I'd heard of chakras before joining Sarah Vie, author of I Wish I'd Known, at a wellness retreat in Santa Cruz, CA, but I don’t think I really understood what they do and how they can help us feel more balanced, in tune with our intuition, and confident in our lives.
“These energy centers in our bodies are one of the most important areas to heal ourselves,” says Sarah. “If a specific energy center is blocked, we may experience “dis-ease” or feel completely uncomfortable in our own skin."
I learned through Sarah’s workshop that the energy in my root chakra was blocked. I never wear red, but that was the suggestion. I started meditating every day and things started to feel clear as I started to clear my mind. “We all have stories from our past that we hold in our chakras,” Sarah told me. She suggests redefining what we tell ourselves in order to hold different energies in our bodies. Repeating the chakra messages below (even to yourself vs. out loud) are a great way to replace those old stories and reset our chakras.
From head to toe, here are the seven main chakras and the basic principles behind each one, excerpted from Sarah's I Wish I'd Known book.
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The Root Chakra
This energy center is related to survival and security, and is the closest to the earth, resting at the base of the spine. This center is where we hold on to the energetic pain and trauma we experience as children. The color associated with it is red. It is naturally associated with the element earth.
To keep this chakra healthy and in flow, exercises such as dancing, jogging, and jumping are beneficial. We should see if our security needs are being met and take our power to create our own security in our lives so our world is a safe and enjoyable place for us. Its message is, “I exist.” Live your life proudly.
The Sacral Chakra
This chakra is related to sensuality, sexuality, and desire for pleasure. It is in the lower abdomen and its color is orange and is associated with the element water. Belly dancing, loving partnerships, and yoga can enhance this chakra’s function. This chakra says, “I desire.” Live your passion, whatever that may be. What are your dreams? How do you desire to live? Claim your dreams and go out and make them reality – give birth to your dreams.
The Solar Plexus
Its color is yellow, and it is related to our power in this world. Its natural element is fire, and this is where the “fire in your belly” term derives from. An overbearing solar plexus chakra (one not in balance with your system’s other chakras or one where your energy is solely focused) can result in obsessive-compulsive control. A solar plexus chakra with a healthy flow allows you to control your destiny, feel your power, and accomplish your dreams. The message of the third chakra is, “I control.” Go forth and control your own destiny and happiness– you deserve it!
The Heart Chakra
Green is the color of this chakra, and it relates naturally to love and compassion, being at the heart’s center. This fourth chakra is associated with air. Healthy relationships, pets, family, and even appreciation of beauty and nature enhance the health of this chakra. Let your heart energy flow freely in and out. Be open to receiving the love available to you now, the free-flowing love that is your birthright. Shine the love that you are. Repeat, “I am love.”
The Throat Chakra
The throat center or communication center is where you speak your truth in this world. Its color is blue. When this chakra flows at optimum levels, you have the ability to ask for what you need. This chakra also reflects your truth in the world through your communication. Singing, chanting, and breathing exercises can enhance this chakra’s health. The message of the throat chakra is, “I express.” Do not suppress your own beautiful voice. Speak your truth, sing your joy, and emanate your love through the vibration of your words.
The Crown Chakra
It is silence between the spaces and represents spiritual connection. It is associated with violet-white light. Located a little above the top of the head, it represents union, bliss, and the knowledge of being at one with all. Cosmic consciousness and peace are the frequencies at this chakra, which says, “I am that I am.”
So how do you unblock these chakras, or heal a sensation in the part of your body that aligns with a specific chakra? Sarah suggests meditation. “A new meditation practice allows us to get quiet and be present to the charge or sensation that bubbles up. Every story we tell ourselves has a charge to it that will show up in a certain place in our bodies.”
Learn more from Sarah's bookI Wish I'd Known.
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Main photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS