Wrinkly Puppies Are the Cutest Thing You’ll See All Day

Lucy, my three-year-old schnauzer mix, has a major sweet tooth, or really any kind of tooth. She loves food and will literally bite the hand that feeds her for the tiniest nibble. She’ll do just about anything for food. And she especially loves yogurt and ice cream until we discovered that she’s lactose-intolerant. This isn't uncommon — according to the AKC (American Kennel Club), lots of dogs are lactose intolerant, so they struggle with some of the foods they (and we) love most like cheeses, yogurts, and ice creams.

Photo via Ollie x Van Leeuwen Ice Cream

Lucky for her, we discovered Ollie x Van Leeuwen Ice Cream’s nondairy ice cream for dogs. You can shop it at Van Leeuwen scoop shops across the country, as well as at most Petco locations and online. Ollie subscribers can add it to their orders, or join Ollie by June 13 for a free pint with purchase!

Puppy Love

Lucy's POV: First off, the smell! The scent of peanut butter, my fave, caused my tail to start wagging furiously. Then came the taste. The non-dairy ice cream is sweet and salty, with swirls of delicious peanut butter. One word: Drool! No belly aches here. Every lick = pure bliss. Paws-up from me!

But seriously, she LOVED it. She followed me back to the freezer hoping to catch another lick. She even rang her "bells" to go outside again, hoping there'd still be more there, lol

I’ve never seen her so excited for a treat – and she LOVES treats. I'm smitten with the idea of serving it for her birthday! BTW, yes, I also took a taste and it was really tasty and not super sweet! Exactly as Lucy describes.;)

Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest and tastiest collabs!

Header image via Shutterstock; Lucy images provided by author

Crawling into bed after a long day at school or work should feel soothing — unless you're struggling to stop anxious thoughts at night. It's not like you want to obsess over the awkward conversation you had with your boss, or the fact your lunch order was wrong, but it feels like your anxiety won't let you. Well, that's where you're partially wrong.

You can change your bedtime habits according to licensed therapist Kelsey Thompson, LMFT and biopsychologist Dr. Mary Poffenroth. Together, they explain what anxiety does to our nervous system, why we can't stop spiraling before bed, and ways we can make healthier choices we can get the rest we need!

How does anxiety affect our nervous system?

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

No matter how many therapy sessions I've had, I can't always remember how anxiety affects our nervous system. Kelsey Thompson said, "Anxiety, much like trauma, causes the flight, fight or freeze response to be activated. Cortisol and adrenaline flood our system and cause our heart to race, breathing to speed up, muscle tension, energy is moved from the stomach to more needed areas — such as the muscle and heart — causing stomach issues such as IBS, constipation, stomach aches." It's clear that the list goes on and on.

Dr. Poffenroth further elaborated on the muscle tension that's often caused by anxiety. "Studies have shown that even when at rest, people with anxiety disorders constantly have more tense muscles. Constantly tense muscles can cause physical discomfort, which can make anxiety symptoms worse. The body's 'fight or flight' response is being repeatedly triggered, which is causing this tension." Unfortunately this leaves bodies in a constant state of believing it has to be ready to respond to threats.

So, what are the long-term effects of being in a state of 'fight or flight?' "Research suggests that long term this can lead to more chronic issues such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance, inflammation and chronic stomach issues," Thompson said.

Why does it feel like all of our anxious thoughts occur at night?

Alex Green/Pexels

This leads to the looming big question — why does it feel like our minds race at night? Thompson said, "Often we are so distracted and so busy throughout the day that we are able to push away our anxious thoughts. In American culture we are so wired to do a million things each day, work, clean, cook, sometimes take care of children, that there is often not a lot of time to let ourselves process or thoughts and emotions."

It's one of the things I realized after becoming a mom. You'd think I'd be used to the impossible juggling act that comes with that, but I'm often reminded that no one is able to do everything. It's one of the reasons both Thompson and Dr. Poffenroth said our anxiety goes haywire at night.

Thompson said," When you aren’t distracted by tasks and you slow yourself down and lay in bed trying to get to sleep, you start processing through things, often this is when anxiety can flood in which makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night."

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

What's the science behind it? "In low light, the brain's fear center, the amygdala, becomes more active. Studies suggest that there was a decrease in activation in the amygdala and an increase in functional activity in the dark. This increased susceptibility may result in a rise in thoughts that make one anxious," Dr. Poffenroth said.

This has everything to do with the survival tactics that kept our ancestors alive. "When it's dark outside, the brain is more sensitive to possible dangers, even when none exist. Even though it was originally necessary for survival, this evolutionary adaptation can now cause increased anxiety at night," Dr. Poffenroth continued.

What are signs that someone's mind is racing at night?

Liza Summer/Pexels

It's likely you're able to recognize when you're having anxious thoughts at night after the fact, but sometimes you're not always aware in the moment. According to Thompson, some of the thoughts you could be having are:

  • Having spiraling thoughts and repeating them for prolonged periods of time
  • Ruminating about the past, present or future,
  • Thinking about what you may have said to someone that day
  • Worrying about what people think of you,
  • Worrying about the future or others

She said this could physically show up as you being unable to wind down or relax. "You may feel the need to continuously do something or even scroll on your phone as a distraction technique," she mentioned.

Guilty as charged.

Anete Lusina/Pexels

To add to that, Dr. Poffenroth said your "inability to 'switch off'" your thoughts is the most common indicator that your anxiety is running the show at night.

"This cognitive hyperarousal can seriously obstruct one's capacity to go asleep and stay asleep through the night. The 'what if' scenarios or reflections on past events that frequently accompany the racing thoughts can lead to a vicious cycle of worry that can be challenging to break on one's own," she noted.

I've found that I don't experience bouts of insomnia like I used to, but there are nights where I wake up every few hours instead of sleeping soundly. If my anxiety spiral is really bad, I even have a series of weird dreams that wake me bolt out of bed to make sure I'm not fighting some terrible monster who has a personal vendetta against me.

Is there a way to stop the anxious spiral that happens when we're trying to get rest?

Monstera Production/Pexels

If you're trying to figure out if you'll ever learn how to stop anxious thoughts at night, know that you're not 'broken.' Just like in Inside Out 2, anxiety wants to keep us safe and will employ any tactic it can so we can plan for possible threats. To help your anxiety understand that you're not being harmed, Thompson suggested utilizing grounding techniques.

She said this can look like:

  • Using guided meditation
  • Listening to sleep sounds music
  • Keeping your environment cold and dark for sleeping
  • Burning energy before bed by going on evening walks, to the gym after dinner or taking hot baths for relaxation before bed
  • Practicing mindfulness and learning challenging and cognitive restructuring skills from CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Kevin Malik/Pexels

Dr. Poffenroth said, "Cognitive restructuring is an effective method to stop the anxious spiral that occurs when trying to sleep. This method is questioning and rephrasing nervous thoughts. The procedure entails recognizing negative thought patterns, assessing their veracity, and swapping them out for more realistic, balanced ideas."

This is another tool I use when I'm still a little anxious after choosing a grounding technique to focus on. It feels silly to ask yourself, "Is ______ true in this situation," but Dr. Poffenroth said it helps you reassess things so your perceived fear about something can eventually stop disrupting your sleep.

What's the worst thing someone with anxiety can do before going to bed?

Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Now that we know why we have anxious thought at night, it's time to discuss changing some of our nighttime habits. The first thing Thompson wants you to stop doing is relying on caffeine after 12 or 1 p.m. This sounds like punishment for those of us who love our midday coffee runs, but that extra caffeine may be causing more harm than good.

Also, she doesn't want you to scroll on social media or check your to-do list before going to bed. This is something my work bestie has advised me against doing, but I haven't quite tricked my mind into putting my phone down before going to sleep.

The last thing she says you should avoid doing is getting into a huge argument with someone that goes unresolved. "These are all things that will make it difficult to sleep if you have anxiety at night," Thompson said.


Additionally, Dr. Poffenroth wants you to leave your work emails in your inbox until the next day. "It can be extremely difficult to de-stress and go asleep after engaging in these activities because they raise stress levels and stimulate the sympathetic nervous system."

I know we like to trick ourselves into believing we can work ahead, but the work will always be there. I learned this the hard way when I thought it would be a good ideas to tackle five projects one night only to have more tasks to complete the following day. In addition to missing out on valuable sleep, I was even more anxious the next day.

Dr. Poffenroth said, "Taking up work-related topics right before bed can set off a chain reaction of ideas about outstanding work or impending difficulties, resulting in a restless night's sleep. Setting up a distinct boundary between work and play is essential for encouraging improved sleep hygiene and lowering anxiety."

What are helpful ways to induce a proper night's rest that's void of anxious thoughts?

Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Therapy is where I started learning how to be aware of my anxious thoughts and it's something Thompson recommends. She said you can also, "Use exercise as medicine, take hot baths at night for relaxation, and make sure you get morning sunlight because this helps with sleep issues." For more information about how to improve your sleep skills, she suggests you listen to the Huberman Labs podcast on sleep skills).

Other helpful things she believes you can do to avoid having anxious thoughts at night are:

  • Journaling after dinner before you start your wind down routine
  • Focusing on progressive muscle relaxation skills like yoga or stretching to get connected to your body and out of your mind
  • Discussing medication options with your doctor (non addictive sleep medications can help)

Yan Krukau/Pexels

Dr. Poffenroth also believes you should focus on your breathing. "Deep breathing exercises are a very powerful tool for helping you get a good night's sleep free from worrying thoughts (via Cleveland Clinic). The parasympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of the body's rest and digest processes, is triggered by deep breathing. This activation aids in mitigating the effects of the sympathetic nervous system, which is frequently hyperactive in anxious people."

She said some of the benefits of deep breathing are:

  • Decreased blood pressure and heart rate
  • An induced relaxed state that's optimal for having a good night's rest

"In addition to being a mindfulness exercise, this method helps to focus attention on the here and now rather than on worrying thoughts," she added.

Can anxious thoughts be completely avoided?

Lina Kivaka/Pexels

This is a question I've asked myself before, but Thompson has some news for anyone us who want to banish anxiety for good. "Anxious thoughts are a natural part of the human experience, but you can learn to manage them, get skilled at mindfulness and learn to not spiral or ruminate," she said.

Dr. Poffenroth actually advises against in trying to get rid of your anxious thoughts, too. "Attempting to repress them may make them worse. Because of the way the brain functions, thoughts become more present the more we attempt to suppress them," she says. "It's more important to recognize anxiety, accept it as a normal aspect of life, and develop healthy coping mechanisms."

The moment I accepted my anxiety instead of trying to douse lighter fluid on it is when I started making a breakthrough in therapy and my everyday life. It's silly, but I like to check in with my anxiety to see why it's on edge. This is a huge nod to the cognitive restructuring Dr. Poffenroth mentioned earlier.

What can someone tell themselves if they can't stop thinking about past or present situations at night?

Yaroslav Shuraev/Pexels

I'm one of those people who writes everything down. I have a list of affirmations prayers I refer to when I'm feeling anxious

  • Thoughts are just thoughts-you don’t need to give them meaning.
  • Things to not always go according to plan--- and that is ok!
  • You CAN change the way you think.
  • Don’t feed your fears- avoidance makes things worse.
  • Remember your strengths- they are so much stronger than your fears.
  • Your physical health is entirely linked to your mental health.
  • Managing your anxiety is a skill—you must practice it like any other skill.
  • Everyone makes mistakes, failure is a part of life and is inevitable.
  • Don’t take life too seriously.
  • You deserve to be happy.
  • Everything changes and ends, that is part of life --- change is uncomfortable but that’s how you grow.
  • Pain is a part of life, suffering is optional.
  • And will this matter 5 years from now? If yes, then ok. It's valid to spend some energy thinking about this. If not then it’s not worth being anxious about this.

Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Another phrase Dr. Poffenroth wants you to say to yourself when you're having anxious thoughts is, "I am safe in the present moment." She believes this can be a useful reminder if you're truly struggling with your thoughts at night.

"By anchoring attention in the present reality, this statement acts as a grounding technique, helping to divert attention from thoughts about the past or future that cause anxiety. This strategy is in line with mindfulness exercises, which have been demonstrated to be successful in easing the symptoms of anxiety," she shared.

By reminding yourself that you're safe in your bed, your thoughts won't have as much of a big impact on you like they usually do.

If we could get rid of every anxious thought or scary feeling that triggers stress, I think most of us would race to take that option. But we're only human so we can't wave a magic wand to get rid of things that don't make us feel good. What we can do is slowly make changes to our habits so we can think healthier thoughts.

Remember, the goal isn't perfection. Right now, it's all about making sure you get the proper rest you need so you can go out and live life to the fullest.

Looking for more expert advice? Be sure to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a thing!

Header image via Lina Kivaka/Pexels

Everyone knowsdogs are (wo)man’s best friend, and we want to make sure we’re being good friends (and owners) to them in return. This meansshowing them love in the appropriate manner, making sure they’re getting enough exercise, and, perhaps most importantly, checking that their breed is compatible with your lifestyle before adopting or purchasing them. The research team at Furbo Dog Camera helped us identify which type of pooch is right you, whether you have a hectic sched, a practically empty planner, or anything in between.

Dog Breeds For Busy People

Photo via Pexels/Simona Kidrič

If you’re in the office 24/7, yes, you can still have a fur baby — just not one that requires a lot of attention, exercise, and stimulation. Although these pets might not pounce on you as soon as you walk through the door, they’ll love you just as much as their more rambunctious counterparts. And they’re equally as cute — promise.

1. Bullmastiffs: With a tough-looking exterior, these pups are really softies and extremely loyal to their owners. They only need a couple of short walks and bathrooms breaks to get by because they’re far less energetic than other large breeds.

2.Basset Hounds: These adorably droopy doggos are super laid-back and easygoing. Because of this, they don’t get anxious or stressed when their humans aren’t around, even for hours at a time.

3. Pugs: It’s no secret that pugs aren’t sporting dogs. In fact, they love lounging on the couch (or bed if they’re allowed) and long naps. Even when you’re away, they’ll likely be curled up, waiting to cuddle upon your arrival.

4. Bull Terriers: This independent breed likes to keep busy, but that doesn’t mean they need constant attention. Toss ’em a toy, and they’ll be entertained for hours while you’re in and out of the house.

5. Chow Chows: Chow chows are known for that cat-like personality, which is what’s to thank for their ability to be left alone for a good portion of the day. They’re quiet, meaning they tend not to bark, and did we mention they’re totally cute?

6. Beagles: Take your beagle for a generous walk before and after work, and they’ll be set for the rest of the day. They’re intelligent and energetic, so, much like bull terriers, a toy will keep them preoccupied — and quiet — during the hours alone.

7. Peekapoos: Expect to be lavished with love and affection while you’re home (Peekapoos love their human time), but they are perfectly content being by themselves, too, especially when they have a toy to play with.

8. Lhasa Apsos: Unlike many other small breeds, the Lhasa Apso is stress-free. Tiny but mighty, these furry little friends are hard workers who will keep busy by quietly protecting your house during the day.

9. Golden Retrievers: Somewhat surprisingly, despite how much they love their humans, Goldens are pretty good at hanging solo. They’re highly trainable, so if you give them a task (say, guarding the house), they’ll be happy to do it when home alone.

10. Greyhounds: These racing dogs really love lazing. They spend a good deal of their time sleeping on the couch, so leaving them home during the day really just gives them the chance to do what they enjoy most

Dog Breeds For Flexible People

Photo via Pexels/ Ron Lach

If you’re a stay-at-home parent, a freelancer, or simply in a profession that allows you to be at your house or apartment frequently, then these people-loving pups are a safe option for you. The smart, social, and active doggos in the following list would make a fun and vibrant addition to your day-to-day.

1. Labrador Retrievers: Unlike their golden counterparts, labs — the most popular dogs for families — require pretty constant companionship. Because of how social they are, they tend to struggle when left alone too long.

2.Border Collies: Border Collies are a brainy bunch. Their intelligence level means they become quickly bored without much mental stimulation. They are also high energy, so expect to reach for that leash pretty frequently.

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: As companion dogs, this breed lives up to their purpose. They enjoy spending lots of time with people and even experience anxiety when they’re apart from their owners too long.

4. Jack Russell Terriers: This dog needs a human that’s as much of a bundle of energy as they are. To be happiest, this breed needs a lot of entertainment and physical activity. In fact, they often get into trouble without their owner around and keeping them engaged.

5. German Shepherds: This beautiful, noble pet is really a baby at heart. German Shepherds become distressed when left alone and bored. Because they were bred to be working dogs, they thrive in mentally and physically stimulating environments.

6. Australian Shepherds: If not entertained, these dogs will, quite literally, be left running circles around you. Due to their herding background, they need an owner who will enable them to be active and engaged.

7. Bichon Frises: Bichon Frises do best when they have their human buddy around. Like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, this pint-sized companion dog can become easily bored and even distressed in their owner’s absence.

8. Vizslas: Vizslas were bred to be hunters, an activity they did with humans, so, unsurprisingly, to this day, they love hanging out with humans. These short-haired sweeties experience anxiety when away from their people.

9. German Shorthaired Pointers: Equally as active and social as Vizslas, this hunting pooch has a similar response to being alone too. If they’re not getting their paws dirty, they’re known to become bored and/or anxious.

10. Toy Poodle: This teeny tiny pet is as gentle and loving as you’d expect. Because of this, they crave attention and affection from their human families. And without it, they can suffer significant separation anxiety.

RELATED: Discover the Doggo For You Based on Your Zodiac Sign

(Lead image via Pexels/cottonbro studio)

This post has been updated.

For the longest time I was afraid of using any heat on my hair, worried that I would destroy or damage the hair I took so long to grow out. That all changed after I discovered heat protectants that could not only protect it from really harsh heat, but also help with a list of other hair concerns I have like:

  • Growth
  • Shine
  • Volume
  • Texture
Since that discovery, I've learned how important heat protectant is to use, otherwise you'll end up frying your hair and dealing with damage, broken ends, and even hair loss. With that being said, there's hope for you if you've already been using heat without a protectant.
I talked to celebrity hairstylist and hair expert, Clyde Haygood, to hear his thoughts on if a heat protectant is really necessary, so keep reading to see all of our picks and his thoughts on the topic!

Does heat protectant actually work?

Kobe Cheung

If you want to maintain hair health and length, then heat protectant should always be a "must" when using hot tools. Celebrity hairstylist, Clyde Haygood told me that it not only works, but is essential for hair health. He stresses that using heat protectant spray is THE most important thing you can do to keep hair at its healthiest when blow drying and using other hot styling tools.

Outside of maintaining length and minimizing damage, heat protectant is also very helpful in preserving dyed and colored hair! If you continue to use heat without protectant, then you will not only damage your hair quality but also the color! So, make sure to shop these well-loved picks, and start using them asap!

Djerf Avenue

Djerf Avenue Styling Mist

This spray has to be one of my all-time favorite beauty products for so many reasons!

  • It has incredible ingredients like Aloe Vera, Sunflower Seed Extract, and Panthenol.
  • It has the best scent I've ever encountered in a beauty product.
  • It has heat protectant in it.
  • It give my flat hair so much texture and volume.

Djerf Avenue Beauty will be on everyone's buy list soon enough, because it is going to take off!


Kenra Blow Dry Spray

I love a good dual-purpose product, and this one boasts over 20,000 reviews on Amazon, so I'd say it's definitely a top contender for me. It acts as a blow dry spray, which helps to hold your curls or your blowout more firmly, while also protecting your hair from heat or heated tools. It dries quickly, gives volumes, and protects your hair from heat. What else could you possibly need?!


Chi 44 Guard Heat Protectant

This is a great option if you're looking for something a little more on the affordable side of heat protectants. I've used this spray many times in the past couple years, and it's plenty thorough for its price point! It has a very strong thermal protection guard that will protect your hair from even the harshest heat!


ColorWow Dreamcoat Spray

I have this spray, and it has to be one of my favorites I've ever used. I've never had a product keep my curls in tact for so long, while also protecting my hair and giving immense volume. This is my secret weapon to get bouncy curls — I will be a ride or die Colorwow fan forever!


L'oreal Paris Heat Protectant

This heat protectant is only $7 —talk about a bargain! Not only is it affordable, but it also has over 73,000 reviews on Amazon, so it's a pretty popular product. I've used this product a couple times and honestly really liked it! I tend to go for products that give me a little more volume, but this one is great if you're looking for something for straighter hair or solely a heat protectant!


Redken Quick Blowout Spray

Looking for a lightweight spray that doesn't make your hair feel heavy, or like it has too much product in it? I've got just the thing! I love this one, because it protects from heat, but it's also fast-drying so you can immediately go in with styling. It also gives your hair a stunning shine while it's at it.


OGX Heat Protectant

This heat protectant will give you the silkiest, smoothest hair while also protecting it from heat. At $8, it's an incredible deal for a heat protectant spray. I love all of OGX's products, including their masks, so I'd highly recommend anything from this brand!


It's a 10 Thermal Spray

Did you know you could find a heat protectant that also works as a leave-in conditioner? This product does both! It works to protect your hair from hot tools, as well as being a leave in conditioner product when you blow dry your hair. I've been using this product since I first started using heat on my hair. It's been a favorite product of mine for years!


Ouai Leave In Conditioner Spray

Another multi-use product with a leave-in conditioner in it! Ouai is a really good brand to look into for hair health. I started with one of their oils, and immediately became obsessed. Now, I'm slowly making through their whole product list (I know, I have a problem). This spray is a 10/10 for me.


Gisou Spray

Gisou is one of my favorites best-kept secrets for the most shiny, healthy-looking hair. I use so many of their products, and have for years! This spray smells amazing, but also helps to: detangle, protect from heat, and give shine. It has honey, so it's great for moisturizing your hair in a natural way, too!

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Djerf Avenue

Have you ever wondered why certain products suddenly become the talk of the town? J From innovative tech gadgets and life-enhancing home goods to the latest in fashion and wellness, we explore the features, benefits, and reasons behind their massive popularity. Get ready to discover why these products are on everyone’s wishlist and why perhaps they should be on yours too.

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

Correct Your Dark Spots With This Fantastic Spot-Correcting Serum


This fantastic spot-correcting serum is a must-have! It's a great way to even out your skin tone and leave your face looking younger and brighter than ever before. This Korean skincare product is a TikToker favorite that's been all over the app.

See it on Amazon

Add Some Radiance to Your Face With These Drops


This Korean skincare essential is designed to hydrate your skin and add radiance. What does that mean? It means that your skin has a bit of a glow. Your healthy skin will look youthful and hydrated every time you use these fantastic drops!

See it on Amazon

This Cushion Foundation Blurs Your Imperfections


A satin finish is just one product away with this cushion foundation that has the internet in a frenzy. This foundation is infused with an anti-aging serum, bringing a radiant finish to your skin with each use. It's easy to apply and creates a timeless look that everyone will love.

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This Eyeshadow Palette Is Highly Pigmented


Show off the iconic eyeshadow looks from the Bridgerton ballrooms with this eyeshadow palette that has ten different shades to choose from. Whether you're looking for a sleek matte look or something more shimmery, this palette brings bold and pigmented shades that will not disappoint.

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This Setting Powder Can Resist Sweat


Say goodbye to summer sweats and oily skin when you have this setting powder that keeps your look in place until the end of the day. This waterproof powder provides your skin with up to twenty-four hours of protection while simultaneously blurring your imperfections.

See it on Amazon

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Ziploc is a household name, and they've seamlessly made their way into travel. These reusable travel bags have the same ziploc design but are thicker and stronger than traditional bags. They're discreet but easily seen through, making them great for makeup, toiletries, and even electronics.

See it on Amazon

A Flat Extension Cord to Charge All of Your Devices


Let's face it: vacation rentals normally don't have the best and most convenient outlets. That's why this flat extension cord is a great item to have on hand while traveling. It features three regular outlets as well as two USB and two fast-charging USB-C ports, allowing you to charge all of your devices with a single plug. It provides you with more flexibility in using your cords and offers additional plugs for convenience.

See it on Amazon

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Infuse your lips with a hydrating and luminous experience when you upgrade to this Lip Set. With six dewy colors to choose from, each shade promises to leave a long-lasting tint on your pout. The shimmering finish and velvet to matte options will leave a lasting glow.

See it on Amazon

Dry Texture Spray for Hair


Get natural-looking summer hairstyles with this Sea Salt Spray. This dry spray adds volume and enhances your hair's natural waves to create an effortless beachy vibe. Perfect for a laid-back look that's easy to style, from messy buns to casual hairstyles.

See it on Amazon

Drinking Water Is A Lot More Fun With These Round Ice Cubes


Experience the fun and versatility of round ice cubes with this ice cube tray set. Perfect for water, coffee, cocktails, and more, these round cubes add a touch of excitement to your drinks. With multiple trays included, you can create regular cubes or get creative with fruit-infused options, all thanks to this TikTok-viral product.

See it on Amazon

A Freestanding Cupboard That Serves as a Mini-Pantry


The Storage Cabinet is 47"H, about the height of an average 6 to 8-year-old, just to help you visualize it. You can even view the Cupboard in your room using the Amazon Shopping App and your phone's camera. The Pantry Storage features a multi-level shelf design for flexible storage options.

See it on Amazon

This After Sun Lotion Will Soothe Your Skin


If your skin is like touchpaper in the sun, make sure you keep it hydrated with this After Sun lotion. It's packed with aloe and coconut oil to nourish and soothe the skin.

See it on Amazon

You Deserve a Better Towel


It's the small things in life that really make a difference. These Turkish Towels are the #1 Best Seller in bath towels because of their extra-large size and shockingly absorbent material. Not only that, but the attractive design is one you'll want to put on display!

See it on Amazon

The Rotating Bookshelf of my Childhood Dreams


Wow! There's nothing I don't love about Heehee's Book Display Case. It looks like a castle, and I'm sure my Barbies would have found a home there with my Nancy Drew books. The Bookcase is made of high-quality pine which has been hand-sanded, ensuring smooth edges. The Bookshelf can be painted, but I think it's dreamy just the way it is.

See it on Amazon

The TikTok Famous Hand Sanitizer


TikTok is a taste maker, there's no question about that, and that extends to even the smallest of things like the Touchland hand sanitizers. We've seen them all over TikTok and we love them! Be sure that you're keeping an eye out on a discount on a multi-pack of these sanitizers this coming Prime Day.

See it on Amazon

This Clutch Purse Looks So Bougie


Upgrade your accessory game to this clutch purse that has been a jaw-dropping piece that TikTokers can't stop talking about. The moon-shaped design and eye-catching color options make this bag a statement piece in everyone's collection this Spring.

See it on Amazon

Lululemon's Everywhere Belt Bag: The Millennial Must-Have


Gals on the go are flocking to this everywhere belt bag by Lululemon for its stylish versatility. This popular pick amongst Millenials can be worn in multiple ways for a personalized look in transit. Get it now and join the trend.

See it on Amazon

Book Vase


Check out this distinctive decor showpiece. This Puransen Book Vase for Flowers presents a unique and imaginative approach to showcase your favorite blooms, featuring an acrylic clear book design that is an impressive decorative highlight for your home, bedroom, or office.

See it on Amazon

This Cordless Heating Pad


This heating pad has three different massage settings and three heat settings, allowing you to adapt it to your preference. It's ideal for menstrual pain and customers claim it's one of the most worthwhile investments.

See it on Amazon

Buy a Consciously Crafted Bag


When you buy a bag from The Sak, you are supporting sustainability standards. The lining is made out of recycled bottles, and the bag itself is made out of plastic recovered from the ocean. Plus, it looks really cute for summertime.

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33K Positive Ratings Say This Is The Best Seamless Bra


We can go on and on, but the reviews say it all. Features include hook and eye closure and side-smoothing panels for seamless comfort. This bra is machine washable with wide, comfortable straps designed to fit your shape with all-over stretch fabric.

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Body Spray Lotion


Try this Eight Saints Island Time Body Spray Lotion if you want to smell like summer. This organic body lotion is in spray form, enriched with shea butter and coconut oil, that provides quick and easy 360-degree coverage, leaving skin moisturized and refreshed with a tropical scent.

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Your Teeth Will Look Whiter After One Use


That's no easy feat! But the folks over at Hismile are delivering with this incredible color corrector. It's a non-invasive tooth scrub that's formulated to treat the yellow color you're dealing with. Scrub it on just like normal toothpaste and be amazed at how much whiter and brighter your smile looks - even after one use!

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This Summery Set Is So Fun to Wear


The coolest thing about this set is that it's a fraction of the cost of the striped shorts sets floating around the internet, but it's still high-quality and so comfy. Whether you plan to wear it to the beach or just as a cozy set for around the house, you're going to reach for this set all the time this summer.

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This Dress Is So Romantic


Romance is always something you want your clothes to give, and this cottagecore-style dress is about as romantic as you could hope a dress would be. It looks like a sort of modern take on the style of dress Elizabeth Bennet might have worn as she lay beside a river somewhere and read beautiful poetry.

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Add a Twist With This Top


Tube tops aren't for everyone, but they're making their way back around in the ever-changing zeitgeist of style, and those blessed with a chest made for tube tops can rejoice! This top with a twist is designed to stay in place (no tugging or pulling necessary) and keep you covered while baring your shoulders to avoid those tan lines.

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These Fluttering Sleeves Are Too Good


The more movement a dress has, the more interesting it looks, and the more interesting a dress looks, the less work you have to do to style it and get ready for the day. Luckily, this swing dress has plenty of movement and, therefore, interest, thanks to the swirly skirt and the fun, fluttery tank top sleeves.

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These Linen-Blend Pants Feel Like PJs


The fact that pajama-like pants are trendy is a win for us all. These drawstring linen-blend pants work great for lounging around the house or dressing up for dinner. Once you get a pair of these comfy pants, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.

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A Lip Tint for Sipping on Summer Beverages


Tint your lips in one simple step with this lip tint, which the internet is in a frenzy about. This weightless and moisturizing product keeps your lips looking vibrant and fresh, ensuring you can drink your favorite summer sips without any transfer or smudging.

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This Liquid Lipstick Won't Budge


Feel prepared for every opportunity summer throws your way thanks to this liquid lipstick, which has up to sixteen hours of wear. This lip product creates a vibrant look on your lips and is finished off with a matte cover that ensures your look is both kiss-proof and smudge-proof.

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Try the Perfect Shower Dress


This dress is perfect for baby showers, bridal showers, or other time spent with the girls. It comes in over 15 colors and hits right above the knee. It's super simple to wear, just steam it before heading to your event.

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A Rainbow Laundry Basket for a Bright Addition to Your Room


Keep your dirty clothes off the floor and in the rainbow laundry basket that gives vibrancy to the spot you place it in. It is circular so fits wonderfully in corners, using the space to its best.

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This Wrap Dress Is a Little Sultry


If you're planning a summer date night, you should consider styling this gorgeous wrap dress. It's the sort of thing that instantly makes you feel put-together and fancy, even if you've picked it specifically because it's low maintenance. There's nothing quite like being fashionable and flirty while also staying comfy.

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Versace Sunglasses for a Stylish Summer


These Versace sunglasses are the summer accessory that you’ll reach for every day. They’re such a fashion staple, complementing every outfit you cook up, but they’re also essentials for protecting your eyes against light and harmful UV rays.

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This Game-Changing Powerful Hair Dryer


This Powerful Hair Dryer lessens heat damage by regulating temperatures. It also can be used as an oval brush for blowouts or a curler for extra styling needs.

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You'll Obsess Over This One-Step Corrector


You'll wonder how you ever lived without this one-step corrector after just one use. This blend of green, peach and lavendar formulas work together to prime, brighten, and moisturize skin while counteracting everything from redness to dark circles. As this five-star reviewer shares, it's so low maintenance that you can use it on its own: "When I use this product I don’t even need to wear foundation."

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This Water Flosser Steps Up Your Dental Care


If you’re too lazy to floss, the water flosser makes the task so effortless and efficient that anyone can do it in a flash. It’s also more effective than manual flossing at removing plaque and improving gum health, and its three pressure settings allow you to customize your cleaning according to your needs.

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Get Wrinkle-Free Clothes With the Turbo Extreme Steam 2-in-1 Professional Handheld Steamer


Smooth out creases with the Phillips handheld steamer, currently on special for Prime Day. Ideal for refreshing linen garments directly from your closet, this steamer ensures your outfits remain crisp and perfect.

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RESTCLOUD Neck & Shoulder Relaxer for Instant Relief


RESTCLOUD Neck & Shoulder Relaxer helps relieve neck pain in just 10 minutes! The neck stretcher helps relieve neck pain and pressure and restore the natural neck curve. Don't miss out on this great deal on Prime Day!

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Give Your Hair an Extra Lift With COLOR WOW Raise the Root Thicken + Lift Spray


Listen, your thin and flat hair doesn't have to be that way. Get a little extra oomph with this raise the root thicken and lift spray. Apply this spray directly to your roots to get an extra lift and serious volume that will last you all day long. Use it before you style your hair or just to bump up your natural locks.

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This Moisturizing Cream That Tightens Your Skin and Smells Incredible


The Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream is formulated with ingredients that not only hydrate your skin but also tighten and smooth it out. It absorbs super quickly into the skin and smells amazing, with notes of pistachio, salted caramel, and vanilla.

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Organize Your Space Stylishly With This Modular Cube Bookshelf


Unlock your space's potential with the cube bookshelf. Modern, modular, and endlessly versatile, it provides a stylish solution to organize and showcase your treasures. From books to decor, let your creativity stack up in sleek cubes that redefine home organization.

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Find Relief With This Llama


Various sensory toys are super helpful for stress relief and anxiety, which is why we love this calming llama. You can hold it, squeeze it, or play with it when you are feeling stressed, which will help you release that anxiety.

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Try a Classic White Shirt


There's nothing more classic and coastal than a button-down linen shirt. You can wear it over a tank or even over a swimsuit. It looks super cute tied up at the bottom. Pair it with linen pants or jeans.

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Brighten Your Complexion With Sunday Riley Vitamin C Cream Face Moisturizer


This Vitamin C Face Cream uses allantoin, lutein, and sodium hyaluronate to hydrate and brighten the skin. Plus, it creates a smooth and radiant base for makeup.

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Nesting Mixing Bowls


These Wildone Mixing Bowls with Airtight Lids are a sleek-looking matching set for all your mixing and prepping needs, featuring 22 stainless steel mixing bowls in varying sizes, three grater attachments, measurement marks, and non-slip bottoms. With airtight lids included, this set is perfect for storing and transporting your creations.

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These Bamboo Sheets are Cool & Breathable


The perfect sleep starts with the sheets. The Bamboo Sheets are highly recommended across social media due to their silky soft feel, unlike anything you've ever experienced. Because bamboo is naturally moisture-wicking, these sheets will help regulate heat, making for a breathable, excellent surface to sleep on, even on the hottest nights.

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This Dutch Oven Will Have You Making Soup Every Day


Cold weather always means at least one exciting thing: It's soup season! If you're making more and more yummy dinners at home, why not treat yourself to this lovely purple cast iron dutch oven while you're at it? The Lodge Dutch Oven is a classic kitchen essential that makes all your favorites from soup to pasta and beyond. It'll definitely make cooking at home this winter feel even cozier.

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Your Lungs Will Thank You For This Air Purifier


The quality of your home will only improve after using this Air Purifier. It offers a four stage filtration system that reduces up to 99 percent of the particles in the air including pollen, allergens and pollutants.

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This Diffuser That Looks Oh-So Stylish


Most diffusers look plain or boring, whereas this one has a colorful exterior that's sure to complement any room in your home. The water reservoir is large enough to provide up to 20 hours of mist — and you even have the choice of four different colors: green, indigo, light blue, or pink.

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This Facial Exfoliant is An Amazon Top Seller


With thousands of raving reviewers, it's hard to argue with the fact that this Facial Exfoliant is one of the hottest beauty products Amazon has to offer. This skin care product unclogs and diminishes enlarged pores, exfoliates dead skin cells, smooths wrinkles, and brightens and even out your skin tone. It's gentle enough for daily use on all skin types and specifically designed to combat redness, wrinkles, aging, enlarged pores, and blackheads.

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That Dewy Summer Skin


Make sure you are taking care of your skin this summer with the Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream. This super-rich moisturizing lotion works to plump and protect the barrier of dry and combination skin for a healthy glow all summer long.

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This Pore Mask For Unrecognizable Skin


Formulated to refine and refresh your pores, this Pore Mask leaves your skin free from impurities with one quick use. Use this mask weekly to transform your skin into a glass-like finish that will become a complexion that you will love.

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So Comfy You'll Forget They're On


Our favorite palazzo pants have never gone out of style and this lightweight, stretchy fabric makes it the perfect pair to wear as the weather starts to warm up. They're so comfy you'll forget you're even wearing pants!

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This Lip Balm Responds to Your Skin's pH


pH makeup like this great lip balm is all the rage right now! The lip balm reacts to your skin's pH to turn just the right shade for your lips. That means no more hunting for that elusive color that just perfectly matches your skin tone. We all waste too much time on that hunt, and for no reason now that this lip balm exists.

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This 3-in-1 Fan Is Perfect for the Next Summer Heat Wave


Stay cool and stylish this summer with the viral 3-in-1 pocket fan. Not only does it provide a refreshing breeze, but it also doubles as a flashlight and power bank. With its adorable design and range of colors, it's a must-have for TikTok enthusiasts.

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These Sneakers Are the Perfect Blend


If you're looking for the comfort of running shoes but the style of casual sneakers, these sneakers offer a classic aesthetic that you will fall in love with. Designed with a lightweight sole and flexible leather, these sneakers are perfect for everyday wear, providing a stylish and comfortable experience with every step.

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The French Fry Cutter That Slices Them Into Even Pieces


Potatoes, carrots, zucchini — this French fry cutter can slice all of them into delicious fries with a simple press on the handle. The best part? It's made from high-quality stainless steel that's unlikely to rust over time, and cuts the fries into even pieces so that they all cook at the same rate.

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It's Time for an Upgrade


Your kitchen needs a little upgrade, and an awesome way to get that upgrade is actually super simple - just level up your flatware. This matte black flatware set is a must-have if you want something that feels a little more adult, but doesn't feel like the boring and normal metal everyone has.

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This Pizza Oven For An Italian Adventure


Transform outdoor cooking experiences with this Pizza Oven that is a culinary gem that promises authentic flavors and endless fun. Designed for portability, it's constructed from durable stainless steel and is perfect for backyard gatherings or outdoor adventures. With its ability to create pizzas, the oven doubles as a versatile outdoor kitchen.

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This Sweater Brings Color to the Mix


Transitional pieces are all about bringing a little bit of both seasons to the look. That's why this sweater is a must-have for the summer and fall. The long-sleeve fit and knit fabric ensure comfort, while the unique pattern and style still bring that summer pop of color.

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