Your texting style says a lot more about you than you think it does. Whether you're still adding ellipses to every sentence, overusing silly little emojis, or insisting on a formal opener, certain habits can instantly date you when it comes to instant messaging. If you’re wondering whether your messages are screaming vintage millennial or classic Gen X, it’s time for a reality check on the texting quirks that give it all away.
Scroll on for the top 6 odd texting habits that subtly reveal your age.
Ivan Samkov / PEXELS
1. Using excessive emojis
Technology has advanced enough that we can infuse our messages with more emotion – but how much is too much? Oftentimes, using excessive emojis is a dead giveaway that you’re an older texter.
And even more so, using the “weird” emojis – or just the wrong ones given the context – are a telltale sign of your age.
For example, the “laughing crying” emoji (🤣) is now seen as outdated by Gen Z-ers, who most commonly prefer using the skull emoji (💀), meaning "I'm dead" (from laughing).
Uriel Mont / PEXELS
2. Sending outdated memes
Sending outdated memes is another obvious sign that you’re an older texter. Whether it’s the "I Can Has Cheezburger?" memes you die laughing at or reaction pics of evil Kermit, they’re just not ‘with the times’ these days.
The same thing goes for texting with outdated slang like “rad” instead of “cool,” or choosing not to abbreviate certain words like “you” to “u.”
Kaboompics / PEXELS
3. Every text is too formal
Older individuals might be more likely to use proper punctuation and capitalization in text messages, whereas younger generations often favor a more casual, abbreviated style.
If you’re still using an intro like “dear (name),” or “hello (name)” to introduce your text messages to people, just know it’s not necessary – the recipient is likely to have you in their contacts already, so they’re familiar with you!
Anna Shvets / PEXELS
4. Taking a long time to reply
Younger texters generally respond more quickly to messages (they’re always on that dang phone…), whereas older adults might take longer to reply. Though response time isn’t a huge factor in today’s ever-connected world, generally replying within the same day is a respectful move.
Vladislav Murashko / PEXELS
5. Not reacting to messages
The react feature has become super popular on messaging apps, allowing you to add a thumbs-up, heart, and much more to things other people send you. Younger texters tend to use the feature more, while older texters may forget it or not use it at all.
Kaboompics / PEXELS
6. Using ALL CAPS for emphasis
Though emphasizing your messages can be helpful, using all caps to do it is a subtle sign of your age. It can come across as anger, frustration, or shouting and add an unnecessary attitude to your texts! Younger people tend to use asterisks or lowercase for a more casual tone.
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