Your kid could share a name with someone’s furry BFF.
20 Pet Names That Make Adorable Baby Names

When it comings to picking a creative baby name, you’re probably trying to avoid giving your kid the same baby name as everyone else in his or her class. So how do you find the perfect balance? The Denver Post recently published an article discussing the large number of dog and cat names that overlap with human names. This got us thinking: Maybe we should look beyond baby books when searching for the perfect baby name… like say, on a pet website. As weird as it sounds, this just might be the perfect place to find inspo for your tiny tot.
According to’s April survey, dogs are more than twice as likely to have human names as cats. And get this: 22 percent of dogs have human names, and 18 of the top 20 names overall were among the 50 most popular baby names for 2014. Only 10 percent of cats have human names, but they’re pretty cute. Scroll on to read the top dog and cat names from 2014 that can double as clever baby monikers.
Dog names That Could be Baby Names
1. Max
2. Cooper
3. Jake
4. Toby
5. Tucker
6. Lola
7. Sophie
8. Bailey
9. Maggie
10. Sadie
Cat Names That Could Be Baby Names
1. Charlie
2. Jasper
3. Dexter
4. Simon
5. Milo
6. Maddie
7. Emma
8. Bella
9. Lily
10. Coco
What do you think of these baby and pet names? Let us know in the comments.