We’re going to need just a sec to stop crying into our (marshmallow!) whipped cream-covered S’mores Frappucinos: Turns out, we may be getting a little more than we bargained for when it comes to some of our favorite drinks. As delicious as these little concoctions are, they’re also PACKED with sugar (you can check out the sugar per serving at ActionOnSugar.org). The British organization recently tested sugar levels in 131 hot drinks from nine different coffee vendors, including Starbucks, Pret a Manger and McDonald’s, and the findings? They ain’t pretty. While we always knew that our favorite sweet treats weren’t quitttttte as healthy as, say, a plain old cup of coffee or tea, Action on Sugar’s findings are shocking.
According to their research, “98% of hot flavored drinks would receive a ‘red’ (high) label for excessive levels of sugars per serving — with 35% containing the same amount or more sugar than a can of Coca Cola.” Eek! What’s more, “55% contain the equivalent, or more than, the maximum daily recommended amount of sugar for an adult [or] teenager.”
The worst offender of them all was Starbucks’ Hot Mulled Fruit (a grape drink with Chai, orange and cinnamon venti served in the U.K), which contains “a whopping 25 teaspoons of sugar — more than THREE times the maximum adult daily intake of free sugars (7 teaspoons per day).” Wowza! That’s a dagger, for sure.
Other beverages topping the naughty list include: Starbucks’ Chai tea latte (13 teaspoons), McDonald’s large mocha (11 teaspoons) and Pret a Manger’s orange spiced hot chocolate (11 teaspoons). Okayyyy, it may be time to start implementing these life-changing Starbucks health hacks— (the study found that downsizing that hot mulled fruit from a venti to a tall reduces the sugar content by nearly half!)
A silver lining in this cloud? There are plenty of tasty drinks you can order that have a lot less sugar, or are sugar-free! We're looking at you cold brew.
Would you give up your fave Starbucks drink based on its sugar content? Tweet us @BritandCo!
This post has been updated.