Read Your Weekly Horoscope For July 22-28 For All The Good Vibes

coastal cowgirl drinking wine

We have made it to Leo Season! As we rise above the emotive waters of Cancer season, the mist begins to clear. Did you feel a pulling in your heartstrings and a desire to get to the bottom of what has been left in limbo? The good news is that the Sun in Leo highlights your true passion and gumption. It will also extend a positive outlook in your life no matter what – but bravery is a must. This is your moment to step forward and realize your dreams. With all this said, let’s see what is in store for your zodiac sign this week!

Your Weekly Horoscope Themes For July 22-28

Mariam Antadze/Pexels

We kick off this week with Leo Season on July 22. You will be smiling and feel positive and hopeful these next few weeks. Also, there can be periods of grandiosity or indulgence. Be mindful and measure your actions. Love and relationships will enter a new phase, such as fiery exchanges, grand gestures, and drama. The key to working with this solar season is to explore your creative side and approach life and love with pure intention, like a child. Shifting your mindset and factoring in integrity will radiate support in areas of interest.

Pride can be a major setback. Balancing this out will require you to glow up and genuinely cater to your dreams.

Speaking of balance, your will is tested on July 23 with the Sun-Pluto opposition, prompting you to accept your need to change your ways. This celestial event will enable you to realize your capabilities as you learn how to let go of the outmoded in your life story.

Make this your cosmic mantra. I attract peace as I accept and release the past.

The messenger planet, Mercury, phases into Virgo, its natural expression on July 25. Our thinking and process of getting things done will be methodical and sensible. Being overly analytical and critical can be a sticking point, potentially leading to work conflicts or delays. Luckily, you will have a sound mindset and focus with the Sun-Mars sextile also occurring on this day. Get ready and know that the Universe will hold space and support your dreams. All it takes is belief and to take your first step.

Learn to trust in the process and take this opportunity to complete or review future tasks before Mercury retrograde begins next month.

Chiron retrograde begins on July 26 and will complete its backspin motion until December 29. Anytime a retrograde occurs for any planet or asteroid, you need review and reflection. In the sign of Aries, the asteroid Chiron prompts us to evaluate our ability to take ownership and lead.

For any past unresolved issues, Chiron retrograde extends the chance for you to heal and rebuild your confidence.

Key Dates For Your July Weekly Horoscope

Eugenia Remark/Pexels

  • 7/22 Sun enters Leo
  • 7/23 Sun opposes Pluto
  • 7/25 Mercury enters Virgo, Sun sextile Mars
  • 7/26 Chiron Retrograde

Read Your Sun, Moon, And Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope July 22-28

Mariam Antadze/Pexels

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Focus on creativity and passion for life this week, Aries. As the Sun enters Leo, it's an excellent time to showcase your talents and enthusiastically pursue your dreams. However, on Tuesday, be mindful of power dynamics in friendships or group settings with the Sun-Pluto opposition. Diplomacy will be vital in navigating any potential conflicts. Utilize this energy for productivity with networks. By Thursday, the stickiness at work clears up as Mercury's move into Virgo powers up your efficiency and helps you excel in daily tasks and organization. Reorganize your workspace or daily environment for a better flow. The Sun-Mars sextile boosts your energy levels, particularly in collaborative projects. Balance your personal goals with teamwork for optimal results this week.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Home is where the heart is, Taurus. The Sun entering Leo will inspire you to create a harmonious home environment and connect with your loved ones this week. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may present challenges in your career or public life, encouraging you to stay rooted in your beliefs. Thursday brings Mercury into Virgo, enhancing your creativity and practicality, making it an ideal time for artistic endeavors or to rekindle the fires in your romantic life. The Sun-Mars energizes your financial sector, motivating you to take proactive steps towards economic stability. Focus on balancing your personal and professional life while leveraging your creative strengths for success.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

As the social butterfly of the zodiac, you will thrive in this department this week, Gemini. As Leo Season begins, your focus sharpens on communication and intellectual pursuits. Engage in stimulating conversations and explore new ideas with curiosity and enthusiasm. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may challenge your beliefs or delay travel plans. Rethink your priorities and work toward your dream—avoid being a wallflower. Thursday presents Mercury entering Virgo, boosting your analytical abilities and attention to detail, which is beneficial for effectively organizing your thoughts and daily routines. The Sun-Mars sextile supports your assertiveness and energy, empowering you to pursue personal goals with determination. Focus on the end goal to keep your momentum going. You got this!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This week calls for strengthening your financial stability and reinforcing your self-worth, Cancer. As the Sun enters Leo, assess your investments and values. The Sun-Pluto opposition on Tuesday may bring power struggles in shared resources or intimate relationships to light, encouraging you to investigate further to help improve your long-term plans. Thursday brings Mercury into Virgo, motivating you to express your ideas clearly while inspiring you to refine your skill set. The Sun-Mars sextile gets things moving with your home and family life, as it will help you reach steady progression. This week, prioritize clear communication and emotional balance, Cancer, for successful outcomes in both personal and financial realms.

Ogo Johnson/Pexels

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The spotlights on you, Leo, as the Sun enters your sign this week! This is your time to be comfortable in expressing your individuality. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition creates lessons involving cooperation in your partnerships or close relationships and urges you to find harmony while respecting mutual needs. Thursday enhances your focus on practical matters and financial stability as Mercury enters Virgo. You will have a laser focus on what must be done to attract success in your professional endeavors. The Sun-Mars sextile highlights your social connections and group activities, inspiring you to take the lead. Wear your crown proudly, step up, and make it happen, Leo. We are rooting for you!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Peace and serenity can be found in your waking life as you remain still, Virgo. This week begins with introspection and spiritual renewal as the Sun enters Leo, prompting you to reflect on your personal growth and achievements. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may test your workplace dynamics or reveal hidden tensions, encouraging you to stay grounded and diplomatic in handling challenges. Mercury entering your sign on Thursday enhances your communication skills and intellectual pursuits, which is beneficial for organizing your thoughts and planning effectively. The Sun-Mars sextile supports your career ambitions and leadership roles, empowering you to showcase your gifts and take the initiative professionally.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your friends reflect who you are, Libra. As the Sun enters Leo this week, focus on strengthening friendships and engaging in community activities. Connect with like-minded individuals and pursue collective goals with enthusiasm. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may challenge your creative projects or romantic relationships, urging you to find a balance between passion and compromise. Thursday brings Mercury into Virgo, enhancing your intuition and introspection, making it an ideal time for spiritual practices or charitable endeavors. The Sun-Mars sextile ignites your thirst for knowledge and adventure, inspiring you to explore new horizons intellectually or through travel. Step out of your comfort zone.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

What is your legacy, Scorpio? Leo season begins with you questioning your purpose and life's work. Take charge of your ambitions and strive for recognition in your professional endeavors. Truthfulness is the key to success. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may stir tensions in your family dynamics or home life, encouraging you to balance work commitments with personal responsibilities. Thursday sees Mercury entering Virgo, enhancing your influence within friendships and group activities, aiding you in effective teamwork and collaborative efforts. The Sun-Mars sextile intensifies your desires and investments, motivating you to shift your mindset regarding security. Whatever has been weighing you down lately will be released this week.

Dupe/Spencer Wirkkala

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You are reaching your prime, Sagittarius! With the Sun entering Leo this week, you will experience a feeling of renewal and momentum in changing your storyline. Engage in a new field of study or take a class. The inspiration will flow. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may challenge your beliefs or communication style, urging you to seek clarity and understanding in conflicts. Reflective listening and observation create peaceful interactions. Mercury entering Virgo on Thursday ignites your capabilities to take the lead with your long-term plans. Speaking with superiors or launching your passion project leads to success. The Sun-Mars sextile attracts luck in your professional networks. Reach out or reconnect.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This week sheds light on more profound matters, such as intimacy and vulnerability, Capricorn. Leo Season helps you revamp your connections while focusing on your shared resources (single or married). Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may challenge your financial decisions or values, urging you to maintain balance and avoid control issues. Avoid major purchases and review your accumulated wealth. On Thursday, you are prompted to investigate ways to optimize your life spiritually and intellectually as Mercury enters Virgo. Engage with the higher mind and experience breakthroughs. The Sun-Mars sextile extends support to health and self-care rituals. Slow down and love yourself.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Are you in love, Aquarius? As the Sun enters Leo this week, focus on your definition of love and commitment. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition challenges your individuality or relationship dynamics, encouraging you to stay true to yourself while respecting others' perspectives. Thursday brings Mercury into Virgo, allowing you to intuitively connect with your loved ones and understand what needs to be done to build security in your life. Take matters into your own hands and trust yourself. The Sun-Mars sextile powers up your creativity and romantic pursuits, inspiring you to express yourself boldly or turn over a new leaf regarding your love story. You hold the key.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Do you have a sound mind and sound body, Pisces? Leo season shifts the focus on your health and daily routines. The Sun-Pluto opposition on Tuesday illuminates unresolved issues within the subconscious realms. Work on your spiritual practices, clear your energy, and seek inner peace to avoid power struggles in personal interactions. Mercury entering Virgo on Thursday brings attention to your approach to relationships or partnerships. If you have been overextending lately, this is the starting point for understanding the importance of discernment. The Sun-Mars sextile energizes your domestic activities, motivating you to create a harmonious living space. Find your peace.

For even more astro advice, be sure to follow the conversation on Facebook!

Eclipse season is upon us once more, and this one promises to be unforgettable. This lunar eclipse in Pisces isn't just another cosmic event — it's a transformative experience that will unveil the hidden depths of our collective psyche and confront us with our unresolved karma. This celestial event will be happening on September 17th at 10:34 pm EST. As the veil between worlds thins, it is a rare opportunity to deeply connect with our personal and collective narratives. This lunar eclipse will extend a chance to dismantle outdated patterns and create a more authentic life path. Curious about what this celestial phenomenon holds for you? Read on to discover how this mystical lunar eclipse will influence your sign and what revelations are in store.

Why This Lunar Eclipse In Pisces Will Be Unforgettable

Cora Pursley

At 25 degrees in Pisces, this lunar eclipse signals a profound shift in our understanding of karmic patterns and personal growth. While full moons typically manifest endings and shifts, lunar eclipses amplify these effects tenfold. What makes this lunar eclipse promising is that we are granted a more straightforward path to review how we have been living our lives these last 18 years. This eclipse presents a powerful opportunity for releasing deeply ingrained negative thought patterns and gaining clarity on the necessary changes within ourselves. Expect a dramatic purging of old tendencies, illuminating the roots of our discontent and offering solutions for healing. Like all super full moons, this eclipse calls for release —embrace the chance to let go and move forward without looking back.

​What to Expect During This Lunar Eclipse

Emily Patnaude

This lunar eclipse will interact with Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, creating a dynamic cosmic landscape. The Moon's square to Jupiter will spark waves of idealism and fantasy, potentially leading to impulsivity. Ground yourself in the heart and soul of your decisions to avoid getting swept away. Meanwhile, the Moon's conjunction with Neptune will offer a chance to see beyond the immediate struggles, encouraging a broader perspective.

As many of us may feel dreamy and detached, grounding practices will be beneficial.

The Moon's supportive aspect of Pluto will help us embrace change and recognize that endings pave the way for new opportunities. Furthermore, the harmonious sextile with Uranus will inspire bold decisions and excitement about the future. If you've been contemplating a major shift in your life, now is the time to act on your heart's desires.

Over the next six months, the path to your ideal life will become clearer.

Though the current energies might feel chaotic, clarity will emerge by late October. For now, resist the urge to start new projects, manifesting practices, or make significant decisions.

Eclipse season is a time for stillness and observation.

The answers you seek will unfold in 2025, and this period of reflection and acceptance will pave the way for powerful changes. To support your journey, engage in a release ritual, energy healing, or sound bath. This is just the beginning — take the time to understand what needs to be done to attract better outcomes in your life.

​Which signs will be most effected during the lunar eclipse?

Cora Pursley

Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini (sun, Moon, or rising) fall within the 20-29 degrees. For the next 18 months, your life will begin to change for the better! Although it may sound daunting, consider this time an opportunity to tap into your main character energy. You are ready.

To learn more about what is in store for your sign during this lunar eclipse, look to your sun, Moon, and rising sign horoscopes for insight.

Horoscopes For The Lunar Eclipse 2024 In Pisces

Brit + Co


Aries, your twelfth house is highlighted, urging you to confront hidden fears and subconscious patterns. Expect endings in old subconscious habits or unresolved emotional issues. Use this time for deep reflection and emotional release. Seek solitude through journaling or meditation to uncover and heal inner wounds. This clarity will help you shed outdated patterns and set new intentions for your future. Trust the process of letting go, as it leads to profound personal growth and a more authentic, empowered self.

Brit + Co


Taurus, the focus is on your eleventh house of social networks and aspirations. Significant changes are likely in friendships or group dynamics that no longer align with your true self. Evaluate and release toxic relationships or misaligned goals. Reflect on your social circles and their support of your authentic desires. Use this time to set new intentions for meaningful connections and pursuits. Allow these shifts to renew your personal growth and align with your core values.

Brit + Co


Gemini, your tenth house of career and public life is illuminated. Prepare for notable endings or adjustments in your professional path or public image. Outdated ambitions or roles may come to light, revealing what no longer serves you. Reassess your career goals and release any expectations that no longer fit. Engage in self-reflection to set new, authentic career intentions. This transformative period will help you align your professional life with your core values, leading to a more fulfilling career.

Brit + Co


Cancer, attention turns to your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and beliefs. Major shifts may occur in your philosophical outlook or educational pursuits. Letting go of outdated beliefs or goals that no longer resonate with your true self might be necessary. Use this time for introspection to reassess your values and long-term aspirations. Seek new perspectives and release limiting ideologies. Set fresh intentions for personal growth and exploration, aligning with your core values for a more fulfilling journey.

Brit + Co


Leo, expect significant changes in your eighth house of transformation and shared resources. Endings may arise in financial partnerships or intimate relationships that no longer support your growth. Necessary adjustments in power dynamics or emotional patterns may become evident. Address and process deep-seated issues or financial constraints. Utilize this opportunity for introspection to transform your approach to shared resources and personal power. Set new intentions for empowerment and renewal, fostering stronger, more supportive connections.

Brit + Co


Virgo, the focus is on your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. Significant endings may occur in your one-on-one connections that no longer align with your true needs. Insights into issues within your partnerships may prompt a reevaluation of relationship dynamics. Understand and address these relational patterns. Let go of connections that no longer serve you, and use this time for introspection. Set new intentions for creating balanced and empowering relationships.

Brit + Co


Libra, changes are coming to your sixth house of daily routines, work, and health. Significant adjustments may be needed in your job, habits, or wellness practices. Inefficiencies or health issues may come to light, requiring your attention. Assess and release outdated routines or unhealthy patterns. Make meaningful changes to your work-life balance and self-care practices. Set new, healthier routines and work goals that support your well-being, creating a more balanced and fulfilling daily life.

Brit + Co


Scorpio, your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, is under the spotlight. Expect significant endings in creative projects, romantic relationships, or personal interests that no longer resonate with your passions. This period may reveal what needs to be released to welcome new forms of joy. Reflect on these aspects of your life and let go of what no longer inspires you. Set new intentions for creative pursuits and romance, exploring fresh, authentic expressions of joy and individuality.

Brit + Co


Sagittarius, the spotlight is on your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. Significant changes are likely in your living situation, family dynamics, or deep-seated emotional patterns. Clarity may emerge about what needs to be released for emotional stability. Address past familial issues or outdated home environments. Use this time for introspection and set new intentions for a supportive and nurturing home life. Welcome these changes to align with your emotional well-being and build a more harmonious domestic environment.

Brit + Co


Capricorn, attention shifts to your third house of communication, learning, and local connections. Expect significant changes in how you express yourself, your educational pursuits, or your interactions with your immediate surroundings. Outdated thought patterns or communication methods may come to light. Evaluate and release limiting beliefs or strained relationships. Use this time for deep reflection and set new intentions for clearer, more authentic communication. This transformative period will provide renewed mental clarity and more meaningful connections.

Brit + Co


Aquarius, your second house of finances, values, and self-worth is highlighted. Major endings are expected to be related to your financial situation or personal values. Outdated beliefs about money or self-esteem may need addressing. Review your financial habits and core values, letting go of what no longer serves your growth. Use this transformative period to reassess your financial goals and rebuild your self-worth. Set new intentions for stability and empowerment, aligning your resources and values with your true aspirations.

Brit + Co


Pisces, this lunar eclipse will be the starting point of a powerful change associated with your self and identity. With your first house activated, expect significant shifts in how you present yourself or your self-image. This eclipse may prompt a profound reevaluation of your identity and how you wish to be seen. Release old identities or behaviors that no longer reflect your true self. Use this time for deep self-reflection and renewal. Set new intentions for personal growth and self-expression, taking advantage of this transformative period to realign with your authentic desires and aspirations.

Want to learn more about this auspicious Lunar Eclipse? Join Lumi LIVE on September 15th for an insightful astrology event held remotely! She will dive into the Lunar Eclipse's impact on each zodiac sign and experience a sound bowl healing session to help you realign and recharge. Don't miss this chance to connect with the cosmos and yourself. Click this link to learn more!

Looking for more astrology advice? Be sure to submit your questions to Ask Lumi here!

Header image via Brit + Co

Every year I can't help but get excited about fall fashion — especially when it comes to Target's shoe section! Whether I'm eyeing loafers, Mary Janes, or anything leopard print, I need something to match all the chunky knit sweaters in my closet — especially if they'll add a little height to my look. So, here are all the best Target heels I could find, in all the trendy fall styles, that are both comfy and cute!


Women's Diana Buckle Mule Heels

The buckle on these mule heels is giving "I'm rich" in all the right ways. There's just something about the contrast of the lighter gold paired with the smooth leather that's both classy and trendy all at once. Pair these slide-on heels with a gorgeous midi dress for an easy, early fall look!


Women's Ricky Platform Heels with Memory Foam Insole

It's no secret that the '70s make their reappearance every time fall rolls back around. There's just something about the chunky heels and that "all the leaves are brown" vibes that really calls out, you know? These platform heels are perfect for embodying that chic nostalgia, while giving you all the comfort of memory foam insoles. Score!


Journee Collection Womens Sylvia Sling Back Covered Block Heel Pumps

Slingbacks? Kitten heels? Together with a velvet finish? Yeah, these are really fantastic for anyone looking to add a black block heel to their closet this year! I can picture these paired with a dark jean, a crisp white button down, and a tan sweater over your shoulders for that "old money" look.


Journee Collection Womens Shasta Tru Comfort Foam Mid Heel Square Toe Pumps

Remember what I said about the '70s? These gorgeous patent leather pumps are all that wrapped into a Mary Jane silhouette. You can wear these to the office, at your next girly happy hour, or when you wanna pull out a casually adorable look just for the heck of it! I can already picture an argyle sweater vest and some wide legged jeans...


Women's Aubrey Slingback Pumps

If you're looking for a sexier slingback, look no further than these! They scream, "I'm confident!" no matter what you pair them with. These would just look too perfect with a slinky little slip dress and a leather jacket draped over your shoulders for date night!


Perphy Women's Platform Buckle Ankle Strap Chunky High Heels Sandals

Another chunky heel for your fall wardrobe! This two-toned brown option is adorned with gold accents and tan stitching that give this pair a kitschier look. I love these for a day date with the girls, full of gabbing and baked brie and wine galore.


Journee Collection Womens Junie Tru Comfort Foam Slip On Double Strap Sandals

These tan heels are sleek, sleek, sleek. Another pair of shoes that are the quiet luxury look that Sofia Richie seems to effortlessly pull off day after day. Add these to cart for a touch of chicness to any outfit.


Pointed Toe Slip On Block Heel Slide Mules

Point me in the direction of all the leopard mules because they're my new version of a 'neutral' shoe. I love that this slip on design will look great with bootcut jeans or a midi skirt, making them cute and versatile.


Journee Womens Ezzey Loafer Mid Stacked Heel Square Toe Pumps

Loafers are THE shoe of fall, so add a heel to them and I'm immediately sold! These '70s-esque heels come in five different colors, so if you're tired of all the different shades of brown this fall, you can grab a hue that suits you better!


Multi-Strap Mary Jane Heels

Mary Janeshave made their way back in our fashion orbit and it seems like everyone can't get enough of them. This pair of heels has the classic look we love with a modern color way and multiple straps to keep them on your feet.


Allegra K Women's Pointed Toe Block Heel Slingback Heels

If you thought to yourself, "Another pair of leopard shoes?" Well, yes. I just can't get enough! They're a fun and stylish way to update your neutral tones. Grab these if you want the same effect of the leopard mules with a the safety net of a slingback strap to keep your feet in.


Ballet Pumps

I didn't know you could elevate ballet flats until I saw these pumps online. They have a 1.5 inch heel that'll look cute with your new sweater dress — trust me!


All-Day Heeled Mule

I should've said that I love all mules — leopard print or not — but we're here now! All that matters is the cushioned insoles have extra padding that won't make them uncomfortable after a few hours. Also, the upper leather is waterproof. Cha-ching!


Bow Pumps with Memory Foam

Heading to a fall work event and need a pair of heels that look party-ready? You need these bow pumps to make an extra statement! They're red, which is the new unofficial color of fall, and they have memory foam insoles! Heels aren't always comfortable so the fact this pair is being so thoughtful makes it an instant win in my book.


Open Square Toe Block Heel Sandals

I used to have a pair of block heel sandals similar to this pair, and I'd wear them with my summer-to-fall transitional outfits until they fell apart. That's a major hint you'll love these sandals as much as I did.


Cross Strap Mule

You'll avoid thin straps digging into your skin with these cross strap mules! These mules are breathable and cushioned enough for you to wear them to the pumpkin patch friend date you have coming up at the end of September.

Subscribe to our newsletter for more stylish fall ideas!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Target

Welcome back, Upper East Siders. When the leaves turn orange and coats start to be brought out of storage, it’s a sure sign that Gossip Girlseason is upon us once again. And what better way to ring in fall than to figure out which iconic Gossip Girlcharacter you are based on your zodiac sign?

I’ve typed twelve of the Upper East Side’s most familiar faces based on a combination of their official birthdays and the personalities they exhibit throughout the show. A lot of the time, the two happen to be perfectly aligned (I’m convinced Blair’s birthday was chosen on purpose). Strap on a headband and your cutest stilettos; it’s time to walk down Fifth Avenue and meet your Gossip Girl astrological match. XOXO, Brit + Co.

Warner Bros. Television

Aries: Jenny Humphrey

As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries is full of unbridled optimism. Jenny Humphrey thought she could be Constance’s new queen bee, get away with cutting school with a full-time internship, and launch a highly successful fashion career as a high school sophomore — that’s pretty much the definition of blind optimism. Jenny’s spunky, outspoken, and unafraid to ruffle a lot of feathers to get what she wants. Her red-hot spark is something to be admired.

Giovanni Rufino

Taurus: Dan Humphrey

Dan Humphrey may have the keen analytical eye of a Virgo, but he’s got the taste for luxury of a Taurus. He prides himself on being down to earth, yet he can’t resist getting close to that famed Upper East Side glamor. He’s stubborn when it comes to love, which may explain why he keeps going back to Serena time and time again. Some may call it silly; Dan calls it stable.

Warner Bros. Television

Gemini: Georgina Sparks

You’ve got to hand it to Georgina — she knows how to transform herself into whoever she needs to be whenever she wants. She can be a total darling at one minute and deliciously wicked the next. Geminis like her are more than just “two-faced,” though; they’re also quick-witted, restless, and spontaneous. It’s what makes them so fun to watch.

Warner Bros. Television

Cancer: Nate Archibald

Nate is the Golden Retriever of the Gossip Girl boys. He’s popular, laidback, loyal, and compassionate. This rich boy next door wears his heart on his sleeve and is always willing to lend a hand to a friend in need. But don’t take advantage of this crab’s kindness. If you do Nate dirty, he’ll protect himself behind his tough outer shell, and it’ll take a lot to regain his trust.

Warner Bros. Television

Leo: Serena van der Woodsen

There’s only one zodiac sign iconic enough for the Upper East Side’s "It" Girl: Leo. Serena craves being in the spotlight – so much so that she’s been known to act a little wild just for some attention. She’s also incredibly warm and loyal to those she loves (until she feels threatened). Her magnetic presence lights up any room she walks into, just like you, Leo.

Warner Bros. Television

Virgo: Dorota Kishlovsky

Blair’s ride-or-die maid, Dorota, is a Virgo. Her moral compass might not always align with Blair’s schemes, but her sharp mind plays a crucial role in helping them succeed. She’s a supportive, hardworking friend who always has others’ best interests at heart and never hesitates to take action on their behalf.

Warner Bros. Television

Libra: Lily van der Woodsen

Lily is the definition of luxury. She’s a woman of high class with high tastes, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. But her elegance isn’t the only thing that makes her a Libra. She’s also got Libras’ hallmark ability to charm a room and get along with nearly everyone, which comes in handy when cleaning up her daughter’s (and her own) messes. Aesthetics are everything, so she’ll take a rain check on the emotional soul-baring, ‘kay?

Warner Bros. Television

Scorpio: Blair Waldorf

Cunning, romantic, ambitious, and sensitive: Blair Waldorf carries these traits with the pride of carrying a Birkin bag. Blair is canonically a Scorpio, and the sign couldn’t be more fitting. She’s highly strategic and calculating, which makes reaching her goals and exacting revenge on her enemies that much more satisfying. She places a high value on sex and love and is willing to wait as long as it takes for a man who meets her extremely high standards.

Warner Bros. Television

Sagittarius: Rufus Humphrey

Rufus’s birthday is December 7, making him a Sagittarius. He definitely lived up to the fun-loving nature of his sign during his rock ‘n’ roll years, but as he got older, he chilled out a lot more. As long as he has his art gallery, his guitar, and his daydreams about things finally working out with Lily, he’s all set. Play some Lincoln Hawk and make some waffles in honor of your GG twin, Sag.

Warner Bros. Television

Capricorn: Chuck Bass

Blunt yet smooth-talking Chuck Bass was born on January 19, which makes him a Capricorn. He certainly embodies the stereotypical hard-working nature of the sign; he’s a businessman first and a teenager second. His party-boy ways are actually in line with the fun, often hidden side of Capricorn, as is the loyalty he reserves for those lucky enough to be let into his inner circle.

Warner Bros. Television

Aquarius: Vanessa Abrams

As a social justice-loving Aquarius, Vanessa’s actively trying to make the world a better place. She doesn’t tolerate anyone’s BS, especially from anyone who lives on the UES, and she isn’t afraid to tell them to their face. She’s got a strong moral compass, a drive to tell the truth, and a strong appreciation for the arts, all three of which are highly important to Aquariuses.

Warner Bros. Television

Pisces: Eric van der Woodsen

Eric van der Woodsen is probably the most easygoing character on Gossip Girl. All he’s ever wanted is for everyone to get along. He often pushes his own needs and concerns aside for the sake of his friends and family, as Pisceans tend to do. At his best, Eric is witty, supportive, intuitive, and wise.

Looking for more pop culture fun? Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Header image via Warner Bros. Television

Old Navy just released a limited-edition collection influenced by their iconic '90s styles, and I could not be more obsessed! It’s packed with baby tees, cargo jeans, and fleece layers adorned with vintage logos and vibrant primary colors, all of which satisfy my nostalgic fashion taste perfectly. The ’94 Reissue Collection launched on September 13 in celebration of the brand’s 30th anniversary, and there’s truly something for everyone, from longtime fans to new shoppers.

"To mark our 30th year, we're celebrating our heritage while creating new history and reasserting our place in culture," said Haio Barbeito, CEO of Old Navy. "It's such an iconic American brand, that it's hard to find someone who has not bought something from Old Navy. As we head into our next chapter, we're focused on inviting customers to play with style by delivering amazing experiences and products that meet them where they are."

These 15 vintage-y Old Navy pieces are my absolute favorites from the new ‘94 Reissue Collection. Keep scrolling to shop!

Old Navy

'94 Logo T-Shirt

Available in 7 different colorways, this 100% cotton jersey baby tee is the epitome of comfort. It features a classic crewneck and a fitted silhouette that still feels perfectly lax. This bold cursive logo has my heart, but each colorway boasts a different (and totally-90's) design!

Old Navy

'94 Jean Trucker Jacket

This dark denim (the ideal wash, IMO) trucker jacket earns its nostalgic flair from a contrasting corduroy collar. It'd make a great cozy piece for fall and winter, especially when paired with Old Navy's coordinating Mid-Rise '94 Carpenter Jean.

Old Navy

'94 Half Zip

If you didn't have an Old Navy fleece when you were younger, what were you doing?! Back in my day, the Old Navy fleece was a symbol of total coolness and comfort, which is why this reissued style is everything. It comes in 6 different colors like red, blue, pink, and more. The loose fit and zippered collar set you up for unmatched nostalgic comfort!

Old Navy

'94 Slip Dress

I wish this sporty, colorblocked dress existed years ago. I'd honestly wear it weekly. Luckily, it's totally worthy of regular wear now with some stylish spaghetti straps, a straight neckline, and flattering side stripes. It's crafted from 60% cotton and 40% polyester to prioritize stretch and coziness!

Old Navy

'94 Logo Sweatshirt

This cozy fleece sweatshirt comes in 6 different vintage-inspired colors and wears like a dream. Each colorway boasts a unique logo design, plus each piece is fitted with a nice throwback touch: a specially-designed tag that channels Old Navy's original 1994 launches!

Old Navy

'94 Canvas Jacket

This 100% cotton canvas jacket is the outerwear layer my middle school self needed. The army green color is undeniably nostalgic, and I love that there's a playful corduroy collar up top! Wear it with a denim skirt or barrel jeans to really nail the cool-girl look.

Old Navy

'94 Track Jacket + Track Pant

The signature details in this tracksuit set include a bold logo graphic on the chest, a mock neck, and eye-catching sporty stripes that follow the sides of each garment. It's available to shop in three different primary colors, plus you can shop the top and pants separately if rockin' the two-piece isn't totally your style. I'd personally don the track pants with ballet flats and a baby tee to stylishly channel the 90's!

Old Navy

'94 Crop Polo

Colorblocking is the name of the game with this cropped top. Though directly inspired by Old Navy in the 90's, the cropped hem and zip-up front feel appropriately modern for 2024 and beyond. It's a super easy layer to toss on for the chilly days coming our way and ensures your ensemble is perfectly timeless!

Old Navy

'94 Jean Cargo Mini Skirt

Coming from "deep in the Old Navy vault," this denim cargo mini skirt is definitely giving 90's flair. The button front, visible belt loops, and flap pockets are total signatures of the throwback era that still feel relevant for today's trends. The waistline is more mid-rise, so expect this skirt to hit around the belly button.

Old Navy

'94 Rugby Dress

Yes, yes, and yes. I love rugby dresses because they wear like a t-shirt but don't look overly casual (or downright lazy). The bold stripes feel especially sporty, too, so this pick will wear exceptionally well with your go-to pair of sneakers for any season. This style even has side pockets – AKA a total win!

Old Navy

'94 Logo T-Shirt

Fitted with Old Navy's bright 1994 logo, this long-sleeved t-shirt is the perfect piece to keep in your closet on days you want to dress cozy, but don't necessarily want to reach for one of your tourist tees stowed away in your dresser. It's elevated just the right amount and feels like a dream on, since it's made with 100% cotton jersey.

Old Navy

'94 Fleece Hoodie

Shoppable in 3 different pair-with-anything colors, this fleece hoodie dons the same sporty logo we all know and love from growing up with the brand. This piece is totally relaxed, perfect for layering with baggy jeans or cargo pants!

Old Navy

'94 Rugby Polo

Rugby stripes strike again! This time, they cover a 100% cotton jersey top with a contrasting collar. The shirt's length is a tad bit cropped to infuse a more modern feel.

Old Navy

'94 Mid-Rise Loose Carpenter Jeans

Old Navy's jean selection is unparalleled, and this pair is no exception. Available in both a light and dark washes, these loose jeans feature perfectly patchy pockets, a carpenter-esque hammer loop, and a low-rise waistline to channel popular 90's styles.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Most of the time, we don't really mean to boost our makeup bags; it just sort of happens. Whether it's scrolling through well-curated lists (like this one!) full of great products or watching TikToks featuring can't-miss buys, it seems us makeup lovers are just constantly given the opportunity to expand our already explosive makeup kit. Well, this is another such moment, but one full of products you're actually going to want to snag. We've got some fan favorites, some hidden gems, and plenty of products you won't be able to say no to. Time to make some room in that makeup bag!

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

The Fan Favorite Naked 3 Palette


The Urban Decay Naked 3 palette has been a beloved addition to many a makeup bag. This palette is packed with six gorgeous colors designed to help you achieve a quality, dimensional smokey eye.

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Care for the Skin Under Your Makeup With This Moisturizer


This Neutrogena moisturizer is one of the best ways to prep your skin before you start with your makeup. The ultra-hydrating, oil-free, lightweight formula absorbs quickly and leaves you feeling boosted and soft.

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This Water-Resistant Mascara Won't Clump


Sure, this Clinique mascara is non-clumping, smudge-proof, and water-resistant, but the best thing about it has got to be that it was formulated specifically for sensitive eyes. No more irritation or puffiness with this mascara.

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This Gel-Cream Blush Builds for the Best Tint


Start slowly with this gel-cream blush from Perricone MD. The product is super pigmented and allows you to build up and diffuse the color to fit just what you're looking for. It also helps improve discoloration and dullness while it sits on your skin!

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It's Almost Lipstick, but Better


This emollient-rich lipstick melts right into your lips to spread an even tint that plays up your natural color. It's sheer, but if you want something a little darker, you just have to layer and build.

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Use This Exfoliant to Properly Prep Your Skin


This liquid exfoliant works to unclog your pores and balance your skin with the 25% AHA BHA complex. It will hydrate, smooth, and soothe your skin to make your skin shine before you add your makeup.

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Set Your Look With This Dewy Spray


This Anastasia Beverly Hills setting spray is one of the best on the market. Not only does it keep your makeup in place all day, but it also adds a dewy finish that won't leave your face looking or feeling powdery.

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Get a Pout With This Too Faced Plumper


This liquid plumper is a brilliant product that works to hydrate and nourish your lips while leaving it looking and feeling plumper and bolder. It's like lip injections without the pain or all those chemicals.

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Boost Your Complexion With the Star Filter


J. Lo's Star Filter is a powerful complexion booster that brightens and evens your skin tone. It's a lightweight product that gives you a dewy, dimensional look. It's great for a no-makeup makeup look.

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Easily Remove Your Makeup With This Micellar Water


Remove impurities and makeup from every line of your skin with this powerful micellar water. It gently cleanses everywhere, even your eyes, and won't leave your skin feeling dry or irritated.

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This Might Be the Ultimate Lip Kit


Get a bright, bold lip that looks so finished and put-together when you use this lip kit. It comes with three lip colors and a lip liner that's long-lasting and packed with moisturizing peptides and vitamin E.

See it on Amazon

Get the Lashes You're Craving With This Mascara


There's a reason Maybelline has been a beloved brand for generations and the Sky High mascara really embodies that reason. It's high-quality, non-clumping, smudge-proof, lengthening, and volumizing all in one.

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This Lip Stain Is Easy to Use


Not all lip stain is created equal; some lip stains can get pretty messy. Luckily, this lip stain is designed like a marker to give you the precision you're looking for and a natural finish you'll love.

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Plump Your Cheeks With This Gel Blush


Give your cheeks a look that lasts with this gel blush. The blush automatically plumps, giving you a beautiful, diffused look. It's hydrating and lasts all day long without smudging.

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This Lash-Enhancing Serum Means You Can Skip the Mascara


The Grande Cosmetics GRANDELash-MD is a powerful serum that helps you get bolder, fuller, longer brows with every use. Apply it once a day like a liquid liner, only on your upper lids, and let it dry fully before you use products.

See it on Amazon

This Foundation Helps Clear Acne


The salicylic acid in this foundation gives you the coverage you're looking for and also helps your skin while it's on your face. The foundation helps to prevent breakouts before they even occur.

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Get the Best Lashes Possible With This Primer


This conditioning primer helps every last lash get evenly coated with mascara without any clumping. The primer helps you to get longer-lasting mascara and a thicker, bolder look every time.

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This Cleansing Balm Melts Your Makeup Away


The Juno & Co. cleansing balm works hard to work its way into your makeup to melt it away, giving you a quick and complete clean. It nourishes your skin as it goes and leaves no residue behind.

See it on Amazon

Get a Natural Finish With This Setting Spray


Keep your makeup in place all day long without looking cakey or greasy when you use this Milani setting spray. You can also use it as a primer to prep your skin before you start with your makeup.

See it on Amazon

This Telescoping Mascara Adds Length


Get some serious length with this gorgeous L'Oreal mascara. It's designed to cling to your lashes thickly but without clumping, helping to add length without having to deal with the annoyance of falsies.

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Add Glamor to Your Look With This Glitter


This Moondust glitter from Urban Decay gives your eyes a wet, bright look that catches the light and gets your face sparkling. It's long-wearing, has minimal fallout, and can be built up for a bolder look.

See it on Amazon

Correct Those Dark Circles With This Clinique Product


This dark circle treatment can be easily smoothed under your eyes with the cool metal applicator tip. The treatment hydrates, smooths, and reduces all at once. Use it twice daily for best results.

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This Lip and Cheek Stain Is pH-Activated


You're going to love how well this Jane Iredale lip and cheek stain matches your skin. The pH-activated stick works to beautifully complement your lips and cheeks with just a few quick swipes.

See it on Amazon

Grab This Bold Eyeshadow Palette to Brighten Your Look


You're going to fall in love with this bold eyeshadow palette. It's full of the sorts of colors you'll want to experiment with and tons of colors you're going to find yourself using every single day.

See it on Amazon

This Primer Is Better Than a Filter


Instantly make your skin firmer and tighter with this Peter Thomas Roth primer. It immediately gives you firming results that help to make your foundation look like a professional applied it.

See it on Amazon

This Set of Lash Clusters Lets You Customize Your Falsies


Achieving the perfect lash look is a challenge, but it doesn't have to be when you've got this set of clumps. They're easy to apply and you can use them to create a perfectly customized look that's just right for you.

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This Lash Curler Won't Pinch


Get voluminous, beautiful lashes with this curler that won't pinch or pull. The curler can be used to boost your natural lashes or to apply your favorite pair of falsies in a matter of seconds.

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This Primer Works Hard So You Don't Have To


You're going to love how well this e.l.f. primer preps your skin for your favorite foundation. The product is lightweight and just tacky enough to even out your skin texture and grip your products all day long.

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This Lipstick Will Stay in Place All Day


This beautiful liquid lipstick from Maybelline is designed to stay in place all day long. It's a bold, high-impact color that's going to catch the eye and really add to your go-to makeup look.

See it on Amazon

Get the Laminated Look With This Gel


Cut down on your regular salon fees when you use this e.l.f. laminating gel. This product is water-resistant and gives you a strong hold that locks your brows in place just where you want them all day long.

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This bareMinerals Palette Is Super Blendable


You'll get six richly pigmented colors in this beautiful eyeshadow palette. The vegan, talc-free shadows are pigmented and creamy enough to blend out and build up as you create your looks.

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Cleanse Your Lashes With This Soap


You've got to be so careful with your lash extensions, which is why you need this shampoo and brush set. It's gentle enough to wash your lashes without damaging the strong glue that holds them in place.

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This Primer Keeps Your Eyeshadows In Place


Control shine and oil with this Elizabeth Mott primer. This product hides wrinkles and fine lines which helps to prevent creasing even when you've been wearing your makeup all day long.

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Embrace the Drama With This Mascara


This essence mascara is all about the drama. It's intense, bold, ultra-pigmented, and won't clump up on you as you apply it. You get incredible volume in a single swipe for that dramatic, beautiful look.

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Remove the Lash Adhesive Easily With This Product


This KISS product is designed to help remove those false lashes without pulling or pinching. It's super easy to use and takes about ten seconds to dissolve the powerful adhesive.

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Get the Brows of Your Dreams With This Brow Tool


Anastasia Beverly Hills has cornered the market on quality brow products, and the Brow Wiz is one of their best. The small tip lets you create light, thin, hair-like marks for a fuller, bolder-looking brow.

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