8 Ways A Workout Buddy Can Help You Reach Your Wellness Goals

two best friends smiling in the sunshine

I recently started working out after a lengthy hiatus, and let's just say the struggle has been real. When I took inventory of my habits as of late, it became pretty clear that integrating more exercise would help combat the side effects of the times. Now more than ever, I'm committed to tuning up and recalibrating; mind, body, and soul. And as I reboot my fitness journey, I won't be doing it alone.

Enlisting a workout buddy for accountability is a surefire way to meet your goals. As such, I tapped my colleague and good friend, Ali Ives, to join me for a healthy dose of endorphins and sweat. As we've been dabbling in our athletic antics, working out together has been that much more contagious, inspiring, and fun. Whether it's signing up for challenges together like The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Big Climb event (more on that later), creating soundtracks for our routines, or dressing up for the occasion, going at it together has been energizing.

Want to maintain your barometer of motivation alongside a buddy of your own? Check out our tips to keep yourself (and a friend!) on track.

How To Stay Motivated With Your New Workout Buddy

1. Choose a friend or family member who is also interested in working out

Set yourself up for success by reaching out to a friend with similar wellness goals and athletic interests to cultivate a winning partnership from the beginning.

2. Set goals together and encourage each other to reach them

No matter what your goals are, big or small, it's always motivating to have a partner to crush them with! Sign up for local challenges or races to keep pushing your goals further. One challenge we love that you can do from anywhere is The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Big Climb, happening on May 14, 2022. The ask is simple: Step up to take cancer down by climbing 1,500 steps in your home, neighborhood, or local park or by jogging 3 to 4 miles. As always, it's free to sign up, but climbers are encouraged to set a fundraising goal to help beat cancer.

3. Plan out your workouts ahead of time so you're both prepared

If you want to vary up your workouts to keep things interesting, be sure your workout buddy knows what equipment to bring so you can both get the most out of the meeting. If you want to add some strength training to your Big Climb preparation, don't forget your hand weights to up the ante.

4. Have fun while working out and make it something that you both look forward to doing

Working out shouldn't be a drag — so make sure you're finding activities that bring you both joy. Consider how you can bring the healthy habits you've created while training for The Big Climb into your routine well beyond May as well. Whatever you decide on, find time for fun in between the hard parts, be it in the soundtrack you blast on your portable speakers, or jokes you crack when you're both red in the face, out of breath, and looking like a hot mess. Sweat sessions provide the ultimate space for bonding.

5. Hold each other accountable — if one of you misses a workout, make sure to reschedule

We all have days when we're just not *feeling* it, or when life's unexpected moments take priority over our pre-planned schedules. If this happens to you or your workout buddy, be realistic and honest about when you can reschedule your session for.

6. Be supportive and understanding when the other is struggling

Injuries, big life changes, and more can definitely be a distraction from a consistent workout routine. If you or your workout buddy isn't seeming like themselves as of late, check in — on and off the field — to let them know you're there for them or that you need some support. Be sure the pathway to open and honest communication is always there so no one feels like they're letting the other person down. Also remind yourself of your motivations to keep going! In addition to fostering a healthy lifestyle, our efforts and fundraising for The Big Climb are allowing us to support an incredible mission and positively impact folks who have been impacted by cancer.

7. Take breaks and listen to your body when you need to rest

Working out with a friend shouldn't feel like a competition. If you're not feeling fulfilled in the relationship or are feeling overwhelmed, take a rest. Especially if you discover your physical strengths are in different areas, go easy on yourself and your body and know when you need to tap out of certain activities.

8. Celebrate your successes together!

The best part of having a workout buddy is they'll be there with you through the lowest (out-of-breath) lows and the highest of endorphin rush highs. Take time to celebrate your progress and success together loudly and often. And be there for each other for high fives when you breeze through your challenge goal on Climb day!

Photography and Art Direction by Anna-Alexia Basile
Production by Alison Ives
Wardrobe by
Outdoor Voices and Allbirds

I thought I was doing a great job of managing my anxiety... until the end of last year. It's not that I didn't have tools from therapy to calm myself down; it's more or less I wasn't in the right frame of mind to access them. The day after a panic attack, I spoke my with therapist about everything that was going on, and she asked me one of the deepest questions that I think saved my life: "Why do you think you have to control everything and everyone?"

Sensing my confusion, she decided to surprise me with this response, "You think planning for every contingency and working to prove you can juggle motherhood with everything else in your life makes you responsible. But they don't. All you're doing is sending your anxiety into overdrive." Jaw. On. The. Floor.

From my therapist to people in family who've been vocal about having 'bad nerves,' there's phrases I've learned from them that I like to repeat — like a mantra — whenever I'm rattled about something. Hopefully they help you too!

Scroll to see the 12 phrases I use to stay calm when I'm feeling anxious.

Mikhail Nilov

1. All I can control right now are my thoughts and my breathing.

Anxiety can feel like being stuck in a hot air balloon that keeps rising higher and higher. I could say it's merely 'fight or flight,' but it doesn't feel like the kind of travel anyone willing cancel plans for.

To combat the feeling of being held prisoner by it, saying something like "All I can control right now are my thoughts and breathing" is one of the easiest phrases I can remember. I repeat it as many times as I need to before I feel myself getting calmer.

Pavel Danilyuk

2. I am calm, I am safe, I have everything that I need.

Have you ever been scrolling on social media when you've felt your chest get tight while your mind is racing. Yeah, I've done it too. It's likely we're reading too many negative comments, coming across gloomy news, or feel jealous that our doesn't look like that one influencer we follow.

That's our cue to log off and tell ourselves, "I am calm, I am safe, I have everything that I need" because it's true.

Photo By: Kaboompics.com

3. This moment will pass, it's just a feeling.

Choosing not to let anxiety win isn't about ignoring how we feel. Our emotions are always valid, but we have to ask ourselves if we're willing to let them be the reason we do or say certain things.

If you ever have a moment where you feel you're about to say something harsh because of anxiety, remind yourself: "This moment will pass, it's just a feeling." If I don't say this to myself, someone in my inner circle will bring it up which usually catches my attention.

Andrea Piacquadio

4. You're not being chased by a lion, tiger, or bear.

It's extremely rare that any of us is being chased by a lion, tiger or bear, but anxiety probably tricks our mind into responding like we are. It's one of the greatest lies it believes so this silly, yet impactful phrase can help us relax our shoulders.

I hold tension in your upper shoulders and back when anxious so I like to say this phrase to remind myself there's no reason to lash out in 'fear' at whoever's in my vicinity.


5. Chances are, you'll never see this person again. Breathe.

I know the person in Target who skipped you in life keeps turning around and staring you down for no reason at all. Before you flick them off, remember that you don't even know who they are. This is probably the first time you've seen them and it'll be the last.

I personally had an experience where an elderly couple saw me standing in line at an Xfinity store with my son and decided to get in front of me because their issue was 'urgent.' When it was my turn, I let the customer service rep know I had an appointment and he immediately went to get someone to help me. To my amusement, the couple looked flabbergasted that they had to wait and I didn't even after skipping me.

That served as a reminder to remain calm even when people are being annoying and my anxiety wants to go off on them.

Andrea Piacquadio

6. My body is keeping me safe.

Getting anxiety because our bodies don't look the same as it did a few years ago is a sure way to let anxiety plague us with thoughts of what we should be doing. Instead of berating and cursing ourselves, remember that our bodies are keeping us safe. It doesn't matter if we think we need to eat healthier or not. In any given moment, our body is functioning the way it needs to so we can get through our day.

Besides healthy habits can't bloom if we're being negative!

Photo By: Kaboompics.com

7. This feels hard, but it's not the first time life hasn't been easy.

Life's not easy, but it doesn't mean we're destined to face hardships forever. There are ups and downs that not only teach lessons, but they also build character if we're willing to appreciate them.

Even if we could care less about both things, trust that we've made it through multiple hard moments and will be able to get through this one, eventually.

Emily Patnaude

8. I don't have to rush my way through life today or any other time.

Take a break from the rat race and breathe. People with anxiety are always thinking about all the things we want to accomplish and what we're missing out on, but rarely do we remember we don't have to rush to achieve success on our terms.

We deserve better than that so remember to say, "I don't have to rush my way through life today or any other time," when you're struggling.

Andrea Piacquadio

9. My anxiety isn't the enemy. It wants to keep me safe, but needs a little help.

Remember when Joy discovered Anxiety wasn't a bad emotion in Inside Out 2? That's a real connection that we can acknowledge because our anxiety doesn't want to hurt us. When it's hyperactive, it's doing whatever it can to keep us safe from potential bad scenarios.

Tell yourself, "My anxiety isn't the enemy. It wants to keep safe, but needs a little help," whenever you're sure that you hate it.

cottonbro studio

10. It is safe to ground myself.

Grounding ourselves has nothing to do with being in timeout. It's a means of getting connected with the present so that we're not living in our heads. Since overthinking can cause anxiety to spike, this saying is a reminder to come back to earth via meditation or walking barefoot outside for a few minutes.

Helena Lopes

11. What do I know to be true right now?

This is more of a question rather than a phrase, but it's still true. Since anxiety can believe the lie that we're in grave danger even when we're not, it helps to ask ourselves about the what's true in the current moment.

Let's say you've been in life for a little over 5 minutes and are starting to sweat because you think the person behind you thinks you're the reason the line is moving slowly. Ask yourself how many people are in front of you and if it's logical to take the blame for the line's snail pace. 9 time out of 10 your answer will debunk whatever your anxiety was telling you!

Mike Jones

12. My anxious thoughts are allowed to exit my mind with every exhale.

If you've mastered the art of saying phrases that calm you down, it doesn't hurt to repeat one more! Saying, "My anxious thoughts are allowed to exit my mind with every exhale" is another way to keep yourself calm when you're repeating things that aren't in the sound of your voice.

Taking deep breaths always calms me down in addition to repeating this phrase so I have it written in my phone, planner and journal.

We have more self-care tips onsite if you're need of a wellness or mental health boost!

Do you love dogs yet dread the constant cleaning that comes with shedding? Countless people can relate.

But while every dog owner knows a little fur is inevitable, certain breeds are known for being lower-shedding.

Whether you suffer from allergies or just want to reduce the time you spend cleaning up hair around your living space, here are 12 low-shedding dog breeds that'll make great additions to your household (without the mess).

Scroll to find out the best low-shedding dog breeds!

1. Poodles

Goochie Poochie Grooming

Poodles are known for their hypoallergenic coats, so they shed very little and are ideal for anyone seeking a low-shedding pet.

This breed also comes in three sizes, the Standard, Miniature, and Toy, and is easy to train due to its high intelligence. Just keep in mind that, regardless of their size, all Poodles require regular grooming to keep their curly coats free from mats and tangles.

2. Bichon Frise

RDNE Stock project

Just like the Poodle, the Bichon Frise is another breed that features a hypoallergenic coat. These dogs are tiny, cheerful, and popular due to their friendly nature.

Plus, they're known for being very smart and trainable, making them great family pets that keep clean up around the house to a minimum.

3. Labradoodle

ten Brinke photography

Originally bred as a hypoallergenic service dog, the Labradoodle is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle.

These dogs inherited low-shedding coats, thanks to Poodle parents, and are favored for their friendly and affectionate nature. They thrive when given plenty of exercise and early socialization.

4. Maltese

Katya Wolf

Malteses are adorably tiny and cuddly hypoallergenic dogs prized for their silky white coats. They make playful and loving companions, but owners have to stay on top of their grooming routine.

If you prefer that your Maltese has a longer coat, regular maintenance is important to prevent any mats. Otherwise, keeping a shorter "puppy" cut can make grooming much easier.

5. Yorkshire Terrier


Affectionately referred to as "Yorkies," Yorkshire Terriers are little hypoallergenic dogs with big personalities. They crave attention and are very loyal to their owners.

These pups also shed minimally and can adapt well to a range of households, from cozy apartments to spacious homes.

6. Schnauzers

Sebastian Coman Travel

You may not know that there are three Schnauzer breeds, including the Miniature Schnauzer, the Standard Schnauzer, and the Giant Schnauzer. Despite their size differences, all three are low-shedding.

Miniature Schnauzers are revered for their intelligence and typically weigh between 10 and 20 pounds. Standard Schnauzers, on the other hand, are also known for their smarts and enjoy long walks and mental stimulation. They just can weigh as much as 45 pounds.

Giant Schnauzers can reach up to 85 pounds and are some of the largest hypoallergenic dogs. To keep these pups happy, give them a lot of playtime and exercise.

7. Havanese

Paul Groom Photography Bristol

The Havanese is a little, playful breed that's popular for its charming personality and silky coat that doesn't shed much.

These furry friends adore human interaction, making them devoted companions, and are considered low-shedding. All they need is some regular grooming to keep their coat smooth and tangle-free.

8. Italian Greyhound

Alina Skazka

Italian Greyhounds are sleek and elegant, featuring short, smooth coats that barely shed. Contrary to what their graceful appearance might suggest, these dogs are also very playful, affectionate, and sensitive.

If you're searching for a sophisticated yet loving dog that doesn't require a lot of cleanup, this breed may be your perfect match.

9. Portuguese Water Dog

Julissa Helmuth

Portuguese Water Dogs were first bred to work alongside fishermen. Today, they're regaled for their energy and athleticism, making them a great option for active families.

These dogs also have hypoallergenic fur and don't shed much. If you're an outdoor enthusiast who wants to maintain a fur-free home, the Portuguese Water Dog might be the pet for you.

10. Basenji

Elina Volkova

This unique, cat-like breed is famous for its barkless nature. It actually makes a distinctive "yodel" sound!

Basenjis are very intelligent, playful, and sometimes mischievous, with a high prey drive. Additionally, they don't shed a lot, have minimal grooming requirements, and are often free from usual canine odors.

11. Shih Tzu

Edyttka Stawiarska

The Shih Tzu was initially bred as a companion pet in China and has remained a famous lap dog to this day. They love human company and usually stick to their owners' sides.

But while they're low-shedding, these dogs will still grow a long, luxurious coat that requires regular grooming. Otherwise, you can keep it trimmed shorter for easier maintenance.

12. Brussels Griffon

Mladen Šćekić

Lastly, the Brussels Griffon is a small breed with a rough coat that's non-shedding and simple to groom. That's why these dogs are stellar choices for anyone seeking a low-maintenance pet.

In terms of temperament, Brussels Griffons are smart, affectionate, sensitive, and quite cuddly.

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I'm a serial napper who loves getting as much sleep as I can, but last year shone a spotlight on how much sleepmaxxingwasn't helping me. Between fighting insomnia and waking up with my stress response on high alert, I knew I needed to make changes so grogginess wouldn't be my default mood.

Once I started asking myself a series of deep questions to see what I needed, I recognized why I wasn't feeling great. Not only were my sleeping habits terrible, I also wasn't thinking about other types of rest needed to function normally. With nothing but hope and time on my hands, I decided to conduct a 'rest' experiment to see if I could improve how I feel.

Based on my results — and the advice from licensed therapist Brooke Sprowl, LCSW of My LA Therapy — slow living feels good.

Scroll to see the 7 types of rest that can help you feel totally refreshed in 2025!

Cora Pursley

1. Physical Rest: Prioritizing physical rest led to a decreased need to be productive.

I inherited my parents' tendency to work on my days off because being idle felt like I was signaling how lazy I am. Instead of sleeping in on Saturdays, I'd wake up early to clean before cooking breakfast, planning activities for my son, and going over content creation ideas. Couch rotting wasn't allowed until I was absolutely done with everything, but there was always something to do.

The day I collapsed in my bedroom after rearranging the living room and my office was the moment I asked, "How did I decide working myself to pure exhaustion meant I was an amazing woman?" So, I gave myself permission to start using my weekends to rest. Sprowl says, "Physical rest includes both passive activities like sleep and active recovery practices like gentle stretching, yoga, or massage."

She also indicates collapsing was likely a sign my body's way of sending a huge flare to get my attention. "Listen to your body’s signals of fatigue and make rest a proactive priority rather than waiting for exhaustion to take over," she encourages.

For me, this looks like sleeping in past 10 a.m., stretching my body in the morning, and taking long showers. It's an act of resistance that's helped me unplug and reset after a long work week. Sprowl believes getting physical rest helps "restore the body's reserves, reduces stress hormones, and supports overall physical health," ultimately "laying the foundation for every other type of rest."

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2. Mental Rest: Taking a mental break helped me unplug.

I'm a chronic over-thinker, so I'm still learning how to give my brain a break. However, tools I've picked up from therapy help along with reminders from my inner circle. Why does it matter? Sprowl says, "Mental rest is about giving your mind a break from overthinking, decision fatigue, or cognitive overload."

Besides unplugging from work, I have to remind myself to stay present by focusing on things that are in my vicinity. Sprowl says giving yourself a mental break may look similar or different. "This might mean stepping away from work, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in activities that allow your brain to wander, like walking in nature."

If you and I don't allow our brains to 'cool down,' she believes "it can lead to irritability and difficulty focusing" which explains the moments I barely had patience last year. Genuinely resting "fosters clarity and cognitive balance," according to Sprowl which is what we could use more of!


3. Emotional Rest: Treating my emotional health with care helped me embrace vulnerability.

The other area I struggle with sometimes is my emotional health. A physically and mentally exhausted Jasmine often leads to an emotionally unhinged version of myself that struggles to express what's wrong or things I need. "Emotional rest involves creating safe spaces to express feelings or allowing yourself to step back from emotional labor," Sprowl points out.

It matters because it can "ease racing thoughts and unresolved feelings that interfere with sleep," according to her. Prioritizing this kind of rest essentially creates "a sense of calm before bedtime" in her opinion. It can look like "journaling, talking to a trusted friend, or working with a therapist" to "help unburden accumulated emotions."

If I'm not gratitude journaling, I'm usually talking to one of my best friends or fiancé about anything I may be struggling with. Being vulnerable with people who care about me has helped calm my sea of emotions, creating a level of comfort I haven't felt in years.

Anna Tarazevich

4. Social Rest: Reaffirming my need for social breaks stopped making me feel weird.

This is a safe space, right? My daily confession is that I've always prioritized social rest. I didn't have a name for it when I was younger, but I've been able to feel when my social battery is depleted which leads me to find a way to reset alone. I almost lost my ability to do so when social media was popularized, but the past couple of weeks have reminded me to take steps back so I'm not internalizing different opinions and emotions.

Sprowl says, "Social rest combats the overstimulation and comparison often fueled by digital platforms, helping you reconnect with yourself." It's hard for me to hear myself when I'm thinking about what everyone else is saying so I'll put on my phone on DND (do not disturb) or set screen limits for various apps.

It's something Sprowl feels is vital. "Social rest means setting boundaries around social interactions, particularly with relationships that drain rather than nourish." Like I've been doing, she further says "limiting time on social media, scheduling solo time, or prioritizing relationships where you feel truly seen and supported" are some of the ways you can also hit the reset button.

Tima Miroshnichenko

5. Spiritual Rest: Tapping into spiritual rest helped me feel less afraid.

I don't mind talking about my religious background, but I understand not everyone shares the same beliefs I do. Still, I'm a firm believer that we need to prioritize spiritual rest in a world that's in hustle mode. Sprowl says this "nurtures the soul, creating a sense of peace and alignment with your values." She believes "connecting to something greater than yourself" can help add to the physical, emotional, mental, and social ways we may need to hit pause.

I personally love to pray, read devotionals, or use my journal to reflect about various things. Other things Sprowl suggests doing are mediating, grounding yourself in nature, or adopting a gratitude practice. Whatever you choose to do, she feels "it's about finding purpose and meaning in your life."

Carleigh Ellison

6. Creative Rest: Creative breaks made me feel less irritated by what I love to do.

Fellow creatives, are we okay? It seems like the very thing we love to do — creating art — can leave us feeling drained which is confusing. But I've got a secret as someone whose dream career is a reality: we have to stop and take breaks from creating sometimes. Please don't throw tomatoes! I'm serous here.

Sprowl says, "For those who thrive on innovation, creative rest involves stepping back from the pressure to produce and immersing yourself in inspiration." See? I'm not just making this up! Just like the social rest I've become a pro at, I've learned how to go on little adventures around my neighborhood, discover new food places to eat, or get lost in one of my music playlists.

Sprowl says you too can "visit an art gallery, listen to music, read poetry, watch an artful movie or show, or simply allow yourself to enjoy beauty without the expectation of creating." Being in the moment "replenishes the well of inspiration" us creatives pull from, thus "preventing burnout and keeping creative pursuits joyful," according to her.

cottonbro studio

7. Sensory Rest: Getting real about sensory overload stopped me from being irritable.

Sensory overload is real! I'm extremely quick to tell my fiancé, "Honey, I'm feeling overstimulated and need a break" which he knows means I have about 5-10 minutes before my irritability says, "Peek-a-boo!" Becoming a mom made me more aware of how much adults can't always tell when there's too much going on for our liking so I've worked hard to be more aware.

If I can't stand being touched after a while or need the TV's volume lowered, it's a sign that I've been dealing with them for too long. Sprowl says, "Sensory rest requires reducing stimuli like bright screens, loud environments, or excessive multitasking. Consider dimming lights in the evening, unplugging from devices, or practicing sensory mindfulness, like focusing on a single sound or texture."

My favorite thing to do is take a hot shower in the dark sometimes. My fiancé thought it was strange the first time I did it, but now he knows it's something I need. Other things I'll do is sit on my office's floor and journal by myself. It's a nice way to tap into my inner calm instead of getting overly upset.

"In our overstimulating world, sensory rest calms the nervous system and helps prevent overwhelm," says Sprowl.

Focusing on 7 types of rest sounds like a lot, but it's not when you consider how many things can raise our cortisol levels. From internal to external irritants, we're constantly being bombarded with things that can cause pure exhaustion. It just makes more sense to me to prioritize self-care that doesn't always involve spending money.

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As much as we'd love to hear that BridgertonSeason 4 is releasing earlier than next year, we'll have to settle for as many teasers and first looks as we can get for now! Fans already know Yerin Ha will be stepping into Sophie Baek's shoes alongside Luke Thompson as Benedict, but Netflix finally released something that'll keep us satiated for a while. We can't promise much else — except these two are clearly going to make our hearts race when they're finally on-screen.

Here's the official Bridgerton Season 4 first look with Sophie & Benedict!

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Benedict's always been one of the lighthearted Bridgerton siblings, but Season 3 showed up just how, uh, free he can be. While he and Eloise did discuss their mutual feelings of wanting to explore life, it seems our loving bachelor is set on finding love in unexpected places.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Benedict may not have fallen in love with Tilley, but it appears he's head over heels for Sophie and we think it's adorable. But, there's one glaring problem: Sophie's a maid who has plenty of secrets.

Never before have any of the Bridgerton children gotten romantically involved with someone who's in another social class, so this already sounds scandalous.

Liam Daniel/Netflix

Ah, but what will the watchful Queen Charlotte think? Remember, she was certain she was going to expose and punish Lady Whistledown before Penelope's moving speech got her to change her mind. We can only guess how she'll feel about the Bridgertons once she learns of Benedict and Sophie's forbidden romance.

In the meantime, we're already dreaming up as much as we can about this exciting season with these pictures! Oh, and did we mention there's a video too?!

Watch The 'Bridgerton' Season 4 Sneak Peak Here!


- YouTube

Seriously...season 4 can't come fast enough!!!

We can't wait to see how Benedict and Sophie's love shakes up the Ton in Season 4. We're sure Queen Charlotte and Lady Danbury will have much to discuss!

Lately, we don't have to look far for doomsday news or potential policies that make us feel like a dystopian future will soon be our reality. Although we like to joke about it, we've seen pop culture seemingly predict our current societal and political landscape via everything from episodes of the The Simpsons to the books we've read over the years, wondering how these fictitious communities could experience horrible environments at the hands of others' decisions.

Since art is often bred from very real feelings about history's patterns, we think it's time to open a few relatable books. In our eyes, unprecedented times call for reading thought-provoking work that may seem bleak, but offers hope set in motion by one person's courage in the face of oppression and fear. These are the best dystopian books you should read in 2025.

Here are 15 dystopian books to read if you're tired of doom scrolling on social media.


Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Guy Montag's job as a fireman isn't like what you or I are used to. Instead of saving the lives of those affected by fires, he and his co-workers set them because it's a crime to have books in one's home. He does his job well and comes home to the passionless marriage he has with his wife Mildred, running on a mindless loop. It isn't until he meets a teenager named Clarisse that he begins seeing the world through her eyes and it makes him uncomfortable.

Underneath that discomfort is the knowledge that he's been keeping a secret all along and will have to decide which side of history he wants to be on.


The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Even if you've never read the book or watched the hit TV series, chances are you've heard about The Handmaid's Tale. It's ruffled feathers to the point it's made it to the banned books list, but author Margaret Atwood's message is loud and clear: women's reproductive rights could become weaponized.
She begins her tale in the aftermath of a second Civil War that's dismantled "normal" America. As such, the Republic of Gilead has been set in place that's meant to remind men and women how things used to be. With men holding positions of power and fertile women being enslaved to help regrow the population comes a sordid tale of oppression and abuse.
However, one maid's memories and desire to break free from her horrible role encourages her to stage one of the biggest coups.


The Power by Naomi Alderman

The Power places decisions in the hands of young girls who aren't typically afforded it. Readers will meet several characters like a wealthy Nigerian boy and a tough-as-nails girl, but what's shocking is what happens when something ignites teenaged girls with something powerful. If they choose, these girls can cause great harm to others or even end their lives.
It's a far cry from the idea that young girls are weak and powerless in a world that seeks to tame them.


Chain-Gain All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

Loretta Thurwar and Hamara "Hurricane Staxxx" are a part of Criminal Actional Penal Entertainment, aka CAPE, as prisoners. They've worked their way up the hierarchy of the Chain-Gain All-Stars and are the reigning champs as they fight until the death to earn freedom.

However, there's a catch: one of them will be heavily discouraged from leaving with every hardship they face. It seems greed has no bounds and will make sure to keep viewers invested.


American War by Omar El Akkad

Sarat Chestnut was a little girl when the another Civil War occurred in the year 2074, but she was aware enough to understand the criminalization of oil. Also, she's watched half of Louisiana succumb to being under sea level. Once her father loses his life and her family's driven to Camp Patience, she surrenders to a new normal. However, there's a false underbelly of the Camp and it works its magic on Sarat.
Before long, she's become a weapon for a war that'll change the lives of everyone.


Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica

What happens when to a world without animal meat? In Tender Is the Flesh, readers will face the horror of this staunch reality.
For main character Marcos, life has dealt him a set of terrible cards. He's separated from his wife and watching his father's health deplete quicker than he can blink his eyes. There's also the sickening fact that he's a part of the "Transition" that helps process specialized human meat.
Then one day it happens: he meets a woman who's supposed to be packaged for consumption and it shatters his usual resolve. The more he interacts with her, the more he wants to find a way to turn away from this horrific government project.


Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

15-year-old Tally has been waiting to turn 16 for a long time because she's finally going to become gorgeous. Thanks to life-altering surgery, she gets to stop being looked over and will join a society where she doesn't have to work hard. But her friend Shay isn't so sure about this idyllic world and decides to escape it.
However, those in charge aren't a fan of this runaway situation and put Tally in a complicated position that'll alter her future.


The Last Murder at the End of the Worldby Stuart Turton

The former world? Utterly destroyed.The island? A perfect paradise that's home to 125 people who have learned to peacefully coexist. They don't question their right to live off the land nor the curfew that's been set in place. The crack in their perfect situation doesn't come until they find out a popular scientist's been murdered.
This death triggers a breakdown in the security that was keeping them safe from the atmosphere that killed others once before and they don't have long to fix it. However, their memories have been erased and they're not sure who caused these scary chain of events.


The Ferryman by Justin Cronin

The Ferryman describes what happens when another "perfect" paradise seems like it's everything but that.
On Prospera, only the privileged are allowed to enjoy glorious living. Though they enjoy the finer things in life, the staff who makes sure they're comfortable aren't granted the same opportunities. Truthfully, they're waiting for the right time to rebel against their conditions because they know the spoiled citizens of Prospera will be granted multiple chances at life.
For Proctor Bennett, his job as a ferryman is to make sure people are able to "retire" when it's time. It's a job he does without fail until a lone message makes him question the validity of the islands.


Divergent by Veronica Roth

Beatrice Prior lives in a society that's divided into the Candon (honest), Abnegation (selfless), Dauntless (brave), Amity (peaceful), and Erudite (intelligent) factions. This helps keep society running according to the government's plans, but Beatrice is torn between remaining with the Abnegation or joining a new faction.
When she makes her choice, it sends ripples among those who know her and then there's Tris. He's harboring something that's sure to make him a target so she'll try to protect his secret while keeping her own interests at heart.


The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

North America's now known as Panem, and it's comprised of twelve districts that once rebelled again the Capitol. However, their defeat was costly and caused them to allow two kids per district to participate in "The Hunger Games." It's a known fact that they may die as a result, but nothing's happened to change this unimaginable law.

When Katniss Everdeen volunteers as tribute so her young sister doesn't have to compete, this sets forth a chain of events that prove her an unlikely winner and hero.


Ripe by Sarah Rose Etter

Cassie's secured a job in her ideal role in Silicon Valley, but it turns into something nightmarish. She doesn't have a work-life balance and is tasked with doing borderline illegal things. She also can see the stark difference in economic classes because her job has a front row view of many displaced members of society.
Accompanying Cassie is something dark that responds to the state of her mental health. As she grapples with pregnancy and the things her job demands of her, she'll have to ask herself if the cost of success is worth it.


The Garden by Nick Newman (February 18, 2025)

Evelyn and Lily are two sisters who've been living in a beautiful garden that no one can see behind. They don't remember what life was like prior to being near it as they've become preoccupied with making sure it flourishes. All of this changes with an unknown boy shows up in their curated world. They're not sure who he is, but his presence makes them question how they've chosen to live their lives.


Fable for the End of the World (March 4, 2025)

Caerus is fueling the nation's debt problem among those who aren't wealthy, and it affects Inesa as well as her family. She and her brother are in charge of a taxidermy shop, but their mother's selfishness puts their lives in danger when her debt reaches an astronomical level. The only solution for this is for Inesa or her brother to be entered into the Lamb's Gauntlet where they'll be killed. The merciless killer? Melinoë.
She has no remorse as she's been trained to be heartless towards her victims. But Inesa proves to be the first "Lamb" that makes her question what she's doing. Together, they'll go on a journey that changes how they see their lives and love.


Outlawed by Anna North

Ada and her husband were happy, but she failed to conceive a child in a town that views infertile women as evil. Though she wishes things could be different, she runs away before she can be hanged and joins the Hole in the Wall Gang. It's leader is known as the Kid who wants the world to stop harming women. But the Gang's got a plan that's not safe because creating a viable future is scary.

Still looking for the next book that'll wow you? Here's what to read next!

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