A Powerful Solar Eclipse Is Coming — Here’s What It Means For Your Weekly Horoscope!

weekly horoscope september 29 to october 5

Happy October! It's officially Halloween season, bringing a bit of magic to the air as the crisp autumn leaves fall. Whether you're already decorating your home for the upcoming holiday, sipping on a fall beverage, or just enjoying a book in the cool breeze, now is a great time to dig into what makes you feel excited and alive! To understand how you can harness this energy, your weekly horoscope is officially in, bringing plenty of insights for how to make the most out of this lovely era. Read on for your sun and rising signs!

Astrology Overview For Your Weekly Horoscope

Georgia Donaldson

This week features a Solar Eclipse on October 2 in the sign of Libra. Solar Eclipses signify change and growth, offering a powerful opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you. Since this eclipse occurs at 9 degrees of Libra, now is the time to seek balance and harmony in your life. Embrace Libra qualities — who doesn’t need more balance, harmony, justice, or fairness?

Mercury has entered Libra and will remain there until October 12. With Mercury involved in this eclipse, our communication styles can benefit from the harmonious, fair-minded nature of Libra. Look for ways to compromise, ensuring that everyone wins. Be mindful of giving too much and communicate with kindness and grace. I hope this energy is prevalent in the world as well — I’m a bit of a dreamer.

Venus is in Scorpio until October 18. This is a time to deepen your commitments to your passions. Superficial relationships will feel unfulfilling, so seek connections on a deep, soulful level. Be open to transformative interactions of all kinds.

Key Dates For Your Weekly Horoscope

Haley Sprankle

  • October 2 — Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • September 26 - October 12 — Mercury in Libra
  • September 22 - October 18 — Venus in Scorpio

Read Your Weekly Horoscope For Your Sun & Rising Sign

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

This is a good time to go inward, Aries. Listen to your intuition and ask your spirit companions for guidance. Something you’ve been carrying from a past life can be set free. You can identify and heal past wounds, allowing you to move forward authentically. Look for ways to share what you’ve learned with others.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

How is your health, Taurus? Connect with your body and listen to its signals. Get back to basics — there’s no need for elaborate measures to achieve your health goals. Your relationships may be intense, but they're also profoundly rewarding. Pay attention to sacred connections and transformative conversations.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Allow yourself to shine and get creative in the boldest, most joyful way possible, Gemini. Aim high with your dreams. Communication is highlighted this week, so leverage your considerable skills. If you have a project in mind, this is a good time to plan and start. While financial success is possible, take your time and have fun in the process.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Focus on family, home, and self-nurturing, Cancer. If you tend to prioritize others over yourself, this week offers a chance to find balance and harmony. Self-care is essential for you to be the nurturer you want to be. If you’re athletic, consider restarting your exercise routine or rededicate yourself to your sport; a physical outlet will help you better handle impatience or frustration.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

If you have siblings, this is a great time to communicate with them, Leo. Resolve any past difficulties directly — don’t sweep issues under the rug. While face-to-face conversations are ideal, consider writing a letter or scheduling a virtual meeting. I'd remind you to practice Non-Violent Communication in case things get tense, and be sure to use words that promote harmony and equanimity. View the situation with compassion — compromise is key, and this Libra energy can help you find it.

Brit + Co

Virgo (August 24 – September 23)

Your mind will be sharp and able to process information quickly, Virgo. However, resist the urge to act hastily if you need to make corrections. Take your time with decisions and consult a lawyer if signing contracts. Look for growth opportunities in your career. If you’ve been acquiring new skills, it’s an excellent time to present them to your superiors. If you haven’t expanded your skill base, take that class or seminar.

Brit + Co

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

With the solar eclipse in your sign, you have the opportunity to embrace balance and harmony in your relationships. Engage in difficult conversations you may been avoiding. Clear misunderstandings and foster deep, meaningful discussions. Use your natural ability to create a calm and beautiful environment where everyone feels safe. Be sure to listen actively to others for profound healing. I hope this energy prevails in the world – I can't help but dream big about it.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

This week, seek allies in your community to navigate the intense energies surrounding the solar eclipse, Sagittarius. You may feel comfortable with this intensity but be cautious not to use your power destructively. Avoid drastic actions; consider new approaches to resolve relationship issues. Trusted friends may provide valuable perspectives during this transformative time.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This week, your focus is on your career. Ensure you’re operating from a stable foundation by prioritizing self-care — nourish your body, stay active, and meditate. A calm nervous system will help you seize unexpected opportunities. Clear communication will provide clarity and purpose in your professional interactions. It’s an excellent week to broaden your horizons.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Your hard work and focus on your goals will begin to pay off this week, Capricorn. Stay committed and avoid drama, as financial rewards are on the horizon. Channel your ambitions and work steadily but remember to up hold high ethical standards; underhanded actions could backfire. Embrace a philosophical outlook — an open mind will be well received. In love, expect passion, but be wary of potential conflicts. Remember the old saying, it’s better to make love than war!

Brit + Co

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Are you planning any travel, Aquarius? Freedom and adventure are themes for this week. While you might feel restless for escapades, remember that you don’t need to travel far to expand your consciousness. Adventures of the mind can take you where you need to go. Take time to learn and broaden your understanding before pursuing new adventures. Gaining skills will give you the tools you need for your upcoming transformations.

Brit + Co

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You may have experienced a dreamy or illusory time recently, Pisces. Use what you’ve learned to create something beautiful. Dig deep to uncover profound lessons, and transform these insights into your art. Remember, art takes many forms — don’t limit your expression. Allow your creative process to be a catalyst for you to live on a more profound level. Keep your art private if you want but sharing it with loved ones might have a healing impact for everyone.

Looking for a more thorough reading? Reach out to Tina at SevenSistersAstrology.com!

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Welcome to October. It’s time to slip into cozy sweater weather, and pumpkin-spice-flavored everything is back on the menu! Mornings are crisp and light while the trees are transitioning into a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues of yellow, amber, red, and deep burgundies – go on a Fall Foliage tour, and you'll get inspired. Also, let’s not forget Halloween, where everyone cannot help but feel a mystical pull while unleashing their wild side by throwing on a costume that reveals their alter ego.

Speaking of mystical, Libra season continues its powerful run with eclipse season in tow. It will be a revelatory month as it will help initiate changes, truth, and possibility. Let’s look at the astrology of October 2024 and observe what is in store for your sign. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising sign October horoscopes!

Astrology Overview for Your October 2024 Horoscopes

Cora Pursley

This month begins with the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, promising balance, truth, and fairness to be restored in your life and relationships as you align with your heart. This isn’t a time to settle — it's a moment to start living a more authentic path.

This solar eclipse sets the stage.

On October 10, Jupiter retrograde begins, a period that will last until February 4, 2025. This cosmic event encourages you to slow down and take a closer look at the bigger picture of your goals. Use this time to turn inward and embrace spiritual lessons. Consider taking a class or starting that book you've been contemplating. This slowdown provides the perfect opportunity to map out your future dreams.

Jupiter's retrograde in 2024 allows you to become open to possibility. It begins by stepping out of your comfort zone.

The fantastic news is that Pluto Direct is happening on October 11, which will motivate you even more than you have felt these last several months.

It can signal peaceful endings and a willingness to let go of the past.

The conversations will flow in a mysterious rhythm as Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13. It is an ideal time to investigate the mysteries in your life. Probing and asking the right questions will get you the necessary answers. It is a fantastic time to begin release work and cord-cutting if you have barricading thoughts or unwelcome situations.

On October 17, the Full Moon in Aries calls in a significant moment, particularly in the realm of relationships. If you're in a romantic connection, be prepared for potential shifts in leadership dynamics. An aspect of yourself or your partnership may need to undergo review, leading to growth and healing opportunities.

Challenge leads to growth and infinite possibilities.

Patience and receptivity are crucial to navigating this intense lunation. Also, Venus enters Sagittarius on this day, igniting an air of wandering and the desire to be untethered. As you remain invested in growing with your partner or in life, you will experience a deeper connection.

Love will be an adventure.

As we conclude October, Scorpio season begins on October 22, edging in a misty vibe. It’s a perfect time to begin spirit work or personal development because the ability to become receptive to subtle information heightens. Scorpio season will reveal the steps to finding the solution if you have unanswered questions regarding your path.

​Key Dates + Planetary Transits for Your October Horoscope

Andrew Worung

  • 10/2 Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • 10/9 Jupiter Retrograde
  • 10/11 Pluto goes Direct
  • 10/13 Mercury enters Scorpio
  • 10/17 Full Moon in Aries, Venus enters Sagittarius
  • 10/22 Sun in Scorpio

​Is Your Sign in For a Big October Change? Discover Which 6 Signs Will Level Up

Cora Pursley

October 2024 is gearing up to bring some exciting changes just for us. If you're a Libra, expect a strong push for personal growth with a Solar Eclipse in your sign — it’s the perfect moment to rethink your goals and self-image. Aries, get ready to gain clear insights into your ambitions with a Full Moon lighting up your sign. Scorpio, you’ll dive deep into self-discovery as Mercury and the Sun focus on your sign, making this an ideal time for reflection. Taurus, it’s time to reassess your daily routines and health, influenced by the Solar Eclipse, while Jupiter’s retrograde encourages a fresh look at your long-term goals. Pisces, you’ll shift your focus to finances and close relationships, with the Solar Eclipse and Jupiter’s retrograde offering new perspectives. Sagittarius, you’ll shine brightly with Venus enhancing your charm and creativity, and the Full Moon will spark new inspiration for your passions. These cosmic shifts are not just about change, but about the potential for personal growth and transformation that they bring.

Read Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs For Your Monthly Horoscope

Brit + Co


Theme: Personal Clarity

This month, a fresh wave of self-reflection takes center stage as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reassess your relationships and partnerships. As you navigate these changes, Jupiter’s retrograde in your financial sector encourages you to fine-tune your budget and values. Mid-month, Mercury’s shift into Scorpio brings deep insights into shared resources and intimate connections, possibly reshaping your understanding. The Full Moon in Aries later in the month shines a light on your personal goals, driving you to assert your individuality. By month’s end, Venus entering Sagittarius inspires a quest for new experiences, whether through travel or learning. The Sun’s position in Scorpio further urges you to explore your inner self and deepen connections, making it a time for transformative growth.

Brit + Co


Theme: Routine and Health

Transformation in your daily routines and work environment is on the horizon as the Solar Eclipse prompts a thoughtful reassessment. Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to reflect on your personal goals and self-image, guiding you to align them with your long-term aspirations. Mid-month, Mercury’s move into Scorpio focuses on your partnerships, bringing meaningful conversations that may redefine your relationships. The Full Moon in Aries highlights insights related to personal introspection and behind-the-scenes matters. As the month concludes, Venus entering Sagittarius brings attention to enhancing emotional connections and exploring new ways to manage shared resources. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio emphasizes the importance of clear communication and understanding in your partnerships, paving the way for deeper connections.

Brit + Co


Theme: Creativity and Romance

A burst of creative energy drives your month as the Solar Eclipse encourages you to reevaluate your approach to romance and self-expression. Reflect on how these areas contribute to your joy and fulfillment. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to revisit past dreams and inner motivations, offering clarity on your current path. Mercury’s entry into Scorpio shifts your focus to daily routines and work, prompting a reassessment of your health and tasks. The Full Moon later in the month illuminates your social networks and long-term goals, potentially leading to significant changes. As Venus enters Sagittarius, relationships come into focus, promoting growth and deeper connections. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio further highlights the need for clarity and transformation in everyday life.

Brit + Co


Theme: Home and Family

This month centers around emotional security as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reassess your domestic environment and personal foundations. Jupiter’s retrograde shifts your attention to long-term goals and friendships, offering new insights into your social circle. Mid-month, Mercury’s move into Scorpio encourages authentic self-expression and exploration of new passions. The Full Moon focuses on your career and public image, potentially leading to shifts or realizations in your professional life. By the end of the month, Venus entering Sagittarius redirects your attention to improving your daily routines and well-being. The Sun in Scorpio further emphasizes creativity and self-expression, making this a fruitful period for pursuing personal projects and enjoying life’s pleasures.

Brit + Co


Theme: Communication and Learning

Your communication style and local environment are spotlighted this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to reflect on how you connect with others. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages a review of your career goals and public image, offering valuable insights into your professional path. Mercury’s shift into Scorpio focuses on home and family matters, inviting deeper conversations and resolutions. The Full Moon later in the month highlights broader horizons, such as travel or higher learning, potentially leading to important realizations. As Venus enters Sagittarius, a fresh, joyful energy invigorates your personal life and creativity. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio underscores the need for balance and emotional clarity in your domestic sphere.

Brit + Co


Theme: Finances and Values

Financial reassessment and realignment of personal values are key themes this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts you to review your budget and financial goals. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde guides you to reflect on your beliefs and plans, offering insights into educational or travel aspirations. Mercury’s entry into Scorpio focuses on communication and local connections, sparking meaningful interactions. The Full Moon highlights transformations related to shared resources or intimate bonds, leading to important realizations. Venus entering Sagittarius brings a nurturing energy to your home and family life. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio further emphasizes the need for clear communication and thoughtful connections with those around you.

Brit + Co


Theme: Personal Transformation

Personal transformation is at the forefront this month as the Solar Eclipse in your sign prompts a reevaluation of your goals and self-image. Reflect on new beginnings and how you present yourself to the world. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages introspection on shared resources and financial partnerships, leading to valuable insights. Mercury’s move into Scorpio shifts your focus to personal finances and values, urging a deeper review of your financial habits. The Full Moon highlights your relationships, potentially bringing clarity or resolution to partnership dynamics. Venus entering Sagittarius infuses your interactions with lively energy, sparking new connections and ideas. The Sun’s presence in Scorpio emphasizes financial matters, encouraging you to address lingering money issues and set a solid foundation for future prosperity.

Brit + Co


Theme: Self-Discovery

Inner growth and introspection define your month as the Solar Eclipse prompts a deep dive into personal transformation. Reflect on hidden concerns and past patterns that influence your present. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites you to review your partnerships and collaborations, providing fresh insights into these relationships. As Mercury enters your sign, your communication and self-expression come to the fore, allowing you to clearly articulate your thoughts and intentions. Later in the month, the full moon highlights work and daily routines, possibly revealing significant changes or achievements. Venus entering Sagittarius shifts your focus to finances and personal values, offering a new perspective on your material resources. With the Sun in your sign, you’ll feel empowered to pursue your goals with renewed energy.

Brit + Co


Theme: Creativity and Charisma

This month, reevaluating your social circles and long-term goals takes precedence as the Solar Eclipse prompts reflection on your friendships and aspirations. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde directs your attention to daily routines and health, offering insights into improving your approach to work or self-care. Mercury’s transition into the private sector invites introspection and revisiting past issues. The Full Moon illuminates your creative pursuits and passions, leading to breakthroughs or new inspirations. Venus entering your sign enhances your charm and self-confidence, making it an excellent time to focus on personal appearance and self-expression. The Sun’s presence in your introspective realm encourages deeper self-reflection and clarity.

Brit + Co


Theme: Career and Public Image

Career and public image are highlighted this month as the Solar Eclipse prompts a reassessment of your professional path and ambitions. Consider new strategies to align your career goals with your values. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde invites reflection on creative projects and personal joys, offering insights into how these fit into your broader life plans. Mercury’s entry into the social sector emphasizes strengthening connections and group dynamics. The Full Moon later in the month focuses on your home and family life, potentially revealing new insights or changes. Venus entering the private sector supports introspection and a deeper connection with your inner self. With the Sun in your social sphere, engage with your community and collaborate on shared goals.

Brit + Co


Theme: Expansion and Beliefs

Exploring new horizons and expanding your beliefs are key themes this month as the Solar Eclipse inspires you to rethink your educational pursuits and perspectives. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde shifts focus to home and family life, prompting you to create a more supportive environment. Mercury’s move into a professional sector clarifies your career goals and public image, helping you tweak your plans. The Full Moon later in the month highlights your local environment and communication, potentially leading to significant revelations. Step into the spotlight — you are ready. Venus entering your social sphere boosts friendships and group activities, encouraging new connections. The Sun’s presence in your career sector emphasizes increased focus on professional ambitions.

Brit + Co


Theme: Finances and Recognition

Expect a transformative month focused on reevaluating your financial and intimate connections as the Solar Eclipse urges you to examine shared resources and personal bonds. Explore how these areas impact your overall direction early in the month and consider any necessary changes. Mid-month, Jupiter’s retrograde encourages you to revisit past communications and learning experiences, clarifying unresolved issues and neglected projects. This is the moment for reflection and refinement — you thrive at this. With Mercury moving into Scorpio, you'll discover broader perspectives and beliefs, gaining valuable intel into your long-term aspirations. As the month progresses, the Full Moon focuses on financial matters, revealing new insights or adjustments in your approach to money and possessions. Venus’s entry into your career sector opens doors for professional advancement and recognition. The Sun’s presence in your exploration sector further motivates you to set ambitious goals and broaden your horizons, driving personal and professional growth.

Want to find out how astrology can be the guiding tool to self-acceptance and fulfillment? Click here and claim your copy of Lumi's Beginner's Astrology Book.

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumi for advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

Despite the fact we haven't gotten Squid Game season 2 yet, there's already a plan for the end of the story. The first season got 2.2 billion hours of total watch time over the first 13 weeks it was on Netflix, making it a huge global moment. On July 31, executive producer, writer, and director for the hit series, Hwang Dong-hyuk, spoke on the Netflix show's return. He also revealed the show already has an end date.

Noh Juhan/Netflix

“Seong Gi-hun (Lee Jung-jae), who vowed revenge at the end of season one, returns and joins the game again,” Hwang says of the sophomore season in a letter. “Will he succeed in getting his revenge? Front Man doesn’t seem to be an easy opponent this time either. The fierce clash between their two worlds will continue into the series finale in season three, which will be brought to you next year.”

Squid Game season 2 will hit Netflix on December 26, 2024. The story features Lee Byung-hun, Wi Ha-jun, Gong Yoo, Yim Si-wan, Kang Ha-neul, Park Gyu-young, Lee Jin-uk, Park Sung-hoon, Yang Dong-geun, Kang Ae-sim, Lee David, Choi Seung-hyun, Roh Jae-won, Jo Yu-ri, and Won Ji-an. And like any good penultimate season, it's sure to end on a cliffhanger.

JuHan Noh/Netflix

"As we all saw at the end of season 1, the main plot of season 2 will be revenge," actor Lee Jung Jae tells All K-Pop. "The key figure who controlled the workings of the games in season 1 was Lee Byung-Hun... so it seems that the two of us will be the central figures of this next story."

That leads me to wonder what the end of season 2 will look like. Will it set season 3 up for a theme of hope? Victory? (Can you tell I'm an optimist?). Unlike popular series Stranger Things, Bridgerton, and Euphoria, we'll only have to wait one year to find out because Squid Game season 3 is coming to Netflix in 2025.

Stay tuned for the latest news on Squid Game season 3, and check out how to Make A DIY Squid Game Costume For The Easiest Halloween Ever.

This post has been updated.

Fall is finally upon us, bringing so much crisp weather, cool 'fits, and fantastic PSLs! While the rest of the year has plenty to offer in its own way, autumn just really does hit different. And while so much good comes from the turn from summer into fall, the Autumn Equinox on September 22 brings about its own energetic changes we've got to navigate. In order to keep those good vibes going and under understand how you can bring balance to your life during this shift, read on for your sun, moon, and rising sign horoscope from Inbaal Honigman and Psychic World!

Read For Your Sun, Moon, And Rising Sign Autumn Equinox Horoscope!

Brit + Co

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

For Aries, the equilibrium of the Equinox may not hold great allure, as they lean towards extremes rather than stability. But do make an effort as the Autumn Equinox ushers in Libra season (September 23rd - October 22nd), with the whole month dedicated to finding balance. With every active day, combine a calm day. Given that Libra is your polar opposite on the zodiac wheel, this may come as a challenge, but it's needed for a steady mind this season.

Brit + Co

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Autumn Equinox is a balanced and elegant time of year, and this speaks right to the Taureans’ soul, as they appreciate peace and equilibrium. A piece of advice for the Equinox is to step out of your comfort zone, seize the opportunity presented by the Harvest Moon on the 29th, and make plans for new and unconventional experiences.

Brit + Co

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Summer is their season, as Geminis relish a party or two, and the company of others. The approaching autumn may bring a sense of solitude, which Geminis hate. All the sensible balance of the Autumn Equinox is just plain boring to most, so the twin sign should do their best to reconnect with their inner child and all the things they love about Autumn. Consider booking a trip to view the Northern Lights, or tuning in to a Northern Lights broadcast on your phone to keep things fun and original.

Brit + Co

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The Equinox is a solar phenomenon marking the perfect balance between daylight and darkness. This might not resonate as strongly with Cancers, who are lunar creatures, ruled by the moon. Hence, they are more likely to feel the impact of the Harvest moon — a time of endings and resource gathering — on the 29th, rather than the Autumn Equinox, which signifies balance. Emotional Cancers can also be comforted by their favourite autumnal scents, movies and time with their loved ones this season.

Brit + Co

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Leo’s planetary ruler is the Sun, and so celestial shifts such as solstices and equinoxes will feel very impactful. The call to bid farewell to the joys of summer behind and embrace the muted tones of autumn is strong, though they can't help but miss the sunny days. Leos should expect a powerful boost this season as the energetic shift will tap into their curiosity and passion.

Brit + Co

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

The very end of Virgo season is when the fall Equinox hits — and isn't it ironic? Under the influence of Virgo, society as a whole has been organized and neat, shedding unnecessary baggage and investing in self-improvement, much like the sign itself. And when the Equinox asks everyone — are you sure you're done? Is everything in place? Virgos can confidently answer 'yes'.

Brit + Co

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

As Libra season approaches, get ready to feel right at home! No one will enjoy this cosy season more than the Libra, with everything pumpkin spice upon us, and the Autumn Equinox signals this shift. No shaming of those who want to pull their pajamas on straight after work. Peaceful moments as the leaves fall are the key to Libra’s happiness.

Brit + Co

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Secrets are a Scorpios safety net. Not big secrets like having two wives, but little secrets like 'Yeah, I loved Dangerous Liaisons' or 'I don't know my way around Birmingham'. With the arrival of the Autumn Equinox, Scorpios leave summer behind and find comfort in the shadows of winter. It will be a refreshing time.

Brit + Co

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

The end of summer hits Sagittarius hard, because they love traveling so much. The Equinox calls for a moment of calm and balance, although that is not their vibe as they seek for winter sun destinations. A Sagittarius should allow themself to be still for a few days, put their phones and passports away and honor the fall season with a few deep breaths.

Brit + Co

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorn is a business-minded sign who understands that change is a constant, cyclical aspect of life. And so when the time comes to enact change, they seize the opportunity. The Autumn Equinox serves as a reminder that what once worked may no longer be effective, signaling the need to adjust your routine.

Brit + Co

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

With their humanitarian nature, Aquarians are always introspective. This Equinox will encourage this idealistic sign to visit new places, and learn new things. They also enjoy being helpful, but will not be conspicuous about it. They like to be well-read, but hate a snob or a show off — so the Equinox is right up their alley! Business as usual.

Brit + Co

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

As a romantic at heart, Pisces hold high expectations for themselves. The Equinox's call for balance and self-value is a message Pisces need to hear. The increased likelihood of witnessing the Northern Lights adds an extra touch of enchantment to this autumn season for Pisces.

For more astrology advice, be sure to Ask Lumifor advice, and follow the conversation on Facebook!

As much as we used to look forward to taking a sick day in grade school, there's nothing fun about having cold or flu-like symptoms as an adult. Sure, you may get to miss work for a few days, but the body aches, fever, and sore throat combination are awful. It's even worse if your period decides to join the party!

There's so many different OTC (over-the-counter) cold medicines and supplements out there...which leads us to wonder: does Emergen-C actually work, or not? Since we're unsure, we turned to Board-certified family medicine physicians Dr. Laura Purdy, MD, MBA and Dr. Jennie Stanford, M.D., FAAFP, DipABOM to help answer our burning questions!

P.S. You'll find be able to tell the difference between pesky allergies and cold symptoms here — thank goodness!

What's the difference between cold and allergy symptoms?

Polina Tankilevitch

Having seasonal allergies can be confusing when they coincide with cold season. Between kids being back in school and the weather changing, the fall/winter seasons seem to bring on sneezing, coughing, and more. But, how can you tell when you're merely dealing with allergies or something else?

"Colds are viral infections. Symptoms include a sore throat, cough and feeling tired," says Dr. Purdy. Dr. Stanford further explains that viral infections have "traditionally been Rhinovirus species, but it may also be Adenovirus species and others." Colds can also be accompanied by a fever in some cases.

On the other hand, Dr. Purdy and Dr. Stanford both agree allergies are specifically caused by allergens or irritants. "Common Symptoms include sneezing and itchy eyes," says Dr. Purdy. According to the CDC, around one quarter of adults deal with seasonal allergies (raises both hands), so it's not weird if you get confused about when it's time to switch from Claritin to Dayquil.

How should people relieve cold symptoms before heading to the pharmacy?

Anna Tarazevich

Before you head to CVS at the first sign of sneezing and a sore throat, there are a few things Dr. Stanford suggests you do. "Optimizing our immune systems by focusing on overall health and wellbeing can help reduce the risk of infections, including the common cold. This includes eating a healthy diet, being physically active, getting enough sleep, and keeping stress in check," she says.

Unfortunately, Gallupreports that 57% of people feel they're not getting the proper amount of sleep they need. But, this doesn't mean you should ignore your lack of rest just because others are struggling too. Take it from someone whose insomnia impacted their mental health and a nasty bout of the Flu followed by Covid-19 two years ago! "Properly treating other health conditions can also help prevent acute illnesses, like the common cold," says Dr. Stanford.

However, it's not unusual to get a cold because Dr. Stanford says they're the "result of germs spread from contact with others." Taking precautions just helps your immune system work the eliminate the viral infection faster.

Do elderberry and Vitamin C fight off colds?

Polina Tankilevitch

This is where things get a little tricky. Though elderberry and Vitamin C have been hailed as supplements that combat colds, not everyone agrees on their effectiveness. Dr. Stanford says, "While the evidence for Vitamin C in treating colds is mixed, sufficient research suggests that taking vitamin C supplementation can shorten the duration and reduce the severity of cold symptoms." But if you're thinking about relying on Vitamin C supplements, Dr. Stanford is less likely to encourage you to take them because they haven't been proven "to be effective in preventing common cold symptoms."

She also doesn't think you should take elderberry as if that'll also fight off a viral infection. "Elderberry is not effective in preventing colds, and evidence is insufficient to suggest that it is effective in treating the common cold," she explains.

Do you recommend relying on Emergen-C to help combat cold symptoms?

Karolina Kaboompics

So, what's the verdict on taking Emergen-C once it's confirmed you have a viral cold? The brand has several products that range from gummies to drink mixes, all aimed at supporting your immune system — but does that mean they're safe to take? According to Dr. Purdy, they are! "Emergen-C contains Vitamin C which is great for a good and healthy immune system and recovery. It also contains other good for you ingredients that help with your immune system like vitamin E and Zinc."

However, it's valid to want to know if there's a difference between Zicam and Emergen-C. According to Dr. Stanford, there is! "Similar to Vitamin C, evidence suggests that zinc may be effective in reducing the duration and severity of cold symptoms, but it is less likely to be effective in preventing the common cold," she explains. Plainly put, think of the two like this:

  • Zicam = Zinc
  • Emergen-C = Vitamin C

She even says, "Studies suggest taking both zinc and vitamin C could be beneficial!"

Can certain teas help soothe sore throats associated with colds?

Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

Drinking warm tea can help alleviate cold symptoms, though you shouldn't think they're your only defense against viral infections. In conjunction with cold medicines, "throat coat teas really help soothe inflammation and help manage symptoms," says Dr. Purdy. The reason for this is that most "throat support products are indicated to ameliorate sore throat and similar symptoms, often by numbing agents, temperature, and other factors," Dr. Stanford explains. In short, don't be afraid to use tea as a form of hydration while you're sick!

Dr. Purdy says other things you can use to help alleviate your symptoms are a humidifier, nasal spray, and drops. Take it a step further by taking a "steam shower" to "provide some much needed relief."

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Visit our Amazon Storefront to see our top picks for staying hydrated!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Party plans at the 11th hour? We've got you covered with last-minute Halloween snacks that are easy to throw together! Spooky Halloween cookies call for tons of creativity, while make-ahead recipes require actually knowing that you're going to a party in the first place. While finding a last-minute costume that doesn't make your plan to stay in and watchHalloween movies alone in your jammies too obvious, cooking or baking a mysterious masterpiece seems out of the question – but it's not! Ahead, find some of the best last-minute Halloween snacks that are JUST the right amount of spooky.

Brit + Co

Monster Avocado Toasts

If you want to celebrate Halloween without eating a ton of junk, try our avocado toast faces. It's the perfect start to Halloween morning — before the Halloween partyprep begins! (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

Deviled Egg Brains

These savory snack bites totally give us the creepy crawlies! Trust us, they're still yummy, though. (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

Spider Halloween Cookies

These sweet spideys should only take you about 40 minutes to finish! Once they're cooled, you'll be all set for your Halloween get-together. (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

Mummy Pizzas

These mummified pizza pies are made easy with store-bought ciabatta bread and some hearty toppings. (via Brit + Co.)

Brit + Co

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

The decorated pumpkin faces on these seasonal-flavored cookies provide the perfect amount of spooky! (via Brit + Co.)

Half Baked Harvest

Roasted Pumpkin Seed Hummus

Homemade hummus is SO much better than the store-bought stuff — and it's easy to make. In less than 30 minutes, you'll be ready to rock with a bright orange Halloween hummus. (Half Baked Harvest)

Chelsea's Messy Apron

Mummy Milanos

When you're in a pinch, there's nothing wrong with ripping open a bag of cookies and adding your own spooky twist. This recipe turns Milanos into mummies with the help of some melted white chocolate. (via Chelsea's Messy Apron)

Chopstick Chronicles

Sushi Balls, Halloween Style

We know what you're thinking — sushi isn't exactly easy to create — but hear us out. These eerie sushi balls are way easier to put together than sushi rolls and require a lot less skill and equipment. It's also mess-free! (via Chopstick Chronicles)

Gimme Some Oven

Brownie Spiders

These little cuties are the perfect last-minute snack to put together if you're less into gory-ness and more into adorably-ness. Feeling iffy over the commitment of baking? Don't sweat it — these are done in 35 minutes. (via Gimme Some Oven)

Simply Sated

Witch Finger Pretzels

As far as quick and simple snacks go, you can't compete with dipping already delicious pretzels into already delicious chocolate. The best part of these treats is that they come out look gruesome and amazing. (via Simply Sated)

A Spicy Perspective

Halloween Fruit Skewers

A healthy-ish treat, these fruit skewers get a little bit of Halloween when a few pieces of candy are in the mix. (via A Spicy Perspective)

Food Fanatic

Deviled Egg Eyeballs

Deviled eggs sound perfect for Halloween on their own. When you add a healthy helping of beet puree to the mix, this wholesome snack hits a whole new level of creepy, or take a different route by making spider web deviled eggs. (via Food Fanatic)

Well Plated

Graveyard Chocolate Cheesecake Dip

Having to whip up a themed snack at the last minute is a grave situation. It's a good thing THIS grave, topped with crunchy cookie dirt, only takes 20 minutes to put together. (via Well Plated)

Mitzy At Home

White Chocolate Ghosts and Mummies

It's hard to find anything cuter than ghost-themed desserts; it's those little eyes. These sweet boos are easy to make and need to chill for 30 minutes, so you can place them in the fridge while you get ready. (Mitzy At Home)

Baking Beauty

Pumpkin Cheese Ball

The flavors of cream cheese and sharp cheddar are scary good together. Also, you basically get to dunk chips into chips, so it's near impossible to disappoint a crowd with a snack like this. Did we mention it only takes 20 minutes to make? (via Baking Beauty)

Damn Delicious

Mummy Hot Dogs

Hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls are fantastic any time of the year, but we're especially in love with them on Halloween. Wrapped up to look like mummies, these bites are great for adult and kid parties alike. (via Damn Delicious)

The Miniature Moose

Sweet and Salty Halloween Snack Mix

With no cooking required, this halloween snack is all ease and no fuss; just toss some sweet and savory snacks together and you're good to go. The frightening part is that they're incredibly addicting, so beware. (via The Miniature Moose)

A Zesty Bite

Oreo Spider Web Cookies

We're confident that Oreos are loved universally, so there is no way to go wrong with this snack because it is SO right. The best way to wash these spiders out? A tall glass of cold milk, of course. (via A Zesty Bite)

Stacey Homemaker

Halloween Graveyard Pizza

When doom hits, nothing saves the day quite like pizza; pizza fixes everything. In under 30 minutes, you too can save the day with this cheesy pizza — complete with eyeballs and tongues. (via Stacey Homemaker)

Chelsea's Messy Apron

Easy Spider Oreo Balls

If you're after that beloved Oreo flavor, but want to jazz things up in a most spine-chilling way, these spider Oreo balls will do the trick. In 30 minutes you can have these sweet and spooky critters on a platter, ready to go. (via Chelsea's Messy Apron)

Half Baked Harvest

Black Widow Peanut Butter Bars

Salty, sweet, and easier than you'd think, these peanut butter bars are made with pantry staples and candy. (via Half Baked Harvest)

A Spicy Perspective

Halloween Popcorn Mix

Coat dry, salted popcorn with a purple melted candy coating and add sprinkles and your favorite Halloween candy to make this snack mix. (via A Spicy Perspective)

Amanda Wilens

Halloween Rice Krispy Treats

Rice Krispy treats get a Halloween twist when you add festive sprinkles and a few eyeballs to mix. (via Amanda Wilens)

Salt & Lavender

Halloween Puppy Chow

Chocolate, peanut butter, and plenty of Halloween sprinkles give new life to Chex cereal, and it only takes 15 minutes to make. (via Salt & Lavender)

Halloween snacks are not only tasty, but they're fun to make, share and eat! With Halloween just around the corner, we're sure these spooky snacks will win over every guest at your Halloween bash!

For more spooky Halloween snack ideas + treats, check us out on Pinterest!

This article has been updated from a previous post with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.