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Beyonce Just Responded to the Dallas Shootings In the Absolute Best Way Possible

Beyonce Just Responded to the Dallas Shootings In the Absolute Best Way Possible

It’s been a sad start to the weekend for America. After the tragic deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile (the aftermath of which was live-streamed on Facebook), we didn’t think our hearts could take much more when we were hit with another tragic blow: the shooting of 12 Dallas police officers, five of which lost their lives.

While stars like John Legend and Mandy Moore have already taken to social media to share their condolences and thoughts on the matter, perhaps none have said it as eloquently as Beyonce, who just shared her own views on the incident via Instagram. Though the singer has openly expressed her outrage at police brutality in the past (the most recent case being the open letter she penned calling for change in the wake of Sterling’s death), using her videos and performances as a political platform for change, it’s a unifying message of peace she’s putting forth tonight for the fallen and injured men in blue.

Showcasing a video of a waving flag which features the name of every officer slain in the tragedy, Beyonce writes as follows:

“Rest in peace to the officers whose lives were senselessly taken in Dallas yesterday. I am praying for a full recovery of the seven others injured. No violence will create peace. Every human life is valuable. We must be the solution. Every human being has the right to gather in peaceful protest without suffering more unnecessary violence. To effect change we must show love in the face of hate and peace in the face of violence.”

We really and truly couldn’t agree with you more, Bey. A tip of our hats to you for a message well said.

What do you think of Beyonce’s new statement? Share with us @BritandCo!

(Photos via Neilson Barnard/Getty)