Your Weekly Horoscope For July 1-7 Is All About Luck And Love

weekly horoscope

Your first weekly horoscope for July is in, and there's a lot of good stuff coming your way! As we dive deeper into the warm embrace of Cancer season, it's time to bask in the celestial glow of Venus cruising through the sign of the Crab. This week isn't just about soaking up the sun; it's a cosmic invitation to delve into what truly lights up our hearts and brings us joy.

Whether planning beach getaways with friends, cozying up with a loved one for a movie night, or simply relishing some solo time under the stars, this is your time to shine. So, grab your sunglasses, pull out your favorite summer playlist, and let's continue to venture on this path of self-discovery and joy. Let the warmth of the season and the guiding light of Venus lead you to moments that fill your heart to the brim.

With that in mind, here's what all you can expect in your weekly horoscope!

Weekly Horoscope Themes For July 1-7

Tanya Staton

This week presents opportunities to explore our relationships and things that bring happiness. The love planet Venus is in the sign of Cancer, and it will be our guiding celestial body, shedding light on where we are in our journey regarding relationships and emotional security. Like last week, the best course in navigating Cancer season is to align primarily with your heart and intuition to help narrow down the root of your needs.

Listen carefully before reacting.

We begin the week by focusing on deepening our emotional connections and commitments, as Venus is in sextile with Juno on July 1. If you are in a relationship, your union will turn toward harmony as you engage in heartfelt discussions while factoring in compassion for past misunderstandings. If you're not in a relationship and need to make amends with anyone else who pulls your heartstrings, you can get to the source of your disconnect. If this isn't possible, write a letter, journal, or meditate on what you desire to release to attract peace.

Energetically, you will experience a breakthrough in your love story as you open your heart.

The veil begins to lift as Neptune's retrograde starts on July 2. It will remain in this backspin motion until December 7. You are encouraged to reflect on your spiritual beliefs and intentions in life. Slow down and assess your approach to living your authentic self while becoming aligned with your soul. This retrograde period also invites you to reassess your dreams and bring the truth to light regarding unresolved matters. On the same day, Mercury enters Leo, infusing you with the ability to articulate your ideas with confidence and charisma. If you're also in need of star power in your relationship, this day will fully support you if you wish to initiate a conversation regarding structure and intention with Venus in trine to Saturn. Prioritize your responsibilities while narrowing down what's needed to create stability in your love life. It will also be favorable to solidify your bonds and make practical investments.

On July 3, be mindful of intense communications and power struggles as Mercury opposes Pluto. This aspect may bring hidden tensions to the surface, urging you to navigate through deep psychological insights and potential conflicts. Then, the New Moon in Cancer on July 5 marks a powerful new beginning in matters of home, family, and emotional security. Set intentions for nurturing relationships and creating a supportive environment for personal growth. Factor intuition and perform a manifestation ritual involving what you desire within your emotional security.

Healing in relationships takes center stage on July 6 with Venus square Chiron. This planetary duo highlights vulnerabilities and past wounds, encouraging you to hold a compassionate space for yourself and others. This day will show how to step into your self-acceptance regarding unresolved issues. Let go and believe in your light as you focus on the good you have done solo or in a partnership. Observe your relationship dynamics with empathy and openness to facilitate healing and growth. July 7 brings surprises and opportunities for excitement in both love and creativity with Venus sextile Uranus. Expect a flash of insight or inspiration that will ignite innovation and spontaneity in your relationships and artistic endeavors. Mercury sextile Jupiter on the same day will boost your mental agility, bringing optimism and positive communication. This aspect supports learning, travel, and sharing ideas, making it an excellent time for broadening your perspective and seeking new opportunities. Overall, this week invites deep emotional insights, healing in relationships, and expansive growth in creativity and communication. Stay open to new experiences and embrace the transformative energies at play.

Key Transits This Week

Claire Craig

  • 7/1 Venus sextile Juno
  • 7/2 Neptune Retrograde, Mercury enters Leo, Venus trine Saturn
  • 7/3 Mercury opposite Pluto
  • 7/5 New Moon in Cancer
  • 7/6 Venus square Chiron
  • 7/7 Venus sextile Uranus, Mercury sextile Jupiter

Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope

Paula Sotomayor

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Prepare to set your priorities in order, Aries. This week, you can strengthen your family bonds and find security in your home life. Mercury's shift into Leo will power up your creativity and stimulate endless sweet nothings with your beloved. Rekindling the fire in your love life will begin as you solidify your terms. Midweek, be mindful of your choice of words or messages when Mercury opposes Pluto. Be the observer in this scenario and avoid jumping to conclusions. Then, the New Moon in Cancer will open a new chapter for you that invites intentions for nurturing domestic harmony and emotional well-being. This cosmic event will seal the deal of powering up your manifestation game when you set a new and intentional path involving your emotional comfort and security.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Expect to be a busybody this week, Taurus. This is your time to focus on your genuine connections while powering up your self-expression. As Venus textiles Juno, your social calendar will be filled, or you will experience fun-filled conversations with friends or siblings as Venus sextiles Juno. If single, go to a local fair or singles event – it can be your lucky week to make a connection. As Neptune retrograde happens, this is your time to reflect on your aspirations and to get involved with the community. Focus on service to get inspired. Make practical decisions regarding your spending and learn how to budget for your future when Venus trines Saturn. The New Moon in Cancer prompts fresh starts in learning new skills or communication ventures.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

What does security mean for you, Gemini? Your focus this week will be on how you can claim financial stability while powering up your self-worth. Venus sextile Juno encourages discussions and investments, ensuring security in your material resources. Name your terms. Reflect on your personal beliefs and communication style as Neptune retrogrades, scoping your ideas with philosophical ideals and enhancing self-expression. It is time to accept the life you have built and analyze what needs to change. As Venus trines Saturn this week, you will make sense of your past ideas and be able to utilize them for financial gain. Revisit the root of your passions to help you get started. As an extra boost to your future venture, the New Moon in Cancer initiates a new path for you to pursue stability while gaining confidence in pursuing your goals that align with your heart.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Your birthday month continues, Cancer! Who do you want to be? The early part of the week will grant you cosmic stardust to help you express your true self while nurturing your emotional well-being. As Venus sextiles Juno, your charisma will level up, and your connections will deepen with your local connections. Your voice will strengthen as you communicate from a heartfelt space. The Neptune retrograde will reset your approach to life and help you reignite your sacred self. Begin a meditation practice, go to a sacred place, or start setting goals that involve travel or enhanced study. You also turn over a new leaf as the New Moon shines in your sign, igniting a fresh start in your personal growth and confidence. Believe in your light, and know you shine even stronger as you remain open and receptive to the Universe

Ajaila Walker

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Are you ready to roar loud and proud, Leo? This week will be cathartic regarding how you approach your unhealed insecurities as Venus sextiles Juno, and your intuition and connectedness to the Universe will magnify. You will understand the root of what needs healing and acceptance. Mercury's presence in your sign will power up your voice and grant you the confidence you need to pursue your dreams. The Neptune retrograde upgrades your understanding of how your energy works. Begin your process of inner work or self-care practices that involve vulnerability and energy work. The New Moon in Cancer infuses renewal into your dreams and subconscious realms. Slow down and become selective in how you extend your energy. Know and fall in love with yourself again.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Are you in love, Virgo? Get ready to open your heart and deepen your connections. It's time to ignite the spark back into your life, and it all begins from the inside. Venus sextile Juno will grant you the space to build solidity in your connections with friends and networks. This week will be golden as you take a chance. A Neptune retrograde in your relationship sector will lift the veil regarding your commitments with partners. Truthful exchanges lead to progression in your story. If you feel stagnancy regarding your aspirations, things will change as the New Moon in Cancer revamps your vitality to pursue your goals. Like a boss, step out of your comfort zone and try a new approach to attract the desired changes.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Get ready to witness a paradigm shift, Libra. Expect to feel magnetic and inspired to take on challenges that will get you one step closer to your goals. Your love planet, Venus, in sextile with Juno, will revamp your profession and elevate you to a different status. As Neptune retrograde begins, it prompts you to slow down and review your daily routines and working environment. What needs to change? As you cater to your mind, body, and spiritual needs, you will witness positive changes in your life. Luckily, the New Moon in Cancer will spark a fresh opportunity in your career. It's time to launch a project, extend a pitch, or step into a more defined position. You are ready.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Do you believe in magic, Scorpio? This week, witness the quintessential upgrades in your connectedness to life and love. Whatever you set your eyes on, your life will begin to pan out better. Venus sextile Juno will extend support and authentic connections with friends or networks. Reach out and express your passions. Neptune retrograde will slow down your processes and enable you to see clearly what you truly desire in love and creative pursuits. Still yourself and observe your inner world to help clear out any unresolved dealings. A new wave of inspiration awaits regarding your personal development and self-improvement. The New Moon in Cancer will empower you to elevate your life by exploring new paths of spirituality and approaches to life. Step out of the mundane, open your heart, and explore the unknown.

Carla Candace

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Wearing your heart on your sleeve isn't your kryptonite, Sagittarius. It is your strength and outlet in forming bonds with others. This week will extend an open window for you to deepen connections with those who genuinely care for your well-being. Venus sextile Juno will extend its support for you to name your terms with authority figures, and by truthfully expressing your needs, it will lead to promotional opportunities or knowing where you stand in your career. Build your case. Neptune retrograde marks the beginning of you retracing your family connections, reflecting on emotional wounds, and rebuilding your sense of self. The New Moon in Cancer will let you focus on your inner needs and root down your intentions moving forward.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Lost in translation lately, Capricorn? The good news is that this week, you will have the opportunity to clear the air or hash it out with those you are wondering about. Mercury in Leo will grant cosmic support to you to narrow down the details of what has been confusing you about intimacy or resources. Allow your intuition to be your guide. Neptune retrograde will allow you to slow down your mental processes and help you connect with receptive messages from the Universe. Anything that has been hovering in your imagination will be retrieved seamlessly. Start writing or begin an artistic endeavor to consolidate results. The New Moon in Cancer grants you the chance to turn over a new leaf in committed partnerships. Focus on harmony and integrate empathy in the course of your new chapter.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

If only people can get inside your head and keep up with your brilliance, Aquarius. You will have to fly solo this week and keep doing you. Venus sextile Juno will power up your productivity and ability to strategize your long-term plans, financially or romantically. Take notes about your plans and share them with those you can trust later. Things are about to get interesting as Neptune retrograde will compel you to dial down your spending habits and break free from illusions such as materialism. Focus on the bigger picture and avoid divulging into frivolity. The New Moon in Cancer extends a new approach to your health and daily routines. Now is your chance to begin a wellness goal and rebalance your approach to life.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Are you ready to take a chance on your heart, Pisces? This week is brimming with signs from the Universe that you have the green light to focus on your desires. As Venus sexiles Juno, your dreams become the source of your strength, and you hold the key to making it happen. It all begins in a single word or step. Neptune retrograde in your sign will enable you to be the channel of your life decisions while helping you face your fears involving who you are and your plans. The New Moon in Cancer initiates new beginnings in your creative endeavors or love story, hinting you to factor in your joy as the source behind your motivation. You have come so far in your journey, and remind yourself that you deserve all the happiness in the world and more. Believe.

Looking for your own astrology advice? Submit your questions for Ask Lumi here!

Header image by Madison Hoopman

Hello, summer — it's been a while! As July approaches, it's time to dig into your horoscopes and all the exciting things you can expect this season. Energy abounds as you take in the pitter-patter of little ones and all their activities around the house, sip that new bubble tea from Starbucks, or ache for first dates and a fiery summer romance.

As Cancer season continues, it's a period for inner work, connecting intimately with loved ones — and most importantly, self-love. Exploring your ancestral roots, or deepening the bonds with family is the key to feeling at home this season. As you master these themes, you will feel more happy and at ease with yourself than ever.

With that in mind, here's what you can expect in your July horoscopes for 2024.

​Astrology Overview For Your July Horoscopes For 2024

Photo by Callie Bisset

This month, prepare for a passion-filled, fiery, and straightforward journey. The excitement starts with Mercury, as it enters the sign of Leo, promising zesty conversations. Brace yourself for interactions that can be either amicable or off the rails, as it may reveal a tone of self-centeredness if our egos are left unchecked. The new moon in Cancer will be a powerful moment for healing, revitalizing our hearts, and stepping on a new path involving our love story. Then, Pallas, the asteroid of strategy and achievement, goes direct in the Scorpio sign, offering us a chance to unravel the mysteries of situations and people and make informed future decisions.

Love and passion will then be on the radar as Venus enters Leo, and our creativity will flow seamlessly as we align with our confidence and vision.

Mars enters Gemini during the second half of July, infusing us with inspiration and an openness to trying new approaches to our goals. The full moon will then phase into Capricorn (again!), granting us the complete scope of all that we have built so far in our journey since the new year. Then, the Sun enters Leo, propelling us to explore our true happiness and fulfillment – romantically or personally. We will then become more pragmatic in our thought process when Mercury enters Virgo. Our ideas and ways of communicating our principles will be methodical and solid. July will conclude with Chiron retrograde, allowing us to review our past wounds and receive clarity on what is holding us back from healing.

Key Astrology Dates For Your July Horoscopes In 2024

Photo by Spencer Wirkkala

  • 7/3 Mercury enters Leo
  • 7/5 New Moon in Cancer
  • 7/9 Pallas stations Direct
  • 7/11 Venus enters Leo
  • 7/20 Mars enters Gemini
  • 7/21 Full Moon in Capricorn
  • 7/22 Sun enters Leo
  • 7/25 Mercury enters Virgo
  • 7/26 Chiron Retrograde

​An In-Depth Look At The Astrology For Your July Horoscopes In 2024

Photo by Alex Rusciano

July is an eventful month, filled with opportunities to ignite your passions and dive deep into self-reflection and reorientation. Here's a look at the key astrological events that will shape your journey this month:

On July 3, Mercury enters Leo, infusing your communication with confidence and creativity. It's a time to express your ideas boldly and with flair. Don't hold back — allow your charisma to shine through in every conversation.

The new moon in Cancer on July 5 offers a fresh start, especially in home and family matters. Set your intentions for nurturing and emotional security. Whether reconnecting with loved ones or creating a sanctuary at home, focus on what makes you feel safe and cherished.

July 9 brings the asteroid Pallas direct, clearing any mental fog and sharpening your strategic thinking. When you've been sitting on plans or ideas, now is the time to act. Use this clarity to tackle challenges through a different approach.

Then, the love planet Venus enters Leo on July 11, turning up the heat on romance and self-expression. This is the perfect moment to pursue your passions and indulge in life's pleasures. Plan a special date, dive into a creative project, or treat yourself — you deserve it.

For the second half of July, the war and motivator planet Mars enters Gemini on July 20, sparking curiosity and a surge of mental energy. Romantically, expect the conversations to flow with endless flirtation and fun. This celestial event encourages you to explore new ideas and take on multiple projects. You can engage in stimulating discussions and let your curiosity guide you, but be careful not to overextend yourself.

The full moon in Capricorn on July 21 will turn our attention to our goals and achievements. This is a great time to take a step back and assess where you stand. What needs reinforcing? What might you need to let go of? Use Capricorn's disciplined energy to commit to your long-term dreams with a clear and realistic approach.

Expect a second wind of fun and playfulness starting on July 22, marking the beginning of Leo season as the Sun moves into this vibrant sign. Welcome this period of passion and self-expression. This is the season to shine and showcase your unique talents. To embody the lion sign, celebrate yourself and level your confidence.

Get ready to fine-tune your thoughts and ideas as the messenger planet Mercury enters Virgo on July 25, granting you tangible results. This is a great time to organize your thoughts, plan meticulously, and refine your communication skills. Let your practical side take charge and guide you through any tasks.

This month concludes with Chiron retrograde beginning on July 26. These next few months will encourage reflection, addressing past wounds, and embracing your healing journey. Take this time to understand yourself better, grow with compassion, and begin your inner work that involves taking ownership of your life.

​Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your 2024 July Horoscopes



Step into your complete metamorphosis, Aries. Mercury and Venus are moving into Leo, and your 5th house will light up with passion and endless creativity. Expect your love life to feel more playful and exciting while your projects thrive. The new moon in Cancer signals a fresh start in your home life, encouraging you to create a cozy and secure environment. As Mars enters Gemini, your 3rd house will buzz with lively conversations and new ideas. It's a great time to network and share your thoughts, but focus on what excites you. The full moon in Capricorn highlights your 10th house, prompting you to review your career goals and giving you the perfect moment to launch any projects you've been working on. Lastly, with Chiron going retrograde in Aries, take this time for deep self-reflection and healing. Address any self-doubt and work on overcoming imposter syndrome, allowing yourself to move forward confidently. Over the next several months, embrace these changes and let them guide you toward a more fulfilled and empowered version of yourself.



Get ready to witness the shifts involving your home life, finances, and personal beliefs, Taurus. With Mercury and Venus lighting up Leo in your 4th house, your focus turns to family bonds and creating a cozy home atmosphere everyone enjoys. It's a perfect time to redecorate or host gatherings that bring joy. The new moon in Cancer energizes your 3rd house, sparking fresh ideas and deeper connections with your immediate surroundings. Use this time to communicate openly, start new projects, or reconnect with neighbors and friends nearby. Mars moving into Gemini amps up your 2nd house of finances, offering opportunities for increased income but reminding you to budget wisely and resist impulse buys. The full moon in Capricorn shines a light on your 9th house, urging you to review your beliefs and philosophical outlook. Consider letting go of old beliefs or finishing educational pursuits. With Chiron retrograde in your 12th house, delve into inner healing, addressing past hurts, and understanding your dreams for personal growth. Embrace these shifts for a more grounded and empowered you.



This month, Gemini brings change and growth in your ideas, communication, and immediate surroundings as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 3rd house. Get ready for lively conversations and new creative inspirations that energize your daily interactions. The new moon in Cancer lights up your 2nd house, signaling a fresh start in finances. It's a great time to focus on budgeting, increasing income opportunities, or investing wisely for future stability. With Mars entering Gemini in your 1st house, you'll feel a boost of confidence and assertiveness. Use this star power to pursue personal goals and assert your needs. The full moon in Capricorn highlights your 8th house, prompting a review of joint finances or intimate relationships. It's a time to release old habits and deepen trust in partnerships. With Chiron retrograde in your 11th house, focus on healing within friendships, networks, and long-term aspirations. Reflect on past dynamics and nurture connections that align with your growth. Embrace these opportunities for personal evolution and building stronger, more meaningful bonds.



HBD Cancer, your month's focus turns inward towards your closest relationships. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 2nd house, expect a positive shift in your finances and a boost in self-esteem. You'll feel more secure about your financial situation and confident in managing money wisely. The new moon in Cancer lights up your 1st house, signaling a fresh start in self-expression and personal growth. This is the period to embrace your true self and step forward with renewed confidence in all areas of life. Meanwhile, Mars entering Gemini in your 12th house stirs your dreams and intuition, urging you to reflect deeply on subconscious patterns and avoid rushing into major decisions. Take time to understand your inner motivations before making any big moves. The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 7th house, prompting a review of partnerships. Evaluate the foundations of your personal and professional relationships and ensure they support your emotional and practical needs. With Chiron retrograde in your 10th house, focus on healing aspects of your career direction, leadership skills, and a sense of purpose. This introspective period offers opportunities to grow professionally and refine your ambitions. Use these cosmic influences to nurture your personal and professional goals with authenticity and resilience.



Get ready to turn up your solar radiance this month, Leo. It all begins with accepting your true self and stepping into your power. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 1st house, you'll embody confidence and attract opportunities as you express your authentic self without filters. It's your time to shine brightly and seize the spotlight. The new moon in Cancer in your 12th house initiates a phase of inner reflection and renewal, encouraging you to let go of subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you. Take this opportunity to clear your emotional baggage and embrace a fresh start from within. Mars entering Gemini in your 11th house sparks energy in your social circles and networks, igniting your outreach efforts and inspiring ambitious dreams. You can connect with like-minded individuals and pursue collaborative ventures that align with your aspirations. The full moon in Capricorn in your 6th house prompts a review of your daily routines and health habits. Focus on self-care and establish mindful practices supporting your well-being to increase your confidence even more. With Chiron retrograde in your 9th house, it's time to heal and expand your beliefs. Let go of old methodologies that no longer resonate and embrace processes that uplift and align with your inner growth journey.



This month, Virgo encourages introspection and growth. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 12th house, it's a perfect time to slow down and sift through your inner world, exploring your imagination and subconscious.The new moon in Cancer in your 11th house breathes new life into your social circles and long-term goals. Reach out to old friends, network, and revive aspirations that inspire you. Mars entering Gemini energizes your 10th house, stimulating your career direction with confidence and assertiveness. You can use this cosmic support to express your terms and advance your professional goals, but be careful about tempers or heated arguments. The full moon in Capricorn in your 5th house highlights your romantic connections and creative projects, clarifying what you've built and what needs refinement. Reflect on your progress and make adjustments to strengthen these areas. With Chiron retrograde in your 8th house, focus on healing your inner fears and insecurities. Engaging in inner work and energy healing will help you find the silver lining and attract serendipitous experiences.



Get ready to witness your dreams come to fruition this month, Libra. July brings vibrant energy to your professional and personal life. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 11th house, your professional networks light up, allowing you to shine your gifts and collaborate effectively. The new moon in Cancer in your 10th house boosts your career direction, encouraging you to take more responsibility and align with your long-term goals. Mars entering Gemini energizes your 9th house, inspiring you to broadcast your talents and engage with international pursuits. This may prompt travel plans or collaborations with people from different backgrounds, adding excitement to your life and ventures. The full moon in Capricorn in your 4th house prompts a review of your home life and family dynamics. You'll better understand your family structures and find the space to express your emotional needs. With Chiron retrograde in your 7th house, focus on healing partnerships and connections with others. This period offers the opportunity to address past unresolved issues, providing a healing balm to either mend relationships or move on.



July focuses on your work, dreams, and inner life, Scorpio. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 10th house, you'll feel confident sharing your gifts and pursuing your professional dreams. This is a prime time to launch new projects, name your terms, and implement your ambitions. The new moon in Cancer will phase your 9th house, inspiring you to follow a path that aligns with your passions and beliefs. Mars entering Gemini in your 8th house urges you to slow down and engage in deep inner work. Unresolved issues may surface, offering a chance for profound personal growth. This transit also spices up your intimate relationships, allowing deeper connections with your partner. The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your 3rd house, empowering you to vocalize a long-building message and revisit relationships with immediate family. Reflect on your communication patterns and the structures of your daily interactions to move forward more effectively. Finally, with Chiron retrograde in your 6th house, focus on healing your mind, body, and spirit. Listen to your body's needs and prioritize self-care to live more optimally and maintain balance in your daily life.



You're in for a transformative journey of self-discovery and deep connections, Sagittarius. With Mercury and Venus entering Leo in your 9th house, your beliefs and higher self are set to flourish. Expect breakthroughs as you engage your mind and share your insights through broadcasting, writing, or teaching. The new moon in Cancer lights up your 8th house, urging introspection and nurturing intimate bonds; tapping into your heart center will guide your next steps. Mars moves into Gemini in your 7th house, sparking lively interactions with partners or colleagues—remember to listen as much as you speak to avoid misunderstandings. The full moon in Capricorn in your 2nd house marks closure on past financial matters, paving the way for a renewed sense of self-worth. As a result, Chiron retrogrades in your 5th house, prompting healing in creative blocks and matters of the heart. Embrace the purity of your passions for profound inner healing and growth. This month invites you to align deeply with your beliefs and emotions, guiding you toward clarity and empowerment.



This July brings a reflective journey as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 8th house, prompting you to delve into the depths of your financial dealings and intimate connections. Take this time to review and recalibrate, ensuring shared resources align harmoniously. The new moon in Cancer in your 7th house signals a fresh start in partnerships. Invest in mutual understanding and emotional connection to strengthen commitments. Mars in Gemini energizes your 6th house, boosting vitality at work, but be mindful of workplace gossip; focus on productive service instead. The full moon in Capricorn in your 1st house marks a personal milestone. Celebrate your growth, reconcile with your past, and move forward confidently. The asteroid Chiron retrograde in your 4th house calls for healing family wounds and fortifying your home base. Retreat inward, mend what needs mending, and lay solid foundations for your life's direction. Embrace this introspective phase to nurture your inner world and thrive.



This month promises a dynamic interplay of energies as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 7th house, igniting passion and creativity in your partnerships. Embrace this fiery influence to enhance connections and commit to ventures that reflect your unique identity. The new moon in Cancer in your 6th house brings awareness regarding your health and daily routines. Seize this opportunity to revamp work productivity and integrate sacred practices into your life to ensure balance. Mars enters Gemini in your 5th house, infusing romance and creativity with excitement. Plan social outings or indulge in creative projects to nurture these areas of your life. The full moon in Capricorn in your 12th house illuminates your subconscious, clarifying your life direction and patterns. Embrace closure by accepting the past and moving forward with acceptance and understanding. Meanwhile, Chiron retrograde in your 3rd house prompts healing around communication and self-expression. Strengthen your voice and believe in your ideas to confidently shape your vision.



Dear Pisces, July brings transformative energies as Mercury and Venus enter Leo in your 6th house, inspiring you to beautify your physical appearance and daily environment. Embrace a new health regimen and consider sprucing up your workspace to boost confidence. The new moon in Cancer in your 5th house heralds a time of creativity and self-expression. Take charge of your dreams and nurture romantic connections by prioritizing your authentic needs. Mars enters Gemini in your 4th house, stirring movement in your home life. Whether you're considering renovations or a change of residence, reflect on these foundational shifts before committing. The full moon in Capricorn in your 11th house signals closure in friendships or social circles. Use your energy wisely and avoid settling to prevent conflicts. In these next several months, Chiron retrograde in your 2nd house invites healing around finances and self-worth. Explore past patterns and family influences to uncover core wounds affecting your relationship with money. This introspective journey will empower you to redefine your values and cultivate a healthier financial mindset. This period of inner exploration will lay solid foundations for future abundance and personal fulfillment.

Want to find out how astrology can be the guiding tool to self-acceptance and fulfillment? Click here and claim your copy of Lumi's Beginner's Astrology Book.

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

Header image by Spencer Wirkkala

I enjoy every single aspect of a vacation: planning, packing, even the journey itself. But there are few things I love more than settling into a flight with my favorite snacks and a movie. Figuring out exactly what to watch can feel like a hassle when there are dozens of movies to pick from, which is exactly why the Brit + Co team rounded up our favorite airplane movies to watch when you jet off on your own vacay!

Crazy Rich Asians

Warner Bros. Entertainment

Crazy Rich Asians is arguably the best airplane movie of all time (even if some airplanes have started removing it — a travesty!). The story follows Rachel, who joins her boyfriend Nick in Singapore for a wedding...then realizes he's the country's most eligible bachelor. It's got everything we want in our own holiday, including romance, travel, and incredible food.

Ocean's Eight

Warner Bros. Entertainment

I've lost count of how many times I've seen this movie, and it's always a good choice when you want a fun watch! Powerhouse women who team up for the ultimate New York City heist? The Met Gala? Rihanna, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, and Mindy Kaling? Count me in.

Eat Pray Love

Sony Pictures Releasing/Columbia Pictures

Even if your summer vacation doesn't include a trip to Italy, your airplane movie can. Eat Pray Love stars Julia Roberts as Liz, a woman who heads to the other side of the world for some soul searching after she realizes how loveless her marriage is. As expected, there's some very tasty food.

Mamma Mia!

Universal Pictures

Mamma Mia really is the gift that keeps on giving. It's an incredible birthday movie, bachelorette party movie, and airplane movie, all in one. The story follows Sophie, who invites all three of her mother's exes to her wedding to figure out which one is her father. And, naturally, they all sing ABBA the entire time.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Warner Bros. Entertainment/Dungaree Productions

For a nostalgic movie that's all about friendship, growing up, and learning how to stick up for yourself, you HAVE to watch The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, which follows Bri, Carmen, Tibby, and Lena. The girls send a single pair of jeans to one another during their first-ever summer apart.

Under the Tuscan Sun

Touchstone Pictures

Diane Lane stars as Frances, a writer who's in serious need of inspiration after her divorce. But instead of going on her own vacation or trying a new dish, she decides to buy a house in Tuscany for a change of scenery. No big deal!

The Devil Wears Prada

20th Century Studios

Fashion, New York City, and the '00s are always a recipe for success, which is why The Devil Wears Prada is one of my favorite airplane movies. Anne Hathaway stars as Andy, whose life get turned upside down when she starts working for magazine mogul Miranda Priestly.


Warner Bros. Entertainment

Margot Robbie's Barbie movie follows the titular doll, who has to navigate the real world when her life in Barbieland starts falling apart. Not only did it become THE movie moment of 2023, but it's also an emotional, fun, and colorful summer movie we want to watch all the time.

Crazy, Stupid, Love

Warner Bros. Entertainment

If you want to laugh out loud on your flight, then Crazy, Stupid, Love is definitely the airplane movie you want to choose! It perfectly executes its multiple storylines, and the ensemble cast (which includes Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, and Steve Carrell) are pure magic together.

Harry Potter​

Warner Bros. Entertainment

There are few things more comforting than Harry Potter, so if you suffer from in-flight nerves (you're not alone TBH!!), then opt for this classic story about a boy who learns he's a wizard.

What are your favorite airplane movies to watch when you travel? Let us know on Facebook!

Lead image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

Life is like a complex puzzle, isn't it? Examining all the pieces of our memories, experiences, and possibilities can, in time, turn into a beautiful masterpiece. Your weekly horoscope for June 24-30 reveals the missing piece of your life that you will finally grasp. Here's what each zodiac sign can expect this week as we continue our summer of possibilities!

​Your Weekly Horoscope Themes For June 24-30


This week, we are in for a journey of self-discovery and revelations. The messenger planet, Mercury, is currently in the sign of Cancer, and it will present clues on how to improve our current situation. The key is to align with your intuitive feelings and set aside logic. This concept may be challenging, but this new approach will enable you to step into your new and improved self.

It's all about analyzing your feelings and assessing your daily patterns.

Mercury will be in a supportive position with the marriage and commitment asteroid, Juno, on June 24. If you've been going through challenges in your relationship, this is an ideal day to express your thoughts and ideas with your romantic partner. The moon is now decreasing, so it's also a great opportunity to let go of the past and move things forward with mutual understanding and peace.

The messenger planet continues to reign this week as Mercury faces Ceres in opposition on June 25. Ceres is the asteroid that represents motherhood and the way you nurture. On this day, it would be ideal to extend self-compassion if you feel out of sorts involving your early experiences with nurturers or caregivers. Allow yourself a day of grace and self-love to help you feel more centered and confident regarding your next steps.

Now, things will make sense as Mercury gets harmonious with Saturn on June 26! Although this exchange can be transactional and business-like, you can expect results and traction involving long-term plans. You will seamlessly complete tasks and have the confidence to set your goals. Remember to speak about your next steps if others are involved.

Sir Mercury continues its move, meeting Chiron, the wounded healer, in an intense position on June 28. This planetary event can present that nagging little voice that deflates your mojo if you feel insecure about your next steps. Try not to let your past missteps project your future dreams. Push through and hold on to the possibility of succeeding.

Remember that positivity can magnify just as rapidly as the negative – choose a side.

June 29 will extend a cosmic boost as you learn to power up your self-worth. The love planets Venus and Mars will be in a supportive formation, extending cosmic support for you to receive love and devotion. Mercury will extend serendipitous encounters or events as it meets Uranus in a supportive position. With the planets Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Uranus working together, it will be an ideal day to take chances and explore the unknown with an open heart. Schedule a date night or go out and meet new people.

The possibilities are endless.

Key Dates For Your Weekly Horoscope

Cora Pursley

  • 6/24 Mercury sextile Juno
  • 6/25 Mercury opposes Ceres
  • 6/26 Mercury trine Saturn
  • 6/28 Mercury square Chiron
  • 6/29 Venus sextile Mars, Saturn Rx, Mercury sextile Uranus

​Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope

Brit + Co


Focus on nurturing your home environment and deepening connections with loved ones, Aries. Have heartfelt conversations that strengthen bonds — even if those conversations can feel tough at times. Invest in creating a cozy space that supports your well-being and financial stability. All of this adds up to create more possibilities for balance and harmony in your life.


Dive into learning and expanding your mind, Taurus. Engage in conversations that inspire and teach you something new. Read a new book. Watch a documentary. Assert yourself confidently in pursuing your goals and making your voice heard. This will ultimately set you up for greater success both now and later in your life.


Take charge of your finances and reevaluate what truly matters, Gemini. You can still spend your time, money, and energy on things that count — but just make sure that you're doing just that. Communicate your needs clearly and make decisions that align with your values. Find joy in activities that restore your inner peace and creativity.

Brit + Co


It's your time to shine! Express your ideas and pursue your dreams, Cancer. Connect deeply with others who support your aspirations, be they friends, family, partners, collaborators, or otherwise. This week, you are empowered to initiate positive changes in your personal and professional life. It's your astrological season, so use this cosmic energy to perpetuate your ultimate dream life.


Introspection can help you gain clarity and recharge your emotional batteries, Leo. While you have plenty of big energy to bring to the table, take this time to pause and reflect instead of going all out. Trust your instincts as you make decisive moves toward your career goals. Display your inner strength and lead with authenticity in everything you do.


Collaborate with like-minded individuals and enjoy the synergy of shared goals, Virgo. Showcase your talents and ideas within your community. This week, expand your network and seize opportunities that align with your vision for the future. And just remember that people want to help you — you don't have to push through alone.

Brit + Co


Elevate your career aspirations and confidently present your ideas, Libra. You can strengthen and better your professional relationships this week through clear communication and strategic networking. Pursue your passions and deepen meaningful connections that bring fulfillment. Don't be afraid to go after what you want!


Open yourself to new perspectives and broaden your horizons through learning and exploration, Scorpio. Engage in conversations that challenge and inspire you. Rekindle excitement in your relationships by sharing adventures and deepening emotional connections. You can let your walls down.


Focus on self-care and nurturing routines that promote well-being, Sagittarius — and not just face masks and bubble baths. Dive deep into personal growth opportunities and embrace transformative experiences. This week, establish balance in your life and cultivate habits that support your holistic health.

Brit + Co


Strengthen partnerships and collaborations through mutual understanding and respect, Capricorn. Assert your desires confidently in both your personal and professional relationships. Express your creativity and pursue passions that bring joy and fulfillment. While your determination at work is admirable, just be sure to bring some devotion to what excites you elsewhere.


Organize your daily life efficiently and prioritize your health and happiness, Aquarius. You have so many big, wonderful ideas, so don't let them get lost in the messiness of life. Communicate openly at work and create a supportive environment. Find peace and stability by designing a harmonious living space that meets your needs.


Embrace your creativity and express yourself authentically through artistic pursuits and heartfelt interactions, Pisces. Your big feelings can safely exist without overwhelming you or others when you channel them here. Connect with your community and build meaningful relationships. This week invites you to follow your passions and create moments of joy and connection.

Looking for your own astrology advice? Submit your questions for Ask Lumi here!

Header image by Grace McCuistion

POV: You're on day 5 of your hair wash routine, and you're trying to decide whether to dry shampoo, or just try to do a slick back bun that you know will take you forever to get right. With option A, you're left with talc-like texture and heavy buildup in your hair, and option B, you're left nervous that the tight hairstyle might not help your hair thinning.

But what if I told you there were dry shampoos that didn't leave behind all that that heavy residue and buildup? What if there were a dry shampoo that felt lightweight and easy, so you could get ready in 5 minutes? Believe it or not, these actually exist, so you don't have to worry about resorting to that hour-long slick back bun process anymore! I've tried and tested these dry shampoos — some of them being completely talc-free — to give you the easiest hair routine in the morning! Here are the 8 I recommend.

Crown Affair

Crown Affair Dry Shampoo

I was gifted this product a few weeks ago, but I can say that I genuinely have fallen in love with it, and I can't wait to purchase it as it runs out. It's a nontoxic, refillable dry shampoo that comes in powder form. This dry shampoo is incredibly lightweight and blends into my roots seamlessly — so much so, that I forgot I even used it! One of my favorite dry shampoos I've used in recent years. Plus, it's an Allure Best Beauty Product Award-Winner, so you know it's good! Definitely worth the hype!


Vegamour Dry Shampoo

This product is an award-winning dry shampoo, not only because of it's ability to make your hair looks freshly washed, but also because of all the volume it adds to your hair. It makes your roots look fuller and more lifted than before, so you'll get a refreshed do with a little height for the day! It's a great product if you're looking for more volume in your roots alongside a more typical dry shampoo.


Batiste Dry Shampoo

This dry shampoo is extremely effective and extremely affordable — it's only $6! I've been using this for years because I go through my dry shampoo really fast, so it's nice to have a cheaper alternative that I can go through quickly and not worry about it being too expensive. Plus, it smells amazing! You'll have fresh hair in no time!


Amika Perk Up Dry Shampoo

Amika Perk Up Dry Shampoo is completely talc-free, so it doesn't have the annoying buildup that a lot of dry shampoos cause. It's designed to completely get rid of excess oil that may accumulate in your hair and on your scalp. It's a great, lightweight option that won't weigh your hair down.


Moroccan Oil Dry Shampoo

This dry shampoo is designed with lighter toned-hair in mind! It helps to blend in seamlessly with your lighter hair color, so you don't have traces of dry shampoo left behind for everyone to see. An added bonus with this one? It protects against UV damage! This is a huge plus for me as someone who is very sensitive to UV rays — especially on my scalp. The scent of this dry shampoo is just divine, as well! Grab this one to be protected, look fresh, and smell nice while you're at it.


Living Proof Perfect Hair Day

Not only does this eliminate any oil, smell, or buildup, but it's also silicone-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free and cruelty-free — which is very rare in beauty products these days. Add this dry shampoo to your cart immediately to get the job done in a safe and sustainable way, because this product really cleans your hair.


Dryer Detox Dry Shampoo

Anyone can use this product because it works effectively for all hair types! It smells so good, and genuinely cleanses your hair. I love to use it on my blowouts because it helps to make my hair looks clean, but also give it that voluminous, bouncy curls that I'm looking for. This one is a favorite of mine that I savor for more special occasions!


Kristin Ess Dry Shampoo

We've got an option for all my ladies with darker tones as well, don't you worry! Another amazing aspect to this one is that it's infused with Vitamin C oil which is good for shine, making your hair look healthy, and keeping it from appearing too chalky. Lucious locks are on the way with this dry shampoo!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead image via Crown Affair

If you’re eating according to the Mediterranean diet, sometimes it can be hard to sneak a snack in here and there without having to track down something that abides by the diet’s guidelines first. Luckily, there are a ton of Mediterranean diet-friendly snacks out there that you can simply buy from the store and enjoy on-the-go easily!

These 10 snacks will totally transform your snacking game – from savory to sweet, these picks satisfy any kind of craving while keeping it all healthy and delicious, per the Mediterranean diet.


Mariani Mediterranean Dried Apricots

These dried apricot bites make the perfect sweet treat to snack on during the workday. They're nutritious, but also so delicious.

Whole Foods

Cedar's Foods Feta Dip

Cedar's Foods carries tons of tasty Mediterranean dips, but their Feta Dip reigns supreme for me. It's just the right amount of tangy and cheesy and goes wonderfully with some crisp pita chips!


Simple Mills Veggie Pita Crackers

These pita crackers are made from a unique vegetable-based flour to deliver a third of your daily recommended intake of veggies in a single serving. They hit any crunchy craving with ease, while still being healthy for you!


Kitchen & Love Chocolate Covered Almond Stuffed Dates

These dates are stuffed with almonds then coated in a decadent layer of 85% dark chocolate that balances everything out beautifully. You're gonna have a hard time not downing the whole bag in one sitting.


Oloves Natural Whole Pitted Olives Variety Pack

Olives are undeniably Mediterranean, and these little packs make snacking on them on-the-go super easy. They come in flavors like Basil & Garlic, Lemon & Rosemary, and Chili & Oregano to keep your snack rotation lively.


Good & Gather Red Pepper Hummus

Don't forget the hummus! It's always a great Mediterranean diet snack to have in the fridge since it's flavorful and filling, thanks to protein-rich chickpeas. This Target pick is flavored with red pepper, but you can find all sorts of different tastes at any grocery store.


Brami Lupini Beans Snack Variety Pack

Think of lupini beans as the very-Mediterranean take on edamame. These crunchy, dried snacking legumes are slightly pickled and seasoned before being packaged, so you get all that good flavor when it's finally time to dig in. Every serving is 0 calories and has 0 grams of net carbs, so you're not sacrificing a single thing with this selection.


Stretch Island Black Forest Fruit Strips

Since the Mediterranean diet is all about getting in tons of veggies and fruits, these purely fruity strips will fit right in. They're low-calorie and low-sugar, so you can ideally enjoy a few of 'em during each snack sesh.


DeLallo Greek Feta Salad

This feta cheese salad incorporates two types of olives, oil, and spices, so it's a little bit heartier. I've eaten it as a pre-dinner snack many times. It goes super well with crispy toasted bread, or you could even enjoy it on its own if really briny foods are your vibe.


365 by Whole Foods Market Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil + Sea Salt Popcorn

Olive oil plays a big role in the Mediterranean diet, whether it's used as a cooking agent or a topping. In this case, it's used to pop some amazingly light popcorn that's finished off with the ideal amount of sea salt. Yum!

Subscribe to our newsletter to get more Mediterranean diet recipes + food ideas sent straight to your inbox!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.