The dream: a place for everything and everything in its place.
16 Inspiring Ideas for Organizing Your Craft Room

With so many parties and showers and creative ideas up in here, we’re starting to feel the need to get our DIY gear organized. After all, not every hobby comes in a handy little Brit Kit. Most of the time we’re dealing with more needles, bobbins, skeins, brushes, pliers and papers than we know what to do with! If you’re in the same boat, join us in reorganizing your craft area, whether it’s a closet, a corner or a full-blown studio.
1. Pegboards: Pegboards are essential in a craft room because they’re so customizable and modifiable. Use a mix of hooks, shelves and baskets to get those bits and bobs off your table but still within reach. (via Fabric Paper Glue)
2. Contrasting Colors: We’ve seen A LOT of rainbow-inspired craft rooms, which of course we love, but this monochrome room really stands out. All the black and white furniture and decor contrasts with the vibrant tissue paper and paints, making those crafting materials so much easier to find. (via Martha Stewart)
3. Industrial Details: Clipboards, lockers and the ubiquitous pegboard give this workspace the feel of a professional (and über-organized) craft studio. It’s the perfect industrial aesthetic if your hobbies include woodworking or leatherworking.
4. Craft Carts: I spy with my little eye… two IKEA utility carts being used to corral the many, many supplies in this busy art studio. Go check out the rest of this room tour to get lots of creative ideas, plus a closer look at those humungous storage shelves. (via Kelly Rae Roberts)
5. Kitchen Studio: If you don’t have a spare upstairs room for all of your creative projects, a converted basement may be just the ticket. Bonus points if yours is fitted with a kitchen, because alllll those cupboards are prime art supply storage. (via Natalme)
6. Ribbon Wall: If you got it, flaunt it — spools of ribbon, that is. Fun fact: This display was made out of a repurposed bottle drying rack. (via Oh Happy Day)
7. Baskets Galore: Baskets and bins are the easiest way to hide clutter, but why hide the baskets themselves? Go all out and make them the focal point of the room with a large open storage unit. (via Natty Michelle)
8. Minimal Storage Displays: Keep just the essentials in sight by storing them on towel bars with S-hooks, or stashing your paints inside a clear garden terrarium. As for the rest, shut it behind cabinet doors to keep your space as clean and minimal as possible. (via I Heart Organizing)
9. Colored Pencil Wall Art: Making art out of the art supplies themselves? We’re feeling inspired by this craft space. That’s 500 colored pencils you’re gawking at. Although we hope you’re not TOO much of a perfectionist, because you’re gonna have to sharpen those babies at some point. (via Jeannie Jeannie)
10. Small Space Solutions: We don’t all have sprawling spaces to devote an entire room to crafting, so some of us need to get extra creative. This blogger turned an old pantry into her workspace by using a mix of shelves, wooden slats and tiered baskets to create as much added storage as possible. (via Tried and True)
11. Ceiling Space: Speaking of small space solutions, do you need all the wall space you can get for storage? Look up! Just move your inspiration board (or finished projects, for artists) to the ceiling. It’s an ideal solution in attic rooms. (via Design*Sponge)
12. Fabric Wall: For seamstresses and budding fashion designers, one of the biggest pains is figuring out what to do with all those fabric swatches. This simple IKEA hack involves nothing more than a curtain rod and curtain clips. (via Craftaholics Anonymous)
13. Hanging Inspiration Board: Here’s another way to turn a couple of curtain rods into multifunctional storage spaces. S-hooks can hold all of your tools, plus clipboards of your sketches and inspiration clippings. (via The Happy Heathen)
14. Rustic Cubbies: Turns out you don’t have to build a brand new (and inevitably complicated) IKEA shelving unit just to unclutter your crafts — people have been organized for quite some time. Antiquing fans, go forth and hunt down an old cubby system for the ultimate handmade room. (via Mamie Jane’s)
15. Jewelry Findings Within Arm’s Reach: Jewelry making is one of those hobbies that comes with a TON of little, easy-to-lose pieces. Acrylic canisters are the best for rounding up all those findings, while DIY wall hangers are the best for displaying works in progress. (via Refinery29)
16. Crafts on Display: Aside from a place to make, your craft room can be a place to show off as well. You may want to keep the odds and ends out of sight, so drawers are a must, but get those finished works of art on display! (via Miss Moss)
Do you have any tips for organizing your arts and crafts supplies? Spill your organizational secrets in the comments!