Though often labeled as entitled or lazy, millennials have proven to be more mindful and mobile than previous generations. While it’s true that people who were born between the early 1980s and 2000s love to travel so much that they’d take a pay cut to do it more, they also still care a ton about what their workplace looks and feels like, along with how their company contributes to the community. According to a smart survey from Capital One, which included 2,500 full-time professionals in San Francisco, Dallas, New York City, Chicago, and DC, the right workspace can do wonders when it comes to inspiring innovation and fostering collaboration.
millennials’ Ideal Workplace
So what does the right type of workplace look and feel like? First, it’s not necessarily close to home. A whopping 71 percent of respondents say that how a workplace is designed is equally or more important than where it’s located. According to millennials, list-topping design elements include:
- Natural light (66 percent)
- Furniture that’s easy to configure (48 percent)
- Decor such as art and creative imagery (51 percent)
When it comes to how respondents feel in their ideal workplace, health-focused perks definitely help keep the good vibes and fresh ideas flowing. Thirty-nine percent of full-time millennial employees cite on-site healthy food and drink options as a top draw when choosing a company to work for, while social areas (36 percent), and health and wellness programs (33 percent) trail closely behind.
A company that cares about sustainability earns extra points too; survey participants care deeply about how a company affects the environment. A stat we love: 93 percent note that they wish their company would implement more environmentally friendly initiatives. There’s never been a better time to go green.
Flexibility is the Key to Creativity
When it comes to millennials’ love of exploring the globe, getting away isn’t so much about taking a vacation as it is about doing things differently — inside and outside of the office. Eighty-eight percent of respondents say they get their best ideas when able to utilize flexible workplace options (such as WFH or another location), with 62 percent opting for a non-standard desk setup so they can migrate throughout the office. Since moving around is one of our go-to tactics for getting out of a creative rut, we’re thrilled to see that companies are making it easier for employees to adjust the way they work.
As flexible work schedules become more mainstream, savvy employees expect their employers to hop on board; 62 percent of millennials expect to stray from standard hours, while 56 percent say they foresee the opportunity to work remotely with the next company they work for. With reliable technology and proven productivity, the future of work isn’t so far away.
What do you love about your office? Tell us on Twitter @BritandCo!
(Photo via Getty)