This Is the Shockingly Low Number Most Americans Have in Their Savings Account

We like to think we’re pretty good with money — after all, despite peeping GOOP’s insanely pricey gift guide, it’s not like we’re willy nilly buying $150,000 record collections or anything! As it turns out, we might not be doing QUITE as great as we think — at least not as a national average.

Couple, Man angry and upset after looking at credit card statement.

According to a new report from CNN Money, a poll of 1,003 people revealed that six out of every 10 Americans don’t even have enough money in their savings account to be able to cover a $500 bill should one arise unexpectedly. That’s almost 60 percent, y’all! What’s more, 20 percent would be forced to borrow from themselves by putting the expense on a credit card, 20 percent would said they would instead need to cut their own spending down and 11 percent would — gulp — “borrow” it from someone else entirely.

While the number is down from last year (which saw closer to 7/10 broke AF Americans), it’s still troubling — especially considering that nearly half of those surveyed actually did face a major expenditure last year. As a retirement analyst for Bankrate, Jill Cornfield pointed out, at this low amount, any (common) and unexpected expense — say, a high vet bill or a broken appliance, for instance — could be enough to set you back. “If you aren’t set up to tap cash for something, it can derail you financially if you put it on [a] credit card. The original expense can bloom because of interest.” Yikes!

While she suggested cutting back on things like alcohol, coffee or vacations to avoid such a catastrophe, we prefer this 10-step money cleanse or more entertaining motivators, like these kickass podcasts.

One bright piece of news: Younger millennials do seem to be on a slightly sunnier path with regard to savings than most: 47 percent of those aged 18-29 said they had savings flush enough to be able to cover the expense. Nice work, guys!

Looks like there’s hope for us yet!

Are you a saver or a spender? Tell us over @BritandCo.

(h/t Elite Daily, photos via Getty)

A lot of people pride themselves on being optimists, and TBH, if you canstay positivewith everything that’s going on in the world today, major props to you. For most people who consider themselves the glass-half-full type, it’s a lifestyle. They try to look at everything that comes their way, from relationship troubles to work mistakes, with a positive spin. But a recent study investigated whether optimists still stay more positive than pessimists when things get really tough, and what they found was pretty surprising.

Scientists analyzed nine previous studies to see how both optimists and pessimists brace themselves for receiving important and potentially negative news, like medical test results. They found that even though people who identify as optimists tend to be more positive in general, they too start assuming the worst as the moment of truth about something important nears. It’s easy to understand this instinct, since some people tend to believe that preparing yourself for the worst will ultimately make it less shocking if it happens. On the other hand, some people would rather stay positive whenever possible, since it’s easier to fight off stress and anxiety when you have a sunny outlook. Here, we’ve gathered some of our favorite expert tips for staying optimistic when you’re dealing with some super hard stuff.

How To Stay Positive

1.Learn to reframe negativity. “The trick to positivity is not avoiding pessimism,” says Elaine Taylor-Klaus, a certified professional coach. “It’s really about how quickly you can redirect your focus from negative to positive. Critical thinkers are going to see problems to be solved, but the ability to ‘reframe’ the conversation is the really important skill for people to practice.” She recommends getting into the habit of acknowledging negative thoughts and then asking, “What else is possible here?” This can guide you back into a positive mindset more quickly.

“Bottom line: Negativity happens,” she says. “Positivity is a choice, and the quicker you learn to reframe, the more time you’ll spend in a positive space. Then, over time, the more likely you are to turn directly to a positive interpretation of events.”

2. Ask yourself if this will matter a month or year from now. Sometimes things seem crucial AF in the moment, but might be inconsequential even just a few days after that. Just think about high school drama. “When we can leave the past behind and even know in the present moment that this feeling won’t last, it can help to remind us that time heals and life goes on,” explainsSharon Stokes, life-fulfillment coach.

3.Give back. Volunteering is an amazing way to change your entire perspective, saysLyssa Menard, a clinical health psychologist, founder of Strategies for Changeand assistant professor at Northwestern University’s medical school. “There are many organizations that don’t require an ongoing commitment, so sign up for an event that’s meaningful. Research shows that giving to others is one of the quickest routes toward happiness. While happiness and positivity are different, they’re correlated,” Lyssa says.

4. Role play to be more objective. Playing a little mind trick on yourself can work wonders, says Lori Scherwin of Strategize That, a career coaching service. “We’re often better at helping others than ourselves,” she notes. “Make the situation more objective and less personal to you. For example, consider if it were anyone else in the situation (like your best friend, partner or colleague). How would you see the same ‘problem?’ What advice might you give them to get out of it?” she asks. This will help you shift from being super hard on yourself to more objective, and most likely, more positive.

5. Make changes to things that are within your control. Spending time worrying about something that you can’t change isn’t really worth the effort. Instead, “Focus on areas where you have agency,” suggests Holly Burton, a career coach for women in male-dominated industries. “You may be stuck in a role you don’t love at work, but you could probably work a few extra hours a week and take on a project that interests you. You could also schedule some proactive meetings with your boss to make an action plan to develop the skills you need to make a lateral move,” she says. In most situations, whether they’re career-related or not, it’s possible to take actions to make things better for yourself.

6. Practice radical acceptance. Some professional coaches suggest trying out the idea of radical acceptance, which is basically accepting the things you cannot change, even if they’re not right or you don’t agree with them.

7.Try this gratitude challenge. First, journal about one event each day for seven days that made you feel happy and/or thankful and include the specifics of why it made you feel that way, going deep into the details. Second, send one random thank you email or text to someone each day, either personally or professionally. This message should include what they did and why it’s worthy of the shout out. Detailed gratitude journals are proven to improve your life satisfaction, so try to stick to a gratitude practice, even in the good times!

What do you do when you’re trying to stay optimistic? Have you tried any of these techniques? Tell us about it @BritandCo!

This article has been updated.

Owala fans are gonna want to log on to Target’s website on February 9, because the retailer’s dropping 13 brand-new exclusive bottle designs! Most notably, Target brand Hearth & Hand with Magnolia is teaming up with Owala for 5 totally spring-ready colorways, some of which include the cutest gingham pattern!

Scroll on to discover all the Owala bottle designs dropping at Target on February 9.

Owala x Hearth & Hand with Magnolia


The latest Owala x Target collab features 5 adorable designs geared for the Hearth & Hand with Magnolia collection. There will be a mix of 24-ounce and 32-ounce bottles in the drop.


This 24-ounce bottle in the colorway Costal Cottage is so serene.


Next up, meet Potter's Wheel: a perfectly light beige color with a tan top.


Suppertime flaunts the cutest yellow-gold gingham pattern.


This color, called Gone Fishing, is available in a larger 32-ounce size.


Finally, the color Picnic Perfection has a blue-grey gingham. You can sip from its 32-ounce size super easily.

The collaborative effort between Owala and Hearth & Hand with Magnolia will launch exclusively online at Target on February 9.

More Owala Bottles Coming To Target


Additionally, 8 more Owala designs will hit Target’s site and in-store shelves on February 9. This colorful collection includes the FreeSip Tumbler and FreeSip Sway, both of which just launched at the end of January. The FreeSip Tumbler (bottle with handle) comes in a 40-ounce size while the FreeSip Sway carries 30 ounces.


This adorable color is called Kickflip. The warm tones are perfect for summer!


Titled Misty Meadows, this serene green colorway will look great on your desk or at the gym.


Navy Nights features deep blue hues.


Periwinkle Twinkle is just the cutest name for this spring-y color combo.


Sandy Shores reminds us of the beach – take us there ASAP!


This colorway called Sleek is just that – nice and neutral for all your matching purposes.


Tangy Tango is downright groovy.


Very Dark is a very chic all-black number.


The 40-ounce FreeSip Tumbler also comes in the adorably pink Kickflip color scheme.


You can also find it in Misty Meadows.


Sandy Shores makes another appearance with the FreeSip Tumbler!


Finally, snag the tumbler in Very Dark for a mysterious vibe.

Subscribe to our newsletter for news and details on more exclusive drops like this!

It's fun to learn more about ourselves and to feel understood — that's why we take personality tests so incessantly. And since we live in an age of increased self-awareness, we can apply those tests to so many things, like our Hogwarts house and makeup preferences. Clearly, knowing thyself has taken on a whole new meaning lately, and we love the things that these tests can tell us — but did you ever wonder how your personality might affect your dreams? In a new study, Best Mattress Brand set out to discover whether specific types of people had particular types of dreams. Read on for their fascinating results.

The test explored each component of the Myers-Briggs types, which can be broken down into eight characteristics:

Extraversion or Introversion: This is the way you focus your energy. Extroverts focus on the outside world, and Introverts focus on their inner world.

Sensing or Intuition: This is the way you process information. Sensing individuals focus on the facts, and Intuitive individuals interpret the facts.

Thinking or Feeling: This is the way you make decisions. Thinkers process decisions logically, and Feelers make decisions with context and emotion in mind.

Judging or Perceiving: This is the lens through which you interpret the world. Judgers prefer decisive action, while Perceivers like to keep their options open.

Together, your individual combination of these eight traits creates your personality type. Given these traits as variables, the study surveyed 1,000 people on their Myers Briggs traits and their sleep habits.

As you'd imagine, there were a lot of discrepancies between Introverts and Extroverts. Interestingly enough, Extroverts are 17.7 percent more satisfied with their levels of energy during waking hours than their introverted counterparts. Perhaps it's because of their dream habits: Extroverts also have 8.3 percent fewer nightmares than Introverts. Extroverts also dream about traveling 13.9 percent more often than Introverts do.

What about the content of these dreams? If you're Intuitive, you're 16.8 percent more likely to dream about being killed than Sensers are. ­Apparently, Intuitive individuals' dreams are more violent across the board: They also dream about getting attacked and “punching something with no effect" more often.

There's also a substantial difference between Thinkers and Feelers when it comes to dreams. The more emotional Feelers dream about getting pregnant more often than Thinkers do, and they dream about their friends more often too. Perhaps Thinkers are just thinking too hard; they talk in their sleep almost 10 percent more than Feelers do.

The Judgers and Perceivers have their differences as well; in fact, Perceivers have night terrors 10.2 percent more often than Judgers, probably due to the fact that they experience reality so deeply.

Does your personality type match up with these findings? Let us know @BritandCo.

(Photo via Brit + Co)

This post has been updated.

Every Gilmore Girls fan remembers exactly where they were when they heard THOSE final four words at the end of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. You know the ones — Lorelai and Rory are sitting on the steps of the gazebo, when Rory says, "Mom?" "Yeah?" Lorelai replies. "I'm pregnant." I'M SORRY?!

Some fans think the writers' decision to have Rory get pregnant traps her in an "embarrassingly depressing" cycle, while others think it's a beautiful way to tie the story back to its beginning. But while it's been all but confirmed the baby is Logan's, one Reddit theory actually ties Rory's pregnancy to Paris of all people — and it makes the ending so much better.

Keep reading for the Rory and Paris Gilmore Girls theory would totally change the ending.

This 'Gilmore Girls' theory centers Rory and Paris (as it should).

According to @floatingwithobrien on Reddit, "Logan isn't the dad. Neither is Jess or the Wookiee or Paul or Dean or Colin or Finn or Robert."

You'll remember that in the "Summer" episode of the Netflix miniseries, Rory hopes that Paris, who runs a fertility clinic, might "let me be one of her surrogates. She's always liked my teeth."

"Maybe Rory simply chose a particularly dramatic way of informing her mother of this new career," the Reddit user continues. "Are you all happy now? I gave you an out. Rory isn't going to be a mom, she's a surrogate, because she needs the cash. She has been artificially inseminated so she can sell the resultant child to a couple in need. (For anyone sensitive about fertility issues, this is a hard /s, just FYI.)"

This theory totally reframes those final four words because considering so much of Lorelai's story involves her feeling like she had no choice, making Rory a surrogate gives her ultimate agency over her life. "Paris is the dad (so to speak)," @floatingwithobrien says. "Eat it up, kids."

And other fans are totally running with it! "Finally someone else thinks this too!" prosperosniece says. "My guess is that Rory is carrying a baby for Michel in exchange for money to get her masters degree so she can teach at Chilton."

However, BrownieEdges points out that "she’s not selfless enough to carry a baby for someone else." Yikes.

But if the baby really is Logan's, and Rory raises them, Lauren Graham has her "own fantasy" for how A Year in the Life season 2 could open.

"I think it's gonna be a girl and I think she calls her another permutation of Lorelai, cause you know Rory's short for Lorelai," she said during her Have I Told You This Already? book tour. "And I'm gonna go with Lola. I made all of that up, don't get me in trouble!"

Baby Lola!! I just know that Lorelai would make a fantastic grandmother, and she'd totally spoil her granddaughter with tons of coffee and incredible music. (Plus killer fashion accessories). Scott Patterson told me he's "always hopeful" for a Gilmore Girls revival so hopefully one day we'll find out what Lorelai and Rory's life looks like in 2025!

Read up on This Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Season 2 Idea Would Make Rory Way More Likeable for yet another idea on what the future of GG could bring.

Jurassic World: Rebirth is hitting theaters this summer and I cannot stop thinking about how good Jonathan Bailey looks. The Bridgerton actor stars as paleontologist Dr. Henry Loomis alongside Scarlett Johansson's Zora and Mahershala Ali's Duncan Kincaid. Together, the team is tasked with getting DNA samples after the world has become inhospitable to dinosaurs. But, naturally, all the internet can talk about is Jonathan Bailey. (Relatable).

Here's your first look at Jonathan Bailey & the Jurassic World: Rebirth trailer.

The Jurassic World: Rebirth trailer introduces us to a whole new team.

I had high hopes for the Jurassic World: Rebirth trailer and my oh my did it deliver. Scarlett Johansson and Jonathan Bailey were born to play the roles of Zora and Henry, and not only are they electric together onscreen but they are so believable. And Jonathan with his little sweater and glasses? I'm not super into science and I'd listen to that man all day long.

We also finally get a glimpse at the dinosaurs we'll see in Jurassic World 4 and honestly? They're terrifying. That being said, I'm gonna go watch the trailer again.

Jonathan Bailey and Scarlett Johansson team up for a brand new mission.

In the latest image, Scarlett Johansson looks on while Jonathan Bailey examines what looks like an egg from a giant nest. And considering these two are finding DNA samples from three giant land, sea, and air creatures, it's safe to assume a dinosaur isn't far off.

While revealing the image on The Today Show, Scarlett couldn't help but gush over her costar. "How cute is Jonathan Bailey? He's the best person, he's a dreamboat," she says. "Does he love you too? He has those kind of eyes...He's the best!"

Jasin Boland/Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment

I already know that ScarJo and Jonny Bailey are going to make the ultimate team. But social media's favorite part of this whole movie is Jonathan's glasses.

"I can’t believe we’re getting a Jurassic Park movie with Jonathan Bailey in slutty glasses," one X user said. "The T Rex doesn’t stand a chance."

Oh what I wouldn't give to have Jonathan Bailey gaze into my eyes while working to save the world.

Jasin Boland/Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment

And nobody is going to kick butt like Mahershala Ali. I'd trust this man with my life.

Are you excited to see Jonathan Bailey and Scarlet Johansson in Jurassic World: Rebirth? The movie hits theaters July 2, and you can check out The 13 Most-Anticipated New Movies Coming In 2025 for more.

This post has been updated.