Single and ready to swear off Valentine’s Day? We feel you. And even though we’re totally guilty of spreading the we’re-way-cute-and-we-know-it vibe among those who do have a S.O. for the holiday, we’ve also supplied plenty of ways to celebrate the 14th with your gals and your pals—that means no +1 in sight. Delight in that sentiment with these 15 anti-Valentine’s Day cards that are hilariously irreverent and drives the point home that you’re so totally over love.
Haters Gonna Hate: 15 Anti-Valentine’s Day Cards

Single and ready to swear off Valentine’s Day? We feel you. And even though we’re totally guilty of spreading the we’re-way-cute-and-we-know-it vibe among those who do have a S.O. for the holiday, we’ve also supplied plenty of ways to celebrate the 14th with your gals and your pals—that means no +1 in sight. Delight in that sentiment with these 15 anti-Valentine’s Day cards that are hilariously irreverent and drives the point home that you’re so totally over love.
1. Love Sucks ($4): Simply put, elegantly illustrated.
2. Fess Up ($4): B*itch, now you stole my chocolate AND killed my vibe.
3. The Worst ($4): Even worse than a case of the Mondays? Sheesh!
4. All That Crap ($4): Oh, you shouldn’t have. Really.
5. Hey Jealousy ($4): Is it just us or do you detect irony in this exclamation?
6. Crab Apple ($4): This card makes sure that you’re the crabbiest well-wisher around.
7. Deal? ($4): We have to say, not a bad compromise at all! ;)
8. #sorrynotsorry ($4): Tell it like it is, why don’t you?
9. Most ($5): To quote our favorite movie, “That was way harsh, Tai.”
10. Love Bites ($3): Finally, you can get a “love bites” card without committing to team Edward or Jacob. That’s not saying we’re anti all pop culture valentines though…
11. Samsies ($5): A card made especially for the April Ludgates of the world.
12. Haters ($3): It’s a universal truth.
13. Singles Awareness ($4): Raise your hand if this valentine paints an eerily accurate portrait of the day to come.
14. Grumpy Cat Says Set of 3 ($9): Roses are Red/ Violets are horrible. We’re pretty sure that’s how that rhyme goes.
15. Unlike ($2): An epic “unlike.”
Do you give anti-Valentines? Are there any good ones out there we missed? Tell us in the comments below.