The Bachelor Recap: The Elephant in the Room

*Warning: This post contains spoilers from this week’s episode of The Bachelor, so if you haven’t seen it, don’t read.*

Ah, it’s been one week since the announcement of the first black Bachelorette, which feels like a nice (and important) win in a world where news can be pretty rough (even if it was a spoiler). This week’s episode promises to provide a little bit of structure for once in the season, because the contestants daters are going on the infamous “hometown” dates. These dates almost always make or break relationships, so let’s see what happens!


Raven’s hometown date was first, and the main thing you need to know about it was that Nick and Raven made out in a swamp. Yes — a swamp. Though I don’t think many of us picked Raven out as a frontrunner from the start, she’s super sweet and the two really do have chemistry. He did pretty well with her family (they all seem great, but the moment she had with her dad where she told him he was the only man he’d want to walk her down the aisle was a huge standout) and the date went pretty well, as far as hometowns go. Nothing was a big red flag, but it also wasn’t really my style either (*cough cough,* did I mention the swamp make-out?).

Raven said she felt reassured that “something special could come out of them” and though she wanted to say she was in love with him, she just couldn’t do it. She was afraid of rejection, and given the odds, that’s totally fair. However, at this point in the game, it’s typical that most serious contenders have said the three magic words, so not saying it can often make those on the show feel their relationship is stunted (this is in reality-land, mind you). The two said goodbye with Raven totally aware and self-conscious of this fact.


Rachel’s hometown date started out at church, during which the pastor gave them a shout-out and called Nick Rachel’s boyfriend. Way to put pressure on the situation! Nick gushed about Rachel to the camera and said she has always been the “easiest person for him to be around,” so we’re all wondering what happens with them, given what we know about Rachel becoming the next Bachelorette.

After church, Rachel quickly brought up the fact that they’d be an interracial couple and that they might have to deal with some things he’s not used to because of that, and he said it was something he’d thought about. They didn’t talk about it in depth, however, so maybe that’s part of why they didn’t work out — it might’ve been something that he didn’t put enough thought into, and Rachel deserves someone who’s aware enough and thoughtful enough to think about things that affect her.

Nick sat down with Rachel’s family for dinner, and the issue of race was brought up immediately with Rachel’s sister and her husband (who is white). Rachel’s sister said that any partner of Rachel’s would need to have an understanding of what it’s like to navigate the world as a black woman, especially given the changing political climate. Though Nick seems pretty naive about some things, seeing talk about topics like these on mainstream TV as part of the dating process is exactly why shows like The Bachelor and The Bachelorette need to be more diverse. Rachel and her mom had a great talk about the relationship later — it was much more realistic than the other talks we see on the show about the natural progression of relationships, and it makes me so thrilled that Rachel is going to get her own season (though I hope, for her sake, her breakup with Nick wasn’t too bad).


Oh, Corrine. What else would Corrine do on her hometown date but shop? Not only that, but at the “most exclusive mall in Miami,” where she’s on a first-name basis with everyone. And she picked this date to show what a normal day looks like in the life of Corrine, so… yeah. Nick tried on $800 sweat pants while Corrine drank Champagne, and then proceeded to buy him who knows what for a total of $2400 while he had a hives-inducing panic attack. Sexy! After they left the store the two stopped to grab coffee, and Corrine decided to tell him she loved him (well, she said, “I… love you,” with a huge pause) before they kissed while she kept her eyes open. Needless to say, he did not say it back.

Then it was time to meet the family, and we saw Corrine’s dad saying Nick had three strikes before they even met — yikes. Sounds like a huge uphill battle, but TBH, I’m not sure what we’re rooting for here. I guess it’s just time to make some popcorn. We did finally meet Raquel, however, who was delightful! There was a super awkward moment after they offered Nick an olive (correction — one of Corrine’s dad’s “world famous” olives) and he made a very strange face, but have no fear; he quickly course-corrected and said, “I don’t eat olives a ton, but that may be the best olive I’ve ever had.” Seriously, I can’t make this stuff up.

Then, we had probably the first Bachelor vs. nanny talk we’ve ever had when Nick and Raquel sat down. Raquel asked what Nick’s intentions were, and said she just wanted Corrine to be happy. Meanwhile, Corrine’s dad was talking to Corrine and asking whether Nick was able to make a living (?) and if he was going to be able to make her happy (that one is fair, I guess). He reiterated this fear when talking to Nick, and told him Corrine had said she was happy being the breadwinner, a sentiment Nick was obviously not expecting. And yet still, he asked her dad if he’d be okay with the two of them getting engaged. Corrine and Nick said good-bye, and she said to the camera that she was in love with him but that she just wished he wasn’t dating three other girls — then she burped. What a strange hometown date.


Vanessa took Nick with her to work for the first part of her date, where she teaches special education adults. Her students obviously love her, and Nick got emotional watching her talk to them. She then had the students make a scrapbook of photos of them together as an activity, which seems… weird? Afterward, they talked about Vanessa’s family, and she gave Nick the heads up that because her parents are divorced, they’d be splitting their time between her mom’s side and her dad’s side.

They started with her mom’s side, and though Vanessa tried to give Nick a primer on everyone’s names first, it was basically futile due to the sheer size of the bunch. Dinner conversation didn’t start off on the best foot. The family didn’t get the sense that Nick was super serious, or that the two had talked about future plans much. Vanessa’s mother pulled Nick away to talk and ask the “hard questions,” and when he said that he loved how beautiful she was (among other things), she said, “I don’t really want to know about it looks-wise.” Burn! Her sister then asked, “Have you like, talked about real things?” and I literally laughed out loud. This is the stuff I want to see when I watch a reality dating show, not people pretending that it’s normal to gloss over huge, life-changing details as though love will just magically make the puzzle pieces fit.

Vanessa talked with her sister and did a pretty good job quelling her sister’s concerns, but during her talk with her mother, she seemed to get shocked back into reality a bit. She admitted she was falling in love with him but it was less of a jubilant revelation and more one of stress and anxiety. The date ended on a sober tone, as the two both seemed to realize there were a lot of questions they both still needed to answer. They headed to meet her dad with that in mind.

Vanessa’s dad got right to it and asked why she was special, and Nick said there was a “vibe.” Cool, bruh. Her dad said that he just wanted her to be happy, and Nick said he respects Vanessa, to which her dad quipped, “But you’re dating three other women.” Touché! Nick happened to pick that moment to ask for his blessing, and was turned down on the grounds that… well, there were three other women in the running. Vanessa’s dad asked if Nick had asked the other dads for their blessing, and when Nick tried to skirt the issue, he was asked again, and more directly. It was truly brutal to watch in the BEST way.

It’s great to see these people forced to get truly real about what they’re doing, because at the end of filming these shows, these ARE real people, and sometimes the folks who aren’t “main characters” are truly trying to find love. Even if that wasn’t true, there is potential for hurt, at the very least because of representation for some of the audience. Vanessa’s dad told her what he and Nick had talked about, and she revealed that it made her question their relationship and where Nick’s thinking was when it came to the other women.


Nick stood on a balcony and looked pensive thinking about the week, while the women recapped their dates and ran over every detail of their relationship with Nick (also from balconies). There were multiple shots of New York, which I thought was extremely odd. Raven contemplated telling Nick she loved him before the rose ceremony, and Vanessa talked about having unsettled thoughts and questions; she also said she wanted to talk to Nick before roses were handed out. We then saw a pair of heels walking down a hotel hallway, and there was a knock on Nick’s door… and OMG, it was Andi, who was Nick’s gateway Bachelorette.

Now the NYC shots make sense — that’s where Andi lives, as far as I know, and they probably wanted us to put two and two together. So, why is she there? What does she want to talk to him about? They’ll literally probably have a drink and she’ll give him some sweet advice, and that’ll be it. I predict either Corrine or Rachel will go home at the start of next week, but who knows, because nothing Nick does makes sense.

What did you think of this week’s episode? Tell us @BritandCo!

(Featured photo via Drew Cason/Getty)

Ellen Pompeo just opened up about a shocking part of her early Grey's Anatomy years. Ellen joined the show, set at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, in 2005 as lead character Meredith Grey. She went on to inspire and empower viewers, and years later, Ellen just opened up about her own body image struggles and insecurities while playing the iconic character.

Here's what Ellen Pompeo said about the "brutal" commentary on her body during Grey's Anatomy.

Ellen Pompeo admits she "hated" her body when she was younger.

Ser Baffo/Disney

When she was younger, Ellen Pompeo tells People, "I was so skinny and I hated it and everyone thought I had an eating disorder."

"It was a whole situation with how skinny I was, and there was so much negative attention," she continues. "Girls today can be gorgeous and thin and thank God we're not allowed to comment on women's bodies, even though people do. But I just had so much anxiety and lacked self-esteem because people were so critical of my physicality."

And those emotions got even stronger after she became a star, thanks to 2000s tabloids, which "would say horrible things," Ellen says. "I just remember being so anxious on red carpets, and the comments about my weight and my body. I'm so glad, maybe, hopefully things have changed, because it was much, much more brutal 20 years ago."

And she's not the only celebrity to get vulnerable.

Ellen Pompeo isn't the only celebrity to get honest. While on The Drew Barrymore Show, Pamela Anderson got real about her decision to go makeup-free, inspiring Drew to remove her makeup and throw her hair extensions on the ground — on live TV!

"It just hit me a couple of years ago, and I was like, you know, just shaking my head, going, ‘Who am I?’" Pamela said. "You know, and that’s when I went home into my garden and started planting things and getting into nature and going back to the trees that knew me since birth. I bought my grandmother’s property and renovated it, and I just started taking it all back. And then started peeking out without makeup. And then I started realizing, ‘Oh, I feel great as me.'"

Check out 35 Gorgeous Makeup-Free Celebrity Selfies — From Alicia Keys To Pamela Anderson for more inspiration.

Like anything superoutdated, some relationship rules totally give us the ick — times 10! You'd think the progression of society would have led to their extinction, but they're still being touted as law among singles and couples alike. From pretending you're not excited to talk to someone to believing "happy" relationships are free from disagreements, we have 10 relationship rules that make us roll our eyes every time we hear them.

Stop letting these outdated relationship rules dictate your partnership:

Mizuno K

1. Being Afraid To Make The First Move

Have you ever been out with friends and saw someone who caught your eye? What about if they noticed you looking and smiled? It's the perfect scenario for a meet-cute, but only if one of you makes a move. In our honest opinion, this is your cue to be the first one to break the ice because you never know what could happen. Based on personal experience, your courage could lead you to your future spouse!

cottonbro studio

2. Waiting A Certain Amount Of Time To Call Or Text

Remember when we were told that you couldn't show how interested you were in someone? Ugh, we wish we could erase all traces of this "outdated" rule because there's no reason to pretend you're not. The whole "aloof" behavior is so early 2000s so just talk to the person you like. Chances are they're worried about the same thing and may be waiting for you to reach out anyway.

Vlada Karpovich

3. Assuming Date Nights Only Include Dinner & A Movie

Please free yourself from the idea that date nights only count if dinner and a movie are involved. There are so many activities you and partner can do that won't feel repetitive if you're willing to switch it up. From picnics in the park or bike rides to letting your inner kid run free at an arcade, there's other ways to spend time with your partner.

Andrea Piacquadio

4. Avoiding Kissing (Or Sex) On The First Date Because You Think It's "Bad"

Want to know a big secret? Someone on our team turned an online meet-cute into a first-date that led to sex and they've currently been with their partner for 10 years! Even if your goal isn't to enter a long-term relationship, it doesn't mean you're a terrible person if you feel compelled to share an intimate or sexual moment with someone.

As long as both parties are openly communicating their desires in a respectful way, we don't think anything bad has to come from acting on what you want.

Kampus Production

5. Sweeping Emotions Under The Rug To Avoid Conflict

We're letting out a huge sigh here because this is a huge lie we're also guilty of believing before. Emotions are temporary and shouldn't outweigh logic, but pretending no one has them is odd. We're hardwired to be expressive, but have come to believe that it's better to swallow them instead of being honest about how we're feeling.

It can be obvious when you or partner are upset about something, so don't let those emotions linger as the elephant in the room. The more you try to push your feelings aside, the easier it becomes to lash out later.

Elegant Images

6. Feeling Pressured To Get Engaged Or Married

Isn't it exciting when people announcement their engagement or get married? That could stem from an ingrained societal feeling or maybe our internal love radars get triggered by public displays of affection. Still, we don't believe you and your partner have to feel like it's time for the next step if you're not ready.

The reality is marriage isn't just about cute photo opportunities so you shouldn't rush into something just because someone else thinks you should. As long as you and your partner know what works for your relationship, that's all that matters!

cottonbro studio

7. Feeling Pressured To Have Children (Even If You Don't Want Them)

This is a hot take, but we don't think you should be worried about having children if you don't want them. I know it's the topic of conversation for a lot of reasons, but being responsible for another human isn't something to be taken lightly. Kids aren't toys you can pick up and put down when you don't feel like being bothered. They require a lot of love, attention, and direction even when you're sick.

If you and your partner are sure you don't want to become parents, it's your right to remain child-free.

Mikhail Nilov

8. Believing Only One Person Is Responsible For Bills

In a society where the price of groceries and healthcare have skyrocketed, it's bizarre that people believe only one should should be responsible for bills in 2025. If your situation allows for it then that's great, but there are more two-income households than ever. According to one study, around 52 to 58 percent of couples worked between 1998 and 2017.

Realistically, it's a privilege to be in a situation where one partner can cover the bills by themselves. To make it a requirement for all relationships is not only "outdated," but it's also tone deaf since everyone's socioeconomic status isn't the same.

9. Skipping Conversations About Money In General

According to money expert Tori Dunlap, it's easy to make common financial mistakes whether you're single or in a relationship. But that's no reason to avoid talking about finances with your partner. Maybe you're afraid of triggering your partner if you've noticed red flags tied to sneaky expenses, or you've been taught that it's not your place to talk about money.

Regardless of what makes you think you can't talk about something that affects both of you, there's no getting around having honest conversations in 2025. Both parties need to be aware of what's going on in case of unexpected emergencies or if you're planning for a huge trip, starting your homeowner journey, and more.

Timur Weber

10. Thinking You Shouldn't Get Into Arguments Because You're "Happy"

It doesn't matter how much you love your partner, disagreements and arguments are bound to happen because you're two different people. The only thing we don't condone is allowing them to become violent because domestic disputes aren't healthy.

If that's not an issue and you're only arguing about your partner leaving the kitchen cabinets open, we're not worried you're going to break up. Truthfully, neither should you!

Which "outdated" relationship rules are annoying to you?

Follow us on Facebook for more relationship conversations!

The Kansas City Chiefs suffered a Super Bowl tough loss on February 9, 2025, and there's one major thing on everyone's mind now — is Travis Kelce retiring? The subject's come up multiple times throughout the 2024-2025 NFL season, but much like his brother Jason the previous year, Travis hasn't given a definitive answer on the matter. Amid everything from Taylor Swift wedding rumors to starring TV roles (anyone else watch Grotequerie?!), the Chiefs tight end definitely has a lot going on right now. Could all this — plus an overall great football season, sans the Super Bowl loss — add up to the end of his NFL career? Here's what we know so far.

Scroll to find out everything we know about if Travis Kelce's retiring.

Travis Kelce wants to "get back to the mountaintop."

Travis Kelce finally just gave us a final answer on those retirement rumors (for now, at least): he's not retiring!

“I’m coming back, for sure,” Travis said in a text to Pat McAfee. The Chiefs might have lost the 2025 Super Bowl, but Travis isn't ready to give up.

“Gonna try and get to the best shape I’ve been this offseason and get back to the mountaintop," he continues. "Got a real bad taste in my mouth with how I played in that last game and how I got the guys ready for battle. I can’t go out like that!!!!”

Travis isn't doing anything halfway.

Jamie Squire/Getty Images

On February 12, 2025, Travis Kelce opened up about his potential retirement on the New Heights podcast. "I know everybody wants to know whether or not I'm playing next year, and right now, I'm just kicking everything down the road," he said. "I'm not making any crazy decisions."

Travis shared that the Super Bowl loss a "tough pill to swallow" and a "tough reality," but also noted that the Chiefs team is focused on "being there" for each other in the aftermath.

"I'm gonna take some time to figure it out," he continued at the time. "And, I think I owe it to my teammates that if I do come back, it's a wholehearted decision," he said. "I'm not half-a—ing it, and I'm fully here for them."

- YouTube

During the 2025 Super Bowl, Travis only made four catches, resulting in a gain of 39 yards — his "lowest postseason output since 2019" according to The Athletic. Still, USA Todayreported that he broke Jerry Rice's record of 35 career Super Bowl catches. However, it was pretty clear that even a record-breaking performance wasn't enough to bolster Travis's mood.

The football star didn't hold a larger post-game conference, but he noted that they "haven't played that bad all year" and said that the Chiefs "couldn’t get it going offensively" to a few reporters. He acknowledged, "You don't lose like that without everything going bad," before leaving for the night.

And Patrick Mahomes says Travis Kelce is "a joy."

Still, Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes was asked about what comes next for Travis's career. "I'll let Travis make that decision on his own," Patrick said. "He's given so much to this team and to the NFL, and he's been such a joy, not only for me to work with, but for people to watch."

Mahomes notes Travis "still has a lot of football left in him" and that he "always makes plays in the biggest moments." He said, "But I know he still has a love for the game, and he’ll get to spend some time with his family and make that decision on his own."

Patrick reassured everyone, "He knows he’ll come back here with open arms. We love that guy not only for the football player, but for who he is every single day."

Travis made his way to the suite with Taylor and his family after the tough Chiefs loss. It was a stark contrast from his "fight for your right to party" vibes of last year, so we hope we was able to find some comfort among his loved ones. And as for if Travis is actually retiring, we'll definitely keep an eye out for what he says and does next. 👀

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This post has been updated.