The Family Stoneis all over TikTok right now, with people dissecting left and right whether the 2000's Christmas movie actually good or actually bad. Until now, I actually hadn't seen this Sarah Jessica Parker and Rachel McAdams throwback film — and TBH, I was desperate to weigh in on the discourse, especially after watching the weirdness that was Love Actually (sorry not sorry!). But with the likes of Diane Keaton, Luke Wilson, and Claire Danes in this cast, it has to be pretty good...right? After streaming this 2005 film on Disney+, here's what I thought.
Here's everything I thought after watching The Family Stone for the first time!
20th Century Fox
1. Why won't Meredith sleep in her boyfriend's bed at his parents house?
While I could understand if Everett's parents didn't want them staying in the same room (sort of), I genuinely am so confused why Meredith makes that call on her own. Is she worried about being respectful? About seeming respectful? Do they genuinely not sleep together? A very confusing choice all-around.
2. Yeah, I mean Meredith is a little awkward for sure — but like WHY is she so uptight?
Anyone would get nervous to meet their potential future in-laws, but Meredith is definitely taking this to a different level. It feels like she's totally shut down, or something. I mean, I guess she had a bad experience with Amy back in the city, so maybe she's worried the holidays will end up the same? Regardless, I'm super uncomfy watching just about every exchange.
3. Why do they all act weird when she wants her privacy on the phone?
Okay, even though Meredith is acting a little weird, I don't think it's that weird that she would wanna take a phone call alone. They act like she just told them to buzz off when she asked for space to answer the phone.
20th Century Fox
4. I love how close this family is, but they're incredibly judgmental!
Listen, I'm all here for a quirky, close family dynamic. I have a kooky family of my own where my siblings and I all speak the same feral language! But these folks seem to take their closeness and use it to alienate and shut out others. It explains why Meredith is having such a hard time connecting!
5. Everyone was very nonchalant about Elizabeth breaking Meredith's nice shoes — I would be pissed!
I don't care if they were Louboutins or the latest Target special — if a child (and particularly one I'd never even met before) recklessly broke my shoes without a care in the world, I would be very upset. It's honestly off-putting that nobody in the family seemed to react to Elizabeth's inconsiderate behavior, and instead chose to look at Meredith like SHE was weird for being peeved.
6. It's honestly so weird how everyone keeps making light that they’re all talking about her?!
Ben literally told Meredith that they're all talking about her behind her back...who does that?! It would be one thing if there were lighthearted jokes and jests leading up to that, but the vibes are clearly bad already. Why make it worse?
20th Century Fox
7. IMO, Meredith's not “shouting” to be rude — she’s trying to be inclusive of Thad because he's hard-of-hearing!
The whole family keeps acting like Meredith is a jerk for speaking up and emphasizing things to Thad, but honestly I think she's just trying to keep him included in the conversation in the way she knows how. Maybe instead of silently judging and letting her look foolish, Everett (or literally anyone else around) could gently explain how to best communicate with his brother?
8. Meredith may be awkward, but she lights up when she talks about her life with Everett!
Amy said that Meredith never stops talking, but it seems like she loves to gab when she's talking about the person she loves: Everett. What's wrong with sharing that with people? So what if she's a little robotic — it's the liveliest she's been the whole time!
9. “I can see you beginning to look at me like they do” :(
Aw, this made me so sad for Meredith!
10. Ben is being so creepy, TBH...
"I had a dream about you," um...okay?! Why are you so clearly trying to mack on your brother's girl?!
20th Century Fox
11. Sybil may be “nice” but she’s incredibly overbearing — look at how she treats Amy about Brad!
In one of the greatest musicals of all time (Into The Woods), Little Red sings that "nice is different than good" — and that couldn't be more true here. Sybil seems nice and friendly, but really she's pretty overbearing and judgmental towards all her kids. I mean, truly who brings up who her daughter lost her virginity to in front of a total stranger unsolicited like that? She was clearly trying to manipulate Amy into fitting the mold she made for her.
12. There are clearly a LOT of strings attached with Sybil
Seriously though, this woman is a tough nut to crack. I mean, she rushed to conclusions about Meredith, making it very clear she's not "the one" for Everett to him and everyone else. It seems like she would be incredibly tough to please in any circumstance, let alone the one where you're picking your life partner (and requesting the family diamond).
13. Meredith keeps trying to be thoughtful, even though this family is awful to her.
Offering to make Christmas breakfast for everyone, even though this family continued to haze her to the point where she didn't even feel comfortable sleeping under their roof, was honestly really kind and thoughtful of Meredith. I don't know if I'd have that kind of grace and resilience in a similar scenario.
20th Century Fox
14. This race and sexuality conversation is SO CRINGE I AM CRYING WHY WHY WHY!
Oh my god, please make this end. I know I've been pretty apologetic for Meredith this whole time, but woof. This was uncomfortable and awkward and problematic. She definitely has a LOT to learn — even for 2005.
15. “I love the gays! Gay people!” Okay, me...
Honestly, tattoo this quote on my forehead.
16. Everett is being such a weirdo about the ring and Julie and everything — like what a WEIRDO!
I know he had a nice little evening wandering around with his girlfriend's sister, but it really seems like this man is ready to blow up his whole life so quickly. Like, Julie was so clearly uncomfortable by him asking her to wear Meredith's engagement ring, but he literally forced her to anyway! WHO does that?
20th Century Fox
17. Julie is honestly sus too...
I get that feels can come outta nowhere, but Julie was very clearly into Everett like...the whole time. There wasn't really any hiding that.
18. Meredith is an incredible gift giver — WOW!
Honestly, if someone gave me that photo of my dying mother, I would be beside myself. That is a gorgeous gift, and I hope to be half the gift-giver she is.
19. Meredith could really stand to tone down the "Karen" behavior
This family put her through a lot, but I am really starting to be over her victim mentality. You put your foot in your mouth multiple times, girly. Apologize and move on!
20th Century Fox
20. "Isn’t there anybody that loves me?!” is incredibly hilarious.
The way Meredith says this so earnestly is just too good.
21. Rachel McAdams slipping in the eggs is incredible
I can only imagine how many takes it took to get this scene! I would have been cracking up the entire time. 10/10 physical comedy across the board!
22. Is Brad the only normal guy (and person) in this story???
Okay, I know we're supposed to think he's some boring doofus or whatever, but Brad honestly seems really nice. He very earnestly shows up for Christmas morning (you know, the major freakin' holiday) to impress Amy, bringing a gift and being there throughout all the madness. Even when things get crazier and crazier, Brad doesn't bat an eye. A keeper, for sure.
20th Century Fox
23. TBH only this weirdo family could deal with the girlfriend swapping
Can you imagine? Like can you ACTUALLY imagine? I couldn't! These people are so strange.
24. Poor normal Brad being sucked into all this...
It seems like Brad is fully "in it" by the end. Best of luck to Brad!
25. Okay, so yes I did still cry!
As the weepy softy that I am...of course I cried. It's beautiful that these weirdos still celebrate and love each other after everything — including the passing of their mother. I mean, come on! Can you blame me?!
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