may result in you seeing clearly what aspect of your love story needs rewriting. It's a period to start fresh wholly, and a fair negotiation is a must to achieve a harmonious outcome. If fairness is overlooked, it will tip the scale and lead to breakups. Although you may feel a bit cautious about trying something new, use this solar eclipse period not necessarily to begin the endeavor but to reflect on how you would feel if you attracted your dream outcome. You can reach your confidence mindset as you align your feelings with your motivation instead of following other people's version of success. Create your path.

​What Is Happening During This Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024?

Philipp Aleev

A significant cluster of planets and celestial points perfectly aligns with this solar eclipse! The Sun-Moon-Black Moon, Lilith-Mercury-South Node conjunction denotes major themes involving women and facing past unresolved issues. As all of these planets and points are in the sign of Libra (justice/law) and factoring in the South Node (past karma), it will bring forth messages involving what the collective must do to rebalance what has been upturned regarding past injustices.

The solar eclipse in alignment with Mercury will stir in a new approach and message behind the need to bring harmony through peace talks or negotiations involving women’s health needs and rights. It will not be an overnight success, however, the conversation will begin within these next six months.

Sydney Kerns

The Mars square, in alignment with all of the above planets and celestial points, will add more emotional traction behind our arguments — and spiral out a range of confrontations. Mindfulness and patience are needed to ride this solar eclipse soundly. The Black Moon Lilith will lead an upsurge alongside this significant event. Lilith represents the repressed feminine expression that eventually gets liberated by understanding women’s power and impact. There will be a major upsurge of pro-feminist movements these next several months.

In relation to our personal lives, it will be a period for us to review our inner needs and follow through with our ambitions. It's time to free yourself and begin living the life you want. It begins as you confront your shadows and learn to wield them for good. Every day is a new day and a chance to be better. Be wild and free, and welcome the unbounded version of yourself.

​Which signs will be most affected by the Solar Eclipse in Libra?

Monstera Production

Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn (sun, moon, and rising) that fall within the 0-15 degrees. This is your chance to finally put your best foot forward and not hold back these next six months. Get organized and set a course to see through to your ambitions. It's not a period to shy away from your true potential.

Horoscopes For The Solar Eclipse 2024 In Libra

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

The solar eclipse in your 7th house highlights the importance of relationships, inviting you to explore new perspectives. Reflect on your love life and identify areas that are ready for change. Don’t hold back and take calculated risks related to ideas you've overlooked, as they could lead to significant growth. Balance is essential now — engaging in fair negotiations will create harmony. As you navigate these changes, envision your dream outcome. Allow your true desires to guide you, and step confidently into this new chapter of connection and partnership.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

As the solar eclipse unfolds in your 6th house, it's time to rethink your daily habits and work environment. This moment encourages the exploration of ideas tied to skills you may have ignored. Reflect on your health and work-life balance. Your productivity and success will flourish as you learn to take care of your body accordingly. Prioritize fair communication to ensure harmony with colleagues and loved ones. While you may feel unsure as a fixed sign about embracing new routines, this is your chance to envision an ideal work-life scenario and take practical steps toward making it a reality. It will be worth it!

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

With the solar eclipse illuminating your 5th house, a flow of creativity and passion for self-expression is on the horizon. It's a perfect moment to observe your romantic life and uncover what needs a new approach. As you explore risks related to untapped talents, embrace the chance for a new beginning. Fair communication is vital in your relationships to avoid misunderstandings. If you feel hesitant about trying something new, envision your ideal romantic or creative scenario. Allow this inspiration to guide your next steps and bring your dreams to life.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This solar eclipse in your 4th house encourages a deep dive into your home and family connections. It’s an ideal time to assess your inner world and the relationships that shape it. You may uncover aspects that require a fresh approach or healing. Accept this opportunity for a new beginning, but remember that open communication is crucial for maintaining harmony. As you navigate these changes, consider what your ideal home life looks like. Let your feelings guide you through this transformative phase and nurture the most important connections.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

The solar eclipse in your 3rd house stimulates fresh ideas and powers up your communication style. Reassess how you connect with others and express yourself. You might discover overlooked talents and ways you can use them for fantastic opportunities to collaborate with those who will help you get to the finish line. This is your moment for a fresh start, so prioritize open dialogue to maintain harmony. While you may feel hesitant about exploring new ways of communicating, this is your chance to elevate your interactions. Use this energy to articulate your true self and create deeper connections with those around you.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 24 – September 23)

This solar eclipse brings your values and finances into sharp focus, prompting a reassessment of how you relate to material resources. It’s an ideal time to explore risks associated with your skills or talents that you’ve yet to fully utilize. A fresh perspective on your worth can lead to exciting prospects. Engage in fair negotiations to ensure harmony in your financial dealings. Although you might feel cautious about new ventures, take this time to envision your ideal financial landscape and align your actions with your authentic values. Start an abundance practice by the next new moon to help you get started.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

As the solar eclipse occurs in your 1st house, it’s a transformative moment for self-discovery and personal growth. Now is the time to reflect on your identity and how you wish to present yourself to the world. You may feel inspired to take risks related to personal goals or passions you've overlooked. This is your chance for a fresh start, but remember to seek balance in your interactions with others. As you navigate these changes, focus on envisioning the best version of yourself and how to bring that vision to life. Embrace the word reinvention.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

This solar eclipse invites you to delve into your 12th house, where deep introspection and spiritual exploration await. It’s the perfect time to explore your inner world and release emotional baggage that no longer serves you. You may uncover hidden strengths or insights that lead to personal transformation. Renew yourself, but maintain balance in your thoughts and emotions. Reflecting honestly on your experiences will be vital to avoid inner conflict. While deep feelings may feel overwhelming, use this period to visualize your ideal self and the life you wish to create.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

The solar eclipse shining in your 11th house brings your friendships and social networks into focus. It’s an excellent opportunity to observe the connections that support your goals and aspirations. You may feel inspired to explore new groups or collaborate on projects that ignite your passion. It's an exciting time to start fresh, but keep in mind that open communication is key to maintaining harmony. While you might be hesitant to reach out to new people, take this time to envision the community you desire and the support that will help you thrive.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

With the solar eclipse illuminating your 10th house, your career and public image come to the forefront. It’s a prime moment to explore risks related to ambitions or ideas you may have missed. You might feel inspired to pursue new opportunities that align with your true aspirations. This is your time to shine in the limelight, and don't hold back from sharing your passions with the world. As you consider taking bold steps, visualize your ideal career trajectory and the legacy you wish to build, empowering you to make meaningful progress.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This solar eclipse opens up new horizons in your 9th house, encouraging exploration and growth. It’s a perfect time to initiate changes involving your beliefs and seek new philosophies to expand your worldview. You may feel compelled to take risks related to travel or education that enrich your understanding. The Universe is ready for you to live out your dream endeavors, requiring a new perspective. While stepping outside your comfort zone may feel challenging, use this period to envision the adventures that await you and the knowledge you wish to gain.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

As the solar eclipse ignites your 8th house, a transformative journey into emotional and financial partnerships begins. It’s the perfect moment to assess deep connections and uncover hidden truths for personal growth. You may feel compelled to explore risks related to shared resources or intimate relationships. This is an opportunity to pay off debts—energetically or financially. Your manifestation abilities will elevate, so be mindful of your inner beliefs. Also, remember that open, honest communication is vital for harmony. Use this moment to envision the intimacy you desire and the connections supporting your journey forward.

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to submit your questions to Ask Lumi here!

Welcome to October. It’s time to slip into cozy sweater weather, and pumpkin-spice-flavored everything is back on the menu! Mornings are crisp and light while the trees are transitioning into a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues of yellow, amber, red, and deep burgundies – go on a Fall Foliage tour, and you'll get inspired. Also, let’s not forget Halloween, where everyone cannot help but feel a mystical pull while unleashing their wild side by throwing on a costume that reveals their alter ego.

Speaking of mystical, Libra season continues its powerful run with eclipse season in tow. It will be a revelatory month as it will help initiate changes, truth, and possibility. Let’s look at the astrology of October 2024 and observe what is in store for your sign. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising sign October horoscopes!

Astrology Overview for Your October 2024 Horoscopes

Cora Pursley

This month begins with the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, promising balance, truth, and fairness to be restored in your life and relationships as you align with your heart. This isn’t a time to settle — it's a moment to start living a more authentic path.

This solar eclipse sets the stage.

On October 10, Jupiter retrograde begins, a period that will last until February 4, 2025. This cosmic event encourages you to slow down and take a closer look at the bigger picture of your goals. Use this time to turn inward and embrace spiritual lessons. Consider taking a class or starting that book you've been contemplating. This slowdown provides the perfect opportunity to map out your future dreams.

Jupiter's retrograde in 2024 allows you to become open to possibility. It begins by stepping out of your comfort zone.

The fantastic news is that Pluto Direct is happening on October 11, which will motivate you even more than you have felt these last several months.

It can signal peaceful endings and a willingness to let go of the past.

The conversations will flow in a mysterious rhythm as Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. It is an ideal time to investigate the mysteries in your life. Probing and asking the right questions will get you the necessary answers. It is a fantastic time to begin release work and cord-cutting if you have barricading thoughts or unwelcome situations.

On October 17, the Full Moon in Aries calls in a significant moment, particularly in the realm of relationships. If you're in a romantic connection, be prepared for potential shifts in leadership dynamics. An aspect of yourself or your partnership may need to undergo review, leading to growth and healing opportunities.

Challenge leads to growth and infinite possibilities.

Patience and receptivity are crucial to navigating this intense lunation. Also, Venus enters Sagittarius on this day, igniting an air of wandering and the desire to be untethered. As you remain invested in growing with your partner or in life, you will experience a deeper connection.

Love will be an adventure.

As we conclude October, Scorpio season begins on October 22, edging in a misty vibe. It’s a perfect time to begin spirit work or personal development because the ability to become receptive to subtle information heightens. Scorpio season will reveal the steps to finding the solution if you have unanswered questions regarding your path.

​Key Dates + Planetary Transits for Your October Horoscope

Andrew Worung

  • 10/2 Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • 10/9 Jupiter Retrograde
  • 10/11 Pluto goes Direct
  • 10/13 Mercury enters Scorpio
  • 10/17 Full Moon in Aries, Venus enters Sagittarius
  • 10/22 Sun in Scorpio

​Is Your Sign in For a Big October Change? Discover Which 6 Signs Will Level Up

Cora Pursley

October 2024 is gearing up to bring some exciting changes just for us. If you're a Libra, expect a strong push for personal growth with a Solar Eclipse in your sign — it’s the perfect moment to rethink your goals and self-image. Aries, get ready to gain clear insights into your ambitions with a Full Moon lighting up your sign. Scorpio, you’ll dive deep into self-discovery as Mercury and the Sun focus on your sign, making this an ideal time for reflection. Taurus, it’s time to reassess your daily routines and health, influenced by the Solar Eclipse, while Jupiter’s retrograde encourages a fresh look at your long-term goals. Pisces, you’ll shift your focus to finances and close relationships, with the Solar Eclipse and Jupiter’s retrograde offering new perspectives. Sagittarius, you’ll shine brightly with Venus enhancing your charm and creativity, and the Full Moon will spark new inspiration for your passions. These cosmic shifts are not just about change, but about the potential for personal growth and transformation that they bring.

Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Monthly Horoscope

Brit + Co


Theme: Personal Clarity

This month, a fresh wave of self-reflection takes center stage as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reassess your relationships and partnerships. As you navigate these changes, Jupiter’s retrograde in your financial sector encourages you to fine-tune your budget and values. Mid-month, Mercury’s shift into Scorpio brings deep insights into shared resources and intimate connections, possibly reshaping your understanding. The Full Moon in Aries later in the month shines a light on your personal goals, driving you to assert your individuality. By month’s end, Venus entering Sagittarius inspires a quest for new experiences, whether through travel or learning. The Sun’s position in Scorpio further urges you to explore your inner self and deepen connections, making it a time for transformative growth.

Brit + Co


Theme: Routine and Health

Transformation in your daily routines and work environment is on the horizon as the Solar Eclipse prompts a thoughtful reassessment. Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to reflect on your personal goals and self-image, guiding you to align them with your long-term aspirations. Mid-month, Mercury’s move into Scorpio focuses on your partnerships, bringing meaningful conversations that may redefine your relationships. The Full Moon in Aries highlights insights related to personal introspection and behind-the-scenes matters. As the month concludes, Venus entering Sagittarius brings attention to enhancing emotional connections and exploring new ways to manage shared resources. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio emphasizes the importance of clear communication and understanding in your partnerships, paving the way for deeper connections.

Brit + Co


Theme: Creativity and Romance

A burst of creative energy drives your month as the Solar Eclipse encourages you to reevaluate your approach to romance and self-expression. Reflect on how these areas contribute to your joy and fulfillment. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to revisit past dreams and inner motivations, offering clarity on your current path. Mercury’s entry into Scorpio shifts your focus to daily routines and work, prompting a reassessment of your health and tasks. The Full Moon later in the month illuminates your social networks and long-term goals, potentially leading to significant changes. As Venus enters Sagittarius, relationships come into focus, promoting growth and deeper connections. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio further highlights the need for clarity and transformation in everyday life.

Brit + Co


Theme: Home and Family

This month centers around emotional security as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reassess your domestic environment and personal foundations. Jupiter’s retrograde shifts your attention to long-term goals and friendships, offering new insights into your social circle. Mid-month, Mercury’s move into Scorpio encourages authentic self-expression and exploration of new passions. The Full Moon focuses on your career and public image, potentially leading to shifts or realizations in your professional life. By the end of the month, Venus entering Sagittarius redirects your attention to improving your daily routines and well-being. The Sun in Scorpio further emphasizes creativity and self-expression, making this a fruitful period for pursuing personal projects and enjoying life’s pleasures.

Brit + Co


Theme: Communication and Learning

Your communication style and local environment are spotlighted this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reflect on how you connect with others. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages a review of your career goals and public image, offering valuable insights into your professional path. Mercury’s shift into Scorpio focuses on home and family matters, inviting deeper conversations and resolutions. The Full Moon later in the month highlights broader horizons, such as travel or higher learning, potentially leading to important realizations. As Venus enters Sagittarius, a fresh, joyful energy invigorates your personal life and creativity. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio underscores the need for balance and emotional clarity in your domestic sphere.

Brit + Co


Theme: Finances and Values

Financial reassessment and realignment of personal values are key themes this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to review your budget and financial goals. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde guides you to reflect on your beliefs and plans, offering insights into educational or travel aspirations. Mercury’s entry into Scorpio focuses on communication and local connections, sparking meaningful interactions. The Full Moon highlights transformations related to shared resources or intimate bonds, leading to important realizations. Venus entering Sagittarius brings a nurturing energy to your home and family life. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio further emphasizes the need for clear communication and thoughtful connections with those around you.

Brit + Co


Theme: Personal Transformation

Personal transformation is at the forefront this month as the Solar Eclipse in your sign prompts a reevaluation of your goals and self-image. Reflect on new beginnings and how you present yourself to the world. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages introspection on shared resources and financial partnerships, leading to valuable insights. Mercury’s move into Scorpio shifts your focus to personal finances and values, urging a deeper review of your financial habits. The Full Moon highlights your relationships, potentially bringing clarity or resolution to partnership dynamics. Venus entering Sagittarius infuses your interactions with lively energy, sparking new connections and ideas. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio emphasizes financial matters, encouraging you to address lingering money issues and set a solid foundation for future prosperity.

Brit + Co


Theme: Self-Discovery

Inner growth and introspection define your month as the Solar Eclipse prompts a deep dive into personal transformation. Reflect on hidden concerns and past patterns that influence your present. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to review your partnerships and collaborations, providing fresh insights into these relationships. As Mercury enters your sign, your communication and self-expression come to the fore, allowing you to clearly articulate your thoughts and intentions. Later in the month, the full moon highlights work and daily routines, possibly revealing significant changes or achievements. Venus entering Sagittarius shifts your focus to finances and personal values, offering a new perspective on your material resources. With the Sun in your sign, you’ll feel empowered to pursue your goals with renewed energy.

Brit + Co


Theme: Creativity and Charisma

This month, reevaluating your social circles and long-term goals takes precedence as the Solar Eclipse prompts reflection on your friendships and aspirations. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde directs your attention to daily routines and health, offering insights into improving your approach to work or self-care. Mercury’s transition into the private sector invites introspection and revisiting past issues. The Full Moon illuminates your creative pursuits and passions, leading to breakthroughs or new inspirations. Venus entering your sign enhances your charm and self-confidence, making it an excellent time to focus on personal appearance and self-expression. The Sun’s presence in your introspective realm encourages deeper self-reflection and clarity.

Brit + Co


Theme: Career and Public Image

Career and public image are highlighted this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts a reassessment of your professional path and ambitions. Consider new strategies to align your career goals with your values. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites reflection on creative projects and personal joys, offering insights into how these fit into your broader life plans. Mercury’s entry into the social sector emphasizes strengthening connections and group dynamics. The Full Moon later in the month focuses on your home and family life, potentially revealing new insights or changes. Venus entering the private sector supports introspection and a deeper connection with your inner self. With the Sun in your social sphere, engage with your community and collaborate on shared goals.

Brit + Co


Theme: Expansion and Beliefs

Exploring new horizons and expanding your beliefs are key themes this month as the Solar Eclipse inspires you to rethink your educational pursuits and perspectives. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde shifts focus to home and family life, prompting you to create a more supportive environment. Mercury’s move into a professional sector clarifies your career goals and public image, helping you tweak your plans. The Full Moon later in the month highlights your local environment and communication, potentially leading to significant revelations. Step into the spotlight — you are ready. Venus entering your social sphere boosts friendships and group activities, encouraging new connections. The Sun’s presence in your career sector emphasizes increased focus on professional ambitions.

Brit + Co


Theme: Finances and Recognition

Expect a transformative month focused on reevaluating your financial and intimate connections as the Solar Eclipse urges you to examine shared resources and personal bonds. Explore how these areas impact your overall direction early in the month and consider any necessary changes. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages you to revisit past communications and learning experiences, clarifying unresolved issues and neglected projects. This is the moment for reflection and refinement — you thrive at this. With Mercury moving into Scorpio, you'll discover broader perspectives and beliefs, gaining valuable intel into your long-term aspirations. As the month progresses, the Full Moon focuses on financial matters, revealing new insights or adjustments in your approach to money and possessions. Venus’s entry into your career sector opens doors for professional advancement and recognition. The Sun’s presence in your exploration sector further motivates you to set ambitious goals and broaden your horizons, driving personal and professional growth.

Want to find out how astrology can be the guiding tool to self-acceptance and fulfillment? Click here and claim your copy of Lumi's Beginner's Astrology Book.

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

Good news for those of you who are already growing tired of pumpkin spice season: Starbucks’ holiday menu for 2024 was just leaked, and it reportedly brings back a ton of seasonal favorites starting next month!

From a classic Peppermint Mocha to the beloved Caramel Brûlée Latte, the recent menu rumors say a new Refresher flavor, 6 unique cold foams, and 4 new bakery items are on the way as the holidays draw near – including many items we predicted. This lineup is honestly wild. The new additions are rumored to hit Starbucks stores on November 7.

If you just can’t wait to order off the Starbucks holiday menu, here’s every offering reportedly coming to your closest cafe!



NEW! Cran-Merry Orange Refresher

The Starbucks holiday menu leak reports that this brand-new Refresher is packed with sweet orange, tart cranberry and warm spice. It also has cranberry inclusions and is order-able mixed with water, lemonade or coconut milk.


Iced Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai

Chai is a totally underrated holiday flavor in our opinion. This iced drink is crafted with warm chai spices and creamy oat milk, then gets topped with even more frothed oat milk infused with gingerbread-flavored syrup and a sprinkling of spice.


Peppermint Mocha

You know it, and you love it! The Peppermint Mocha has hit Starbucks menus year after year, making it a total statement sip for the holiday season. This drink (available hot or iced) combines peppermint syrup, mocha sauce, and your milk of choice with espresso for a festive feel. It's traditionally topped with whipped cream and tasty chocolate curls.


Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha

Similar to the classic Peppermint Mocha, this bev swaps chocolate for white chocolate sauce.


Caramel Brûlée Latte

This rumored Starbucks holiday menu drink is very rich. The sweet caramel brûlée sauce totally completes the sip, along with plenty of whipped cream and crunchy lil' brûlée bits for textural variety.


Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Latte

Literally like a sugar cookie in liquid form, this super-sweet latte is handcrafted with blonde espresso (it's sweeter and lighter than Starbucks' traditional espresso shots), sugar cookie syrup, and almond milk for a little bit of a lighter effect. It's finished off with red and green sprinkles to up the seasonal vibes even more!


Chestnut Praline Latte

This nutty latte – rumored to return for 2024 – brings on notes of chestnut and praline, which is a nice, flavorful departure from the very expected peppermint you'll see everywhere come holiday time.


Salted Pecan Crunch Cold Brew

Initially introduced for fall 2024, it appears as though the Salted Pecan Crunch Cold Brew will stay on the Starbucks menu well into winter. The salted, pecan-flavored cold foam offers that classic sweet n' salty twist you'd enjoy on fall snacks like trail mix or dipped pretzels. The best part is you can now also order the cold foam in non-dairy form!


Holiday Cold Foams

Per the menu leak, Starbs will be bringing back four beloved holiday-flavored cold foamsand two new options for 2024. They're the perfect drink customization to add to your iced coffees and cold brews if you don't want to order an all-out holiday drink. See all the predicted flavors below:

  • NEW! Gingerbread
  • NEW! Salted Pecan
  • Peppermint Chocolate
  • Sugar Cookie
  • Chestnut Praline
  • Caramel Brûlée



NEW! Dark Toffee Bundt

Per the menu leak, this sweet toffee-flavored bundt will be topped with holly- and berry-shaped sprinkles. How perfect for the holiday season!


NEW! Turkey Sage Danish

This savory snack reportedly includes "turkey sausage with creamy béchamel sauce in a pastry." It sounds like Thanksgiving in a single treat, and we can't wait to try it!


NEW! Penguin Cookie

This cutie sugar cookie is decorated like a lil' penguin bundled up for the cold.


Snowman Cake Pop

Starbucks' classic vanilla cake pop gets a wintry twist with an adorable snowman face – this sweet really makes us crave the holiday season!


Sugar Plum Cheese Danish

This cream cheese-filled danish is topped with a slightly-spiced sugar plum jam. It's been one of our go-to's over the past few holiday seasons at Starbucks!


Cranberry Bliss Bar

The Cranberry Bliss Bar has become an absolute staple on the Starbucks holiday menu, and for good reason! This blondie treat is smothered in a delicious cream cheese frosting and sprinkled with orange zest and dried cranberries for added seasonal enjoyment.

What People Are Saying About The Leaked Starbucks Holiday Menu

Though most commenters on @markie_devo's Starbucks holiday menu leak post seem to be excited for the upcoming rumored menu items, some Starbs fans noticed a few things missing from the leaked lineup.

"Still missing eggnog 😢," someone noted.

"Where is the toasted white chocolate mocha 😢😢😢😢," another questioned.

"ALLLLLL these cold foams, and not the one people want: Irish Cream," one more commenter said.

"Ugh still no gingerbread loaf 😭," a disappointed user wrote. "Everything else looks bomb though!"

Despite the Eggnog Latte, Toasted White Chocolate Mocha, Irish Cream Cold Brew, and Gingerbread loaf not being part of this year's menu predictions, the holiday season is our favorite time of year at Starbucks. Many more users share the same sentiment:

"So excited for all chestnut praline shaken espressos & cranberry bliss bars 🎄🎄🎄🎄," someone wrote.

"Oh hell yess all the chestnut praline offerings," another rejoiced.

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay posted on the latest Starbucks news, including when the official holiday menu lineup drops!

Happy October! It's officially Halloween season, bringing a bit of magic to the air as the crisp autumn leaves fall. Whether you're already decorating your home for the upcoming holiday, sipping on a fall beverage, or just enjoying a book in the cool breeze, now is a great time to dig into what makes you feel excited and alive! To understand how you can harness this energy, your weekly horoscope is officially in, bringing plenty of insights for how to make the most out of this lovely era. Read on for your sun and rising signs!

Astrology Overview For Your Weekly Horoscope

Georgia Donaldson

This week features a Solar Eclipse on October 2 in the sign of Libra. Solar Eclipses signify change and growth, offering a powerful opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you. Since this eclipse occurs at 9 degrees of Libra, now is the time to seek balance and harmony in your life. Embrace Libra qualities — who doesn’t need more balance, harmony, justice, or fairness?

Mercury has entered Libra and will remain there until October 12. With Mercury involved in this eclipse, our communication styles can benefit from the harmonious, fair-minded nature of Libra. Look for ways to compromise, ensuring that everyone wins. Be mindful of giving too much and communicate with kindness and grace. I hope this energy is prevalent in the world as well — I’m a bit of a dreamer.

Venus is in Scorpio until October 18. This is a time to deepen your commitments to your passions. Superficial relationships will feel unfulfilling, so seek connections on a deep, soulful level. Be open to transformative interactions of all kinds.

Key Dates For Your Weekly Horoscope

Haley Sprankle

  • October 2 — Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • September 26 - October 12 — Mercury in Libra
  • September 22 - October 18 — Venus in Scorpio

Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Sign

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

This is a good time to go inward, Aries. Listen to your intuition and ask your spirit companions for guidance. Something you’ve been carrying from a past life can be set free. You can identify and heal past wounds, allowing you to move forward authentically. Look for ways to share what you’ve learned with others.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

How is your health, Taurus? Connect with your body and listen to its signals. Get back to basics — there’s no need for elaborate measures to achieve your health goals. Your relationships may be intense, but they're also profoundly rewarding. Pay attention to sacred connections and transformative conversations.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Allow yourself to shine and get creative in the boldest, most joyful way possible, Gemini. Aim high with your dreams. Communication is highlighted this week, so leverage your considerable skills. If you have a project in mind, this is a good time to plan and start. While financial success is possible, take your time and have fun in the process.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Focus on family, home, and self-nurturing, Cancer. If you tend to prioritize others over yourself, this week offers a chance to find balance and harmony. Self-care is essential for you to be the nurturer you want to be. If you’re athletic, consider restarting your exercise routine or rededicate yourself to your sport; a physical outlet will help you better handle impatience or frustration.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

If you have siblings, this is a great time to communicate with them, Leo. Resolve any past difficulties directly — don’t sweep issues under the rug. While face-to-face conversations are ideal, consider writing a letter or scheduling a virtual meeting. I'd remind you to practice Non-Violent Communication in case things get tense, and be sure to use words that promote harmony and equanimity. View the situation with compassion — compromise is key, and this Libra energy can help you find it.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 24 – September 23)

Your mind will be sharp and able to process information quickly, Virgo. However, resist the urge to act hastily if you need to make corrections. Take your time with decisions and consult a lawyer if signing contracts. Look for growth opportunities in your career. If you’ve been acquiring new skills, it’s an excellent time to present them to your superiors. If you haven’t expanded your skill base, take that class or seminar.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

With the solar eclipse in your sign, you have the opportunity to embrace balance and harmony in your relationships. Engage in difficult conversations you may been avoiding. Clear misunderstandings and foster deep, meaningful discussions. Use your natural ability to create a calm and beautiful environment where everyone feels safe. Be sure to listen actively to others for profound healing. I hope this energy prevails in the world – I can't help but dream big about it.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

This week, seek allies in your community to navigate the intense energies surrounding the solar eclipse, Scorpio. You may feel comfortable with this intensity but be cautious not to use your power destructively. Avoid drastic actions; consider new approaches to resolve relationship issues. Trusted friends may provide valuable perspectives during this transformative time.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This week, your focus is on your career. Ensure you’re operating from a stable foundation by prioritizing self-care — nourish your body, stay active, and meditate. A calm nervous system will help you seize unexpected opportunities. Clear communication will provide clarity and purpose in your professional interactions. It’s an excellent week to broaden your horizons.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Your hard work and focus on your goals will begin to pay off this week, Capricorn. Stay committed and avoid drama, as financial rewards are on the horizon. Channel your ambitions and work steadily but remember to up hold high ethical standards; underhanded actions could backfire. Embrace a philosophical outlook — an open mind will be well received. In love, expect passion, but be wary of potential conflicts. Remember the old saying, it’s better to make love than war!

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Are you planning any travel, Aquarius? Freedom and adventure are themes for this week. While you might feel restless for escapades, remember that you don’t need to travel far to expand your consciousness. Adventures of the mind can take you where you need to go. Take time to learn and broaden your understanding before pursuing new adventures. Gaining skills will give you the tools you need for your upcoming transformations.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You may have experienced a dreamy or illusory time recently, Pisces. Use what you’ve learned to create something beautiful. Dig deep to uncover profound lessons, and transform these insights into your art. Remember, art takes many forms — don’t limit your expression. Allow your creative process to be a catalyst for you to live on a more profound level. Keep your art private if you want but sharing it with loved ones might have a healing impact for everyone.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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The '80s were a heyday of pop culture icons, which is why 80s costume ideas are always en vogue. There's something for everyone: a plethora of John Hughes movies, iconic slashers, comic book characters, and even more recent shows like Stranger Things.

And if you've spent every Halloween since 1991 dressed up as Madonna or Michael Jackson from that Pepsi commercial, it's time to change up your throwback outfits a bit. These costumes will help you get in the spooky spirit, regardless of whether you're heading to a party or spending the night handing out candy and watching your favorite Halloween movies. No matter what your plans are, these '80s Halloween costumes will definitely honor this rad decade. Want to try out a different decade too? Check out our '90s costumes and 2000s costumes!

Rock Any Halloween Party With These 80s Costume Ideas

Brit + Co

Stranger Things

Stranger Things may not be from the '80s, but it is set in the decade. This great-for-group costume lets you pick you favorite character and channel them. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

David Bowie and Prince

These two megastars are worth a trip to DIY land. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

'80s Andre Agassi + Tennis Ball

This sporty couple's costume is really cute even sans bump. It's time to ace that virtual costume contest, y'all. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

The Breakfast Club

If you came of age in the '80s, than you're sure to have grown up with this motley crew of high school misfits. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

The Shining Twins

Get creepy with your BFF and reenact this cult classic. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Princess Peach and Toad

Even if you didn't waste countless hours playing Super Mario on your Nintendo, we can all agree this costume duo is cute AF. (via Brit + Co)

Prime Video

Totally Killer

This new murder movie makes for the perfect weekend watch, but it's also a very '80s Halloween costume idea. Bold makeup, shoulder pads, and lots of pearls will turn you into Olivia Holt's Pam, or you can give yourself a blowout and wear her gym uniform instead!

Brit + Co

The Princess Bride

As far as group costumes go, all you need is a giant, someone who looks amazing with a mustache, and a pirate to make up your clique. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co


You're destined to have a knockout Halloween when you dress up as this dynamic '80s-inspired cast. We're always in it to win it! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Hall and Oates

Wait, what? Yep. We went there. You really do make our dreams come true. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Sexy Marge Simpson

Mama Simpson never looked so fly. (via Brit + Co)

From TV Shows To Music Stars, These '80s Halloween Costumes Got You Covered

Brit + Co

Operation + Surgeon

Bringing this classic board game to life delivers on comfort, a hint of sexy, and a heavy dose of nostalgia. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Treasure Trolls

Using wigs, a ton of hairspray and nude dresses, you can be a Treasure Troll in no time flat. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Saved by The Bell

Who's the Zack to your Kelly? (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co


Grab your friend group, and a few tan jumpsuits, and you have an instantly recognizable, super easy costume. Grab some reflective tape for the uniform detail, but for the Ghostbusters logo, feel free to attach a paper cutout ;). (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Stranger Things

Hype up the teen spirit by dressing as Nancy, Barb, Jonathan, and Steve too! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Fraggle Rock

Throw your cares away! Why? You've found your costume. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Adam and Barbara Maitland from Beetlejuice

Before they met the man himself, they were just two recently deceased humans navigating the afterlife. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Young Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

We still love these iconic twins, but how CUTE were they in their Full House days?! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co


You're going to want to collect pink everything starting now. Go solo or jam with the Holograms! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Ariel and Eric from The Little Mermaid

This idea is straight out of 1989 and never gets old. “Under the sea, under the sea! Darling, it's better, down where it's wetter!" (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Jessica Rabbit

Create the silhouette of Jessica's signature dress by layering a sequined tube top with a sweetheart neckline on top of a maxi skirt. Smokin'! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co


Let's journey back to 1988 when the world accepted the idea that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito could be… twins? Wait, WHAT? (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Army Toy Soldiers

“Don't worry, boy. I've got your back." (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co/Walt Disney Pictures/Lucasfilm

Princess Leia

Skip the double hair buns for the classic look from Star Wars (via Brit + Co)

The Coolest Part? These Are '80s Themed Outfits You Can DIY

Brit + Co

Ghostbuster and Marshmallow Man

For those of you who have no desire to DIY but still want a legit getup, look no further than these '80s-inspired pre-made costumes. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Waldo and Wenda

You can never go wrong with classic picture book characters like these two. But can you pick them out of the party crowd? (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Top Gun

Shop around for an army green, khaki, or navy jumpsuit or a dress like the one we found. You can order a batch of movie-inspired patches on Amazon. Once you've got those, you can turn basically anything into a Top Gun costume. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

The Little Mermaid's Ursula

This iconic Disney villain makes for a great costume because it's fun, colorful, and easily recognizable. Whether you're going to a more low-key party where you can wear jeans and a tee or you're going all-out with octopus legs, this makeup look is out of this world. Pair with other characters under the sea for the ultimate group costume! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman might have come out in 2017, but Lynda Carter's TV show of the same name hit our screens in the late 1970s, making this a perfect '80s Halloween costume. (via Brit + Co)

These '80s Costume Ideas Are Totally Rad

Brit + Co

Lisa Frank and a Unicorn

Be sure to hit up online thrift stores now for the makings of this costume. Is it just us, or does this make you want to listen to “Pony" by Ginuwine? (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co


ICYMI, David Bowie stars in this fantastical movie from the '80s. It's creepy, strange, and beautiful all at the same time. And a pretty great Halloween costume idea too. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Phases of the Moon

What's more '80s than a galactic two-piece suit?! (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Baywatch Babes

Prepare to save the shoreline with your amazing team AND whistleblowing skills. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

E.T. '80s Halloween Costume

This 'fit takes the cake for easiest Halloween costume ever! While it's originally a maternity costume, you can definitely make it your own, no matter what stage of life you're at. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Return of the Jedi Ewoks Ewoks

Early Star Wars gave us the Ewoks, and we are forever thankful. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Strawberry Shortcake

This '80s classic can be played down with a pair of white sneakers or sexified by wearing a pair of T-strap pumps. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Alvin and the Chipmunks

This playful group costume is comfortable and very school-appropriate. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Cowabunga! Throw together green tights, turtleneck leotards, and spray-painted shells with a pair of gladiator sandals. Then celebrate this awesome costume's success with plenty of pizza after a night of trick or treating. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Axl and Slash

Welcome to the jungle, baby. (via Brit + Co)

Isabella Behravan for Brit + Co


Okay, Barbie is not expressly '80s, but that does seem to be her heyday, and the costume above feels very Miami Vice meets a Jane Fonda workout video. (via Brit + Co)

Studio DIY

Ring Pop

Nothing represents an '80s kid like this colorful lollipop jewelry. (via Studio DIY)

What are some of the most unique '80s group costumes you've seen? Share with us on Twitterand check out our email newsletter for more Halloween inspo ahead of spooky season.

This article has been updated from a previous post.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations

Explore the hidden delights on Amazon that you'd surely regret overlooking. These under-the-radar gems encompass a wide range of products, from innovative gadgets to stylish home decor and everything in between. Don't miss out on these treasures that can elevate your daily life, provide practical solutions, or simply add a touch of luxury. With Amazon's vast selection and these hidden delights, you'll discover new favorites that might just become indispensable in your daily routine.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

Womens Lightweight quilted jacket


The quilted jacket is your best friend in those chillier spring days, when it's too warm for a coat but now warm enough for a single layer.

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This Spiral Lamp


This lamp is the most unique lamp I've ever seen. It's oddly meditative in my opinion. I always feel really relaxed sitting next to it and often journal by it at the end of the night.

See it on Amazon

This Machine That Paints Your Nails For You


I can't paint or design my right hand correctly for my life and this machinewould take all the stress and effort away instantly. I guess I will just continue to be that person who can only paint one hand because I am the least ambidextrous a person can be.

See it on Amazon

Gorgeous and getting things done


I love this bag so much. It's so pretty, and I want it. It has some structure, which I like, but it's not super rigid. It has enough space for my laptop, iPad, notebook, and everything else I might need if I ventured out of my house to work. The color and style are what really get me. It looks like an old-school British school bag in the most beautiful grayish purple color. I also love the mint julep color.

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You'll Obsess Over This One-Step Corrector


You'll wonder how you ever lived without this one-step corrector after just one use. This blend of green, peach and lavendar formulas work together to prime, brighten, and moisturize skin while counteracting everything from redness to dark circles. As this five-star reviewer shares, it's so low maintenance that you can use it on its own: "When I use this product I don’t even need to wear foundation."

See it on Amazon

Don't Forget A Spritz Of This OUAI Perfume Every Morning


Smell good, feel good and look good everytime you spray a spritz of this OUAI perfume on to yourself. This everyday fragrance will give you that clean and fresh scent that will last you all day and night. This fragrance is safe to be used on both your skin and hair, allowing you to apply this elegant scent on to all parts of your body.

See it on Amazon

A Cozy Blanket That Drapes Perfectly Over Furniture


There's just something about a soft, plush blanket draped over your chair that really says, "Fall is finally here!" This Fleece Blanket has pom pom edges, and the microfiber layers are the perfect weight to drape elegantly over furniture when not being used. They come in a ton of different sizes and colors too, so there's one for every type of decor!

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A robot window cleaner to save you time and help the environment


Instead of going through endless rolls of paper towels or rags, use this robot cleaner for spotless windows, shower walls and even hardwood or marble floors! It's the cheapest item on this list, but it certainly is something genius!

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This Countertop Nugget Ice Maker Went Viral On Tik Tok And We Can See Why


This is no ordinary ice machine; it cranks out chewable, crunchable, crave-able nugget ice that is so unlike traditional hard cubes. It is made from compacted ice flakes, making it the perfect companion for homemade cocktails, sodas, and other creations.

See it on Amazon

If You Get Sick From Car Rides, You Need These Hion Anti-Motion Sickness Smart Glasses


I love road trips, but unfortunately, I always start to get motion sickness a few hours in. If you suffer from motion sickness in cars, trains, boats, or planes, you're going to want these glasses. The Hion Anti-Motion Sickness Smart Glasses might look goofy, but will somehow keep you from feeling terribly ill while on the go.

See it on Amazon

Revolutionize Manscaping with The Ballber™: Precision, Comfort, and Power in One Waterproof Electric Trimmer


The HAPPY NUTS The Ballber™ is a state-of-the-art electric body hair trimmer designed specifically for men, focusing on the grooming needs of private areas with unmatched precision and safety. Featuring a dual-sided ergonomic design, this trimmer offers dual cutting edges for efficient shaving in either direction, complemented by a slim shape that's perfect for navigating hard-to-reach spots such as the groin. Its nut-safe blade, with a 30-degree pivoting mechanism, promises a grooming experience free from cuts, nicks, and snags, ensuring a confident manscaping session. Furthermore, its waterproof rating makes it suitable for use in the shower, allowing for easy cleanup.

See it on Amazon

The Blanket That Has it All


There are so many things to say about why this blanket is perfect for your spring needs. It's a lovely sage green that screams of the season, it's uber soft but not too heavy (perfect for those days when the temperature is just in between), and has a cute cable knit pattern that mimics the sweaters you're surely wearing right now. I don't know what else it could need.

See it on Amazon

Jute Woven Baskets


This set of GooBloo Woven Baskets are made from 100% Jute making them super durable storage baskets for corners of your home where you need simple yet effective storage solutions.

See it on Amazon

Spruce Up Your Dinner Party Game With This Dinnerware Set


This 12-piece dinnerparty set comes in a gorgeous slate gray that is perfect for serving dinner guests. These are a great way to level up your tablescape skills.

See it on Amazon

Bring an Antique Bohemian Touch with the MOZAIST Turkish Clear Glass Moon Shape Table Lamp


This lamp gives off serious Moroccan vibes. If you want to bring an Antique Bohemian Touch to your home, add the MOZAIST Turkish Clear Glass Moon Shape Table Lamp to your cart.

See it on Amazon

This Sherpa Accent Chair Is Comfy-Chic


This Sherpa Accent Chair is probably the most comfortable accent chair option on the market. The sherpa fabric gives it that extra cozy feel that you just want to curl up with a good book in.

See it on Amazon

This 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill


@hauskris and the 5.9K positive reviewers rave about the quality of this device compared to ordinary treadmills. This 2-in-1 Superfit Treadmill has two modes; when the riser is folded, it can be used as a jogging machine at a speed of 1-4km/h, and when the handrail is raised, the running speed is 1-12km/h.

See it on Amazon

This Waterproof Bathroom Shower TV Mirror


Yes. I can FINALLY watch my favorite shows even in the shower with this waterproof tv mirror. I will never have to take a break from my series marathons!

See it on Amazon

Gorgeous Yellow Washed Cotton Bedding Set


There is this very specific kind of wrinkled look that is very on-trend for bedding right now. It comes with the rise in linen sheets. It's great because it's a little more low-key and laid-back. This gorgeous yellow bedding set is a pretty option to add a pop of color to the bedroom.

See it on Amazon

Unbeatable Value for Wrinkle Control Pads


Incorporate these exfoliating pads into your skincare regimen for miraculous results. Infused with vitamins B5, C & E, and green tea, these wrinkle control pads will keep your skin smooth and help prevent wrinkles and lines.

See it on Amazon

It's Okay To Be Lazy With This Robot Lawn Mower


This highly intelligent Robot Lawn Mower automatically mows yards up to 2700 sq. ft. without a person having to manuever it. You can relax in your backyard while the mower expertly navigates narrow spaces and tight corners around the yard.

See it on Amazon

This All-In-One Balm Heals Everything


I don't pretend to understand it, but this all-in-one healing skin cream truly does it all. From restoring dry, cracked skin, to healing eczema and burns, to improving acne and redness, this magical formula is one you'll always want to have on hand. Reviews are filled with miracle stories like this one: "I have had a scrape on my foot for over 2 weeks that is now healing after two applications of this. This stuff is for real and is worth every penny!"

See it on Amazon

3-in-1 Portable Air Conditioner


Stay cool and comfortable while breathing easy with this 3-in-1 Portable Air Conditioner This is an air conditioner, tower fan, and humidifier. Add cool water to deal with summer's dryness; the innovative design will keep your space cool on the hottest days.

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A Creamy Deodorant Made Without Aluminum


Whereas some deodorants can contain harsh ingredients, this one is made without aluminum. It goes on as a lotion but dries to a powder, helping keep you feeling fresh, dry, and chafe-free throughout your day. The best part? It works just as well when applied to your armpits as it does when placed under your breasts, between your thighs, or nearly anywhere else on your body.

See it on Amazon

This Is the Cutest Basket You'll Ever Find


This woven basket has a cat's face. I don't think I need to say anything else.

See it on Amazon

The prettiest glass mug to drink from


I truly feel this is the best glass mug that you can purchase. I have tried many, but this one is perfect. It's not too tall like other glasses that I've tried, making it easy to drink from. The shape of the glass leaves ample space for your hand when drinking with one hand (the one-handed drinkers will understand). It even comes with a lid so you can take it on the go.

See it on Amazon

TGGH Crystal Hair Eraser Painlessly Removes Hair While Exfoliating


If you want to try something different, this TGGH Crystal Hair Erase removes hair without the pain of waxing or epilating. Its nano glass technology exfoliates and gently removes hair when rubbed against your skin, and you don’t have to use any shaving foam at all! Plus, you’re less likely to get ingrown hairs with it.

See it on Amazon

Period Underwear


If you haven't switched to sleeping in period underwear, we highly recommend these Washable Period Underwear. They are not only practical, but they are also comfortable too. Brilliant for navigating your light or heavy menstrual cycles, featuring a leak-proof and absorbent design that offers extra protection and peace of mind.

See it on Amazon

This Back Stretcher Is A Big Help


Stretch out and relieve back pain with this Back Stretcher. It can also help with bad posture and is very easy to use. All you do is lay on top of it and let it slowly stretch out your back.

See it on Amazon

This Floor Pouf Looks So Trendy


Add some extra coziness to your living room with these affordable floor poufs. They look chic in every color, and give you more seating options without taking up too much space. It's safe to say I'm obsessed.

See it on Amazon

TULA's Best-Selling Eye Balm--Rose Glow & Get It


"Hydrate, cool, and fill in fine lines around the eyes" with Rose Glow & Get It Cooling & Brightening Eye Balm. TULA's Eye Balm contains Rosehip Oil which is "a plant-based retinol alternative." It also contains Apple, Watermelon, Lentil and Probiotic Extracts, and Caffeine. Try it worry-free due to the 30-day return policy.

See it on Amazon

This Pillow That Will Make It Impossible To Get Out Of Bed In The Morning


Make every night the best sleep of your life with this memory foam pillow that feels like you are one cloud nine. This pillow can be contoured to your head shape as well as provide your neck the support it needs throughout the night. Your head will sink in as soon as it hits the pillow, making it comfortable and easy to fall asleep as soon as you get into your bed.

See it on Amazon

This Casper Sleep Nova Hybrid Mattress Is The Internet's Favorite Mattress


Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard about Casper Mattresses. But these mattresses, while nice, are a little bit on the pricey side which makes them an ideal Prime Day purchase.

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Deeply Hydrate With This Hyaluronic Acid Serum


Transform your daily skincare regimen with this hyaluronic acid serum, designed to hydrate and reveal radiant skin. Infused to nourish and smooth, it penetrates deeply into skin layers, encouraging cell regeneration for a vibrant complexion.

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Linen Duvet Cover Set


This linen MooMee Bedding Duvet Cover Set is made from 100% washed cotton linen and is a durable yet comfortable bedding set. The tannish linen grey is calling us, but the burnt orange and green deserve an honorable mention.

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A Set of Kawaii Erasable Gel Pens That Is Just Adorable!


According to Wikipedia, "kawaii" (rhymes with Hawaii) is the "culture of cuteness in Japan." That explains how popular Hello Kitty and Pikachu are. The Pig, Bear, Cat, and Mouse that make up this Set Of 4 Erasable Gel Pens can certainly be described as Kawaii. See, listicles can be educational! Only .55 cents!

See it on Amazon

Decorate The Kid's Room With This Adorable Pink Sofa With Strawberry Pillows


There is nothing better than a room decked out in wall to wall pink. This cutesy sofa with strawberry pillow is sure to be a hit in any pink-loving kid's room.

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This Makeup Pallet Has Everything You Need


Here's a time-saving tip that you'll be telling all of your busy mom friends: ditch your overflowing makeup bag and get an all-in-one makeup pallet like this one from Barry M Cosmetics. With this pallet, everything is right at your fingertips for quick application at home and ultra-fast touchups while you're out and about. It includes nine eyeshadow colors as well as bronzer, blush, and highlighter.

See it on Amazon

A Backpack That Opens Up Like A Suitcase


If you're looking to travel light, this backpack opens up like a suitcase so that you can pack *way* more stuff inside. There are also elastic pouches where you can stash smaller items, like chargers and electronics. The best part? There's also a separate compartment made specifically for shoes.

See it on Amazon

The ILNP Juliette Holographic Nail Polish Rose Gold is the Nail Color of Summer


Get holographic perfection with this sparkling nail polish. The ILNP Juliette Holographic Nail Polish Rose Gold is the must-have color for this summer. Chip resistant and easy to remove, other nail polishes don't even come close.

See it on Amazon

Teddy Fleece Pumpkin Pillow


A few on-theme decorative items don't go astray either, and this Phantoscope Teddy Fleece Pumpkin Pillow is ultra soft and will look super cute on your sofa or chair.

See it on Amazon

These Floral Lipsticks Will Have You Channeling Spring


These floral lipsticks are almost too pretty to use, but once you realize how hydrating they are, you'll want to use them every day! The color changing formula gives you the perfect shade every time, and the beautiful packaging will make you buy them for all your friends too.

See it on Amazon

A Beautiful Ceramic Tortilla Warmer That Fulfills A Want And A Need!


An eye-catching addition to any table, the Ceramic Tortilla Warmer is so pretty it just makes me want it! I can justify that buy since it also serves the useful purpose of keeping tortillas warm. This insulated food server can also be used for naan bread or even pancakes. Surprisingly, it is even dishwasher safe!

See it on Amazon

This Cooling Blanket Is So Cool, It's Like Sleeping with the AC On


Now that hot temperatures are here, the Everlasting Comfort Cooling Blanket is a game-changer. It's designed with a cool fabric on one side and a breathable blend of bamboo-derived rayon and cooling nylon on the other, ensuring that your battle with the sheets ends in victory, not sweaty defeat. This is insomnia's worst enemy.

See it on Amazon

e.l.f. Lip Lacquer


This e.l.f. Lip Lacquer has been the same price for the last 20 years and is e.l.f's cult hero. We love that the brand has rewarded its following by keeping its prices steady, enticing you to try their other amazing makeup products. This is our go-to for changing colors between seasons.

See it on Amazon

Flamingo Self-Watering Bulbs


Hot pink feathers and their eye-catching posture make these Self-Watering Globe Spikes a stylish way to ramp up the drama around your home or garden. This elegant decoration is specially designed with a narrow tube making it easier to insert the neck into the soil so the water in the globe will last longer.

See it on Amazon

Meet the tiny bluetooth speaker that could provide stadium-sized sounds


Tiny, but with a surprisingly loud volume, this little bluetooth speaker packs a huge punch. It fits in the palm of your hand and could fit in your pocket. It's not just transportation size — it's an entertainment size too! It’s perfect to have at an outdoor party.

See it on Amazon

Cat Scratcher Sofa Is For Your Feline Divas


This bougie Cat Scratcher Sofa will release your cat's inner diva. The cat scratcher is made from sturdy cardboard and includes a faux fur mat.

See it on Amazon

This Flower Coffee Cup Saucer Set Is The Cutest Way To Drink Your Morning Coffee


TikTok is all about the drinkware. From trendy looking cocktails to leveled up morning coffee, there is a cute cup for everything. And this flower coffee cup might just be the cutest yet!

See it on Amazon

This Egg Bite Maker That Will Make Your Breakfast A 10/10


You know they say breakfast Is the most important part of the day and there is no better way to start it off with some egg bites. These egg bites have been blowing up all over social media after someone shared a review of a ton of different kinds of egg bites. Make them customized to your liking in the comfort of your own home with this egg bite machine that can make enough for the whole family to enjoy.

See it on Amazon

Sit With Your Boo In This Loveseat Camping Chair


This Loveseat Camping Chair is the perfect way to enjoy a nice campfire with you boo thing. It is big enough to fit two people comfortably and maybe even a dog on the lap.

See it on Amazon

Nothing Says Drama Like This Get Naked Bath Mat


This Get Naked Bath Mat gets right to the point, and it is also a highly absorbent microfiber design to absorb water efficiently and dry your feet, ensuring a quick-dry and clean floor. You will never worry about excess water on the floor with this mat.

See it on Amazon

Craft & Kin Premium Soy Candle


We cannot ever find a reason why we shouldn't have a new candle in our homes so we thought we should let you know that our pick is definitely this premium soy candle by Craft & Kin. Our top picks are the white sage or palo santo but some of the 4.7K reviews say that fresh flowers is also great.

See it on Amazon

Carry Your Furry Friend In This Pet Trolley Case


This adorable pet trolley case is by far the most fashionable way to transport your pet around. It comes with different stickers that you can decorate it with to personalize it to your (or you pet's) preferences.

See it on Amazon

Crystal Honey Jar With Lid


When cute and practical meet it's always a win and this Crystal Honey Jar does just that because it is a functional honey jar with two dippers and has a cute beehive design.

See it on Amazon

Keep your lips hydrated with the lip glow balm


For lips that look as good as they feel, try this Lip Glowy Balm. This convenient balm provides powerful hydration, locking in moisture longer and leaving your lips feeling soft and silky. That way, you can give them their best pout to go with their most natural glow!

See it on Amazon

Add Some Pops of Color to the Table with the BIGIVACA Set of 10 Glass Bud Vases


Fill your tablescape with pops of color. When you get the BIGIVACA Set of 10 Glass Bud Vases you can leave the vintage-style vases as-is, or fill them with small flowers to litter the table.

See it on Amazon

Light This Candle and Take a Trip Down Memory Lane


Capture the essence of home with Homesick's scented candles. Whether you're longing for the smell of Texas with hints of leather, pine, and lemon or another beloved place, these candles are crafted with input from locals to authentically evoke the scent of specific locations. There's a fragrance for everyone, no matter where you're from, making it a perfect way to warm up your home this fall.

See it on Amazon

These Glass Pantry Containers With Labels


These glass containers are super elegant and come in various sizes so that you can fit whatever you want them. I love the premade labels so you don't have to suffer from your own bad handwriting.

See it on Amazon

Shoe Spray to Keep the Stench Away


Avoid taking off your shoes in public to an embarrassing smell coming from wearing them for long periods. Put shoe spray inside for a fresh scent that everyone will want to breathe in instead of plugging their noses to.

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This natural multi-use lip and cheek tint


K-Beauty does it agin with this lip and cheek tint that comes in five different shades and is easily blendable with other makeup products.

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Dream Dust by Moon Juice - Tranquil Rest


Wellness enthusiasts everywhere are singing the praises of natural adaptogenic supplements. This Dream Dust by Moon Juice - Tranquil Rest powder supplement is becoming a favorite for its calming effects and wholesome ingredients like Ashwagandha, Chamomile, Jujube, Polygala, and Schisandra. It's a vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free blend that's designed to promote restful sleep and tranquility.

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This Beautiful Upholstered Bed Frame Is Fit For A Queen


There's no better feeling than sinking into a comfy bed at the end of a long and stressful day. And truly all of us deserve to feel like our bed is fit for royalty. And this upholsetered bed frame is a gorgeous option.

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Every Camper Needs A Rechargeable Fan That's Also A Light And Emergency Power Bank


Whether you are sleeping in tents or cabins, summer camp is usually hot. Whoever has a fan is bound to be pretty popular! This Rechargeable Fan does more than cool; it's also a light and emergency charger. The built-in large capacity battery takes 6-8 hours to fully charge but can then provide up to 30 hours of light and 25 hours of the fan.

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A Travel Mirror That Has Helpful LED Backlights


You never know what sort of mirror situation you'll be walking into when you're away from home, which is why I like to bring this travel mirror with me. LED backlights illuminate your face so that you can get those winged eyeliner tips looking perfect. And since the batteries are rechargeable, there's no need to buy replacements.

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Make soup more efficiently with this hot pot


This hot pot is ideal if you're making soup, noodles, or stew. The best part is that because of its mini size, it's easy to store in your home. It's also made out of stainless steel with a glass lid.

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Sleep In Style With This Rust Colored Bedding


It doesn't get cozier than this jersey cotton duvet cover. Deep rust tones like this are top of the home trends this season, and this super soft knit duvet will have you wanting to stay in bed forever. For just $70, this three-piece set includes a duvet cover, and two pillowcases — plus, there's a matching sheet set available separately.

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These Sziqiqi Decorative Birdcage Candle Holders are Perfectly Distressed


One way to achieve the vintage look with new items? Buy them in an intentionally distressed condition. These Sziqiqi Decorative Birdcage Candle Holders come in a set of 2 and are staggered in size to make for the perfect centerpieces.

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Auraglow Extra Strength Teeth Whitening Pen For Professionally Clean Looking Teeth


Do it yourself with the Auraglow Extra Strength Teeth Whitening Pen that enhances your smile through a powerful, fast-acting formula. It is easy to use and gives you dentist-grade results without the hefty cost.

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A Massager Designed To Help You Apply Pressure On Sore Muscles


With seven pressure pumps, this strange yet very helpful massage tool gives you the ability to massage muscles and ease knots practically anywhere on the body — entirely by yourself. It's made from durable polypropylene and is much smaller than the original, so you can take it (or store it) anywhere without hassle.

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This Plush Duvet Set Made From Shaggy Faux Fur


Looking for a quality bedding set that won't break the bank? This duvet set is made from shaggy faux fur, helping you stay warm on cool fall and winter nights. Zipper closures help keep your comforter and pillows from slipping out — and unlike some sets, this one is also wrinkle-, fade-, as well as pill-resistant.

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Get Muscle Relief With This LifePro Electric Cupping Therapy Set


Get some serious muscle relief with this electric cupping set. Equipped with red light therapy, this will help give you a much-needed break from the pain. If you don't know about the benefits of cupping therapy, it helps improve your circulation and offers recovery after workouts or injuries. You're going to be thanking the heavens for this ache and pain relief.

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Serve in Style with this Bamboo Wood Serving Tray Set.


Serve up style with this Bamboo Wood Serving Tray Set. A favorite among hosts and entertainers, this set of serving platters adds an elegant touch to any gathering. Crafted from durable bamboo wood, these trays are not only practical but also stylish, making them a staple in every kitchen.

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Rest Your Feet Using This Memory Foam Massager


Memory foam is an amazing technology that helps your muscles to help you with better alignment. Using this foot massager throughout your workday will help you keep your body feeling its best.

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Use This Exfoliant to Properly Prep Your Skin


This liquid exfoliant works to unclog your pores and balance your skin with the 25% AHA BHA complex. It will hydrate, smooth, and soothe your skin to make your skin shine before you add your makeup.

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Cozy Up Your Tub with this Luxury Bath Pillow


Nothing beats a relaxing bath to wash away the day's stress and you can take it up a notch with this Luxury Bath Pillow that has thick padding for ultimate comfort and support. The suction cups ensure it stays firmly in place, so you can lie and relax without suffering from a sore back or neck.

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This pair of silicone kitties that are super squishy


Relieve stress with these silicone kitties that are so much fun to play with! They are very soft and squishy, so you can touch, squeeze, poke and pinch them or their tummies to relax and focus on whatever it is you need to do - you mind won’t be consumed by the thoughts of payday or spring anymore!

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A Slide-Out Drawer That's Perfect For Cluttered Cabinets


Having trouble reaching the stuff all the way in the back of your cabinets? With this slide-out drawer it's easier than ever. Installation only took me a few quick minutes using a simple screwdriver — and with five sizes to choose from, there shouldn't be any problem finding one that'll fit your cabinets.

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A Smart Bulb That Features A Ton Of Fall-Tastic Presets


I'm absolutely head-over-heels for this smart bulb — and not just because the price is impressibly reasonable. The downloadable app features a ton of fall-tastic presets, helping you set a cozy mood when you're relaxing on the couch. Or, if the presets aren't fitting your vibe, you can also choose from millions of different colors.

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This Flowy Hammock Chair


This hammock chair brings magical energy to any room it enters. Just make sure you screw it into the ceiling properly and follow the instructions to avoid any accidents!

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Play with you child and get them closer to the sport with this arcade game


This double shooter basketball game is always a blast to play! Get it for you child and join them on this easy-to-assemble game, complete with an LED scorer, timer clock for 8 different games and 4 easy-to-pump basketballs! This game is so addicting and fun, even you will be glad you bought it!

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Halloween Ghost Candle Set


Get ready for the holidays with this four-piece Halloween Ghost Candle set. These scented candles make fantastic table decorations and add a little touch of the season.

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These Acrylic Shelves Will Add Style and Storage to Any Bathroom


Vdomus has finally given us an easy way to add more storage to our bathrooms. Their new line of acrylic storage shelves feature a compact design that easily organizes your grooming essentials without getting in the way of your actual grooming routine. Even better, each shelf comes with an adhesive that attaches easily to a smooth, hard surface. So if your bathroom includes a ceramic tile backsplash, you set your new shelves up in seconds without damaging your walls! They also attach to glass walls, including mirrors. Finally, even renters can have the extra shelves and storage space they need without breaching their lease agreement.

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Whip Out This Comfy Foam Pad the Next Time You Go Camping


The next time you go camping, whip out this comfy, thick foam pad. It comes with a built-in pillow so you can get a good rest wherever you decide to lay your head. This sleeping pad is water-resistant for when the weather isn't on your new side.

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Pet Owners Rejoice: Now You Can Have a Literal Cat Loaf


If there is a fact universally acknowledged about pet owners it is that they simply must spoil their pets. But there's no reason you can't have a good time with it. This cat bed relies on the tried and true principle of "if I fits, I sits" by creating a cozy little nook for your cat. Oh, and it's shaped like a loaf of bread so that you can have a literal cat loaf. So cute.

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Weighted Pourer Spout Dispenser Bottle


The brilliant thing about these Molimoli Dispenser Bottles is they have a weighted pourer spout which means fewer spills, and you ensure that you are not overpouring. We love these bottles of olive oil and vinegar in our kitchens. What about you?

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These Porcelain Spice Containers


These are such adorable containers to keep salt, pepper, sugar, or any other spices. I love that they come with their own little spoons too! Is that not the cutest thing ever?

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A Motion-Sensor Soap Dispenser That Holds 17 Ounces


Elevate everyday tasks with this motion-sensor soap dispenser—a savvy choice for those on a budget who seek practicality. Impress friends and family with its hands-free operation and adjustable soap output. Packed with convenience and innovation, it's an ideal and affordable gift for those who appreciate a touch of modernity in their daily routines.

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This Beautiful Ottoman Comes With Storage!


Organization does not always look like plastic containers and covers. You can still get extra storage by purchasing other pieces of furniture such as this ottoman. This ottoman is a godsent because it looks incredibly beautiful and also has storage for you to put your belongings in without anyone noticing. It is a two-in-one that you can’t miss out on!

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Beep Beep Be Deep Boop! Start your day off right with an R2D2 Coffee Press


Start your day off right with your very own R2D2 Coffee Press instead of waking up to a boring and ordinary cup of barely drinkable coffee. While robots aren't equipped for every job in the world, this one is!

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Meta Smart Video Calling Is Now 70% Off


You can save $125 on this Meta Portal that can call anyone, anywhere, anytime using Messenger, WhatsApp, and Zoom; they don't even need a portal to connect with you. This video calls for the future with an uninterrupted and more natural connection and an intelligent camera so you can move freely and stay in the frame.

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This NOVART Herb Keeper and Saver Saves Time And Money


Extend the shelf life of your herbs with ease using this NOVART Herb Keeper and Saver. Designed to fit conveniently in your refrigerator, it features a stackable and compact structure that optimizes storage space. The glass container is equipped with an adjustable vent to regulate airflow, creating the perfect environment to keep your cilantro, mint, parsley, and asparagus fresh for 2-3 weeks.

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The STARSIDE 8 Pack Hair Claw Clips is this Spring's Stylish Accessory


If you don't have these hair claw clips yet, what are you waiting for? These elegant accessories are all the rage right now. The STARSIDE 8 Pack Hair Claw Clips comes in 8 exquisite patterns, so you can spruce up any outfit.

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Cutesy Strawberry Timer That Helps You Never Burn A Meal Again


I hate that feeling when I realize 10 minutes into baking that I completely forgot to set a timer! It's such a tragedy and my cookies are sure to get burned. This strawberry timer makes it easier to remember to set the timer because it's so cute that I constantly want to use it!

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This Lash Curler Won't Pinch


Get voluminous, beautiful lashes with this curler that won't pinch or pull. The curler can be used to boost your natural lashes or to apply your favorite pair of falsies in a matter of seconds.

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This Pregnancy Pillow Is a Miracle


Give her the gift she really wants for Christmas - sleep! This U-shaped pregnancy pillow provides amazing back and belly support to help her get comfortable fast. The cooling cover is machine washable so it's easy care - one less thing for her to worry about.

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Car Trash Can With Lid


Having one of these little guys near you is always helpful in picking up the various pieces of trash you inevitably collect during any car journey. Not only does this Car Trash Can With Lid discreetly conceal any trash it is also helpful because it makes it easier to dispose of waste.

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The Packing Cubes That Help You Fit More Into Your Suitcase


Not only can these packing cubes help you fit more into your suitcase, but they can also help you keep everything organized and wrinkle-free. But if you need proof? One reviewer wrote, "I’m normally one for rolling my clothes but these packing cubes added even more organization and maximized space in my suit case. I really liked that it comes with a laundry bag as well."

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This Rainbow Irregular Aesthetic Vanity Mirror is an Upgraded Version of the Cloud Mirror


Everyone has the frameless cloud mirror, maybe you should take it up a notch. You're sure to love taking selfies in this Rainbow Irregular Aesthetic Vanity Mirror. With a holographic rainbow frame, it adds a little more to the popular cloud mirror that is trending right now.

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A wine aerator that works so well, it'll turn your $3 bottom shelf wine taste like it was imported directly from a vineyard in France


A lot of us like to pretend that we're connoisseurs when it comes to wine. We'll swirl it around in our glasses, take a sniff, and then make grandiose pronouncements about its "notes of oak" or "fruity undertones." But the truth is, most of us can't tell the difference between a $3 bottle of wine and a $300 bottle of wine. And the key to a quality transformation is to use a wine aerator. This gadget aerates your wine as you pour it, giving it a smoother taste and richer aroma. Just pop it onto your bottle and watch as your wine is transformed before your very eyes. Suddenly, that cheapo red you picked up at the grocery store will taste like it came from the finest vineyards in France. Bon appétit!

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Extend the life of your produce with this herb savor


Designed to fit inside any refrigerator, this herb savor will triple the life of small produce and herbs by simply adding water to the device and monitoring each herb through its cleared window.

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This smart watch is rugged and extremely helpful in monitoring your health and workouts, so you don't have to!


Have your workouts and health metrics all logged and taken care of for you with this rugged outdoor smart watch with GPS, heart-rate monitoring, a compass, and much more! Amazon's #1 Best Seller in Handheld GPS Units, this watch has a great modern, stylish rugged look.

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