Your Weekly Horoscope Reading For May 20-May 27 Is All About Manifesting Your Dreams
This week invokes a significant number of planetary shifts. Gemini Season begins, prompting us to engage more with our mindset while birthing our ideas into fruition. On the flip side, if ungrounded, you can go into a frenzy with an overload of ideas. This season will help you understand the importance of focused intention while aligning our concepts in mind — mind over matter, or as the saying goes, as above, so below. If you learn to master your thoughts, you can see your dreams take root.
Your Weekly Horoscope Themes For May 20-27
Image via R Maz/Dupe
What better time to adjust and understand your flow than now?
This week will be jam-packed with planetary action. To kick off with Gemini Season, we cross paths with Underworld again as the Sun trines Pluto on May 22. Reminder: Pluto retrograde is happening, meaning we can see whatever needs to be released. The Sun now shines an amicable light on Pluto, granting us acceptance and the ability to gracefully break free from the confines of what controls us.
This is all happening in time for the big event, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23. It's a period of freeing yourself and becoming more open-minded and optimistic for your next chapter. Endings are inevitable in some way or form, but is it truly a bad thing? Think about it, analyze the state of your surroundings, and assess what brings you happiness and what isn't at this point in your journey. Metaphorically speaking, this full moon will ignite the silver lining in your journey. No matter what needs to be released in your journey, do so to attract the life you deserve.
Speak aloud the mantra, "I believe in me."
Alongside the full moon, Venus will align with Jupiter in Taurus at an anaretic degree of 29. This means that all that has been transpiring in your relationship or creative ventures has reached its peak, and therefore, you have the power to wield its direction. Venus will also form a supportive position with Neptune, showing you the beauty of the lessons learned in your love story while helping you recognize its integrity. This full moon will grant you the space to process all you have built so far in your journey and learn how to find your path to fulfillment.
By the end of the full moon spell, Venus ingresses into the sign of Gemini, manifesting a flirtatious vibe into your romantic sphere. With all the seriousness of building or processing your love story, it's time to turn the tables and see what you can do to breathe life back into your partnerships. This involves primarily communication and engaging with the mind. Besides the pleasure of what Taurus has brought these last few weeks, Gemini spins a new tempo that aligns with banter and playfulness. Jupiter, the ruler of this Full Moon event, will face Neptune in an amicable exchange, renewing your beliefs while also sparking curiosity by exploring the bigger picture of what could be in your journey.
Openness is the gateway to freedom.
Jupiter enters Gemini by the end of the week, while Venus trines Pluto on May 25. Moving forward, we are not being led by blind faith. We will embrace ideas and conventional thinking. Listening carefully and being open-minded to others' insights will ignite even more inspiration than you ever thought possible. Setting aside the conforms and old doctrines of what worked before will push you ahead of the curve. As Venus meets up with Pluto, a transformation is in store regarding your love and finances. Evolving your perception of worth and connections will align with your mindset. Meeting in the middle with your ideas in your partnership through openhearted discussions will open up pathways of growth and progression.
Key Dates For Your Weekly Horoscope
Image via Fiona E/Dupe
- 5/20 Sun enters Gemini
- 5/22 Sun trine Pluto
- 5/23 Full Moon in Sagittarius, Venus conjunct Jupiter, Venus sextile Neptune, Venus enters Gemini, Jupiter sextile Neptune
- 5/25 Venus trine Pluto, Jupiter enters Gemini
Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope
Image via Lottie Nielsen/Dupe
Get ready to flex those mental muscles and let your creative juices flow this week. With the Sun phasing in your third house of communication and ideas, you will invest time in your ideas and processes. You can also engage in active discussions with those in your inner circle. Be mindful of your approach, and listen more before reacting. When the Full Moon lights up your 9th house, it's time for a deep dive into release involving your belief systems or celebrating a milestone in your life experience. Take a moment to reflect on what beliefs or outdated perspectives are holding you back.
Gemini Season is here, lighting up your second house and igniting your financial instincts and self-worth exploration. As you reassess your monetary goals and values, the Full Moon in Sagittarius this week will emphasize the importance of releasing or tying loose ends involving your eighth house. It's a period for you to dissect your emotional baggage or face unresolved past fears involving intimacy, vulnerability, or debt. You will feel more at ease as you engage in the present moment—which you ace in that department.
It's time to shine as your first house is filled with solar power, fueling your confidence and charisma. You will feel more in your element as you share your ideas openly. The Full Moon will light up your seventh house of relationships and commitments. This is your chance to level up your partnership or finally let go. By releasing what no longer serves your love story, you pave the way for deeper connections. This week is the starting point for realizing what truly fulfills you.
It's time to slow down and invest time in your well-being internally, Cancer, as the Sun casts its glow into your dream and subconscious sector. This is your moment to retreat and engage more with your spiritual practice or begin inner work. The Full Moon will highlight your sixth house of health and routine to better support you. Prioritize self-care and balance to release stress and unhealthy habits. An energetic and physical cleanse wouldn't be a bad idea.
Image via Ashley Diego/Dupe
Expect your social calendar to fill up this week, or embrace social connections as the Sun powers up your eleventh house. Book that weekend getaway with your friends or engage with those who inspire you. This week's Full Moon will illuminate your fifth house of love and creativity. Celebrate your wins with your creativity, and release doubt. Your love life will be lit if you're single. However, resorting to old patterns in your love story is a no-go. Establish a new system in the name of love, and you will experience the desired outcome in time.
It's time to capitalize on your core intentions involving work. Virgo. The Sun will infuse support in your tenth house, boosting your career prospects and public image. Take charge and claim professional opportunities by showcasing your expertise. The Full Moon later this week will enable you to release emotional baggage as it phases into your fourth house of home life and family dynamics. This week will be when you're officially "adulting" and claiming your worth by cutting cords involving the old-fashioned sense of security.
The Sun will brighten up your ninth house this week, urging exploration and learning. You also have an opportunity to expand your horizons by booking a retreat or taking a class. It's time to leave your comfort zone and become more firm with your personal beliefs. The Full Moon in Sagittarius will enable you to release self-doubt hindering your message. Let go of limiting beliefs for clarity and become more curious.
The Sun residing in your eighth starting this week will invoke the courage to face your fears and learn to transmute them to productivity. This is your opportunity to see your role in this part of your story. Investing time in your inner work will lead you to a more authentic path. The Full Moon in Sagittarius will close a chapter on your financial worries and scarcity mindset. Let go to attract abundance.
Image via Reine Jalloul/Dupe
Love will be on your radar this week, Sagittarius, as the Sun crosses your seventh house of relationships and commitment. This is also a moment to analyze your partnerships and see their perspectives to gain a better perspective. The Full Moon lighting up your first house of identity is a period for you to see yourself and all you have built based on your beliefs. If you're ready to attract fulfillment, let go and chart a new course.
Prepare to wear many hats at work, Capricorn. The Sun will be paving its way into your sixth house, helping you pay attention to productivity and well-being. Prioritize balance by booking a spa day or self-care day to help you feel grounded this week. The Full Moon will prompt you to consider your inner needs and dreams. Journal or book an energy healing session to help you get answers. This will be an optimal time to pinpoint what makes you feel most anchored in your life.
Love is in the air for you this week. The Sun residing in your fifth house inspires self-expression and innovative approaches to romance. If your love life needs a boost, engage more with playful activities or hobbies such as painting, seeing a show, or date night (even for singles). The Full Moon illuminates your eleventh house, and this phase opens the door for you to reconnect with networks or friends. Watch out for hypersensitivity if any issues have been left unresolved. This is the opportunity to make amends.
This week, expect shifts in your home life as the Sun crosses into your fourth house of home and family. Resorting back to your ancestral roots or family connections will open healing pathways in your journey. Slow down and observe any unresolved feelings involving your security. The Full Moon in your tenth house of career will help you see what is stagnating your progress while seeing what is in complete alignment with your heart.
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