We’ve been talking a lot about ways to keep you cool during these summer months. But don’t think we’ve forgotten about your ultimate partner-in-craft… your laptop! Now, we know it’s called a laptop, but have you ever tried putting one on your lap after working on it for a while? Ouch! Those things get hot. […]
Beat Summer Laptop Heat with 13 Funky Stands and Feet

We’ve been talking a lot about ways to keepyoucool during these summer months. But don’t think we’ve forgotten about your ultimate partner-in-craft… your laptop! Now, we know it’s called a laptop, but have you ever tried putting one on your lap after working on it for a while? Ouch! Those things get hot. One key solution to the overheating of your tech is to increase airflow around the base of the computer. These 13 stands, pads, and feet help cool down your faithful sidekick, powerlessly and while looking cute to boot.
1. CoolFeet ($13): Simple, compact, and easily removable, these are a basic solution to the problem of a hot laptop. They’re well-made, look great with your MacBook Pro, and come with two sets in different sizes, so you can work at an angle that suits your style.
2. AviiQ Laptop Stand ($60): This super slim folds for utter portability. Lightweight and smooth, it keeps your laptop cool and looks hot.
3. Deforestation Laptop Feet ($10): Care to be reminded of the destruction of the rainforest every time you use your laptop? These feet, courtesy of MoMA will help you keep the environment on your mind as you go about your work.
4. Lap Saver NEO ($30): This pad is designed using HeatShift technology to cool your laptop down effectively without any cords or power. Available in a variety of bright colors, this is great for working at your desk or surfing the ‘net from your couch.
5. Targus Heat Defense ($8): Another take on the heat-absorbing cooling pad, this one is significantly less expensive (and less pretty).
6. iStuck Laptop Stands ($10): These aren’t on sale until October, but you can bet we’re snatching them up the second they’re released. Funny and functional, these gum-on-your-shoe feet are right up our alley.
7. MonsterMonster ($34): When laptops attack! This stand cools off your laptop while royally creeping out everyone in the vicinity.
8. Bamboo Puzzle ($74): Made from sustainable bamboo, this stand is stable and pretty. The cool puzzle design allows the piece to serve multiple functions (a place to put a hot casserole dish?) and be stowed efficiently.
9. Cooler Stand ($8): This pad promotes airflow by propping your computer at an angle that the company also claims prevents carpal tunnel… A win for your health and your laptop’s.
10. Pipe Laptop Stand ($27): We’re loving the unique aesthetic of this simple stand. The angle minimizes wrist strain while allowing your electronics to cool.
11. Prop ($16): Originally a Kickstarter project, this minimalistic design is now available for purchase. While its shape reminds us a bit of salad tongs, we love its simplicity and its ability to increase airflow to our precious laptops.
12. Mini Risers ($9): These basic stands are incredibly portable and affordable. Available in a wide range of colors, they come in sets of 2, so share with a friend :)
13. Stems Laptop Stand ($45): Nice stems! These elegant legs are a bit of an investment, but the sleek look is worth the price tag. Available in cherry, ash, or walnut, they’re as sturdy as they are beautiful.
Which of these is cool enough to help protect your laptop from the heat? Tell us in the comments below or over on Twitter.