Check out the ancient method these leading ladies are using to feel their very best.
The Latest Celebrity Health Craze Is Actually 5,000 Years Old

What’s the newest celebrity trend? Ayurveda! Well, to be fair, we can’t exactly call it new. It’s been around for about 5,000 years and is a Hindu traditional medicine. Hardcore yogis have been practicing it for a long time, but since a lot of us learned about it courtesy of Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow, it’s new to us. If it’s new to you as well, here’s a crash course in the very, very basics.
Vata: Translates to “wind” and represents a more energetic and sometimes anxious type of person. Think of someone who always needs to stay busy and can jump from topic to topic without breaking a sweat. Physically this dosha is more delicate and statuesque. To us, this dosha screams Gwyneth — delicate, energetic, always busy. Yup, that’s a Gwyneth. (Photo via Theo Wargo / Getty Images)
Pitta: The word itself means “fire” and is characterized by a more intellectual and motivated type. Physically this type is strong, athletic and energetic, but focused. We think Jennifer Aniston on this one, because just look at those shoulders. (Photo via Jag Gundu / Getty Images)
Kapha: Kapha means “earth.” This dosha is the laid back, warm and the good listener of the bunch. Physically they tend to have beautiful clear skin, bright eyes and a more hourglass shape. Is it just us, or does Jennifer Lopez seem like she might be a really good listener? We can’t forget her flawless skin either. (Photo via Pascal Le Segretain / Getty)
If you want to figure out your type and what your dietary, physical, spiritual and even sleep needs are, you can find out your dosha with this detailed quiz.
First impression: What do you think your dosha is?
(h/t Nylon)