Tinder will never be the same.
Amy Schumer Hijacks a Stranger’s Tinder Account and Sets Things On FIYAH (er, Fire)

There are plenty of things we can learn from Amy Schumer, like how to be hilariously awesome and an amazing bestie to pal Jennifer Lawrence. And now that she’s nabbed herself an adorable boyfriend, Amy apparently wants to help others do the same. But simply setting up blind dates is too boring for Amy. So when she hijacked a Vanity Fair staffer’s Tinder account to play matchmaker, things got seriously silly.
Andrea Cutler hands over her phone, then looks on while Amy gets the hang of things, swiping left and right while expounding her dating dos and don’ts. Among them: Never date a comedian, consider that guitar in a guy’s Tinder profile a red flag and don’t post selfies from the gym.
When she comes across a firefighter with a kitten in his pic, Amy is right-swipin’ faster than flames spreading at a tissue paper factory. “How about lightin’ my fiya?” Amy messages on behalf of the laughing staffer (who is such a good sport). It may not seem like the slickest line and Amy agrees. “Don’t worry, you’ll never hear from him,” she says.
But before the swiping is done, he messages back, “Sure, I’d love to!” OMGeeeee! Although we thought he’d end the convo after Amy answered his “How are you?” question with, “Bloated and hemorrhaging.” Poor dude was probably totally shocked and lost. But the persistent fella didn’t give up yet, answering with a helpful, “I’m also a nurse if you need.” But when Amy started asking him about green card help and day drinking, the potential match was outta there.
On to the next! If there was ever any doubt that animals make you looker cuter, Amy moved on from the kitten pic to a guy with a pup. “That’s a cute dog! Do you want to meet that dog?!” she asks Andrea. Amy gets right in there with hip-hop flavor asking, “What’s the dilly wit yo dog? Name? Breed?” Important info to know before you decide whether the match is to your liking.
In the end, there were a few matches, a few messages and so many laughs! Check out the full video below.
Have you ever let a friend take over your Tinder account? WOULD YOU?! Tweet us @britandco!
(h/t Vanity Fair, photo via Mike Windle/Getty)