Follow them, support them and be inspired by them!
18 Black Creatives and Change-Makers Whose Work Is Making a Difference

This week is all about listening, learning, taking action and amplifying black voices. For us, that means the voices of black creatives and change-makers in our community.
Anjelika Temple here, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Brit + Co, non-black woman of color, creative human, ally, and proud anti-racist. As recent events continue to unfold and powerful protests continue to make waves, I am personally learning and unlearning at a rapid rate. We are determined to use our platform to encourage change, creativity, and allyship. This movement is about long-term change, not temporary adjustments.
Here are some of the black artists, makers, activists and small business owners in our community whose work is making a difference. Follow them, buy their products, learn from them! (You can also visit our IG profile page to check out our BIPOC Creators Highlight, where we will continue sharing the work of black creators on an ongoing basis.)
Paola Mathé is a Haitian-born fashion icon who runs a headwrap brand that aims to strengthen women everywhere. You can follow her @findingpaola
Entrepreneur Karen Okonkwo was determined to diversify the stock photo industry. The mission of her company TONL is about human connection, authentic storytelling, and creating a safe space for people of different backgrounds, preferences, and abilities. Follow her @karenokonkwo
Fashion designer Autumn Adeigbo's prints, patterns, and outrageous color palette can be seen everywhere from Rent the Runway to Anthropologie. You can follow her @autumn_adeigbo
Meena Harris, activist, lawyer, mother, children's book author, and niece to Kamala, is the founder of the Phenomenal Woman Action Campaign. Follow her @meena
Phoebe Robinson is an actress, comedian, author, podcast host and *Dope Queen*. Follow her @dopequeenpheebs
Art Hoe Collective founders Gabrielle Richardson, Anajah Hamilton, and Jheyda McGarrell created this online art space/movement for underrepresented creatives to showcase their work. Follow them @arthoecollective
Artist Jade Purple Brown uses super vibrant hues and stunning shapes that have a textured cut-out quality in her art. Follow her @jadepurplebrown
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Yrsa Daley Ward is a British-born poet and storyteller who self-published her first collection of writing, bone, in 2014 and with its success wrote The Terrible in June 2018. Follow her @yrsadaleyward
Franchesca Ramsey, comedian, author and accidental activist, is known for her viral video Shit White Girls Say to Black Girls and more, including 5 Tips for Being an Ally. Follow her @chescaleigh
Amina Mucciolo, founder of Studio Mucci, is an artist and creator with the best of unicorn fairy vibes. Follow her @studiomucci
London-based visual artist Lakwena's typography and use of color will wake you UP. Follow her @lakwena
Aishetu Fatima Dozie is founder of Bossy Lipstick, a cruelty-free beauty brand, as well as @africanherstor and @paloosplace. Follow her @bossylipstick
Alex Elle is a poet, writer, mother and host of the Hey, Girl podcast with a new book, After the Rain, due out this fall. Follow her @alex_elle
Aurélia Durand is an illustrator and animator who recently illustrated the book This Is Anti-Racistby author and activist Tiffany Jewell. Follow her @4ur3lia
Artist and dancer Lalanana's work will inspire you to use your soul to move your body. Follow her @lalanana7
Shop Mcmullen is a gorgeously curated Oakland boutique, owned and operated by @sherri.mcmullen. Follow the shop @shopmcmullen
Britteny Floyd-Mayo, founder of Trap Yoga Bae, created a safe space to find your zen while also feeling like a badass in her unusual but amazing Vinyasa-style flows, set to her own inspirational affirmations and bass-heavy music. Follow her @trapyogabae