Now that engagement season is in full swing, people in hopes of beginning 2018 with a ring on their finger might be dreaming of wedding bells — while those popping the question are dreaming of a successful proposal. Your boo might not be able to top the royal engagement announcement (but who could?!), but they can certainly add some creativity to the big ask. Getting engaged is a big deal, and you or your S.O. probably feel the pressure to make the day perfect. Enter The Yes Girls: a company dedicated to executing the perfect proposal. Elie Cantrell is their lead proposal planner, and she talked with Brit + Co about her career in making people’s dreams come true.
Brit + Co: What made you go into the proposal planning biz?
Elie Cantrell: Growing up, I thought I wanted to be a wedding planner. And even through college, I interned with planners and felt the sincere emotions that went into that special day were things I wanted to be around forever. But when I heard about The Yes Girls, I was super intrigued and was delighted when I was able to help one of the gals plan her wedding. The day after Lindsay’s (our in-house calligrapher) nuptials, Heather (my boss) called and offered me a job in Dallas! I moved to Texas two months later and started our branch out here. I grew up with a single dad, so working with these guys as they plan the proposals seems like such a natural fit for me. I can understand their questions and preemptively address any concerns they may have in a way that I could never have related to brides. The love and joy that I sensed in wedding planning is still there, but I’m working with these great guys who just want to honor their girlfriends in a special way — it’s really the perfect combination for me.
B+C: So what’s the proposal business market like? Do you have competitors, or is your business one-of-a-kind?
EC: When Heather started The Yes Girls, she was the first company specifically planning marriage proposals (so she founded the industry!). But over the last (almost) 10 years in the business there have been a handful of companies that have popped up doing this. We actually partnered with a couple of the international planners to ensure that proposers all over the world are getting first-class planning no matter where the guys are popping the question. So anyone looking to propose in England who may reach out to us is connected with a planner there, and if someone in Italy is traveling to the States for their proposal, then the company sends the referral to us.
B+C: Do you have a favorite proposal that you’ve helped with?
EC: In my first year of planning, I was able to help a gentleman propose at the Texas Rangers Stadium. The couple had season tickets, so we faked an email that said they were invited to take a tour of the stadium with other season ticket holders. When they arrived, we had the ticket-taker pretend that they were late and had missed the tour, so she informed them that a photographer and videographer were about to be taken around the stadium to create some marketing materials for their website. At the end of the private stadium tour, the couple entered into the dugout to find four bases (each with a word that said “will you marry me”), roses made of baseballs, and a musician who was singing “their song.” It was adorable!
B+C: What future do you see for your business?
EC: We recently launched a new product called Box Sock. It’s a pocket sock that hides the engagement ring box, and I’m super excited about it. After years of clients asking us if we have any tips on hiding their bulky jewelry-store engagement ring boxes, we finally found the perfect solution, and it has really taken off! All of our Custom Proposal Planning clients get a pair complimentarily, but we also have sales online and are super proud of the response it’s been receiving. The pocket is designed to keep the engagement ring secure, while still being comfortable to wear. Plus, with its ankle placement the typical “down on one knee motion” is now more seamless than ever. (Can you tell how much I love this product?)
B+C: What’s your favorite part of being a “Yes Girl”?
EC: My favorite part is watching the gal’s facial expressions when she walks into the space. The moment when she realizes that the man of her dreams has taken time and effort to create something so special — that is hands down my favorite part. Plus, the guys have this instant gratification when all his stress and worries from the last few weeks melt away with one small word: “yes!”
Spill the deets on your dream proposal to us @BritandCo! (You never know who might be taking notes…)
(Photos via Getty)