Do you know those physical feelings you get when you’re around someone you love? The butterflies in your stomach and pounding heart are part of a euphoric high that you can even get from love at first sight. Scientists have shown that your brain in love actually looks different than normal brain activity. While there isn’t any scientific backing to the theory that spring is mating season for humans (science says it’s all year round!), there’s a reason the phrase “spring fever” exists. According to relationship expert April Masini, spring is still for humans what it is for animals: a time to get out there and meet potential mates.
1. We come out of hibernation. All that Netflix binging can really take a toll on you. Now that the sun’s out, more people are taking their lunch breaks outside and are being social at night, since cuffing season has come to a close. No matter what you’re doing to enjoy the beautiful weather, Masini says that the sheer presence of more people in your environment could lead to romance. “With all these folks outside, especially after being cooped up for the winter, your options for dating are suddenly rich,” she said. Whether you’re commuting or enjoying a day in the park, try to stay off Tinder and look around at your options!
2. Spring weather puts everyone in a really good mood (if you know what we mean). The sun provides us with vitamin D, which can boost our mood and libido. Additionally, people with mental disorders that are affected by seasons are more likely to be in a better place during the spring and summer months. Aside from these scientific reasons, there’s nothing better than time outside with friends, whether at a sports game, picnic, or a hike, to put you in a great state of mind. Being happy, Masini says, puts people in a prime mental place in terms of romance. “People want to reach out,” she said. “They want to connect. And they want romance. It’s a natural pattern.”
3. People are showing some skin. Nelly was onto something when he sang about it getting “hot in here.” According to Masini, one of the simple reasons behind spring’s designation as mating season is that people are shedding layers of clothing as the weather gets warmer. “Being a visual creature is a fact of life,” Masini notes. After an especially cold winter, most people have been in sweaters and beanies all season, so even the most modest spring outfits are giving us — and our potential mates — a peek at a lot more skin than they’ve seen in months. Time to break out the sundresses!
How do you celebrate spring? Let us know @BritandCo!
(Photos via Getty)