What to Say (and Not Say) When Someone Is Grieving or Ill

Lauren Molasky-Fierst
It's hard to watch while someone we know and love is struggling through difficult times. We feel helpless and often don't know what to say to make the person feel better. And furthermore, there's really nothing we CAN say that will even come close to taking away their pain, regardless of what is causing them heartache. The loss of a loved one, a relationship that's ended, or a health crisis. There's a whole slew of catastrophic events that can wreak havoc on one's psyche, where the only way out is through and nothing anyone says will help ease the pain crashing down on them. But just because it's hard to find the right words to comfort someone doesn't mean there should be silence. In fact, silence is worse than perhaps saying the wrong thing and often cuts much deeper.

The author with her family

So how do we know what to say and what not to say? I can speak from experience because I've heard, (and not heard) it all. I recently underwent a life-saving double lung transplant, my saving grace after a lifetime of chronic progressive disease. I've spent a good portion of my life sick, hospitalized and fighting for my life. I've lost friends who no longer seemed to be able to cope with my reality, yet I've also gained new people in my life whose words and support helped to lift me out of the darkest of times. I know that it can be difficult to find the right thing to say, and I have even been in the position myself where what I meant to say is not actually what I ended up saying. I still mentally beat myself up for it, incredulously thinking back to the exchange and remembering how hard it was to articulate how sorry I felt in the presence of such immense loss and suffering.

However, people are understanding and can easily forgive slip-ups when they themselves are probably finding it difficult to form the right thought. But choosing to ignore the situation altogether leaves an everlasting impression, a tarnishing display of insensitivity and your relationship can become forever tainted because of it.

Right before my transplant, I spent four consecutive months in the hospital and separated from my children and family. I am so grateful to every single person who reached out with messages of love and hope, well wishes and encouragement. While they didn't change my reality, they cushioned the blow of the nightmare I was living. But just like some messages brought a smile to my face, some also hurt, and I was genuinely surprised by the insensitivity and lack of awareness in some. Did they not care? Did they not realize how self absorbed they sounded? I had to get to the point of verbally reminding myself that in actuality, they most likely truly didn't even realize that what they were doing and saying was hurtful. It wasn't intentional.

Lauren's book of poems The Sky Cracked Open

I was stuck in the hospital eating bad food for every meal, and one person constantly sent me photos of delicious looking food, displays of vibrant farmers market stands and picnics in beautiful sunny weather. Didn't they realize that those photos would only make me yearn for a life I was not fortunate enough to be living? I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to say or how to respond. I could either let it eat away at me, making me bitter and annoyed, or I could try to help them and others through my experience. So if you find yourself needing to provide support but struggling to find the right way to say it, maybe this list can be of service.

  1. Don't pretend to know what they are going through, unless you quite literally have gone through the exact same thing. The "I can imagines." Just don't. The pain they are incurring is their own and truthfully, you can't imagine unless it happens to you. Turn that can into can't and suddenly you seem much more caring and understanding — acknowledging that you can't imagine what they are going through, but you are there for them nonetheless.
  2. Don't compare their grief or struggles to your own, even if you've had similar experiences. If you bear the same cross, chances are the person will look to you for guidance. Let them come to you when they are ready, and in the meantime, just be a pillar of support letting them lean on you for strength.
  3. Don't boast about your good fortunes during their time of despair. There is plenty of time once they get back on their feet to catch up, so for now, let them vent if they need to and keep your own life's recap to pleasantries. Reminisce about the good times you've shared together to hopefully help them focus on the good.
  4. A death is one of the most difficult experiences someone can go through. Simple yet supportive words like, "I'm so sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you and your family during this time and I'm here no matter what you need," is exactly what someone needs to hear without too much to process. And after that, really follow through. Check on them. Text them to say you are thinking of them. Offer to bring coffee or food, even just to leave it outside their door. Sometimes just trying to formulate a simple "hello" can be too much for the one grieving, so just knowing that a friend is there without commitment can be just what they need.
  5. It's easy to have all the right words when life is great, but it's how we act when the chips are down that can really define our character. When we take the oath of friendship, unspeakable vows of mutual trust and support are exchanged, especially when the going gets tough. And when that time comes, it's important to remember that the right words are a vital factor in letting someone we care about feel a little less alone.

Lauren Molasky Fierst is a mother of two young children, recently married, a designer/fashion blogger, a Cystic Fibrosis warrior, and after 120+ days in the hospital, successfully received a double lung transplant just a few weeks ago! Inspired by the love of her nightly routine of poetry readings with her children, Lauren published a beautiful collection of whimsical poems and illustrations titled The Sky Cracked Open. The book features 65 poems (a nod to "65 Roses," a nickname for CF) and a portion of the proceeds are donated to finding a cure.

After Outer Banks season 3, fans were eager to see what being in a real relationship meant for JJ (Rudy Pankow) and Kiara (Madison Bailey), and thankfully, they won't be disappointed. Part 1 included some fantastic moments for the new couple, ranging from earlier season callbacks to their first official date. So, in honor of the first 5 episodes of season 4, here are our top 5 Jiara moments from Outer banks season 4 part 1!

​5. Diver Down


Let’s be honest, one of the things fans were most excited to see now that JJ and Kiara are together is JJ’s protectiveness over Kiara. We’ve seen it plenty of times in the past, but things are a little different now that he’s her boyfriend, and it’s in full force when they’re attacked underwater and Kiara loses the scuba diving gear providing her oxygen.

From JJ stabbing the guy with a spear gun to him banging on the door of the ship, desperate to get back to Kiara and screaming her name, this sequence delivers. Then, of course, there’s the fact that he immediately gives her his air so she can breathe.

​4. An Undercover Date

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

When trying to track down the man who attacked them, JJ says their plan is to “detain, extract, investigate,” and sneak up on him as spies would. Kiara likes it, declaring they’re undercover before suggesting they act like they’re on a date – if he knows what that looks like. JJ questions her and she mentions they’ve never been on a date before, challenging him to name just one. He then tells her that they're on a date right now, grabbing her hand so they can do date things together on the pier. What does that include? Snow cones and a dare to jump into the water.

​3. “Us Against The Universe.”

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Since they didn’t make their diving safety stop as Pope instructed them to, Kiara and JJ get the bends (bubbles in their blood and tissues), and the Pogues rush them to the hospital, where they have to spend 12 hours in a hyperbaric chamber. With 12 whole hours together, you can imagine where this going. But before that, since this is their first moment to reflect on what happened, JJ comments how she almost died, and says that he never should’ve let her go down there. Naturally, Kiara has a different way of looking at it, saying if she wasn’t there, the attacker would’ve gotten JJ instead.

Moral of the story? They save each other and it’s them against the universe. JJ also makes a cute call back to when he called her a Kook, and we love some good banter.

​2. The Turtle Hatch

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Kiara’s pure joy at the sight of a turtle hatch on the beach is a beautiful moment for the character, who's talked about saving the turtles since season 1. However, Ruthie and Topper have other plans for this precious moment and decide to drive their truck directly at the Pogues, who are trying to safely get the turtles to the ocean. Kiara notices and goes in front of the truck, trying to tell them that there’s a hatch and to go around, but they ignore her, running over the area not once but twice.

Why this is so high on my list is because of the way JJ stands by her side as she confronts the Kooks for killing a baby turtle. He lets her take charge and say what she needs to, only getting involved when Topper puts his hand on her. JJ's taken the lead in these conversations in the past, and to see the roles reverse like this just proves why they work so well together. Plus, there’s the whole “You come near her, or any of us ever again, and I’ll come back and kill every single one of you.”

“He’s Happy.”

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

In episode 4x01, one of the scenes that stands out is JJ’s dance celebration when their bait, tackle, and charter shop is finally in business. When Sarah jokingly asks if he’s okay, Kiara answers, “Yeah, he just never really had a home. He’s happy,” and that’s why this moment is number 1 on the list.
With JJ being such a complex character, he needs someone who fully understands him and what he’s been through, and that person is Kiara. She knows he has to learn how to be in a relationship, how to handle money, and how to allow happiness and love into his life. That’s perfectly shown in the way she makes her way over to him, telling JJ that she loves him before the two share their first kiss of the season. JJ's added “We did it" is a sweet sentiment to how he now views the two of them as a team, as well as how far they’ve come. Cheers to Captain Maybank and all the Jiara adventures to come in Part 2!

Outer Banks Season 4 Part 2 drops November 7 on Netflix. All episodes of Part 1 are now streaming.

Grab your surfboard and your cutest 'kini because Outer Banks season 4 part 1 is finally here!! Like all you Pogues out there, I've been waiting for this show to return for more than a year — and I don't think I'll ever stop talking about it. We're back on the OBX, the Pogues vs. Kooks rivalry has returned, and we get plenty of adorable JJ and Kiara moments. Here's every thought I had watching the Outer Banks season 4 premiere.

1. I love Papa Heyward — but I can also see where Kie's parents are coming from.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

I know Kiara's parents get a bad rep on the show, but I understand where their brains are at. To them, their teenage (unsupervised) daughter has gone totally off the rails and won't listen to anything they say. Not to mention she steals their car. Was sending her to Kitty Hawk the right move? No, but now that's she's 18, establishing some boundaries might be.

2. THE POGUES ARE FINALLY RICH!! (Um, why isn't JJ happy?)

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Woogity woogity! After four years of treasure hunts and defying the odds, our ragtag group of surfers finally cashed in the gold for over a million US dollars. But while everyone is over the moon, JJ looks a little less pleased at the prospect of having almost as much money as Rafe and Topper. Kie reassures him the cash won't turn them into Kooks, but wouldn't he have thought of that before now?

3. Pope deserves so much hype — and a huge cut of the money TBH.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

C'mon Pope, with the budget and the charter shop business plans. We love a forward thinker. He's the ultimate brains behind the operation here, and he absolutely does not get enough credit. He willingly carries so much of the financial responsibility and makes a ton of sacrifices (like never finishing school). Team Pope 4ever.

4. Buying JJ's house after John B.'s home burned to the ground makes me EMOTIONAL.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Outer Banks fans have come to know and love The Chateau — which is why Topper setting the house on fire in Outer Banks season 3 was devastating. I'm so glad they're able to establish a new home, and redeem JJ's house at the same time.

Rumor had it season 4 would focus on JJ, and it's already shaping up to be that way. I love him, your honor.

5. Once again, I need EVERYTHING the girls are wearing.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Outer Banks' costumes are always incredible, and I love every single look. Cleo looks better in a tank top or a jersey than literally anyone, and I need Sarah's pink top and overalls expeditiously. It feels like Kie's already had more hairstyles and accessories in this first episode than she's had in the previous three seasons combined, and I'm obsessed.

6. Wow, these kids are handy. Wouldn't they need, like, a contractor?

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Don't get me wrong, I know some pretty handy young adults. But having six 18-year-olds build a dock and a bait, tackle, and charter shop from the ground up is some serious teen drama logic. Also watching them hang out on the dock makes me miss the coast!! (Although I do not miss the swamp).

7. JJ and Kiara are still the ultimate 'Outer Banks' couple.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

JJ's hilarious happy dance, followed by Kiara telling JJ she loves him, might be my favorite moment from the opening episode. Although I couldn't help but notice JJ didn't say it back. Is this going to become a devastating "I should have told her" moment? I've been hurt by too many teen dramas in the past!!!

8. I'm very impressed by the attention to detail.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Watching Cleo make sandwiches already made me hungry, but I got even hungrier when I noticed she was using Duke's mayonnaise. This is the only correct mayo to eat if you live in the South, and I commend Netflix for this attention to detail.

9. Lightner actually terrifies me.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Okay, did anyone else heart start literally pounding when Lightner showed up, and opened a knife? Creepy men are simply not the vibe.

10. Does Rafe have a heart now?

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

Wow, totally didn't expect to see Rafe scattering Ward's ashes. This is actually so wild for Rafe's arc because all he wanted was to make his dad proud. Where does he go from here? I'm torn between wanting him to stay totally evil (because I find his villain arc so compelling), and getting the chance at redemption, but that's only because I love Drew Starkey so much. All I know is if anyone can get Rafe to change his ways, it's Sofia.

11. JJ should NOT have bet all the Pogues' money.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

I've seen plenty of surf competitions on the real OBX, and we have an annual biker week, but I've never seen a beach bike race. There's a first time for everything, I guess! Not only is the JJ & John B. vs. Topper & Rafe dynamic always messy, but now we learn JJ bet the rest of the Pogues' savings on the race?! JJ I love you, but if I learned you took all my money, we'd have some serious problems.

12. RIP The Outer Banks Sentinel.

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

In real life, The Outer Banks Sentinelpublished its last issue in 2019. I love that they included this in the episode!

13. P4L

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

More than anything, the first episode of Outer Banks season 4 just reiterates how much these kids love each other, and that no matter what, they're family. Pogues for life!

Let us know what you thought about the first half of Outer Banks season 4 in the comments! Here's an explainer of every detail, so you don't miss a thing. Outer Banks season 4 part 2 premieres on Netflix November 7.
  • Outer Banks Season 4 Part 1 finally brings the cast back to the OBX.
  • John B., Sarah, Cleo, Pope, Kiara, and JJ are up against the Kooks — and other treasure hunters.
  • Season 4 feels more grounded and relatable than past seasons, making it a very strong installment.

If you know me, you know I'm a die hard Outer Banks season 1 fan. I binge watched the entire thing with my family in 2020 while quarantining on the real OBX, I joined the Drew Starkey fan club the moment he stepped onscreen, and I was obsessed with JJ and Kiara way before the internet started shipping them. So, needless to say, I've been waiting for Outer Banks season 4 with baited breath — especially when I heard rumors it would focus on JJ (Rudy Pankow) the way previous seasons had focused on John B. (Chase Stokes) in season 1, Pope (Jonathan Daviss) in season 2, and Kiara (Madison Bailey) in season 3.

I think season 1 will always be my favorite, but Outer Banks season 4 part 1 pleasantly surprised me. We're far enough into the show that we really care about the characters, and they have enough history with one another that we're invested in their decisions. Plus, returning to the OBX provided real-world stakes I could relate to as a viewer: family drama, dealing with bullies, and more. No matter whether you really love JJ, or you're always dreaming about your next beach vacation, here's whyOuter Banks season 4 absolutely NEEDS to be your weekend binge. (Serious spoilers ahead!!!)

​We're Back On The Outer Banks!


FINALLY! After a couple of seasons in the Caribbean and South America, Outer Banks is back, well, on the Outer Banks. Honestly, this automatically makes the season better because it provides a ton of familiarity, nostalgia, and comfort for readers. And it also provides a realistic, grounded aspect to the adventure. Because let's be honest, a group of teens hopping on a tiny plane and taking part in a jungle treasure hunt requires a little too much suspension of disbelief for me. Plus, just like Gossip Girl wouldn't be the same without Blair and Serena hitting up Bergdorf's, a Pogue beach & surfing day just feels right.

​The Pogues Open Their Own Shop

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

The first episode of Outer Banks season 4 catches us up on that season 3 time jump. After learning how much money they actually have their hands on, the Pogues move into JJ's old house (renaming it "Poguelandia 2.0"), and open a bait, tackle, and charter shop. While I have a few questions about how six teens literally built a business without the help of a contractor, I love seeing this group lead regular lives. The shop plays into their strengths and allows them to cultivate their relationships in normal settings instead of life-or-death ones. Friendships are made in those boring moments, IMO.

​The Pogues And Kooks Are Fighting Again


Because so much of Outer Banks season 4 takes place on the OBX, it means John B., Sarah, JJ, Kie, Pope, and Cleo are once again clashing with Topper, Rafe, and the rest of the Kooks. Despite the fact this season features plenty of death-defying stunts, the scene that will stick with me the most is when the Pogues and Kooks wind up at the same beach access.

I audibly gasped when Ruthie, Topper's new girlfriend, plays chicken with the Pogues on the beach, almost hitting Kiara with her Jeep and running over a turtle hatch in the process. (IRL, protecting endangered sea turtles & their hatches are a big deal on the Outer Banks, so this definitely got a visceral reaction from me).

At the end of the day, the major (and arguably, the most painful) conflict of this teen drama is how the Kooks make the Pogues feel like they don't belong anywhere. And if you ask me, exploring this tension and these relationships is where the show truly shines.

​The Villains Are Actually Scary

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

That being said, I found the villains this season, Lightner and Dalia, to be way scarier than I expected — especially once Lightner killed Terrance and almost killed Cleo. Every time he showed up onscreen, my heart started pounding like he was chasing me! The thought of being stuck in my bait shop alone with a creepy guy, especially one brandishing a knife? Thank you, next.

​The Pogues Are Searching For More Than Blackbeard's Treasure

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

After Outer Banks season 3, the one thing I said I didn't want the show to do was go into supernatural, ghost territory. Turns out, that's exactly where we're going. Wes Genrette and his son-in-law Chandler Groff hire the Pogues to find Blackbeard's treasure, but it doesn't take long for them to realize they're once again in over their heads.

Wes is a direct descendent of Francis Genrette, the man responsible for killing Blackbeard and his wife Elizabeth. Now, Elizabeth haunts every generation of the Genrette family, and once she appears, you don't have long to live. Wes reveals his daughter Larissa (Chandler's late wife) saw Elizabeth a week before she died, and Wes himself has seen her, which means his days are numbered.

Now the Pogues have to find Elizabeth's amulet to break the curse. Their race against Lightner and Dalia brings Pope, Cleo, Sarah, and John B. to Charleston — and leavesPope and Sarah trapped in a crypt as it slowly floods.

​Powers At Be Want To Bulldoze The Cut

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

If this show has proven anything, it's that the OBX is far from paradise. This season, some big names are trying to turn The Cut — including Poguelandia 2.0 — into an extension of the wealthier Figure Eight. Things get even more complicated when Hollis, who worked with Ward before he died, wants Rafe to be her financial partner...and then gets his girlfriend Sofia to convince him to sign her contract.

​Rafe Could Actually Be Getting A Redemption Arc


Drew Starkey admitted after season 1 that he didn't care whether Rafe got a redemption arc, and I agreed at the time. I found the idea of Rafe, who was so driven to please his father he'd literally murder for him, incredibly compelling. Plus, he's been the ringleader of the War on Pogues this whole time, so suddenly making him sympathetic towards them felt like backtracking on his character.

But now that I've seen him with Sofia, the romantic in me is kicking her feet and giggling.

Rafe still has his moments (like saying he'd never date a Pogue after finding out Sofia was from The Cut), but for better or worse, Sofia brings out the best in him. And in the aftermath of Ward's death, and his ultimate wish that Sarah and Rafe would make up, feeling sympathy for the Pogues might be Rafe's way of staying loyal to his dad.

I just want to know how Rafe is going to respond when he finds out Sofia overheard his comments about never dating a Pogue...and then tricked him into signing Hollis' contract. Messy, messy.

​Luke Is Back

Jackson Lee Davis/Netflix

After JJ & Kiara said goodbye to JJ's dad Luke in Outer Banks season 2, he's been totally off the grid. Except, apparently, he hasn't? JJ learns Luke is back when he visits Barracuda Mike, but the father-son bonding quickly takes a turn for the crazy when Luke drops a piece of news that changes everything: he isn't JJ's biological father. Chandler Groff is.

JJ Has Actually Been A Kook This Whole Time


JJ's entire character is based around the fact he's proud to be a Pogue. He hates the Kooks and everything they stand for, which is why when Luke reveals he isn't JJ's biological father, and that JJ is related to the Groff/Genrette clan, it totally sends JJ into orbit.

This Kook identity is something he's been running from the entire series — even before Kie had to reassure him that finding the gold didn't make them Kooks — and he's going to have to do some serious soul searching to figure out who he actually is now.

I was wholly sold on the theory Outer Banks 4 would reveal JJ and Sarah were siblings, but this is a pretty good alternative. And who knows? Maybe they're cousins. Fingers crossed JJ doesn't get a deadly visit from Elizabeth's ghost in part 2...

What did you think about Outer Banks season 4 part 1? Check out 9 Insane Outer Banks Theories That Would Totally Change The Show for more while you wait for part 2!

Social media's "hot girls have stomach problems" trend might just be a trend, but I'll gladly accept it. After all, I feel like I deserve some kind of redemption after ending up in the ER, and then again in urgent care, because of stomach pain. I've had stomach problems my entire life, but there was no way I was giving up pasta. Or cheese. What kind of 20-something do you think I am?! I'd decided my comfort foods were worth the discomfort they caused — until it got so bad I couldn't handle it.

I was constantly uncomfortable or in pain (to the point I couldn't pay attention to anything or anyone else), and I couldn't go a day without feeling like my insides were on fire. Apparently, this is not normal.

Now, after consulting with my doctor, I've changed my entire diet. And I'm shook to my core at how good I feel. Is this what all of y'all have been experiencing this whole time?! I am in no way a medical professional, nor am I claiming that these food swaps (plus eating smaller meals more slowly) is the only thing that's helped me. But if you're looking for recipes that will be easy on your tummy, or you're just looking to cut back on sweets, check out these healthy food ideas below. And check with your doctor if you're thinking of making some major swaps!

What foods are gentle on your stomach?

Brit + Co

Foods like toast, rice, bananas, eggs, applesauce, and oatmeal are known to be easy on your stomach. I had to do a lot of trial and error over the course of a few months, and have cut my diet back to safe foods I know will leave me feeling good.

I rarely drink alcohol (shout out to these delicious mocktail recipes!!!), and I have one coffee every six weeks or so, opting for a daily chai or matcha instead. Sugar's also proven to be a pain point, so I usually stick to dark chocolate. But the most surprising foods I've started to avoid are gluten and oats. All this to say, it's all about what works for you and your lifestyle.

My go-to healthy foods for stomach problems are sweet potatoes, broccoli, Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken sausage or grilled chicken, bell peppers, and rice. I also love the occasional ginger ale.

Sweet Potatoes + Broccoli + Chicken Sausage

Brit + Co

I will never go without sweet potatoes, like, ever again. I used to find them disgusting but they have become my saving grace on days my stomach feels awful. Whether I'm making fries, mixing them with other veggies, or turning them into vegan mac and cheese (yes, really), they're sooo versatile. One of my favorite recipes is roasting sweet potatoes and broccoli in the oven (I do 325 degrees for around 20 minutes), then adding in some cooked chicken sausage. I even add some ketchup and mustard on top for a deconstructed hot dog and fries!

​Vegan Mac and Cheese

Taryn Elliott/Pexels

This has been one of my go-to dishes recently, and I promise it's way easier to make than it sounds. I was inspired by this recipe from @itslivb, but since making it the first time, I've started eyeballing every measurement and adjusting the flavors. As someone who love pasta, this is one comfort food recipe that I can indulge in without feeling sick. All I do is boil cubed sweet potatoes until they're soft, then add them to a blender with nutritional yeast, salt, spices like garlic powder and onion powder, and cashews for a creamy consistency.

Gluten-Free Pasta

Brit + Co

As someone whose comfort food is pasta, you can imagine how sad I was when I realized gluten makes me feel awful. I've been on the hunt for the best gluten-free pastas around, and after making some less-than-ideal chickpea pasta recipes, I'm totally obsessed with Trader Joe's rice pasta. Trust me on this. I can't wait to try it in this creamy avocado pasta recipe!

​Grilled Chicken

Salt & Lavender

My taste buds have always loved chicken, and now that I've realized grilled chicken makes me feel so much better than fried chicken, my stomach does too! I always buy a bag of frozen chicken tenders so I can keep them until I'm ready to cook 'em up. After they've defrosted for a couple hours, I use this hack to remove the tendon, and then I'm ready to grill it! I'll eat grilled chicken with literally everything: pasta, sweet potato fries, a bunch of vegetables. I could eat it every day. Here's our ultimate guide toHow To Stop Grilling Dry Chicken For Good.



That being said, when I need to shake it up, salmon, shrimp, and other seafood are also great protein options. I just usually have to eat a little more to make sure I'm full. I'm dying to make These Flavorful Fish Tacos.

​Cooked Veggies

Brit + Co

Even though I definitely prefer raw vegetables, ever since I realized cooked veggies are easier to digest, I haven't gone back. Roasting a ton of peppers, sweet potatoes, and broccoli at the top of the week sets me up for a successful — and tummy ache-free — week of meals. This Vegetable Galette is calling my name (with a GF crust, of course).

Greek Yogurt & Strawberries

Life Of Pix/Pexels

I have the same breakfast every day: an egg and turkey bacon, either a chai latte or a matcha latte, and Greek yogurt and strawberries. I can't believe I never regularly ate Greek yogurt before, but now that I'm on the train, I'm never getting off. Sometimes when I want a little extra treat I add some chocolate chips, too! This dish helps fill me up without leaving me weighed down.

What's your go-to recipe on days you feel icky? Let us know in the comments and check out our Pinterest for more recipes!

My wallet should be scared – shaking-in-fear-level scared – because Mango’s dress section is packed with tons of purchase-worthy styles. And we all know nothing provides an instant confidence boost like a dress does! Mango dresses are utterly chic, no matter what kind of silhouette you’re shopping for. I scrolled through their entire collection and found some insanely cute minis, midis, maxis, long-sleeved, short-sleeved, and layered dresses (the list goes on) that span every kind of occasion you could possibly think of. These 12 Mango dresses are suitable beyond casual wear (though I would rock ‘em every day), providing the perfect uniform for happy hours, dinner dates, and even weddings. Boldly venture on to find your next favorite frock.


Check-Print Midi Dress

This dress' flowy nature makes it the ultimate piece to layer under different textures, like with a leather trench coat or a structured chore jacket. The plaid pattern and warm color palette flawlessly channel the fall season, too, so now's the time to snag it! I really like that the ruched waistline and draped neck details add some visual interest, taking your look up a notch with elegance –without overpowering the entire look.


Strapless Pinstripe Dress

This strapless pick is giving workwear realness, and I am 100% here for it. It's a definite step up from your typical trousers and blouse situation, but still feels right in line with office dress code, so long as you pair it with a fashionable cardigan or blazer – and don't forget some stellar loafers! Once work's over, simply toss off your layer of choice and prance on over to happy hour in style. This dress is also unbelievably flattering, as it hugs and accentuates your midsection with some slight ruching around the waist!


Printed Turtleneck Dress

Okay, yes. Yes, yes, and yes! This striped dress is the ideal wear during fall (and the holidays, of course!) because of its moody, deep green vibe. The subtle turtleneck and flared sleeves make it lean a bit retro, too, so you could easily pair it with some timeless tall boots to really complete the look. For a pinch of fun, the collar buttons along the back with a keyhole detail that makes it feel low-key luxe.


Contrasting Print Dress

If you're set on living out your Sex and the City fantasy (I can't stop watching!), this flirty (and most certainly Carrie-approved) mini dress is going to make you feel so chic. It's like if your favorite nighttime slip got the streetwear treatment. Not to mention the colors! The layered design will surely have everyone making a double take to peep at your outfit. Pair this flowy number with kitten heels (and a basic oversized blazer if it's chilly out), and you are set.


Polka-Dot Dress with Side Pleats

Big polka dots can make a statement, sure, but I think true chicness lies in tiny lil' dots like these. The pattern alone doesn't complete this midi dress, though – it's the adjustable side ruching and swingy skirt that serve as the cherry on top. They both shape your figure in the most flattering way, so much so that you'll want to show this dress off! I'd wear it casually with some combat boots and a jean jacket, or to dress it up more, with a lady jacket and some ballet flats.


Leather-Effect Sleeveless Dress

If you like to play around with textures in your outfits, this faux leather dress serves as the perfect base for piling on loose knits, denim jackets, or even more leathery layers for a matching moment. The mini-length a-line silhouette is undeniably comfy on the body, so you won't have to worry about feeling restricted. The high neckline offers a good amount of coverage, though the lower-cut sleeves feel a tad bit cheeky. 👀 I'd try pairing this pick with a bright cropped sweater (something like the Hattie Cardigan from Free People) and Mary Janes to channel an alt-preppy look.


Flared Dress with Ruffled Hem

Drop waists are gonna get me every single time. In combination with the severely scooped neckline, this maxi dress' lower-set waistline elongates your figure to the perfect proportion. It's a great style to reach for on cold winter days, thanks to the high-coverage long sleeves. Wears extremely well with flats for the easy and elegant balletcore outfit you've been dreaming of.


Leopard Print Draped Dress

The leopard print kind of muddles the intricate details on this number, so any outfit admirers will have to get up close and personal to truly experience the magic of this mini dress... not always a bad thing! 😉 It's fitted with tiny ruffles along the sleeves and layered ruching throughout the skirt to complete the look. The shortened sleeves and mock neckline offer ample coverage up top, too, and make the ensemble look more mature – ideal for office days or important meetings!


Asymmetrical Pleated Dress

Your next night out is calling... and it most definitely requires this show-stopping dress. I mean, from the off-the-shoulder sleeve to the asymmetrical skirt, this pick has it goin' on. The rich red color also adds a sultry air that makes a whole style statement on its own. Pick out your favorite heels and oversized hoop earrings to pair, and you've got the perfect going-out 'fit on your hands!


Polka Dots Draped Dress

I cannot resist a polka dot. Though I'm a fan of tiny dots, these bolder, bigger ones have much more head-turning appeal! Plus, the fit of this maxi dress is downright adorable. The bust, bodice, and very top of the skirt are ultra-ruched (and body-hugging!) before falling down to a sheer flowy skirt that starts around the thighs for elongating effect. The thin straps on this pick charmingly cross in the back so you can show off some skin with confidence! Cocktail hour, anyone?


Ruffled Paisley-Print Dress

On the more casual side, this loose-fitting paisley dress is a certain everyday staple because it's comfy, oh-so cute, and easily wearable with other neutral accessories. It reminds me of something you'd find in the Daisy Jones & The Six wardrobe! The olive green color is also very trendy at the moment, so your look will be totally on-point with this pick. Opt for brown boots and your most trusty handbag to step out stylishly.


Check Long Dress

This extremely-'90s-inspired maxi has everything I could ever want in a dress: a fun, playful pattern, bright colors, a very flattering (yet comfortable) fit, and endless styling potential. Plus, the bow tie on the front is ever-so femme, a vibe I like to bring to many of my outfits. You can easily wear this pick on its own, or layer it over a white baby tee or long sleeve top for more coverage and warmth.

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