12 Things You Should Never Say to Your Partner — Even When You're Angry

Things You Should Never Say to Your Partner

Arguments are a totally natural part of any relationship, but how we communicate and express our feelings during these tense situations can make all the difference.

When disagreements become frustrating, and emotions run high, it's easy to say things in the heat of the moment that we might not even mean. Yet, regardless of whether we regret our words, certain things cannot be taken back once they're spoken.

Plus, your statement could leave a lasting scar on your partner and cause a rift in your relationship that takes a while to heal.

That's why it's important to think carefully before you speak and avoid saying these 12 things to your significant other, even if you're angry at them.

Scroll to find out the things you should never say to your partner in an argument.

1. "You're crazy."


As soon as you tell your partner that they're "crazy" during a fight, you're suggesting that you don't trust their judgment or reasoning. Moreover, you're implying that their emotions are irrelevant and they don't have a right to feel the way they do.

Rather than jumping to this damaging statement, take a step back and try to truly listen to what they're upset about.

2. "I don't care."

Antoni Shkraba

On a similar note, telling your partner that you "don't care" when they're attempting to share their concerns is a recipe for disaster.

You're immediately shutting down any opportunity to resolve the issue at hand together and, again, invalidating your partner's feelings. Couples are supposed to care and support each other, especially during tough times, so saying "I don't care" is a cop-out that won't solve your argument any sooner.

3. "You always..." or "You never..."

Timur Weber

"Always" and "never" are absolute phrases, meaning the behavior referred to actually has to occur every single time. If there's one thing that's true about humans, though, it's that we don't tend to do anything 100% the same way in literally every scenario.

These absolute phrases are typically used during fights to call attention to habit patterns. But while they may feel appropriate in your mind, it can feel like an attack on your partner.

Moreover, saying they "always" or "never" do something will only add fuel to the fire if it's not entirely true.

4. "Why can't you be more like..."


We all have a relative or friend who seems to have a picture-perfect relationship. So, in times of irritation, it can be tempting to ask why your partner can't be more like your best friend's boyfriend, for instance, or your brother's girlfriend.

Just remember that comparison is the thief of joy, and in relationships, it can plant seeds of doubt about your love in your partner's mind. We are supposed to care for our significant others unconditionally, but by comparing them to someone else, you're implying that they aren't enough for you.

5. "You'd do it if you loved me."

Yan Krukau

There's nothing more immature or damaging than trying to emotionally blackmail your partner into doing something you want.

It's manipulative, pressuring, and shows that you don't respect your partner's boundaries. It can also create an imbalance of power and cause your significant other to feel taken advantage of.

6. "You've changed."

RDNE Stock project

Evolution is how humans survive, so it is natural for people to change in relationships, whether they be romantic or platonic.

When partnerships grow from short to long-term, different life events are bound to happen, too. Being presented with struggles or trauma and how we cope with those challenges can change a person.

So, accusing your partner of "changing" with a negative connotation is unhealthy. It suggests that things are supposed to stay stagnant, never transforming, which isn't realistic and will probably just be perceived as judgmental.

7. "My ex would never do that."

Viktoria Slowikowska

Just like how you shouldn't compare your significant other to people in other happy relationships, you should never compare them to your exes, either.

First, this will definitely escalate the argument, making your partner feel angry and insecure. On top of that, they may begin to question your love and trust, wondering if you'd rather be with your ex than them.

8. "This was a mistake."

Nataliya Vaitkevich

It's never smart to make choices when tensions are high. That's why you should avoid making snap decisions about your relationship in the middle of arguments.

Once you utter the words "this was a mistake," it signals that you don't believe in your relationship at all. Whether you mean it or not, this statement can be extremely hard to come back from once things settle down and you want to make amends.

9. "I don't find you attractive anymore."


Saying "I don't find you attractive anymore" can be intended in two different ways. Perhaps you're trying to hurt your partner's feelings in regard to their appearance, or you mean their behavior is making them unattractive in your eyes.

Either way, bringing aesthetic opinions into play during an argument isn't productive. Instead of focusing on the actual issue at hand, you're just upsetting your partner more and introducing another thing to fight about.

10. "Your parents are the reason why..."

Antoni Shkraba

Maybe you're in a relationship with someone who dealt with childhood trauma. Or their parents might not approve of their partnership.

It's undeniable that both of these scenarios can make nurturing a romantic relationship more difficult. So why use your shared grievance as ammunition against your partner?

By involving their family in your argument, you're creating a divide between you and your partner rather than trying to tackle whatever problem you're facing as a united front.

11. Saying Nothing

Keira Burton

Along with all of these statements, saying nothing to your partner during an argument is just as harmful. Stonewalling them or giving them the cold shoulder isn't going to solve anything, and it makes you seem uncompassionate and immature.

Think about it: how would you feel if you were trying to express your feelings, and the person on the receiving end walked away or went on their phone, ignored eye contact, and said nothing in response? Would that diffuse the situation or make you feel heard? Probably not.

12. "Divorce."

Alex Green

Last but not least, you shouldn't ever call for divorce in the midst of a fight. After tying the knot with someone and making vows to stick by their side through thick and thin, asking for a divorce is serious.

Separation threats shouldn't be tossed around casually, and even if you don't truly mean it, merely uttering the word can lead your partner to doubt and second-guess your relationship.

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I always get excited when I think about how many celebrity couples we don't know about yet. Glen Powell & Lily James generated some buzz when they hopped into a car together ahead of the BAFTAs, and Outer Banks star Madelyn Cline & Austin Butler (yes, Elvis himself) were just spotted out and about together. Let's dive in, shall we?

Here's everything we know about those Madelyn Cline & Austin Butler dating rumors.

Madelyn Cline & Austin Butler were allegedly spotted grabbing a meal.

"Seriously just saw Madelyn Cline and Austin Butler" at a celebrity-frequented restaurant in Los Angeles, a DeuxMoi source said at the end of January. One Instagram user commented that since Madelyn and Austin's exes (Pete Davidson and Kaia Gerber) are exes, "dating in Hollywood is 3 degrees of separation."

However, according to another DeuxMoi source, fans have been paying attention to Madelyn's Instagram activity. The actress previously dated her Outer Banks costar Chase Stokes, and has allegedly been liking posts about "the one that got away," and even posted on her Instagram story that she deserves happiness.

"The timing of Chase's relationship doing so great and her having a string of failed relationships, people are just assuming she's crashing out," the second source continues. Yikes, y'all.

I think it's so fascinating how fans allegedly jump to the conclusion that Madelyn is crashing out, and assume Austin (who is also recently single) is totally fine post-breakup. Listen, a girl can go on a few dates without spiraling, dating really doesn't have to be that serious. It's supposed to be fun!

It's also totally in the realm of possibility that they were having a business meeting. For now, we don't really know. But what I do know? Madelyn Cline and Austin Butler would make a cute couple, and even if they don't end up in a relationship, a delicious dinner and maybe a smooch or two never hurt anybody ;).

Stay tuned for more news on these Madelyn Cline & Austin Butler dating rumors, and while we're on all things lovey-dovey, check out the latest news on Madelyn Cline's New Romance The Map That Leads To You.

If you're hunting for a new TV drama because you've already rewatched all of Brit + Co's best true crime documentaries, then don't you worry because Apple TV's new show is exactly the kind of thriller we've been waiting for — and it's perfect for true crime fans. But the best part is that Amy Adams is starring and executive producing! Here's everything we know about Cape Fear, coming to Apple TV+ soon...and The 10 Best True Crime-Inspired Books to hold you over until it premieres.

Keep reading for the latest news on Amy Adams' Cape Fear, coming to Apple TV+ soon.

Is there a Cape Fear remake coming out?


Yes, we're getting a brand new Cape Fear, which is based on John D. MacDonald’s novel. This Apple TV show, which was greenlit in November 2024 and will have 10 episodes, will be led by Amy Adams, who will executive produce along costar Javier Bardem, Martin Scorsese, and Steven Spielberg. Nick Antosca will write.

The movie follows J. Lee Thompson's 1962 movie and Martin Scorsese's 1991 movie.

What is Cape Fear about?

Attorneys Amanda (Amy Adams) and Steve are happily married and enjoying their life together. But when a killer from their past, Max Cady (Javier Bardem), gets released from prison, his presence threatens the life they've built together.

Just like Only Murders in the Building is a comical, campy look at true crime, and Big Little Lies is a sensual, feminist approach to mystery, Cape Fear takes a Hitchcock angle (even though it's totally going to hold me over until Big Little Lies season 3). According to the official synopsis, it's "an examination of America’s obsession with true crime in the 21st century."

Who's in the Cape Fear cast?

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Amy Adams and Javier Bardem star in Cape Fear as Amanda and Max, respectively. Stay tuned for the full cast list!

Is Cape Fear on Apple TV?


The new Cape Fear show is coming to Apple TV soon (check back here for the official Cape Fear release date), but you can watch both adaptations of the novel on the streamer now.

Figuring out what to stream is never easy. Read up on The 8 Best TV Shows On Paramount+ This Month for some great ideas!

If it weren't for pop culture and society-at-large prioritizing picture-perfect celebrity couplesor the idealistic "happily ever after," I don't think I would've been as obsessed with falling in love as I was during my 20s. I'm not kidding: my single era could've been used as a case study because I spent entirely too much time fantasizing about "Mr. Right" or "Prince Charming." It's probably why I laugh maniacally whenever I see Shrek's depiction of the latter because I know firsthand how awful some self-professed "nice guys" can be.

But I'd be lying if I said failed situationships and relationships didn't make me lament entering the solo phase again. I almost felt — dare I say — ashamed to be "alone." I liken it to being the only person in a crowd who's wearing their underwear over their cute outfit while someone plays the world's smallest violin in the background. It's a feeling journalist Nicola Slawson's all too familiar with, hence her desire to pen a powerful single girls manifesto for anyone who's still learning how to embrace this season of their lives.

Scroll to see author Nicola Slawson's top tips for living your best single life!

Mia Petkovic

What Pop Culture Gets Wrong About Single Women

Did you know that 50% of people who aren't in relationships actually aren't looking for one (via Pew Research Center)? Yet, pop culture still has conflicting ideas about what this looks like for women (think everything from Sex and the City to Dead to Me). However, it seems that finding a new partner to fill a loneliness void seems to be at least one character's goal.

As a journalist and author of Single: Living A Complete Life On Your Own Terms, Nicola's noticed this too."There is this assumption that all single women are miserable and desperate and that our biggest concern is how we can quickly find a man in order to quickly end what people assume is a terrible state to be in," she says.

Sierra White

Guess what she sees that debunks this myth? "...most single women I know live good and full lives and dating is only a small part of their lives. We have so much more going on and being single is not a waiting room," she shares. To further prove uncoupled people aren't curled up in a dark corner crying into a bowl of ice cream, she features insights about singledom in her book.

"Lots of people I spoke to for my book were either taking a break from dating or simply not interested, yet those stories are rarely told when it comes to books and films and TV shows," she points out. But sadly, "single women are often the butt of the joke," according to her.

R Maz

Rewrite The Rules

If you consider yourself to be a content person who has unlimited things to do on a Sunday? I'm so happy you've found your happy little groove, but I'm also rooting for you if you feel you're wondering about aimlessly because you're not dating someone.

Here's what Nicola has to say about this: "I think one of the first things I would say is to let go of the idea that you’re somehow in a waiting room waiting for your life to start if you don’t have a partner." Having been in your shoes, she says "there used to be so many things," she avoided. "...I felt like I should do them with a romantic partner until I realized I was holding myself back," she gently shares.

She's also conscious that "there is this idea that you need to be coupled up in order to be complete." But, no! "...you're a whole person and, in the words of one of my interviewees Bella De Paulo, one is a whole number," Nicola exclaims.

Ebony Forsyth

Navigating Singleness When You're Thinking About Fertility

The conversation about reproductive rights has made some people reconsider conceiving, but others are still open to becoming parents. If you're one of the few people who's worried about your biological clock ticking as a single person, Nicola and I want you to know your feelings are valid. In fact, she says "this is such a tough position to be in" and that she does "understand the pain and feelings of panic that you can feel as you get older and know your fertility must be declining."

Frankly, she acknowledges "it feels like a race against time," but your choices aren't limited. "I would say start researching your options. You can quite easily get a fertility check to see how you’re doing. Plus, thanks to advances in sciences, you can also freeze your eggs," she suggests. She knows "it's not guaranteed to work, but it may help you further down the line."

Also, understand that you don't have to deal with this by yourself. You can "reach out to support groups" like the community Nicola runs for uncoupled people. "It's associated with my newsletter and there are lots of people in the same boat. It can help to feel less alone," she says. Another resource she recommends is the "Stork and I community for those considering solo motherhood by choice (with a sperm donor)."

Cora Pursley

Moving On After A Long-Term Relationship Ends

You thought you and your former sweetheart were destined to be together forever until a bad breakup left you feeling disoriented. Nicola says she understand this feeling because she's "been there" too! But this isn't the time to pretend like you can bounce back like nothing happened.

"Firstly it’s OK to feel absolutely awful - it’s normal actually! It helped when I understood the science behind heartbreaks - there is a reason you feel so bad - which tells us that those going through heartbreak are experiencing similar feelings to those who are going through withdrawal from a drug addiction," she discloses.

The second thing she's sure about is that "your life is not over, but it's OK to take things day by day for a while." I don't remember how long it took to heal, but I was distraught after my last breakup. I thought I'd found the person I was going to marry and have children with so when it was obvious things weren't working out, I cried for a long time. Eventually, I was able to find joy in small things and went on to build a life I love.

And that's what Nicola wishes for you too! "Look after yourself, treat yourself and take it easy. Don’t try and push yourself to be happy and over it before you are," she advises.

Jordan Hunter

Solo Date Ideas To Celebrate Yourself

Solo date ideas are very much a thing I stand behind and does Nicola. "Sometimes I have chosen to completely ignore the day but other times I have embraced it and chosen to celebrate the love I have for myself. One year I took myself out for a meal one lunchtime at a spot I consider I real treat. I then bought myself flowers on the way home," she divulges. TBH, this sounds like my kind of carrying on!

She continues with, "Other things I’ve done on Valentine’s or on my birthday include booking a spa day or going for a massage, going to the cinema — which is one of the easiest solo date ideas as everyone is quiet and doesn’t speak when the film is on so you don’t need to go with anyone anyway — and choosing a recipe you have never tried before (bonus points if it’s something elaborate) and cooking yourself a slap up meal."

Nicola also says a guest writer for The Single Supplement newsletter "once wrote about a three course meal she lovingly prepared for herself because why not? You deserve to be treated, so you may as well treat yourself!"

Yaroslav Shuraev

What Loving Yourself While Single Feels Like

So, what does it mean to be 100% okay with being single? For Nicola, she's been finding new things to admire about herself. "I’ve learned just how capable and resilient I am and I now have the knowledge that I am OK - more than OK - on my own." One of the things that makes me smile is her realization that this "feels like a super power to her" in light of knowing she "used to have such a tendency towards being co-dependent in relationships."

It's evident my younger self didn't see this, but I too relied heavily on former partners for joy, fun, love, and validation. I thought that they were the answers to things that didn't feel right in my life, but that wasn't the case. The awesome thing about growth, however, is the ability to make peace with who you are and things you learned along the way.

To that Nicola says, "If I did find someone, I think I would be in a much healthier place than I used to be. But equally, if I remain single, I now know I can still lead a joyful life that’s full of love."

Check Out Nicola Slawson's "Single: Living a Complete Life On Your Own Terms" Today


Single: Living a Complete Life On Your Own Terms by Nicola Slawson

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Not only does Emily Henry's new novel Great Big Beautiful Life drop on April 22, but every single one of the author's already-published rom-coms is being adapted for the screen. Okay, that's majorly impressive! People We Meet On Vacation, starring Emily Bader and Tom Blyth, will be coming to Netflix soon, and considering Beach Read was the second adaptation announced, it looks like Emily's first rom-com could be our next film. And fans have been spiraling about who could play January and Gus even before the Emily Henry movie was confirmed.

Well there are two actors at the top of the rumor mill for the Beach Read movie — and I am crossing all my fingers and toes we see them in the beloved roles.

Here's everything we know about the Emily HenryBeach Read movie cast rumors.

Did the Beach Read movie already find its Gus and January?

Jeff Spicer/Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

When Paul Mescal and Ayo Edebiri started posting selfies together, fans immediately picked up on their chemistry — and started calling for the two actors to star in a rom-com together. "The Paul Mescal and Ayo Edebiri romcom is imminent," one X user tweeted.

And when Emily Henry reposted one of their selfies on her story? Fans of the author's first romance novel immediately fancast the two actors as Gus and January. And with their personalities, and the way they complement each other, there's literally no one else I could see playing these roles at the moment.

While Emily "can’t confirm or deny anything with casting for any movie," the author did admit that "they would be amazing. I actually saw them being discussed [online] for several different roles — and I definitely have a favorite. But it’s fun, because different adaptations would either have one of them playing to type, or one of those adaptations would have them both playing to type, and one of them would have them both playing against type. It’s an interesting thing. I mean, they’re great, they could do anything.”

Are Paul Mescal and Ayo Edebiri in a rom-com together?

Paul Mescal and Ayo Edebiri haven't officially joined a rom-com together, but after Paul told Awards Watch he wants to do a romance movie with Ayo in "the next five years," The Bear actress agreed she's game...on one condition.

"If somebody writes us a good script," she says. "It has to be in an About Time vibe. Something that’s got, like, a heart, so he can still flex his drama muscles where it’s like, the covert rom-com. Like, still a rom-com, but we got to get something inventive."

Is Beach Read going to be a movie?


Yes, the Beach Read movie is coming soon! Writer-director Yulin Kuang told Brit + Co exclusively that she "really cares" about giving fans of the book a good experience.

"I truly believe that art belongs to the audience once it's out in the world," she says. "And so saying too much, it feels prescriptive, you know? So I hope they enjoy it. I hope that they know that a lot of care is going into the adaptations. I remember what it's like to be watching with anxious hearts about the announcements of all my favorite adaptations. And so that's the main thing. I hope they know that I really, really care."

Who do you want to see in the Beach Read cast? Drop your favorite fancasts on Facebook and check out how You Can Read A Part Of Emily Henry's Great Big Beautiful Life Right Now!

It's yet another week, bringing us to the halfway mark of March, the rejuvenating Spring Equinox, and Aries season! Every zodiac sign is in for their own unique experience, and I'm here to break it down for you. From Aries to Aquarius, here's what your sign can expect for the week ahead in your horoscope, according to the stars!

Scroll to see your zodiac sign's weekly horoscope for March 16-23!

Júlia Lafulla

The Sun enters Aries on March 20, marking the start of the astrological New Year. The Spring Equinox is a time of hope and renewal, as flowers break through the frozen ground and the days grow progressively longer. Embrace the promise of spring and consciously uplift your spirit in the week ahead.

The Sun forms several beneficial aspects with other planets this week, encouraging us to explore deeply, appreciate beauty, and live with purpose and meaning.

On March 19, the Sun and Neptune align in the final degrees of Pisces, offering an opportunity to connect with our higher selves, recognize the unity of all things, and experience unconditional love. This ethereal energy is fleeting yet lingers for a few days. On March 22, the Sun conjoins Venus, the planet of earthly love, helping us rise above petty disagreements and focus on expressing and receiving love.

Natalie Davis

In the midst of the Sun’s movements, Venus forms a beneficial sextile to Pluto on March 21. This is the time to deepen connections with loved ones. Seek and share experiences that strengthen and make sacred your relationships.

Two days later, the Sun sextiles Pluto, bringing heightened focus, ambition, and determination to create meaningful change. Be mindful of obsessive tendencies and use this powerful energy to break bad habits and establish beneficial ones.

For a deeper and more personalized look at how these and other transits affect you, visit SevenSistersAstrology.com for a Natal Reading.

Brit + Co

Read Your Sun & Rising Sign For Your Weekly Horoscope!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

This is your time of year! Use the supportive aspects between the Sun, Neptune, Pluto, and Venus to begin the astrological New Year with love and cosmic abundance. Express your feelings through grand gestures and experience the uplifting energy of profound connections. Take time to communicate with loved ones and show them how much you value your relationships.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You will benefit greatly from introspection, meditation, or prayer. This spiritual influence can illuminate hidden aspects of your psyche if you are willing to face them honestly. Don’t just focus on perceived shortcomings; acknowledge how far you’ve come. Present yourself to the world with the confidence of an evolving soul.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

This social week is perfect for group activities and communal experiences. You may find yourself idealizing a more harmonious, cooperative future. Act on your desires to nurture meaningful connections. Your friendships remind you that together, we accomplish more. Express your authentic self and engage in vibrant exchanges of ideas. Keep an open mind and a receptive heart.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Pay attention this week to clues about your place in the world. Reflect on your career path and self-expression. Seek guidance from mentors or respected figures. Engage in deep conversations, but stay grounded as you explore new perspectives. Channel your intensity into transforming the mundane into something sacred.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This is a time for adventure and self-discovery. Be open to new experiences and unexpected opportunities. Release limiting beliefs and pursue your interests with passion and curiosity. Whether through travel, learning, or creativity, seek out experiences that inspire and elevate you. Approach life with boldness and a full heart.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Therapeutic and introspective work will be transformative this week. Whether through professional therapy or personal reflection, embrace any opportunity for growth. Change takes effort, but the rewards are profound. Establish order in your surroundings to create a calm and receptive mind. Let your home be a sanctuary that nurtures your well-being.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

This week calls for balance in your relationships. Practice compassion and empathy, but do not sacrifice your own needs to keep the peace. Assert yourself with confidence while respecting others. Seek mutual understanding and fairness. If single, focus on self-love and speak to yourself with the same kindness you offer others. Heal unresolved emotional wounds through honest conversations.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Are you using your time wisely? Take stock of your daily routines and see where you can be more efficient. Avoid excessive screen time and unnecessary distractions. This is a great week to establish new habits that support your well-being. Welcome the changes that come with the arrival of spring and embrace personal growth.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Make joy a priority in your daily life. Be mindful of how you express yourself to others. While it’s important to stay realistic, avoid slipping into negativity. Your natural optimism is vital for your own peace of mind and can inspire those around you. Balance responsibilities with creativity and fun. Infuse your daily life with enthusiasm and find ways to uplift yourself and others.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Your home is your sanctuary. Cultivate a peaceful environment and invite loved ones to share in your space. Strengthen your foundation with care and attention to your inner world. Reflect on what brings you comfort, and surround yourself with people and possessions that nurture your soul. Reflect on how your ancestors emerged from their struggles. Profound ancestral healing is available. Express gratitude for what you have and cherish the love that surrounds you.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This week, focus on clear and intentional communication. Practice active listening and recognize that not everyone processes information as quickly as you do. You’ll have many great ideas—make sure to express them in ways that others can understand and appreciate. Be patient and strive to foster meaningful connections in your immediate environment.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

As the Sun spends its last week in your sign, take this time to deepen your commitment to your values. Material possessions may hold increased significance. Reflect on your spending habits—are you using them to fill an emotional void? Your finances will be a key focus this week. Seek sound advice and examine how your relationship with money aligns with your long-term goals and sense of security.

For more insights on how these and other planetary transit impact you, visit SevenSistersAstrology.com for a personalized reading.

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you never miss a thing!