You’re going to want to keep these in your purse.
Busy Girls: This Is Your (Surprising) Must-Have Beauty Product

If we could all schedule a daily 3PM makeup refresh, we’d definitely do that. But if we’re being realistic, that’s probably not going to happen. To all you busy bees who are hoping not to look like the Wicked Witch of the West by the mid-afternoon, we have a solution. There is a way to quickly refresh your face without a full reapplication. The secret: blotting papers! Ya, like the ones you used from Clean and Clear in middle school. Use blotting papers to soak up all that excess oil that builds up throughout the day while leaving your makeup untouched (seriously, it’s straight up cosmetic magicc). If you’re not sure where to pick up this new handbag staple, read on for five solid options.
1. Aburatorigami Japanese Beauty Papers ($12): Made of 100 percent natural abaca leaf and gold flake, these papers are able to absorb excess oil without removing all your makeup. Sephora mentions, “For centuries, gold craftsmen used handmade papers to protect the precious metals they hammered into whisper-thin leafing. Geisha discovered the process and transformed the paper into incredibly soft, strong and absorbent leaflets ideal for removing excess oil from delicate skin.”
2. Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets ($5): They worked in middle school and they still work now. If you’re looking for a no-frills, solid drugstore find, these sheets will do the trick.
3. Recycled Material Napkins ($11): Say whaaat? According to a writer at Marie Claire, Starbucks napkins can easily work as a blotting sheet if you’re in a pinch. She says, “I put them to the test, and while they’re not as elegant as their ancient or Sephora-bought counterparts, let’s just say I’ve been hoarding them in my handbag.” You can either snag a handful with your next latté or grab these recycled material napkins from Amazon that have a similar composition.
4. Boscia Green Tea Blotting Linens ($10): Seriously, what can’t green tea do? These sheets are made from natural abaca tree fiber and infused with green tea extract. The extract works as a key antioxidant with natural antibacterial benefits to soothe skin and protect it from free-radical damage.
5. NYX Tea Tree Blotting Paper ($6): Looking for an option that will also help fight breakouts? These papers are infused with tea tree oil, which has been known to help treat acne. Go on ahead and kill two birds with one stone.
Do you use blotting papers? What’s your go-to brand? Share with us in the comments below.