These days we’re inundated with media about Disney princesses. “Which Disney Princess Are You?” quizzes, Alex from OITNB calling someone “totally a Jasmine” and those endless “DISNEY PRINCESSES IF THEY WERE/MEN/BALD/BIRACIAL/ACTUALLY JUST LARGE ROCKS” pictorals (heck, we’re not immune). Just when we were feeling over saturated and fully princessed-out these pictures surfaced and we learned to believe again.
This is a softball team of 4 to 5-year-old girls in Oklahoma and the photographer behind this magic is Betsy Gregory. Gregory (whose daughter is the catcher for the team) says in a Q+A on her FB page that once the girls decided to name their team The Freeze, her “wheels started turning.” This team, like many girls their age, went crazy for the movie Frozen and, instead of going numb from hearing “Let It Go” on repeat, Gregory found the girls’ interpretation of the movie empowering. So for their team photo, she took the idea of seeing a group of girls looking tough in princess attire a step farther by going the almighty Else route.
“The girls are pretty young to find the deeper meaning in the movie,” she says. “As mothers though, we’re trying to teach them that… beauty comes from within — knowing that, they can conquer this crazy world we live in.” In light of campaigns like #playlikeagirl Gregory says she wanted to instill in young girls the idea that “being a princess and getting dirty is ok.”
For more of Betsy Gregory’s photography, check out her official Facebook page. As for what’s next, Gregory says she’d like to get national attention from Ellen or Disney. Either way, she says she and the girls from Freeze are remaining humble. Still, how cute would these gals be on Ellen (make it happen Brit +Co Tweet-brigade!)?
For our part, we love these pictures and we refuse to let it go.
(Honestly did you think you’d get out of a Frozen article with at least one pun?)
What’s your reaction to this cute photo shoot? Tell us in the comments!
(Photos via Besty Gregory/Facebook)