Having a baby is a beautiful thing… but this part suuuuucks!
Here’s One Thing That Chrissy Teigen WASN’T Expecting After Having a Baby

While we’ve been busy squee-ing over the pics of adorable newborn Luna, Chrissy Teigen has been busy dealing with the realities of giving birth. Sure, we’re all aware of (some of) what our bodies go through while making another person, and we know (some of) what we’ll be dealing with once that baby pops out, but as Chrissy is finding out, there are plenty of surprises in those first few days. Some pleasant, others not so pleasant. Case in point: Peeing.
Chrissy, who’s been open about every stage of this experience, from her difficulties in conceiving to, well, peeing, tweeted, “buying myself a push present.” Along with it is a pic of a Perineal Irrigation Bottle (and the comment, “have you EVER heard of a grosser name for a product, EVER???” lol!).
buying myself a push present pic.twitter.com/LmONcG9GHD
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) April 20, 2016
If you’re unaware of what this simple-yet-vital thingy is, here’s the info: Women who give birth may at first wonder why the nurse or midwife leaves them with a little squirt bottle after birth. They will soon discover that the little bottle is a life-saver, helping ladies deal with the burning horribleness of trying to pee when your bits are healing, possibly torn and sewn up. Yeah, OUCH! Basically, whoever invented the little Perineal Bottle is an angel.
Thanks to Chrissy for continuing to (very) publicly normalize something that is totally, y’know, normal.
What surprised you after having a baby? Tweet us @BritandCo!
(h/t Hello Giggles)