Your Weekly Horoscope Reading For May 13-19 Is Full Of Luck

weekly horoscopes reading happy girl in grass covering her eyes

Life can be a dream, depending on how you make sound and conscious decisions. The changing of the seasons always has an ending and a new beginning, very much like how we experience life. We must cross that threshold of endings to purify and enter the bliss of renewal. The fear of the unknown quite often holds us back from achieving happiness. Luckily, when you learn to become in sync with the stars, you can learn to live more in the present and steer yourself to better experiences. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs for a complete interpretation of what to expect this week.

It's about to get interesting as we kick off this week with the Sun merging with Uranus on May 13th, giving us the space to embrace change and evolution. Any edge of resistance percolating in your life can stir feelings of constant restlessness. Remember that Uranus sends curveballs; on this day, whatever is stagnant in your life will see what needs to change.

Curveballs only reveal the instability you are experiencing inside. On May 13, embrace the idea of starting over.

There is also another incredible event happening: we are experiencing an astrological stellium. This means more than two planets will be in the sign of Taurus, which will boost whichever house is ruling in our birth charts. If you need to find out, click here to see your birth chart in one easy step.

The great news is that our ideas and mindset will slow down as the communication planet Mercury moves into the earthy sign Taurus on May 15. These next few weeks will create an outlet for you to begin thinking before speaking or doing. Focusing on the practical side of things will hold you steady and ensure a sound progression.

On May 17, Mercury will cross paths with Pluto in a harsh position detailing aspects of your life or situations that involve power struggles leading to unforeseen disagreements. Hold space and observe your stance on control. It takes two to tango, especially with confrontation. Listen intently before jumping to conclusions.

Love is about to take center stage, and on May 18, when Venus joins Uranus in Taurus, it will dance to a different tempo.

This is the moment to see or experience love from a different perspective. This powerful interchange will also amp up your creative direction. The Sun will also merge with Jupiter in Taurus, and there will be a stroke of luck and an overflow of optimism that can lead to chance encounters or incredible experiences. With a pure heart and intent, this day will reveal the silver lining in your life circumstances.

On May 19, when the Sun forms a supportive position with Neptune, our dreams and outlook on life will be visceral, as though we are walking in a lucid dream. Chart out your long-term ventures or begin meditation practice to secure the connection with your vision. It is a beautiful opportunity to channel your intuition practice or extend compassion to others who need your support.

Key Dates

  • 5/13 Sun conjunct Uranus
  • 5/15 Mercury enters Taurus
  • 5/17 Mercury square Pluto
  • 5/18 Venus conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Jupiter
  • 5/19 Sun sextile Neptune

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here For May 13 To May 19


This week, you are on fire with your self-worth; this is your chance to take charge of matters. Your adulting skills will reach their peak. Take ownership and resist the temptation of being the wallflower of the party. With celestial points Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus residing in your second house, this will be a fantastic opportunity to take the reins and make things happen with your financial needs and earnings. However, watch out for impulsive purchases; this is the period to gain, not lose. Designate time and discuss your money goals with your partner. You are magnetic and have what it takes to share your ideas, make that pitch, or request for promotion.


Your birthday month continues, and with Mercury closing in on your sign, you will feel that rose-colored glow this week. With Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus powering up your identity and self-appearance sector, you will experience an upgrade in your look or feel a wave of confidence. Addressing your wants and needs can go in your favor, but you must live up to your promises to others. Be mindful and reflective. When Mercury squares Pluto this week, it will significantly challenge your authority, but remember to factor in sensitivity to keep things in a better flow.


How are you holding up Gemini? It has been a minute since you felt in your element, and with the stellium of planets in Taurus taking place in your subconscious sector, you are experiencing incredible growth opportunities. This week, there will be an outlet for you to experience a breakthrough involving your ideas. Whatever has been backlogged lately, expect movement when Mercury squares Pluto; you will begin to see the reason behind everything involving past setbacks or unresolved issues. Observe your environment and align with your intuition to bridge any gaps.


Get your social events calendar, Cancer, because this week will be busy. With the planets—Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus—all hanging out together, your social life is about to ignite. You'll feel extra charming and magnetic, drawing new people and exciting collaborations into your orbit. This week is about sharing laughs, chasing dreams together, and enjoying the ride with your crew. Especially when the Sun conjuncts Jupiter this week, this will be the perfect time to arrange a get-together or event. This will also be a time for you to pinpoint the core reason behind your aspirations.


Get ready to feel a change in your career zone. This week, your career sector embodies the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus. That means big things are happening on the work front! Opportunities for growth, recognition, and success are knocking at your door. Embrace your inner leader and show the world what you're made of. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take some risks—this stellium has your back. Just measure your words and timing when Mercury squares Pluto this week. Measure twice and cut once.


Buckle up and get ready to expand your horizons this week, Virgo, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus igniting your firmer beliefs and thirst for adventure. Whether planning a spontaneous trip, delving into a fascinating subject, or exploring your spiritual side, the Universe has your back. Trust your intuition and follow your heart's desires. When the Sun sextiles Neptune, this will attract an aha moment for you to realize the meaning behind your life direction; you will find clarity in your next steps as you set linear thinking aside.


As an air sign, you are equipped to face challenges and factor in logical reasoning. Everything will make sense this week as you invest time in your inner work. With the stellium happening in your resources and intimacy sector of life, you'll be navigating through a mix of opportunities and lessons in your relationships, finances, and personal growth. Embrace the chance to connect more deeply with your loved ones and explore what truly matters to you. When Mercury squares Pluto, financial breakthroughs or shifts in your approach can manifest. Take this time to reflect, release old baggage, and emerge stronger and more empowered.


Love and values continue to be on the radar for you, Scorpio. Your relationship and commitment sector is lit with this planetary stellium. This cosmic fusion brings both exciting opportunities and understanding to your partnerships. It's a great time to deepen your bonds and explore new romantic or professional connections. It can be a great time to form a new business partnership or agreement to get things rolling. This week is about learning how to trust in others. When Mercury faces Pluto this week, look out for misinformation or avoid jumping to conclusions involving love matters. Stay grounded, keep those lines of communication open, and work through any issues together. Remain openhearted and patient.


Expect a boost in your daily grind and wellness routines! With the planets—Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus—converging in your health and wellness sector, you're in for some changes. It's a great time to shake up your habits, tackle tasks with renewed energy, and focus on your health goals. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew or neglect your self-care amidst the busyness. Stay grounded, balance work and play, and prioritize self-care to master your routine. When the Sun sextiles Neptune, prioritize a sacred practice such as somatic healing or meditation on this day, and you will witness a shift in your approach to life.


Prepare for a burst of creativity and excitement as the stellium of planets illuminates your romantic and creative sphere of life. This week brings opportunities for artistic inspiration, romantic adventures, and joyful experiences. Embrace your inner child, indulge in playful pursuits, and see life as a story only you can write. When Mercury squares Pluto, be mindful of impulsiveness or scattered energy that may lead to distractions or conflicts. Capitalize on the purity behind your decisions. Make all of the unresolved water under the bridge. Stay focused on your goals while allowing yourself to explore new avenues of self-expression and pleasure.


This week spotlights your home and family life. It's a great time to cozy up with loved ones, spruce up your space, and dive into heartfelt conversations. Allow the opportunity to strengthen bonds and create a sense of belonging. The Mercury square Pluto can add a challenge to your mojo, and be aware of some family dynamics or unexpected household issues that might crop up. It is an opportunity to clear the air or share what has been circulating in your mind lately. Stay grounded, open communication lines, and work together to find solutions.


Brainstorming and endless downloads of information are circulating within your mind, Pisces. With the planetary stellium embodying your communications sector, it's like the Universe is giving you a megaphone! Take advantage of this by speaking your truth, connecting with others, and soaking up knowledge like a sponge. But watch out for scattered thoughts or miscommunications that might trip you up. When the Sun sextiles Neptune, stay grounded, keep your focus sharp, and trust your intuition—it's your superpower, especially on that day. This week is about sharing your unique voice and expanding your mind, Pisces. Dive in and make the most of it!

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's new beginner's astrology workbook

Hello, September — we are back in business. Are you excited to satiate your taste buds with a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks or throw on your favorite sweater curled up on the couch binge-watching Gilmore Girls? I know I am! Fall is just around the corner, and we're in for exciting cosmic events this season.

As Virgo season advances and Mercury Retrograde officially leaves its shadow period, it will be a cathartic month involving intentions. However, an intense lunar eclipse (AKA Super Full Moon) is on the horizon later this month, ringing a major change in our journey. Let’s unpack the astrology of September 2024 and see what the stars have in store for your sign this month! Read on for your sun, moon, and rising sign September horoscopes!

Astrology Overview for Your September 2024 Horoscopes

Bruno Pontelo

This month starts with Uranus retrograde, allowing us to slow down and analyze what needs reinventing. From September 1 until January 30, 2025, you'll experience clarity regarding what needs to change. However, the shifts won't happen as fast as you'll feel the need to slow down and analyze your approach. Alongside this powerful Uranus retrograde, Pluto re-enters Capricorn, the sign of structure and discipline. This transit can cause you to fall into the same habits in the next few months — be mindful. By January next year, you'll be more than willing to take a chance and finally step into an authentic path, whether it involves your love life or financial status.

This cosmic excursion will reveal the old narratives experienced in the past and help you see what is working in your life and what needs to be released.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 7 signals new beginnings involving our ideas while understanding the importance of remaining grounded. This lunation involves Jupiter and Saturn in an intense T-square. It can feel like a push-pull resistance to wanting to live in a fantasy, but luckily, the pragmatic support of the Virgo sign will enable you to hold steady. Focus on the body and be present. Begin new health routines and clear out your working space to feel centered.

Set your intentions and begin your manifestation ritual – this new moon will reveal how you can proactively work toward your dream life in the next six months.

Now, things are going to get very interesting. The action planet Mars enters the sign of Cancer on September 4. Our approach to getting things done will manifest through emotions instead of practicality. In this expression, Mars could also raise unforeseen feelings that can result in a frenzy of emotions if ungrounded. The best action is to cry it out or scream into a pillow if you feel something building up, or honor the need to rest and focus on home-related matters. To master Mars in Cancer, learn to nurture yourself and observe your sensitivity to others. Observe first, then act later.

You'll see progress as you engage more with the heart center and learn to maneuver anger to understanding.

Luckily, communication channels improve as the messenger planet Mercury returns to the sign of Virgo on September 9. Our ideas will begin to materialize, and our ability to articulate our messages will improve. However, these next few weeks are all business with little pleasure, so squeeze in date nights or social outings to lighten up.

Here we are again – eclipse season officially starts on September 17. The lunar eclipse (AKA Super Full Moon) is in Pisces, and these next two weeks will be as though you're walking into a fantasy realm. Mystical Neptune aligns with the moon on this day, unveiling the need to let go of a dream we once had. Our emotions will peak, but we are more than prepared as Uranus comes into play, enforcing the need to step out of the storyline that did not meet our expectations.

Begin release work, connect with your intuition, or begin a meditation practice to help you find peace and understanding.

The Sun enters Libra on September 22, helping you see clearly and balance in the following weeks. Libra season offers perspective and mutual understanding in relationships whenever you desire to find meaning. During eclipse season, the Sun, being in Libra, extends support in weighing out what needs to release in your life. Communicate what you want, and remember to factor in fairness. On the same day, Venus enters Scorpio, cranking up the drama in relationships or how you generally view love. So, these two weeks can make or break your relationship.

Conversely, these next several weeks can be filled with passion and a revamp of your connection with your partner. Transparency is key to finding the solution.

Finally, we conclude this month with Mercury entering Libra on September 26, bringing pleasant conversations and the need to beautify our thoughts and ideas. It can also enhance your love or idealize what you want to attract. Libra loves to build bridges and find solutions to miscommunication. This month ends on the need for diplomacy or finding grace after conflict.

If you feel unfinished business, now is the time to find answers. You can do this by reconnecting with those you need closure with or revisiting matters that require a conclusion.

Key Dates + Planetary Transits For Your September Horoscope

Parker Jones

  • 9/1 Uranus Rx, Pluto re-enters Capricorn
  • 9/2 New Moon in Virgo
  • 9/4 Mars enters Cancer
  • 9/9 Mercury enters Virgo
  • 9/17 Lunar Eclipse
  • 9/22 Sun enters Libra, Venus enters Scorpio
  • 9/26 Mercury enters Libra

​Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope

Brit + Co


September begins with Uranus retrograde and Pluto re-entering Capricorn, prompting a review of your goals and daily routines. This period is ideal for identifying and releasing what no longer serves you. Release promotes peace. Mid-month, the Lunar Eclipse stirs up the emotional baggage, offering a chance to heal past grievances and step into a new direction. As the month concludes, the Sun and Venus shift focus to your relationships and finances, urging you to balance and refine communication. Assess your investments and values to create harmony and clarity in personal and financial interactions.


As September starts, Uranus's retrograde and Pluto's return inspire a reassessment of your creativity and long-term goals. Reflect on what truly brings you joy and how you express yourself. The New Moon signals a fresh start for hobbies and relationships, setting the stage for exciting developments. It can even manifest a passion project or even family planning. Mid-month, the Lunar Eclipse may shift your social circle or future aspirations, prompting the realignment of your goals. By the end of the month, the Sun and Venus direct attention to health and daily routines, enhancing communication and providing clarity on financial and personal matters.


Early September sees Uranus retrograde, encouraging a deep dive into your home and family life. Reflect on how your past experiences shape the present. The New Moon offers a fresh start for reorganizing your space or addressing family issues. Mid-month, Mars shifts your focus to finances and personal values, prompting new financial goals and reassessing spending habits. The Lunar Eclipse may close a chapter on your career or public image, urging you to rethink your professional aspirations. By month's end, the Sun and Venus enhance your focus on creative projects and personal interests, improving communication and connections.

Brit + Co


September begins with Uranus retrograde, prompting a reassessment of social circles and community roles. Pluto’s return suggests focusing on strengthening key relationships. The New Moon brings a fresh start for communication and learning, and it's ideal for starting new projects or improving self-expression. Mid-month, Mars energizes personal goals and leadership, giving you the confidence to tackle new initiatives. The Lunar Eclipse may lead to shifts in long-term plans or outlooks, encouraging reflection and adaptation. As September concludes, the Sun and Venus focus on home and family, enhancing self-expression and improving personal connections.


The month starts with Uranus's retrograde and Pluto’s return, urging you to evaluate financial goals and work routines. Refine your approach to stability and productivity. The New Moon sets the stage for new financial plans or exploring income opportunities. Mid-month, Mars directs your focus inward, prompting you to address hidden emotions and self-reflection. The Lunar Eclipse may impact shared resources or intimacy, guiding you to tie loose. By month’s end, the Sun and Venus highlight communication and home life, aiding in resolving both professional and personal matters and boosting interaction skills.


September opens with Uranus retrograde, encouraging a rethink of personal beliefs and long-term goals. Reflect on how your philosophy aligns with your current path. The New Moon in your sign extends a chance for self-improvement and new intentions. The world is your oyster, and you decide how to pave your path. Mid-month, Mars shifts focus to social connections and community, inspiring you to engage more actively. Opportunities await. The Lunar Eclipse may bring changes in partnerships or relationships. This lunation will help you let go of outdated connections. By the end of this month, the Sun and Venus will direct attention to finances and communication, supporting clear planning and addressing relationship matters with newfound clarity.

Brit + Co


In early September, Uranus retrograde shakes your perception of intimacy and prompts a reevaluation of shared resources. Pluto’s return emphasizes addressing changes in your home and emotional foundations. The New Moon invites personal growth and introspection, perfect for setting new intentions. Mid-month, the Lunar Eclipse may lead to changes in work routines or daily habits, providing an opportunity to let go of old habits. This month concludes with the Sun and Venus enhancing focus on relationships and finances, encouraging you to balance and refine communication and financial management for improved harmony in your life.


September starts with Uranus retrograde, which encourages you to reevaluate partnerships and communication methods. Pluto’s return prompts a deeper look into your expression and thought patterns. The New Moon offers fresh opportunities for social activities and community involvement. Mid-month, Mars shifts focus to travel and higher education, fueling your desire for new experiences and learning. The Lunar Eclipse may affect creative projects or romantic endeavors, guiding you to release old patterns. By month’s end, the Sun and Venus highlight home life and personal charm, improving communication and enhancing self-expression.


September begins with Uranus retrograde, prompting a reevaluation of daily routines and financial priorities. This period is excellent for refining how you manage time and resources. The New Moon sets the stage for new career goals or projects. Mid-month, Mars directs energy towards shared resources and personal connections, encouraging you to address financial matters and joint ventures. The Lunar Eclipse may change the home life or family dynamics, offering a chance to heal from what was left unresolved. By the end of the month, the Sun and Venus will enhance their focus on social connections and personal growth, improving communication and collaboration.

Brit + Co


September starts with Uranus retrograde, prompting a reflection on creativity and personal goals. Pluto’s return suggests a period of self-assessment, aligning your goals with your evolving identity. The New Moon invites new opportunities in long-term plans or educational pursuits. Mid-month, Mars highlights partnerships and relationships, encouraging you to address issues and assert your needs. The Lunar Eclipse may impact communication and thought patterns, urging you to embrace new perspectives. As the month wraps up, the Sun and Venus shift focus to career and social life, enhancing communication skills, and pursuing goals.


Early September, Uranus retrograde urges a reassessment of your home life and emotional foundation. Pluto’s return encourages inner reflection and transformation. The New Moon brings new opportunities for managing shared resources and personal growth. Mid-month, Mars focuses on work and daily routines, boosting energy for practical improvements. The Lunar Eclipse may bring shifts in financial situations or personal values, helping you pinpoint what truly matters to you. By month’s end, the Sun and Venus highlight travel, career opportunities, and self-expression, enhancing communication and expanding your horizons.


September opens with Uranus retrograde, prompting a reevaluation of communication and interactions. Pluto’s return suggests focusing on long-term goals and social circles. The New Moon turns a new leaf for partnerships and deepening connections. Mid-month, the Lunar Eclipse brings a shift in personal identity, encouraging deep reflection and letting go of outdated self-perceptions. By the end of the month, the Sun and Venus focus on shared resources and personal growth, improving communication about finances and leading to transformation in both individual and financial realms.

Looking for your own astrology advice? Submit your questions for Ask Lumi here!

Header image via Brit + Co

Alexa Chung and Madewellare cooking up another collaborative collection, a whole 14 years after their initial partnership that launched in 2010. Per the The New York Times, it’s focused on pieces that are “aggressively untrendy” this time around, as opposed to garments influenced by the ‘indie sleaze’ Tumblr era that Chung herself helped define. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming collab, including what you can buy, and when and where to shop!


Though Madewell hasn’t yet hinted at all of the exact styles that’ll join their collaboration with Chung, their website offers a small sneak peek at the general vibe of the drop. On a teaser page, Chung, a true "it" girl, confidently dons a fur trench coat and dark wash jeans for the campaign. The emphasis on unique wardrobe staples – what Madewell does best – is definitely evident.

Alongside her recent interview with NYT that touches on the upcoming Madewell collection, Chung is pictured in a flattering denim-on-denim getup that she designed for the brand. The long-sleeve denim shirt is reported to go for $128 (up to size XL), while the jeans she wears in a similar wash will go for $178 (up to size 33).

Per the article, the Alexa Chung x Madewell collab contains nearly 30 pieces. The first half of the collection will drop on September 4 at 12pm ET with items like “high-rise flared jeans, button-down shirts, long denim skirts, and dresses,” all of which have a Western workwear vibe.

The prices will range from $128 to $850, with the most expensive item being an ankle-length cognac suede coat. The rest of the collab will be available to shop in November.

Subscribe to our newsletter to shop this new collection!

As we transition from the final days of August into the early days of September, the cosmos takes on a new rhythm. With the last echoes of summer fading, we're stepping into a period rich with transformative energies. Think of it as your favorite summer novel wrapping up with a gripping plot twist — and who doesn’t love a bit of celestial drama? As we move through the week of August 26 to September 1, let’s explore the astrological highlights and how you can navigate these upcoming shifts. Read on to find out your weekly horoscope for your sun, moon, and rising sign.

Weekly Horoscope Overview For August 26-September 1

Parker Jones

We begin this week with a harmonious alignment with Venus trine Uranus on Tuesday, August 27. This aspect manifests excitement and innovation in your relationships and creative endeavors. Expect surprises that breathe fresh air into your connections and projects. This is a perfect day to embrace new ideas and let your unique style shine.

Leave your comfort zone and explore unconventional approaches with love and creativity.

On Wednesday, August 28, the energy shifts, with Venus opposite Neptune and Mercury going direct. The Venus-Neptune opposition may cast a veil of illusion over your relationships and finances, making distinguishing between fantasy and reality crucial. Be cautious with any decisions influenced by idealistic visions. The great news is that Mercury’s direct motion offers clarity and a fresh start for communications that may have felt stuck or confusing during its retrograde phase. It will be easier to reassess and realign your plans.

You will feel more up to speed in a week as Mercury picks up from where it left off in early summer.

As we reach Thursday, August 29, Venus moves into Libra, where it feels right at home, enhancing harmony and balance in your interactions. Coupled with Venus trine Pluto, this day offers deep, transformative experiences in relationships and creative projects. Expect powerful shifts that can lead to an authentic path.

This is a magical moment for addressing underlying issues and observing connections that genuinely resonate.

By Sunday, September 1, two cosmic events simultaneously will enable us to pinpoint what needs reinvention in our lives. It all begins by looking back at what you have built in your journey. Uranus is beginning its retrograde, and Pluto is re-entering Capricorn. Uranus retrograde invites us to reflect on the unconventional changes we've experienced over the past months and integrate these insights into our personal growth. Pluto’s return to Capricorn signals a time to revisit, refine, and reset your long-term goals and ambitions.

This is an opportunity to confront power dynamics and make necessary adjustments for sustainable progress.

Although this week is jam-packed with powerful transits, please take this as a sign from the cosmos that it’s time to get to work. If you have been sitting on the sidelines hoping for something to happen in your life, the time is now to decide.

Navigate these celestial currents with an open heart and a willingness to evolve — the universe is offering you a chance to rewrite your story with new, empowered chapters. Dream it, believe it, and live it.

​Key Dates To Remember For Your Weekly Horoscope

Cora Pursley

  • Tuesday, 8/27 – Venus trine Uranus
  • Wednesday, 8/28 – Venus opposite Neptune, Mercury Direct
  • Thursday, 8/29 – Venus enters Libra, Venus trine Pluto
  • Sunday, 9/1 Uranus Retrograde, Pluto re-enters Capricorn

Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope


Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, brace for an exciting mix of opportunities and changes. Tuesday boosts your daily routine and work life with unexpected, positive shifts. Wednesday might blur your personal and professional expectations, but Mercury’s direct motion will help things come into focus. Thursday enhances harmony in your partnerships and invites transformative social experiences. Sunday offers a chance to reflect on recent financial adjustments and reassess your career goals. Embrace these moments for growth and balance.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, creativity and inspiration take center stage. Tuesday sparks new ideas and passions, energizing your personal projects. Wednesday may bring confusion about social goals or group activities, so stay grounded. Thursday shifts your focus to work and daily routines, with Venus facilitating significant progress. Sunday is ideal for reflecting on recent personal changes and reassessing your beliefs. Use these insights to refine your long-term plans.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, anticipate a blend of revelations and creative energy. Tuesday introduces a pleasant surprise or fresh perspective at home. Wednesday might bring confusion at work, but Mercury’s forward motion will soon help you piece things together. Thursday boosts your creativity and romantic connections. Sunday invites reflection on past relationship changes, providing insight into your journey and future direction.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, stimulating interactions and emotional depth are the highlights this week. Tuesday brings fresh, exciting ideas within your social circles. Wednesday could lead to misunderstandings about beliefs or education, but Mercury’s movement will soon clarify things. Thursday focuses on home and family, deepening emotional connections. Sunday encourages revisiting past relationship dynamics and personal growth. Use this time to understand your emotional needs better and move forward.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, expect a dynamic mix of financial and social developments. Tuesday boosts your resources or income through unexpected opportunities tied to your career. Wednesday might stir confusion around finances or deep emotional issues, but Mercury’s forward motion will bring a better perspective. Thursday enhances your communication and connections, sparking new ideas. Sunday prompts a reassessment of your career goals and daily routines, allowing you to refine your strategies.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, prepare for personal growth and practical adjustments. Tuesday brings a refreshing boost to your self-image and outlook with unexpected opportunities. Wednesday may create confusion in relationships or partnerships, but Mercury’s movement will soon offer a clearer view. Thursday shifts focus to financial matters, offering favorable conditions for managing resources. Sunday invites you to reassess creative projects and romantic pursuits, helping you move forward with renewed purpose.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, anticipate a blend of introspection and personal transformation. Tuesday brings a positive shift in your inner world, possibly through surprising revelations. Wednesday might present tension related to your daily routine or health, but Mercury’s movement will soon improve your understanding. Thursday enhances your presence and self-expression, boosting confidence. Sunday is perfect for reflecting on past home or family matters, allowing you to refine your emotional foundations.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio, expect a mix of social opportunities and deep introspection. Tuesday brings pleasant surprises or new connections through your social circles. Wednesday might introduce confusion in creative pursuits or romance, but Mercury’s forward motion will soon bring understanding. Thursday shifts focus inward, giving you the chance to explore hidden feelings and personal growth. Sunday invites you to review your role in relationships. Evaluate your love language or communication style.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, look forward to professional growth and your dreams taking root. Tuesday boosts your career or public image with positive developments. Wednesday may bring challenges around home and family, but Mercury’s forward motion will help you resolve these issues. Thursday enhances your social connections and networking abilities. Sunday is a time to reassess work routines and financial strategies, reflecting on past patterns to set new, practical goals.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn, enjoy a blend of growth and reflection this week. Tuesday opens up exciting opportunities for expanding your horizons or exploring new interests. Wednesday might stir confusion around communication or learning, but Mercury’s forward motion will offer a new perspective. Thursday focuses on your career and public image, with Venus boosting your professional charm. Sunday encourages a reassessment of personal goals and identity, allowing you to align with your true direction.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, navigate through personal transformation and evolving perspectives. Tuesday spotlights your shared resources or intimate connections with positive changes at home. Wednesday may create confusion about finances or self-worth, but Mercury’s direct movement will soon offer insight. Thursday focuses on expanding your horizons and pursuing new opportunities, with Venus enhancing your optimism. Sunday prompts reflection on deep, subconscious themes and past experiences to align with your true self.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, get ready to experience exciting changes and enlightening moments! Tuesday brings a pleasant surprise in relationships or partnerships, boosting conversations and connections. Wednesday might stir confusion about your self-image or how others perceive you, but Mercury’s forward motion will soon improve your perspective and grant confidence. Thursday shifts focus to shared resources and emotional bonds while deepening relationships. Sunday is a time to reflect on past social interactions and future goals, helping you adjust your plans accordingly.

Looking for more astrological advice? Be sure to submit a question to Lumi here!

Header image via Brit+Co

It's time for the weekend watch! When it comes to a long weekend, a few activities are always a good idea: delicious homemade food (hello mac & cheese!), grabbing a latte from your favorite coffee shop (or whipping up a delicious DIY Starbucks recipe yourself), and catching up on all the TV shows you've fallen behind on before heading back to work.

That's why Labor Day weekend 2024, which is observed through September 2, is the perfect time to kick back and relax. Whether you want to escape into your favorite comfort movie or you missed your favorite series' return, we found all the best titles to keep you busy this weekend — without the stress, of course. Without further ado, here are 3 comfort watches, 2 new TV shows, and 1 series you can catch up on this weekend.

Comfort Watches

Warner Bros. Television

Gilmore Girls — Stream on Netflix

This comfort show is the ultimate escape, and if you're more than ready to pack up your swimsuits and shower your home in Target fall decor, this show will totally get you in the mood for all the fun things coming post-Labor Day weekend. But aside from all of the autumn of it all, everything about Gilmore Girls makes it the perfect comfort watch. The heart of the show is family and community, and honestly even coming-of-age in a safe space. There's nothing that will put you more at ease!

The CW/Warner Bros Television

The Vampire Diaries — Stream on Peacock

I consider The Vampire Diaries the perfect September TV show because it gives me the same feeling the first crisp early-fall morning provides, or the same thrill as lighting an apple candle and listening to the acoustic version of Taylor Swift's "State of Grace" (both of which I do every September 1). And with a slew of leather jackets, long sleeve Henley tees, and jeans, the show has just enough layering to make you crave some fall basics.

Neal Preston/Paramount Pictures

Elizabethtown — Stream on PlutoTV

If you haven't seen this film before, get ready because it's about to become one of your all-time comfort movies (or at least, that's what happened when I watched it for the first time). It offers a lot of the same joy Gilmore Girls does because, partly because it centers family relationships and small town living, but because the story features plane rides, road trips, and crashing a wedding, it caters to that last little bit of summer adventure we all have when Labor Day weekend rolls around.

​New Series

Eric McCandless/Disney

Only Murders in the Building — Stream on Hulu

Only Murders in the Building season 4 might only have one episode so far, but in the event you haven't been able to watch it, there is no time like the present. This episode finally brings us back to Mabel, Charles, and Oliver, but since it is only one episode, it'll leave you wanting more before the credits even roll. Plus, if you save it for Labor Day itself, you can watch episode two when it premieres the next day!


Emily in Paris — Stream on Netflix

We might have to wait until September 12 for Emily in Paris season 4 part 2, but all five episodes of part 1 are available on Netflix now. And in my opinion, this is the best season since the first! By this point, we are well acquainted with Emily, Gabriel, and all the other memorable characters, and the writing is so good that you could binge all five episodes in one night. You can also watch one episode a day to stretch it out ;).

New ​TV Shows To Catch Up On

Nick Strasburg/HBO

Industry — Stream on Max

Labor Day weekend presents the perfect opportunity to watch any shows you're behind on, and our team can't stop talking about Industry season 3. I never knew banking could be so dramatic, but Industry is simply the only series that fills the void left behind by Succession and Euphoria. Episode 4 premieres on September 1, which means we're already halfway through the season. And I'm cancelling all my plans to curl up and catch up.

Tag us in your Labor Day weekend plans on Instagram! Check out You Know The 3 Beverage Rule. Here's The 3 TV Show Rule. for a deeper look into your favorite TV shows.

Lead image via Hulu/Disney

Elevate your work-from-home experience with upgrades that are designed to boost your productivity and transform your workspace into a hub of efficiency and comfort. This list highlights essential products that will take your home office to the next level, helping you stay focused, organized, and motivated. From ergonomic chairs that support your posture during long hours to sleek standing desks that keep you moving, these upgrades ensure you work smarter, not harder. Whether you're looking to revamp your setup or fine-tune your work environment, these work-from-home upgrades will make your days more efficient and enjoyable than ever.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

Stay Organized and on Track With a Glass Dry-Erase Desktop Whiteboard


Ditch the sticky notes and embrace organization with a glass dry-erase desktop whiteboard. This sleek tool lets you jot down reminders, to-do lists, and important notes right where you need them — on your desk. Say goodbye to paper clutter and hello to a more efficient way to stay on top of your tasks.

See it on Amazon

Charge All Your Devices Efficiently With a Wall Charger With Six Outlets


Power up all your devices with a wall charger with six outlets and two USB fast-charging ports. This powerful tool ensures your phone, laptop, and other gadgets stay charged throughout the day, so you won’t be caught with a dead device during a critical meeting.

See it on Amazon

Tame Cable Clutter With a Flexible Power Strip


Maximize your workspace flexibility with a flexible power strip featuring a five-foot extension cord. This versatile strip twists and bends to fit your desk setup, making it perfect for small workspaces with multiple electronics. Now, you can plug in everything you need without the clutter of tangled cords.

See it on Amazon

Stay Focused With a Rotating Timer


Boost your productivity with a rotating timer that helps you manage your time effectively. Set it for focused work sessions or reminders to take a break, ensuring you stay on task and maintain your energy throughout the day.

See it on Amazon

Plan Your Week Like a Pro With a Handy Agenda Pad


Stay on top of your tasks with a weekly agenda pad that provides ample space to plan your week. This organized approach helps you track deadlines, manage your workload, and stay ahead of the curve, setting you up for success and that potential year-end promotion.

See it on Amazon

Enhance Comfort With an Adjustable Foam Footrest


Make long work hours more comfortable with an adjustable foam footrest. This ergonomic upgrade brings the floor up to your feet, reducing pressure on your hips and legs and helping you maintain a comfortable posture during those marathon workdays.

See it on Amazon

Support Your Wrists With Memory Foam Gel Pads


Protect your wrists with a set of memory foam gel pads designed to provide ergonomic support whether you’re using a laptop or a desktop setup. These cushions help prevent cramping and discomfort from hours of typing, keeping you pain-free and productive.

See it on Amazon

Add Comfort to Your Workspace With a Set of Armrest Pads


Add comfort to your workspace with armrest pads that provide extra cushioning when working away from your desk. Perfect for those who like to work from the couch or a cozy chair, these pads help reduce strain on your wrists as you tackle your inbox.

See it on Amazon

Speed Up Your Workflow With a Shortcut Keyboard Cover


Master your software shortcuts with a shortcut keyboard cover tailored for Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut Pro X, and more. This cover makes it easy to remember and use shortcuts, saving time and reducing frustration as you work more efficiently on your creative projects.

See it on Amazon

Brighten Your Workspace With an LED Desk Lamp


Brighten up your workspace with this versatile LED desk lamp. This lamp creates an inviting and productive environment with ten brightness levels and five color modes. Plus, the adjustable head ensures you can direct the light exactly where you need it, helping you stay focused and energized throughout the day.

See it on Amazon

Keep Cables Out of the Way With a Wire Cable Basket


Keep your cables organized with a sleek wire cable basket that easily attaches to the back of your desk. Say goodbye to tangled cords and cluttered spaces—this basket keeps everything neat and in place, ensuring your devices stay plugged in and ready to go. While it might not directly boost your productivity, a tidy workspace certainly helps.

See it on Amazon

Work Comfortably From Anywhere With a Foldable Laptop Stand


Transform any surface into a standing desk with this foldable laptop stand. Whether you're working from your desk, kitchen table, or vanity, this stand elevates your laptop to a comfortable height, promoting better posture and reducing strain during those long work sessions.

See it on Amazon

Create the Perfect Ambiance With a USB-Powered LED Light Strip


Illuminate your monitor with a USB-powered LED light strip that not only looks cool but also reduces eye strain. By balancing the brightness between your screen and the room, this light strip helps you work more comfortably, especially during those late-night sessions.

See it on Amazon

Protect Your Desk and Stay Organized With a Reversible Waterproof Desk Mat


Protect your desk with a reversible waterproof desk mat that doubles as a mousepad. Accidents happen, and this mat provides a barrier between your workspace and any spills, keeping your desk in pristine condition while ensuring smooth mouse movement.

See it on Amazon

Keep Your Headphones Accessible With a 360-Degree Rotating Headphone Holder


Declutter your desk with a 360-degree rotating headphone holder. This clever accessory sticks to the side of your desk, giving your headphones a designated spot when they’re not in use. It’s an easy way to keep your workspace tidy and your headphones within reach.

See it on Amazon

Optimize Your Viewing Angle With an Adjustable Phone Stand


Keep your phone accessible with an adjustable phone stand. Whether you're taking calls, responding to texts, or sneaking in a quick Netflix break, this stand holds your phone vertically or horizontally, so you can stay connected and entertained while you work.

See it on Amazon

Add a Touch of Warmth With Some Fairy Lights


Add a cozy touch to your workspace with some fairy lights. These charming lights create a warm, ambient glow, making your desk area feel more inviting. They’re easy to hang and provide just the right amount of light to make long work hours a little more enjoyable.

See it on Amazon

Bring Color and Fun to Your Setup With a Colorful Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Set


Bring color and comfort to your setup with a wireless keyboard and mouse set. This colorful duo not only livens up your workspace but also offers a more comfortable typing experience, helping you stay productive without the strain of using a cramped laptop keyboard.

See it on Amazon

Maximize Desk Space With an Adjustable Wood Shelf


Stay organized with an adjustable wood shelf that keeps your books and materials within arm’s reach. This shelf adds a touch of natural style to your desk while providing easy access to the essentials you need to power through your workday.

See it on Amazon

Keep Your Desk Clean With a Miniature Wastebasket That Mounts to the Side


Upgrade your desk setup with a clip-on wastebasket that attaches right to the side. This gives you a convenient spot to toss snack wrappers and sticky notes without leaving your workspace. The adhesive backing means no tools are required — just peel, stick, and get back to work.

See it on Amazon

Improve Posture With an Ergonomic Exercise Ball Chair


Stay engaged and active with an ergonomic exercise ball chair that encourages subtle movements throughout the day. This innovative chair supports your lower back and shoulders, helping you maintain focus and comfort during those long work sessions.

See it on Amazon

Sit Comfortably All Day With a Memory Foam Chair Cushion


Elevate your sitting experience with a memory foam chair cushion designed to keep you comfortable for hours. It helps improve posture, supports spinal alignment, and alleviates pressure on your lower back and tailbone, reducing the need for frequent breaks due to discomfort.

See it on Amazon

Create a Calming Environment With a Stress Relief Candle


Create a calming work environment with a stress-relief aromatherapy candle infused with soothing scents like lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, and sage. With up to 60 hours of burn time, this candle helps you unwind and stay focused, turning your workspace into a serene haven.

See it on Amazon

Keep Your Workspace Spotless With a Compact Double-Sided Cleaning Tool


Keep your workspace spotless with a compact keyboard cleaning tool that’s perfect for removing crumbs and grime from your keyboard and screen. This dual-sided tool is a must-have for maintaining a clean and efficient workspace, ensuring your devices stay in top condition.

See it on Amazon

Organize Your Books With a Set of Hugging Duck Bookends


Organize your books and add a touch of personality to your workspace with these charming duck bookends. They’ll keep your favorite reads within reach while bringing a bit of fun to your office decor, making your space both functional and stylish.

See it on Amazon

Work in Comfort With a Minimal Office Chair


Simplify your office setup with a sleek, minimal ergonomic chair that offers the support you need without overwhelming your space. It’s the perfect solution for anyone looking to create a comfortable, productive environment in a smaller home office.

See it on Amazon

Take Breaks in Style With an Under-the-Desk Hammock


Give your feet a break with an under-the-desk hammock that lets you stretch out and relax while you work. This creative addition not only provides comfort but also adds a bit of whimsy to your daily routine, helping you stay refreshed and focused.

See it on Amazon

Stay Cool While You Work With a Retro Mini Desk Fan


Stay cool under pressure with a retro-inspired mini desk fan that’s as stylish as it is functional. This compact fan is perfect for keeping your workspace comfortable, so you can stay focused and productive, even when deadlines are looming.

See it on Amazon

Write and Work in Style With a Clear-Top Writing Desk


Maximize your workspace with a clear-top glass writing desk that adds a modern touch to your home office. The transparent surface creates the illusion of more space, helping you stay organized and inspired as you tackle your to-do list.

See it on Amazon

Switch Between Sitting and Standing Easily With an Adjustable Standing Desk Converter


Upgrade your work setup with an adjustable standing desk converter that lets you switch between sitting and standing effortlessly. It's a game-changer for anyone concerned about the health impacts of sitting all day. Plus, when you’re sitting, it doubles as a monitor stand, ensuring your screen is always at the perfect eye level for optimal comfort.

See it on Amazon

Keep Supplies Tidy With a Set of Stackable Clear Drawer Organizers


Keep your desk drawers organized and clutter-free with a set of stackable clear drawer organizers. These organizers are perfect for keeping your pens, sticky notes, and other essentials neatly separated. No more rummaging around — everything you need will be easy to find, making your workday more efficient and stress-free.

See it on Amazon

Work Ergonomically With a Cordless Logitech Vertical Ergonomic Mouse


Say goodbye to hand and wrist pain with the cordless Logitech vertical ergonomic mouse. Designed to promote a more natural hand position, this mouse is a lifesaver for those with carpal tunnel, arthritis, or other mobility issues. It’s a comfortable alternative to struggling with a laptop trackpad, helping you work longer without discomfort.

See it on Amazon

Sit Upright With a Kneeling Chair with an Innovative Design


Improve your posture and relieve pressure on your back and hips with a kneeling chair. Its innovative design encourages you to sit up straight by distributing your weight evenly and keeping your spine aligned. If you’re someone who struggles with bad posture from sitting all day, this chair could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

See it on Amazon

Stay Active While Working With a Compact, TikTok-Famous Rolling Desk Bike


Boost your productivity with a compact, TikTok-famous rolling desk bike. This clever gadget lets you incorporate lower body movement into your work routine, perfect for those who get restless legs or need more than just standing breaks. Cycling while you work helps you stay focused and energized, making it easier to power through your to-do list.

See it on Amazon

Keep Your Coffee Warm With an Electric Mug Warmer


Keep your coffee or tea at the perfect temperature with this electric mug warmer. It’s an essential upgrade for anyone who likes to savor their drink throughout the day without worrying about it getting cold. Whether you’re deep in concentration or juggling multiple tasks, this gadget ensures your beverage stays warm, keeping you energized and focused.

See it on Amazon