Your Weekly Horoscope For August 12-18 Is In — These Signs Are About To Officially Level Up

weekly horoscopes

How's your summer panning out? We've officially stepped into the midsummer mark, and there's so much to explore as we bask in the rays of sunshine (apply that sunscreen). As we navigate these last several days of Leo season with Mercury Retrograde in full swing and a few hefty planetary happenings this week, you'll get the cosmic tools to help you get back into the swing of things before the school season starts while also squeezing in moments of fun and relaxation, Leo-style. Let’s see what the stars store for your zodiac sign this week! Read on for your sun, moon, and rising sign weekly horoscope!

Weekly Horoscope Overview For August 12-18


The beginning of the week magnifies assertiveness while accumulating BIG ideas. Mars, the planet of anger and action, aligns with the expansion planet Jupiter, along with Mercury returning to the sign of Leo on Wednesday, August 14. All in one day, wires will be crossed, but consider this an opportunity to make amends or recirculate back to unresolved matters involving your passion and feelings towards life. What moves you authentically? Pivot your focus on matters that align with the heart while unleashing your wild self with your creative endeavors.

Be mindful of pridefulness or ego in how you speak or act--it’s contagious.

Then, there is ease and flow in seizing a moment to shine and showcase past lessons. The Sun-Chiron trine on Thursday, August 15, grants you the space to be vulnerable and heal. This is a great day to make amends and move on from what has weighed you down lately.

Humility is key.

You may feel the stakes have been raised with the Mars-Saturn square on Friday, August 16, but see this challenge as a chance to realize that success doesn’t happen overnight. Relax. You have more time than you know. On the upside, the Neptune-Pluto sextile reveals a new method of winning, which involves releasing old habits. Let go of what’s not working.

Small and measured steps – alongside integrity, will result in brilliance.

Then, it gets electrifying as the Mercury-Uranus square creates blunders involving communication and technology on Sunday. August 18. On the physical level, check your files, clean your hair dryer, or take care of equipment that involves circuits.

Be patient, and remember that Mercury Retrograde is still happening, and this requires review, reflection, and, on top of that, tech support.

​Key Dates To Remember For Your Weekly Horoscope

Marielle Clark

  • 8/14 Mars conjunct Jupiter, Mercury re-enters Leo
  • 8/15 Sun trine Chiron
  • 8/16 Mars square Saturn, Neptune sextile Pluto
  • 8/18 Mercury square Uranus, Sun conjunct Mercury

Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope

Brit + Co

Aries(March 21 – April 19)

Feeling out of sorts? The Mars-Jupiter conjunction on Monday boosts your energy and provides insights into resolving heart-related issues. This week is perfect for revisiting past projects and reigniting creativity with Mercury returning to Leo. It’s an ideal time to rekindle passions and revisit romantic conversations. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine supports personal growth and self-acceptance. Friday’s Mars-Saturn square may challenge your plans, but Neptune sextile Pluto will help you understand how to be more patient and understanding with your progress. By Sunday, Mercury’s square with Uranus might spark unexpected ideas in love and creativity. Practice compassion and you will receive insightful results.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Ready to advance your financial goals? On Monday, Mars’ conjunction with Jupiter boosts your self-worth and practical pursuits, ideal for financial planning. With Mercury returning to Leo, focus shifts to home and family, encouraging clear communication. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine offers emotional healing and deeper self-understanding, bringing a sense of renewal. Friday’s Mars-Saturn square may create friction in your plans or ambitions, but Neptune sextile Pluto provides transformative insights for improving your situation. By Sunday, Mercury’s square with Uranus might bring unexpected ideas about home and family, though the Sun-Mercury conjunction will help clarify your future financial plans. Seek advice from trusted sources.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Ready to act on your goals? The Mars-Jupiter conjunction on Monday boosts your energy and confidence, perfect for launching new projects or initiatives. With Mercury returning to Leo, your communication and thinking become clearer, helping with articulating ideas and addressing past conversations or making amends. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine supports progress in social or team settings, aiding in conflict resolution and strengthening connections. Friday’s Mars-Saturn square may bring frustrations in your career progression, creating obstacles and slowing your plans. However, Neptune sextile Pluto offers broader perspectives. By Sunday, Mercury’s square with Uranus might spark new ideas or disruptions, but the Sun-Mercury conjunction enhances your communication and adaptability. Stay open and focused.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Are you ready to level up your connection with the Universe, Cancer? Monday's Mars-Jupiter conjunction sets the stage for deep introspection and self-improvement, while Mercury’s re-entry into Leo shifts your focus to finances and personal values. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine provides a valuable opportunity for healing and creating stability in your financial or material world. Take time and observe your inner beliefs regarding abundance. Friday’s Mars-Saturn square will cultivate changes in your mindset, especially related to your goals or plans, and Neptune sextile Pluto offers support into you laying the framework to solidifying your future vision. As the week wraps up, Sunday’s Mercury-Uranus square could lead to changes in your approach to money and resources, granting you the ability to begin new habits. Make it happen!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Looking to enhance your visibility? The Mars-Jupiter conjunction at the start of the week boosts your energy for networking and self-promotion. With Mercury returning to Leo, you’ll find it easier to articulate your ideas and projects. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine is ideal for addressing personal growth and learning goals, especially related to your beliefs or education. Friday may bring frustrations due to the Mars-Saturn square, creating obstacles in your plans, but Neptune sextile Pluto offers insights to improve work routines. By Sunday, Mercury’s square to Uranus might bring unexpected disruptions or new ideas, though the Sun-Mercury conjunction will help you stay focused and grounded. Use these influences to refine your strategies for better results.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Looking to boost your career? The Mars-Jupiter conjunction on Monday energizes your ambition, making it a great time to push forward with professional goals. With Mercury returning to Leo, you may reflect on personal issues or hidden aspects of your life. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine is perfect for resolving financial or relationship issues and improving shared resources. Friday could bring obstacles due to the Mars-Saturn square, so recheck your plans and responsibilities. Neptune sextile Pluto offers insights for enhancing creative projects. By Sunday, Mercury’s square to Uranus may spark breakthroughs in personal beliefs, while the Sun-Mercury conjunction helps manage these changes effectively.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Ready to boost your social connections? The Mars-Jupiter conjunction on Monday enhances your enthusiasm for learning and sharing ideas. It’s a good time to revisit past projects and reconnect with old contacts. With Mercury returning to Leo, focus on tying up loose ends. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine is ideal for resolving conflicts and strengthening relationships with partners. Friday’s Mars-Saturn square may cause delays, so recheck your plans. However, Neptune sextile Pluto provides valuable insights into managing home or family matters. By Sunday, Mercury’s square to Uranus might prompt a rethink of your approach to shared resources and long-term plans. Adjust your strategy for better results.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Looking for impactful changes? The Mars-Jupiter conjunction on Monday gives you the energy to tackle significant projects and transformations. With Mercury returning to Leo, focus on advancing your career and improving your public image. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine is ideal for making adjustments in your work environment to boost efficiency. Friday’s Mars-Saturn square may bring obstacles and make you feel unsure about your plans, but Neptune sextile Pluto provides valuable insights for better communication and deeper connections. By Sunday, Mercury’s square to Uranus may prompt new approaches in your relationships. Use your intuition and clear communication to navigate these changes effectively.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Ready to boost your collaborations? The Mars-Jupiter conjunction at the start of the week energizes your partnerships and team efforts. With Mercury returning to Leo, focus shifts to learning and exploration, offering opportunities for growth. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine supports healing and creativity in your personal or creative projects. Friday might bring challenges with the Mars-Saturn square, but Neptune sextile Pluto offers valuable insights into financial matters. Expect unexpected changes in your work or daily routines on Sunday due to the Mercury-Uranus square. However, the Sun-Mercury conjunction will enhance your clarity on broader goals. Use these insights for growth.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Looking to improve your work and health routines? The Mars-Jupiter conjunction on Monday boosts your productivity and motivation. With Mercury returning to Leo, expect deep, transformative insights into your personal life. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine supports healing and growth in your home or family matters. Friday might bring some tension due to the Mars-Saturn square, but the Neptune-Pluto sextile offers valuable breakthroughs in self-awareness and personal goals. On Sunday, Mercury-Uranus square could spark unexpected changes in creative projects, while the Sun-Mercury conjunction will enhance your clarity on important issues. Use these insights for balanced progress.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Looking to boost your creativity this week? Monday's Mars-Jupiter conjunction energizes your creative projects and enthusiasm. With Mercury moving back into Leo, it’s a great time to focus on improving your relationships. On Thursday, use the Sun-Chiron trine to enhance communication and resolve any issues with others. Friday might bring some curve balls due to the Mars-Saturn square, but the Neptune-Pluto sextile offers useful insights for personal growth and understanding yourself better. On Sunday, get ready for unexpected changes in your home or family life with Mercury-Uranus square. Luckily, the Sun-Mercury conjunction will improve clarity in your partnerships and your home life direction. Reflectively listen.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Looking to energize your home and family life this week? Mars-Jupiter conjunction on Monday boosts your motivation for family projects and home planning. With Mercury returning to Leo, focus on improving your work and daily routines. On Thursday, the Sun-Chiron trine supports positive changes in your financial situation. On Friday, the Mars-Saturn square may create feelings of uncertainty about your ideas and confidence in your message. However, Neptune sextile Pluto provides valuable insights into your social connections and long-term goals. Expect some valuable lessons regarding communication or learning on Sunday with the Mercury-Uranus square, but the Sun-Mercury conjunction will power up your work efficiency. Get organized to create a better flow.

Looking for your own astrology advice? Submit your questions for Ask Lumi here!

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Eclipse season is upon us once more, and this one promises to be unforgettable. This lunar eclipse in Pisces isn't just another cosmic event — it's a transformative experience that will unveil the hidden depths of our collective psyche and confront us with our unresolved karma. This celestial event will be happening on September 17th at 10:34 pm EST. As the veil between worlds thins, it is a rare opportunity to deeply connect with our personal and collective narratives. This lunar eclipse will extend a chance to dismantle outdated patterns and create a more authentic life path. Curious about what this celestial phenomenon holds for you? Read on to discover how this mystical lunar eclipse will influence your sign and what revelations are in store.

Why This Lunar Eclipse In Pisces Will Be Unforgettable

Cora Pursley

At 25 degrees in Pisces, this lunar eclipse signals a profound shift in our understanding of karmic patterns and personal growth. While full moons typically manifest endings and shifts, lunar eclipses amplify these effects tenfold. What makes this lunar eclipse promising is that we are granted a more straightforward path to review how we have been living our lives these last 18 years. This eclipse presents a powerful opportunity for releasing deeply ingrained negative thought patterns and gaining clarity on the necessary changes within ourselves. Expect a dramatic purging of old tendencies, illuminating the roots of our discontent and offering solutions for healing. Like all super full moons, this eclipse calls for release —embrace the chance to let go and move forward without looking back.

​What to Expect During This Lunar Eclipse

Emily Patnaude

This lunar eclipse will interact with Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, creating a dynamic cosmic landscape. The Moon's square to Jupiter will spark waves of idealism and fantasy, potentially leading to impulsivity. Ground yourself in the heart and soul of your decisions to avoid getting swept away. Meanwhile, the Moon's conjunction with Neptune will offer a chance to see beyond the immediate struggles, encouraging a broader perspective.

As many of us may feel dreamy and detached, grounding practices will be beneficial.

The Moon's supportive aspect of Pluto will help us embrace change and recognize that endings pave the way for new opportunities. Furthermore, the harmonious sextile with Uranus will inspire bold decisions and excitement about the future. If you've been contemplating a major shift in your life, now is the time to act on your heart's desires.

Over the next six months, the path to your ideal life will become clearer.

Though the current energies might feel chaotic, clarity will emerge by late October. For now, resist the urge to start new projects, manifesting practices, or make significant decisions.

Eclipse season is a time for stillness and observation.

The answers you seek will unfold in 2025, and this period of reflection and acceptance will pave the way for powerful changes. To support your journey, engage in a release ritual, energy healing, or sound bath. This is just the beginning — take the time to understand what needs to be done to attract better outcomes in your life.

​Which signs will be most effected during the lunar eclipse?

Cora Pursley

Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini (sun, Moon, or rising) fall within the 20-29 degrees. For the next 18 months, your life will begin to change for the better! Although it may sound daunting, consider this time an opportunity to tap into your main character energy. You are ready.

To learn more about what is in store for your sign during this lunar eclipse, look to your sun, Moon, and rising sign horoscopes for insight.

Horoscopes For The Lunar Eclipse 2024 In Pisces

Brit + Co


Aries, your twelfth house is highlighted, urging you to confront hidden fears and subconscious patterns. Expect endings in old subconscious habits or unresolved emotional issues. Use this time for deep reflection and emotional release. Seek solitude through journaling or meditation to uncover and heal inner wounds. This clarity will help you shed outdated patterns and set new intentions for your future. Trust the process of letting go, as it leads to profound personal growth and a more authentic, empowered self.

Brit + Co


Taurus, the focus is on your eleventh house of social networks and aspirations. Significant changes are likely in friendships or group dynamics that no longer align with your true self. Evaluate and release toxic relationships or misaligned goals. Reflect on your social circles and their support of your authentic desires. Use this time to set new intentions for meaningful connections and pursuits. Allow these shifts to renew your personal growth and align with your core values.

Brit + Co


Gemini, your tenth house of career and public life is illuminated. Prepare for notable endings or adjustments in your professional path or public image. Outdated ambitions or roles may come to light, revealing what no longer serves you. Reassess your career goals and release any expectations that no longer fit. Engage in self-reflection to set new, authentic career intentions. This transformative period will help you align your professional life with your core values, leading to a more fulfilling career.

Brit + Co


Cancer, attention turns to your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and beliefs. Major shifts may occur in your philosophical outlook or educational pursuits. Letting go of outdated beliefs or goals that no longer resonate with your true self might be necessary. Use this time for introspection to reassess your values and long-term aspirations. Seek new perspectives and release limiting ideologies. Set fresh intentions for personal growth and exploration, aligning with your core values for a more fulfilling journey.

Brit + Co


Leo, expect significant changes in your eighth house of transformation and shared resources. Endings may arise in financial partnerships or intimate relationships that no longer support your growth. Necessary adjustments in power dynamics or emotional patterns may become evident. Address and process deep-seated issues or financial constraints. Utilize this opportunity for introspection to transform your approach to shared resources and personal power. Set new intentions for empowerment and renewal, fostering stronger, more supportive connections.

Brit + Co


Virgo, the focus is on your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. Significant endings may occur in your one-on-one connections that no longer align with your true needs. Insights into issues within your partnerships may prompt a reevaluation of relationship dynamics. Understand and address these relational patterns. Let go of connections that no longer serve you, and use this time for introspection. Set new intentions for creating balanced and empowering relationships.

Brit + Co


Libra, changes are coming to your sixth house of daily routines, work, and health. Significant adjustments may be needed in your job, habits, or wellness practices. Inefficiencies or health issues may come to light, requiring your attention. Assess and release outdated routines or unhealthy patterns. Make meaningful changes to your work-life balance and self-care practices. Set new, healthier routines and work goals that support your well-being, creating a more balanced and fulfilling daily life.

Brit + Co


Scorpio, your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, is under the spotlight. Expect significant endings in creative projects, romantic relationships, or personal interests that no longer resonate with your passions. This period may reveal what needs to be released to welcome new forms of joy. Reflect on these aspects of your life and let go of what no longer inspires you. Set new intentions for creative pursuits and romance, exploring fresh, authentic expressions of joy and individuality.

Brit + Co


Sagittarius, the spotlight is on your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. Significant changes are likely in your living situation, family dynamics, or deep-seated emotional patterns. Clarity may emerge about what needs to be released for emotional stability. Address past familial issues or outdated home environments. Use this time for introspection and set new intentions for a supportive and nurturing home life. Welcome these changes to align with your emotional well-being and build a more harmonious domestic environment.

Brit + Co


Capricorn, attention shifts to your third house of communication, learning, and local connections. Expect significant changes in how you express yourself, your educational pursuits, or your interactions with your immediate surroundings. Outdated thought patterns or communication methods may come to light. Evaluate and release limiting beliefs or strained relationships. Use this time for deep reflection and set new intentions for clearer, more authentic communication. This transformative period will provide renewed mental clarity and more meaningful connections.

Brit + Co


Aquarius, your second house of finances, values, and self-worth is highlighted. Major endings are expected to be related to your financial situation or personal values. Outdated beliefs about money or self-esteem may need addressing. Review your financial habits and core values, letting go of what no longer serves your growth. Use this transformative period to reassess your financial goals and rebuild your self-worth. Set new intentions for stability and empowerment, aligning your resources and values with your true aspirations.

Brit + Co


Pisces, this lunar eclipse will be the starting point of a powerful change associated with your self and identity. With your first house activated, expect significant shifts in how you present yourself or your self-image. This eclipse may prompt a profound reevaluation of your identity and how you wish to be seen. Release old identities or behaviors that no longer reflect your true self. Use this time for deep self-reflection and renewal. Set new intentions for personal growth and self-expression, taking advantage of this transformative period to realign with your authentic desires and aspirations.

Want to learn more about this auspicious Lunar Eclipse? Join Lumi LIVE on September 15th for an insightful astrology event held remotely! She will dive into the Lunar Eclipse's impact on each zodiac sign and experience a sound bowl healing session to help you realign and recharge. Don't miss this chance to connect with the cosmos and yourself. Click this link to learn more!

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to submit your questions to Ask Lumi here!

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I was totally enraptured by Shōgun as soon as I saw the first trailer. The first season of the trending Hulu series premiered in February of 2024 to rave reviews, and The Hollywood Reporter confirmed in May that it looks like we're getting a season 2 AND a season 3 of the drama. Considering Shōgun was originally a limited series, I'm over the moon! Here's everything we know about the upcoming sophomore season.

Is Shōgun nominated for any awards?


Ahead of Shōgun season 2, the first season of the hit show scored 25 Emmy nominations(yes you read that right) including Outstanding Drama and both Lead Actor and Lead Actress in a Drama — and it ended up winning all of them! Anna Sawai cried in her acceptance speech, thanking her mom and all the women "who expect nothing" but continue to change the world anyway. We're not crying, you are!!!

Will there be a season 2 for Shōgun?


Yes, we're getting a Shōgun season 2! The news that season 2 was in the works was confirmed May 16. "There’s a lot of chaos but creative chaos, where we’re throwing everything that we have at the wall, seeing what sticks," co-creator Rachel Kondo tells THR. "It’s been exciting and nerve-wracking because, obviously, this is uncharted territory — we don’t have a roadmap, we just have history.”

She continues that the team is figuring out “which events, which characters, which characters can you conveniently combine — those sorts of things that kind of allow you to make something new.”

The end of season 1 saw John Blackthorne at his absolute end. His ship and his crew are gone, as is Lady Mariko, who sacrificed herself to thwart Yabushige. And it's here that we'll pick back up. This is going to be one season premiere to remember!

When is Shōgun season 2 coming out?


Shōgun season 2 won't begin production for quite some time, but the writer's room begins summer 2024.

Who's in the Shōgun season 2 cast?


I hope we'll see Hiroyuki Sanada, Cosmo Jarvis, Tadanobu Asano, Takehiro Hira, Moeka Hoshi, and Fumi Nikaido.

Tell us your best Shōgun season 2 predictions in the comments, and check out The Best New TV Shows Coming In 2024 for more!

Lead image via FX/Hulu

Welcome back, Upper East Siders. When the leaves turn orange and coats start to be brought out of storage, it’s a sure sign that Gossip Girlseason is upon us once again. And what better way to ring in fall than to figure out which iconic Gossip Girlcharacter you are based on your zodiac sign?

I’ve typed twelve of the Upper East Side’s most familiar faces based on a combination of their official birthdays and the personalities they exhibit throughout the show. A lot of the time, the two happen to be perfectly aligned (I’m convinced Blair’s birthday was chosen on purpose). Strap on a headband and your cutest stilettos; it’s time to walk down Fifth Avenue and meet your Gossip Girl astrological match. XOXO, Brit + Co.

Warner Bros. Television

Aries: Jenny Humphrey

As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries is full of unbridled optimism. Jenny Humphrey thought she could be Constance’s new queen bee, get away with cutting school with a full-time internship, and launch a highly successful fashion career as a high school sophomore — that’s pretty much the definition of blind optimism. Jenny’s spunky, outspoken, and unafraid to ruffle a lot of feathers to get what she wants. Her red-hot spark is something to be admired.

Giovanni Rufino

Taurus: Dan Humphrey

Dan Humphrey may have the keen analytical eye of a Virgo, but he’s got the taste for luxury of a Taurus. He prides himself on being down to earth, yet he can’t resist getting close to that famed Upper East Side glamor. He’s stubborn when it comes to love, which may explain why he keeps going back to Serena time and time again. Some may call it silly; Dan calls it stable.

Warner Bros. Television

Gemini: Georgina Sparks

You’ve got to hand it to Georgina — she knows how to transform herself into whoever she needs to be whenever she wants. She can be a total darling at one minute and deliciously wicked the next. Geminis like her are more than just “two-faced,” though; they’re also quick-witted, restless, and spontaneous. It’s what makes them so fun to watch.

Warner Bros. Television

Cancer: Nate Archibald

Nate is the Golden Retriever of the Gossip Girl boys. He’s popular, laidback, loyal, and compassionate. This rich boy next door wears his heart on his sleeve and is always willing to lend a hand to a friend in need. But don’t take advantage of this crab’s kindness. If you do Nate dirty, he’ll protect himself behind his tough outer shell, and it’ll take a lot to regain his trust.

Warner Bros. Television

Leo: Serena van der Woodsen

There’s only one zodiac sign iconic enough for the Upper East Side’s "It" Girl: Leo. Serena craves being in the spotlight – so much so that she’s been known to act a little wild just for some attention. She’s also incredibly warm and loyal to those she loves (until she feels threatened). Her magnetic presence lights up any room she walks into, just like you, Leo.

Warner Bros. Television

Virgo: Dorota Kishlovsky

Blair’s ride-or-die maid, Dorota, is a Virgo. Her moral compass might not always align with Blair’s schemes, but her sharp mind plays a crucial role in helping them succeed. She’s a supportive, hardworking friend who always has others’ best interests at heart and never hesitates to take action on their behalf.

Warner Bros. Television

Libra: Lily van der Woodsen

Lily is the definition of luxury. She’s a woman of high class with high tastes, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. But her elegance isn’t the only thing that makes her a Libra. She’s also got Libras’ hallmark ability to charm a room and get along with nearly everyone, which comes in handy when cleaning up her daughter’s (and her own) messes. Aesthetics are everything, so she’ll take a rain check on the emotional soul-baring, ‘kay?

Warner Bros. Television

Scorpio: Blair Waldorf

Cunning, romantic, ambitious, and sensitive: Blair Waldorf carries these traits with the pride of carrying a Birkin bag. Blair is canonically a Scorpio, and the sign couldn’t be more fitting. She’s highly strategic and calculating, which makes reaching her goals and exacting revenge on her enemies that much more satisfying. She places a high value on sex and love and is willing to wait as long as it takes for a man who meets her extremely high standards.

Warner Bros. Television

Sagittarius: Rufus Humphrey

Rufus’s birthday is December 7, making him a Sagittarius. He definitely lived up to the fun-loving nature of his sign during his rock ‘n’ roll years, but as he got older, he chilled out a lot more. As long as he has his art gallery, his guitar, and his daydreams about things finally working out with Lily, he’s all set. Play some Lincoln Hawk and make some waffles in honor of your GG twin, Sag.

Warner Bros. Television

Capricorn: Chuck Bass

Blunt yet smooth-talking Chuck Bass was born on January 19, which makes him a Capricorn. He certainly embodies the stereotypical hard-working nature of the sign; he’s a businessman first and a teenager second. His party-boy ways are actually in line with the fun, often hidden side of Capricorn, as is the loyalty he reserves for those lucky enough to be let into his inner circle.

Warner Bros. Television

Aquarius: Vanessa Abrams

As a social justice-loving Aquarius, Vanessa’s actively trying to make the world a better place. She doesn’t tolerate anyone’s BS, especially from anyone who lives on the UES, and she isn’t afraid to tell them to their face. She’s got a strong moral compass, a drive to tell the truth, and a strong appreciation for the arts, all three of which are highly important to Aquariuses.

Warner Bros. Television

Pisces: Eric van der Woodsen

Eric van der Woodsen is probably the most easygoing character on Gossip Girl. All he’s ever wanted is for everyone to get along. He often pushes his own needs and concerns aside for the sake of his friends and family, as Pisceans tend to do. At his best, Eric is witty, supportive, intuitive, and wise.

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Despite a new celebrity breakup every other day, love is still in the air...and it's led Saiorse Ronan to the altar. Call us overzealous, but her marriage is the news we've been waiting for!

With films like The Lovely Bones (Susie Salmon) and Little Women (Jo March), Saoirse's cemented a place in our hearts. However, as monumental as her onscreen performances can be, she prefers to keep her private life tucked away — not that we blame her. BUT...showing up to a fashion show wearing a diamond ring on that finger was a pretty huge statement, and her first red carpet appearance since tying the knot is even sweeter. Here's everything we know so far + details about Saiorse Ronan's relationship with Jack Lowden!

See Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden's 2024 Emmys Date Night!

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

At the 2024 Emmys, Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden made their first red carpet appearance as a married couple and I simply cannot get enough of them. The Little Women actress stunned in a navy skirt and bandeau set, complete with draping detail and a silver necklace, while Jack Lowden wore a complementary navy and black tux with a bowtie.

Are Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden married?


Yes, Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden are reportedly married! Documents from a Scottish civil marriage registry show that the couple have an official license and tied the knot in Edinburgh (via People).

They had an intimate ceremony that was kept under wraps by all who attended (via Irish Independent). This is on par with the couple's tendency to keep the details of their relationship out of the public eye.

It's hard to say if they'll make a public statement about their marriage, but we're still happy for the cute couple!

Where was Saoirse Ronan seen wearing a diamond ring?

According to People, Saoirse made an appearance at the Louis-Vuitton Womenswear SS 2024 runway show last year. In addition to gorgeous blonde bob she was seen sporting, close observers noticed a beautiful diamond ring on her finger — hence the engagement speculations.

How long did Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden date before they reportedly got engaged?

Duncan McGlynn/Getty Images for Universal

The lovely couple have been dating for some time now. In 2018, Page Six shared that Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden were dating following their appeared in the film Mary Queen of Scots. A source told the outlet, "We don’t know when they got together...but they seem very happy and sweet."

They've mostly kept their relationship under wraps but have made appearances here and there.

What has Saioirse Ronan said about Jack Lowden?

In an interview with Harper's Bazaar UK, Saiorse Ronan offered a brief glimpse into their relationship. She said, "When a person you respect as much as I do him says that, it means more than anyone else’s opinion."

What has Jack Lowden said about Saiorse Ronan?

Jack has sang Saoirse's praises when talking about her work ethic with him recently telling Esquire UK, "Saoirse is, first and foremost, one of the best actors in the world, so to work with her in that way and help in any way I could was great." He was referring to her role as Amy Liptrot in The Outrun - a film their production company is producing.

What has Saoirse Ronan been working on lately?

FOE | Official Trailer

Saoirse recently appeared in Foe, which premiered in theaters October 6th. She stars alongside Paul Mescal as they play a married couple whose bond is tested when they're met with an unusual offer. Two words — artificial intelligence.

To watch it in theaters, visit AMC to get tickets!

Do you think Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden are engaged? Let us know in the comments and share your thoughts on Facebook!

Featured image via Tim P. Whitby/Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images for Sony Pictures Releasing UK.

This post has been updated.

We are head over heels in love with all things Bridgerton. The relationships, the characters, the Gossip Girl-meets-Jane Austen storylines. After waiting far too long for a sneak peek of season 3 of Bridgerton, Netflix FINALLY released exclusive images that continue to have us shipping Polin (Penelope and Colin, of course), as well as a look at Kate and Anthony. My heart cannot take it! Here's the latest season 3 Bridgerton news, as well as some fan theories that might just carry us into Bridgerton season 4. Read up on the Bridgerton world tour too!

Penelope...Or Lady Whistledown?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Nicola Coughlan wore a gorgeous silver, metallic dress to present an award at the 2024 Emmys. The sophisticated look (complete with a peplum silhouette!) is chic, sharp, and has the exact sass that Lady Whistledown brings to the Ton.

What is the new season of Bridgerton about?


After giving up on whether Colin could ever return her feelings, Penelope decides to find a husband who will give her the independence she needs as Lady Whistledown. But when Colin offers to help her along the way, and his help begins to pay off, he realizes that his feelings for her might be more than platonic.

Netflix just released a bunch of new Bridgerton season 3 images that give us more insight into the characters, their emotions, and their relationships. Cressida and Eloise might be friends now? Penelope might be entering her Reputation era? Colin is super moody for no reason? Color me intrigued!

Which couple will season 3 of Bridgerton be about?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Bridgerton season 3 will focus on Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington. This is the first time fans will get to see a couple they've been rooting for since the beginning.

The official trailer (which dropped on April 11) features plenty of flowers and beautiful costumes, and in addition to the romance, pining, and stolen glances between Colin and Penelope, I can already tell this will be the most romantic season yet. Friends-to-lovers is my personal favorite romantic trope, and this is the Bridgerton couple I have been waiting for!

During the junket for her new series Big Mood, actress Nicola Coughlan (who plays season 3 leading lady Penelope Featherington) expressed how excited she is for Penelope to shine. "It felt really different this time, I think just because she's finally a grown up and I love coming back to a show and playing a character again, and finding the new sides to them," Nicola says. "She's becoming a woman and finding her self-worth — that side of her I really loved getting to play. It was great."

"And the glow!" Nicola's Big Mood co-star Lydia West adds. "You look so stunning. [I love] the different wigs."

"When the wig comes off, it's so sad because you just like under a wig, you just look like a little wet rat and it's all your hair is just all slicked back," Nicola jokes.

When is Bridgerton season 3 is coming out?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Netflix announced on December 12 that season 3 of Bridgerton will release in two parts in 2024: Part I on May 16 and Part II on June 13th. Until then, catch up on the first two seasons, as well as the prequel series Queen Charlotte, on Netflix!

Why is Penelope wearing more blues and greens than her staple yellows?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

It's clear throughout the first season that each family has their own color representing the journey ahead of them — the beloved Bridgertons wear sophisticated blues and lavenders while the Featheringtons wear loud yellows as they try to climb the social ladder.

This is very intentional, and throughout season 3 we'll see Penelope transition from her staple yellow dresses into more greens and blues, a symbol of her union with Colin Bridgerton. Costume designer Sophie Canale confirmed this color theory to People, sharing that the green dress Penelope wears in episode four was a nod to her future relationship with Colin. After all, green IS a mix of yellow and blue.

In the beginning of the season, Penelope and her mother are both wearing green instead of their usual lemon yellow. But instead of a pastel green like her previous dress, this one is very vibrant and tinged with a lot of warm tones. Even if Penelope is growing, the ties to her family are still strong.

Considering season two ended with Penelope getting into a fight with Eloise — and overhearing Colin say he would never court her — it makes sense that Penelope would turn more into her family than ever before.However, in an on-set interview with This Morning, Coughlan wore a dress that appears to be a muted seafoam, meaning it features more blue than yellow.

If Penelope wears lime at the beginning of the season and seafoam at the end, it's a perfect representation of her emotional arc. She moves from feeling overshadowed by her family to being embraced by Colin (hopefully sooner rather than later!!), and it creates a whole new color just for her.

Penelope is, and always will be, a mix of both Featherington and her love for Colin. Good thing for us, Canale takes us on that journey with her.

What are the season 3 Bridgerton episodes?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

We finally got the official episode list for Bridgerton season 3, and it could hold huge meaning for Colin and Penelope. Just like Pen's wardrobe reflects her emotional arc, the episode titles have us expecting a major transformation. Starting the season with "Out of the Shadows" and ending with "Into the Light" could be a ~reflection~ of Penelope moving from wallflower to main character. It could also mean we'll see her embrace those beautiful, sunny (read: yellow) parts of herself she's wanted to hide in the past. Here are the episodes for Bridgerton season 3:

  1. "Out of the Shadows"
  2. "How Bright the Moon"
  3. "Forces of Nature"
  4. "Old Friends"
  5. "Tick Tock"
  6. "Romancing Mister Bridgerton"
  7. "Joining of Hands"
  8. "Into the Light"

Who's in the season 3 Bridgerton cast?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Season 3 of Bridgerton will be led by Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton, and we'll see lots of our favorites return, like Jonathan Bailey, Simone Ashley, Luke Thompson, Claudia Jessie, Hannah Dodd, Will Tilston, Florence Hunt, Ruth Gemmell.

Will Penelope and Eloise happily reunite in season 3 of Bridgerton?


It seems like former best friends Penelope and Eloise are having a conversation. Judging from the expression on Penelope's face and Eloise's folded arms, it appears that things are still tense between them. Jess Brownwell, Bridgerton's show runner told the outlet, "I'm rooting for them," while admitting their friendship breakup is, "...a chance for the two of them to grow and learn about themselves..."

It's interesting to see if Eloise will remain icy towards Penelope after the abrupt end of their friendship in Season 2.

Why is Lady Danbury so important in Bridgerton?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

We loved getting to know more about Lady Danbury in Queen Charlotte, and turns out, we weren't the only ones! At a Bridgerton x International Delight event in NYC, we talked to Lady Danbury herself, Adjoa Andoh! "In seasons one and two, I had a pretty strong sense of who Lady Danbury was," Andoh says in our exclusive interview. "Doing Queen Charlotte filled in a lot of the early life for me in concert with Shonda [Rhimes'] enormous storytelling brain. And so I could take all of that into season three."

Andoh also says that since the Bridgerton's grandfather was the love of Lady Danbury's life, it explains why she cares so much about their family: "You understand the investment she has in the Bridgerton family more because they are his grandchildren, and so I am invested in them because I loved him."

But for Bridgerton season 3, we'll also see a stronger connection between Lady Danbury and Penelope Featherington. "I think Lady Danbury sees a lot of her young self in Penelope," she continues. "I think she's sort of an overlooked item who is shoved in one direction just as Penelope is an overlooked item who no one thinks is ever gonna get married. So both of these women in their young lives have had to understand that if they are gonna survive, they have to live on their own natural brilliance, strategy, intelligence, and gifts."

"[Season 3 of Bridgerton] made me sad and it made me happy and all those things in between because it just reminded me of being the wallflower teenager that I was," Andoh says. "I think there's heaps of us out there, not just women, I think there's heaps of us out there who have felt that we are regarded as less than by our peers. And so, this is the season for us."

Andoh's advice for the wallflowers out there? "I have a friend who says, 'What's for you won't pass you by,'" she says. "Don't wait and pine, hang out with your friends have a fabulous life. The world is amazing and interesting and just dive into your curiosity. Think about what's fabulous about you and lean hard in on that and don't wait for someone else to give you the confirmation that you are as fabulous as you should know you are."

Will Benedict still play a role in season 3 of Bridgerton?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

The third book in the Bridgerton series, An Offer From A Gentleman, focuses on Benedict Bridgerton and Sophie Beckett. Even though the third season of the show will revolve around Colin and Penelope, fans are anticipating an important plot point could still happen this year.

"I'm reading Benedict's book, and between the ball the Bridgertons threw where he met Sophie and when they meet again there's a gap of two years, enough for the unfolding of Penelope and Colin's [arc]," lovin_da_dix says on Reddit. "My theory is that the Bridgertons will throw the ball this season, we would briefly see Sophie and the writers would carry the storyline through season 4."

Not only would a ball give us an excuse to see Colin and Penelope dance again, but it would also set up the next season of the show! That is some serious script planning. But considering the characters in Bridgerton love throwing a party, and a ball would fit right in with the book's timeline, this is one theory we could totally see coming true.

What is the mirror scene in Bridgerton season 3?

Liam Daniel/Netflix

In a sneak peek from season 3 of Bridgerton, we see Penelope and Colin standing in front of a mirror (looking longingly at each other, of course). "A look such as this from Mister Colin Bridgerton would surely make even the most perennial of wallflowers swoon, would it not?" the official Bridgerton X account asks.

While Colin and Penelope don't share words in the clip, their hands do brush, which is something period drama fans always go crazy over. Plus, the sneak peek as a whole totally references the upcoming "mirror scene" (where Colin wants to have sex in front of a mirror so Penelope can see how beautiful she is) Bridgerton fans have been waiting for.

Watch This Official Clip From Bridgerton Season 3


After Colin told literally everyone at the Featherington ball that he would "never" court Penelope (I'm still fuming, TBH), he finally realizes something is wrong in their friendship. When he says he misses her, soft-spoken and sweet Penelope finally confronts him about the hurtful things he said at the party, which is exactly what he needs to hear if you ask me. If this man doesn't beg for her forgiveness I don't want it!! Watch the clip here.

The Newest Bridgerton Season 3 Clip Is All About Kate And Anthony

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey gave us the dance scene to rival all dance scenes during Bridgerton season 2 (the tension! The yearning! The eyebrows!). But as a married couple in season 3 of Bridgerton, they're all smiles! TBH, I would also be all smiles if I was married to either one of these people.

The First Season 3 Bridgerton Sneak Peek


There are two things I love aboutthis new season 3 Bridgerton clip: first, the tension and chemistry between Nicola Coughlan's Penelope and Luke Newton's Colin is SO REAL and I am HERE FOR IT. The second is how awkward this interaction is because when you realize you're falling in love with your best friend, it really is awkward sometimes. I cannot get enough of this duo and I can't wait to see them finally admit their feelings for each other (hopefully after some more will-they-won't-they pining) later this spring. Watch the sneak peek here.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Colin doesn't look too shabby either.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

(Hopefully) a happy couple in the works!

Liam Daniel/Netflix

...Or not as happy as we thought.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

It looks like the loving couple are still enjoying marital bliss in season 3 of Bridgerton.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Colin's expression makes us want to ask him, "Why so serious?"

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Colin may be showing Penelope potential suitors she can engage with.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Something is really concerning Lady Violet, but Francesca (played by Hannah Dodd who replaces Ruby Stokes) and Hyacinth seem to be taking it in stride.

Keep up to date with our season 3 Bridgerton news and let us know in the comments what you're looking forward to seeing in the new season!

Lead image via Liam Daniel/Netflix.

This post has been updated.