Your Weekly Horoscope For October 20–26 Are Officially In — Here's What It Means For Your Sign

Weekly Horoscope October 20–26

October is quickly winding to a close — but it's not over yet! While we may want November and all its cheery Holiday goodness, we have to welcome Scorpio season first. This mysterious (and often misunderstood) sign is coming in hot to continue all those transformational vibes October Theory has everyone musing on. So, here's what you can expect in your weekly horoscope for October 20-26. Be sure to read for both your sun and rising sign!

Astrology Breakdown For Your Weekly Horoscope

Darina Belonogova

The main event this week is the Sun’s move into the sensual, deep, and intense sign of Scorpio on October 22. This shift offers us all the opportunity to live life on a more profound level. We are reminded to delve deep into our psyches to confront any issues lurking in the recesses of our minds and hearts. Scorpio loves to uncover hidden secrets and is eager to excavate our challenges and bring them to light. Let’s embrace this potential for transformation by scheduling an appointment with a therapist, committing to deep conversations, and exploring any issues that may be veiled from clear sight. Scorpio thrives on mysteries and seeks to clarify anything obscured. Take advantage of this time for genuine transformation.

Support for these transformations comes from Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, which is forming a beneficial trine with Saturn, the planet of responsibility and hard work. Saturn provides structure, enabling us to establish routines and commitments. Any endeavors requiring communication and diligence are well-supported by this alignment between Mercury and Saturn.

Victoria Strelka_ph

On a lighter note, Venus is in Sagittarius until November 12. Regardless of Venus's placement in your chart, we can all feel the expansive love energy this combination brings. You might notice an increase in flirtation and a renewed sense of being in love with life. Use this time to channel your enthusiasm into seeking new experiences and learning new things. Explore with your partner and friends how you can combine your dreams to support each other’s growth. Be open to adventures, but remember that the need for freedom might be prominent, so avoid smothering each other. Ensure everyone feels free to pursue their own adventures and interests.

On October 24, Mars forms a sextile with Uranus, enhancing the Venus in Sagittarius energy, encouraging us to embark on adventures outside our usual routines. Trust your instincts before taking radical actions, as this combination can lead to risk-taking. Our drive for spontaneity might create discomfort for those of us who are more cautious. Tread lightly, but this powerful alignment could spur us to experience life in a more exciting way.

Key Dates For Your Weekly Horoscope

Maksim Goncharenok

  • Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22
  • Mars forms a sextile with Uranus on October 24
  • Venus is still in Sagittarius until November 12

Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

You are poised to explore your subconscious this week, Aries. Take advantage of the ease with which you can access your inner psychology. The challenge may arise from an unwillingness to be open and vulnerable with others. Let go of your bravado and defenses. If you don’t already have a therapist, muster your courage to find one who complements your personality—someone who challenges you and encourages you to break through your barriers.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

While you're usually the steady one in the group, Taurus, this week you might feel an impulse to step out of that staid role. Though you’re not typically a risk-taker, trust your instincts if you feel compelled to do something unconventional. Allowing yourself some freedom can alleviate the restlessness you feel. Bold actions may awaken important parts of yourself that you usually hide or don’t acknowledge. Be bold and courageous.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Your love life could receive a boost this week, Gemini. You may meet someone very different from your usual crowd, perhaps even someone from another country. Be open to the exotic on all levels, whether it’s trying a new restaurant or visiting a museum showcasing another culture. You might also find yourself drawn to stores specializing in imported goods to beautify your home. Whatever happens this week, exposure to something or someone foreign will add excitement to your life.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

As always, your emotions are in focus right now, Cancer. You will feel compelled to act on your emotional experiences, but your challenge will be to moderate them and learn from the depths without drowning in them. Get creative as you explore these emotions. Talking might not be the best way to sort through your profound awareness. However, you cannot keep everything inside; it must be expressed. Do you have an artistic outlet? If not, perhaps you will feel inspired to explore that part of yourself. Join an art class or singing group—it’s best to process this with the support of others.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

If you’ve been avoiding therapy, this week presents an opportunity to excavate issues buried in your psyche, Leo. Matters related to family or your origins may surface, allowing you to safely explore your experiences. Therapy will be especially fruitful. If you don’t have a therapist, confide in someone close who knows you well and can listen with an open heart. Use your innate courage to break through anything blocking your development.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, you're gonna wanna get your journal out! What you reveal through writing will be nothing short of brilliant. Establish a routine by writing daily and incorporating healthy activities. Your relationships may require dedication similar to work, but if you attend to your self-care, that work will be rewarding. This week, your superpower is your ability to express yourself clearly. Use it to your full advantage in all areas of your life.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Write in your journal whatever comes to mind, Libra. This week is about expressing yourself with sensitivity and compassion. Your feelings are rich, full, and accurate. Writing will help clarify the messages your emotions convey. However, in your professional realm, keep your feelings out of your communications. Maintain an objective view and double-check your emails for accuracy. Edit and revise everything you share with the world. Writing requires effort, but with focus and attention to detail, you will benefit from sharing your thoughts.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This is your time of year, Scorpio! Of all the signs in the zodiac, you're the most complex. What traits do you value most in yourself? Now is a good time to evaluate your expressions and amplify the parts of you that promote healing for yourself and others. Dig deep into your reservoir of strength and pull out the tools you’ve honed. You are not one to settle for anything superficial or mundane. Perfect your creative expression and work towards tangible goals. Use your words wisely to achieve your aspirations and inspire others to pursue theirs.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Get creative with how you express your love, Sagittarius — don’t confine yourself to what you’ve always done. Reach beyond your imagination, keeping your beloved’s love language in mind. Be aware that you may be prone to exaggerated actions and words. While I’m not suggesting you hold back your brilliance, be sensitive to those around you; not everyone shares your exuberance or desire for freedom. There are many ways to express love and that adventurous spirit you embody. Strive to inspire others while maintaining awareness of their experiences.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This is an excellent time for creativity, Capricorn. Allow yourself to become immersed in the creative process, as it will help you understand the interconnectedness of all things—seen and unseen. Write down your dreams and pay attention to flashes of insight that arise during your creative endeavors. Open yourself to new ideas; this is a time of inspiration akin to a spiritual awakening. Be mindful that it may come to you in unique and unusual ways.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You're at the beginning of a pivotal time, Aquarius. This is not the moment to disengage from your everyday reality but rather to fully engage with it. Keep your eyes wide open; your perceptions are keen, and what you observe changing within yourself and around you will inform how you respond. Consider your values and what is important. Realize that what is required may involve routine, discipline, and structure—though it might not look like traditional routines. Stay focused on your goals. If you don’t yet know what your goals are, you still have time, but don’t check out. Remain present.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You're a magnet for uplifting those around you and serve as an inspiration, Pisces. Your intuition is accurate and can guide you this week. Do what you love, spend time with those you cherish, and surround yourself with beautiful things. Buy flowers, wear jewelry that makes you feel good, and carry crystals in your pocket for extra protection and connection to uplifting energies. Listen to music that resonates with your higher self. Conversely, avoid negativity, steer clear of dark people and places. You are in a receptive state, so ensure you are both receiving and emanating light and positivity.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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Welcome to November 2024! It’s official, everyone. We are cleared of the eclipse season and approaching the holiday season and Election Day. The collective is stirring with anticipation, awaiting the next course in our journey. Breathe. Tensions are especially high due to the major polarity brought on by the collective planet Pluto's re-entry into Capricorn just months ago. The tides are expected to change as the regeneration planet regresses into Aquarius for good.

You may be thinking, “What’s in it for me?” Aligning with the cosmic flow will bring more peace, understanding, and balance in your everyday life. Scorpio season is in full swing, and it beckons you to begin analyzing your internal landscape, desires, and control. You'll improve the world by grasping the importance of revitalizing your inner self. Believe it or not, you're the main character of your story, and your light contributes more than you know. This November highlights this part of your narrative. Are you ready to learn what is in store for you this month? Read on for your sun, moon, and rising November horoscope below.

Themes For Your November Horoscope In 2024

Brian Yurasits

This month kicks off with the New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st, helping you see how you're being of service to yourself and others. Due to Scorpio's vibe of death and regeneration, this lunation will also materialize the importance of “clearing out” from the old. Remember last month’s solar eclipse?

This New Moon in Scorpio extends the path for you to turn over a new leaf and actualize your desired changes. Make a move.

The communication signals will power up as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 2nd, manifesting a feeling of warmth and hope in our messages. The dialogue exchanged will be inspiring and educational.

Share information that will benefit others. You'll experience serendipitous moments as you give back.

Our drive and bravado will turn up as the motivator planet Mars enters Leo on November 3rd. Our self-worth will drive passion and desire. Step forward and claim your desire.

Patricia Luquet

Create your masterpiece and watch it come to life. Believe.

Love will shift to rationality and structure as Venus shifts into Capricorn on November 11. These next several weeks will help you gauge more accordingly with long-term plans and practical concerns. It will also invoke a more grounded approach to romance and dating.

Slow and steady builds stronger foundations in love.

On November 15th, the Full Moon in Taurus illuminates the sky, highlighting the importance of taking the reigns through a measured approach. With the rebel planet, Uranus, in alignment with this full moon, it will stir up massive changes involving our narrative and how we are playing our part in our storyline. It can lead to impulsive moves, so remember to be intentional. The great news is that Saturn, the structure planet, is direct today, bringing more clarity regarding our direction.

Ahmed ツ

Brilliance awaits as you hold steady.

Buckle up! On November 19th, Pluto ingresses into Aquarius, settling into this future-oriented sign. Anticipate significant technological advancements, including refined artificial intelligence, quantum computing breakthroughs, renewable energy innovations, and immersive virtual reality experiences. Side note: VR Games like Supernatural(I'm a BIG fan!) are revolutionizing workouts, allowing people to exercise in other worlds while engaging with a supportive community for weight loss, endorphins, and positive accountability. As you visualize your ideal paradigm, Pluto will guide you toward the tools or necessary changes to attract your desired results. Embrace this transformation and let go of outdated constructs, paving the way for a brighter, more interconnected future.

Vlada Karpovich

Happiness and fulfillment await those willing to adapt and grow.

This month ends with the Sun in Sagittarius on November 21 and Mercury Retrograde on November 25. Sagittarius season invokes wanderlust, adventure, and growth. Remember that you'll reign this season as you remain open-minded to new concepts and ideas.

Close-mindedness and dismissiveness of others' input lead to dead ends.

As we conclude working with Mercury’s backspin this month, steer clear of making traveling plans (like booking a ticket/itinerary), launching a business, or signing contracts. Plus, it will help you streamline your messages, think through your personal beliefs, and change your attitudes towards life. Going through reflection will help you gravitate toward your desired outcomes.

Which signs will be most affected in November?

Juliane Monari

As we journey through November 2024, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, and Sagittariuswill each feel the cosmic waves uniquely. Scorpios will harness the transformative energy of the New Moon to reflect on their desires and initiate powerful changes. Taurus will be called to acknowledge new narratives during the Full Moon, prompting them to take control of their path and make intentional decisions. Aquarians will experience a significant shift as Pluto settles into their sign, inviting them to envision a brighter future and release old patterns that no longer serve them. Meanwhile, Sagittarians will be inspired by the Sun’s entry into their sign, igniting a sense of adventure and growth. However, they should navigate Mercury's retrograde carefully to avoid miscommunications and hasty decisions. Allow these energies to guide you toward a more fulfilled and intentional existence this month!

​Key Dates & Transits This Week

Griffin Wooldridge

  • 11/1 New Moon in Scorpio
  • 11/2 Mercury enters Sagittarius
  • 11/3 Mars enters Leo
  • 11/11 Venus enters Capricorn
  • 11/15 Full Moon in Taurus, Saturn Direct
  • 11/19 Pluto re-enters Aquarius
  • 11/21 Sun enters Sagittarius
  • 11/25 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

​Read Your November Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Themes: Investments and Ambition

This month brings transformative opportunities for personal growth and ambition. The New Moon in Scorpio encourages you to dive deep into your desires and set intentions for long-term investments. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, your voice shines, sparking optimism and inspiring connections. Let love lead the way as Mars in Leo ignites your creative passion and pushes you to take bold steps in your relationships. Make a move while factoring in your happiness. The Full Moon in Taurus prompts you to let go of unwanted habits while tying loose ends with finances. The great news is that your adventurous spirit flourishes with the Sun entering Sagittarius later this month. Be mindful of impulsive trips or conversations, as Mercury retrograde calls for thoughtful reflection on your plans and communication style.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Themes: Connection and Identity

Expect a month filled with deeper connections and self-reflection as you reassess your values and domestic life. The New Moon in Scorpio encourages the exploration of your love life and partnerships, manifesting progress. With Mercury shifting into Sagittarius, discussions around shared resources become enriching and insightful. Consolidate your research or your internal landscape of beliefs and get to the bottom of what keeps you from attracting more abundance. Mars in Leo energizes your home life, inspiring you to create a nurturing environment. Rearrange furniture or begin visualizing your ideal home life — this new pattern will attract movement in your domestic life. The Full Moon in your sign focuses on your identity, offering a moment of self-realization and understanding about how you need to reshape your narrative. Mercury retrograde will help you retrace your steps regarding merged resources and enable you to work out your financial priorities or unresolved debts — research methods.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Themes: Wellness and Subconscious Needs

Prepare for a month rich in exploration and relationship review, inviting you to evaluate your connections and daily routines. The New Moon in Scorpio prompts you to reflect on health and work, paving the way for beneficial changes. Begin a new protocol and establish a sacred practice involving wellness that will reorient you with your goals. With Mercury entering Sagittarius, your focus shifts toward partnerships, enhancing the depth of your conversations. Work on listening intently to your partner or connections to find practical solutions. Mars in Leo ignites your curiosity, encouraging the pursuit of fresh ideas. Get involved in the local realms and initiate conversations — this will inspire you. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus sheds light on your subconscious, urging you to confront hidden fears and clear out. The Sun in Sagittarius with Mercury retrograde will help you backtrack and analyze your relationships and their direction.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Themes: Happiness and Friendship Circles

This month invites you to balance your daily routines with self-care for emotional fulfillment. The New Moon in Scorpio inspires you to understand the core of your joy and what fulfills you. Mercury’s entry into Sagittarius shifts your focus to daily routines, enhancing discussions around wellness. Health is wealth. As you focus on your overall well-being, abundance will follow. The great news is that Mars in Leo energizes your financial goals, motivating proactive steps forward, so taking care of yourself this month will ensure the results. Later this month, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights your social circles, prompting a reassessment of friendships. As Pluto in Aquarius encourages transformative growth, the Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius and Mercury retrograde emphasizes health, inviting you to take self-care practices and review how you typically extend your energy to others.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Themes: Fulfillment and Reassess Life Purpose

Get ready for a vibrant month of self-discovery and creative expression. The New Moon in Scorpio prompts you to reflect on your domestic life and family, inspiring you to cultivate a supportive environment while establishing your terms. With Mercury entering Sagittarius, your focus turns to love and creativity, allowing you to step out of your comfort zone and explore these realms of joy. Mars in your sign boosts your confidence, empowering decisive actions in your pursuits. Be yourself and ignite your fire to get things done. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights your professional aspirations, prompting you to reassess your career goals. Factor in what makes you happy and optimizes your energy. The Sun's entry in Sagittarius alongside Mercury retrograde will help you backtrack and align with your priorities in love and your creative potential.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Themes: Ideas and Past Aspirations

This month brings clarity and enriched communication, inviting you to refine your thoughts and deepen your familial connections. The New Moon in Scorpio encourages engagement with new ideas and community interactions, promoting open dialogue. Being openhearted and receptive to people's feedback will lead to breakthroughs in your development. Mercury’s transition into Sagittarius shifts your focus to home and family, enhancing emotional discussions regarding your direction. Be curious in your approach; it will heal your unresolved matters. Mars in Leo energizes your subconscious, motivating you to confront hidden fears while helping you understand your habitual patterns. Rest and reflect. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus prompts reflection on your philosophical outlook and long-term goals. Look back at your old journals or past aspirations to fill the gaps in your story. Mercury's backspin entails reviewing your next steps involving your emotional security — look within yourself and align with your feelings instead of seeking external validation.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Themes: Self-Worth and Vulnerability

You're in for a month filled with financial themes and meaningful interactions, guiding you to reassess your values and friendships. The New Moon in Scorpio inspires you to reflect on personal resources, setting intentions for more stability. This is an opportunity to revamp your approach to money and security — research new methods that will attract more abundance. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, your focus shifts to engaging conversations and learning opportunities. It is also an excellent opportunity to network locally and gain traction and confidence with the side hustles you may be working on. Mars in Leo energizes your social life, motivating you to cultivate new friendships and connections that will get you one step closer to achieving your long-term aspirations. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus highlights shared resources, prompting a reassessment of intimate relationships and closing the chapter on any outmoded approaches. By the end of this month, Mercury retrograde will enable you to reflect on old ideas that may have rested on the back burner. This is your chance to let your past endeavors rest or revive once Mercury goes direct.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Themes: Self-Empowerment and Commitment

Embrace a month of self-confidence and financial insight! The New Moon in your sign empowers you to set intentions for your goals and new beginnings. You're worthy, as this is your chance to establish a new seed based on what's aligned with your heart. As Mercury moves into Sagittarius, your focus shifts to finances, enhancing your ability to express your needs clearly. It can lead to frivolous spending, so be mindful of ongoing patterns that can result in retail therapy. Your hard work will pay off as Mars in Leo energizes your career ambitions, motivating you to make bold moves. You'll shine as you begin to dream bigger and aim higher. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus illuminates your partnerships, prompting a reassessment of commitments and closing the chapter on past disagreements. Hold space for your heart and your past to find a solution. As this month closes, Mercury retrograde will enable you to feel more in your power as you analyze your self-worth and become intentional with your next steps in financial planning or business endeavors. Clarity will be set next month.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Themes: Revelation and Health

Get ready for a month of revelations and enriching opportunities. The month begins with the New Moon in Scorpio inviting you to assess your emotional patterns, reorienting you toward powering up your inner belief and renewal. Begin an affirmation practice because this lunation will level up your manifestation abilities. Mercury gracing in your sign will invoke clarity and enhance your ability to articulate your ideas. Traveling or seeking out new experiences will be your go-to course, as Mars in Leo fuels your adventurous spirit, motivating you to seek a new perspective. Taking a class or engaging in higher study will fulfill you. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus shifts attention to your work life and health, helping you to assess your well-being. Release whatever is weighing down at work or mental patterns — focus on one thing at a time to ensure productivity. Later this month, your season begins while Mercury retrograde occurs. It will be beneficial to slow down and observe your personal goals and how you're showing yourself up for others.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Themes: Community and Desires

Prepare for a month focused on community engagement and clarifying your core desires. The New Moon in Scorpio invites you to energize your social circles, sparking intentions for collaboration and shared goals. Be sure that your connections contribute to your vision — enthusiasm is vital for success. With Mercury moving into Sagittarius, you’ll gain insights into your emotional patterns, helping you navigate feelings more effectively. This is your chance to change what no longer meets your standards as Mars in Leo brings energy to transformative experiences in intimacy and with your vulnerability. Get to the root and realize what needs revamping. Mid-month, the Full Moon in Taurus shines a light on your creative and romantic pursuits, urging you to reassess what brings you joy and fulfillment. As Mercury retrograde approaches, take a moment to reflect on past experiences that shaped your emotional landscape; you might find clarity in revisiting old dreams and wishes.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Themes: Professionalism and Family Roots

Get ready for a month rich in professional focus and social opportunities. The New Moon in Scorpio prompts you to define your career goals, inspiring strategic intentions for success. With Mercury entering Sagittarius, your attention shifts to building social networks and enhancing collaboration and networking potential. Love and partnerships will fire up as Mars in Leo energizes your connections, motivating you to seek mutual growth and shared ambitions. It's time to set the terms with your relationship — this will help you get answers involving its direction. The Full Moon in Taurus highlights your dynamics, prompting a reassessment of your foundational support systems. Revisit the old structures regarding your family roots and decide whether you want to implement this as your course moving forward. As Mercury retrograde sets in, consider reaching out to old friends or colleagues; reconnecting could spark fresh ideas and rejuvenate your professional aspirations and inner needs.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Themes: Exploration and Purpose

You're in for a month of exploring and understanding your life purpose. The New Moon in Scorpio inspires a quest for new knowledge, guiding your intentions toward education, beliefs, or travel opportunities. It is time to fall in love with life by broadening your reach. As Mercury enters Sagittarius, your focus sharpens on your life purpose and public image, enhancing your ability to articulate your ambitions. Dig deeper and understand what stirs in your zest for life. Expect vitality and endurance as Mars in Leo energizes your daily tasks, fueling your enthusiasm for tackling responsibilities. Consider a health kick or a new regimen to help you keep up with your new endeavors. Your body is a temple, and this month is the starting point in getting things done with your motivation. The Full Moon in Taurus lights up your communication skills, enabling you to reassess your old ideas and how they can be cultivated. It's time to launch your idea or make room for something better. With Mercury retrograde approaching, reflect on past career choices; revisiting old projects or connections might unveil new growth opportunities.

With 2025 just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to explore how you can power up your year ahead. Lumi Pelinku invites you to dive deeper into your journey through an extended reading that can provide tailored insights and inspiration. Click here to book your reading today!

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We were thrilled when Stranger Things breakout star Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi (yes, the son of singer and musician Jon Bon Jovi) announced their engagement last year. The couple announced their exciting news on Instagram, each posting photos of their smiles, and the stunning ring front and center. And now they've officially had a wedding ceremony! Keep reading to see everything we know about their gorgeous wedding day and lives newlyweds!

How do Millie Bobby Brown And Jake Bongiovi interact as a married couple?

It seems like Chris Pratt has exclusive intel because he got to see Millie Bobby Brown interact with Jake Bongiovi while they were filming The Electric State. It's apparent Chris and Millie have struck up a friendship full of praise for each other as the former raved about how amazing the Damsel actress is.

"She has such a huge heart, such a love for animals, such a love for her now-husband, Jake, who was on set every day," he said (via PEOPLE). He added that Millie and Jake are "totally awesome and normal people who live extraordinary lives."

In true Chris Pratt fashion, the actor concluded by telling Millie they're going to be friends forever. " can't get rid of me." I wonder if that means we'll see Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi go on doubles with Chris Pratt and his wife Katherine Schwarzenegger in the future!

How is Millie Bobby Brown adjusting to married life?

Getty Images For Netflix

The actress has kept quiet about married life, but she recently shared a carousel on Instagram that hints she's doing amazing. She took fans BTS of life on the set of Stranger Things 5 and snapped a photo that appears to be on a blackboard. I don't know if she wrote "Millie Bobby Brown Bongiovi" in black marker or not, but it's clear she's proud to take on her husband's last name.

It seems like other fans couldn't get over seeing that pic because the comments about it are full of excitement. Fans think her name is "so powerful" and "sweet" which coincides with how everyone feels about her return as Eleven in Stranger Things.

Did Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi have a second wedding?

While the couple was legally and officially married, they celebrated with their closest friends and family with an intimate (and gorgeous, I might add) ceremony in the Tuscan hills of Italy. Millie donned 3 different looks for the occasion, while looking absolutely remarkable! Her main dress, a corseted flowing dream was made by none other than Oscar de la Renta. Afterwards, she wore a tiered sheer dress, the quickly changed into a fun, mini dress for the after party!

The two looked as in love as ever at their lavish ceremony, while none other than "Papa" Matthew Modine, Millie's Stranger Things co-star, officiated the ceremony! The pictures, posted by the couple, showed the stunning countryside of Italy that looked straight out of a movie! Jake posted the photos with the caption, "forever and always, your husband." Could they BE any cuter?!

We're so happy for this gorgeous couple on their big day!

Did Millie Bobby Brown get married?

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

Yes, Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi are married! Jon Bon Jovi confirmed that the two had tied the knot on an episode of BBC's The One Show. "They're great," says Jon. "They're absolutely fantastic. It was a very small family wedding, and the bride looked gorgeous, and Jake is happy as can be. It's true."

And thanks to The Sun, we know that Jon's wife Dorothea Bongiovi and Millie Bobby Brown's parents were also reportedly in attendance. While Millie has joked that her Stranger Things costar Matthew Modine (who plays Papa on the show) would officiate the ceremony, there's no word on whether any of her friends were at the wedding.

But The Sun also reports that the couple is having a larger ceremony later this year — now THAT'S a party I want to see! "Millie and Jake quietly said their vows in America last weekend," a source says. “They are planning a bigger ceremony in the US later this year but now they have legally married and done all the paperwork. It was a very low-key, romantic affair with their closest family with them as they said their vows.”

How did Millie Bobby Brown get engaged?

Todd Owyoung/NBC

During an appearance on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, Millie Bobby Brown finally spilled the details Jake Bongiovi's proposal, and TBH I totally did not see it coming. "Basically, Jake and I bonded over diving," she says. "He was like, 'Mill, you've got to be up at 8 AM, we're going on a dive'...So we go under and we're many meters down, and he gives me a shell and I turn it over and it's a ring."

"He puts the ring on my hand, and as I go to show him, the ring falls off my finger," she continues. "Jake threw himself into the [water] so deep...He does a cinematic grab, opens [his hand], and he saved the ring." This is one proposal story I could hear over and over again!

When did Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi start dating?

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi have dated since late 2021, but romance rumors swirled once the couple started posting pictures of each other in June 2021. The engagement sparked many reactions from fans, considering their shorter dating-to-engagement timeline and the couple’s ages at the time, Brown (19) and Bongiovi (20).

"Endlessly in love with the year I've had!" Millie says in a 2023 New Years Day Instagram post. "Grateful for my friends, family, donkey (bernard), my doggies, my puppies teeth, and my partner for life. here's to another year with you and the wonderful people and animals around us 🤍 let's do it again but better!"

What did Millie Bobby Brown wear to her engagement party?

Image via Buster Knight/Instagram

Brown wore a Giambattista Valli lace set that we're absolutely obsessed with, and used her own florence by mills line for her makeup!

One user commented on Popsugar's announcement, "Anyone else think he looks like Flynn Rider from Tangled?" and now we're totally getting Flynn and Rapunzel vibes.

What have Millie's friends said about the engagement?

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

The actress’ friends were quick to congratulate the duo on Instagram. TV personality Jess Wright wrote in the comments section, “Ommmmggggg congratulations!!!!!!!!! @milliebobbybrown this is amazing. So so happy for you darling 🎊✨🤍.” Holly Ramsay, daughter of celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, shared her well wishes and wrote, “!!!! Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️❤️.” Sister Tilly Ramsay also chimed in, adding “Congratulations ❤️!! Xx.”

See Jake Bongiovi And Millie Bobby Brown's Engagement Photos

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

Jake Bongiovi and Millie Bobby Brown are all smiles in their engagement photos, and I am love seeing how happy they are! "I've loved you three summers now, honey, I want 'em all," Millie says in her Instagram post. Considering this is a nod to Taylor Swift's Lover, it makes us love Millie even more!

Standing on a beach, Jake wears a white button down while Millie wears a classic slicked back bun, lacy top, and glazed donut nails. If you ask me, these are the PERFECT summer outfits and I want to replicate them ASAP!

What did Millie Bobby Brown do on her birthday?

Image via Millie Bobby Brown/Instagram

Millie Bobby Brown celebrated her 20th birthday on February 19, 2024 at Cathédrale Restaurant in New York, and was surrounded by her closest loved ones for the occasion. She was seen smiling happily next to Jake Bongiovi and we pinched ourselves because they're so adorable together!

Aside from that, Millie Bobby Brown wore the cutest satin mini dress that looks fit for a bride. Could this be a nod to her wedding dress?

Congrats to the happy couple! 💗

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Get ready, everyone: this week promises to be highly charged, with the potential for surprises and unexpected events! It’s important for all of us to keep in mind the higher vibration of Libra as the week unfolds. Strive for balance, fairness, and equanimity in your own life. Observe world events that are beyond our control with compassion, and find beauty within your personal sphere wherever you can. Spend time in nature and enjoy the changing seasons. Take a breath, and know that you can (and you will) get through this.

Want to know how this unique energy will specifically impact you? Keep reading for your weekly horoscope for October 13-19 — and be sure to read for your sun and rising signs!

Astrology Breakdown For Your Weekly Horoscope

Eberhard Grossgasteiger

The Full Moon occurs on October 17 at 24 degrees of Aries. We'll all feel the amplification of energy from this Full Moon — but those with their Sun, Moon, or Rising in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will be most affected.

Other planetary energies are intensifying in combination with the Moon, which may lead to increased aggression and destruction on the world stage. There is a Cardinal Grand Cross, with Mars opposite Pluto and the Sun and Moon opposing each other. In our personal lives, it’s best to ride the waves with a goal of balance. If you need an extra boost to accomplish a goal or complete a project, harness this energy for resolution. Aries energy embodies the essence of spring, allowing flowers to burst forth through frozen ground and bloom in a riot of colors and aromas. However, Aries can also be aggressive and warlike. We have a choice about how to express this energy in our personal lives; balance action with compassion, and strive for cooperation and self-advocacy.

cottonbro studio

On October 13, Mercury, the planet of communication, forms a challenging square to Pluto, the planet of transformation. Traditionally, this indicates potential conflict, misunderstandings, and aggressive interactions. Try to take the high road and refrain from arguing — especially if you know you cannot convince others of your point of view. Instead, use this energy to look within and deepen your understanding of your own psychology. Engage in profound conversations that reveal the essence of your experience.

Also on October 13, Mars, the planet of action and assertiveness, is squaring Chiron, the wounded healer. You might feel tempted to use force and sheer willpower to address frustration. Issues surrounding independence and power may surface. Try to harness your energy and passion to gain a greater understanding of how your need for independence can coexist with the value of harmony in your relationships. Be aware of any tendencies toward co-dependency, but remain committed to your sovereignty. The Sun shines its light on Chiron today in an opposition, illuminating the issues that are triggered. Once again, balance, fairness, and equanimity are essential.


On October 14, the Sun will square Mars, adding more tension to the week’s energy. Ego conflicts, irritability, and impatience may arise. Refrain from initiating conflict; it's better to walk away if you feel challenged during this time. Instead, use this energy to motivate yourself to accomplish a personal goal. Focus and work hard to complete tasks that need attention. Exercise is advisable — but don’t push yourself too hard, as you could strain a muscle.

Also on October 14, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, is opposite Uranus, the planet of upsets and unpredictability. Rather than letting this add to the agitation of the week, open your mind to experiencing a new way of being. Use this energy to break a habit that is not beneficial for you, or start a new routine that promotes your well-being. Experiment with different approaches and see how these changes enhance your life. Embrace your creativity and break free from situations that have become dull or unfulfilling.

Nina Hill

October 15 offers a wonderful opportunity to use your creativity to enhance romance, provide inspiration, and tap into higher consciousness for love and harmony. Venus forms a beneficial trine with Neptune, the planet of universal love and compassion. Your intuition will be heightened, and your empathy and sensitivity toward others will be enhanced. Music, art, and breath work are all conduits for expressing your higher self.

​Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Signs

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

With the Full Moon in Aries, you may feel a burst of energy that is hard to contain. Engage in exercise, dance, or any physical activity — just shake it out as best as you can! If you have home projects, now is a great time to finish them. You'll likely feel extra passionate, but avoid confrontation unless you are absolutely certain of your facts and have support. It’s crucial for you to balance your drive for individuality with the need to cooperate with others.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Communication is key this week. You may feel compelled to speak your mind with authority, and debate might come naturally. Ensure that you and your audience are well-informed and receptive — especially when it comes to testy topics that might arise (there's SO much going on in the world right now). Pay attention to your own health and care for others; being of service is more important than fighting to be right.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Take your time this week, Gemini. Focus on practicality and be deliberate as you execute your tasks, whether that be a deck at work, or simply just doing the dishes at home. Use your considerable physical strength and dexterity to channel excess energy, helping you maintain equilibrium. Breath work and meditation will assist you in navigating the week’s intensity.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Leverage your natural athleticism to navigate this week’s energy. Healthy competition can be enjoyable, and it may even help resolve underlying issues (even a card game or two can really get you out of your own head!). Trust your intuition and insights — you ultimately know what's best for you, and what you need next. You might even feel driven to explore topics that have been elusive; research and exploration can be exciting.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You may want to escape the week’s intensity through fantasizing or daydreaming. Instead, channel that energy into creative projects. If you lack energy, exercise, but be disciplined enough to return to your tasks. Whatever you do, though, use your natural creativity to approach something new or unexpected. Take time to recover, but avoid getting lost in an imaginary world. You have big ideas, Leo — you just have to remember how to harness them as best as you can.

Brit + Co

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

Take advantage of every opportunity to collaborate. Be mindful that some people may display aggressive behavior, and tactfully sidestep anyone who is combative — you can control who you let in your corner. Pool resources, develop teams, and work creatively with others. Think outside the box to find ingenious solutions. The world is your oyster, Virgo!

Brit + Co

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The Full Moon is opposite your Sun, urging you to take action. Be proactive and assertive. Reflect on your behaviors and modify anything that feels out of balance. This week is an opportunity to focus on your own needs as well as the greater good. Remember the airline safety protocol: put your mask on first before helping others. Maintain balance and harmony by advocating for yourself.

Brit + Co

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

You may feel especially powerful this week, making it imperative to engage in the right use of that power. Take time to reflect before acting, ensuring you see the bigger picture clearly — it's okay to pause before pressing play sometimes. Pursue what you know to be true with efficiency and tenacity. Self-care is crucial as you navigate this intense energy, especially if you are making long-overdue changes. Your actions over the next few weeks will set you up for the future, so pay attention to details and move forward confidently.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Look for ways to transform your health that differ from your usual methods. Reach out to your community for inspiration. Use your body to move energy this week, even if it feels unfamiliar. Open your mind and change your attitude for profound growth. Be willing to embrace something different, because it may be all the healing you've needed all along.

Brit + Co

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

You have a chance to balance your relationships in meaningful ways. Embody the Libra qualities you admire most. While achieving equanimity among partners, friends, and family can be challenging, the energy of the Full Moon offers an opportunity to make significant strides toward that balance. If you feel unbalanced internally, focus on creating equanimity within yourself. You deserve to fill up your cup with calm waters, Capricorn.

Brit + Co

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Stay open to unexpected encounters with people or things you might not usually find appealing. Life lessons and inspiration can come from all sorts of experiences — even in the most mundane of moments! Pay attention to your health and make long-term beneficial choices. Be mindful of who you meet, what you see, what you eat, and how you help others. Embody Libra qualities whenever possible. This balance will drive you!

Brit + Co

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Your intuitive abilities are heightened right now, Pisces. You can find great satisfaction and inspiration through creative expression. If you feel stuck, move your body — dance, swim, or practice Tai Chi. Let music and nature inspire you. The intense energy from the Full Moon is available for you to manifest your art and uplift your spirit — tap into it with abundance. Establish boundaries to repel aggressive energies, ensuring your art remains your sanctuary.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at!

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Babe wake up, Knives Out 3 is officially on its way! It's been almost two years since we saw Benoit Blanc solve his second case in Netflix's Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. The film (which stars Janelle Monae, Madelyn Cline, and Kathryn Hahn) followed a case of secret identities, intrigue, and also received an Oscar nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay, NBD. On May 24, 2024 Netflix confirmed that Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery is coming, and on June 10, they confirmed filming began outside London! Here's everything you need to know about the movie, including a first look at the characters.

What is the movie Wake Up Dead Man about?


Daniel Craig narrates the official Instagram announcement, saying, "In the beginning, the knives came out. Then, behold, the glass was shattered. But my most dangerous case yet is about to be revealed." The title Wake Up Dead Man definitely sounds scary, so I wouldn't be surprised if the story took place around a graveyard.

I'm expecting it to be extra spooky after actor Josh Brolin (who you'll recognize from Dune and as the voice of Thanos) told New York City Comic Con that the story "scared" him.

"I read it and I was just like, 'God, this is so well written. We just don't read things like this anymore,'" he said during the panel (via People). "It turned out that it was a cast, a lot of people who I had worked with, a lot of people who I loved and hadn't met yet, like Andrew Scott and Josh O'Connor, and people like that...Then doing it turned out, I mean, still one of my favorite jobs that I've ever had."

"I can't say what I played," he continued. "It scared me, which I wanted to be scared."

See Josh O'Connor On The Set Of Knives Out 3!

TikTok · joshurro🥨

We finally have our first look at Josh O'Connor on the set of Knives Out 3, and it's totally giving Fleabag's Hot Priest (IYKYK). This seems to confirm my personal hope and theory the movie would be set around a graveyard, and it's also the second time Josh has played a priest. He starred in 2020's Emma as Mr. Elton!

Your First Look At Knives Out 3


Benoit Blanc is debuting a brand new look in the new Knives Out movie. The black and white filter goes perfectly with the Wake Up Dead Man title, and is also reminding me a bit of Frankenstein.

Is there going to be a Knives Out 3?

Image via Netflix

Yes, we're getting a Knives Out 3! Netflix bought the rights to at least two more Knives Out movies following the success of the first film in the fall of 2019. And on May 24, the official Instagram account confirmed the third movie, Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery, will be hitting our screens soon. The movie will feature Benoit Blanc's "most dangerous case yet."

When is Knives Out 3 coming out?


Knives Out 3 is coming in 2025. While we don't have a specific release date yet, the title and graphics for Wake Up Dead Man is definitely giving spooky Halloween vibes. Hopefully we can add it to our list of our Favorite Halloween Movies!

Will Wake Up Dead Man be on Netflix?

Yes, Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery will be available to stream on Netflix.

Who's in the cast of Knives Out 3?

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue

Our first Knives Out 3 cast members are here! In addition to Daniel Craig, we'll see Challengers' Josh O’Connor and Priscilla's Cailee Spaeny. Glenn Close, Josh Brolin, Mila Kunis, Jeremy Renner, Kerry Washington, Andrew Scott, Daryl McCormack, and Thomas Haden Church are also in the cast of Knives Out 3!

Considering the franchise has Madelyn Cline, Chris Evans, Janelle Monae, and Ana de Armas, I knew Netflix wouldn't disappoint!

Is Knives Out 1 connected to Knives Out 2?


Knives Out 2 is a standalone sequel to the first Knives Out movie. So Daniel Craig's Benoit Blanc helps with each case, even if the rest of the characters don't know each other. I'm expecting Knives Out 3 to follow that same format.

What do you want to see in Knives Out 3? Let us know in the comments!

Lead image via Netflix

This post has been updated.

If you were to ask me about Denver winter, I’d say it’s alright. But if you really asked me about Denver winter, I’d say it makes me want to shrivel up in hibernation and abstain from the outdoors until the temperatures hit the mid-50’s again. I’m not joking when I say my city gets devastatingly cold – we’re likely to see temps in the tens and even sub-zero days once December and January hit. That’s why I’m prepping for the freeze now, with plenty of cozy winter layers, beanies, and of course, fleece jackets. Fleece jackets are an easy one-and-done piece to put on that isn’t a bulky winter parka, since they effectively insulate my body heat. There are a ton of cute fleece jackets out there that don’t sacrifice function for fashion – scroll on for my 11 faves that’ll certainly help you brave the cold!

Do fleece jackets keep you warm?


Canada Goose Simcoe Fleece Zip-Up Jacket

Fleece jackets definitely keep you warm since they’re specially designed to insulate your body heat. Of course, the level of warmth you get from them all depends on the thickness and weight of the fleece, and whether you layer up with additional garments or not.

Are fleece jackets still in style?


Florence by Mills High Pile Fleece Jacket

Yes, fleece jackets are absolutely still in style. Right now, they’re leading the popular ‘gorpcore’ aesthetic, which takes inspiration from outdoor activities like camping, hiking, and climbing. But, they can work for a variety of looks, since they’re shoppable in so many different colors, weights, and silhouettes.

What is the warmest type of fleece?


UGG Marlene Heritage Braid High Pile Fleece Jacket

There are three different weight categories when it comes to fleece, with the lightest being the least warm and the heaviest being the most warm. Lightweight fleece measures 100-200GSM (grams per square meter), medium-weight fleece lands around 200-300GSM, and heavyweight fleece is anything over 300GSM. A fleece’s warmth also depends on the actual material the fleece is made from. Polar fleece, cotton fleece, and sherpa fleece are the most common types of fleece you can find. Polar fleece tends to be the warmest, since it’s denser.

Parks Project

Parks Project High Desert Wildflowers High Pile Fleece

The high pile fleece on this pullover not only makes it extremely winter-ready, but extremely soft on the skin, too. The two side pockets and button-up collar are perfect for tucking your away cold fingers and face when the temps really start to drop. The elastic cuffs and waistband help seal in even more heat when you need it most. Plus, this eye-catching brown floral pattern earns major style points.


Barbour Violette Fleece Jacket

This deep green fleece jacket is equipped with plenty of brass buttons to help you customize your look and bundle up simultaneously. It has a fun contrasting trim to break up the color and incorporate that extra oomph your layered 'fits will be craving this winter.

Free People

Free People Hit The Slopes Fleece Jacket

This jacket boasts an easy-to-wear slouchy silhouette that's ideal for layering over long-sleeved shirts and turtlenecks without ever feeling overly bulky. I love the sporty vibe that the nylon patches and multiple zippered pockets give to this piece, allowing you to wear it casually or more formally. It also comes in 16 more colors to suit your personal style!


Ugg Nikia Open Stitch Detail Uggfluff Fleece Jacket

If there's one thing Ugg has mastered, it's the art of staying warm. If you know the sheer coziness of their signature boots, this jacket has that same exact level of comfort and warmth! I love that the contrasting scalloped trim breaks up the monotony of the brown color on this piece and also helps shape your figure – which is much needed when you're bundled up underneath layers and layers of winter clothing. The drawstring along the waist, side pockets, and standing collar will come in handy for shielding the most vulnerable parts of your body during a harsh winter chill.


All In Motion High Pile Fleece Jacket

This lighter-on-the-body fleece jacket is the perfect garment to grab after an intense workout when it's time to step out in the cold. It flaunts a nice hood to protect your head and neck, plus thick elastic bands along the wrists and waist, which fit snugly against your bod to insulate valuable body heat.


Cotopaxi Bacano Fleece Jacket

Cotopaxi truly knows what it means to brave freezing temps – their line of expertly-designed puffer jackets and fleece jackets are ultra-warm, and this fleecy pick is no different! The high-pile fleece material on this style sets you up for success in terms of keeping cold out and warmth in. You'll be surrounded in sheer coziness all season, thanks to the adjustable drawstring waist and high neckline. I'm also a huge fan of the contrasting zippers and retro-inspired patchwork to make any winter look stand out, whether you're hitting the slopes or running errands.

Urban Outfitters

Kimchi Blue Snow Bunny Piled Fleece Zip-Up Jacket

This pick is like a wearable blanket. The soft fleece is constructed to a boxy, relaxed fit that you can practically wear anywhere. It's fitted with elastic cuffs on the wrists and waist, and you can adjust the level of zippered-up-ness (depending on how cold it is) using the two-way zippers along the front.


THE GREAT. The Pasture Horse Print Fleece Jacket

All summer long, I was a huge proponent of Horse Girl Summer, which is why I'm heavily eyeing this fleece jacket – I can easily take the Wild West sentiment into my winter outfits with it! I love the cozy low-pile fleece material for layering over other pieces, and I also adore the unique details on this jacket, from the scooped hem to the contrasting spread collar. Yeehaw, am I right?!

Old Navy

Old Navy '94 Half Zip

Part of Old Navy's recently-revived 1994 collection, this half-zip pullover jacket infuses throwback flair with modern convenience. The fleece material is soft on the skin and heat-insulating, so it doesn't ever sacrifice function for fashion. The mock neck shrouds your neckline in warmth, which is perfect for extra-cold days. You can also keep your hands shielded, too, thanks to the zippered side pockets. I love this toned-down burgundy color, though it's shoppable in 5 more vibrant hues like blue and yellow.

Urban Outfitters

BDG Taylor Piled Fleece Aviator Jacket

With a chic mix of cream-colored fleece and black faux leather, this fleece jacket is definitely for those who don't like to abandon the 'fit for cold weather. It follows a boxy, aviator jacket-inspired silhouette that provides ample space for cold-weather layering. The fluffy collar brings even more coziness to your look!


Varley Roselle Half-Zip Fleece

This half-zip fleece jacket is as sweet as can be. I can see it working really well for cozy WFH days in the midst of wintertime! The waistline is loose-fitting, which adds to its comfort. It's fitted with zippers on both sides that you can adjust for the perfect body-hugging look.

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