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This Week’s Stories

Prepare to be infuriated.

Brooklyn Decker Just Experienced Every Mom’s Travel Nightmare

Brooklyn Decker Just Experienced Every Mom’s Travel Nightmare

Any new mom knows that breast pumping quickly becomes a major part of your daily routine. It’s important but also relatively inconvenient – especially if you’re on a plane. Unfortunately, that’s the situation actress Brooklyn Decker found herself in yesterday.

Brooklyn left her baby at home for the first time ever yesterday to take a quick one-day trip. When her plane experienced mechanical delays, the flight crew reportedly told passengers they could deplane if they wanted to. So Brooklyn did, and used the time to pump breastmilk in a restroom that wasn’t on the plane. But OMG. When she came back 15 minutes later her gate was closed and she was forced to miss her flight. Say WHAT?

Read the infuriating story in Brooklyn’s own words below:

Preach, Brooklyn. Preach.

What’s the most frustrating mommy moment you’ve experienced recently? Share with us on Twitter @BritandCo.

(Photos via Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty)