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This App Is like Instagram for Dogs

There you are, scrolling through your Insta feed, shopping a bit, peeping a bit of food porn, when you come across your friend’s adorable puppy post and emit an uncontrollable “Awwwwww.” We feel you. Dog posts are the best kinds of posts, and now you can see them all in one simple feed, thanks to BarkFeed. From the creators of Bark Box, it’s one comprehensive place to feel all the feels. We’re sharing a few of our faves pics that we can’t help but love.
This pooch is throwing some serious side eye — perhaps he’s not into his new bandana? We like, though!
“‘Sup, hombre.” If these are your dogs, we need to be friends with you immediately.
What’s cuter than dogs? Wet dogs! This cutie looks so pathetic. Don’t worry, little one: A big, warm, towel-y hug is on its way to you!
“No pictures, please. I’m taking my 15-minute break.”
It’s a dog-eat-dog-probably-eat-some-grass-after kind of world.
Happiness comes in all forms, but mostly after a really good belly scratch.
Modeling is a way of life, y’all. Now see, didn’t that just make your day so much better? (Full disclosure: This cute pup is this author’s pooch, Oscar, with his newest Bark Box!)
Link us to your favorite posts of your pooch in the comments!