Think beauty + mad libs + empowerment and you have this campaign.
Why This Beauty Company’s Hashtag Is Starting a Movement

Sometimes something as seemingly simple as a hashtag is more like a movement. The latest to have us double tapping is #BornAndMade, a call to action for women that is resulting in these awesomely illustrated mad lib-style images:
Beautiful, right? There’s a LOT of beauty behind them actually. Created by Brooklyn-born hair care company Carol’s Daughter and non-profit I Am That Girl, the campaign seeks to inspire women to love, express and be exactly who they are and were truly born to be — not who others think they’re “supposed” to be. As of writing, about 23,000 women have expressed just that, posting their pictures with the hashtag across Instagram and beyond.
In an interview with Allure, when Carol’s Daughter founder Lisa Price (pictured above!) was asked why she thought the campaign resonated so much with women, she responded: “It reminds women of who they are individually while uniting them at the same time. It gives them power to celebrate their uniqueness and a chance to honor their heritage, background and culture in a proud manner.”
There’s something really exciting about a beauty company, specifically, working to help women tap into who they were born to be instead of trying to get them to fit a mold that works for said company and their products. At, women all around the world are encouraged to showcase and celebrate their beauty by uploading a photo of themselves, completing declarations “born in,” “made with” and “I am ___’s daughter.” From there, you can share it via Instagram with the hashtag #BornandMade. The site says it’s not another campaign, but rather a commitment, suggesting they aim to make it a part of their mission from here on out.
This isn’t the first we’re hearing about multicultural beauty brand Carol’s Daughter. As some of our favorite maker stories go, the company had humble beginnings in Lisa Price’s Brooklyn kitchen. Carol’s Daughter products can now be found in every Target nationwide. “How I was born and made has affected me in every way, making me the person I am today,” Lisa told The Huffington Post. “If we could all reflect on that, it puts so much into perspective.”
Have you uploaded your photo yet? Let us how you were #BornAndMade in the comments below!