The Plot of Harry Potter Summed Up in One Illustration

Don’t know if you remember, but Harry Potter was a freaking long story. J. K. Rowling, god love ‘er, wrote 1,084,170 words about this young wizard’s adventures (and misadventures) at Hogwarts. That’s 4,224 pages, which we know is a lot more than any assignment Professor Snape ever doled out. That said, somehow New York-based artist Lucy Knisley managed to sum up the entire thing in a single illustration!

Here’s a preview, but you can also check out the “ginormous full size version” on Knisley’s website!

Did this comic do Harry Potter justice? Let us know what you think in the comments!

March will be amazing for two reasons: it's National Reading Month and some of the most-anticipated new books will make their debut! Besides that, spring will finally make her own debut, so we can start bringing our favorite titles to the park again. I for one have grown tired of random snow days that make me want to fall asleep more than they inspire me to dive into a new rom-com or self-improvement book!

So, break out your reading journal because you'll want to keep track of the most-anticipated fiction and non-fiction new books debuting in March 2025!

Scroll to see which new books we can't wait to read in March!

The Most-Anticipated Fiction Books 


Unlikely Story by Ali Rosen (March 1, 2025)

Nora's the relationship therapist you go to when your love life's a little shaky because she's got helpful tips for you to utilize. But, she hasn't mastered romance in her day-to-day because she's somehow fallen for an editor based in London. Though they've never met in person, Nora and J have built up a correspondence for a few years that eventually comes to a head when Nora's work assignment lands her in his city. Convinced she's destined to meet him, she happily packs up and moves into a co-op.
But her downstairs neighbor has it out for her because he believes her advice column contributed to the end of his relationship. All he wants to do is make her pay for his misery which results in a comedic, albeit annoying, "we're enemies" situation.
What neither Nora and her irritating neighbor couldn't have predicted is how well they actually know each other.


While We're Young by K.L. Walther (March 4, 2025)

Grace, Isa and Everett's lives are a mess, but it didn't used to be this way. They were once close friends who spent hours upon hours together, but love has a way of enticing people to make disastrous choices.
Despite knowing Everett and Isa used to date, Grace got's a thing for the boy who broke her friend's heart. But, she's not the only one who has a secret because Isa's been cozying up to Grace's brother. Nevertheless, Grace believes the answer to everyone's "problems" is to explore Philadelphia one day in the spirit of Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
It's the perfect recipe for truths to exposed in the hilarious and somewhat heartbreaking While We're Young.


Kills Well with Others by Deanna Raybourn (March 4, 2025)

Billie, Helen, Mary Alice, and Natalie took some time to finally relax after fighting back against the same agency that tried to have them killed. Enjoying a sabbatical was just what they needed until boredom started to kick in. Sensing their lackluster response to having "normal" lives, the four women are thrilled when the Museum, another assassin organization, contacts them for a job.
A killer mole is tracking down everyone who thwarted their plans to take out a notorious thug and they've never let it go. The women's task is to figure out who it is before said person comes looking for them. However, this murderer's skilled and conniving which will put their experience to the test.


A Scandalous Affair by Leonard Goldberg (March 4, 2025)

When Joanna Homes and the Watsons are visited by Sir William Radcliffe one night, he drops a bombshell tale of blackmail on them. He's spooked because his position as the Chancellor of the Exchequer is being called into question with threats of the exposure of something that wasn't meant to come to light. At the center of the scandal is Sir William's granddaughter and her potential benefits of marrying someone of high benefit to society.
As the family continues to dish out funds to keep the pictures from being released, they've realized whoever's holding their reputation hostage won't stop until they've drained them dry. So, it's up to Joanna and the Watsons to figure out who the mysterious figure is before the Chancellor's family is publicly ruined.


The Persians by Sanam Mahloudji (March 4, 2025)

The Valiat family have gone from being of importance to fading into the background of America's noise, but they haven't let that stop them from attempting to maintain their status. Beginning with the family matriarch Elizabeth, it's clear why they continue to hold their heads high. It's not like she didn't defiantly stay in Tehran when turmoil surrounded her.

However, her daughters and their daughters have packed up to start lives in America. There's:

  • Niaz and her crime-led ways
  • Shirin and her boisterous career as an event planner
  • Seema and her uninspiring housewife duties
  • Bita and her disenchanted life as a law student

When Shirin finds herself behind bars in Aspen, she feels inspired to make sure the Valiat name is respected again.


Stone Angelsby Helena Rho (March 4, 2025)

Angelina Lee's living in Seoul after losing her mother and watching her marriage dissolve. Her goal was to find a connection to being Korean, but things haven't been working the way she'd hoped. Besides emotionally wrestling with the handsome Keishuke Ono, she's trying to find the answers that'll lead to what caused her mother's death.

What she uncovers is the existence and disappearance of her aunt Sunyuh, who was never spoken of. Unable to understand why the family decided to sweep this under the rug, Angelina decides to understand who she truly is.


Blood Moon by Sandra Brown (March 4, 2025)

Detective John Bowie's career is in limbo due to the bitterness and misery he's nursing with alcohol. He's also haunted by the botched case of Chrissy Mellin's disappearance and TV series Crisis Point's decision to highlight it's open-ended results.
At the head of Crisis Point is Beth Collins, a producer who has high ambitions. She's sure Chrissy Mellin's case wasn't a singular event and wants to figure out why it along with other missing person's instances occurred during a blood moon. With nothing but a hunch and pure determination, Beth connects with Detective Bowie to figure out what happened.
They'll have to act fast because the person behind the disappearances could strike again if Beth's theory is correct.


The Trouble with Annaby Rachel Griffiths (March 4, 2025)

Anna's life has been a series of unintentional decisions that resulted in consequences that changed the course of her life. From starting a betting ring to locking lips with Lord Julian Ramsay, she's been somewhat of a wild child. The thing is that her grandfather's will wants to put an end to this by demanding that she find a suitable man to marry her.

Though she'd rather run free, her heart knows it years for Lord Ramsay and therein lies her problem.


Count My Lies by Sophia Stava (March 4, 2025)

Sloane Caraway's lies have never gotten out of hand before she met an attractive man in the park. Feigning concern for his young daughter, Sloane works her way into Jay and Violet Lockhart's lives. They seem to have a beautiful and flawless family from the outside looking in, but being their nanny reveals that ideas about perfection are nothing more than that.


All the Other Mothers Hate Me by Sarah Harman (March 11, 2025)

Florence Grimes' only cares about the light in her life — her son Dylan. He's only 10, but he has a way of lazily motivating her to put one foot in front of the other. She knows he's being bullied, but she doesn't think too much of his reaction to it until said bully, Alfie Risby, goes missing during a field trip.
Everyone automatically suspects Dylan is to blame, but Florence is prepared to do whatever it takes to prove them wrong. However, she can't help but wonder if there's another side to her son she's been ignoring.


Jane and Dan at the End of the World by Colleen Oakley (March 11, 2025)

Jane's finally over her decades-long marriage to Dan. She feels invisible in her household and her is basically laughable at this point. Yet, she decides to muster up the courage to ask her husband for a divorce during their anniversary dinner at La Fin du Monde.
Before she can drop the bombshell on Dan, a group of climate activists storm the restaurant to hold everyone hostage. She's not exactly afraid she won't make it out alive as she's terrified they're using the plot of her unsuccessful book as their manifesto.
It's up to her and Dan to stop their overzealous scheme before everyone dies — including them.


The Anatomy of Magicby J.C. Cervantes (March 11, 2025)

Lillian Estrada's success as an OB-GYN is coupled with the fact she's a part of family of women who've been gifted with magical powers. At her disposal lies the ability to control and alter memories as she sees fit; something that's come in handy for her. But, a freak accident makes everything go haywire and she's suddenly unable to manage anything.
During a trip back home to Mexico, she reconnects with her former love Sam and realizes they have unfinished business that could be the key to understanding the source of her magic.


Story of My Life by Lucy Score (March 11, 2025)

Hazel Hart's career as a romance author is halted when she experiences a bad breakup. Instead of seeking inspiration, she'd rather hide from the world and dodge her responsibilities until her book's threatened with being dropped.

Afraid of becoming a flop, Hazel runs to Story Lake, PA for inspiration where she decides to live in a home she never got to see in person. Little did she know, the home isn't dilapidated and the town itself is on the brink of financial ruin. Oh, and she's suddenly tasked with being a part of the town council so her days of sulking are over.

When she comes across the tall hunk of man named Campbell Bishop, she realizes she needs he and his brothers help to make her home livable. And if she can get a "date" out of it, then her book may come to life! But she'll have some explaining to do when she hits the send button on her manuscript and no longer needs inspiration.


Love and Other Paradoxesby Catriona Silvey (March 11, 2025)

In 2005, Joe Greene spends his time thinking about the kind of life he wants to live. All he cares about is making sure his words will touch others, but he doesn't know how that'll happen until he meets Esi. She spends time revisiting moments from the past that defined the lives of those who've accomplished great things and this time the focus is on Joe. According to her, he goes on to becoming a famous wordsmith who's poems center the beautiful Diana. However, Esi doesn't really care about Joe's past or success.
She wants to change the past so her future self isn't affect by what happens and finds Joe instead. But this causes their timelines to spin out of control, leading them to team up to save their future selves. What's worse is that Joe forgets about Diana and finds himself smitten with Esi and that's the opposite of what was supposed to happen...right?


The Trouble Up North by Travis Mulhauser (March 11, 2025)

The Sawbrooks aren't exactly upstanding citizens, but they've managed to make a living through smuggling. Their secret? Traveling in secret so they're not punished for their crimes. Besides, it's not like they're doing anything different than the prestigious places that are taking over the place they called home.
Rhoda's the embittered matriarch who carries the weight of the family on her shoulders while Lucy, Buckner, and baby Jewell are doing things against her will. One's trying to protect the land while another's staring in the bottom of endless bottles, and the other gets caught up in a huge crime.
The only way they can save themselves is by going within to see where there troubles started and figuring out how they can move forward.


Heat of the Everflame by Penn Cole (March 11, 2025)

Diem's caught in the middle of the Descended and Guardians post-coronation, but she has to tread carefully. On one side are the friends and lover she cares about, but she's also supposed to protect humans. It's a tough choice that leads to the exposure of who she is.Though Luther will do anything to help her, Diem is afraid to confront where she comes from and what she's meant to accomplish.
When the Crowns decide she's worth their time, Diem takes on her greatest task yet — infiltrating enemy territory to bring them down.


Hot Airby Marcy Dermansky (March 18, 2025)

Joannie's in a heap of trouble and it's all because of a hot air balloon. After being single for years, she gets her first date with her daughter in tow. Asked to dinner by the gorgeous Johnny, things are derailed when Joannie discovers he's not a great kisser. Then comes the unexpected arrival of a former fling.

Not only does Jonathan literally land his hot air balloon in her pool, he brings with him the familiar attraction Joannie felt years ago. Then there's Julia and Vivian.

Somehow each of them become embroiled in a salacious game of love and lust as they try to figure out how to move forward now that they're in each other's orbits.


Early Thirties by Josh Duboff (March 18, 2025)

Victor and Zoey are two best friends who are afraid to face a hard truth about their friendship: their lives are headed in opposite directions. The latter is trying to convince everyone she's happy about getting married while the Victor tries to make better choices.
Yet, one more bad moment involving Victor fractures his friendship with Zoey and the two stop communicating like they used to. There's no guarantee they'll be able to repair their friendship, but stranger things have happened.


Cover Storyby Celia Laskey (March 25, 2025)

Ali is popular publicist in Hollywood who knows how to navigate her job and clients. She knows she has to make sure certain public figures' sexuality remains hidden but it's ironic because she's a lesbian. But she does what she has to, promising to not get too involved in her clients' lives.
When she meets Cara Bisset and her big break at becoming a household name, Ali realizes this isn't like other jobs she's had in the past because Cara doesn't want to play by the rules. The more they spend time together, the more Ali feels attracted to Cara's "wild" nature and wants to break free from the restrictions placed on her clients.
Only time will tell if both are really ready to live out loud though.


Saltwaterby Katy Hays (March 25, 2025)

Sarah Lingate's dead body was discovered in Capri, but nothing came of the suspicions that her family was involved. They've even gone to great lengths to memorialize her death every year, but something's changed. Someone wants them to know they're being watched because they left behind a necklace Sarah wore when she was murdered. This pushes the Lingates to drop their "mournful" act which makes Helen realize there's more to her mother's death than she's been led to believe.
Despite asking the family's assistant, Lorna Moreno, for help, Helen soon realizes she'll be investigating by herself. It appears that not even the people she's been around her entire life may be who they've portrayed themselves to be which is scarier than knowing her mother's death wasn't an accident.


Summer in the City by Alex Aster (March 25, 2025)

Screenwriter Elle is facing the biggest opportunity in her career so far and she'd be happy if she wasn't unsure of what to write. The worst news is that she's on a time crunch and hasn't written much.
Against her better judgement, she moves back To NY and begins feeling inspired until she runs into a former hookup — Parker Warren. He's a wealthy tech bro who became a walking nightmare, but he's giving her the fodder she needs to make her screenplay successful.
So, they orbit each other until they reach a familiar agreement. They'll pretend to be head over heels for each other and completely end things once fall starts. But, can they actually do it?

The Most-Anticipated Non-Fiction Books


Defining Style: The Book of Interior Style by Joan Barzilay Freund (March 6, 225)

Joan Barzilay Freund has written the best interior lookbook of the year and I'm beyond excited for you to get your hands on it! Whether you're into coastal styles or need something on the maximal end, you'll find inspiration for updating your space on every page.


Me, But Better by Olga Khazan (March 11, 2025)

Olga Khazan's own experience with facing an identity crisis led her to explore if it's possible to change her personality. What she found is that not only is it possible, she didn't mind the journey of doing so. From making a "yes" bucket list to embracing the art of "faking it 'til you make it," she hilariously details what she learned in Me, But Better.


Make Believe: Poems for Hoping Again by Victoria Hutchins (March 18, 2025)

Victoria Hutchins wants us to make space for our inner children to play again. Each poem in Make Believe revolves around wistful wonder and joy that reminds us it's okay to hold on to remnants of hope. That we deserve to live lives that aren't bogged down by things like stress and worry.

Most of all, she wants to know how we'd live if we need joy started in our minds.


Cults Like Us: Why Doomsday Thinking Drives Americaby Jane Borden (March 25, 2025)

America's no strangers to cults, but Jane Borden wants us to get real about how prevalent certain ideology that breed them continues to be. What started off as religious has become worldly in her eyes and she exposes it via our love for pop culture icons like cowboys, influencers, and more.
And if you're not familiar with cults, she's shining a light on some of the most popular ones.


Feminine Intelligence: How Visionary Leaders Can Reshape Business For Good by Elina Teboul (March 25, 2025)

Elina Teboul is getting down to the nitty gritty of what's going to make businesses successful in the future. Through interviews and research, she's examining how certain characteristics play a role in groundbreaking work and they have everything to do with women's inherent nature. From tapping into one's spiritual growth to being more aware of the capitalist society we live in, readers will walk away with a different perspective about what makes a leader great.


Pizza from the Heart by Paulie Giannone and Mary Ann Giannone (March 25, 2025)

Pizza is good for the soul, according to Paulie and Mary Ann Giannone. From his days working in corporate IT to the delicious pizza he and Mary Ann, Paulie is finally showing us how to find joy in our own kitchens. They've also sprinkled in lovely advice about being in four-decade marriage while being restaurant business partners.
You'll find over 100 recipes that reimagine your favorite pizza toppings into something that feels delicioso.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Treehouse aesthetic is not only a charming decor trend, but it also evokes a sense of nostalgia, whether you grew up with one or simply wished you had. Santa Barbara architect Dylan Henderson and designer Bailee Roberts have reimagined a 1960s hillside home into a stunning modern retreat inspired by the magic of treehouses. Perched among California’s iconic coastal oaks, this home embraces its natural surroundings, offering breathtaking views of the Santa Barbara harbor and the rolling mountains beyond. It’s the kind of place that inspires daydreaming — it's my ultimate someday escape.

Here are 12 home decor ideas I'm stealing from this modern treehouse retreat.

Gavin Cater

1. Exposed Wood Beams

This project was a full gut renovation, designed to blend with the natural landscape while bringing the homeowners' vision to life. The couple, both in their 60s, wanted a home that felt nestled in the oak canopies of the Honda Valley Preserve while making the most of the light and sweeping views.

Gavin Cater

From the moment you step inside, wood beams pull the outdoors in, setting the tone for the entire space. The clients envisioned a retreat that felt both elevated and deeply connected to nature — warm, inviting, and sophisticated.

Erin Feinblatt

2. Floor-to-Ceiling Windows

The team wanted to maximize the ocean and mountain views by increasing the roof height and fenestration on the Southern façade. They also introduced upper west-facing clerestory windows to welcome the warm afternoon light. The result? Sweeping ocean vistas that take center stage, while natural light floods in throughout the day.

Erin Feinblatt

3. Folding Doors

The design team rebuilt the existing 1960s home to feel like a "treehouse in the sky." The folding door system blurs the line between indoors and out, extending the living space and creating a seamless flow to the deck.

Gavin Cater

When opened, they expand the home's footprint while framing breathtaking views, making the transition between inside and nature feel almost invisible.

Gavin Cater

4. Cozy Yet Refined Furniture

The result is a warm, multi-layered sanctuary — an elevated treehouse retreat that blends with its natural surroundings while revealing a refined yet cozy charm.

Gavin Cater

5. Shelfie Perfection

Balancing tradition and modernity, Bailee combined the couple’s beloved antiques and heirloom pieces with contemporary furnishings and carefully curated fixtures. This shelfie is a thoughtfully layered mix of books, pottery, antiques, and personal treasures — designed to be both visually striking and inherently soothing.

Gavin Cater

6. Fluted Island

Fluted kitchen islands are a hot trend right now and I love the architectural detail and modern aesthetic it brings to the space.

Gavin Cater

Adding a gentle curve at the end of the kitchen island enhances both form and function — creating a more visually dynamic focal point while also maximizing space and flow.

Erin Feinblatt

7. Layered Lighting

Want to create ambience in the kitchen? By combining different sources, layered lighting enhances the mood and versatility of a space, making any room feel more inviting and well-designed. Sconces here add warmth while the pendant chandelier above creates a statement while diffusing light beautifully.

Gavin Cater

8. Earthy Palette

Sunlight pours into the home, accentuating the rich woods, organic textures, and an earthy palette that enhances the seamless indoor-outdoor flow.

Erin Feinblatt

9. Statement Artwork

This vintage goose painting beautifully echoes the room’s palette while adding an almost whimsical energy. The expressive pose of the goose brings a sense of movement and charm, making it both a statement piece and a harmonious accent.

Erin Feinblatt

10. Floating Sink

Floating sinks are a game-changer for smaller bathrooms, creating the illusion of more space while maintaining a sleek, elegant look. Marble is also a hot trend we love for kitchens and baths.

Gavin Cater

11. Entertaining Deck

Outdoor living is essential, and this deck is the perfect extension of the Santa Barbara treehouse — designed for lounging, dining, and entertaining while embracing the beauty of the surroundings.

Gavin Cater

12. Modern Landscaping

Modern landscaping transforms the curb appeal by blending clean lines, native plants, and strategic lighting for a polished yet inviting look. Thoughtfully placed greenery, sculptural hardscaping, and layered textures create depth and dimension, while sustainable elements like drought-tolerant plants elevate the home's exterior.

Subscribe to our newsletter for more home decor ideas!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

While other kids were angry about assigned summer reading, I loved whenever teachers prioritized fantasy and greek mythology books. That's why I've been talking nonstop about the upcoming adaptation of The Odyssey that's in production. Directed by none other than Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight and Oppenheimer), it has a star-studded cast that rivals who'll be in the Children of Blood and Boneadaptation.

Since we'll have to wait until July 16, 2026 (yep, so serious) to watch Tom Holland and Zendaya help reimagine a classic, I have 10 modern Greek mythology books you can read to hold you over!

Scroll down for to see which modern Greek mythology books you should crack open ASAP!


Academy of Villains by Ever King

Academy of Villains isn't your average love story because it involves villainy that'll make you think twice about judging a book by its cover.
When a tyrannical king decides he wants more power than he already has, he goes on a crusade to demolish everything in his path so people will bend to his will. He also makes sure to utilize the children left behind for his benefit. From brutal training to become assassins to unthinkable mage training, there's no escaping his evil oversight.

For Kiara, nothing matters more than seeking revenge against the horrors she's seen and committed under the king's rule. She knows the one way to send a message is to kill the prince, but she quickly realizes there's magic in her blood. This makes her journey much more difficult as she's torn between the forbidden love that burns inside of her to realizing the king isn't the only person she has to watch out for.


Clytemnestra by Costanza Casati

Clytemnestra's life has been full of heartache and it's weighed on her ever since she married the worst man ever. She lost a child at his hands and saw how her desire for more caused him to commit more atrocious acts. Filled with a burning rage, Clytemnestra decides to take matters in her own hands by forcing the gods to act. With a plan like this, everyone will be blindsided by the dutiful wife who seemingly never challenged anyone.


Ariadne by Jennifer Saint

Princess Ariadne lives a blissful life that's free of worry in Crete. Though her brother is a thunderous Minotaur, she manages to focus on the beautiful life around her. Still, there are those who seek to vanquish the beast and one finally arrives to complete the task — Prince Theseus.
Though Ariadne should know better, she chooses to help him and defy the life she's always known. Due to her actions, a fracture occurs and people take notice. However, no one's more shattered than Ariadne's sister Phaedra.


A Thousand Shipsby Natalie Haynes

Natalie Haynes wrote A Thousand Ships to make sure Trojan women were given a voice. Starting with the deadly war between the Greeks and Trojans, women's lives who were affected take shape. There's women who have to wonder about their fate while others find love is at the center of their minds. But most of all, the goddesses who triggered this great chain of events are highlighted.


Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips

The 12 gods who used to live on Olympus have grown bored. Not only are they in a new space in London, they're forced to live somewhere smaller. Also, they have to assimilate into society so no one suspects anything about them because they're losing the great powers they once had. Every action drains their reserves so they do their best to make light of their situation.

But Aphrodite and Apollo's bad terms spill over into the lives of Alice and Neil — two regular humans. They're not sure how, but they have to find a way to stop the world from being destroyed due to childish gods and their egos.


The Curse of Ophelia by Nicole Platania

Ophelia's lost Malakai to his valiant attempt at participating in the Undertaking and it not only crushed her, but it the practice became prohibited. Weighed down by heavy grief, she's devoted her time to figure out what happened and finds herself caught in the crosshairs of a curse that feels like it personally sought her out. However, it may not be so bad because Ophelia's being looked at as worthy enough to be a savior.

She'll have to find answers and do everything she can to save lives before she succumbs to her curse.


House of Namesby Colm Tóibín

Colm Tóbín wants readers to know Clytemnestra's story isn't over yet. Though she's still married to King Agamemnon, she's since taken over the throne in Mycenae with Aegisthus by her side. Her plan? Obliterate her husband and make him pay for the death of her daughter of Iphigeneia.
Though she's surprised when Agamemnon reveals he has someone else to love too, she doesn't let this change her plan. One can even say it further proved to her why her plan had to work and how she'd stop at nothing to make sure her desire for revenge ended favorably.


Medusa by Jessie Burton

Medusa's been shunned in many stories before, but there's much more to the goddess to the horrible fate of having her hair turned into snakes. Before she completely succumbed to her rage, she still found a way to love and it brought her great pain.
When Perseus comes to the island she's been living on, Medusa thinks she found something sweet. However, her past, present, and future collide in tragic ways that seal her fate.


Psyche and Eros by Luna McNamara

Princess Psyche's always known she's meant to fulfill a prophecy so she decides to train for the day she'll have to face the monster she's destined to kill. This isn't met with approval from those around her and even the goddess Aphrodite decides she needs to be made an example of. With one command, the god of desire (Eros) is sent to torment Psyche. But his own carelessness makes him fall in love with her instead.

Ripped apart by circumstances, Psyche and Eros will face a great journey that will have a huge impact on their love story.


Queens of Themiscyra by Hannah Lynn

Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons, has been ruling Themiscyra with her sister Penthesilea for a while. They're well-known throughout Greece for the powerful war skills, but even they're no match for king Theseus' affect on Hippolyte. Without her sister, Penthesilea decides to turn her feelings outwards by creating a reign that terrifies the Aegean. Little does she know, Hippolyte's fairy tale romance has become a nightmare and she finds herself increasingly agitated at the life she's living.

Somehow, the sisters will fight to right the wrongs even if it means losing something in the end.

Visit our Amazon Storefront for more of our 2025 books picks!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

St. Patrick’s Day is coming soon, and I’m already so pumped for it, thanks to a slew of fun fast food treats. From Wendy’s new Thin Mints Frosty and Dairy Queen’s Mint Oreo Blizzard to the return of McDonald’s famed Shamrock Shake, I’m geared up for all things green.

If you’re also celebrating St. Paddy’s with a sweet treat, you’re gonna want to try out this Starbucks secret menu drink that has the perfect green tint. It’s filled with white chocolate and matcha – but not in the way you’d think. Plus, it's a tasty departure from your expected mint flavors around this time of year!

Scroll on to discover the Starbucks secret menu order that’s perfect for sipping on St. Patrick’s Day!


Essentially an iced white chocolate mocha made with blonde espresso topped with matcha cold foam and brown butter sprinkles, one Starbucks barista revealeda tasty (and festive!) new way to enjoy the chain’s offerings in lieu of St Paddy’s: the Pot Of Gold!


The spirited drink starts with 4 pumps of white mocha sauce, which is then combined with 2 blonde espresso shots. Starbucks’ blonde espresso has a smoother effect than their traditional shots, so expect this sip to bring on the sweetness!


From there, you can order the drink with your choice of milk – and it’s a total bonus that Starbucks is no longer charging extra for alternative milks like oat, almond, coconut, and soy milk!


The next step is to order the drink with the chain’s vanilla cold foam, adding 2 scoops of matcha powder in the process.

Note: this secret menu item was shared before Starbucks reformulated their matcha powderto be unsweetened, but the cold foam should still have some sweetness, thanks to the vanilla.


Finally, the Pot Of Gold matcha drink is complete, boasting a satisfying layer of green on top of a golden latte. The barista who came up with the drink topped their bev with Starbucks’ brown butter sprinkles, which is in cafes for a limited time alongside their pistachio-flavored coffees.

If your local Starbucks is out of the brown butter sprinkles, a dusting of cinnamon or chocolate curls could also be so tasty!


With this secret menu hack, you’ll be sipping your way through a delightful sweetness and plenty of caffeine from both the matcha powder and espresso shots. If you prefer to have less jitters in your drink, you could easily order it ‘half-caff’ or with decaf espresso shots.

For quick reference, here’s how to order the Pot Of Gold drink. Ask for:

  • A grande iced latte
  • With 2 blonde espresso shots (or your preference for ‘half-caff’ or decaf)
  • With your choice of milk
  • Topped with Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam with 2 scoops of matcha powder
  • Add brown butter topping

And voila! This drink is such a fun way to ring in St. Patrick’s Day. If you’re craving an iced blended beverage, I also tracked down some pretty delicious-looking secret menu drinks for a Lucky Leprechaun Frappuccino and a Pot Of Gold Frappuccino.

Check ‘em out – and happy St. Paddy’s!

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Whether or not you understand Web3, there’s one thing you should know: it’s a massive opportunity for almost anyone — if you’re willing to have some growing pains. In this episode, you’ll learn why Web3 just doesn’t have big investors, it’s also a game-changing chance for women and non-binary individuals to get in early where they are typically left out.

Kevin Rose shares his lessons for growing Moonbirds to $500 million in just four months, and Mila Kunis explains how she has used Web3 to launch passion projects and create value for fans like never before.

In this episode, we cover:

(06:30) Meet Kevin Rose and Mila Kunis
(07:36) What is Web3, and how will it shift power to the people
(09:06) How blockchain keeps people honest
(12:20) Analogies to further explain blockchain
(18:03) Kevin's Doge experiment in 2014
(22:10) Mila's introduction to crypto
(25:00) Mila's passion project using NFTs in animation
(31:01) Why Hollywood didn’t get it right
(32:04) Mila's next project with the NFT community
(37:56) The PROOF Collective
(40:47) Explanation of the Moonbirds NFTs
(45:46) How women and non-binary folks have been excluded from financial and tech opportunities
(50:00) How to encourage marginalized folks to get involved in Web3 and the advantages of a diverse team
(55:00) Gatekeeping in the web3 community
(1:00:15) Big picture on web3 and ideas for keeping lower-income folks engaged
(1:04:00) Why NFTs and crypto should be seen more as a hobby

Where to find Mila Kunis:
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Where to find Kevin Rose:
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Where to find First In Line and Brit Morin:
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