You do WHAT for a living?!
The 6 Weirdest Professions from the Next Season of the Bachelorette

The Bachelorette JoJo Fletcher’s 26 bachelor candidates were announced today to much fanfare, and while we’re attempting to reserve any and all judgment until the show airs (May 23 on ABC) and their true personalities are revealed, some of their… professions? Are just downright bizarre. We guess we shouldn’t be too surprised — there is, after all, plenty about being a Bachelor/Bachelorette contestant that you wouldn’t expect. Nevertheless, we’ve highlighted the wackiest gigs her would-be suitors claim to excel at for your reading pleasure below!
1. Evan: Erectile Dysfunction Specialist: We’re not exactly sure how one finds their way into this profession, but this definitely takes the cake as the most bizarre profession on our list. And that’s not where the peculiarity ends: Evan’s deal breakers include “girls with chipped nails, girls who talk too much and girls with serious food allergies.” Oh. And if he could be one person for a day? He’d pick Trump “just to see what the heck is in that guy’s head.” Alrighty, then!
2. Brandon: Professional Hipster: What, pray tell, does a “professional hipster” do? And without a single visible tattoo, no less? If he’s as big of a hopeless romantic as he claims to be, “I see love everywhere. I want to experience love from the inside out. I want The Notebook type of experience.” We’ll let it slide.
3. James S: Bachelor Superfan: 27-year-old James S. seems nice enough — his longest relationship lasted seven years, he says he’s been intimate with very few women (“I think sex is very important and not to be taken lightly,”) and he doesn’t believe a woman should touch “the door and bill” on a date. Ah, yes: and did we mention The Notebook is listed amongst his favorite movies too? That being said, we’ve gotta’ say, we’re a tad skeptical of any one that lists “Bachelor superfan” as their occupation. Is he here as an ultimate fanboy, or for JoJo?
4. James F.: Boxing Club Owner: While this is actually a pretty kickass career, it falls on the list because, well, we can’t say that we’ve ever met a boxing club owner. James F. says he “left the safety of the chiropractic world” in order to “pursue his fitness and acting dreams.” Good for you for following your heart, James F. — for JoJo’s sake, let’s hope you do the same when it comes to relationships!
5. Robert “Robby”: Former Competitive Swimmer: The 27-year-old says he has spent “more of his life in a speedo than in everyday clothes,” though he “loves more than anything to dress up.” JoJo seemed fairly comfortable in the water last season herself (comfortable enough to say — gasp! — I love you), so maybe this is a match made in Heaven?
6. Jordan: Former Pro Quarterback: Just 27, Jordan has already retired from football (he played for Vanderbilt for two years before joining the NFL as a member of the Miami Dolphins, the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers), but though it may not have been his calling in life, it was for someone close to him — his brother, AARON RODGERS. That’s riggggghhht! Jojo’s suitor (and food-critic hopeful) is related to one of the Packers’ finest. It’s gonna be an interesting season!
What do you think of these unconventional jobs? Let us know over @BritandCo!
(Photos by Craig Sjodin/ABC)