The 'We Live in Time' Ending Is More Hopeful Than Heartbreaking

we live in time ending

If you knew you had limited time, how would you spend it? That's the question at the heart of We Live in Time, which movie lovers have been waiting for since Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh proved they have amazing chemistry at the 2023 Oscars. I do intentionally use "heart" of the movie instead of "center" because the film is so overwhelmingly rich in beauty and emotion that it's the only word that fits.

You'll definitely want to bring tissues to the theater because, just like we all predicted, this romance movie is a tearjerker. Here's exactly what happens at the end of We Live in Time — and the impact of that final scene. If you haven't seen the movie yet, bookmark this and come back after your tears have dried.

What happens in We Live in Time?


In We Live in Time, Almut, a chef and former figure skater, and Tobias, a Weetabix cereal employee, unexpectedly cross paths when Almut literally hits him with her car. All it takes is a single trip to the ER and a diner, followed by a visit to Almut's restaurant, for the couple to fall for each other. They embrace their newfound romance with reckless abandon, but their vision of the future comes to a screeching halt when Almut's ovarian cancer returns.

Instead of using a typical storytelling arc, the movie actually opens with the diagnosis, taking viewers by surprise almost as much as Tobias and Almut. The story jumps back and forth between their early relationship, starting a family, and life post-diagnosis, highlighting the beauty of both the boring and special moments of a life lived together — and it's way more hopeful than heartbreaking. (It's also pretty easy to keep up with thanks to the length of Florence Pugh's hair in any given scene).


The couple's relationship is marked by reveling in quiet moments, like Almut showing Tobias the perfect way to crack an egg or eating an entire sleeve of Jaffa Cakes in the bathtub while nine months pregnant. But those simpler moments are interspersed with parties and passion, and Almut, who'd rather live six incredible months than agree to chemo and wait for a remission that will never come, is determined to keep up the momentum.

She begins leading a sort of double life, hiding her involvement in a new cooking competition from Tobias, and hiding her cancer from her fellow chefs. (One moment of levity comes when Almut's second finds her throwing up in the bathroom and asks if she's on drugs).


But while many viewers can understand dedicating yourself to a goal, Almut's driving force goes much deeper than that: she's terrified of being forgotten. When competition training means she forgets to pick up their daughter Ella, and winds up fighting with Tobias, Almut reveals how scared she is of only being "the mom with cancer." She wants to give Ella another identity to remember her by. So, they move forward together and finally make it to the cooking competition — but despite all the work it took to get there, it's not the beautiful dishes or the applause or the overall success that make the greatest impact.

How does We Live in Time end?


Almut ditches the competition before it's over, taking her family to a nearby ice skating rink instead. After leaving Tobias and Ella at one end of the rink, she waves and takes off, and it's the final image we see of her — like an angel on ice skates.

When the film flashes forward to the period after Almut's implied death, we see Tobias teaching their daughter how to crack eggs the way Almut showed him at the beginning of their relationship. And that is the part that left me weeping. Instead of romanticizing death, We Live in Time truly romanticizes life in every sense of the word. It's a reminder that the simple ways we honor our loved ones, the inescapable moments that are totally interwoven in our lives, end up being the most powerful. And the fact that no matter what comes, memories mean we can live forever.


Tag us with your thoughts on the We Live in Time ending on Instagram.

Grab your surfboard and your cutest 'kini because Outer Banks season 4 part 1 is finally here!! Like all you Pogues out there, I've been waiting for this show to return for more than a year — and I don't think I'll ever stop talking about it. We're back on the OBX, the Pogues vs. Kooks rivalry has returned, and we get plenty of adorable JJ and Kiara moments. Here's every thought I had watching the Outer Banks season 4 premiere.

1. I love Papa Heyward — but I can also see where Kie's parents are coming from.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

I know Kiara's parents get a bad rep on the show, but I understand where their brains are at. To them, their teenage (unsupervised) daughter has gone totally off the rails and won't listen to anything they say. Not to mention she steals their car. Was sending her to Kitty Hawk the right move? No, but now that's she's 18, establishing some boundaries might be.

2. THE POGUES ARE FINALLY RICH!! (Um, why isn't JJ happy?)

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Woogity woogity! After four years of treasure hunts and defying the odds, our ragtag group of surfers finally cashed in the gold for over a million US dollars. But while everyone is over the moon, JJ looks a little less pleased at the prospect of having almost as much money as Rafe and Topper. Kie reassures him the cash won't turn them into Kooks, but wouldn't he have thought of that before now?

3. Pope deserves so much hype — and a huge cut of the money TBH.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

C'mon Pope, with the budget and the charter shop business plans. We love a forward thinker. He's the ultimate brains behind the operation here, and he absolutely does not get enough credit. He willingly carries so much of the financial responsibility and makes a ton of sacrifices (like never finishing school). Team Pope 4ever.

4. Buying JJ's house after John B.'s home burned to the ground makes me EMOTIONAL.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Outer Banks fans have come to know and love The Chateau — which is why Topper setting the house on fire in Outer Banks season 3 was devastating. I'm so glad they're able to establish a new home, and redeem JJ's house at the same time.

Rumor had it season 4 would focus on JJ, and it's already shaping up to be that way. I love him, your honor.

5. Once again, I need EVERYTHING the girls are wearing.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Outer Banks' costumes are always incredible, and I love every single look. Cleo looks better in a tank top or a jersey than literally anyone, and I need Sarah's pink top and overalls expeditiously. It feels like Kie's already had more hairstyles and accessories in this first episode than she's had in the previous three seasons combined, and I'm obsessed.

6. Wow, these kids are handy. Wouldn't they need, like, a contractor?

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Don't get me wrong, I know some pretty handy young adults. But having six 18-year-olds build a dock and a bait, tackle, and charter shop from the ground up is some serious teen drama logic. Also watching them hang out on the dock makes me miss the coast!! (Although I do not miss the swamp).

7. JJ and Kiara are still the ultimate 'Outer Banks' couple.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

JJ's hilarious happy dance, followed by Kiara telling JJ she loves him, might be my favorite moment from the opening episode. Although I couldn't help but notice JJ didn't say it back. Is this going to become a devastating "I should have told her" moment? I've been hurt by too many teen dramas in the past!!!

8. I'm very impressed by the attention to detail.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Watching Cleo make sandwiches already made me hungry, but I got even hungrier when I noticed she was using Duke's mayonnaise. This is the only correct mayo to eat if you live in the South, and I commend Netflix for this attention to detail.

9. Lightner actually terrifies me.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Okay, did anyone else heart start literally pounding when Lightner showed up, and opened a knife? Creepy men are simply not the vibe.

10. Does Rafe have a heart now?

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Wow, totally didn't expect to see Rafe scattering Ward's ashes. This is actually so wild for Rafe's arc because all he wanted was to make his dad proud. Where does he go from here? I'm torn between wanting him to stay totally evil (because I find his villain arc so compelling), and getting the chance at redemption, but that's only because I love Drew Starkey so much. All I know is if anyone can get Rafe to change his ways, it's Sofia.

11. JJ should NOT have bet all the Pogues' money.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

I've seen plenty of surf competitions on the real OBX, and we have an annual biker week, but I've never seen a beach bike race. There's a first time for everything, I guess! Not only is the JJ & John B. vs. Topper & Rafe dynamic always messy, but now we learn JJ bet the rest of the Pogues' savings on the race?! JJ I love you, but if I learned you took all my money, we'd have some serious problems.

12. RIP The Outer Banks Sentinel.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

In real life, The Outer Banks Sentinelpublished its last issue in 2019. I love that they included this in the episode!

13. P4L

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

More than anything, the first episode of Outer Banks season 4 just reiterates how much these kids love each other, and that no matter what, they're family. Pogues for life!

Let us know what you thought about the first half of Outer Banks season 4 in the comments! Here's an explainer of every detail, so you don't miss a thing. Outer Banks season 4 part 2 premieres on Netflix November 7.

Social media's "hot girls have stomach problems" trend might just be a trend, but I'll gladly accept it. After all, I feel like I deserve some kind of redemption after ending up in the ER, and then again in urgent care, because of stomach pain. I've had stomach problems my entire life, but there was no way I was giving up pasta. Or cheese. What kind of 20-something do you think I am?! I'd decided my comfort foods were worth the discomfort they caused — until it got so bad I couldn't handle it.

I was constantly uncomfortable or in pain (to the point I couldn't pay attention to anything or anyone else), and I couldn't go a day without feeling like my insides were on fire. Apparently, this is not normal.

Now, after consulting with my doctor, I've changed my entire diet. And I'm shook to my core at how good I feel. Is this what all of y'all have been experiencing this whole time?! I am in no way a medical professional, nor am I claiming that these food swaps (plus eating smaller meals more slowly) is the only thing that's helped me. But if you're looking for recipes that will be easy on your tummy, or you're just looking to cut back on sweets, check out these healthy food ideas below. And check with your doctor if you're thinking of making some major swaps!

What foods are gentle on your stomach?

Brit + Co

Foods like toast, rice, bananas, eggs, applesauce, and oatmeal are known to be easy on your stomach. I had to do a lot of trial and error over the course of a few months, and have cut my diet back to safe foods I know will leave me feeling good.

I rarely drink alcohol (shout out to these delicious mocktail recipes!!!), and I have one coffee every six weeks or so, opting for a daily chai or matcha instead. Sugar's also proven to be a pain point, so I usually stick to dark chocolate. But the most surprising foods I've started to avoid are gluten and oats. All this to say, it's all about what works for you and your lifestyle.

My go-to healthy foods for stomach problems are sweet potatoes, broccoli, Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken sausage or grilled chicken, bell peppers, and rice. I also love the occasional ginger ale.

Sweet Potatoes + Broccoli + Chicken Sausage

Brit + Co

I will never go without sweet potatoes, like, ever again. I used to find them disgusting but they have become my saving grace on days my stomach feels awful. Whether I'm making fries, mixing them with other veggies, or turning them into vegan mac and cheese (yes, really), they're sooo versatile. One of my favorite recipes is roasting sweet potatoes and broccoli in the oven (I do 325 degrees for around 20 minutes), then adding in some cooked chicken sausage. I even add some ketchup and mustard on top for a deconstructed hot dog and fries!

​Vegan Mac and Cheese

Taryn Elliott/Pexels

This has been one of my go-to dishes recently, and I promise it's way easier to make than it sounds. I was inspired by this recipe from @itslivb, but since making it the first time, I've started eyeballing every measurement and adjusting the flavors. As someone who love pasta, this is one comfort food recipe that I can indulge in without feeling sick. All I do is boil cubed sweet potatoes until they're soft, then add them to a blender with nutritional yeast, salt, spices like garlic powder and onion powder, and cashews for a creamy consistency.

Gluten-Free Pasta

Brit + Co

As someone whose comfort food is pasta, you can imagine how sad I was when I realized gluten makes me feel awful. I've been on the hunt for the best gluten-free pastas around, and after making some less-than-ideal chickpea pasta recipes, I'm totally obsessed with Trader Joe's rice pasta. Trust me on this. I can't wait to try it in this creamy avocado pasta recipe!

​Grilled Chicken

Salt & Lavender

My taste buds have always loved chicken, and now that I've realized grilled chicken makes me feel so much better than fried chicken, my stomach does too! I always buy a bag of frozen chicken tenders so I can keep them until I'm ready to cook 'em up. After they've defrosted for a couple hours, I use this hack to remove the tendon, and then I'm ready to grill it! I'll eat grilled chicken with literally everything: pasta, sweet potato fries, a bunch of vegetables. I could eat it every day. Here's our ultimate guide toHow To Stop Grilling Dry Chicken For Good.



That being said, when I need to shake it up, salmon, shrimp, and other seafood are also great protein options. I just usually have to eat a little more to make sure I'm full. I'm dying to make These Flavorful Fish Tacos.

​Cooked Veggies

Brit + Co

Even though I definitely prefer raw vegetables, ever since I realized cooked veggies are easier to digest, I haven't gone back. Roasting a ton of peppers, sweet potatoes, and broccoli at the top of the week sets me up for a successful — and tummy ache-free — week of meals. This Vegetable Galette is calling my name (with a GF crust, of course).

Greek Yogurt & Strawberries

Life Of Pix/Pexels

I have the same breakfast every day: an egg and turkey bacon, either a chai latte or a matcha latte, and Greek yogurt and strawberries. I can't believe I never regularly ate Greek yogurt before, but now that I'm on the train, I'm never getting off. Sometimes when I want a little extra treat I add some chocolate chips, too! This dish helps fill me up without leaving me weighed down.

What's your go-to recipe on days you feel icky? Let us know in the comments and check out our Pinterest for more recipes!

All it takes is a few episodes of Nobody Wants This to realize it's one of the best rom-coms of the year — and that Adam Brody is still super hot. The series, which also stars Kristen Bell, has gone viral for everything from its hilariously relatable approach to dating to "the best kiss of all time" to how eloquently it explains the fear that we're too much for a romantic partner. With an 8.1 out of 10 on IMDb, a 95 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and literally millions of TikTok views, it's no surprise the show was just renewed for a second season. Here's everything we know about Nobody Wants This season 2.

Is there going to be a season 2 of Nobody Wants This?

Stefania Rosini/Netflix

Yes on October 10, Netflix announced that Nobody Wants This will be coming back for season 2. And (spoiler!!!) now that Joanne and Noah have decided to be together, and Noah's decided to give up his position as Head Rabbi, I have a feeling they'll have to deal with a lot of opinions. (Namely, Noah's mother).

"Creating Nobody Wants This will forever be a career highlight for me," creator Erin Foster says in a statement. "The incredible cast, crew, producers and executives all made this into the show it is today, and to experience viewers' reactions to this series now that it's out in the world has been more than anything I could have dreamed. I’m so lucky to be able to continue this story, and to do it alongside Jenni Konner and Bruce Eric Kaplan, who I've been such a fan of since Girls... Justice for healthy relationships being the most romantic!”

When is Nobody Wants This season 2 coming out?


We know season 2 is coming out in 2025, but stay tuned for an official Nobody Wants This season 2 release date.

Who's in the cast of Nobody Wants This season 2?


The Nobody Wants This cast includes Kristen Bell, Adam Brody, Justine Lupe, Timothy Simons, Stephanie Faracy, Tovah Feldshuh, Paul Ben-Victor, Michael Hitchcock, Jackie Tohn, Sherry Cola, Shiloh Bearman, and Emily Arlook.

Does Nobody Wants This End on a Cliffhanger?

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Nobody Wants This might not end on the same kind of thrilling, dramatic cliffhanger as Outer Banks season 4 part 1, but it definitely leaves us with a ton of questions. How will Joanne and Noah's families react to the news? What does life look like as a couple? Will Joanne be able to flaunt their relationship in front of all the teenagers? No matter what comes, these two are very much in love, and I can't wait to see them continue to heal and grow together.

Adam Rose/Netflix

Check out 10 Reasons Nobody Wants This Is The Best TV Show Of The Year — and all the other October TV shows to watch this month!

My wallet should be scared – shaking-in-fear-level scared – because Mango’s dress section is packed with tons of purchase-worthy styles. And we all know nothing provides an instant confidence boost like a dress does! Mango dresses are utterly chic, no matter what kind of silhouette you’re shopping for. I scrolled through their entire collection and found some insanely cute minis, midis, maxis, long-sleeved, short-sleeved, and layered dresses (the list goes on) that span every kind of occasion you could possibly think of. These 12 Mango dresses are suitable beyond casual wear (though I would rock ‘em every day), providing the perfect uniform for happy hours, dinner dates, and even weddings. Boldly venture on to find your next favorite frock.


Check-Print Midi Dress

This dress' flowy nature makes it the ultimate piece to layer under different textures, like with a leather trench coat or a structured chore jacket. The plaid pattern and warm color palette flawlessly channel the fall season, too, so now's the time to snag it! I really like that the ruched waistline and draped neck details add some visual interest, taking your look up a notch with elegance –without overpowering the entire look.


Strapless Pinstripe Dress

This strapless pick is giving workwear realness, and I am 100% here for it. It's a definite step up from your typical trousers and blouse situation, but still feels right in line with office dress code, so long as you pair it with a fashionable cardigan or blazer – and don't forget some stellar loafers! Once work's over, simply toss off your layer of choice and prance on over to happy hour in style. This dress is also unbelievably flattering, as it hugs and accentuates your midsection with some slight ruching around the waist!


Printed Turtleneck Dress

Okay, yes. Yes, yes, and yes! This striped dress is the ideal wear during fall (and the holidays, of course!) because of its moody, deep green vibe. The subtle turtleneck and flared sleeves make it lean a bit retro, too, so you could easily pair it with some timeless tall boots to really complete the look. For a pinch of fun, the collar buttons along the back with a keyhole detail that makes it feel low-key luxe.


Contrasting Print Dress

If you're set on living out your Sex and the City fantasy (I can't stop watching!), this flirty (and most certainly Carrie-approved) mini dress is going to make you feel so chic. It's like if your favorite nighttime slip got the streetwear treatment. Not to mention the colors! The layered design will surely have everyone making a double take to peep at your outfit. Pair this flowy number with kitten heels (and a basic oversized blazer if it's chilly out), and you are set.


Polka-Dot Dress with Side Pleats

Big polka dots can make a statement, sure, but I think true chicness lies in tiny lil' dots like these. The pattern alone doesn't complete this midi dress, though – it's the adjustable side ruching and swingy skirt that serve as the cherry on top. They both shape your figure in the most flattering way, so much so that you'll want to show this dress off! I'd wear it casually with some combat boots and a jean jacket, or to dress it up more, with a lady jacket and some ballet flats.


Leather-Effect Sleeveless Dress

If you like to play around with textures in your outfits, this faux leather dress serves as the perfect base for piling on loose knits, denim jackets, or even more leathery layers for a matching moment. The mini-length a-line silhouette is undeniably comfy on the body, so you won't have to worry about feeling restricted. The high neckline offers a good amount of coverage, though the lower-cut sleeves feel a tad bit cheeky. 👀 I'd try pairing this pick with a bright cropped sweater (something like the Hattie Cardigan from Free People) and Mary Janes to channel an alt-preppy look.


Flared Dress with Ruffled Hem

Drop waists are gonna get me every single time. In combination with the severely scooped neckline, this maxi dress' lower-set waistline elongates your figure to the perfect proportion. It's a great style to reach for on cold winter days, thanks to the high-coverage long sleeves. Wears extremely well with flats for the easy and elegant balletcore outfit you've been dreaming of.


Leopard Print Draped Dress

The leopard print kind of muddles the intricate details on this number, so any outfit admirers will have to get up close and personal to truly experience the magic of this mini dress... not always a bad thing! 😉 It's fitted with tiny ruffles along the sleeves and layered ruching throughout the skirt to complete the look. The shortened sleeves and mock neckline offer ample coverage up top, too, and make the ensemble look more mature – ideal for office days or important meetings!


Asymmetrical Pleated Dress

Your next night out is calling... and it most definitely requires this show-stopping dress. I mean, from the off-the-shoulder sleeve to the asymmetrical skirt, this pick has it goin' on. The rich red color also adds a sultry air that makes a whole style statement on its own. Pick out your favorite heels and oversized hoop earrings to pair, and you've got the perfect going-out 'fit on your hands!


Polka Dots Draped Dress

I cannot resist a polka dot. Though I'm a fan of tiny dots, these bolder, bigger ones have much more head-turning appeal! Plus, the fit of this maxi dress is downright adorable. The bust, bodice, and very top of the skirt are ultra-ruched (and body-hugging!) before falling down to a sheer flowy skirt that starts around the thighs for elongating effect. The thin straps on this pick charmingly cross in the back so you can show off some skin with confidence! Cocktail hour, anyone?


Ruffled Paisley-Print Dress

On the more casual side, this loose-fitting paisley dress is a certain everyday staple because it's comfy, oh-so cute, and easily wearable with other neutral accessories. It reminds me of something you'd find in the Daisy Jones & The Six wardrobe! The olive green color is also very trendy at the moment, so your look will be totally on-point with this pick. Opt for brown boots and your most trusty handbag to step out stylishly.


Check Long Dress

This extremely-'90s-inspired maxi has everything I could ever want in a dress: a fun, playful pattern, bright colors, a very flattering (yet comfortable) fit, and endless styling potential. Plus, the bow tie on the front is ever-so femme, a vibe I like to bring to many of my outfits. You can easily wear this pick on its own, or layer it over a white baby tee or long sleeve top for more coverage and warmth.

Subscribe to our newsletter to see the best styles we're shopping every week!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

If you knew you had limited time, how would you spend it? That's the question at the heart of We Live in Time, which movie lovers have been waiting for since Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh proved they have amazing chemistry at the 2023 Oscars. I do intentionally use "heart" of the movie instead of "center" because the film is so overwhelmingly rich in beauty and emotion that it's the only word that fits.

You'll definitely want to bring tissues to the theater because, just like we all predicted, this romance movie is a tearjerker. Here's exactly what happens at the end of We Live in Time — and the impact of that final scene. If you haven't seen the movie yet, bookmark this and come back after your tears have dried.

What happens in We Live in Time?


In We Live in Time, Almut, a chef and former figure skater, and Tobias, a Weetabix cereal employee, unexpectedly cross paths when Almut literally hits him with her car. All it takes is a single trip to the ER and a diner, followed by a visit to Almut's restaurant, for the couple to fall for each other. They embrace their newfound romance with reckless abandon, but their vision of the future comes to a screeching halt when Almut's ovarian cancer returns.

Instead of using a typical storytelling arc, the movie actually opens with the diagnosis, taking viewers by surprise almost as much as Tobias and Almut. The story jumps back and forth between their early relationship, starting a family, and life post-diagnosis, highlighting the beauty of both the boring and special moments of a life lived together — and it's way more hopeful than heartbreaking. (It's also pretty easy to keep up with thanks to the length of Florence Pugh's hair in any given scene).


The couple's relationship is marked by reveling in quiet moments, like Almut showing Tobias the perfect way to crack an egg or eating an entire sleeve of Jaffa Cakes in the bathtub while nine months pregnant. But those simpler moments are interspersed with parties and passion, and Almut, who'd rather live six incredible months than agree to chemo and wait for a remission that will never come, is determined to keep up the momentum.

She begins leading a sort of double life, hiding her involvement in a new cooking competition from Tobias, and hiding her cancer from her fellow chefs. (One moment of levity comes when Almut's second finds her throwing up in the bathroom and asks if she's on drugs).


But while many viewers can understand dedicating yourself to a goal, Almut's driving force goes much deeper than that: she's terrified of being forgotten. When competition training means she forgets to pick up their daughter Ella, and winds up fighting with Tobias, Almut reveals how scared she is of only being "the mom with cancer." She wants to give Ella another identity to remember her by. So, they move forward together and finally make it to the cooking competition — but despite all the work it took to get there, it's not the beautiful dishes or the applause or the overall success that make the greatest impact.

How does We Live in Time end?


Almut ditches the competition before it's over, taking her family to a nearby ice skating rink instead. After leaving Tobias and Ella at one end of the rink, she waves and takes off, and it's the final image we see of her — like an angel on ice skates.

When the film flashes forward to the period after Almut's implied death, we see Tobias teaching their daughter how to crack eggs the way Almut showed him at the beginning of their relationship. And that is the part that left me weeping. Instead of romanticizing death, We Live in Time truly romanticizes life in every sense of the word. It's a reminder that the simple ways we honor our loved ones, the inescapable moments that are totally interwoven in our lives, end up being the most powerful. And the fact that no matter what comes, memories mean we can live forever.


Tag us with your thoughts on the We Live in Time ending on Instagram.