A silver screen reading list.
13 Books to Read Before They Become Movies in 2018

By Ashley MaceyApr 20, 2018
Ashley Macey
Ashley Macey is a lifestyle freelance writer who loves all things fitness, wellness, and creativity. When she's not exploring her home in the Pacific Northwest with her dog Max, you'll probably find her curled up with a good book and some hot tea. Follow her daily jaunts on Twitter.
While we agree that the book is always better than the movie, we must admit that we get incredibly excited when rumors start bubbling that one of our favorite books is getting the silver screen treatment. Even if the book is better, who wouldn’t want to see their favorite characters come to life, have heated debates on how each scene differed from the book, and finally convince your non-reader friends to experience your favorite book IRL? We certainly do! So if you’re the type of reader who strongly prefers reading the original before seeing the film, here are 13 highly anticipated adaptations coming to theaters near you in 2018.
<em>The House of Tomorrow</em>
<em>On Chesil Beach</em>
<em>Crazy Rich Asians</em>
<em>Three Seconds</em>
<em>The Little Stranger</em>
<em>The Darkest Minds</em>
<em>Boy Erased</em>
<em>First Man</em>
<em>Where’d You Go, Bernadette</em>
<em>The Girl in the Spider’s Web</em>
<em>My Heart Is My Own</em>
<em>How the Grinch Stole Christmas</em>
<em>Mortal Engines</em>
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