What Are Chakras And How Do You Know If Yours Are Blocked?

what are chakras

I'd heard of chakras before joining Sarah Vie, author of I Wish I'd Known, at a wellness retreat in Santa Cruz, CA, but I don’t think I really understood what they do and how they can help us feel more balanced, in tune with our intuition, and confident in our lives.

“These energy centers in our bodies are one of the most important areas to heal ourselves,” says Sarah. “If a specific energy center is blocked, we may experience “dis-ease” or feel completely uncomfortable in our own skin."

I learned through Sarah’s workshop that the energy in my root chakra was blocked. I never wear red, but that was the suggestion. I started meditating every day and things started to feel clear as I started to clear my mind. “We all have stories from our past that we hold in our chakras,” Sarah told me. She suggests redefining what we tell ourselves in order to hold different energies in our bodies. Repeating the chakra messages below (even to yourself vs. out loud) are a great way to replace those old stories and reset our chakras.

From head to toe, here are the seven main chakras and the basic principles behind each one, excerpted from Sarah's I Wish I'd Known book.

Image via Shutterstock

The Root Chakra

This energy center is related to survival and security, and is the closest to the earth, resting at the base of the spine. This center is where we hold on to the energetic pain and trauma we experience as children. The color associated with it is red. It is naturally associated with the element earth.

To keep this chakra healthy and in flow, exercises such as dancing, jogging, and jumping are beneficial. We should see if our security needs are being met and take our power to create our own security in our lives so our world is a safe and enjoyable place for us. Its message is, “I exist.” Live your life proudly.

The Sacral Chakra

This chakra is related to sensuality, sexuality, and desire for pleasure. It is in the lower abdomen and its color is orange and is associated with the element water. Belly dancing, loving partnerships, and yoga can enhance this chakra’s function. This chakra says, “I desire.” Live your passion, whatever that may be. What are your dreams? How do you desire to live? Claim your dreams and go out and make them reality – give birth to your dreams.

The Solar Plexus

Its color is yellow, and it is related to our power in this world. Its natural element is fire, and this is where the “fire in your belly” term derives from. An overbearing solar plexus chakra (one not in balance with your system’s other chakras or one where your energy is solely focused) can result in obsessive-compulsive control. A solar plexus chakra with a healthy flow allows you to control your destiny, feel your power, and accomplish your dreams. The message of the third chakra is, “I control.” Go forth and control your own destiny and happiness– you deserve it!

The Heart Chakra

Green is the color of this chakra, and it relates naturally to love and compassion, being at the heart’s center. This fourth chakra is associated with air. Healthy relationships, pets, family, and even appreciation of beauty and nature enhance the health of this chakra. Let your heart energy flow freely in and out. Be open to receiving the love available to you now, the free-flowing love that is your birthright. Shine the love that you are. Repeat, “I am love.”

The Throat Chakra

The throat center or communication center is where you speak your truth in this world. Its color is blue. When this chakra flows at optimum levels, you have the ability to ask for what you need. This chakra also reflects your truth in the world through your communication. Singing, chanting, and breathing exercises can enhance this chakra’s health. The message of the throat chakra is, “I express.” Do not suppress your own beautiful voice. Speak your truth, sing your joy, and emanate your love through the vibration of your words.

The Crown Chakra

It is silence between the spaces and represents spiritual connection. It is associated with violet-white light. Located a little above the top of the head, it represents union, bliss, and the knowledge of being at one with all. Cosmic consciousness and peace are the frequencies at this chakra, which says, “I am that I am.”

So how do you unblock these chakras, or heal a sensation in the part of your body that aligns with a specific chakra? Sarah suggests meditation. “A new meditation practice allows us to get quiet and be present to the charge or sensation that bubbles up. Every story we tell ourselves has a charge to it that will show up in a certain place in our bodies.”

Learn more from Sarah's bookI Wish I'd Known.

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Crawling into bed after a long day at school or work should feel soothing — unless you're struggling to stop anxious thoughts at night. It's not like you want to obsess over the awkward conversation you had with your boss, or the fact your lunch order was wrong, but it feels like your anxiety won't let you. Well, that's where you're partially wrong.

You can change your bedtime habits according to licensed therapist Kelsey Thompson, LMFT and biopsychologist Dr. Mary Poffenroth. Together, they explain what anxiety does to our nervous system, why we can't stop spiraling before bed, and ways we can make healthier choices we can get the rest we need!

How does anxiety affect our nervous system?

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

No matter how many therapy sessions I've had, I can't always remember how anxiety affects our nervous system. Kelsey Thompson said, "Anxiety, much like trauma, causes the flight, fight or freeze response to be activated. Cortisol and adrenaline flood our system and cause our heart to race, breathing to speed up, muscle tension, energy is moved from the stomach to more needed areas — such as the muscle and heart — causing stomach issues such as IBS, constipation, stomach aches." It's clear that the list goes on and on.

Dr. Poffenroth further elaborated on the muscle tension that's often caused by anxiety. "Studies have shown that even when at rest, people with anxiety disorders constantly have more tense muscles. Constantly tense muscles can cause physical discomfort, which can make anxiety symptoms worse. The body's 'fight or flight' response is being repeatedly triggered, which is causing this tension." Unfortunately this leaves bodies in a constant state of believing it has to be ready to respond to threats.

So, what are the long-term effects of being in a state of 'fight or flight?' "Research suggests that long term this can lead to more chronic issues such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance, inflammation and chronic stomach issues," Thompson said.

Why does it feel like all of our anxious thoughts occur at night?

Alex Green/Pexels

This leads to the looming big question — why does it feel like our minds race at night? Thompson said, "Often we are so distracted and so busy throughout the day that we are able to push away our anxious thoughts. In American culture we are so wired to do a million things each day, work, clean, cook, sometimes take care of children, that there is often not a lot of time to let ourselves process or thoughts and emotions."

It's one of the things I realized after becoming a mom. You'd think I'd be used to the impossible juggling act that comes with that, but I'm often reminded that no one is able to do everything. It's one of the reasons both Thompson and Dr. Poffenroth said our anxiety goes haywire at night.

Thompson said," When you aren’t distracted by tasks and you slow yourself down and lay in bed trying to get to sleep, you start processing through things, often this is when anxiety can flood in which makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night."

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

What's the science behind it? "In low light, the brain's fear center, the amygdala, becomes more active. Studies suggest that there was a decrease in activation in the amygdala and an increase in functional activity in the dark. This increased susceptibility may result in a rise in thoughts that make one anxious," Dr. Poffenroth said.

This has everything to do with the survival tactics that kept our ancestors alive. "When it's dark outside, the brain is more sensitive to possible dangers, even when none exist. Even though it was originally necessary for survival, this evolutionary adaptation can now cause increased anxiety at night," Dr. Poffenroth continued.

What are signs that someone's mind is racing at night?

Liza Summer/Pexels

It's likely you're able to recognize when you're having anxious thoughts at night after the fact, but sometimes you're not always aware in the moment. According to Thompson, some of the thoughts you could be having are:

  • Having spiraling thoughts and repeating them for prolonged periods of time
  • Ruminating about the past, present or future,
  • Thinking about what you may have said to someone that day
  • Worrying about what people think of you,
  • Worrying about the future or others

She said this could physically show up as you being unable to wind down or relax. "You may feel the need to continuously do something or even scroll on your phone as a distraction technique," she mentioned.

Guilty as charged.

Anete Lusina/Pexels

To add to that, Dr. Poffenroth said your "inability to 'switch off'" your thoughts is the most common indicator that your anxiety is running the show at night.

"This cognitive hyperarousal can seriously obstruct one's capacity to go asleep and stay asleep through the night. The 'what if' scenarios or reflections on past events that frequently accompany the racing thoughts can lead to a vicious cycle of worry that can be challenging to break on one's own," she noted.

I've found that I don't experience bouts of insomnia like I used to, but there are nights where I wake up every few hours instead of sleeping soundly. If my anxiety spiral is really bad, I even have a series of weird dreams that wake me bolt out of bed to make sure I'm not fighting some terrible monster who has a personal vendetta against me.

Is there a way to stop the anxious spiral that happens when we're trying to get rest?

Monstera Production/Pexels

If you're trying to figure out if you'll ever learn how to stop anxious thoughts at night, know that you're not 'broken.' Just like in Inside Out 2, anxiety wants to keep us safe and will employ any tactic it can so we can plan for possible threats. To help your anxiety understand that you're not being harmed, Thompson suggested utilizing grounding techniques.

She said this can look like:

  • Using guided meditation
  • Listening to sleep sounds music
  • Keeping your environment cold and dark for sleeping
  • Burning energy before bed by going on evening walks, to the gym after dinner or taking hot baths for relaxation before bed
  • Practicing mindfulness and learning challenging and cognitive restructuring skills from CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Kevin Malik/Pexels

Dr. Poffenroth said, "Cognitive restructuring is an effective method to stop the anxious spiral that occurs when trying to sleep. This method is questioning and rephrasing nervous thoughts. The procedure entails recognizing negative thought patterns, assessing their veracity, and swapping them out for more realistic, balanced ideas."

This is another tool I use when I'm still a little anxious after choosing a grounding technique to focus on. It feels silly to ask yourself, "Is ______ true in this situation," but Dr. Poffenroth said it helps you reassess things so your perceived fear about something can eventually stop disrupting your sleep.

What's the worst thing someone with anxiety can do before going to bed?

Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Now that we know why we have anxious thought at night, it's time to discuss changing some of our nighttime habits. The first thing Thompson wants you to stop doing is relying on caffeine after 12 or 1 p.m. This sounds like punishment for those of us who love our midday coffee runs, but that extra caffeine may be causing more harm than good.

Also, she doesn't want you to scroll on social media or check your to-do list before going to bed. This is something my work bestie has advised me against doing, but I haven't quite tricked my mind into putting my phone down before going to sleep.

The last thing she says you should avoid doing is getting into a huge argument with someone that goes unresolved. "These are all things that will make it difficult to sleep if you have anxiety at night," Thompson said.


Additionally, Dr. Poffenroth wants you to leave your work emails in your inbox until the next day. "It can be extremely difficult to de-stress and go asleep after engaging in these activities because they raise stress levels and stimulate the sympathetic nervous system."

I know we like to trick ourselves into believing we can work ahead, but the work will always be there. I learned this the hard way when I thought it would be a good ideas to tackle five projects one night only to have more tasks to complete the following day. In addition to missing out on valuable sleep, I was even more anxious the next day.

Dr. Poffenroth said, "Taking up work-related topics right before bed can set off a chain reaction of ideas about outstanding work or impending difficulties, resulting in a restless night's sleep. Setting up a distinct boundary between work and play is essential for encouraging improved sleep hygiene and lowering anxiety."

What are helpful ways to induce a proper night's rest that's void of anxious thoughts?

Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Therapy is where I started learning how to be aware of my anxious thoughts and it's something Thompson recommends. She said you can also, "Use exercise as medicine, take hot baths at night for relaxation, and make sure you get morning sunlight because this helps with sleep issues." For more information about how to improve your sleep skills, she suggests you listen to the Huberman Labs podcast on sleep skills).

Other helpful things she believes you can do to avoid having anxious thoughts at night are:

  • Journaling after dinner before you start your wind down routine
  • Focusing on progressive muscle relaxation skills like yoga or stretching to get connected to your body and out of your mind
  • Discussing medication options with your doctor (non addictive sleep medications can help)

Yan Krukau/Pexels

Dr. Poffenroth also believes you should focus on your breathing. "Deep breathing exercises are a very powerful tool for helping you get a good night's sleep free from worrying thoughts (via Cleveland Clinic). The parasympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of the body's rest and digest processes, is triggered by deep breathing. This activation aids in mitigating the effects of the sympathetic nervous system, which is frequently hyperactive in anxious people."

She said some of the benefits of deep breathing are:

  • Decreased blood pressure and heart rate
  • An induced relaxed state that's optimal for having a good night's rest

"In addition to being a mindfulness exercise, this method helps to focus attention on the here and now rather than on worrying thoughts," she added.

Can anxious thoughts be completely avoided?

Lina Kivaka/Pexels

This is a question I've asked myself before, but Thompson has some news for anyone us who want to banish anxiety for good. "Anxious thoughts are a natural part of the human experience, but you can learn to manage them, get skilled at mindfulness and learn to not spiral or ruminate," she said.

Dr. Poffenroth actually advises against in trying to get rid of your anxious thoughts, too. "Attempting to repress them may make them worse. Because of the way the brain functions, thoughts become more present the more we attempt to suppress them," she says. "It's more important to recognize anxiety, accept it as a normal aspect of life, and develop healthy coping mechanisms."

The moment I accepted my anxiety instead of trying to douse lighter fluid on it is when I started making a breakthrough in therapy and my everyday life. It's silly, but I like to check in with my anxiety to see why it's on edge. This is a huge nod to the cognitive restructuring Dr. Poffenroth mentioned earlier.

What can someone tell themselves if they can't stop thinking about past or present situations at night?

Yaroslav Shuraev/Pexels

I'm one of those people who writes everything down. I have a list of affirmations prayers I refer to when I'm feeling anxious

  • Thoughts are just thoughts-you don’t need to give them meaning.
  • Things to not always go according to plan--- and that is ok!
  • You CAN change the way you think.
  • Don’t feed your fears- avoidance makes things worse.
  • Remember your strengths- they are so much stronger than your fears.
  • Your physical health is entirely linked to your mental health.
  • Managing your anxiety is a skill—you must practice it like any other skill.
  • Everyone makes mistakes, failure is a part of life and is inevitable.
  • Don’t take life too seriously.
  • You deserve to be happy.
  • Everything changes and ends, that is part of life --- change is uncomfortable but that’s how you grow.
  • Pain is a part of life, suffering is optional.
  • And will this matter 5 years from now? If yes, then ok. It's valid to spend some energy thinking about this. If not then it’s not worth being anxious about this.

Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Another phrase Dr. Poffenroth wants you to say to yourself when you're having anxious thoughts is, "I am safe in the present moment." She believes this can be a useful reminder if you're truly struggling with your thoughts at night.

"By anchoring attention in the present reality, this statement acts as a grounding technique, helping to divert attention from thoughts about the past or future that cause anxiety. This strategy is in line with mindfulness exercises, which have been demonstrated to be successful in easing the symptoms of anxiety," she shared.

By reminding yourself that you're safe in your bed, your thoughts won't have as much of a big impact on you like they usually do.

If we could get rid of every anxious thought or scary feeling that triggers stress, I think most of us would race to take that option. But we're only human so we can't wave a magic wand to get rid of things that don't make us feel good. What we can do is slowly make changes to our habits so we can think healthier thoughts.

Remember, the goal isn't perfection. Right now, it's all about making sure you get the proper rest you need so you can go out and live life to the fullest.

Looking for more expert advice? Be sure to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a thing!

Header image via Lina Kivaka/Pexels

As fall inches closer and closer, I'm only further anticipating that dry, flaky texture that my skin tends to get almost every single year. This year, I decided to try and get ahead of it by trying one of TikTok's favorite, dewy moisturizer at the moment — the Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream. Influencers and makeup gurus alike claim this is the dewiest, creamiest moisturizer on the market, so having loved Tatcha's products in the past, I decided to give this one a go. Here's what I thought about it!

About Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream

Kayla Walden

First, let's talk about the packaging, because this design really is elite. Did you know that by sticking your fingers into your moisturizer, you could be causing breakouts on your skin? The bacteria from your fingers, or existing breakouts, is going straight into the jar, which could cause worse breakouts and bacteria to end up on your skin. So by using this tool that they include, you can rest easy knowing that no bacteria is getting into your product. Make sure to clean after every use, as well!

The formula itself has Japanese purple rice and hyaluronic acid which will help protect the skin barrier and moisturize!

My Review Of Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream

Kayla Walden

Upon first application of the product, I noticed how extremely thick it is. It's a very heavy formula, but when I rubbed it into my skin, it almost felt wet. Unlike other thicker moisturizers, my skin wasn't sticky after use, signaling to me that my skin fully absorbed the product in a matter of minutes.

I love the thickness of this moisturizer, because my skin is extremely (I'm talking Sahara desert) dry, and it's often that I use moisturizers...only for my skin to still feel dry just a few short minutes after. But this product absorbed into my skin wonderfully, giving me the more even, deep coverage I've been looking for. Needless to say, it really has a good consistency and formula.

Kayla Walden

I tried this cream for a week, testing out its ability as a primer and as a nighttime moisturizer.

At night, I wore it right before I went to bed to see if my skin would be still smooth in the morning or dry. When I woke up, I almost wanted to squeal because I noticed right away my skin didn't have a tight, dry texture like it normally does. It stayed perfectly supple all night. Obviously the product absorbed into the skin, but it also didn't leave a dry barrier behind like most moisturizers have in the past for me.

I also love using this moisturizer as a primer for my makeup. I waited a few minutes before applying my normal makeup routine, and it blended effortlessly together!

The Final Verdict On The Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream

Kayla Walden

My final verdict is: the Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream is unfortunately very worth the hype. I haven't liked a moisturizer this much in quite a while, and I was very impressed with this one's thickness, durability, and all-around product design. From the smart packaging, to the unique scent, and the impressive consistency, this moisturizer is an all-around win for me. I genuinely have no notes for this product. They have a life-long customer in me!

Shop The Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream


Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream

You can shop the incredible and moisturizing cream on Amazon now for only $21! Make sure to stock up on this favorite while it's on sale at Amazon!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Tatcha

Learning how to get over a crush can be equal parts soul-crushing and infuriating because you've likely spent months daydreaming about someone. You probably graduated from thinking about the first unofficial meet cute you had with your crush to planning the day you introduce them to your parents. Maybe you even threw in a few — clears throat — moments that rival some of those Bridgerton scenes that you've memorized.

No matter where how unfiltered your romantic thoughts about a former crush were, getting over them hurts and can be really hard. But, there's hope for the love torn person who's struggling to move on!

Star Rose Bond

Trauma informed psychotherapist Star Rose Bond, LCSW has extensive knowledge about how to navigate tough moments in life without any snarky comments. Specializing in PTSD, she's a PEARL clinical supervisor and Co-Founder and CEO of Life Camp who has more than 15 years of experience. Here's what she suggests for getting over a crush.

What are the giveaway signs that someone has a crush on another person?

Studio Labonheure/Pexels

We've all been with our friends when someone's words seems to get caught in their throat when an attractive person walks by. It could be someone everyone knows, or the bartender at the buzzy new spot that just opened up near you. Crushes could be anyone, and though you may know your friend like the back of your hand, it's not always easy to pinpoint if they have a crush on someone if they haven't verbally said anything. But Bond says there's a few ways you can tell.

"People pay more attention to the person they have a crush on, often seeking opportunities to be around them. They may feel nervous or anxious in the presence of their crush, sometimes resulting in awkward behavior." she says. This can look like babbling in a conversation or making a self-depreciating joke that confuses their crush.

She also says, "A person will frequently compliment their crush and try to make them feel good about themselves." This can look like paying attention to that person's life, hobbies, and opinions. "They often initiate conversations, text messages, or social media interactions," Bond says.

One behavior that's completely obvious is seeing someone exhibit "signs of jealousy if they see their crush with someone else," adds Bond.

Can it be distracting to have a crush?

Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

If you happen to have a crush on someone, you may find it odd that your friends have pointed out how often you talk about your crush. A small part of you could even ask yourself, "Is having a crush on this person becoming a distraction?"

Bond says, "Yes, having a crush can be very distracting. It can preoccupy a person’s thoughts, making it hard to focus on tasks at hand, whether it’s work, school, or other responsibilities."

Whether you can't get that person off your mind because you're imagining scenarios with your crush or wondering if they feel the same way you do, you could run the risk of temporarily forgetting reality.

"Managing these distractions is important to maintain productivity and well-being," Bond suggests.

Is it possible to have a crush on multiple people?

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

I know we talk about twin flames and the invisible string theory, but Bond says it's possible to have a crush on multiple people at once.

"Crushes are often based on admiration, attraction, or emotional connection, and it’s normal for someone to experience these feelings towards more than one person at a time. However, the intensity and nature of each crush can vary," she shares.

The best example I have is someone who has a list of celebrity crushes. They can think everyone from Chris Evans to Timothée Chalamet is hot, but that doesn't mean they necessarily value one over the other.

Do you think people are supposed to date their crushes?

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

This question is subjective because no one can really tell you that you shouldn't try to pursue a relationship with your crush. "Whether someone should date their crush depends on various factors, including mutual interest, compatibility, and timing," says Bond.

I know I'm incredibly glad that a lot of my crushes didn't lead anywhere because I later found out they weren't someone I truly wanted to be in a long-term relationship with.

Bond says, "While dating a crush can lead to a fulfilling relationship, it’s important to assess if both parties share similar values and goals. It’s also crucial to ensure that the feelings are reciprocated and that both individuals are ready for a relationship."

How can a person navigate being rejected by their crush?

Liza Summer/Pexels

Being rejected by a crush can feel like a gut punch if you've been thinking about them on a daily basis. I'd be lying if I said that I've never experienced rejection — it can feel humiliating — so I understand if things feel shattered because your crush isn't interested in pursuing something romantic.

Bond says, "Navigating rejection can be challenging, but it’s important for emotional well-being." She wants you to keep the following in mind:

  • Allow yourself to feel and process the emotions that come with rejection.
  • Focus on activities that make you happy and help you relax.
  • Maintain a positive outlook and remind yourself that rejection is a part of life and not a reflection of your worth.

It's not the end of the world if your crush doesn't like you. It usually won't matter years from now!

If a person realizes their crush isn't the person they thought they were, how can they start getting over them?

Valeria Ushakova/Pexels

I briefly mentioned this early, but sometimes it's you who ends up rejecting your feelings about a crush. They could do several things that are on your 'ick' list, reminding you that crushes don't have to become more than that. But, how do you even get over the fact you romantically liked someone?

Bond says there are several steps you can take. They look like:

  • Accept that the person may not meet your expectations or ideals.
  • Limit contact and interactions with the person to reduce emotional attachment.
  • Engage in hobbies, activities, and self-improvement to shift focus away from the crush.
  • Talk to friends or a therapist about your feelings and get support.
  • Reflect on what you truly want in a relationship and how this person may not align with those values.

What would you say to someone who feels it's impossible to fully get over an ex?

Alena Darmel/Pexels

And if your ex happened to be the crush that you successfully entered into a relationship with? Well, the rules still apply. You have to give yourself time and understand that you can't rush the healing process.

Bond says, "Healing from a breakup takes time, and it’s okay to feel like it’s a long process. Allow yourself to feel and process all emotions related to the breakup without judgment."

She still wants you to find new activities and experiences to focus on because you'll like create positive memories that have nothing to do with your ex or former crush.

By focusing on personal growth and seeking support, it is possible to move forward and find happiness beyond a past relationship.

While you're learning how to get over a crush, here's over 10 self improvement books that'll help you focus on growing as a person.

Header image via Liza Summer/Pexels

We'll cut to the chase — The Hollywood Reporter announced in April 2023 that a Twilight TV show was in the works at Lionsgate Television, and we officially feel like we're living in the 2000s again. The Twilight series, based on the novels by Stephanie Meyer, were released from 2008-2012. As far as we're concerned, between Twilight and Harry Potter (which is also getting a TV series reboot FYI), this was the golden age of realistic fantasy, midnight premieres, and the classic tank top + Henley tee + cargo jacket combo.

Amidst the baby Renesmee memes and Twilight rewatch parties, it's clear that this is a new kind of Twilight zone that's here to stay. So regardless of whether you're Team Edward or Team Jacob — a discussion we're pretty sure will go on until the end of time — all Twihards will want to stay up-to-date with this brand new Twilight TV show. And don't forget to check out our 5 Fall Outfits Inspired By Twilight and our take on the Sofia Coppola Twilight Movie That Almost Happened.

Are they rebooting Twilight?

Summit Entertainment

On September 5, 2024, Variety confirmed that a Twilight TV show is coming to Netflix, and that it'll be based on Stephanie Meyer's 2020 Midnight Sun, which retells the story of Twilight from Edward's point of view.

When Lionsgate vice chairman Michael Burns revealed during a Q&A the studio was shopping the series around to different networks, he also revealed a very important piece of information — the show will be a cartoon. “We’re going to go out with the Twilight series, an animated series, I think there’ll be a lot of interest in that," he says.

Initially I was hesitant about the idea of an animated Twilight, but I'm actually very interested to see how the show comes together stylistically. Animation will be able to capture the magic, romance, and style of the story in a totally different way than live action, and I am really just curious to see how they'll animate Edward in the sun.

Who's writing the Midnight Sun show?

Summit Entertainment

Sinead Daly (who has worked on titles like Tell Me Lies and The Walking Dead: World Beyond) will write and produce the new series.

Who else is involved?

Summit Entertainment

Stephanie Meyer, Meghan Hibbett, Marty Bowen, and Wyck Godfrey (a producer of the Twilight series) will all serve as executive producers.

Will Kristen Stewart return as Bella?

Summit Entertainment

We don't have any plot or cast details at the moment, but if the original book series is getting a new adaptation, it's safe to assume a different actress will play the lead role.

In an episode of Josh Horowitz's Watchalong podcast, Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke says she thinks Jenna Ortega and Jacob Elordi would make an amazing Bella Swan and Edward Cullen if she was casting the Twilight series today.

“I mean, [Jacob's] amazing. He probably would be Edward today,” she says, before continuing, “I do think there’s a lot of really cool young actors today. Of course, you just mentioned Jenna Ortega, she’s amazing.”

What is the new Twilight spin-off?

Image via Summit Entertainment/IMDb

Stephanie Meyers published Midnight Sun in 2020, and this novel retells the story of Twilight from Edward Cullen's perspective.

Will they make a 6th Twilight?

Summit Entertainment

Right now, there are no plans to add to the existing Twilight series. But we're excited to see this new Midnight Sun TV show!

When did Twilight 4 come out?

Summit Entertainment

Breaking Dawn was published in 2008 — the same year that the first Twilight movie came to theaters. The movie adaptations of Breaking Dawn were released in two parts in 2011 and 2012.

Does Jacob marry Renesmee?

Andrew Cooper/Summit Entertainment

In a move that shocked Twilight fans (and the rest of the general public, TBH), Jacob imprints on baby Renesmee in Breaking Dawn: Part Two. The two are friends until Renesmee becomes an adult and they fall in love. The craziest part? THAT'S why Jacob had feelings for Bella the whole time: he actually had feelings for Renesmee, she just hadn't been born yet. Do with that information what you will.

Check back here for more Midnight Sun TV show updates, and let us know if you want to return to Forks in the comments!

Lead image via Summit Entertainment/IMDb

This post has been updated.

I am the opposite of a casual Reputation fan. Four of my five most-listened-to songs on Spotify (like, of all time) are from the 2017 album, I wore a Rep-inspired outfit to my Eras Tour show, and I am constantly analyzing (and talking about) its symbolism. I stand by the fact that this album, as misunderstood as it is, is actually the key to understanding Taylor Swift herself, which is why its rerelease is the one I've been most looking forward to. With TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), and Reddit, it feels like there's a new theory every day about when we'll get Reputation (Taylor's Version), but I'm pretty sure Taylor's been telling us the announcement date for awhile.

When is Taylor Swift releasing Reputation (Taylor's Version)?

Image via Source Pictures & Taylor Swift Productions

The cappuccino Easter egg from the "Karma" music video.

We don't have an official Reputation (Taylor's Version) release date yet, but all signs were originally pointing to an announcement on February 16, 2024. When the music video for "Karma" from Midnights came out, featuring a shot of Taylor holding a cappuccino, Swifties clocked that the blue nail (which represents 1989 (Taylor's Version)) lines up with the 8 on the clock, and the black nail lines up with the 2. Taylor ended up announcing 1989 TV on August 9 — and then announced The Tortured Poets Department(also known as TS11) at the 2024 Grammys in February!

The latest theory revolves around an August 20 announcement and September 13 drop. After Taylor was spotted in a semi-green 'fit with a Vivienne Westwood Tuesday bag, fans began wondering if it was a clue for a Tuesday album announcement. The last Tuesday show in London is Tuesday, August 20, which is also the last show until October. This would be the perfect amount of time for Taylor to have announced the album and to drop it on September 13, which is the second to last Friday the 13th of the year!

The other Friday the 13th is December 13, which is Taylor Swift's birthday. The popstar had the date front and center in her Tortured Poets Department pop-up installation. Since the date falls on a Friday, it's the perfect day to drop some new music...If you ask me, that's when we're getting Taylor Swift (Taylor's Version) — because there is literally no better combo than Taylor's birthday, Friday the 13th, and Taylor taking her name back.

Are there any other clues that Reputation (Taylor's Version) will come out next?

Image via Amy Sussman

Taylor Swift attends the 81st Annual Golden Globe Awards at The Beverly Hilton on January 07, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California.

At her first NFL appearance of 2024, for the KC Chiefs' season opener on Thursday September 5, Taylor Swift wore a denim corset and shorts set with bold, thigh-high red boots. Fans immediately made the connection between this 'fit and what Taylor wears in the "Look What You Made Me Do" music video. This is like a wink from Taylor — I don't think she's giving us direct clues about Reputation (Taylor's Version), but it feels like a reminder that the album is still on its way!

Taylor also showed up to the 81st Golden Globe Awards in an all green ensemble, which is already so Reputation-coded to begin with. However, fans noticed one teeeeeeeny tiny detail about her look that really leans into all the theories that Rep (TV) is next. If you zoom in on her rings, one of them is a snake that's wrapped around her finger. 🐍

And after Taylor Swift released a video teasing her new album(TTPD), Swifties are analyzing all the snakeskin patterns (on the curtains, the floor, and the green couch), as well as the dark visuals. While the video moves from the dark room to a bright one for TTPD, I'm convinced we'll be returning — or continuing down the hallway where you can see a dark picture frame waiting for us...

A recent Disney+ ad that paired the Eras Tour film and Disney Pixar's Cars went viral on Twitter because its tagline is "Getaway Car," one of the most beloved songs on Reputation (Taylor's Version)! No matter when the album drops, having Taylor Swift's final two re-recordings be her name and her reputation is literally so iconic and I can't wait to listen.

What Taylor Swift songs are on Reputation (Taylor's Version)?

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

We know that, based on previous re-recordings, Reputation (Taylor's Version) will have the original tracklist and an unknown number of vault tracks that Taylor wrote ahead of the Reputation era. PEOPLE also confirmed we'll be able to hear Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor's Version)" in the new docuseries for the New England Patriots! You can also hear a snippet in the trailer for Ashley Benson's Wilderness ;). Simone Biles also used "Ready For It?" in her Olympics floor routine!

Here's what you can expect on Taylor Swift's Reputation (Taylor's Version). I'm really hoping the vault tracks include "I Don't Want To Live Forever"!

  1. "Ready For It? (Taylor's Version)"
  2. "End Game (Taylor's Version)"
  3. "I Did Something Bad (Taylor's Version)"
  4. "Don't Blame Me (Taylor's Version)"
  5. "Delicate (Taylor's Version)"
  6. "Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor's Version)"
  7. "So It Goes... (Taylor's Version)"
  8. "Gorgeous (Taylor's Version)"
  9. "Getaway Car (Taylor's Version)"
  10. "King Of My Heart (Taylor's Version)"
  11. "Dancing With Our Hands Tied (Taylor's Version)"
  12. "Dress (Taylor's Version)"
  13. "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (Taylor's Version)"
  14. "Call It What You Want (Taylor's Version)"
  15. "New Year's Day (Taylor's Version)"

What is Taylor Swift wearing to Grammys 2024?

Image via Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

Taylor Swift showed up to the 2024 Grammys in a sculptural white gown from Schiaparelli Couture. I love how Taylor has hopped on the corset trend. This is my favorite neckline in recent years! Even though the dress is white instead of black or green — and ended up going along with the Tortured Poets Department (or TS 11) announcement — I think it could still be a Reputation (Taylor's Version) Easter egg.

White is, of course, the opposite of black, so I think it's a more unexpected reference to the album, with black accessories like gloves, shoes, and jewelry being a direct nod. Plus, the watch necklace pays homage to Midnights! At the 2022 VMAs, Taylor wore another Reputation-coded outfit before she announced Midnights, so it could be a pattern.

Is there gonna be a Reputation Taylor's Version?

Image Paul Kane/Getty Images

Taylor Swift performs at Optus Stadium on October 19, 2018 in Perth, Australia.

Yes, we're getting a Reputation (Taylor's Version)! Taylor Swift has been very vocal about the fact she's rerecording her first five albums. However, she's been less direct about the order or the release schedule, which is honestly more fun! The official Taylor Nation account added fuel to the fire when they posted a photo of Taylor rehearsing for The Eras Tour — because, like @nashs_mom on TikTok says, the pose doesn't match up with any of the songs.

While all the photos they've previously posted match up with numbers like "Enchanted" or "Illicit Affairs," the new pose seems to match up with "I Did Something Bad" (which is both the last Reputation surprise song left AND the perfect song to announce the rerecording).

What caused Taylor Swift to make Reputation?

Image via Def Jam/UMG

Cover art for Kanye West's The Life Of Pablo, which features "Famous."

The primary catalyst for Taylor Swift's Reputation era was a phone call with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. After Taylor said Kanye did not have her permission to say he "made that b-tch famous" in "Famous," a video leak from Kim seemed to show Taylor did actually give her permission (it was later revealed the video was edited, and Taylor gave her permission to be mentioned, NOT to be called a b-tch).

"#TaylorSwiftIsOverParty" began trending on Twitter, and everyone from the media to the general public began calling her a snake. So she disappeared from the public eye for over a year, and Reputation was born. The era was moody — and full of snake imagery. Taylor says in her TIME interview that the album came from "a goth-punk moment of female rage at being gaslit by an entire social structure," and told Rolling Stone in 2019 that Reputation was a "metaphor" and her "playing a character."

How old was Taylor when she wrote Reputation?

Image via Christopher Polk/Getty Images for TAS

Charli XCX, Camila Cabello and Taylor Swift perform onstage during opening night of Taylor Swift's 2018 Reputation Stadium Tour at University of Phoenix Stadium on May 8, 2018 in Glendale, Arizona.

Taylor began writing Reputation in 2016, when she was 27. However, the stories she's telling go back farther than that since "Dancing With Our Hands Tied" talks about a relationship from when she was 25.

Is Reputation a love album?

Image via Big Machine Records

Cover art for Taylor Swift's Reputation.

While Reputation is sassy, moody, and satirical, I stand by the idea that it's actually a love album at its core. While the general public talked most about "Ready for It?" and "Look What You Made Me Do," songs like "Delicate," "Call It What You Want," and "New Year's Day" are all about healing after the media turned against her. The message of the album is all about how she wants to spend the the ins and outs of life with people she loves, because they make the boring days beautiful, which is also the sentiment running throughout "Lover."

"I want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day" and "We can leave the Christmas lights up 'til January" are the same!!

What are the Reputation Taylor's Version vault tracks?

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

A Horcrux from Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part I

While we don't have the tracklist for Reputation (Taylor's Version) yet, she did mention in her TIME interview that the vault tracks will be "fire."

"I’m collecting horcruxes,” she says of the rerecordings. “I’m collecting infinity stones. Gandalf’s voice is in my head every time I put out a new one. For me, it is a movie now.”

I'm going to be real honest, this is the line that sent me into a tailspin because the idea that Taylor loves stories like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and the MCU as much as I do is too much!! But it makes sense because after all, she IS a storyteller.

Do you think we'll get Reputation (Taylor's Version) in February 2024? Check out our Facebook for the latest Taylor Swift news and browse ourUltimate Taylor Swift Gift Guide!

Lead image via Big Machine Records

This post has been updated.