It’s gin. It’s anti-aging. It’s Anti-AGin!
‘Anti-Aging’ Gin Is the WTF Drink Invention You’ll Secretly Want to Try

If you’re keen on keeping your skin wrinkle-free, there are plenty of skincare options to perfect your moisturizing and sun-avoiding techniques. Or, if eating fatty-fat doesn’t weird you out, you can always try collagen candies that claim to help smooth skin. But if that’s not quite to your tastes, now there’s something a little… different: anti-aging gin. Or, rather, Anti-AGin.
Created for UK’s Warner Leisure Hotels, their blog tells us, “Anti-aGin…has been distilled with pure collagen as well as a mix of anti-ageing botanicals to help people look younger whilst having fun.”
Nicky-Hambleton Jones, host of the TV show 10 Years Younger, consulted on the product, saying, “For those that want to do everything they can to stay young, but don’t want to give up alcohol, this is surely the next best thing. By including some classic botanicals known for their rejuvenating properties and combining it with drinkable collagen, it’s the alcoholic equivalent of a facial. I’ll drink to that!”
Granted, you could just sacrifice your cocktails, but as Friday night creeps towards us, that doesn’t seem like such a fun option. So cheers, ladies, and remember to love the skin you’re in, beautiful wrinkles and all!
Does Ant-AGin seem like your kind of drink… or is it just too WTF? Tweet us @BritandCo!
(h/t Mashable, photo via Warner Leisure Hotels + Getty)