The Black Hole Photo Everyone’s Freaking Out About Was Made Possible by This Female Grad Student

UPDATE (April 12, 4:45pm EST): We got some details on this story a bit wrong. In this post here, we set the record straight. Read on for the original story below:


Massachusetts Institute of Technology post-doctoral student Katie Bouman isn’t an astronomer, but she played a pivotal role in taking the first-ever photograph of a black hole.

That historic first snap was revealed to the public on Wednesday after years of work on an international project called Event Horizon Telescope. Bouman, a computer scientist, took the lead on creating the algorithm that made it possible to take the photo 55 million light-years away from Earth.

According to the Event Horizon Telescope website, “This long-sought image provides the strongest evidence to date for the existence of supermassive black holes and opens a new window onto the study of black holes, their event horizons, and gravity.” In layman’s terms, this could change everything about how we think about the universe. NBD.

Though the photo has only been available to the public eye for a few hours, it was taken using a worldwide network of powerful telescopes back in 2017. The image of the black hole was taken in a galaxy known as M87, where, for 16 years, astronomers observed stars rotating in an orbit. Scientists observing the stars determined that they were rotating around a supermassive black hole, and it is that black hole the whole world is now getting a glimpse of, in large thanks to Bouman’s contributions.

To understand exactly where Bouman’s research fits into this, here’s a little background info. What we can see in the photo — a small, glowing ring — is really the “event horizon,” or the boundary around a black hole. The dark space in the middle of the image is a shadow cast by the hole. Technically, the image we’re seeing is not really a “photo,” but is rather an image pieced together using data fed to the algorithm.

“This shadow, caused by the gravitational bending and capture of light by the event horizon, reveals a lot about the nature of these fascinating objects and allowed us to measure the enormous mass of M87’s black hole,” Event Horizon Telescope Science Council chair Heino Falcke told CNN. M87’s black hole is one of the largest visible black holes from earth, and has a gravity 6.5 billion times greater than the Earth’s sun.

While the image of the black hole, small and blurry though it is, may seem insignificant on its surface, Bouman explained in a 2017 TED Talk that the Event Horizon Telescope project’s work also helps confirm Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Einstein made predictions for what the size and shape of black hole event horizons look like, Bouman explains in the talk, “so taking a picture of it wouldn’t only be really cool, it would also help to verify that these equations hold in the extreme conditions around the black hole.”

In essence, this image confirms what had previously only been proved in theory. It’s a huge breakthrough for astronomy and physics — and it was made possible by Bouman’s algorithm.

RELATED: A Woman’s Place: Women in Aerospace 

(Photo by Dursun Aydemir/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Although women are making steady inroads in STEM fields, the science and technology world remains dominated by men. According to the National Girls Collaborative Project, fewer than 30 percent of all science and engineering jobs are held by women. Though that figure is certainly better than it was in the past, we have a long way to go in lifting the barriers to science, tech, engineering, and math education that keep so many women out of those fields.

Throughout history, women have had to overcome obstacles to access education, yet many persisted in STEM nonetheless — despite the fact that their work may not always have gotten recognition (or was outright stolen) by their male colleagues. But it's never too late to give these brave, history-making women their due.

Here are 10 women in STEM who were forgotten by history — until now.

Mivela Maric:Albert Einstein is widely regarded as one of the greatest scientific minds in history, but there has been some recent discussion over the role that his first wife, Mivela Maric, played in his success.

People who debate Maric’s involvement in the development of theories attributed to Einstein tend to fall into two camps. On one side, there are those who argue that she was merely a sounding board for her husband’s ideas; on the other, that she was a direct collaborator in his research and even helped create some of what we now consider Einstein’s greatest theoretical works. What’s not up for debate is that Maric was a fierce intellectual whose input Einstein took seriously.

Based on correspondence between the couple, historians do agree that Maric can be credited with working alongside her husband. (Einstein talks of “our studies” and “our theory” in many of the letters.) Despite her intelligence, by virtue of being a woman in the earlier part of the 20th century, Maric’s work has never been fully evaluated, and her role (however ambiguous) in her husband’s work will never be fully understood. Maric died in 1948, and for years was overlooked as a physicist and merely noted for her relationship to Einstein. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Jocelyn Bell Burnell:The name of British astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell may not be familiar to you, but her 1967 discovery of pulsars changed astronomy forever.

While still a graduate student at the University of Cambridge, Bell Burnell's research into quasars (enormous celestial bodies that emit huge amounts of energy) led her to stumble onto large neutron stars that act almost as smaller-scale quasars — now known as pulsars.

With her male advisor, Antony Hewish, Bell Burnell co-authored a paper on the revelation that would go on to help scientists study many facets of the universe, including the possibility of alien communication. In 1974, Hewish and physicist Martin Ryle won the Nobel Prize in physics for work made possible by Bell Burnell's discovery. Her name wasn't even included in the award.

Since Bell Burnell's discovery, she has been a teacher and researcher and has headed the Royal Astronomical Society. She also served as the first female president of both the Institute of Physics and The Royal Society of Edinburgh. In 2018, she was awarded a $3 million dollar prize for her work on pulsars, over half a century after she discovered them.

Chien-Shiung Wu: Born in China in 1912, Chien-Shiung Wu attended a school founded by her father in Jiangsu Province. As a child, she encountered a biography of chemist Marie Curie (the first woman to receive a Nobel prize, and the only woman to date to win it twice) that sparked her imagination and drive. Wu's grades in school were so impressive, she was invited to attend the National Central University in Nanjing without having to complete the school's usually mandatory entrance exams.

After graduating in 1934, Wu realized she needed to attend graduate school abroad if she wanted to advance in her field. She achieved her Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1940 and went on to teach at Smith and Princeton.

Wu was also involved in the highly secretive Manhattan Project — the US government's scientific race to create atomic weapons ahead of its enemies during the Second World War. Although her work was instrumental in developing the atomic bombs the US used in the Pacific theater, Wu subsequently expressed regret at her role in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and shared her wish that atomic warheads never be used again.

After the war, Wu remained at Columbia University in New York, where her research on the decay of atoms brought her work to the attention of two colleagues; in 1954, those colleagues were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for work that could only be verified through Wu's expertise. Wu's research went uncredited.

Her work did, however, earn other awards and accolades over the years. Wu is credited with helping scientists understand blood molecule changes and sickle cell anemia, and she was the first woman to serve as president of the American Physical Society.

Lise Meitner: Austrian physicist Lise Meitner is sometimes credited as “the mother of the atomic bomb," but the scientist actually refused to work on the Manhattan Project. She reportedly declared, "I will have nothing to do with a bomb!" But her work in nuclear science helped pave the way for future discoveries; much like other women scientists, her name was left off the major awards that resulted.

After achieving her doctorate in the early 1900s, Meitner began a 30-year working relationship with chemist Otto Hahn, in which the two collaboratively studied radioactivity using insights from their respective fields. When Nazi Germany annexed Austria, the Jewish Meitner was forced to flee to Sweden to continue her work; once there, she received no support from the Swedish scientific elite, who were hostile to the idea of a female colleague.

Meitner continued her research in spite of rejection from her peers. Along with Hahn, scientist Fritz Strassmann, and her nephew Otto Frisch, Meitner began new tests on uranium in Copenhagen. Eventually, they were able to develop and prove a theory of nuclear fission. But it was Hahn who, in 1945, was awarded the Nobel Prize for this work.

Although the three other scientists who'd worked with Hahn on the discovery were awarded a different award in 1966, the Nobel “mistake" was never formally clarified.

Rosalind Franklin:Biologist James Watson and physicist Francis Crick solved the riddle of DNA in the 1950s, but they couldn't have done their work without the findings of other scientists; notably Rosalind Franklin. The daughter of English socialites, Franklin was given every educational opportunity. At every turn, she was faced with resistance from colleagues, employers, and even her own father — a would-be scientist, himself, who worried about a woman's place in scientific research.

After graduating from Cambridge, Franklin bounced around between jobs in European laboratories, learning cutting edge X-ray techniques. She eventually took a three-year research scholarship at King's College in London.

Utilizing the radiology techniques she'd learned, Franklin and her lab partner, Maurice Wilkins, took some of the first clear images of DNA structures. The story goes that the pair were having a disagreement when Wilkins, without permission, took his research partner's unpublished work to his friends, Watson and Crick. Franklin's images directly informed the two scientists' first models of DNA structure, yet she was completely uncredited in their published work.

It was only after Franklin's death at the age of 37, from ovarian cancer, that Watson admitted her work had been “crucial" to his and Crick's discovery.

Caroline Herschel:Astronomer Caroline Herschel moved to England from Germany in 1772 to join her brother, William, after the death of their father. While the Herschel patriarch had approved of an education for his daughter, the Herschels' mother insisted Caroline leave school to take up housework after her husband's death.

The brother and sister performed together as a musical duo in England, and it was during this period that William became obsessed with telescopes and astronomy. Caroline soon followed suit.

William discovered the planet Uranus in 1781. When William was appointed Royal Astronomer by King George III in 1782, he took his sister along with him.

Caroline worked alongside her brother, for which King George offered her an annual salary as an astronomer's assistant. She was the first woman to discover an unnamed comet and presented findings to the Royal Society that proved the existence of 560 stars omitted from the British Catalogue, along with a list of errors she found in the publication. Her work was so prolific and thorough that two of her astronomical catalogs are still in use today. (Image via Wikimedia Commons)

Justine Siegemund:Midwifery is as old as human history, but until the mid-1600s, the tricks of the trade were passed down orally from midwife to midwife. Enter Justine Siegemund, a German woman who, after suffering excruciating pain from a midwife’s misdiagnosis, began to study the craft herself. Siegemund became so renowned for her expertise that she was eventually encouraged by Mary II of Orange to write a guide on the subject.

Siegemund’s self-published midwifery book, The Court Midwife, became the first German medical text to be written by a woman. With the aid of illustrations by leading medical engravers, Siegemund shared wisdom on life-saving childbirth methods. She’s considered a pioneer in developing techniques to manually turn a breech baby during labor, and using a needle to break the amniotic sac to avoid hemorrhage in cases of placenta previa. (Image via Wikimedia Commons)

Emily Warren Roebling:If it weren't for Emily Warren Roebling, one of America's most iconic structures might not exist. When her husband, engineer Washington A. Roebling took ill during the building of the Brooklyn Bridge (probably from the bends, a disorder common in bridge-builders and deep-sea divers), Emily stepped in to ensure the bridge would be completed.

Though she was not an engineer by trade, Emily took over her husband's role as foreperson, project manager, and go-to during the bridge's treacherous building. Historians today are generally in agreement that without her involvement, the Brooklyn Bridge as we know it would likely never have been built. And she knew it, too.

“I have more brains, common sense and know-how generally than have any two engineers, civil or uncivil, and but for me the Brooklyn Bridge would never have had the name Roebling in any way connected with it!" Emily Warren Roebling wrote to her son in 1898.

After the bridge was complete, Emily Warren Roebling went on to attain a certificate in business law at a time when women were not typically allowed to enter law school and devoted her life to philanthropy. (Image via Charles Émile Auguste Carolus Duran/Brooklyn Museum for Wikimedia Commons)

Which STEM lady do you want to learn more about? Tell us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated.

1923 fans are excited for season 2 for a variety of reasons. Not only does it promise to answer our biggest questions from the end of season 1, but I can't wait to see Jacob and Cara Dutton (Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren) totally kick Banner Creighton's butt. They're waiting for Spencer (Brandon Sklenar) to return to Montana to help them, and the new 1923 season 2 trailer proves there's literally nobody else who can do the job. Not that I had any doubt.

Here's what to expect from 1923 season 2 (aside from a super hot Brandon Sklenar).

The new '1923' season 2 trailer shows off Spencer's journey — and Alex's.

So far, Paramount's been teasing Spencer's journey across the country to reach his family, but this is the best look we've gotten at just how difficult his travels are. Not only is he making his way across state lines with no car and no horse, he's on his own AND he's racing against time as the Duttons fight off Banner and Whitfield at the ranch. I am STRESSED, y'all. (Although I have to admit, he looks dang good doing it.)

We finally get a glimpse of what Alex's next chapter looks like too, as she's left alone on the ship after Spencer gets kicked off. Storms are to be expected, but based on the figure who grabs her from behind, it looks like she could be in some serious danger from a fellow passenger. But even the sketchiest of situations isn't stopping this woman from finding Spencer again.

Every moment matters because in '1923,' "everything has meaning."

“Taylor [Sheridan] called us and said, ‘You have to look at every scene and imagine that it could be the most important scene of the episode, even if it’s just you walking from point A to point B,'” actress Julia Schlaepfer told The Hollywood Reporterin May 2023. “Everything has meaning.”

“I would love for Alex to make it to the ranch and meet the family,” she continued. “I hope we get to see some of her own strength come out now that she’s on her own. I want to meet the Dutton women. I think that that would be a lot of fun — and Teonna, we all want to meet Teonna.”

Every moment, and every relationship, makes 1923 stand out against this year's other TV shows, and Brandon Sklenar is "confident" that 1923 season 2 "is going to be absolutely incredible," he told Forbes. “The tone shifts a lot and it’s definitely a bit darker. It’s very beautiful.”

1923 season 2 premieres on Paramount+ February 16 and stars Julia Schlaepfer, Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren, Brandon Sklenar, Michelle Randolph, Darren Mann, Jerome Flynn, Aminah Nieves, and Isabel May. Stay tuned for the latest news!

I can't wait to reunite with the Duttons — and for Spencer and Alex to reunite with each other. Duh! Check out Every Character Returning For 1923 Season 2 while you wait for the new episodes.

A few hours after the world (by way of the internet) laid eyes on the very first photographic image of a black hole, the name “Katie Bouman” began trending. According to a tweet from the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, the 29-year-old MIT postdoctoral student had “led the creation of a new algorithm” that made the black hole image possible. After the pic went public on Wednesday, it wasn’t long before another photo began making the rounds: one of the fresh-faced scientist posed in front of a computer screen that displayed the groundbreaking image she’d helped create, with her hands clasped over her mouth in proud disbelief.

In an instant, Bouman became a stand-in for generations of women scientists whose contributions to technological breakthroughs were buried under the names of their male colleagues. Celebrities tweeted in appreciation. Others listed the names of female scientists that time, and sexism, had allowed us to forget. The moment felt triumphant: a chance for women in STEM to get their long-deserved moment in the spotlight. But there was also some pushback against this simple, feel-good version of events — namely, from Katie Bouman herself.

“I’m so excited that we finally get to share what we have been working on for the past year!” she wrote on Facebook. “The image shown today is the combination of images produced by multiple methods. No one algorithm or person made this image, it required the amazing talent of a team of scientists from around the globe and years of hard work to develop the instrument, data processing, imaging methods, and analysis techniques that were necessary to pull off this seemingly impossible feat. It has been truly an honor, and I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with you all.”

In fact, Bouman was one of more than 200 scientists from 60 different research institutions, in 18 countries across six continents, to contribute to the project. Approximately 40 women (including Bouman) were involved.

While many media outlets (including us) mistakenly reported that Bouman had led the creation of the algorithm used to visualize the previously unphotographable image, a Harvard astronomer named Shep Doeleman was actually in charge of the project.

Bouman’s contributions were important to this process, and while it’s true that she led a team in developing an algorithm intended to create an image of a black hole, the New York Times reported Thursday that Bouman’s algorithm was not the one ultimately used to make the photo we saw on Wednesday. (On Friday afternoon, the MIT CSAIL Twitter account issued a series of posts to clear up earlier confusion.)

“There are women involved in every single step of this amazing project,” said Sara Issaoun, a 24-year-old graduate student at Radboud University in the Netherlands, in an interview with the Times. Issaoun was one of the researchers involved.

So, it appears that many of us got the details of this story a bit wrong, and the reasons why are pretty straightforward. Obviously, it’s easy to jump to less-than-accurate conclusions from information that’s shared on social media, especially in celebration of a young woman for a breakthrough in STEM, a field in which women are so notoriously underrepresented.

The Bouman story was also the product of our tendency to credit individual thought-leaders or “pioneers” for making change happen. We like being able to point to a single person who made a difference in the world, because it inspires us to try to do the same. But the truth is that no one person alone is responsible for making big things happen.

Collaboration is a superpower. As Katie Bouman wants us to remember, it’s when we work together that the impossible comes within reach — or, in the case of black holes, that the unphotographable becomes photographed. The Bouman story is one of teamwork and triumph, and by upholding that spirit, more of us will be able to shine. It may not be the story we wanted, but it’s the one with the most to offer.

RELATED: The Black Hole Photo Everyone’s Freaking Out About Was Made Possible by This Female Grad Student

(Photo by Dursun Aydemir/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Whether you’re a Gilmore Girls fan or a die-hard Owala sipper, you’re gonna want to hear this: Owala is dropping a Gilmore Girls collection! Adorned with adorable illustrations that pay homage to the hit TV series, this limited-edition drop is not one to be missed.

Scroll on to learn more about the Gilmore Girls Owala drop, including pricing and when you can shop the new cups!


Gilmore Girls fall—it’s a thing,” Owala’s site reads. “If you’re the kind of person who needs coffee in an IV, we’ve got the mugs for you. Choose from Luke’s Diner or The Dragonfly Inn… or get both. We know Lorelai would.” This collab is already perfection!


The Gilmore Girls Owala drop honors both The Dragonfly Inn and Luke’s Diner with two super cute cup designs.

The first is a cream white 20-ounce SmoothSip Slider dotted with purple dragonflies. The lid is a bold yellow color fitted with a lavender slider that’s used to conveniently open and close the cup.


The second 20-ounce SmoothSip Slider flaunts a brown and yellow logo for Luke’s Diner with a color-coordinated lid and slider. We truly can’t pick a favorite!

Both SmoothSip Slider cups feature an insulated stainless steel lining that keeps contents hot up to 6 hours or cold up to 24 hours. The cups are certifiably BPA-free, lead-free, and phthalate-free. The lid on each cup is dishwasher-safe, while the cups themselves should be hand-washed only.


This upcoming Gilmore Girls collab is part of Owala’s Color Drop program, which means it’s bound to sell out. However, if the drop sells out in an hour or less, it’ll automatically open for backorders, which ship 10-12 weeks after purchase. Previous drops have featured limited-edition water bottle colorways and even a fun Valentine's Day vault.


The Gilmore Girls x Owala collab will be available to shop on February 11 at 10am MT. You can shop each SmoothSip Slider for $32.99 a pop, or bundle the duo for $65.98. According to reviews from shoppers, this style of Owala is the “perfect to go coffee cup” and is “truly leak-proof.”

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In January — the month of New Year resolutions — a lot of us are setting fitness goals and vowing to prioritize wellness. How can we be sure that by March, it will not all turn into some wishful thinking or unrealistic objectives set with bygone motivation? That's where we come in; the right fitness products can make all the difference. In this list, you can find 44 fitness accessories, from beautiful yoga mats and weighted bangles to smart gadgets and gym gear that will help keep your motivation tank loaded and your goals not only easier but more fun! Let's go!

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

The Liforme Original Yoga Mat


It's only right to begin this list with a yoga mat. A lovely yoga mat enables you to exercise at any place, at any time or can serve as motivation to hit the yoga studio more often. This Lifeorme one is their original model, and it is as practical and aesthetically pleasing as yoga mats go. It is non-slip, sweat-resistant, and provides a 'warrior-like' grip. It comes in nine different shades and a free yoga bag.

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Maximum Comfort Athletic Leggings


A good, brand-new pair of leggings is also known to do wonders for motivation. These have tummy control and come with a side pocket. Available in more colors and patterns than you can think of.

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Chic Protein Blender With a Pill Box and a BlenderBall Whisk


A chic protein blender with a pill box so you can treat yourself to a delicious, well-deserved protein shake after a workout. Includes a ball whisk to make blending easier and say goodbye to undissolved lumps.

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Get in Workout Mode With These Amazon Echo Buds


Music also makes any workout better, and with these Amazon Echo buds, you can play your favorite motivational playlist or cancel out the noise and find more tranquility during yoga. With up to five hours of playback and 15 hours with the charging case, you also don't have to worry about them dying midway.

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Break a Sweat Using an Under Desk Elliptical


Don't have time to head to the gym? Use this under-desk elliptical to get in your daily cardio session with its eight levels of resistance.

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Stay on Top of Wellness in 2025 with a Fitness-Tracker


With a good fitness tracker, you can effortlessly track the essentials such as heart rate, sleep, stress, and activity levels and stay on top of your wellness this year. Fortunately, you don't have to break the bank to do so. This Fitbit is affordable and includes a six-month premium membership with personalized insights and analytics.

See it on Amazon

This Matching Set To Stand Out


Feel like your best self every time you step out of the house in this Matching Set that TikTok influencers have been falling for all year long. This set comes with a twist sports bra that offers a ton of support, in addition to matching shorts to pair with it. This set is perfect for anyone looking to add a bit of flair to their fitness routine

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Get Barre Class Results at Home With This Portable Standing Barre


If you've heard great things about the body-shaping results from attending barre class but have no time to hit the studio, then with this portable double standing barre, you can make the most of the workout routines from the comfort of your own home.

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Elevate Your Exercise Routine With a Set of Colour-Coded Resistance Bands


Resistant bands work wonders for developing your glutes, for mobility, or just for warming up properly and preventing injury. This set of five comes in color-coded resistance levels so you can match your strength and make progress.

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Aoxjox Tank Top With A Breathable Twist Back Design


Don this Aoxjox Tank Top while working out to not only show your figure, but also to stay cool, as the tank top leaves your back almost completely exposed while still offering plenty of support. Plus you can also wear it as a sundress bra, as some reviewers have done.

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Make The Most of a Workout Ball's Wellness Benefits


A workout out ball can also serve in multiple ways to enhance your wellness. It can help you fix posture, improve stability, train your lower back, or do some of the most challenging ab routines. It's also a great option for pregnant mothers.

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A Foam Roller to Reduce Muscle Pain and Chance of Injury


A foam roller improves blood circulation, helps to prevent injury, and reduces muscle stiffness when the DOMS are particularly bad. This one comes in many colors and is travel-size, too.

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A Set of Weighted Bangles For a More Challenging Workout


With these weighted bangles, practical meets stylish. They can be used both on wrists and ankles to add some weight and make a home workout more challenging.

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A Motivational Water Bottle to Inspire You to Stay Hydrated


A motivational water bottle to inspire you to stay hydrated during your workout. With encouraging quotes and marks that let you know how much you have drunk by each hour of the day. Available in many colors and equipped with a straw and a carry strap.

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A Yankee's Baseball Cap for a Trendy Look


Embrace the sporty look with this classic baseball cap. These hats are quite in vogue right now and can be paired with everything, from blazers to sweatsuits.

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Carry Your Workout Gear in Style With a Functional Duffle Bag


The thought of all you have to bring to the gym or of changing clothes in the cold weather can be quite demotivating. Hopefully, this stylish duffle bag with a shoe compartment and wet and dry separation pockets can make things easier.

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Jog Hands Free With This Armband Bag


If jogging is your thing and you like to have your hands free, then with this running armband earphone bag, you can take your essentials such as your phone, credit cards, and keys with you and jog away.

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Foldable Kitchen Scales to Stay on Top of Your Nutrition Gaols


Digital scales are not just helpful to follow recipes but also to keep your nutrition in check and hit your macro goals. This one with a unique design is foldable and easy to carry with you when you travel.

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The Gym Towel to Cover All Your Needs


A gym towel to place over machines before you use them for maximum hygiene and also to keep sweat levels in check. This one in pink is cute and infused with silver ions, so it stays fresh for longer, lessening the need to wash after every workout.

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Sweat Headbands For Sweat and Flyaways Control


These sweat headbands help control sweating (especially around the face). An added benefit: they also keep flyaways in place. These are made of nylon and spandex and are soft, breathable, and elastic. Available in multiple colors.

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The Walking on Clouds Pair of Trainers


This list won't be complete without a pair of good trainers. These New Balance ones with foam midsole are lightweight and perfect for running (or some shopping cardio).

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Lifting Gloves for Improved Performance (and Soft Hands)


Even if you use light weights, lifting gloves are important. They help prevent blisters, keep the hand's skin softer and cleaner, plus ensure better grip. Apart from the gym, they can also be used for cycling, climbing, and hiking. These are breathable with double-stitched padding.

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A Fleece Face Mask to Get You Out and Running Even in the Cold


For any outdoor fitness activities, a fleece face mask is a much-needed accessory at this time of year. This one helps to retain your body's natural heat, protects from biting wind, and keeps you going for longer, even in the cold.

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A Vagus Nerve Stimulator to Elevate Your Wellness Game


The benefits of a vagus nerve stimulator are numerous: it can help with muscle recovery, boost the immune system, relieve stress, and improve sleep. What is the vagus nerve? It's the main nerve of our parasympathetic nervous system that controls specific functions like digestion, heart rate, and immunity. The stimulator works by using auricular technology to stimulate it gently. All you have to do is place the ear clips on your earlobes and wear them like earphones.

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Watermelon BCAA's for Quick Recovery and High Energy


This delicious Optimum Nutrition pre-workout with green tea and caffeine from natural sources will boost your energy enough to smash your workout while providing the necessary BCAA's to recover and hit your goals. Also great to just keep energy levels high throughout the day. Tastes like watermelon.

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Channel Your Inner Jane Fonda With Some Ankle Weights


Good classic ankle weights to channel your inner Jane Honda and step up the level of difficulty of your favorite aerobic workout (your thighs and glutes will be grateful). With adjustable straps to fit any size, you can also choose your weight and color.

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Get Playful (and Fit) With a Fitness Hula Hoop


Hula hoops are not just for kids. In fact, they can be a great and efficient way to strengthen core muscles, target specific areas, or fix posture. This fitness hoop is extra padded and soft, and it ensures a comfortable experience.

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DIY Deep Tissue Massage Gun


If you don't have time to hit the masseuse, this deep tissue massage gun can help you DIY. With ten massage heads and adjustable speed levels, it can offer instant pain relief.

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The Only Bag to Take on Your Daily Walk


This Lululemon sports belt bag in misty pink is just the accessory you need to embark on your daily walk hands-free. Wear it across the waist as a belt or as a cross-body bag.

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A Jumping Rope to Get Your Daily Dose of Exercise Even When You Travel


When you are traveling but still want to get your daily dose of exercise in, then jumping rope is your best friend. It's the easiest fitness accessory to carry due to its size and lightweight. This one is made of steel wires and is extremely durable. It is also suitable for the entire family.

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A Workout Journal to Help You Track Your Progress


A workout journal where you can note exercises, weights used and current shape can be helpful to stay on track and make consistent progress. This workout log book is intuitive and makes it easy to organize your workouts, so you don't have to keep it all in your head.

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If You Only Take One Fitness Supplement, Make It Creatine


Creatine is known to increase muscle energy, speed muscle growth, lower blood sugar levels, reduce fatigue and boost performance. In other words - it's the best supplement to take if you want to prioritize your fitness goals in 2025. This Wellah's one comes in three different flavors: strawberry lemonade, coconut lime, and watermelon slush. Each bottle offers 50 servings.

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An Ab Roller for a More Challenging Ab Routine


If a toned core is what you're after (and who isn't?), then this dual-wheel ab roller equipped with a knee pad will enable you to perform more challenging ab routines from the comfort of your home (or anywhere else).

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A Sports Top With Medium Support and More Coverage


Nothing boosts workout motivation like brand-new gear, and this women's sports top has all the benefits of a sports bra - being padded with medium support — while also offering more coverage. Perfect for yoga and the gym.

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Support Meets Style With This Sports Bra


If what you're after is more support and stability, then this Running Girl sports bra offers just that plus cutout, criss-cross straps back, making for a stylish and unique design. Featuring removable padding so you can customize your coverage.

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Put Your Finger on Your Wellness With This Health Ring


In 2025, your jewelry can be the gateway to your health. This health ring tracks heart rate, blood oxygen and pressure, sleep, and steps to help you monitor your most important wellness factors. It is waterproof, with a long battery life of up to five days after a two-hour charge. It is also Android and iPhone compatible. Prioritizing wellness has never felt easier.

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Leave Your Workout Up to Chance With These Six-Sided Exercise Dices


If you're always a bit at a loss as to what to do when you hit the gym, then you can leave it up to chance with a pair of exercise dice. One dice calls the workout and the other the reps. Exercises include push-ups, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, and crunches. Good luck!

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Achieve a Full-Body Workout at Home With These Bodyweight Resistance Straps


If you work out at home and have to invest in a single fitness accessory, then the bodyweight resistance straps must be it. They allow for the widest variety of exercises and can target almost any body part, enabling you to create a full-body workout. They are suitable for all fitness levels.

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A Set of 4-in-1 Adjustable Dumbbells


This set of 4-in-1 adjustable dumbbells gives you the range of four different dumbbells but takes the space of just two. With six 0.5 lb dumbbell plates, it takes just one second to assemble, and there is a security lock to ensure maximum safety. They come in four different colors.

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Lightweight Touchscreen Running Gloves So You Can Prioritize Exercise Even in the Winter Months


A set of lightweight running gloves will help you prioritize running and outdoor exercise even in the winter months. These are touchscreen, so you don't have to remove them when you text. Available in four different colors.

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A Set of Massage Balls to Carry Around With You


More compact than a foam roller or a massage gun but just as effective is the massage ball. This comes in a set of six to best fit your needs. They are great for increasing blood flow and tissue hydration, relieving knots and tightness, and recovering sore muscles.

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A Set of Nike Performance Crew Socks


A set of Nike performance crew socks because going to the gym in style starts there. They come in black and white and can be worn over tights.

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Hit the Yoga Studio With Confidence With This Set of Yoga Blocks


If flexibility is not your strong suit but you'd still like to get more regular with your yoga practice this year, then owning a set of yoga blocks and a strap is a good idea. They come with an instruction book and are perfect for experienced exercisers and beginners.

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Puzzle Exercise Mat to Protect Your Floor During Your Home Workouts


This exercise mat made of interlocking foam floor tiles will help you create the perfect workout hut in your home. With it you can protect your floor from weights and build a softer surface to lie on. Super easy to dissemble once you're done exercising and also great for an indoor kids' play area.

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