Blonde ambition might be over.
Study Shows THIS Is the Most Popular Hair Color on Dating Sites

Man hair is a strange and intricate beast. It can go in a man bun! It can go in a beard! Heck, it can even go in a beard and then hold legos and flowers. So versatile, so majestic. But did you know that hair can actually play a major role in a dude’s love life?
A study conducted by the dubiously named website found recently that men with brown hair have more success on dating sites compared to their differently haired peers. This study found that brunette men go on an average of 10 dates per month while men with black hair go on seven and men with grey hair go on six. The kind of surprising thing about this study is that blonde ranks the lowest on the spectrum with towheads going on only about three dates a month. Redheaded dudes score higher than blondes on this one, guys. Big win for the Weasley family and their adopted son Ed Sheerhan.
The website doesn’t offer much by way of explanation for this phenomena but we can hazard a guess. Some studies suggest that brunettes are perceived as more intelligent than blondes so that may (subconsciously or not) be a factor.
So dudes if you’re trying to majorly score online maybe give our gallery of blondes who went brunette a glance and whip out the hair dye! Kidding, you too are beautiful the way you are.
What’s your dude hair preference? Tell us in the comments!
(h/t Elite Daily, Photos via Cindy Ord, Alberto E. Rodriguez, Jason Kempin and Jason Merritt/Getty)