Your Weekly Horoscope For August 19-25 Has Big Full Moon Magic

Weekly Horoscope August 19-25

As August winds down, it’s time to shift from the bold, sunny vibes of Leo season to the more introspective energy of Virgo. Think of it as your favorite summer playlist transitioning to a thoughtful, autumnal tune (The Tortured Poets Department, anyone?). With Virgo season approaching, let’s explore the cosmic highlights of the week from August 18-25 and how you can navigate this transitional period. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising sign weekly horoscope!

Weekly Horoscope Overview For August 19-25

Parker Jones

On Monday, August 19, the Full Moon in Aquarius brings brilliance, encouraging you to break free from old habits and embrace fresh ideas. This is your moment to think outside the box and let your unique vision shine. However, with Venus squaring Jupiter and opposing Saturn, you might feel torn between following your desires and maintaining balance. It’s a dance between dreaming big and staying grounded — find your sweet spot! Also, on this day, the Sun’s square to Uranus introduces unpredictability. Be ready for surprises and adapt to change with an open mind.

Sudden shifts could lead to exciting new opportunities, so stay flexible.

Adding to the cosmic energy, Jupiter’s square to Saturn creates tension between grand plans and practical realities. Jupiter’s enthusiasm clashes with Saturn’s need for structure, creating a tug-of-war between big dreams and the necessary steps to achieve them. Use this energy to reassess and refine your goals, balancing optimism with practicality.

On Thursday, August 22, the Sun enters Virgo, and the meticulousness and the need to focus on organization and detox is in order. It’s the perfect moment to refine your daily routine goals and tackle tasks you’ve postponed.

Since Mercury is still retrograde, handle minor tasks and save major ones for when it goes direct next week.

The Venus-Mars square on the same day stirs passionate energy in relationships and creative projects. While this aspect can spark excitement, it may also lead to tension. Channel this energy into productive collaboration and balance between your desires and actions.

As the week winds down, the Mercury-Chiron trine on Friday, August 23, brings healing to your communication. This is a great time to address lingering issues with compassion and clarity. It’s also an ideal day for heartfelt conversations and finding resolution.

Finally, on Saturday, August 24, Mars’ sextile with Chiron boosts your confidence and courage. Use this supportive energy to tackle challenges and pursue personal growth with renewed strength.

Embrace the opportunity for healing through action.

​Key Dates To Remember For Your Weekly Horoscope

Spencer Wirkkala

  • 8/19 Full Moon in Aquarius, Venus square Jupiter, Venus opposite Saturn, Sun square Uranus, Jupiter square Saturn
  • 8/22 Sun enters Virgo, Venus square Mars
  • 8/23 Mercury trine Chiron
  • 8/24 Mars sextile Chiron

Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

This week, Aries, get ready for a powerful shift! Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius lights up your path, urging you to let go of old patterns and embrace fresh perspectives. Thursday brings a double dose of energy: the Sun’s entry into Virgo prompts you to refine your daily routines, while Venus squares Mars, stirring up intense emotions in your personal relationships and creative pursuits. Friday’s Mercury trine with Chiron offers healing and clarity, helping you address lingering issues with self-expression. Finally, Saturday sees Mars sextile Chiron, boosting your confidence and communication skills and empowering you to face challenges head-on.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, get ready for some exciting changes! The Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday presents a pivotal moment in your career, pushing you to rethink your ambitions and set new goals. As Thursday rolls in, the Sun's shift into Virgo energizes your creative side, making it a perfect time to dive into personal projects and enjoy well-deserved fun. Friday offers a comforting boost as Mercury’s trine with Chiron helps you gain emotional clarity at home, easing past wounds. By Saturday, Mars’ sextile with Chiron empowers your financial confidence, inspiring you to overcome any lingering challenges.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You're in for a period of meaningful change, Gemini! Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius marks the end of a significant chapter regarding your belief systems, education, or long-distance connections. It’s time to let go of outdated views and welcome a new perspective that aligns with your growth. As Thursday rolls in, the Sun’s move into Virgo shifts your focus to home and family, making it a great time to tidy up your space and enhance your surroundings. Friday brings a healing touch through Mercury’s trine with Chiron, offering emotional clarity in your interactions with friends. By Saturday, Mars’ sextile with Chiron boosts your confidence, helping you tackle personal goals with fresh energy.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This week, Cancer, you’re set for some powerful changes! Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius brings a moment of closure around financial or deeply personal matters. It’s a great time to settle old issues and clear the way for a fresh start. As Thursday arrives, the Sun moves into Virgo, shifting your focus to communication and learning. Use this energy to polish your skills and strengthen connections with those around you. Thanks to Mercury's trine with Chiron, Friday offers clarity and healing, especially concerning your self-worth and career path. By Saturday, Mars’ supportive aspect will boost you, helping you tackle your long-term goals with renewed confidence. Embrace these shifts and enjoy the personal growth they bring!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This week, Leo, prepare for a mix of revelations and growth! Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius brings clarity and closure to relationship matters, helping you resolve any lingering issues and set new intentions. As Thursday arrives, the Sun shifts into Virgo, focusing your energy on finances and self-worth, making it a good time to review and enhance your financial plans. Friday offers a boost in self-expression and personal growth thanks to Mercury’s trine with Chiron, which supports healing and understanding in your broader outlook. By Saturday, Mars’ sextile with Chiron energizes your social life and long-term aspirations, empowering you to pursue your dreams with renewed enthusiasm.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This week, Virgo, get ready for some meaningful changes! Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius brings closure to your daily routines or health issues, giving you a chance to clear the air and start fresh. On Thursday, the Sun’s move into your sign puts you in the spotlight, making it a great time to focus on your personal goals and what you want for yourself. The Venus-Mars square might stir up tension between your personal desires and your career, so try to balance your needs and your professional ambitions. Friday brings emotional clarity, helping you heal old wounds, especially around shared resources. By Saturday, Mars’ positive aspect boosts your confidence, giving you the energy to tackle challenges with a fresh perspective.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

This week, Libra, you’re set for some insightful shifts! The Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday highlights your creative projects and romantic life, bringing clarity and a chance to wrap up ongoing matters. On Thursday, the Sun’s move into Virgo invites you to reflect and recharge, focusing on your inner world and well-being. Friday offers a boost in emotional understanding as Mercury trines Chiron, helping you address and heal relationship issues with greater clarity. Saturday, Mars’ supportive aspect energizes you to pursue your personal growth and long-term goals, strengthening your resolve and giving you the drive to make positive changes.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This week, Scorpio, prepare for some significant shifts! Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius brings clarity and closure to your home and family matters, helping you resolve lingering issues and find balance. On Thursday, the Sun moves into Virgo, focusing your attention on your social circles and long-term goals—perfect for reconnecting with friends and reassessing your aspirations. Friday offers emotional healing as Mercury trines Chiron, providing insight into work and health challenges. By Saturday, Mars’ supportive aspect boosts your energy and confidence, helping you tackle deeper personal issues and pursue transformation with renewed strength.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This week, Sagittarius, prepare for some eye-opening moments! Monday’s Full Moon shines a light on your everyday communications and local connections, helping you clear up misunderstandings and gain new perspectives. Thursday sees the Sun moving into Virgo, shifting your focus to your career and public life—an excellent time to rethink your goals and set new ambitions. Friday brings a healing touch as Mercury trines Chiron, offering insights to help you find joy and clarity in your creative endeavors. By Saturday, Mars’ positive influence boosts your energy, making tackling work challenges and enhancing your daily routines easier.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This week, Capricorn, expect some impactful developments! Monday’s Full Moon illuminates your finances and values, bringing clarity and the chance to finalize financial matters or reassess what truly matters to you. On Thursday, the Sun’s move into Virgo shifts your focus to broader horizons, encouraging you to explore new ideas and expand your knowledge. Friday offers emotional insight as Mercury trines Chiron, helping you address and heal issues related to your home and family. Mars’ supportive energy boosts your motivation on Saturday, making it easier to tackle work tasks and pursue personal projects with renewed enthusiasm.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This week, Aquarius, you’re in for a transformative ride! Monday’s Full Moon in your sign brings a powerful moment of self-discovery and personal clarity, urging you to embrace who you are and set new intentions for yourself. Thursday sees the Sun move into Virgo, shifting your focus to shared resources and deeper connections, making it a great time to tackle financial matters and intimate issues. Friday offers healing insights as Mercury trines Chiron, helping you resolve communication challenges and gain clarity in your relationships. By Saturday, Mars’ supportive aspect energizes your creative projects and personal passions, giving you the drive to make meaningful progress. Embrace these changes for growth and renewal!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This week, Pisces, expect some deep and insightful changes! Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius shines a light on your inner world and subconscious, allowing you to confront hidden feelings and gain personal clarity. Thursday brings the Sun’s move into Virgo, focusing your attention on your relationships and partnerships—an ideal time to strengthen connections and address any issues. This day may also stir tension as Venus squares Mars, urging you to be comfortable navigating your emotional needs in relationships. Friday offers healing as Mercury trines Chiron, providing clarity and solutions for work-related challenges and financial matters. By Saturday, Mars’ supportive aspect boosts your energy at home, helping you tackle domestic tasks, improve communication, and heal past issues with your family.

Looking for your own astrology advice? Submit your questions for Ask Lumi here!

Header image via Haley Sprankle

Welcome to October. It’s time to slip into cozy sweater weather, and pumpkin-spice-flavored everything is back on the menu! Mornings are crisp and light while the trees are transitioning into a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues of yellow, amber, red, and deep burgundies – go on a Fall Foliage tour, and you'll get inspired. Also, let’s not forget Halloween, where everyone cannot help but feel a mystical pull while unleashing their wild side by throwing on a costume that reveals their alter ego.

Speaking of mystical, Libra season continues its powerful run with eclipse season in tow. It will be a revelatory month as it will help initiate changes, truth, and possibility. Let’s look at the astrology of October 2024 and observe what is in store for your sign. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising sign October horoscopes!

Astrology Overview for Your October 2024 Horoscopes

Cora Pursley

This month begins with the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, promising balance, truth, and fairness to be restored in your life and relationships as you align with your heart. This isn’t a time to settle — it's a moment to start living a more authentic path.

This solar eclipse sets the stage.

On October 10, Jupiter retrograde begins, a period that will last until February 4, 2025. This cosmic event encourages you to slow down and take a closer look at the bigger picture of your goals. Use this time to turn inward and embrace spiritual lessons. Consider taking a class or starting that book you've been contemplating. This slowdown provides the perfect opportunity to map out your future dreams.

Jupiter's retrograde in 2024 allows you to become open to possibility. It begins by stepping out of your comfort zone.

The fantastic news is that Pluto Direct is happening on October 11, which will motivate you even more than you have felt these last several months.

It can signal peaceful endings and a willingness to let go of the past.

The conversations will flow in a mysterious rhythm as Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. It is an ideal time to investigate the mysteries in your life. Probing and asking the right questions will get you the necessary answers. It is a fantastic time to begin release work and cord-cutting if you have barricading thoughts or unwelcome situations.

On October 17, the Full Moon in Aries calls in a significant moment, particularly in the realm of relationships. If you're in a romantic connection, be prepared for potential shifts in leadership dynamics. An aspect of yourself or your partnership may need to undergo review, leading to growth and healing opportunities.

Challenge leads to growth and infinite possibilities.

Patience and receptivity are crucial to navigating this intense lunation. Also, Venus enters Sagittarius on this day, igniting an air of wandering and the desire to be untethered. As you remain invested in growing with your partner or in life, you will experience a deeper connection.

Love will be an adventure.

As we conclude October, Scorpio season begins on October 22, edging in a misty vibe. It’s a perfect time to begin spirit work or personal development because the ability to become receptive to subtle information heightens. Scorpio season will reveal the steps to finding the solution if you have unanswered questions regarding your path.

​Key Dates + Planetary Transits for Your October Horoscope

Andrew Worung

  • 10/2 Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • 10/9 Jupiter Retrograde
  • 10/11 Pluto goes Direct
  • 10/13 Mercury enters Scorpio
  • 10/17 Full Moon in Aries, Venus enters Sagittarius
  • 10/22 Sun in Scorpio

​Is Your Sign in For a Big October Change? Discover Which 6 Signs Will Level Up

Cora Pursley

October 2024 is gearing up to bring some exciting changes just for us. If you're a Libra, expect a strong push for personal growth with a Solar Eclipse in your sign — it’s the perfect moment to rethink your goals and self-image. Aries, get ready to gain clear insights into your ambitions with a Full Moon lighting up your sign. Scorpio, you’ll dive deep into self-discovery as Mercury and the Sun focus on your sign, making this an ideal time for reflection. Taurus, it’s time to reassess your daily routines and health, influenced by the Solar Eclipse, while Jupiter’s retrograde encourages a fresh look at your long-term goals. Pisces, you’ll shift your focus to finances and close relationships, with the Solar Eclipse and Jupiter’s retrograde offering new perspectives. Sagittarius, you’ll shine brightly with Venus enhancing your charm and creativity, and the Full Moon will spark new inspiration for your passions. These cosmic shifts are not just about change, but about the potential for personal growth and transformation that they bring.

Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Monthly Horoscope

Brit + Co


Theme: Personal Clarity

This month, a fresh wave of self-reflection takes center stage as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reassess your relationships and partnerships. As you navigate these changes, Jupiter’s retrograde in your financial sector encourages you to fine-tune your budget and values. Mid-month, Mercury’s shift into Scorpio brings deep insights into shared resources and intimate connections, possibly reshaping your understanding. The Full Moon in Aries later in the month shines a light on your personal goals, driving you to assert your individuality. By month’s end, Venus entering Sagittarius inspires a quest for new experiences, whether through travel or learning. The Sun’s position in Scorpio further urges you to explore your inner self and deepen connections, making it a time for transformative growth.

Brit + Co


Theme: Routine and Health

Transformation in your daily routines and work environment is on the horizon as the Solar Eclipse prompts a thoughtful reassessment. Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to reflect on your personal goals and self-image, guiding you to align them with your long-term aspirations. Mid-month, Mercury’s move into Scorpio focuses on your partnerships, bringing meaningful conversations that may redefine your relationships. The Full Moon in Aries highlights insights related to personal introspection and behind-the-scenes matters. As the month concludes, Venus entering Sagittarius brings attention to enhancing emotional connections and exploring new ways to manage shared resources. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio emphasizes the importance of clear communication and understanding in your partnerships, paving the way for deeper connections.

Brit + Co


Theme: Creativity and Romance

A burst of creative energy drives your month as the Solar Eclipse encourages you to reevaluate your approach to romance and self-expression. Reflect on how these areas contribute to your joy and fulfillment. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to revisit past dreams and inner motivations, offering clarity on your current path. Mercury’s entry into Scorpio shifts your focus to daily routines and work, prompting a reassessment of your health and tasks. The Full Moon later in the month illuminates your social networks and long-term goals, potentially leading to significant changes. As Venus enters Sagittarius, relationships come into focus, promoting growth and deeper connections. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio further highlights the need for clarity and transformation in everyday life.

Brit + Co


Theme: Home and Family

This month centers around emotional security as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reassess your domestic environment and personal foundations. Jupiter’s retrograde shifts your attention to long-term goals and friendships, offering new insights into your social circle. Mid-month, Mercury’s move into Scorpio encourages authentic self-expression and exploration of new passions. The Full Moon focuses on your career and public image, potentially leading to shifts or realizations in your professional life. By the end of the month, Venus entering Sagittarius redirects your attention to improving your daily routines and well-being. The Sun in Scorpio further emphasizes creativity and self-expression, making this a fruitful period for pursuing personal projects and enjoying life’s pleasures.

Brit + Co


Theme: Communication and Learning

Your communication style and local environment are spotlighted this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reflect on how you connect with others. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages a review of your career goals and public image, offering valuable insights into your professional path. Mercury’s shift into Scorpio focuses on home and family matters, inviting deeper conversations and resolutions. The Full Moon later in the month highlights broader horizons, such as travel or higher learning, potentially leading to important realizations. As Venus enters Sagittarius, a fresh, joyful energy invigorates your personal life and creativity. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio underscores the need for balance and emotional clarity in your domestic sphere.

Brit + Co


Theme: Finances and Values

Financial reassessment and realignment of personal values are key themes this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to review your budget and financial goals. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde guides you to reflect on your beliefs and plans, offering insights into educational or travel aspirations. Mercury’s entry into Scorpio focuses on communication and local connections, sparking meaningful interactions. The Full Moon highlights transformations related to shared resources or intimate bonds, leading to important realizations. Venus entering Sagittarius brings a nurturing energy to your home and family life. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio further emphasizes the need for clear communication and thoughtful connections with those around you.

Brit + Co


Theme: Personal Transformation

Personal transformation is at the forefront this month as the Solar Eclipse in your sign prompts a reevaluation of your goals and self-image. Reflect on new beginnings and how you present yourself to the world. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages introspection on shared resources and financial partnerships, leading to valuable insights. Mercury’s move into Scorpio shifts your focus to personal finances and values, urging a deeper review of your financial habits. The Full Moon highlights your relationships, potentially bringing clarity or resolution to partnership dynamics. Venus entering Sagittarius infuses your interactions with lively energy, sparking new connections and ideas. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio emphasizes financial matters, encouraging you to address lingering money issues and set a solid foundation for future prosperity.

Brit + Co


Theme: Self-Discovery

Inner growth and introspection define your month as the Solar Eclipse prompts a deep dive into personal transformation. Reflect on hidden concerns and past patterns that influence your present. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to review your partnerships and collaborations, providing fresh insights into these relationships. As Mercury enters your sign, your communication and self-expression come to the fore, allowing you to clearly articulate your thoughts and intentions. Later in the month, the full moon highlights work and daily routines, possibly revealing significant changes or achievements. Venus entering Sagittarius shifts your focus to finances and personal values, offering a new perspective on your material resources. With the Sun in your sign, you’ll feel empowered to pursue your goals with renewed energy.

Brit + Co


Theme: Creativity and Charisma

This month, reevaluating your social circles and long-term goals takes precedence as the Solar Eclipse prompts reflection on your friendships and aspirations. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde directs your attention to daily routines and health, offering insights into improving your approach to work or self-care. Mercury’s transition into the private sector invites introspection and revisiting past issues. The Full Moon illuminates your creative pursuits and passions, leading to breakthroughs or new inspirations. Venus entering your sign enhances your charm and self-confidence, making it an excellent time to focus on personal appearance and self-expression. The Sun’s presence in your introspective realm encourages deeper self-reflection and clarity.

Brit + Co


Theme: Career and Public Image

Career and public image are highlighted this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts a reassessment of your professional path and ambitions. Consider new strategies to align your career goals with your values. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites reflection on creative projects and personal joys, offering insights into how these fit into your broader life plans. Mercury’s entry into the social sector emphasizes strengthening connections and group dynamics. The Full Moon later in the month focuses on your home and family life, potentially revealing new insights or changes. Venus entering the private sector supports introspection and a deeper connection with your inner self. With the Sun in your social sphere, engage with your community and collaborate on shared goals.

Brit + Co


Theme: Expansion and Beliefs

Exploring new horizons and expanding your beliefs are key themes this month as the Solar Eclipse inspires you to rethink your educational pursuits and perspectives. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde shifts focus to home and family life, prompting you to create a more supportive environment. Mercury’s move into a professional sector clarifies your career goals and public image, helping you tweak your plans. The Full Moon later in the month highlights your local environment and communication, potentially leading to significant revelations. Step into the spotlight — you are ready. Venus entering your social sphere boosts friendships and group activities, encouraging new connections. The Sun’s presence in your career sector emphasizes increased focus on professional ambitions.

Brit + Co


Theme: Finances and Recognition

Expect a transformative month focused on reevaluating your financial and intimate connections as the Solar Eclipse urges you to examine shared resources and personal bonds. Explore how these areas impact your overall direction early in the month and consider any necessary changes. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages you to revisit past communications and learning experiences, clarifying unresolved issues and neglected projects. This is the moment for reflection and refinement — you thrive at this. With Mercury moving into Scorpio, you'll discover broader perspectives and beliefs, gaining valuable intel into your long-term aspirations. As the month progresses, the Full Moon focuses on financial matters, revealing new insights or adjustments in your approach to money and possessions. Venus’s entry into your career sector opens doors for professional advancement and recognition. The Sun’s presence in your exploration sector further motivates you to set ambitious goals and broaden your horizons, driving personal and professional growth.

Want to find out how astrology can be the guiding tool to self-acceptance and fulfillment? Click here and claim your copy of Lumi's Beginner's Astrology Book.

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

After 2 hours worth of coffee runs, approximately 47 minutes of suffering an intense sugar rush, and a spout of indigestion I’ll certainly be regretting later, I’ve found the best PSL— and it's likely not what you think.

Pumpkin spice season started excruciatingly early this year, with chains like Starbucks, Dunkin', and Krispy Kreme popping out with their fall menus starting August 12. Now that fall is finally setting in in my neck of the woods, I don’t feel entirely out of character ordering a PSL. Hence, a taste test was born.

Meredith Holser

I traveled to four of the most popular coffee chains that got ahead of the PSL game this season: Starbucks, Dunkin’, Krispy Kreme, and Dutch Bros. Not only did I set out to find the best-tasting PSL (though taste is a huge factor), I also wanted to see how they measured up in terms of price. Coffee is not always cheap these days! Scroll on to discover the best PSL you can order, according to my taste test.

Meredith Holser


Order: Tall hot PSL

Cost: $5.75

If there’s one thing I can count on from a Starbucks PSL, it’s comfort. Maybe it’s the nostalgia in me, but that first sip is always soothing. Starbucks’ classic PSL is perfectly sweet, but there’s not a ton of spice. I do really enjoy how creamy the pumpkin spice flavor is – likely because they use a thick pumpkin sauce as opposed to a syrup.

I ordered a hot PSL in a tall size for my taste test (because I knew my stomach couldn’t, well, stomach three more standard-sized PSLs), though I wished I had requested a grande. Larger sizes at Starbucks are crafted with more espresso, so I didn’t get a ton of coffee notes from the tall swig that only had one shot. After a solid 5-minute sip session, I have to grant Starbucks’ PSL 3.5/5 stars. The lack of a caffeinated coffee punch and a wild abundance of orange (the drink’s color is quite jarring) left me no choice but to knock off some points.

Meredith Holser


Order: Small hot PSL

Cost: $5.19

Dunkin’s PSL is definitely worth skipping. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a Dunkin’ girly through and through (their Dunkalatte is bangin’), but upon first sip of their PSL, I gagged – I can’t lie. Their PSL is way too sweet and literally just tastes like syrup. Transparently, I tasted a lot more vanilla than pumpkin flavor (and a hint of candle fragrance), which was disappointing, given the drink is literally called Pumpkin Spice Latte.

I felt like I needed to take a big breath and touch grass after drinking it. To top it off, the little espresso I detected the drink tasted very bitter and burnt. For the money I spent, I can definitively say it’s not worth it. It’s gonna be 1/5 stars for me, thanks!

Meredith Holser

Dutch Bros

Order: Small hot PSL

Cost: $4.85

Next on my taste test was Dutch Bros. I don’t often make a beeline to this coffee chain, but I was pretty loyal to them in college (for the Cocomo alone), so my hopes were fairly high. I ordered a small hot PSL – and it was definitely pumpkiny. Concerningly pumpkiny, even. Their pumpkin flavor read more savory than sweet in my opinion, which I think could offer a fun and refreshing sip when you’re tired of downing super-sweet drinks.

At this point in the taste test, I was tweaking hard from all the sugar and caffeine I had consumed, but the depth of flavor with Dutch Bros’ PSL ultimately impressed me. The best part was I wasn’t missing out on the espresso at all! The espresso was extremely prevalent even in the small-sized drink. I’m not sure I would order it again since my nearest Dutch Bros is 20 minutes from home, but it certainly earned my stamp of approval. That’s a 4/5 star rating for you, Dutch.

Meredith Holser

Krispy Kreme

Order: Small hot PSL

Cost: $2.59

I fear that Krispy Kreme is a true underdog when it comes to breakfast and coffee, especially their PSL. Krispy Kreme’s PSL tasted scarily similar to Starbucks, though it wasn’t as devilishly sweet. After sipping on it, I can confidently say I absolutely prefer this less-sweet version. I was honestly so shocked at how good it was – I sat in my car with my jaw dropped for a good moment. For only $2.59, I felt it was too good to be true. The drink was hot, fresh, and flavorful, and the low price made it all the better. Krispy Kreme’s pumpkin flavoring wasn’t extremely in my face, though I still got the pumpkiny effect that’s perfect for the season. If you’re a ride-or-die Starbucks fan, you need to make your way to Krispy Kreme. Trust me. I’m granting it 4.5/5 stars – and we have a winner, baby!

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Eclipse season is upon us once more, and this one promises to be unforgettable. This lunar eclipse in Pisces isn't just another cosmic event — it's a transformative experience that will unveil the hidden depths of our collective psyche and confront us with our unresolved karma. This celestial event will be happening on September 17th at 10:34 pm EST. As the veil between worlds thins, it is a rare opportunity to deeply connect with our personal and collective narratives. This lunar eclipse will extend a chance to dismantle outdated patterns and create a more authentic life path. Curious about what this celestial phenomenon holds for you? Read on to discover how this mystical lunar eclipse will influence your sign and what revelations are in store.

Why This Lunar Eclipse In Pisces Will Be Unforgettable

Cora Pursley

At 25 degrees in Pisces, this lunar eclipse signals a profound shift in our understanding of karmic patterns and personal growth. While full moons typically manifest endings and shifts, lunar eclipses amplify these effects tenfold. What makes this lunar eclipse promising is that we are granted a more straightforward path to review how we have been living our lives these last 18 years. This eclipse presents a powerful opportunity for releasing deeply ingrained negative thought patterns and gaining clarity on the necessary changes within ourselves. Expect a dramatic purging of old tendencies, illuminating the roots of our discontent and offering solutions for healing. Like all super full moons, this eclipse calls for release —embrace the chance to let go and move forward without looking back.

​What to Expect During This Lunar Eclipse

Emily Patnaude

This lunar eclipse will interact with Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, creating a dynamic cosmic landscape. The Moon's square to Jupiter will spark waves of idealism and fantasy, potentially leading to impulsivity. Ground yourself in the heart and soul of your decisions to avoid getting swept away. Meanwhile, the Moon's conjunction with Neptune will offer a chance to see beyond the immediate struggles, encouraging a broader perspective.

As many of us may feel dreamy and detached, grounding practices will be beneficial.

The Moon's supportive aspect of Pluto will help us embrace change and recognize that endings pave the way for new opportunities. Furthermore, the harmonious sextile with Uranus will inspire bold decisions and excitement about the future. If you've been contemplating a major shift in your life, now is the time to act on your heart's desires.

Over the next six months, the path to your ideal life will become clearer.

Though the current energies might feel chaotic, clarity will emerge by late October. For now, resist the urge to start new projects, manifesting practices, or make significant decisions.

Eclipse season is a time for stillness and observation.

The answers you seek will unfold in 2025, and this period of reflection and acceptance will pave the way for powerful changes. To support your journey, engage in a release ritual, energy healing, or sound bath. This is just the beginning — take the time to understand what needs to be done to attract better outcomes in your life.

​Which signs will be most effected during the lunar eclipse?

Cora Pursley

Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini (sun, Moon, or rising) fall within the 20-29 degrees. For the next 18 months, your life will begin to change for the better! Although it may sound daunting, consider this time an opportunity to tap into your main character energy. You are ready.

To learn more about what is in store for your sign during this lunar eclipse, look to your sun, Moon, and rising sign horoscopes for insight.

Horoscopes For The Lunar Eclipse 2024 In Pisces

Brit + Co


Aries, your twelfth house is highlighted, urging you to confront hidden fears and subconscious patterns. Expect endings in old subconscious habits or unresolved emotional issues. Use this time for deep reflection and emotional release. Seek solitude through journaling or meditation to uncover and heal inner wounds. This clarity will help you shed outdated patterns and set new intentions for your future. Trust the process of letting go, as it leads to profound personal growth and a more authentic, empowered self.

Brit + Co


Taurus, the focus is on your eleventh house of social networks and aspirations. Significant changes are likely in friendships or group dynamics that no longer align with your true self. Evaluate and release toxic relationships or misaligned goals. Reflect on your social circles and their support of your authentic desires. Use this time to set new intentions for meaningful connections and pursuits. Allow these shifts to renew your personal growth and align with your core values.

Brit + Co


Gemini, your tenth house of career and public life is illuminated. Prepare for notable endings or adjustments in your professional path or public image. Outdated ambitions or roles may come to light, revealing what no longer serves you. Reassess your career goals and release any expectations that no longer fit. Engage in self-reflection to set new, authentic career intentions. This transformative period will help you align your professional life with your core values, leading to a more fulfilling career.

Brit + Co


Cancer, attention turns to your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and beliefs. Major shifts may occur in your philosophical outlook or educational pursuits. Letting go of outdated beliefs or goals that no longer resonate with your true self might be necessary. Use this time for introspection to reassess your values and long-term aspirations. Seek new perspectives and release limiting ideologies. Set fresh intentions for personal growth and exploration, aligning with your core values for a more fulfilling journey.

Brit + Co


Leo, expect significant changes in your eighth house of transformation and shared resources. Endings may arise in financial partnerships or intimate relationships that no longer support your growth. Necessary adjustments in power dynamics or emotional patterns may become evident. Address and process deep-seated issues or financial constraints. Utilize this opportunity for introspection to transform your approach to shared resources and personal power. Set new intentions for empowerment and renewal, fostering stronger, more supportive connections.

Brit + Co


Virgo, the focus is on your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. Significant endings may occur in your one-on-one connections that no longer align with your true needs. Insights into issues within your partnerships may prompt a reevaluation of relationship dynamics. Understand and address these relational patterns. Let go of connections that no longer serve you, and use this time for introspection. Set new intentions for creating balanced and empowering relationships.

Brit + Co


Libra, changes are coming to your sixth house of daily routines, work, and health. Significant adjustments may be needed in your job, habits, or wellness practices. Inefficiencies or health issues may come to light, requiring your attention. Assess and release outdated routines or unhealthy patterns. Make meaningful changes to your work-life balance and self-care practices. Set new, healthier routines and work goals that support your well-being, creating a more balanced and fulfilling daily life.

Brit + Co


Scorpio, your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, is under the spotlight. Expect significant endings in creative projects, romantic relationships, or personal interests that no longer resonate with your passions. This period may reveal what needs to be released to welcome new forms of joy. Reflect on these aspects of your life and let go of what no longer inspires you. Set new intentions for creative pursuits and romance, exploring fresh, authentic expressions of joy and individuality.

Brit + Co


Sagittarius, the spotlight is on your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. Significant changes are likely in your living situation, family dynamics, or deep-seated emotional patterns. Clarity may emerge about what needs to be released for emotional stability. Address past familial issues or outdated home environments. Use this time for introspection and set new intentions for a supportive and nurturing home life. Welcome these changes to align with your emotional well-being and build a more harmonious domestic environment.

Brit + Co


Capricorn, attention shifts to your third house of communication, learning, and local connections. Expect significant changes in how you express yourself, your educational pursuits, or your interactions with your immediate surroundings. Outdated thought patterns or communication methods may come to light. Evaluate and release limiting beliefs or strained relationships. Use this time for deep reflection and set new intentions for clearer, more authentic communication. This transformative period will provide renewed mental clarity and more meaningful connections.

Brit + Co


Aquarius, your second house of finances, values, and self-worth is highlighted. Major endings are expected to be related to your financial situation or personal values. Outdated beliefs about money or self-esteem may need addressing. Review your financial habits and core values, letting go of what no longer serves your growth. Use this transformative period to reassess your financial goals and rebuild your self-worth. Set new intentions for stability and empowerment, aligning your resources and values with your true aspirations.

Brit + Co


Pisces, this lunar eclipse will be the starting point of a powerful change associated with your self and identity. With your first house activated, expect significant shifts in how you present yourself or your self-image. This eclipse may prompt a profound reevaluation of your identity and how you wish to be seen. Release old identities or behaviors that no longer reflect your true self. Use this time for deep self-reflection and renewal. Set new intentions for personal growth and self-expression, taking advantage of this transformative period to realign with your authentic desires and aspirations.

Want to learn more about this auspicious Lunar Eclipse? Join Lumi LIVE on September 15th for an insightful astrology event held remotely! She will dive into the Lunar Eclipse's impact on each zodiac sign and experience a sound bowl healing session to help you realign and recharge. Don't miss this chance to connect with the cosmos and yourself. Click this link to learn more!

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to submit your questions to Ask Lumi here!

Header image via Brit + Co

Upon scrolling through H&M's countless new arrivals, I found some of the greatest dresses that I couldn't wait to share! This season is seriously good — there are so many on-trend, good quality, affordable pieces that are ideal for every occasion this fall. So after scrolling through the hundreds of options, I narrowed it down to 13 perfect fall dresses that are sure to be your new fave outfits this autumn. Get ready to hit 'add to cart' because you won't be able to resist these flattering, trendy items!


Knit Sweater Dress

A basic, knit dress is a staple that will carry you through the fall season given all the various ways to style it! One of my favorite looks for a dress like this is to pair it with knee high boots and a thick, wool trench coat! This one will be sure to make you look like a chic, cold-weather style icon! Love this one!


Long Chiffon Dress

Bring on the boho chic fall — I'm all about it! I can't wait to buy dresses like this to live out my ethereal, fall dreams! This dress is whimsical, but it doesn't feel too out there to wear to dinner with your in-laws! I love the neutral color, paired with the flowing sleeves and cut. Definitely will be a popular pick this season!


V Neck Dress

Everything about this look screams fall to me, from the unique floral pattern to the flowy boho sleeves to the overall fit itself. I can already see it on Pinterest paired with the perfect knee high boots and socks. Definitely grab this one if you're wanting to go for that effortless, chic look!

This dress quickly sold out, so be sure to sign up for restock notifications!


Burgundy Mini Dress

This burgundy mini dress is a great example of how fall style does not have to be boring or one-note! You can play with the typical autumnal color palette through textures, prints, and interesting designs. This dress has a busy print that is super fun, and it allows you to go simple with the accessories, yet still make a statement! Not into this particular pattern? There are three others to choose from to suit your needs!


Embroidered Dress

Another gorgeous boho look, but mini style! The puff sleeves give off an airy vibe, and the embroidery add a subtle unique element to the design. If you really wanna double down on the western vibes that are so boho adjacent, I love this dress styled with some cowboy boots, similar to the above look!


Tie-Belt Dress

Nothing says "fall" like a classic shirt dress! These are a great go-to when you've gotta get ready for work in a snap, or for when you're bopping from the farmer's market to brunch with the girls. A shirt dress like this is truly so versatile, and super flattering! This earthy green tone is essential for your fall wardrobe this year, so be sure to grab it ASAP!


Red Knit Dress

Red is the "it" color of the season — specifically, this bright, ruby red color. So, if you're looking to make a statement, then opt for this striking red knit dress, and make sure to accessorize with some chunky jewelry as shown above! Already adding this one to cart as we speak!


Tie-Belt Crêpe Dress

Again, I just love an autumnal floral pattern! This dusty blue color paired with the lovely flowers on the flowy maxi silhouette are stylish and airy and exactly what you need for the boho chic fall look! Plus, the tie waist is so flattering, giving a nice shape to this loose style.


Boucle Jacket Dress

Did someone say, "Tom Ford-era Gucci" — because this is definitely it! This kind of boucle dress that gives off a jacket vibe is just the style I'm going for this fall! Plus, the burgundy bag shown above is a great cheaper alternative to a lot of Gucci's newest arrivals! I plan styling this one with some heeled slingbacks for a sophisticated look this season!


Fine Knit Dress

French girl fall is always in style, and I can't wait to recreate some inspired looks for the aesthetic! Starting off with this collared knit dress here, I would style it with the quintessential French shoe: heeled Mary Janes! Make sure to add some French girl beauty products for the full look!

This dress quickly sold out, so be sure to sign up for restock notifications!


Rib Knit Dress

In case you're wanting to invest in some classic, staples for the fall, this knit green dress is just for you! Knit dresses are a daily essential for me in the fall — they can take me straight from work, to a night out, or a casual dinner at a restaurant. They're extremely versatile, and very comfortable to wear; even all day!


V Neck Dress

I'm loving all things burgundy this season, and this dress caught my eye for the luxe style and shape of the dress. It has a beautiful cut that hugs the body, and gold detailing at the shoulders for a high-end look that will have people thinking it's way more expensive than it is. This is sure to be your new date night dress — and even makes for a great wedding guest dress! — for the coming months!

This dress quickly sold out, so be sure to sign up for restock notifications!


Sheer Tie Neck Dress

Obvi, we had to add another bohemian option since it's so in style right now. This dusty blue color is really love is for the season, too — perfectly breaking up the reds and clays and burnt oranges you've already stocked up on. I love this dress styled with black boots like above. I honestly can't wait to start incorporating these boho vibes into my wardrobe all season long!

This dress quickly sold out, so be sure to sign up for restock notifications!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations

Think of the most quotable movies you know, and there's a good chance The Devil Wears Prada makes the list. Meryl Streep's Miranda Priestly is just that iconic. The Academy Award-winning actress perfected the movie's balance of biting edge, style, and hidden vulnerability to create a character that is one in a million — and it looks like we could see even more of her thanks to a new The Devil Wears Prada sequel in the works!

News of the sequel first broke in July 2024, right after Emily Blunt actually said the cast would be "good" without a sequel and simply cherishing the first movie. Well it looks like we need to head back into our closets for all the cerulean belts and Chanel boots we can find. Here's everything you need to know about The Devil Wears Prada 2!

Is the original cast returning for The Devil Wears Prada sequel?

MJ Kim/Getty Images

While both Emily Blunt and Anne Hathaway have agreed in the past that it makes sense for Andy's story to end with the first movie, Emily recently teased her return during the American Institute for Stuttering Gala on September 16. “It’s cool,” she tells People.

“I just wanna get some good eye makeup going again,” she continues, before joking that maybe her character Emily will come down with another stomach flu. “I’m hoping for that.”

Anne, however, isn't sure what the story would look like in the modern digital age. “I don’t know if there can be [a sequel],” she said on a 2022 episode of The View (via Deadline). “I just think that movie was in a different era. Now everything’s gone so digital and that movie is centered around the concept of producing a physical thing and it’s just, it’s just very different.”

“Sometimes things should be cherished and preserved in this bubble and it’s okay,” Emily Blunt told Josh Horowitz in February 2024 (via People).

Is there The Devil Wears Prada 2?

20th Century Fox/Disney

Yes, it looks like we're finally getting a The Devil Wears Prada sequel! The original movie came out in 2006, and fans have hoped for another installment ever since Andy ditched Miranda in Paris.

The OG movie's screenwriter Aline Brosh McKenna is reportedly back for round 2, as is director David Frankel and producer Wendy Finerman, according to Deadline.

What book is the sequel to Devil Wears Prada?


The second The Devil Wears Prada book is called Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns — and there's a good chance this will become the second The Devil Wears Prada movie! The book follows Andy, who's finally at the top of her game. She's a successful magazine editor, she's engaged, and her relationship with Emily is better than ever. But when Miranda Priestly makes a grand return, she flips Andy's life upside down...again.

Stay tuned for more news on The Devil Wears Prada sequel and read up on This Deleted Scene from The Devil Wears Prada Will Completely Change the Way You See Miranda Priestly for more.

Brit+Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.